Scholae Palatinae Master Student Program
The Master-Apprentice relationship is considered to be crucial within the ranks of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Knowledge is passed from the master to their apprentice whether either party be Sith, Jedi, Dark Jedi, Grey Jedi, or those that are not Force users at all. Upon registering, a member is offered the choice to receive a Master by the Rollmaster of the clan. Though the Rollmaster is to ensure the apprentice's development, the master is to ensure it on a more personalized level.
Program of Scholae Palatinae
The Master-Student Program is much more than simply passing knowledge of the Force or Brotherhood. Through the Master-Student Program, the lasting bonds of fellowship are forged to the Clan, the Brotherhood, and to each other. The primary goal of this program is to help Journeymen ranks and below have a greater integration into the Brotherhood while allowing the Master to pass on personal insights and experiences in a meaningful relationship. Masters use their experience and knowledge of the Brotherhood to help their student grow and advance to be productive and integral parts of the Clan and Brotherhood.

As the focus of this system is for the benefit of the Student, the program is flexible to the needs and abilities of the Student. At the rank of Novice, members are permitted to enter into the program. To receive a master, the Novice needs to contact the Rollmaster or another Summit member. Alternatively, if a Novice already is close to a potential master, they both should contact the Summit to inform them. There is also a form which members can fill out to be on the Clan queue to receive a Master or an Apprentice.
There was a time when the role of the Master was to be the direct teacher of the Student, but no more. Students are expected to be driven and able to advance without having their hand held through the ranks. The Master serves as a guide, pointing the student in directions that will make the journey to Knighthood much easier as well as being able to give advice that can only come from the experience of being in the Brotherhood for periods of time.
With the Brotherhood-wide Promotion Requirements, the roles of a Master have changed to some extent. However, masters within Scholae Palatinae are still expected to give their students a Trial before they achieve their promotion to JM4. The type of Trial is up to the Master with options such as gaming or writing fiction with as options.
Beyond the position of Mentor and Student, the bond between Master and Student is a very strong one. In many cases, Masters and Students are very strongly allied and the bond tends not to break even through the tests of time.
In the Brotherhood today, Masters are mentors and aides to their students with the hope of educating them in the more complicated workings of the Brotherhood. Masters need to have a solid grip on the policies and functioning of the Brotherhood as to be able to clearly direct and inform their Students of these policies and functions. There are several important traits a Master should have -- most importantly being patient. Students are still new and inexperienced in the Brotherhood and cannot be expected to know everything or pick up things after only hearing it once. The purpose of a Master is to ensure that each member, no matter of their time zone, language, weaknesses, and strengths is guaranteed to succeed and to enjoy the community that the Dark Jedi Brotherhood has to offer.
Masters are recommended to only keep one student at a time. Exceptions are only made in extreme cases and must have the approval of the Clan Summit.
Master Requirements:
- Masters must at least be DJK, with Summit's approval, in order to train a Student.
- Masters must maintain their own level of activity in the House; e.g. Participation, IRC, etc.
- Masters must have 48-hour email turnaround at the most
- Masters should be familiar with the Promotion Requirements for all the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Ranks
- Masters must be in good status with the House and Brotherhood
Master Responsibilities:
- Be aware and responsive to the needs of the Student
- Be available to aid and respond to the Student at all times
- Be helpful in every possible facet of the Brotherhood, or be able to direct the Student to those who can aid
- Provide a Trial to their Student before they may promote to the rank JM4
- Inform the Summit when Student is within 1 requirement of Promotion and again when the Student is ready for advancement
- Provide a Recommendation for Promotion or awards for the Student at the appropriate time; to be sent to the Summit who will send in the actual request
- Maintain constant support to the Student and be willing to encourage the Student to continue
At the rank of Novice members may request to join the Master-Student Program. Before reaching this rank, members are encouraged to find help from many sources and people to help them integrate. The House Rollmaster is expected to be the primary advisor prior to entering the Master-Student Program, and then as overseer of the program for these later ranks. As students are still new to the Brotherhood, there is no other requirement for them to enter into the program.
Advise to Students:
- Make sure the Master you end up with is someone you can work with.
- Try to remain open to suggestions and advise; Masters are the experienced ones and are not trying to lead you astray.
- Don’t be afraid to voice your opinion and thoughts. Ask questions and be involved. The more you interact with your Master the better they can help you.
- Remember the Brotherhood is here to be FUN!
This is the up-to-date roster of Scholae Palatinae members participating in the Master-Student Program.
Only members of the Summit are permitted to change this page. If you need something changed, please contact them.
Active Master-Student Pairings
Master | Student(s) |
Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz | Dukwtape |
Shadow Palpatine Nighthunter | Derrek Korson |
Free Masters
There are no free Masters at present. If you would like to be on-queue to receive a master, or to become one, you may fill out the Form at this link.
Knights may train students if the House Summit believes they are ready.