- "Taldryan; A brotherhood within a Brotherhood"
- ―Sharad Taldrya Hett, Son of Taldryan
Anubis Annedu is a Sith Warrior within the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi. Born and raised on his home planet of Lorrd, he has a troubled past. He is fluent in Kinetic Communication, a form of communication developed by the Lorrdians that doubles as a way to read a person's physical movements to determine emotions. At the age of 18, Annedu enlisted within the Lorrd Military, eventually being picked to join the New Republic Special Forces. He served them until shortly before the Yuuzhan Vong Incursion of Known Space. After leaving the NRSF, Annedu sought out the Brotherhood, joining it's ranks. Since then, has traversed several Clans, all three orders, and several positions. He currently serves as faithful Aedile of House Taldryan with friend and ally Shaz'air Taldrya, as well as Tribune of the Holocrons for the Brotherhood at large. The Lorrdian has great ambitions, and plans to use Taldryan to fufill them.
Before Darkness
1 ABY - 19 ABY
Although his mother died during child birth, Anubis manaaged to survive the process. With two older siblings, his father found it difficult to pay for refuge for all four of them unless a large job came up. He worked as an engineer for one of the major corportations on Lorrd, and was often paid only when he completed a job. Working full time, he relied on the oldest of his children to care for the other two. For most of his childhood, Annedu went without very much attention. This would affect him later, when he began to lash out soon after becoming a teenager. He was heavily disciplined for any wrong doing, and sent to a military camp between school years several times. During his childhood, he was taught the rare
The Lorrdian eventually started to resent his father and older siblings, for forcing him into a military life. He had never intended for such a thing, instead wishing to become a freighter pilot. Still, he abided by the wishes of his family, and kept himself in tip-top shape, adjusting to the strict lifestyle that was waiting ahead of him. Two years later, he would turn eighteen, and would officially be eligible to enlist. He spent the better part of these two years having as much fun as he was physically able to within his limits, and was often scorned for such things.
19 ABY
Anubis was forced into enlisting with the Lorrd Military shortly after his eighteenth birthday, by his father. Although he resented his father for it, he still had a great respect for the man; raising three children on your own is no easy task. As such, Annedu made it a point to excell at everything thrown at him; from educational studies to physical workouts, all the inner workings of basic militray training. His instructors were very pleased with his work, and sent out recommendations to their superiors regarding the young Lorrdian. For half a year, Anubis recieved the training that he required to do his job. As a member of the New Republic, Lorrd had an obligation to share it's military power with other members should they request it. Aware that he could be transfered with a request, Annedu worked especially hard to try and secure a position on his homeworld.
While he lacked in some skills, he made up for it in others. He wasn't perfect - no one was. In the end, it was requested by the New Republic that he report to Corulag, for additional training. When he arrived, he was surprised to learn that he had been hand picked by the New Republic Special Forces, to join their ranks for additional military training and covert operations. Never having been off Lorrd, he was uneasy about the situation. While the opportunity that was presented to him was monumental, it came at a cost; he'd rarely see his family, which had always been a big part of his life.
19 ABY - 21 ABY
At first, Annedu failed to pass several tests administered to him. They were unorthodox, and caused great confusion to him. This led his superiors to believe that perhaps, they had made the wrong decision. The Lorrdian requested a final chance to prove himself, and managed to skate by the exams. For the next two years, Anubis would recieve training in use of several different types of weaponry; from thrown, explosives, bladed, and ranged. Some he excelled at, others he didn't. In addition, he was given further instruction on starfighter piloting, soon having the ability to fly most craft with basic success; which was all that was needed of him at the time.
Through blood, sweat, and tears, the Lorrdian eventually succeeded to complete the rigorous training adminstered to him. While certainly not the perfect soldier, he was adept at what he did; specializing in bladed combat. Anubis was assigned to a small, two man squad known as 'The Musketeers', bringing their total count up to three. The squad consisted of himself, the bladed combatant, Joseph Jones, the ranged combatant, and Ricky Gordon, the demotions specialist.
21 ABY - 25 ABY
For four years, Anubis served alongside his two comrades, Joseph and Ricky. They had a total of fifteen successful missions throughout Known Space, and gained much knowledge about other societies. He developed a strict military persona, and always put the mission above everything else; including his own life. While confrontations with the Imperial Remnant were minimal, he still had a taste of what they were about. He was somewhat fascinated in how they handled themselves, and even considered defecting. The only thing keeping him from making such a brash action, was the dissappointment his father would undoubtly lay upon him. He devoted himself to his work, and did everything possible to make sure that it was done in a satisfactory manner.
It was at this time, that Annedu decided it was best to retire. While he had come to enjoy the life of a soldier, and the freedom that came with it, the effects of such a line of work had start to wear on him. Seeking out a different line of work, he returned home to Lorrd and instead took up the job he had intented to as a child; freighter pilot. While his father was disappointed in him for giving up an opportunity to serve his planet, and the Republic, the Lorrdian strived to make the best of things. He worked a route from Lorrd to Denon, a large metropolitan planet like Coruscant. It wasn't long before he got bored of the profession, somewhat missing his military life; although he refused to re-enlist with the New Republic. Instead, he enlisted into an independant military force in the relatively unknown Kr'Tal System, joining them as a fighter pilot.
Potential Discovered
26 ABY
After his affinity for the Force was discovered by those that led the military force in the Kr'Tal System, he was sent into The Shroud with several other prospects, landing on the main orbiting body of Antei. They each took their own route across the plains of the moon, Anubis being one of two to survive the journey. After passing the Test of Lore, he was brought before Grand Master Sarin; to whom he pledged his loyalty as a servant of the Dark Side. After his inducttion, Anubis continued his studies at the Shadow Academy for a short while. Not long afterwards, he was transfered back to the Kr'Tal System. After he had returned, it made sense as to why such a military force existed within the region. They were servants, just as he was.
The Lorrdian was moved to the Ektrosis Temple on Taruma, the home of House Ektrosis; leaded by Hel-Pa Sklib and Vodo Biask. Given a less then warm welcome, he proved to be a trouble member during his first several weeks as a Dark Jedi. Although his training was proceeding rapidly, he was loud, obnoxious, carless, and arrogant in more ways then one. He had completely forgotten his military-style of thinking, instead replacing it with something much undesired. After only several weeks in the Brotherhood, something unexpected happened. The Yuuzhan Vong, a warrior race immune to the Force, had begun its invasion of the galaxy; paying special attention to any Force Sensitives that stood a chance against them.
26 ABY
The Dark Jedi of the Brotherhood were first made aware of the Yuuzhan Vong when they cornered them within the Shroud, during the award ceremony for Second Darkness. Annedu had been present on the Dark Prophet, the flagship of Taldryan at the time when the invasion occured. The Prophet was one of the first vessels to be attacked by the invaders, scrambling fighters to intercept as many coral skippers as they could. Annedu, after having been injured by an exploading power conduit, lost his right arm from the shoulder down and required immediate medical attention. Making their escape anyways, they agreed to take the Novice with them on one of the shuttles. Not long after the Lorrdian left the Victory-class Star Destroyer, it fell to the Vong. After the hull was breached, the ship was ventilated into the vacuum of space. Everyone on-board perished, including the Yuuzhan Vong, in the ensuing explosion.
The spectacle in space was quite large; there were fighters, organic and metallic, everywhere. The Vae Victus, commanded by Deputy Grand Master Muz Ashen, had engaged the majority of the Vong fleet alone, and was falling quickly. The Katarn, now serving as the Taldryan flagship, recalled all Taldryan forces back to the ship as it made preperations to retreat. Anubis made it on the vessel not a minute too soon; being one of the last, as all hangers on board were locked down. The ship proceeded out of the area, fleeing.
26 ABY
While the Katarn had made it out of the battle, it had not done so unscathed. There were many damage reports throughout the ship, all of which required fixing. Annedu was given immediate medical attenton, along with nearly a dozen others that had been injured in the fray, treating his lost arm. Refusing to go one-armed for the rest of his life, Annedu requested a cybernetic replacement. He was given a base model, which was just a black skeletal frame with servomotors. After a couple days in rehabilitation, he was free to leave the medical ward. Immediately going to work, he helped as many technicians as he could with the repair of the ship. While nowhere near adept at such a thing, he had picked up a few things during his time as a pilot.
Around this time, Anubis requested a transfer to House Archanis, believing that it would better fit him. The transfer was acknowledged by Consul Duga Arkarso Taldrya, and he was given the permission that he needed. Serving with Taldryan for the rest of the war, they had managed to escape the Shroud and return to the Kr'Tal System, many of the ships at their disposal destroyed. Annedu had eventually made the decision that he was too much of a trouble maker for the Clan; instead choosing an alternative. Taking everything he had - which wasn't much - the Guardian packed up his gear and put in a transfer for Clan Naga Sadow. After little debate, the transfer was approved. Tracking down the Covenant, the Lorrdian met up with them on their way to the Orian System.
27 ABY
The forces of Clan Naga Sadow returned to their home of the Orian System, unseen territory for the young Dark Jedi. Within moments of reverting back to regular speed, the damaged Covenant was made aware of a threat inside the system. After investigation it was revealed that the third and final faction of the True Brotherhood, this time lead by Consul Macron Keibatsu's half sister Anaxela and the shade of Severina, had returned to the Orian System and seized control in the absense of the Sadowite forces; believing them to have been destroyed by the Vong at Antei. With command of the Victory II-class Star Destroyer Dark Fusion and a number of Dark Jedi at their disposal, they were easily able to dispatch any resistance within the star system.
Anubis flew with friend Tsingtao Ming to Dentavii Prime, in order to restore security to the outer system and aid the Covenant in it's upcoming fight. Seeing no further use for him there, the Lorrdian departed; his next destination Tarthos. He arrived shortly after the beginning of the battle for the Ragnos Cathedral in Kar Alabrek, leading the battle in the air with companions Nero Pennant and Shuang Long. The three were shot down during the Battle of Tarthos, all three survived. With no craft to get them up into the air, the three joined the fray on the ground. During a freak accident with the lightsaber he had been given by Trevarus Caerick, Nero Pennant severed Anubis' left leg from the knee down. He was out of comission for the rest of the conflict, forced to sit on the sidelines.
27 ABY - 28 ABY
Shortly after the conclusion of the cleansing of the system of True Brotherhood forces, Anubis joined Davin Olar in apprenticeship to Ashia Keibatsu, wife to the Deputy Grand Master Muz Ashen and Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh. The three trained together for a short while, but it was short lived. Around this time, Annedu had achieved the rank of Jedi Hunter. During an incident in which Anubis vocally attacked his master, nearly losing his life in the process, he was instead expelled from Naga Sadow and sent into the unknown on an un-marked shuttle with a Golden Shovel at his side. Several years later, the Lorrdian would make peace with the Zabraki woman and the two would grow to have somewhat of a friendship.
The Shadows
28 ABY
After being welcomed to House Qel-Droma by Quejo Drakai and Orv Desserx, Anubis decided that Clan Arcona would be a suitable home for a time. It wasn't long after he joined the house, that he was offered the position of Rollmaster by Clan Rollmaster Rho d'Tana. Accepting the position and responsibilities, he began welcoming new members to the House and saw that they acknowledged and followed the Shadow Oath; an oath set forth that if a member did not reach the rank of Protector within the first month of being active, that they be removed from the roster and placed within the Rogues. During this time, Anubis still hadn't achieved the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. Forced into becoming an apprentice once more with the sting of his previous apprenticeship still fresh within his mouth, he became the student of his Quaestor; Quejo.
28 ABY
Not long after he had learned that Luke Skywalker and the Jedi were gathering on a space station orbiting the planet Eclipse after being run out of their Yavin IV temple by the Yuuzhan Vong, Quejo confronted Consul Mejas Doto and Sashar Arconae about pursuing the group of Light Siders and eliminating them once and for all. Both members of the Clan Summit denied the proposal, forcing the Quaestor to take matters into his own hands. Gathering troops and Dark Jedi members of his house on the Bothan Assault Cruiser Shadow, Quejo took command of the vehicle and led a campaign towards the station. Qel-Droman forces were intercepted by the Darkest Night under the command of House Galeres Quaestor Zandro Savric Erinos, and conflict ensued.
The two houses engaged in a feud, with Quejo attempting to hunt down the Jedi and Zandro attempting to prevent his Quaestor counterpart and old friend. In the end, it would be the Consul, with the power of the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Eye of the Abyss II at his disposal, who ended the conflict between the two houses. Although any and all conflict between the two ceased almost immediately, tensions were still high. In an attempt to return home, Anubis fled; back to the Kr'Tal System and Clan Taldryan once more.
Physical Abilities
The Force
File:Anubis Annedu.jpgAnubis's armour before it's destruction during the events of Disorder
Sapphire Blade
Positions Held