CoJ Case 040
DB vs. Arden Karn was the fortieth case tried by the Chamber of Justice. The sitting Justicar was Taigikori Aybara, the Left Hand of Justice was Teu, and the Right Hand of Justice was Alaris Jinn.
Basic Case Information
Defendant's Name
- Cheating
- Abuse of Power
- Disreputable Behavior
- Guilty
- Official Letter of Reprimand.
- Six Months Probation.
Related News Post
Posted by DA Taigikori Aybara - 10/02/2013
Chamber of Justice Communique #40a
Let it be known that on this the 2nd of October, 2013 of a free and united Brotherhood, I, the Justicar of the people, set forth the declaration of the Chamber of Justice and its punishment on Arden Karn. Arden Karn plead guilty to the following charges.
I) Cheating - You did willingly and knowingly attempt to unfairly improve your unit’s participation score by falsifying a submission to include a member who did not participate in that event during a Brotherhood Vendetta.
II) Abuse of Power - You did willingly and knowingly attempt to coerce a subordinate into falsifying a submission to include a member who did not participated in that event, and thus attempted to coerce a subordinate to cheat in a Brotherhood Vendetta.
III) Disreputable Behavior - Through the manipulation of the submission, you have brought credible disrepute unto yourself, your House, and the Brotherhood, as well as tainting the integrity of the Brotherhood Vendetta.
Sentencing for the defendant is as follows:
- PROBATION for six months as of the day of this communique
- LETTER OF REPRIMAND permanently applied to your dossier
Justicar's Opinion
Posted by Taigikori Aybara - 10/02/2013
Chamber of Justice Communique #40b - Justicar's Opinion
This was the first time in Brotherhood history that an entire Summit was involved in a Vendetta cheating case, and required the entire Chamber of Justice to act swiftly in harmony with the Grand Master to ensure that our member base was both protected, and secured. The act of ordering a subordinate to cheat, is about the most serious offense one can do as leader of this club, and cannot go without the intervention of the Justicar, backed by the full support of the executive branch of this organization. Ronovi, Arden, and Solus all decided upon the importance of house participation points, over the responsibility of being a leader. Though Ronovi and Arden recognized their fault and attempted to make amends for their wrong doing, the Covenant requires an atmosphere of non oppression for our members, especially from the leaders they are serving. Solus Gar, who attempted to evade the decision of the Chamber by deleting his email account, was held just as responsible for his actions, as he was in a personal position within the House to command influence and respect from Ronovi. All three cases serve as a reminder, that we are not a perfect Unit, and we are not so far removed from leaders who would try to take advantage of those under them. We are here to serve the membership, to provide an enjoyable and free form of Star Wars entertainment, not to take those rights from them.
Signed and sealed in Justice,
Taigikori Aybara Justicar and High Protector of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood
Points of Interest
- As noted in the Justicar’s Opinion, this case along with #39 and #41 was the first time an entire summit was tried by the Chamber simultaneously. As such, all news postings and the eventual judgement was made in the same Justicar’s Report. These cases had a severe impact on the internal and external stability of then House Plagueis and required the Dark Council to step in and assist in locating new top-level leadership.