Jeric Cyrin

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Jeric Cyrin
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Date of Death:


Physical Description

Human (Anaxsi)




1.82 meters


81.6 Kilograms





Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):


Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information

Militay Officer, Dark Jedi

  • HRLD Magistrate
  • Anaxes Security Force
  • Imperial Remnant
  • House Qel-Droma
  • Dark Summit
Personal Ship:

Night Fall



[ Source ]

Jeric Cyrin is a follower of the Sith Order and a Dark Jedi Knight within Clan Arcona. Currently Jeric serves as a Magistrate to the Herald and is positioned as a Tyro of Prophecy Phyle in House Qel-Droma.

Born on the fortress planet of Anaxes, Jeric grew up as the son of an imperial general. He went on to join the Anaxes Security Force and later the Imperial Remnant. In 26 ABY, Jeric was found by representatives of the Dark Brotherhood who convinced him to join. He did so in the hopes to find true understanding of the dark side of the force. During his first years in the Brotherhood Jeric was a member of Clan Taldryan and showed great effort to better himself. But Jeric soon became greedy and decided there was more to be learn. He left the Brotherhood in defiance of his Masters to pursue his own power. Jeric learn where his true destiny lied and returned to the Brotherhood only months later. He was quick to leave Taldryan in search of a fresh start. He found Clan Arcona and proved to be more promising then his new leaders first thought. He was given his Trials of Knighthood which he successfully completed. But shortly after his trials the Brotherhood would return to Antei to retake their home planet. Jeric took part in the combat and quickly proved his worth. With the Liberation of Antei now over, Jeric has set many goals for himself and looks for every opportunity to grow each day.

Character History

Early Years (4 ABY - 20 ABY)

Jeric Cyrin was born on Anaxes 4 years after the battle of Yavin. General life on Anaxes - for both the prestigious and the unfortunate - was strict and disciplined, very little lawlessness was tolerated. This was especially so in the capital city, Pols Anaxes.

Pols Anaxes, Captial City of Anaxes

The Cyrin family was among the upper class that lived in the Sirpar Hills. Cyrin’s father, an Imperial Rear Admiral, served as the Commodore for Azure Shield, a unit within Azure Hammer Command charged with the protection of the Azure Sector. Cyrin’s mother was a former senator for their planet, unfortunately she died three years after Jeric was born due to alien disease. Jeric’s father was still actively serving in the military and due to the role of Anaxes, as protector of the core, he was never home. Jeric would stay home, in the family Estate, watched & cared for by the Housekeeper, Eesla Lylin.

Before retirement, upon which she became the family’s housekeeper, Lylin was an Instructor at one of the private schools located in the capital city. When Jeric turned six she began to home school him, giving him general studies. Three years later she began teaching him subjects like political science & Philosophy. For being only nine years of age, he excelled in those areas, quickly learning skills to become a great leader & knowledgeable historian.

Son of an Imperial General

Shortly after the New Republic captured Courscant they began pushing into the neighboring sectors trying to flush out any reaming Imperial Forces. Azure Hammer Command tried its best to keep Republic forces out of Sector Zero for months with no luck. After entering the Azure Sector, the forces of Azure Shield began holding their ground against the Republic. It took almost a year for the Republic to push Admrial Cyrin’s forces back to Anaxes. Finally in 14 ABY it was decided that the forces of Azure Hammer Command along with the Imperial citizens of Anaxes would surrender to the New Republic, but only under a few conditions. The Republic agreed to the conditions and took control of the planet. Under the conditions Cyrin’s Father was allowed to reform Azure Shield into a much smaller planetary security force and was appointed as Head of Planetary Security.

Almost six years later, Jeric now 16 years of age, decided he wanted to join the Security Forces. After a quick talk about his plans, Jeric’s father explain that he was still 2 years short of being able to serve actively in the Anaxes Security Force. However he was at the perfect age to join the Junior Officers Indoctrination Program. The following morning he took a transport into the heart of Pols Anaxes where the Anaxes Citadel was located. Upon his arrival he was greeted by his father and the Dean for the Anaxes Military Academy. After a quick orientation Jeric began the admissions process and started down the path to become an Officer for his planet’s security.

Military Career (21 ABY - 26 ABY)

Officer Indoctrination

Jeric had been attending & residing at the Anaxes Military Academy, for 10 months now. He was already in the top ten of his class and rank as a Cadet Lieutenant. At the end of the first year Jeric received honors for his excellent academics in the fields of leadership & tactics. In between the 2 academic years the Cadets where transferred to the Field Training Compound. The compound sat on top of the only desert on Anaxes, beaten by the heat of Solis Axum more than any other part of the planet. Here the cadets would endured the physical stress of field training for 16 weeks.

During the last weeks Jeric had been able to lead his detachment to victory in every combat exercise by seeing things before they happened. He didn’t understand how he was seeing things but decided to use it to his advantage anyways. Whatever it was it even gave him abnormal strength and speed. Drill Instructors where amazed at how easily Jeric would perform physical exercises. Though he did not know it at the time, he was unconsciously using the Force. After a long hard 4 months of field training the cadets where sent back to the academy to complete the last year of academic studies.

It was finally the end of the 28 month Indoctrination Program. The Cadets where promoted to Commissioned Officers and assigned to various positions within the Security Forces. Cyrin’s father was more than pleased to hear his sons list of achievements over the past 28 months. Jeric was commissioned as a Captain and placed in command of the 2nd Security Company of Pols Anaxes.

For two years, the now, Major Cyrin had helped keep Pols Anaxes crime and conflict free, however the 2nd hardly saw action anymore. Jeric itched for some excitement, the training and skills he had where being wasted just sitting behind his desk. One day though, in 24 ABY, Jeric got his break. Word of Imperial Recruiters in Pols Anaxes reached the ears of Jeric. Apparently conflicts between the Remnant, the Republic as well, and a alien race known as the Yuuzhan Vong had broken out. Both Imperial & Republic leaders where lead to believe that a war would erupt and both governments needed to expand their militaries immediately. Jeric realized this could be his chance for some real action and excitement.

Imperial Resurgence

Early the next morning Jeric headed to the Imperial Recruitment Center to sign up for the Imperial Army. After going through the initial process his recruitment officer, Lieutenant Rax, told him that he was eligible for a few enlistment bonuses. Jeric was happy to hear that he would not have to train at the Academy of Carida. He was even more please to hear he would receive a Senior Non-Commissioned Officer rank and immediate placement into a unit. That night Jeric returned to his quarters in the 21st Company Barracks to pack his things. He gave a farewell speech to his troopers and handed command over to his Executive Officer. He then grab his things and headed to his father’s office. He told his father that he decided to join the remnant, and the former imperial officer could do nothing but accept his son’s choice and wish him good luck. Two hours later Jeric was on a Sentinel-Class Shuttle on route to Bastion to officially join the Imperial Military.

When Jeric arrived on Bastion he was assigned a liaison to help him through the integration process.

The ISD Expansion in hyperspace

After a few hours of finalizing all his papers and completing the physical exams, Jeric was processed into the Imperial Army as a Master Sergeant. The Army Liaison was now helping Jeric find a position that would suit his rank. The Liaison was able to find a recreantly opened Platoon Sergeant position so Jeric decided to go with it. A few hours later Jeric put on his new imperial uniform and packed his effects. 15 minutes later Jeric was transported to the Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Expansion which was scheduled to bring supplies and additional forces to Ithor. Jeric’s new assignment, the 18th Special Mission Platoon, was station on that planet along with the rest of the 82nd Assault Battalion. During the long flight to Ithor Jeric had time to talk with some troopers and naval officers to get an idea of how life in the Imperial military would be. He found at least 5 troopers fresh out of the Academy that where being place into the 18th Platoon. When the ISD Expansion finally arrived in orbit around Ithor Jeric went to the Hanger Bay to be transported to the planet. Once on the surface Jeric made his way to Section 2A, of the Prefabricated Imperial Base, where his Platoon’s barracks was located. As he entered the barracks he was greeted by the Platoon Commander, who had just returned from Recruitment Duty, Lieutenant Rex. The two shared a laugh and then got straight to work doing their duties.

Service to the Remnant

It had been roughly 15 months since Jeric decided to join the Remnant. For the past year Jeric had enjoy working closely with the troopers of the 18th Special Mission Platoon. Recently the 18th was charge with guarding an Imperial Space Port where supplies and reinforcements would land form the orbital blockade. About 2 months ago the Yuuzhan Vong had begun their attacks on the Outer Rim. The New Republic had officially declared war against the Vong during the Battle of Dantooine. After their defeat the New Republic along with the Imperial Remnant began working together to prepare Ithor for battle. Jeric was out with Aurek Squad & Dorn Squad when the attacks began. Jeric had received a communication from LT Rex informing him that 20 miid ro'ik warship just appeared out of no where and had begun attacking the orbital Blockade. Jeric was order to bring Aurek & Dorn to Outpost Delta, while LT Rex would take Besh & Cresh Squads to Outpost Alpha. One of the predetermined landing spots for Vong forces was in between the two outpost. Jeric had Dorn Squad set up perimeter defenses around the presumed landing spot in order to surprise the Vong.

Minutes after Dron Squad returned hundreds of Vong coralskippers broke into the atmosphere and just as expected, a few hundred Vong Warriors landed. They where immediately caught off guard by the mines and auto turrets that Dorn Squad had set up. After the traps inflicted heavy damage on the Vong, Jeric & Rex converged the Platoon on the remaining forces. After a short skirmish with the remaining vong Rex received orders to return to the Prefab base which had been infiltrated by a number of vong hunters. Then entire 82nd Assault Battalion was converging back on the base after being deployed to the predicted landing points. After battling back the Vong for almost an hour they began to retreat and return to space. Minutes later the 82nd was given orders to do the same. The 82nd made it off the planet right on time, as minutes later billions of lethal bioweapons were dropped onto Ithor's surface rendering the planet lifeless almost immediately. As Vong forces where trying to retreat a Interdictor Cruiser came out of hyperspace and activated its gravity well, keeping the retreating vong fleet close to Ithor. The Republic & Imperial Fleets ordered all their ships to fire on the Yuuzhan Vong fleet. The combine forces decimated the fleet, and the vong’s flagship, Legacy of Torment, was destroyed. The ship collided with Ithor, igniting the atmosphere and killing the planet. After, the Imperial Remnant made the choice to withdraw from the war and all forces where order to return to the Braxant Sector by Grand Admiral Pellaeon. Upon their return Jeric, Rex, and the other leaders within the 82nd received honors from the Grand Admiral himself.

Over the next year, the newly promoted, First Sergeant Cyrin along with the 18th where station on Bastion as a security platoon for the Imperial Military Operations Complex. Four months before the end of 26 ABY Jeric was promoted yet again to the rank of Sergeant Major and transferred from his platoon to become the Command Sergeant Major for the 82nd Battalion. About 7 weeks later while Jeric was going to meet with the other Senior NCOs of the 82nd he was attacked and taken from Bastion. Unaware as to how much time had passed, Jeric awoke in a poorly lit room hearing nothing but the engines of a starship. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness he notice he wasn’t alone. Three cloaked figures where standing in front of him. They looked like shadows with no physical features visible. The middle on stepped forward and introduced himself simple as the Knight Commander. Jeric was told that they had felt his strong affinity for the force during the battle of Ithor. The Knight Commander told Jeric that he had special skills and would better serve them. When Jeric asked who “they” where, no one answered him. Instead he was given two choices: join them or return to the remnant and face certain death.

The Brotherhood (26 ABY to Present)

Novice of the Dark Side

Jeric soon learned that they where a Brotherhood of Dark Jedi, unknown to the galaxy, hiding in the shadows of space, waiting for their moment.

The Shadow Academy

Jeric had agreed to join them and was brought to the Shadow Academy on the planet Lyspair. There he begun his initial training, studying the ancient texts of the Brotherhood and slowly developing his powers. After spending a month at the Shadow Academy Jeric completed his initial dark side trials and was given the test of lore. Jeric easily passed the test and was promptly assigned to the brotherhood’s most prestigious clan, Clan Taldryan. He was transported to the planet Altur where he would serve as a member of House Dinaari to further his understanding of the dark side. When he arrived Jeric was greeted by the House Leaders and felt very welcomed. He was assigned a room, on Sub-Level One of the House’s HQ, which he immediately got settled into. After a much needed nap he decided to visit the Dinning hall for a meal and to meet some of his new brothers.

Over the next few days Jeric would show great effort to better himself and further his knowledge. He would spend hours a day inside the training rooms and then meditating before he would travel back to Lyspair to gain more knowledge about the dark side. Jeric was quickly elevated to the level of Novice thanks to his time spent at the Academy. About 3 weeks later Jeric felt like he need to return to his old life for sometime in order to tie up loose ends. He told his House Summit that he needed leave for personal reasons and wouldn’t be returning any time soon. Disappointed that a promising member was leaving, they approve and signed his transport order to the ‘’Dark Prophet II‘’.

Once on board the Bothan Assault Cruiser, Jeric talked with the Hanger Operations Officer to ask if they had any unused fighters. The Officer confirmed they had 2 TIE Defenders and 1 TIE Hunter in storage. Jeric showed the Officer the transport order and asked for one of the Defenders. After getting clearance from the Dark Prophet II’s Captain and the Fighter Group Admiral. The TIE Defender was brought out of storage and put on to the launch racks. Jeric put on a Flight Suit and placed his stuff into the Defender’s storage compartment. Once the Defender, which Jeric had christened the Night Fall, was cleared from the BAC Dark Prophet II he put in the coordinates for Anaxes and made the jump into hyperspace.

Closing loose Ends

The Kr’Tal System was surprisingly closer to the Core Worlds region than Jeric had originally thought, arriving in the Axum System in under 13 hours. While on approach to Pols Anaxes, he contacted Landing Authority for the Anaxes Citadel and provided his clearance code.

View of Anaxes as Jeric returned

When Jeric landed, he changed into his ASF Dress Uniform and made his way to his father’s office. On the way he was greeted by a number of officers and troopers, who addressed him as Major. Some parts of him felt joy to be referred to as Major again, but other parts knew it held nothing in compare to the power his levels in the brotherhood would hold. When Jeric enter his father’s office, his father was surprised to see Jeric again after 2 years. Apparently his father had heard from the Remnant that Jeric was kidnapped and possible killed. When he ask Jeric what had happen Jeric didn’t answer. Instead he ask if he could spend the next 6 weeks or so on the planet training the new cadet. His father agreed as long as Jeric would tell him what happened before he left again. Major Cyrin proudly returned to the Anaxes Field Training Compound to meet up with the 16th SF Training Company. He ended up spending an extra two weeks helping train these new cadets to protect his home planet. On the last day of 26 ABY Jeric decided it was best if he left, so he pack his things and headed to see his father one last time. His father asked again what had happen to him. Jeric told his father that he was taken from the Remnant to become a Dark Jedi and that he could say nothing further. His father didn’t know what to said and instead gave his son one last hug. Jeric returned to his TIE Defender to leave his home planet for good. Back in the emptiness of space Jeric put the coordinates for Bastion into the nav computer and engaged the hyperdrive. Jeric decided to mediate during the 19 hour flight and saw what the Knight Commander had talked about 16 months ago. Roughly a year from now, at the beginning of 28 ABY, the Vong would invade Imperial space forcing the remnant to reenter the war. Many Imperials will be killed when Bastion is attacked. Jeric awoke from his meditation right as the Night Fall came out of hyperspace in front of Bastion and a armada of Star Destroyers. He located Grand Admiral Pellaeon’s flagship, gave his clearance code, and docked inside the ISD Chimaera.

SGM Cyrin meeting with Imperial Leaders

Once on the bridge he spoke directly to Line Captain Ardiff and told him that it was urgent that he spoke with the Supreme Commander. Pellaeon cleared the Sergeant Major to enter his quarters and almost immediately inquired what was so important. Jeric reminded Pellaeon about his disappearance a year ago and told the Grand Admiral a false story of how he was taken by the vong. Apparently Jeric had learned about an future attack on Imperial Space before he managed to escaped that Vong. Jeric offered to help prepare the Remnant for the attack and was immediately positioned on the High Command as a Senior NCO Advisor. Jeric work with the military commanders and intelligence directors day in and day out for a year and a half. The Remnant was as ready as it could be. The Vong finally began attacking the Braxant Sector 9 month after Jeric had originally foreseen. When the Vong Fleet arrive at Bastion the Imperial Fleet wasn’t there, but seconds later dropped out of hyperspace behind the Vong, just as Jeric and the military commanders had planned. During the battle the Chimaera was heavily damaged and Jeric used the chaos as cover to escape to the Hanger Bay. He retrieved his TIE Defender and left the Chimaera, jumping into hyperspace leaving everyone to believe he was killed. It was time for Jeric to return to the Brotherhood.

Return to Darkness

Jeric‘s Original Warbanner

Jeric returned to the Kr'Tal System two years after leaving, only to learn that much has changed. While Jeric was away the Vong attacked the heart of the Brotherhood, Antei, forcing the new Grand Master & his Dark Council to evacuate the planet. Since then the Great Clans have worked to build up their military strength, in preparation for retaking the Brotherhood’s home planet. The Grand Master himself had reformed the old military into a new one directly loyal to the iron throne. When Jeric arrive back on Altur he was greeted by the new Quaestor of Dinaari, Vladet Xavier. During his first weeks back he showed a lot of potential to his new summit. Jeric made many trips to the new mobile Shadow Academy located on the Khyron-class Dreadnaught Arcanum. Jeric quickly advanced his knowledge of the force and galactic history. His masters watched as he perform exceptionally well in training simulations and force exercises eventually awarding him the title of Dominus Sicarius. Around the same time Jeric was finally able to have a Warbanner tailored for him. This flag would identify him on the battlefield and so he decided to embedded it with his family’s crest.

Emblem of the Herald

After two months of faithfully serving his house Jeric was finally starting to develop as a full Dark Jedi. He was given a chance to serve on the house summit to train in the Rollmaster position. Jeric learn a lot in the short time that he served as a house leader. He was recognized for successfully completing the training with an elevation to Jedi Hunter bringing him one step closer to being a true Dark Jedi. A few weeks later Jeric was taken as an assistant to the Brotherhood’s Herald. During his three months serving under the Brotherhood’s public face Jeric learn many usefully skills like Diplomacy and Administrative Ethics from the Dark Counselor himself.

Destiny’s Path

However, Jeric still felt like there was more he could learn outside of the brotherhood. Even after all his achievements over the past 7 months, Jeric still didn’t have what it took to be a future Dark Lord. He paid one more visit to the Shadow Academy trying to find some answers by reviewing his pervious studies of the Sith Empire. It was possible that the old Sith planets of Korriban and Ziost could still hold secrets unknown to the brotherhood.

Vally of the Dark Lords

His summit quickly learn he was after his own power and advise him to stop studying the ancient ways of the Sith. To defy the brotherhood and its understanding of the dark side, Jeric quickly left the Kr’Tal System. Jeric traveled directly to Korriban and spent weeks searching the Valley of the Dark Lords finding various Sith Artifacts. Most were worth nothing to Jeric since they didn’t possess the answers that he wished for. However he did found an ancient crystal in one of the newer tombs and kept it to use once he was able to construct a lightsaber. During his last day on Korriban he attempted to make contact and seek advise from the sprit of Ajunta Pall. What Jeric hadn’t realized at first was Pall‘s sprit had been freed almost 4,000 years ago. The next morning, after a fruitless four weeks on Korriban, Jeric left the sith home world and headed to Ziost, hoping to find true understanding of the dark side there.

When Jeric enter the atmosphere of Ziost he could feel the dark side from the Sith Citadel growing and knew he would find his answers from deep inside it. Jeric searched through the vast building for days, finding old scrolls, that he would read before continuing his search. He followed the dark side to its strongest point in the Citadel, and by what he had learn it was the Chamber of the Sith Council. Upon entering the Chamber Jeric noticed a elegantly crafted stone pillar in the center of the room, with a small crystal lined pyramid on top. Jeric sensed the pyramid was protect by a powerful field of dark side energy, he tried to pierce the field with his own energy, but with no luck. He knew there had to be some way of destroying the field and returned to exploring the Citadel.

Directly below the Chamber he discovered a private archive filled with numerous Artifacts and scrolls. As he read through the almost decayed scrolls he discovered the small pyramid was in fact a Sith holocron.

He also found out that the Seal protecting it could only be broken by the Sith amulet hidden in a secret compartment on the Dark Lord‘s throne. He made his way back up to the Chamber, it was easy to determined which one was the Dark Lord‘s throne. After a goods 5 minutes he found a switch which opened the compartment. Inside sat a dusty ruby crystal amulet, he grab the amulet and pointed it towards the pillar. He focused his dark side energy into the amulet, creating a beam shattering the seal that surrounded the precious sith artifact. Jeric place his hands onto the holocron and focused his energy into it until it gave off a flash of light. Seconds later the image of an ancient cloaked Sith Lord appeared before Jeric. After spending hours studying from the holocron, and meditating on its lessons Jeric exited the Citadel without the holocron to once again return to the Brotherhood with a new view of the dark side.

The Holocron

Greetings follower of the dark side, my identity is not of importance to you, for all you need to know is I am Dark Lord of the Sith.

By allowing the dark side to consume you, you have bound yourself to serve it and its legacy forever. The power you seek, the ultimate offer of the dark side, can only be achieve if you crave it, covet it, and understand it. We seek power above all else this is the underlying philosophy of our order. But one is not to claim the true powers of the dark side with out understanding all its aspect, its orders, its limitations. The force will change you, it will transform you, but if you embrace this change you will know its full power. Those who accept the power of the dark side must also accept the challenge of holding on to it. There will always be others seeking power, seeking the power you learn here today, but only the strong will keep it, and the weak will blindly share it. This is our greatest strength and also our weakness. This is the reason why there can only be one Dark Lord, achieved through their god given destiny. The strong rule; the weak are meant to serve. This is the way it must be. Soon shall you be granted your destiny, serve the strong till they are meant to serve you.

Destroy this holocron to keep its secrets to yourself, and you will find power. Keep it and pass it on to your heirs, and you will gain nothing. My chains are now broken, the force shall set me free!

A New Darkness

Jeric returned to the Brotherhood knowing that his masters would now look down on him for seeking his own powers. The Dark Jedi of Taldryan where those who would steal his power should they ever find out what he had learn. The Brotherhood was on the verge of liberating Antei and Jeric needed a fresh start to use what he had learned. He choose to follow an old friend, Taigikori Aybara, to Clan Arcona and serve under his leadership in House Qel-Droma.

Clan Arcona’s logo

Once on board Qel-Droma’s Flagship Jeric went to visit his old friend who was very please to be serving with him again. Only weeks away from returning to Antei, the Journeymen and Equites of Qel-Droma didn’t stop working and took every opportunity to train. During a few combat exercises, Jeric proved to be even more promising than his new masters originally thought. His summit decided it was time for Jeric to undergo his Trials of Knighthood.

When the Great Clans of the Brotherhood arrived at Antei they weren’t prepared to fight a different war. The Vong where all killed by a rouge Jedi Master and his army of battle droids. But this wasn’t going to stop the Brotherhood from re-claiming their homeworld. Within the first few hours of the conflict Jeric, now a full Dark Jedi Knight, was sent down to the battlefield to accompany a unit of the Grand Master’s Army. Jeric got his first chance to test his new skills when he encounter a fellow Knight of the Brotherhood who had been turned. Jeric was easily able to slay the traitor with his mastery of Makashi. It would be a long hard war, but finally after many weeks of constant battling the Brotherhood prevailed, but not with out many losses including that of the Grand Master. In the weeks that followed a new Grand Master was appointed and the Brotherhood began the process of cleaning up.

Clan Arcona had returned to their home system of Dajorra with Qel-Droma’s new Quaestor, Legorii Kryotek, leading his fellow brothers to Arconae Primus so they may rebuild what they had lost. Even though Jeric was a Knight, he continued to grow each day. Jeric was even granted the opportunity to return as an assistant to the Brotherhood’s Herald which he wholeheartedly took.

Jeric has now set many goals for himself and looks for every opportunity to prove himself worthy in the eyes of his masters. Jeric knows that his rise to power will come one day though, for it is his destiny through the pure will of the dark side of the force.

Character Information


Full Body View of Jeric

Standing almost two meters tall and weighing roughly 82 kilograms, Jeric is a fairly muscular yet lightweight individual for his stature. Jeric has a large zigzag looking scar running from his forehead to his cheek, which in fact is a birth mark. Jeric carries himself very properly due to his extensive time serving in the military. He has medium length dark brown hair with eerie silver eyes. For his attire Jeric is most often seen wearing a semi-traditional dark Jedi robe made up of a one sleeve red tunic, a dark gray over tunic without sleeves, a red obi, a black leather utility belt, black trousers and silver plated red leather boots. When he wishes to be one with the shadows he wears a black with red trim hooded cloak over his robe. Most of the time Jeric is seen carrying his lightsaber and his silver-plated Bryar pistol, in a leg holster, concealed under his over tunic. When Jeric is in full armor he has two antique DC-15s side arm blasters in leg holsters to accompany his saber that is concealed under his right shoulder pauldron.


Intelligent, Charismatic, and shy are the perfect words to describe Jeric. He tends to keep to himself a lot, but when he is force out into public, he will stand out among most dark Jedi. Jeric is very tense, always watching his back just in case. This is a trait he picked up during his military career and especially after seeking his own knowledge of the Dark Side. Jeric is also very short tempered and in his rage he will not hesitate to kill even the ones he loves. But over the years he has learn many techniques to keep his anger in line. Jeric will always use logic to solve his problems and can be quite enjoyable to be around once you get to know him. Jeric prides himself on never giving up and one day this pride issue could be the death of him.


Jeric has a number of possession that he has acquired over the years. They include weapons, a Starfighter, armor, and a few sith artifacts.

Spectrum of Hate

The Spectrum of Hate is the name of the lightsaber Jeric received for being part of the new first clan of the brotherhood. After he choose to adopted this new lightsaber for his own Jeric dismantled it so that he could put his own saber crystal, the Heart of the Guardian, into it.

Shadow Reaper

Before becoming a dark Jedi, Jeric was very well trained in the art of sword fighting. As a gift for graduating from the Junior Officers Indoctrination Program his father gave him a sword specially made just for him. Jeric is ever more skilled with his sword after mastering the fighting style Kartranin and almost perfecting Shyarn-Ado.

Pistol Collection

Jeric has a collection of three pistols. While trying to find a new set of weapons upon joining the Imperial Remnant Jeric found a pair of antique DC-15s side arm blasters. Since then they are the only weapons Jeric chooses to use. When Jeric was awarded a special title in House Dinaari he was also given a silver-plated Bryar pistol. Jeric still favors his DC-15s side arms when in armor but will use his Bryar pistol as a backup to his lightsaber.

Night Fall

The Night Fall is Jeric’s personal TIE Defender which he acquired from House Dinaari upon leaving the Brotherhood for the first time. Currently the ‘’Night Fall’’ sits on the Hanger Racks of the BAC Shadow.

Phantom Armor

When the Imperial Remnant released the new Stormtrooper Mark II Armor Jeric pulled some strings to have a custom version of the armor made. His version includes a upgraded model of the Scout Trooper Visor, two leg holsters for his DC-15s Side Arms, and a temporary cloaking device.

Sith Amulet

Jeric choose to keep the Sith Amulet he found in the Sith Citadel on Ziost. Usually Jeric is wearing the amulet around his neck and if needed it can be used as a weapon by focusing the force into it producing a deadly beam of energy.

DJB Facts

Current Positions

Positions Held

Outstanding Achievements

  • Dominus Sicarius for the month of March 2008
  • First member selected for the Dinaari Internship Program
  • Dark Maven General History Degree
  • Completing his Trials of Knighthood
  • Completing this Wiki Page
  • Two terms on the Herald Staff


  • The name Jeric was inspired because of Jerec from Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II.
  • Is a huge star wars nerd with a hot Asian girlfriend.
  • College Student studying Criminal Justice.
  • Skilled in creating computer graphics.

Deatharoc Eclectic Pedagogue of Old Republic History
28 ABY - 29 ABY
Kalak Ragnose
Brent "Archangel" Ligur Victae Magistrate to the Herald
28 ABY
Robin Hawk
N/A Intern Rollmaster for House Dinaari
28 ABY
Sidarace Rathden
Halcyon Rokir Battleteam Leader for Dark Fire Brigade
30 ABY
Corax Zarjin
Robin Hawk Magistrate to the Herald w/ Robin Hawk
31 ABY to Present