Dark Tower
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Dark Tower | |
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23 ABY |
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[ Source ] |
The Dark Tower was the headquarters of Plagueis in the Jusadih System. It consists of a main tower surrounded by four corner towers, each of which have their own purpose. Here the Clan Summit stays, making decisions for the clan. Clan meetings and ceremonies are also held here, as well as large scale training exercises and the clan's primary library.
Home of the Dark Throne; a massive complex rests on horizon of Ellesmeria, a central tower connected with archways to four smaller towers. This is the stronghold of Clan Plagueis, their official headquarters on Kapsina - it is here that the Consul, Proconsul, Envoys and others reside or meet in conference. The building appears archaic, built in black stone, a deep gray ore placed for accents, defining the graceful lines and breaks in the building.
First Level
The Central building, or Core, is made up of eight main levels. The first level is the entrance and display halls of the Clan Plagueis, one enters two onyx doors, each spanning ten feet in height, as they progress into the entrance hall. Here a comb of halls and passages are filled with works from the members of Clan Plagueis, scrolls of great wisdom, weapons forged by artisans, even past awards the Clan has received from their courageous exploits. In addition a single passage way commemorates the histories of Clan Exar Kun, Clan Satal Keto and the forming of Clan Plagueis - here an outside observer can begin to understand the depths of the Clan; to begin to understand the members that hold her together.
Second Level
A massive staircase leads to the Audience Chamber of the Clan, the second floor is a spacious room dominated by several features. In the back another set of stairs exist to take one to the third floor, but in the front exists a platform used for ceremony, discussion and placeholder for the Dark Throne, a massive stout tract that has been perfectly crafted in 90 degree angles. The concept is to make the Consul, whom sits in the Dark Throne, dutifully uncomfortable - so that he remembers the tasks before him, not falling into lavish contempt. Attached on the right and left sides are conference rooms, these are used to hold general meetings, hear complaints and handle day-to-day business. In essence, they are the offices of the Consul and Proconsul.
Third Level

The third floor is a Dojo, dedicated to training hand to hand martial arts, instructional leadership and mentorship on lightsaber basics (known as Dulon), practical and advanced application of the Force - in combative circumstances, and any other means or desires set before the Trainer of the given day. This level is seemingly higher, double standard regulation at twenty feet high. This allows for more acrobatic maneuvers and proper training in several lightsaber forms. Here regular tournaments are held between Clan members to determine who is most skilled in the art of war. In each corner is the outside access to the arch ways that are connected to the four towers - these will be explained in greater detail. Along the back are a series of rooms used for private mentorship and instruction and the staircase that leads to the fourth floor.
Fourth Through Seventh Levels
The fourth through seventh levels are four different quadrants, each with their own purpose. The fourth floor is used for flight simulators and the training of pilots. The fifth floor is the mess hall, where those staying in the Dark Tower may grab a bite to eat, as well as where ceremonial dinners are held.
The sixth floor is barracks for the clan. Stacked in rows, they are not designed for comfort but for capacity, and can hold nearly the entire clan when needed. The seventh floor is considerably more lavish and is reserved for visiting Elders, Tribunes, Staff or Dark Council members themselves.
Eighth Level
The eighth floor is home to the War Room and the Equipment lockers. In the center a tactical screen is situated upon a circle dais, so Clan and House Summits can view and add input in times of war. This is the nerve center of war time operations, it is only accessible to members whom hold sensitive positions - though they can bring others in, especially for access to the arms lockers. A stash of weapons, ammo and materials are stored here in the event of a standoff.
Remaining Levels
While there are eight main levels, scattered throughout the floors are smaller floors filled with weapons and supplies, and towards the top of the Tower is four hangar bays, each pointing a different direction, designed to allow quick and easy deployment of fighters when attacked. At the topmost peak of the Tower, a single room level resides, known as the Plagueis Vault, where all of Clan Plagueis’ artifacts are stored. Only the Consul and Proconsul have access to this room, however. Also scattered through the floors are defense floors, packed with control stations for the various turbo lasers and other guns placed to protect the Tower when attacked.
Corner Towers
The towers are four, each with a specific purpose, housing a single element of Clan Plagueis: Clan Summit, Envoys, supplies, and armed troops/defenses.
The first tower, those there is no real order, is designated for the troops of Clan Plagueis. There are their necessary rooms and they are the only tower that has ground level access. It is sealed from the remainder of the complex, except for a one way door in the Dojo - where the Consul or Proconsul may enter the Officer's quarters when they desire. This tower is also the most fortified, equipped with top of the line weapons used to defend the Dark Tower while under attack. The tower was actually built slightly off center, so that its weapons could target anything in the area save for something right behind the main tower.
The second tower is for the Envoys of the Clan - in their frequent travels to train, recruit and meet the deadlines set before them by the Knight Commander they have only this tower to call home. The first level is non existent, the pillars stand, but air travels freely through the gaps creating a spot for meditation instead of work. The second story is designated for the archives and records of the Envoys, while the third holds a vast library necessary for them to understand the galaxy, the fourth floor is the living quarters of the House Envoys when there - the fifth level is held as the personal quarters of the Clan Envoy.
The third tower holds supplies used daily by Clan Plagueis. This includes food, training weapons, and anything else that the staff regularly uses to keep the Dark Jedi pleased. Few other than the tower staff enter here, as it provides nothing for them. The tower is large, capable of holding enough supplies to last the entire clan for nearly six months. As such, a supply ship comes only quarterly, four times a year.
The fourth tower is the personal quarters of the Consul and Proconsul, they share the third story as an entry way, but the bottom levels are for the Proconsul to do with as he pleases - the top floors are the Consul's. Some of these floors are private libraries, training rooms, meditation gardens, and others that few rarely see.
Just like with the central tower, each of the four corner towers also has various levels that house defenses used to protect the central tower when attacked. While the Defense Tower is the most heavily armed, the remaining three towers, even the Envoy Tower, are equipped with torrents and other weapons.