Plagueis (Clan)

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Clan Plagueis is one of the six clans in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, and is composed of two houses: House Exar Kun and House Satal Keto. The youngest clan in the Brotherhood, it was formed from Clan Satal Keto and Exar Kun during the Dictum of Two Skies. Since then, conflicts like The Crimson War and Sixth Great Jedi War have kept the clan from moving forward, but all the same it makes progress. Currently, Clan Plagueis is run by Consul Aabsdu and Proconsul Scorpius.

For a summary of the clan, see the Clan Plagueis Prospectus.

The Clan's Namesake

"You must begin by gaining power over yourself; then another; then a group, an order, a world, a species, a group of species… finally, the Galaxy itself."
―Darth Plagueis the Wise
Darth Plagueis the Wise

The legendary Sith Lord, Darth Plagueis’ past is shrouded in mystery. A Muun, whose influence touched events in the galaxy for over half a century, Plagueis was discovered and trained by the unknown Sith Master of the time. Little more is known of the Muun Sith Lord’s past other than his choice of apprentice, Darth Sidious.

Although the specific events are unknown, Plagueis chose a gifted Nabooian known as Palpatine. Plagueis trained young Palpatine and declared him furthermore to be known as Darth Sidious. It is believed Plagueis realized that he had found the Sith Lord that would complete the millennium-old plan of Darth Bane: revenge and destruction of the Jedi Order.

From Sidious, it is known that Plagueis trained his apprentice in both the Light and Dark Sides of the Force, revealing Darth Plagueis’ wisdom in the necessity understanding one’s enemy, the Jedi, to assure their eventual destruction. Also revealed by his apprentice, Plagueis was fascinated with the concept of immortality and the possibilities of spontaneous generation, forcing him to delve into the deepest, darkest areas of the Force. By successfully influencing midi-chlorians, Darth Plagueis was able to save people from dying and create life.

After Plagueis had taught his apprentice everything he knew, Sidious killed him in his sleep, declaring himself the new Sith Master. With the ironic death of Plagueis, his legacy through his apprentice survived as Darth Sidious became the Sith Lord destined to take the final steps, to walk among the Jedi unseen, to bring about the destruction of the Jedi Order and the collapse of the Galactic Republic.



Main Article: Dictum of Two Skies In the year 23 ABY, Clan Satal Keto was attacked by the vicious pirate group known as the Crimson Tide. The Clan was already weak from recent wars and conflicts, and they simply could not withstand an attack of the size and nature that the Tide brought. Clan Satal Keto fought and fought, however even with the Force on their side, the pirates were slowly starting to win after four days of fighting. Consul Selket, not wanting to accept his fate, called for assistance from Clan Exar Kun, Satal Keto’s sister clan.

The Kunians, despite sub-standard relations with the Ketoans, came to aid the dying clan. After another three days of intense and valiant combat, the severely injured Crimson Tide was forced to retreat.

The battle brutally wounded both clans. The Clans of Exar Kun and Satal Keto were in shambles. They went to the Dark Council for help, and the Star Chamber visited and assessed the two clans in their entirety, and concluded that the two clans should be merged into one if they were to survive.

Thus, the Dictum of Two Skies was carried out. New members came to the field, and for a month Jedi fought Jedi in battle for supremacy, and when the dust finally fell, a new band stood together, united by victory and strength, their weaknesses purged and cleansed in a trial by fire. From the ashes of two Clans arose a new one: Plagueis, a new life born of death. Then the Dictum was released, and as their final act, the Elders of the Star Chamber worked a great feat of Force magic - grasping the skeins of reality itself, they wove together the twin fates of Exar Kun and Satal Keto, and merged their powers into one.

The shockwaves of the Star Chambers actions, however, continued to ripple out through the Force, and unknown to all, a forgotten Sith Lord stirred in the embrace of the Dark Side. On the distant tomb planet of Korriban, Darth Plagueis arose from death in the shape of a grim wraith of Shadow and Dust, and called out to those whom had taken on his name.

End of Acarr

Main Article: Battle of Byfrost

The newly formed clan settled in the Acarr System, the former home of Clan Exar Kun. As the Force would have it, however, after only a few months did trouble began to manifest itself. The Star Chamber’s amazing feat had twisted reality more than so perceived. Acarr’s sun, Sigil, which had already been dangerously unstable, was shifted out of balance and was rapidly approaching supernova status, increasing its radiation levels by the hour.

Doom was imminent, but the Plagueians had time to act due to the sharp sense of the clan's Elders who had discovered the problem. Moving as fast as mortally possible, the Clan organized and mobilized, beginning to flee the Acarr System. It was in this moment that the Crimson Tide returned, intent on destroying the band of Dark Jedi whom had nearly destroyed their entire fleet. Calliban Crimson launched a full attack on the evacuating Clan Plagueis. The Clan fought valiantly, and was able to hold back the pirate forces until the evacuation was complete. Then, in a final act of malign vengeance, Sarin, Kir Katarn, Jonaleth Isradia, and the most powerful of the clan's members blockaded the system, trapping nearly all of the mercenaries inside, where they were killed by the intense radiation.


Kapsina is Plagueis' HQ in the Jusadih System

With the Crimson Tide severely crippled, Clan Plagueis relocated into the Jusadih System, designated by the Clan Summit. House Exar Kun settled on the planet Aerun, with its counterpart, Satal Keto, moving to the icy world of Morroth. Construction on the Clan’s headquarters, the Dark Tower, began immediately on the world of Kapsina, where the clan leaders and Council of the Wise were to reside. As the Plagueian Dark Jedi established their dominance in Jusadih, they took a local business, Sistros Acquisitions and Holdings as a cover front and to provide a steady flow of credits to the fledgling clan. By early-26 ABY, the clan has finished construction on all aspects on their new home, and started to work on improving other aspects of the clan.

The Enemy Within

Civil War

Main Article: Sixth Great Jedi War

The peace did not last for long, however, as only two years after the formation of Clan Plagueis the entiry Brotherhood erupted into civil war. What started with minor disputes among the clans quickly escalated into something much more. When a second Jac Cotelin appeared on Antei, things turned to war, and the clans split apart as each sided with the Jac that they considered to be the real one. Plagueis, specifically, joined the side of what was called the Red Jac.

For weeks the clans fought each other to see who would come out on top, and specifically which Jac would come out above the other. However, Clan Plagueis was still just over two years old, and was still working to rebuild from its previous two encounters with the Crimson Tide. As such, it was weakened further from fighting with the much older and stronger clans against it, and was forced to hang out as long as possible and save as much of the fleet as they could.

Assault on Diadem

Main Article: Assault on Diadem

When the war finally started to die down and the true Jac claimed victory over the imposter, Clan Plagueis returned to the Jusadih System to lick its wounds. Yet, the war was not over for the Plagueians, for just as they returned a group of Aerunian rebels, known respectively as ARM (Aerunian Resistence Movement), attacked Diadem Fortress on Aerun, home of House Exar Kun.

Using a treachorous Novice to cut off the power to the defenses, the Aerunians blasted their way into the fortress and started destroying as much as possible. It is unknown exactly what they were trying to do, save for thinking they could actually kill all the Kunians with their small army. Once the traitor was killed and the power brought back online, though, the Aerunians' advantage collapsed.

Despite having several Rogue Dark Jedi on their side, the Kunians were able to fight off the ambush, but Diadem was greatly damaged, and would not be completely repaired for another six months, although with much better defenses.

Rite of Supremacy

Main Article: Second Darkness

After the Sixth Great Jedi War, Clan Plagueis entered a brief, yet useful, time of peace, where little conflict-wise happened, and the still young clan was allowed to grow and improve its infrastructure. Despite problems in leadership, the clan improved greatly during this time, and has continued to grow to this day, although not without being interrupted by war.

Specifically, at the beginning of 27 ABY, the Brotherhood had a Rite of Supremacy between the six clans to determine which would have the privelage of guarding the Dark Shroud, and being named First Clan. Much stronger now, Plagueis fought valiantly, and while they didn't win, they were awarded the title Third Clan.

Seventh Great Jedi War

Main Article: Seventh Great Jedi War

Since then the clan has continued to grow and prosper, slowly starting to equal some of the other clans. Recent reports indicate a strong race of aliens starting to invade the galaxy, particularly Coruscant. the Jusadih System is located in the Core not far from the Galactic City, so reports suggest Plagueis will soon get the chance to show itself once again, but only time will tell what the future holds in store...

Houses of Plagueis

House Exar Kun

Main Article: House Exar Kun


House Satal Keto

Main Article: House Satal Keto


Vendetta History

Clan Summit

Roll of Consuls

  1. Chi-Long: 6/9/2005 to 7/26/2005
  2. Lucien: 7/26/2005 to 11/28/2005
  3. Kir Taldrya Katarn: 11/28/2005 to 1/23/2006
  4. Aristan "Sarin" Dantes: 1/23/2006 to 11/11/2006
  5. Aabsdu: 11/11/2006 to 2/20/2007
  6. Valerian Orzon: 2/26/2007 to 4/2/2007
  7. Dacien "BubbaX" Victae: 4/10/2007 to 5/18/2007
  8. Aabsdu: 5/26/2007 to Present

Roll of Proconsuls

  1. Braecen: 6/9/2005 to 6/28/2005
  2. Lucien: 6/28/2005 to 7/26/2005
  3. Warhunter: 7/26/2005 to 8/15/2005
  4. Ethran Sayre Isradia: 8/20/2005 to 9/22/2005
  5. Virulence Bezatyne Isradia: 9/29/2005 to 11/28/2005
  6. Aristan "Sarin" Dantes: 11/30/2005 to 1/23/2006
  7. Salth Khan: 1/29/2006 to 8/18/2006
  8. Aabsdu: 8/24/2006 to 11/11/2006
  9. Valerian di Plagia Orzon: 11/13/2006 to 2/26/2007
  10. Dante Armand 'Sunflash' al'Tor: 3/1/2007 to 3/13/2007
  11. Dacien "BubbaX" Victae: 3/14/2007 to 4/10/2007
  12. Scorpius: 4/14/2007 to Present

Additional Information

For more information see also the following articles:

External Links

Clan Plagueis' homepage