CoJ Case 024
DB vs Raidoner was the twenty-fourth case tried by the Chamber of Justice. The sitting Justicar was Kir Katarn, the Left Hand of Justice was Angelo Dante, and the Right Hand of Justice was Vladet Xavier.
Basic Case Information
Defendants Name
- Maximus Raidoner Mandalore
- Abuse of Power
- Disreputable Behavior
- Case Dropped
- Official Letter of Reprimand
Case Summary
This case stemmed from the Brotherhood's involvement in Star Wars Galaxies (SWG) through the Dark Brotherhood Player's Association(DBPA). The Justicar received several complaints that property which had been donated to the DBPA was missing. The Chamber of Justice launched an investigation and concluded that the missing property had been located in a "Guild Hall" which had been packed up and taken by Raidoner. The Chamber of Justice then proceeded to charge Raidoner for using his administrative access to steal DBPA property, which - as established in 006 DB vs. Gilkane - is considered theft from the Brotherhood itself. The trial was in the plea-phase when the Grand Master announced that the Player's Association had been dissolved. The Chamber discussed the issue and determined the case should be dropped, because the Chamber no longer had jurisdiction over SWG matters since the dissolution of DBPA. However, the Chamber agreed that Raidoner actions had been inappropriate, and therefore he was issued an Official Letter of Reprimand.
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Posted By Kir Katarn - 1/23/2008
Case Summary - #024 DB vs Raidoner
This case stemmed from the Brotherhood's involvement in Star Wars Galaxies (SWG) through the Dark Brotherhood Player's Association (DBPA). The Justicar received several complaints that property which had been donated to the DBPA was missing. The Chamber of Justice launched an investigation and concluded that the missing property had been located in a "Guild Hall" which had been packed up and taken by Raidoner.
The Chamber of Justice then proceeded to charge Raidoner with Abuse of Power and Disreputable Behavior for using his administrative access to steal DBPA property, which - as established in 006 DB vs. Gilkane - is considered theft from the Brotherhood itself. The trial was in the plea-phase when the Grand Master announced that the Player's Association had been dissolved. The Chamber discussed the issue and determined the case should be dropped, because the Chamber no longer had jurisdiction over SWG matters since the dissolution of DBPA. However, the Chamber agreed that Raidoner actions had been inappropriate, and therefore he was issued an Official Letter of Reprimand.
In addition, during the investigation phase of this trial the Chamber of Justice had several discussions with the former DBPA Tribune, Yeldarb Vohokou. After the case had concluded the Chamber reviewed his testimony and determined that he had acted inappropriately and had perjured himself in his testimony. He was also issued an Official Letter of Reprimand.
Justicar's Opinion
- No Justicar's Opinion was written for this case because it was not completed, full details are available in the Case Summary above.
Points of Interest
This case shared many issues with 006 DB vs. Gilkane, as both dealt with DBPA issues regarding Brotherhood property. Also this case and the issues surrounding it contributed to the closing of the DBPA.
In addition, during the investigation phase of this trial the Chamber of Justice had several discussions with the DBPA Tribune, Yeldarb Vohokou. After the case had concluded the Chamber reviewed his testimony and determined that he had acted inappropriately and had perjured himself in his testimony. He was also issued an Official Letter of Reprimand. This is most likely the first time anyone had been officially reprimanded for providing false statements to the Chamber of Justice.