
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Pre-Republic eraRepublic eraImperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.

Mid Rim


Hutt Space


Cocytus System



Orbital period:

924 days


5,967 kilometres


Not Breathable (Mainly Acidic Fumes with Carbon Dioxide)

Primary Terrain:

Rocky with craters everywhere, soil made mostly of fine grain iron.

Points of interest:
  • Mynock Cave
  • Testing Grounds
  • Caverns of Ascension
Native species:


Immigrated species:

Species of the Dark Brotherhood

Official language:





Scholae Palatinae

[ Source ]

Vetis is a moon of Iblis, a gas giant under the dominion of Scholae Palatinae, residing in the Cocytus System.


Vetis is a very dangerous place, even for Dark Jedi. The moon has a thick atmosphere, but it is toxic to breathe to most species being made of mostly carbon dioxide and small amounts of acidic vapor. Because of the excess amounts of Carbon Dioxide, the surface is extremely hot, with the temperature ranging from 40 degrees Celsius to 300 degrees Celsius. It is also home to a few nests Mynocks and other strange creatures capable of breathing the poisonous air.

Most of these creatures make their homes in the systems of caverns that burrow into the moon. These caves emanate with the power of the dark side. Vetis is an ideal place for journeymen to take their trials into knighthood, which is commonly done. To survive there, is to survive in a place where the odds are stacked against your survival. One interesting fact about the moon is its core is solid. Because of the pressure exerted, both the inner and outer core is solid, even if the temperature allows it to be molten.

As stated above, Masters often send their apprentices to take their trial here to ascend into knighthood. This is basically the only use Vetis can serve. For years journeymen would be sent to a place called the Testing Grounds, a series of dangerous, naturally occurring obstacles. Once they would pass through there they head to the Caverns of Ascension to be knighted. This process is long and grueling, and many die from a single careless step in the wrong place.

Physical Geography


Vetis is just one big rock. There is little of note besides the various caves and tunnels that carve down into the moon. Craters dot the averagely sized moon, as its orbit often makes it a shooting gallery to asteroids and other space debris. Because Vetis is one huge continent, there isn’t any movement of plates, therefore earthquakes never happen there. Also, because of the immense pressure exerted on the core of the moon, it is completely solid, even though the temperature is more than enough to melt it. There is, however, magma movement outside the core, in the mantle. There is very little rock that isn’t an offshoot of iron on Vetis, though there are small veins of the highly reactive metal, potassium.

Points of Interest

Mynock Cave

The Mynock Cave is quite hard to spot until you’ve fallen into it. The entrance is a gaping hole in the ground, so it is easily missed if you don’t watch where you put your feet. As its name depicts, the cave is infested with Mynocks. While this isn’t a HUGE nest of the wretched pests, it’s not a feat for the inhabitants to overtake one person, especially if they’re hungry. The Mynock Cave is usually a part of the tests of knighthood that take place on Vetis, but not always. Journeymen are, more than likely, told to go through the entire cave alive, which a great number fail. Many go in there saber a-blazin’ and get overrun, while other, smarter, ones use stealth. These journeymen, more times than not, live through it, where as the people that take the other path seldom live to tell the tale.

Testing Grounds

This is the starting place of the Dark Jedi Knight trials on Vetis. While the point that is named ‘The Testing Grounds’ is only this circular opening which serves as a landing platform for ship, it is commonplace to refer to the entire course, as well as the Caverns of Ascension, as the Testing Grounds. The basic idea of this trial is to test the apprentice in question’s ability to survive the most hostile environment imaginable. Razor sharp and jagged trenches, acid pits, magma geysers, and a winding maze are only a few of the dangers that await a journeyman sent into that black abyss.

Caverns of Ascension

A smaller set of tunnels than the Mynock Cave, the Caverns of Ascension is the final stop in the testing of a journeyman. While it isn’t that big, it is as dangerous as the rest of the trial nonetheless. This cave emanates with a powerful dark side aura that can drive a man insane if subjected to it for too long. The object of this final test is to make sure the journeyman can survive the treacherous path of the dark side. Along the way, one is sure to run into a former apprentice that didn’t make it through. On the other side is a small opening where the journeyman is knighted and ‘ascends’ into knighthood.



Vetis is barren, and has no political outlook.


Vetis is barren, and has no military outlook, or presence.


Vetis is barren, and has no commercial outlook and no real resources.

[hide] Scholae Palatinae Dominion
Star and System
Cocytus System - Imperius
Antenora - Judecca - Ptolomea - Caina - Iblis - Vassago
Ugolino - Sereia - Alberigo - Zanche - Barbatos - Brutus - Cassius - Judas

Bolgia Satellites - Astaroth - Gressil - Marchosias - Nemea - Vetis

Zepar - Zepar I - Zepar II