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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
(few more sections and layout stuff)
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Xen’Mordin took the throne with an unprecedented backing and approval rate from the citizens of the Cocytus Empire. As he moved to the position of [[Quaestor]] for the House, his support there was near universal for his strong and swift hand at dealing with threats against the House’s well being. He took for himself the tyrant title of ''Xen’Mordin the Manipulative'', and turned his sight on establishing the Empire as a lasting force in the galaxy.  
Xen’Mordin took the throne with an unprecedented backing and approval rate from the citizens of the Cocytus Empire. As he moved to the position of [[Quaestor]] for the House, his support there was near universal for his strong and swift hand at dealing with threats against the House’s well being. He took for himself the tyrant title of ''Xen’Mordin the Manipulative'', and turned his sight on establishing the Empire as a lasting force in the galaxy.  

===The Emperor (29 ABY - Present)===
===The Emperor (28 ABY - Present)===
{{Quote|I dream of an Empire that eclipses even Palpatine’s.|Xen’Mordin upon taking the throne}}
====Imperialization (29 ABY)====
''Xen’Mordin wasted no time settling into his role of Emperor and leader of Scholae Palatinae. His rule marked one of the longest and most consistent periods of a ruler both the in the Cocytus system, and for Scholae Palatinae. Organizing a massive modernization to the Empire, and a demonstrating a continued unwavering loyalty to the Empire and Clan, few wished to depose him of his rule. This was a near unimaginable feat for a society and culture built upon the betrayals and backstabbing.''
[[File:XenmordinMask1.jpgthumb|200px|left|The mask worn by Xen in all his Brotherhood duties]]
====Imperialization (28 ABY)====
By the time Xen’Mordin took the throne of the Cocytus Empire, he had spent years researching both Palpatine’s life, and the rising of the Galactic Empire. Palpatine had been able to hide his identity as Darth Sidious, and so too, must Xen. To the public he was the attractive and charismatic leader they needed and believed in. To the Brotherhood however he was the cold and calculating Sith, face shielded by by a mask bearing the sigil of Scholae Palatinae.
This radical split between the public Emperor and the hidden Sith of the Brotherhood would dominate Xen’s lifestyle for years. But it was far from the most radical actions he would take. He ordered the immediate dissolvement of the high ''royal'' class that had plagued the Empire with unnecessary bureaucracy. Planetary rule was given instead to Planetary Governors. The Governors in turn reported to the System Moff, a position he gave for Scholae Palatinae’s [Rollmaster]] to handle. The Imperial Senate, a venue for the populace to be heard was cut and gutted in several stages spread out over several years. Nearly every aspect of the Empire was rebranded and made uniform.
Xen’Mordin also took actions in the private sectors as well. He nationalized multiple large corporations that provided crucial goods and services throughout the system. Multiple educational and research facilities were taken in as part of a new government wide push for education, but with reinforcing Imperial ideals and loyalty. The banking and finance systems came under strict review and control. The entirety of the media was immediately restructured and restricted to fit a pro-Imperial agenda, and to direct any attention away from events that would negatively impact the view the citizens had on the Empire.  
====Retaliation (29 ABY)====
====Retaliation (29 ABY)====
Death of Dante, attacks directed at Fremoc and CNS.
In what would be the first of many tense situations against rival Brotherhood unit [[Naga Sadow]], occurred early in Xen’s reign. Long standing Palatinaean, and one of the keepers of the [[Legacy of Palpatine]], [[Angelo Dante]], was tasked to accompany the sitting [[Fist of the Brotherhood|FIST]], [[Fremoc Pepoi]], on a mission to the Alsakan system. They were tasked with hunting down the Jedi [[Michael Halcyon]], who had on several occasions been a proud serving member and leader within Scholae Palatinae.
While Angelo and Fremoc succeeded in locating the rogue Jedi, he was aware of their presence. Following a quick duel, and thanks largely to incompetent actions of Fremoc, Angelo was killed, and Michael escaped. Angelo’s body was returned home to the Cocytus system, where Xen’Mordin gave his burial every honor and status within the Empire, befitting a fallen hero. Xen’s mind however was focused on retaliation. Fremoc was a long standing member of Naga Sadow, and despite his position on the [[Dark Council]], Xen wanted revenge, a desire echoed by all in Scholae Palatinae who had served with Angelo.
Attacking a member of the Council outright would have gotten himself killed, as Grand Master Muz Ashen was insightfully protective of his Council members, and especially of those who hailed from Naga Sadow, his own home unit. Knowledge of this didn’t stop some, as an estranged Scholae Palatinae member, [[Cado_H%27darr|Cado H’darr]], was killed trying to take revenge into his own hands.
It was following this a bomb was detonated in a hangar, sent clearly to kill Fremoc. However, Fremoc was spared from death, and was merely injured in the blast. His son, Thomas, however was killed. While it was impossible to directly link Xen’Mordin or anyone else in Scholae Palatinae for the attack, everyone knew the parties involved, and why it happened. Before any further escalation of the issue could arise, the Grand Master, Muz Ashen, called all of the Dark Council and unit leaders together to make it abundantly clear that any further acts of aggression would face immediate repercussions.  
====The Invasion of New Tython (29 ABY)====
====The Invasion of New Tython (29 ABY)====
Tenth GJW
Tenth GJW
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====Nobody Expects the Inquisition! (33 ABY)====
====Nobody Expects the Inquisition! (33 ABY)====
Formation of the Inquisitorius links to Evant as VOICE
Formation of the Inquisitorius links to Evant as VOICE

Revision as of 03:25, 27 April 2016

Imperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.
Xen’Mordin Palpatine
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

0 ABY (age 42)

Physical Description





6’1” / 1.85 m


190 lbs / 86.2 kg





Personal Information

Zaerys Khzon


Dalinar Khzon

Lightsaber Color(s):
  • Silver
  • Purple
Lightsaber Form(s):

Jar’Kai Niman

Fighting Style(s):


Chronology & Political Information
  • Emperor of the Cocytus System
  • Founder and Chair of Vismorsus Industries

Consul of Scholae Palatinae

Known masters:
Known apprentices:


[ Source ]

"For the Empire!"
―Motto of Clan Scholae Palatinae

Adept Xen’Mordin Palpatine is the current sitting Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae, reigning Emperor of the Cocytus system, and Chairman of the Board for Vismorsus Industries. Born as Kilan Khzon, he was trained in secret to become a Jedi. After falling from the light, and losing his beloved, he stripped himself of his identity and his connection to the Force. He became Xen’Mordin Vismorsus, a broken husk of a man that that would become so much more than he could ever of expected.

Xen’Mordin would go on to have his connection to the force restored in an ancient Sith Temple through an agonized and intense interaction with a dark side Force nexus. This restoration gave him a renewed focus in life, that would ultimately lead him to the Dark Brotherhood, and the Cocytus System, home of Clan Scholae Palatinae, where he would eventually be named as keeper of the Legacy of Palpatine.

Character History

Early Life (0 ABY - 5 ABY)

"This is an opportunity to let our son make the galaxy a safer, better place."
―Dalinar to Zaerys

In these early years, found amid the great upheaval of rebellion against the Galactic Empire, a surprising amount of peace was found for the upper-middle class Khzon family. Yet even from an early age Kilan demonstrated obvious force sensitivity, placing his parents on a alert in the heart of the capitol of the Empire. But it was not the Empire that came knocking on their door, and that door, once opened, placed Kilan on the path to becoming Xen’Mordin.

Kilan’s homeworld of Coruscant

The Birth (0 ABY)

Weeks following the hushed and rumored news of the destruction of the Death Star, the Khzon family celebrated the birth of Kilan. Living in the very heart of the Empire, Coruscant, the Khzons had experienced little issues under Imperial rule. While far from being loyal Imperialists, the gossip of the Rebellion’s success against the Empire just weeks earlier went largely ignored by the family.

Dalinar Khzon, Kilan’s father, was the eldest son in a long family dynasty of merchants. Over the years the family trade had evolved from raw manufacturing materials to luxury living trade items, and on the capital planet, many were seeking to prove their high social standing. Dalinar himself was a tall and stocky man, with a quick tongue and a hearty laugh.

Zaerys Khzon, Kilan’s mother, came from a family of a different kind of merchant, ones who sold reprieve from life's issues. Owning nightclubs, casinos, and dance halls scattered from the core to the rim, Zaerys’ family was even more known than Dalinar’s. A fiery and dominating personality had cooled from her partying days as she had her family grow.

At the time of Kilan’s birth, the Khzons already had three children. They had two boys, Kiith, age ten, and Clertan, age seven. Their daughter, Sairia, was age four. Kiith, even at 10, was showing signs that he would grow to be a strong and large man, loud and boisterous. Clertan however, was small for his age, quiet and reserved. Sairia was the mirror image of her mother, strong independent streak already showing.

While the family didn’t know how Kilan would change the dynamics of the household, one thing was certain, the Rebellion and Empire were a problem for someone else. Now was time for joyful family bonding.

Gifted (2 ABY - 5 ABY)

The family remained on Coruscant, though both Dalinar’s and Zaerys’ positions led to frequent travel across the galaxy. Over the first few years of Kilan’s life, he had the opportunity to play in the waters of Naboo, get lost in one of the many starship factories of Corellia after wandering off from his parents, and run through the jungles of Felucia with his siblings.

While these events would remain whispers of memories later in life, the strongest of these memories came from instances of clear force sensitivity from the toddler. For the first few years of Kilan’s life, his parents brushed off some of the strange occurrences as happenstance. All of their children has shown signs of weak force connection. But as Kilan continued to demonstrate a stronger connection, the more they worried.

They had money, but not even that would stop the wheel of the Empire from attempting to get its hands on a young force sensitive. Luckily, the Empire had turned its focus toward another, and the family’s frequent galactic wide ventures prevented any official from noticing too much about their youngest child.

However, both parents also remembered their own youth, before the days of the Empire, and the stories of the Jedi.

Tyler Reynolds - The Jedi (5 ABY)

The grizzled Jedi survivor, Tyler Reynolds

The Emperor was dead, and the Empire was already beginning to fragment. While the Imperials of Coruscant had cracked down hard upon those who celebrated the Rebellion’s victory at Endor, the Khzons couldn’t help but feel relief that their children’s lives were to be free of the yolk of the Empire. Thoughts of hiding Kilan’s abilities hidden were less frantic, and urgent.

But Kilan’s abilities had been noticed, just not by the Imperials. Tyler Reynolds, former Jedi Knight and survivor of the Emperor’s Order 66, had sensed the five-year old’s natural force connection. The years had not been kind to the Jedi, who’s paranoia had set in keeping him alive through the brutal crackdown of the Empire against the Jedi. Weathered and gray, it was only over the last year had he begun to feel truly alive again.

Even on in the core, stories of Luke, the last Jedi was known. Tyler, not trusting Luke, as the son of the man who had killed so many he knew and treated like family, was not about to let any force sensitives be taken to train under the new self-called Jedi. Tyler would see his own return of the Jedi, one founded squarely from what remained before the extinction of the order.

Tyler brought with him a young girl, same age as Kilan, named Kara. Dalinar and Zaerys would have shut the door in Tyler’s face had they not seen the wide eyed girl peering from behind the Jedi’s leg. The discussion became a family wide matter, Dalinar and Zaerys uncertain, Kiith bitterly angry and demanding to be taken as well, Clertan fearful given the history of the Jedi, and Sairia not wishing to see her little brother leave.

In the end, Dalinar and Zaerys agreed to let Kilan go with the Jedi, believing the return of the Jedi would bring good back into a galaxy so broken from the rule of the Empire. While the family said their tearful farewells to the young and confused Kilan, Kiith stormed out, stories of the power and glory of the Jedi fueling his envy of his young brother.

Trials of a Jedi (5 ABY - 17 ABY)

"The future of the New Jedi Order begins with you two."
―Tyler Reynolds

Tyler Reynolds proved to be a tough and rough individual to be mentored by. His years of proper training as a Jedi, coupled with his years of survival following the Jedi Order’s fall, would prove invaluable knowledge to the growing Kilan. But it was in the arms of Kara, Kilan found solace as he became a capable Jedi in his own right. And it was her death that destroyed him.

Jedi Younglings (6 ABY - 9 ABY)

At the time Kilan left his family, he was unaware of just what was happening to him. Gone was the comfort of wealth, and the support of family. For weeks he would cry himself to sleep as Tyler moved from hovel to hovel in the rotting slums of Coruscant. Kara, who’s time with Tyler already had killed and hope she had of returning home, was the one who sympathized with Kilan.

Tyler was relentless in his passion to shape the duo into the ultimate Jedi. They would wake at dawn, meditate, study, train. Concepts of play, rest, childhood had been wiped from his memory. In his youth as a Jedi Knight, Tyler has laughed easy, and knew balance of work and joy. But there would be no joy as a hunted man.

The skills he learned from years of solitude he passed onto his two young students. Their joys would come in the form of games they made themselves, the few words of praise of a job well done, and satisfaction of mastery of a topic.

Topics included the expected force study, lightsaber and martial art styles, history of the Jedi, philosophy, alien cultures and languages. However Tyler was insistent on branching out to cover further topics, he believed would be necessary to survive. These lessons quickly branched out from conceptual to practical, where Kilan and Kara would be abandoned in the wilderness, or heart of a city.

The Tranquil World of Naboo

The First Trial (10 ABY)

Near the middle of 10 ABY, Kilan and Kara face what was the first of their long journey through the trials needed for Tyler to recognize them as Jedi Knights, and to be sent to continue to build his new Jedi Order.

Tyler took the pair to the grain fields of Naboo, not to learn of farming, but to look into the stories of a corrupt local authority in the peaceful fields near the equator. Prazna Tuk, a former Imperial loyalist, had sunk his teeth into the countryside, pushing the locals to near slave labor conditions.

With a three-year drought not showing any sign of letting up, grain levels were low, and Tuk’s taxation demanding more and more grain, the locals were having a hard time producing enough to sell to support their families.

What Tyler had not been expecting however, were the many police forces happily given credit bonuses by Prazna. They had been in the area for all of a day and a half when Tyler was arrested. Outsiders were mistrusted, especially this far in the remote countryside of the planet.

Luckily Kilan and Kara were overlooked simple due to their age. While Tyler attempted to escape from his holding cell, Kilan and Kara went to work. Dismissed by the adults of the area, they did what none of locals, or even Tyler could do, draw Prazna out into the open. Together they worked in tandem, distract guards, access safehouses. Between the two of them they wreaked havoc with childish and immature pranks and sabotage in only the way children could dream up. This culminated when they released a hot steaming pile of shaak droppings in the face of Tuk’s newest mistress as she arrived at Tuk’s residence.

Their childish and immature methods of sabotage didn’t take long to seep under the skin of Prazna, who after three days of non-stop hindrances to his men, decided to take direct action. He backed by his most loyal, and brutish, followers went to the town center. By this time, news of the continued pranks had spread all round the populace. A massive crowd had gather partly out of curiosity, partly because Tuk had stated anyone not in attendance would be hunted and flogged as co-conspirators.

The whole time Tuk and his men were distracted by the pranks, Tyler was able to escape his holding cell. As Tuk arrived in the town center to a group of angry and riled up civilians. For over 30 minutes Tyler had stood there convincing them to stand up for themselves. He had not anticipated to be so successful in convincing them however, and with Prazna’s appearance the crowd flew into a frenzy.

Prazna’s men turned and ran on the spot. Prazna himself was not so lucky, captured quickly by the mob. With the locals screaming for his head, and nearly getting, it was Kilan who stepped between the horribly wronged civilians and the corrupt Tuk. The simple action of placing himself between the people and the bringer of their pain pushed the crowd instantly into silence. Kilan may have despised Prazna’s actions, but he would protect him, because it was the right thing to do.

The Second Trial (12 ABY)

Kashyyyk - Home of the Wookiees

The second trial Kilan would face occurred early in the in the year of 12 ABY. Tyler had begun a more rigorous training schedule, and Kilan and Kara were delving deep into combat and tactics in addition to the rest of their studies. Nights were long, mornings came early, and the stress placed on the pair began to take its toll.

Ignoring the physical and mental wounds of his wards, and took them to the forest planet of Kashyyyk home of the mighty, but often enslaved Wookiees. Neither Kilan nor Kara spoke a word of Shyriiwook, but Tyler wished to teach them both about being strong honorable warriors, and how it is possible to learn even without the ability to communicate.

The first few days were rather enjoyable for the pre-teens. The Wookiees were exceptionally welcoming of Kilan and Kara, and tolerated Tyler, based purely on the sacrifices previous Jedi had made on their behalf. But even the care of the Wookiees did little to stymie the wear and tear the two were feeling.

A week after arriving on the planet, Kilan was traversing the forest floor with a Wookiee warrior, Nagkazza “Heroic Spirit”. The warrior had taken an immediate liking to the young boy, and had been showing him how to track. From shade of the tall trees they were attacked. Kilan, sensing moments before the bulking beast lunged forward, managed to shove the much larger Nagkazza out of the way. The beast’s mouth snapped shut in the space Nagkazza had been occupying just an instant before, already eyeing the much smaller prey that was Kilan, the monster turned abruptly, tail lashing out, striking the pair away from each other. Nagkazza slammed into a tree, head first, where he fell unconscious. Kilan landed in a bush, several ribs cracked. Before he could react the beast was upon him.

Kilan drifted in and out of consciousness as he was dragged along the forest floor. Sharp fangs gripped his right leg tightly, and sent a powerful toxin through his bloodstream. He came to again as he heard a screech, and felt the grip on his leg stop. Blurred shadows of the beast that had been dragging him, and something even larger danced before his eyes. He fell back unconscious. Chased off by the larger predator, Kilan was left alone and completely defenseless on the dark forest floor.

In his poisoned and injured state, he began to have visions. Whispers in his ears spoken by dark faces he felt were so familiar, Kara’s lifeless eyes frozen, in their reflection the silhouette of a laughing man, an exploding ball of fire that took the shape of a bird, a vacant throne. When aware of where he was, he was torn between wanting to silent, as not to attract other predators, and noisy so that he could be found. He was removed from awareness of time, each breath agonizing, each scream of pain sure to bring his final demise.

When Nagkazza and Kilan didn’t return to the Wookiee village at dusk, Tyler and the Wookiee’s knew something had happened. They found Nagkazza with relative ease, the warrior was finally coming to back to consciousness. While still disoriented the Wookiee insisted on remaining to find Kilan.

It was nearing dawn by the time they finally found him, leg bleeding and motionless. He stirred slightly and they noticed he had found a large stick in his delirium. Corpses of several small animals surrounded him.

It took 5 days for Kilan’s fever to break, visions and nightmares haunting him all the while. Even once the venom was flushed from his body, it took weeks for his other physical wounds to heal. Tyler lauded him as a hero, for acting on instinct and saving Nagkazza’s life.

The Great Starship making world of Corellia

The Third Trial (14 ABY)

It was on Corellia that Kilan began to comprehend just why Tyler was so distrusting. Not just from the extinction of the Jedi following the Clone Wars, but of life’s darker natures.

Tyler had been bringing Kilan and Kara to Corellia off and on since he had first took them under his wing. Both had high suspicion that the planet, was in fact Tyler’s homeworld. It was here Tyler had taken the injured Kilan following the events on Kashyyyk, and it was here they returned in 14 ABY. For six months they stayed on the planet. The bulk of the time was spent at the estate of their host, and up inside the guts of the ships that were being built on the planet.

Their hosts, the Bertoths, were a family dynasty of engineering masters. Steffen, the patriarch of the family had learned his skills from his father, and his father before him. Over the course of these six months, Steffen would impart some of this generational knowledge to Kilan. Steffan’s wife, Yllara, was an elegant and sophisticated woman who shared the finer points of high society with Kilan and Kara, knowledge Tyler never had, nor cared, to impart himself.

But most importantly, there was Calu, the Bertoths’ only son and heir. The 19-year old quickly fell into the role of “elder brother” for Kilan, which in part was due to his memories of his own brothers. Calu was quickly accepting of the young Kilan. For the first time in along time, Kilan was able to forget the strict rigor of his training. Calu taught Kilan how to pilot a ship, how to sneak out of the estate without being noticed, how to get a hold of alcohol, and the like.

Kilan in wishing to impress his cool older brother, began to show off some of his force abilities, much to the latter's amazement. Spurred on by the endless possibilities the force present, Calu pushed Kilan even further into his rebellious stage of life.

Six months in however, that all changed. Taking Kilan across continent under the the disguise of another wild adventure with the other upper class socialites they had embarked on a dozen times before. However, it was not the sandy beaches of the coast Calu took Kilan. It was to remnants of the Galactic Empire, hidden in plain sight, high in a skyscraper. Calu sold Kilan’s force abilities out for a hefty sum of credits. Kilan was a mixture of fear, rage, shock, and confused.

But the Imperials had no desire to give away their money. They blasted Calu right in the heart, killing him instantly. While Calu fell to the floor, Kilan knew he would face a similar fate, or worse at the hands of the Imperials. With nothing else to lose, he let himself be taken over by the forces promptings and ran.

As fast as he possibly could run, he threw his shoulder out in front of him, striking one of the top floor windows, which shatters. Amid a cascade of broken window glass he fell from the tower, only to land with a thud on the top of a passing by transport. Clutching for dear life, he whizzed away from the tower, and the danger within. The transport realizing there was someone on top of it, sped toward a landing pad, where Kilan was off and into the crowds of the planet before they could get a look at him.

He was able to get a hold of Tyler, who came and retrieved him at once. The trip back to the Bertoths’ estate was filled with a silence of three parts. There was the silent but firmly noted disappointment stemming from Tyler over Kilan letting his guard down. Then there was the silence of the conversation to come with the Bertoths’, whose only son had just been murdered. Finally there was the silence of Xen’s own outstand guilt over allowing this to happen.

Kilan was not present when Tyler broke the news of Calu’s death. He had been sent to quickly gather his things, and to instruct Kara to do the same. He heard Yllara’s scream from the other side of the estate. It was a very long time before he would say anything, let alone look Tyler in the eyes.

The Fourth Trial (16 ABY)

It was on Coruscant, Kilan’s homeworld, that would see Kilan’s first real exposure to the power and seductive properties of the Dark side of the Force.

After over a decade of relying on each other, it was impossible for Kilan and Kara to not develop a romantic connection. Tyler, through willful ignorance, chose to overlook the increasingly obvious interest the two had in each other. Deep down he knew trying to force them apart would only push them closer together, and in the process would lose him the decade of time he invested in training them.

It had been years since the trio had ventured back to the planet sized city. For all its shiny towers and high sophistication, Coruscant had its dark corners just as any other planet. In the crowded slummy streets far below the rising towers of the planet, Kara ended separated from Kilan and Tyler. It wasn’t uncommon for one of them to become wander off, but after several minutes of not being able to locate her, Kilan and Tyler grew worried. They knew the kind of men who lived in this part of the city all too well.

Kilan tried to remain calm, and focus his mind to find Kara, but as the minutes ticked by the harder that became. Just when he thought he couldn’t handle it any longer, they rounded a corner. The dark side-alley attracted no attention from those passing along the main street. Even among the smell of piss and shit and garbage, Kilan was able to pick up the fruity undertones of Kara’s shampoo.

And then he saw her.

She had been drugged, needle still stuck in her neck. Like a rag doll her limbs flopped about as the small gang of three men pawed and grabbed and ripped at her clothing. For the first time in his life Kilan experienced true anger. The rage crashed over him like a giant wave and before anyone noticed he had been standing there, he was already lunging forward toward the three men.

A blur of fast striking limbs he took down two of the men with quick and surgical precision. The center man, clearly the leader of the trio, managed to turn and put his arms up before Kilan could strike. Surrendering to the rage Kilan wasn’t even aware of how he was moving, primal instinct taking over. The third man didn’t last long. Even after he fell, Kilan punched again and again. Blood, flesh, teeth, spit flew as he landed blow after blow on the man’s face. Then he stopped. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Kara stir slightly. He lowered his fists and grabbed a small bacta pack from his pocket, spraying the salve on the man’s face.

Tyler came running up, and put a sympathetic hand on Kilan’s shoulder. He had seen the whole thing. Such an event was inevitable for a force sensitive. Sooner or later the Dark side always came knocking.

The Final Trial (16 ABY)

A Mighty Nexu

The final trail Kilan would undertake took place on Cholganna. High above the planet’s surface they made their approach in a rickety old ship. As they broke the atmosphere, the engine blew. The bits that survived the explosion fell away from the rest of the shuttle. With only seconds to act, the trio jumped into their respective escape pods and ejected.

Kilan awoke to a pod hanging by its emergency shoot in one of the many trees of the forest. It rocked slightly in the wind. He carefully opened the door to the pod, and was relieved to see he was only feet from the forest floor. He gathered what few supplies there were in the pod, and jumped gingerly out.

It was dusk, and the dangerous forest planet was home to all manner of vicious predators. None more-so than the Nexu. He had seen one swipe a man’s head off in the fighting pits of Skurrada IV when he was 12.

Alone, armed with his lightsaber, a glowrod, and his wits, he pulled the escape pod down to the ground, and used it as a shelter for the night. His attempts to use the pod’s communicator failed him, parts having been stripped out of it years ago. Kara’s and Tyler’s pods had launched in a similar direction as his own, so while he lay there thinking, he tried to sense them through the force. North-East was the most detail he could pick up. Dawn came slowly after an unrestful attempt at sleeping. Kilan had heard the distinct sound of claws scratching down the metal exterior of the pod.

Kilan examined the muddy footprints around the pod once he finally came out. There were at least three distinct sets of nexu foot prints. Out of options Kilan took off into the trees. Alert as he could be, every snapping twig and crunching leaf sent him on edge. Even with a lightsaber a pack of nexu could easily rip him apart.

Twice he saw the slinking shadows far in the trees. The third time he was alerted by a roar and the searing pain from a clawed foot ripping through his back. Lightsaber activated, he turned and struck down the beast, as he did so, another paw came and slashed his back, which he returned in kind. The third nexu, smelling the seared flesh of its packmates, turned and ran. Bleeding profusely, and barely able to stand, Kilan broke into a run, mind locked on the force signature of his master and his beloved Kara.

He stumbled from the trees into a clearing and right into the arms of Kara. Tyler had already found her, and they had been heading South-West to find him. Activating a functional emergency beacon, they set to stitching Kilan’s back while waiting for rescue.

Tyler himself, injured from his own crash landing, knew his days of travel were coming to an end. His years of rough and extreme lifestyle were catching up on him. Rather than hold back his proteges, once safely away and wounds healing, he declared Kilan and Kara to be at the end of their training. The next morning when they woke, he was gone.

Kilan’s Great Love - Kara

The Alleys of Nar Shaddaa (17 ABY)

Kilan and Kara knew they would have to eventually find students of their own. Tyler had stressed their importance in rebuilding what he saw as the correct and true Jedi Order. For months they had traveled from planet to planet, never lingering in any one place, helping where they could, but trying not to draw attention either. They existed in limbo without the guiding hand of Tyler to push them in the correct direction. The only consolation to this fact, was they no longer felt the guilt that accompanied their love for each other.

It was in this state of limbo, they found themselves on Nar Shaddaa. The smuggler’s moon had always been home to the wretched and vile, but it was also home to those who had no way out. Several rival Hutt Families had broken out into a turf war. Kilan and Kara arrived to help with the wounded, provide supplies and food, and help shelter the innocents as best they could. But the longer they stayed, the more attention they received. They decided for their own safety to leave the moon behind.

A dark and powerful storm was cutting through the smoggy haze of the moon as they attempted to make their way to the spaceport. The usually bustling outer walkway was nearly abandoned from the rain. They moved quickly, both feeling through the force that something was wrong. Believing it was just the storm, and the dour nature that was the smugglers’ moon, they shrugged it off. At a particularly strong burst of wind, Kilan felt something shove against his chest sending him flying down the long walkway with an unnatural power.

As Kilan got to his feet, a cloaked and hooded figure approached Kara. In a flash of lightning the figure activated a red lightsaber, and lashed out at Kara, driving the blade straight through her chest, vaporizing her heart. Kilan stumbled to his feet as the time slowed. Kara was falling, steam rising from the gaping hole in her chest.

The hooded figure jumped off the walkway as Kilan broke into a run. Out of the corner of his eye he saw an open top speeder fly away. He fell to his knees and slid the last few feet to Kara’s side. Kilan screamed until his throat went too raw to make any more noise, and then screamed some more. Cradling her head in his lap his mind fell into an abyss of pain and rage.

Vismorsus Rising (17 ABY - 19 ABY)

"I have been pushing you toward this moment your whole life."
―Mikal Yathik

Taking extreme measures for his shattered soul, Kilan would reject the Force and all he knew. Becoming Xen’Mordin Vismorsus he would come to learn the truth of his place in the universe and ultimately find his way to the Dark Brotherhood. But first he would have to endure new pains, and succumb to the seduction of the dark side of the Force.

The Phoenix (17 ABY)

Xen would adopt a stylized phoenix as his sigil, signifying the several rebirths he experienced in life.

Kilan wandered aimlessly for days. He would ensured Kara’s body was sent back to her family, unable or willing to accompany it to tell him in person. His mind and will broken by the death of the only person he ever truly could rely on. He was crippled by the weight of existence.

Kilan eventually found a seedy and grungy room to rent in one of the poorest areas of the moon. He didn’t leave it for several days. Taking his pain and sorrow to the most extreme he severed his connection to the force. He locked away all the years with Kara, the teachings of Tyler, everything that made him who he was.

The man who left that room was Kilan Khzon no more. Kilan had died on that walkway alongside Kara. Taking only his practical knowledge of things such as medicine and mechanics, a single image of Kara, and the clothing on his back he emerged Xen’Mordin Vismorsus.

It took several further days to find a way off the planet. Xen’Mordin managed to convince a desperate ship captain he was a skilled enough mechanic to handle an aging freighter, the Dauntless Traveler. The previous mechanic had struck it rich in a casino three days earlier, and the Hutt who ran it, saw the man never received his winnings. Such was the risk when dealing with the Hutts, they loved their credits. Xen left Nar Shaddaa behind, never wishing to be reminded of its existence.

The Mundane (17 ABY - 18 ABY)

The Dauntless Traveler was a smugglers’ ship first, scavenger freighter second, cargo transport third. It was an older ship, prone to mechanical issues, which kept Xen’Mordin on his feet most of the time. What he didn’t know in ship mechanics he would stay up late at night studying. Within weeks his efforts no longer kept the ship in a permanent risk of explosion, and within months, he was competent enough that the crew was glad to have found him.

Those first few weeks were the hardest. His false history kept playing in his mind, and he was initially distrustful of the rest of the crew of the ship. But day by day he grew into his new life, his new identity. His photo of Kara went untouched in the bottom of the pile that was his small set of belongings.

In efforts to prove himself to the crew, in addition to his work as a mechanic, he would help cook, clean, move cargo, take extra watch duties, etc. Anything he could do to keep busy, and keep his crewmates liking him, he would do, no job was too demeaning or dangerous for him to take on. While some of the crew initially thought this was suspicious initially, Xen’s constant taking of the mucky, disgusting, and dangerous jobs left all on the crew increasingly fond of him.

The Ancient Sith Temple

The Nexus (18 ABY)

After a year, Xen’Mordin had come accustomed to life without the Force. No one, not even Tyler Reynolds himself would have been able to point to Xen and say he was once the Jedi Kilan. More than just being Force free, he was an integral part of the crew of the Dauntless Traveler, having made massive improvements to the quality of life aboard the aging vessel, and recently made second mate.

The captain, a rather eccentric man, was found of dropping the ship into remote systems, some never known to have been explored. If there were abandoned or forgotten treasures to be found, then there was money to be made. The crew never minded though, it brought cash, and took them to exotic places. But it was the planet they arrived at shortly after Xen’s one-year anniversary on the ship that changed everything.

On uncharted planet, in a remote uncharted system, they found a Temple. Ancient and sprawling it had weather millennia in solitude, ancient rock stubbornly rejecting the growth of plants around it. Life had tried to reclaim it, and life had failed. The instant they came across it, the ship came abuzz with excitement. Ancient relics of a long dead civilization would fetch more credits than they could imagine. They knew not of its true creation. Xen’Mordin, however, was the only crew member who remain quiet, eyes locked on the images of the temple. It felt familiar, almost like it was calling him home.

The crew’s demeanor changed as they ventured by foot to find the main entrance of the temple. The air was cold, and each felt an unnatural chill up their spines. The chatter turned from excitement to apprehension to refusal. As more of the crew voiced their unease of the place, they ultimately decided to turn back. They had all heard the stories of evil corrupting a place, and there was no doubt in their minds, this place was evil. Xen, burning with an intense need to venture within, waved off the call to return to the ship and ventured forward alone.

The temple entrance was open, the interior edges of the door worn far less than the exterior stone, someone had been there before, more recently that when the temple had been abandoned. Xen’Mordin stepped slowly, cautiously but was undeterred.

He entered the main chamber, a massive open area with its ceiling stretching all the way to the tip of the pyramid it resided within. Rays of sunlight fell through the cracks and holes in the slowly decaying roof, illuminating a faded but intricately designed tile mosaic on the floor. Cast directly in one of the largest rays of light, on the far side of the room was an altar, something resting carefully upon it.

Xen’Mordin made his way forward, has he crossed the middle of the chamber, stepping right over the center of the carefully laid tile seal on the ground, the whole planet began to shake. Lightning from a cloudless sky sparked and arced all around the temple complex. In the chamber itself, Xen was struck again and again, powerful bolts of pure dark side energy surging through him. The temple rested above a natural Force nexus, one of incredible dark side energy.

That energy surged through every cell in Xen’s body, He experienced a pain he couldn’t even fathom. As the might of the force coursed through his body, his repressed memories and training came flooding back. For what felt like an eternity he writhed on the floor wishing for the release of death. Then as suddenly as it started, it ended. As he gasped for breath, Xen was able to comprehend the true nature of the temple, and that his connection with the Force had been restored completely.

Tied Up in Strings (18 ABY)

The now restored Lightsaber found in the Sith Temple

Xen’s mind was at war with itself. At one end was the friendly and innocent ship mechanic, the other a vortex of painful memories of a life he didn’t recognize anymore. Letting his mind battle it out, he moved based on instinct and the proddings of the Force. He approached the altar that was at the far end of the chamber. He was now able to recognize what it was. An ancient lightsaber, coated in dust, sitting unused and waiting for centuries. Xen’Mordin grabbed it and felt like he had just found something that had been missing his whole life, like it was made just for him.

As he stared at it, absorbing its ancient lines, and still visible stains of blood in the metal, a hooded figure stepped out of the shadows, clapping. Without turning back Xen’Mordin knew this was the same man who had killed Kara the previous year.

The figure pulled back his hood, revealing a vile and twisted face, etched with scars and burns and age. He introduced himself as Mikal Yathik. He explained he had been working all of Xen’s life for this moment, for Xen to truly fall to the dark side. He was the one who had supplied Prazna with connections on Naboo. He was the one who using powerful Beast Control had sent the predator of Kashyyyk after him. He who on Corellia had suggested to Calu to turn the dangerous force sensitive in for reward.

And before Xen’Mordin could attempt to attack Mikal in vengeance, another man stepped out of the shadows, a man whose face was that from a old memory. It had grown older, darker, crueler, but Xen could not deny it, it was his eldest brother Kiith, who in his rage at being rejected by Tyler Reynolds had found his own master, in Mikal Yathik. Staring coldly at Xen, and never uttering a word, Kiith activated his own lightsaber.

Xen’Mordin went with the only weapon he had at hand, the ancient lightsaber. It’s red and warped blade snapped to life. With no time to reflect on his training in lightsaber combat, he was forced to defend himself against an onslaught of attacks from his brother. Kiith’s style was hyper aggressive, simple, basic and unyielding in form. Body and mind working against him, Xen once again turn to the force to guide him.

And then it ended. Xen’Mordin landed a blow against his brothers left shoulder, cutting down diagonally. Before the blade could completely cleave Kiith in two, it’s power cell died as well. Kiith’s body landed with a thud, and Xen felt no remorse, no pain, no loss. All there was, was his rage. He turned his focus on Mikal, who was laughing. Congratulating Xen for embracing the power of the dark side, and embracing his destiny as a Sith, he turned to leave. Xen stared down at the dead lightsaber in his hand.

It itself was a weapon, elegant and cruel, the pommel featured long protrusions, sharp and lethal. There was no doubt it itself had been used to take lives, just as the blade of energy had. Xen’Mordin leapt, bounded by the Force, and his rage and drove it in Mikal’s back. He stabbed again and again, drenched in the man’s blood, as he relished in his revenge while Mikal breathed his last.

Antei Bound (18 ABY)

Once back aboard the Dauntless Traveler, Xen’Mordin cleaned himself up. To cover the blood on his person, he lied about being attacked by a wild beast in the temple. The crew, agreeing whatever might lie within the temple wasn’t worth the risk and left the planet.

Xen’Mordin spent most of the following days resting. His body was weak from its ordeal, and his mind still waged war on itself. He wrestled with the two fragments of his personality as best he could, but despite his best efforts, he could not get the pieces to fit together. The crew of the ship, luckily gave him space, still believing that a wild animal had nearly killed him in the temple. But there was only one thing he trusted, the Force. It was the only thing that could fix him, make him stronger. So it was deep in meditation he felt the call. Something was out there, and all he had to do was find it.

Xen’Mordin was eventually able to function as reasonable sentient being again, and put together a plan that would both help him find what was calling to him, and to further fuel his dark side powers. With free range of the ship, and in particular the engines, Xen was in the perfect position to disable the ship. They were in hyperspace when the engines were disabled. Xen made a good show of a panicked attempt diagnose the issues when the rest of the crew came running. Xen had used a old part he had previously replaced, and made it look extremely damaged, keeping the still working part hidden away. The ship was dead, deep in space, and far from any reasonable set of aid. Distress calls were made, but without a viable replacement, their hyperdrive was dead, and all they could do was wait for aid.

Stuck with nowhere to go, Xen’Mordin slowly isolated members of the crew, killing them. Some were merely sent out an airlock, others were bloodily carved apart. The fear started quickly, and as more of the crew were found murdered, that fear turned to terror, and eventually hysteria. Xen even faked his own death, so that he could move unhindered. The remaining crew turned on each other, each knowing only that they themself could not be the killer. Xen relished in the fear and terror that radiated within the ship. Eventually only one remained of the crew remained, the captain. Xen’Mordin took his time in dispatching him, enjoying the mind games he played on the man.

Finally alone on the ship, each of the crew carefully accounted for and removed, Xen repaired the hyperdrive. Enjoying the solitude, he took his time going through the crew's belongings and supplies before making his way to the bridge. There was a cryptic message awaiting him there, a single set of coordinates. When he arrived, he found himself in a remote system, where a second message was delivered, stating simply to land on a remote moon of one the system’s gas giants. The Dark Brotherhood was awaiting him.

Xen’Mordin at the time he joined the Brotherhood

Imperial Indoctrination (18 ABY - 19 ABY)

Xen’Mordin was taken through the Shroud to the moon, Lyspair of the Antei system to be tested at the Shadow Academy. Still rusty with his connection to the Force, and combat skills lacking, those first few weeks were brutal and punishing. What wasn’t in question however, was Xen’s full and complete faith in the power of the dark side, or of the teachings of the Sith. Adequately impressing the professors and trainers of the Academy, Xen was issued an assignment to one of the great clans of the Brotherhood.

Xen’Mordin was sent to the Cocytus system, home of Clan Scholae Palatinae, a small system near the borders of Hutt space. He joined the ranks of House Caliburnus, and was introduced to the ways of an Empire, and a ruling royal class. The clan believed to be founded based upon the powerful individuals who safeguarded Emperor Palapatine’s greatest artifacts, Xen quickly was exposed to heavy Imperial propaganda.

He was placed under the care of a Nautolan referred to as Warhunter. Warhunter pushed Xen’Mordin hard, solidifying the young man’s skills and powers. Within months he was back to the level he had been under the teachings of Tyler Reynolds.

At the forefront of every action however, was the reminder of the greatest success the Sith had even known. The might of the Galactic Empire under rule of Palpatine. While Sith were selfish and power hungry, that power was frequently attached to a hardcoded set of ideals to serve both one’s own desires, and the for the good of the Empire.

For Xen, the power hungry tactics and games fed the part of his mind that was twisted by the might of the force nexus. The higher calling and cause of the Empire, however, spoke to rational and personable part of his mind. While his split mentalities made it hard for any member of Scholae Palatinae to get close to him, it gave a twofold motivation to push beyond what he thought possible for himself.

The Manipulative (20 ABY - 28 ABY)

"They will never see us coming."
―Xen’Mordin to Impetus

Taking both to the ideals of the Sith, and the dream of the Galactic Empire born anew, Xen’Mordin quickly took to work integrating himself into Clan Scholae Palatinae. Taking fervent study of Emperor Palpatine's life Xen, with help of some trusted allies, played a long game to seat himself upon the throne. It would take years of preparation and work, but this was the singular goal that unified nearly a decade of his life.

A Leader (19 ABY)

File:Impetus Priestess.gif
Impetus M’Nar would become a close friend and ally

Xen’Mordin had only a few months of preparation when the inevitable happened. A feud broke out between Caliburnus and a rival house, Dorimad Sol, in the Clan. While Scholae Palatinae’s third house, Acclivis Draco withheld from the combat, the battle between the houses Caliburnus and Dorimad Sol was a bloody and violent affair. Xen emerged as a capable warrior and leader over the course of the conflict.

This internal conflict started a snowball effect for Xen’Mordin, who already taking to the Imperial ideals to heart, knew it was a weak and faulty structure to allow such conflict within the ranks. The Clan may have been made up of selfish and power hungry Dark Jedi and Sith, but when there were bigger fish to fry, focusing against each other felt like a waste of time.

It was following this internal feud that Xen’Mordin was offered an opportunity to lead directly by then Emperor Timbal. He was made Aedile of House Caliburnus. This is where he met Impetus M’Nar, a young Twi’lek, who had been named Quaestor of the House. They were soon joined by a Neti named Ood Bnar, who would serve as the House’s Rollmaster.

Both intelligent, young, and highly driven, Impetus and Xen’Mordin quickly orientated to the life of a leader in the clan and brought much needed stability to the wavering House. This even included a stunning victory over the consistently high skilled House Acclivis Draco during the events of Contention. However the stability and drive to lead the House only got them so far in truly becoming more powerful.

As the weeks turned into months, both leaders began to express frustrations from the shortcomings and weaknesses the clan was demonstrating in the system. Cocky and determined, the two began to formulate a plan. Taking inspiration from Emperor Palpatine’s brilliant manipulation of the Republic into giving him the power willingly, their plan took shape. Confident with their tactics in the matter, they began the long con of the entire Empire.

The hilt of the legendary Caliburnus

The Sword (20 ABY)

House Caliburnus was named in founding after a mythical and ancient lightsaber. The validity of the myth surrounding the lightsaber had been in question for years, but the members of the House had always approached life as skilled warriors, for theirs was the sword contrasted against the dragon of Acclivis Draco and the sun of Dorimad Sol. What the members of House Caliburnus didn’t realize is that no one had attempted to properly piece together the story of the blade in full. Such an artifact would be an incredible find for the Empire. And those more well versed in the lore of the saber knew, attempting to wield it would bare a terrible price.

It took around two months of researching, and actual study of what was known of about the saber for Xen’Mordin and Impetus to not only find it was real, but pinpoint its location deep in the jungles of Ptolomea. If it was found, it would surely be a sign of one’s right to command. They sought it not for themselves, but to allow another to claim it, and in the process further destabilize the entire System. It was time for the first phase of their plan.

News of the true existence of Caliburnus was leaked to the House, and all interested parties began to prepare, knowing if they could retrieve it, control of the House, and all of Ptolomea would be theirs. As planned, while starting the venture in the same small team Xen’Mordin would publically betray Impetus by going to help a vain and power hungry man, Thran Occasus, retrieve the blade.

Thran would come to trust Xen’Mordin largely from this singular act, believing falsely that he was a loyal and controllable tool. This betrayal also added further cover for their plan, as now no one would even remotely suspect the pair were working together the whole time. As Thran assumed mantle of Quaestor for House Caliburnus, Impetus and Xen’Mordin withdrew from leadership to focus on the next steps of their plan.

Vismorsus Industries (21 ABY - 26 ABY)

While the anonymity of no longer being a leader in the Clan allowed many opportunities for Xen’Mordin prove himself in combat and missions for the Clan and Brotherhood, his eye remained on the throne. While he patiently watched Thran shake House Caliburnus crazy, he turned his attention to establish himself as an exemplary citizen of the Cocytus system. That is, at least, when he wasn’t busy killing, torturing, and framing his way to a small horde of credits and business contacts or waging war on the Clan’s behalf against external threats. To the normal citizens of the Cocytus system, he was the very model of an upstanding citizen.

To further his reach in the system, and because liked the perks of having money, he founded his own company, Vismorsus Industries. Having proved himself to his Clanmates on multiple occasions, had no issue using its own influence in the system to back Xen’s new companies efforts. Seemingly overnight the company had its hands in nearly every trade imaginable, trade goods, food, manufacturing supplies, medical equipment. The Clan’s backing meant business was always coming to him, whether they wanted to or not.

While Xen had bigger plans for both his company and the Empire itself, his new found wealth allowed him to appear overly generous with the people of the system, spending money out of his own pocket for affordable housing, medical centers, feeding the poor, and expanding the systems education system. The company and the lengths Xen went to maintain and improve his public image would grow more every year.

Xen’s biggest threat in his goals with his company was not from any person or group, but himself. By the founding of his company he had fully committed himself to the teachings of the Sith, and study of the life of Emperor Palpatine. However he was still very much a broken man, both Xen’Mordin and Kilan, two sides that were always at war, throwing him from one mood to another. If he was to be able to continue fooling the general population of the system, he would need to make peace with himself.

Secret Agent Man (22 ABY)

Xen'Mordin as he typically appeared while on Clan business

While Xen’Mordin had his company to fill his time, life beyond the Cocytus system was just as important as life within. The Imperial Scholae Intelligence initiative had been founded by Impetus, and while many believed they despised each other, this powerful Intel agency proved to be invaluable to progressing their plans.

Impetus would redirect intelligence to suit their needs. In secret she was able to provide Xen’Mordin would information on his competitors, weak points of the Imperial industry, and most importantly capable contacts of ill repute. Xen would take business trips away from the system, both to expand capabilities of his company, and to deal with missions handed out by the Clan summit. These visits would nearly always result in a spare evening away meeting contacts and individuals who had the skills sets and lust for credits needed for what Xen required.

These contacts and mercenaries would come to be utilized multiple times by Xen over the coming years. But as much as he relished advancing his plans, there was another reason he enjoyed this missions away from the system. Away from the eyes of a public who would recognize him, he was free to move unrestricted. He appreciated the twisted irony that the system he was seeking to give a new life to, was also the prison for which one half of his mind raged against on a daily bases.

Xen finally returned to his homeworld of Coruscant

The Restoration (24 ABY)

Xen’Mordin was at the limit of his capabilities to function. The chasm that ran through his mind was too much to bear, so he spent his days locked away in his quarters cramming as work as he could in the few lucid moments he would experience in any given day. He barely slept, barely ate, and many in the clan began to suspect that his final days were arriving.

Fueled by his stubborn will to endure and powered by the Force, Xen’Mordin left the Cocytus system behind, and found his way back to his home planet of Coruscant. He was unsure why, it meant so little to him now, especially with how young he had been when he last was able to call it home. He found a cheap room in the slums and locked himself away, waiting for the Force to once again guide his actions.

It was during one of Xen’s rare outings for food in a moment of lucidity, he was recognized. His elder sister, Sairia, called to him by his old name, Kilan. He stared as blankly as he could back at her. She was not what he needed to heal, and he knew she would just bring him more pain. He had no way to begin to explain what had happened to him, what he had been through. He pushed his sister aside and vanished into the crowded walkway.

Following a lengthy visit at a nearby cantina, Xen’Mordin returned to the hovel of a room he was staying at. He came to a stop just outside the door. He could sense someone was waiting for him inside, someone he had not seen for many years. Tyler Reynolds had found his student at last.

In a useless plea Tyler begged Xen’Mordin to return to the light. Xen refused, and turned the blame back on Tyler for leaving Kara and himself in the first place, for inadequate training, for taking them in the first place, and a million other things Xen blamed the old Jedi for. The more he yelled, pushed, and shoved at Tyler the better he felt. Ever the pragmatist, Tyler realized there was no reasoning with Xen, and that to spare them both the pain of a fallen Jedi, he would have to kill his own student.

It was a cramped duel, brutal and relentless. Tyler showed his age and years of hard living, Xen’Mordin showed the weakness that his unstable mentality had reduced him to. In the end, Xen managed to slay his master and mentor. He collapsed to the floor from the effort and slept for three days.

Waking to the smell of rot setting in, Xen’Mordin composed himself and left. As he made his way to the spaceport he felt something he had not experienced since before the pain of the Force nexus that restored his Force connection. He felt whole. Finally accepting his grief, confronting his master, and stepping forward as his own man had healed his mind. Kilan was Xen’Mordin, and Xen’Mordin was Kilan, and nothing would prevent him from reaching his goals, not even himself.

The Cause and The Usurper (24 ABY)

Late in 24 ABY, following the retaking of Antei, home of the Brotherhood, one of the most critical moments needed to fully destabilize the system occurred. The newly appointed Emperor, Lucien the Fearless, had a shaky grip on his control of the system. Xen’Mordin knew the moment had come to utilize many of the contacts he had made over the past several years.

Xen’Mordin had maintained a long standing relationship with Thran Occasus, who was still just as power hungry as he had been when searching for Caliburnus. Thran was now serving as the Proconsul for the clan under the new Emperor. This relationship was founded largely on Thran’s belief that Xen was subservient and easily malleable. This was a marked difference from Thran’s attitude toward Impetus, who to help ease Thran’s mind of potential threats, faked her own death in the system. She and Xen meet one last time to ensure he would place an ad to hire capable scientists in several years time once he had finally taken the throne.

Xen spent weeks planting the seeds of rebelling to usurp the throne. Before long Thran was certain the idea was his all along. To back Thran’s attempt to take the Empire, Xen provided information of a useable terrorist organization known as The Cause, that would be capable of allowing Thran to take control.

Xen’Mordin enjoyed the jest that Thran was unaware of the reasoning for this terrorist group’s name. They were there for a cause, the only cause Xen cared about, seating himself on the throne.

Thran used The Cause to sow terror in the system, and in the process broke Lucien’s frail grip on the system, Usurping the Throne for himself. Self assured of his right to rule, The Cause disappeared without a trace the instant Thran was able to secure the throne. Titling himself Thran the Usurper,

Remarkably few had been killed in the smoke and mirrors used to disrupt the system. The panic they had generated in the system was real enough however, and the memories of their unified front would play a hand several years later when Xen himself used them to finally become Emperor. They were paid well for their efforts and disappeared back into the galaxy as if they never had been there.

Spoils of War (26 ABY)

Landmap of Salas V

Thran’s rule had been more disrupted than either Xen’Mordin or Impetus could have predicted. The Emperor’s party hard lifestyle as put a sour taste in many of the members’ mouths. Those who stuck around were left attempting to patch the work of disarray that had befallen the Cocytus system.

This reached a critical point when in the year 26 ABY, when Grand Master Muz Ashen declared all of the Brotherhood’s clans were to venture to Salas V in a Rite of Supremacy. With the opportunity to earn a new world in a new system to control, Thran ordered all of Scholae Palatinae’s force to the planet surface.

There many members of the clan fought bravely, but without focused central leadership to organize the war effort, their individual efforts gave way to little success. When the dust settled, and the violent Killiks of Salas V were destroyed, the Clan sat embarrassingly outclassed by the other units in the Brotherhood.

Witnessing this defeat first-hand brought even further dismay to the fracturing clan. Xen’Mordin was sad to see such a harrowing defeat, but at the same time knew his own performance and presence had been noted by all in the clan.

The seal of House Acclivis Draco

The Dragon (27 ABY)

The time had come for Xen’Mordin to position himself for the final stroke that would place him on the throne. To get there however, he would have to place himself back in unit leadership within the clan. He accepted the Aedile position of House Acclivis Draco alongside the newly appointed Quaestor Exodius, a Trandoshan who had long been a member of the Dragon House.

Exodius, while a good and loyal leader, only remained Quaestor for a few short months. Control of the House was immediately offered to Xen’Mordin, who graciously accepted the position of Quaestor. Acclivis Draco had long been recognized as the most capable of Scholae Palatinae’s three historic houses. Based on the harsh desert planet of Antenora, it was a widely different location than his estate back on the capitol planet of Judecca.

His own control of the house would prove to be just as brief as Exodius’s, resulting in him being the last Quaestor of the historic unit. While he sat as Quaestor, Angelo Dante, long standing righthand man of Thran’s rule resigned from his position of Proconsul. Xen’s own plans to take this position for himself were thwarted by Thran, who picked a member from Clan Plagueis, an old familiar face, Ood Bnar, who had once serviced as the Rollmaster in House Caliburnus years before.

Xen was greatly offended by this slight, a grudge he would hold against Thran for years. However, unknown to him at the time, this worked out for the best, as he was able to create a more efficient move to the throne when the time came.

Infection (27 ABY)

The Freezing World of Csilla

As part of his duties as the Quaestor of Acclivis Draco, Xen’Mordin would frequently leave Antenora to return to the capitol planet of Judecca. It was in 27 ABY during one of these trips to deal with clan matters that Xen arrived to a completely silent Imperial Palace. As Xen departed his ship and opened the hangar doors leading into the palace, a fine green mist poured from the now open doors. Xen jumped back and held his breath, certain it was a toxin, but it was too late, he had been infected by it.

Unsure of how to proceed, he entered the palace and found members of the Clan and staff laying on the floor. He checked the first couple of bodies he came across. They were alive but in a coma-like state. Xen’Mordin rushed to the state of the art medical center in the palace. With aid of the medical droids he was able to learn he had a natural resistance to the toxin, but that he too would ultimately succumb to it. An anti-toxin was viable, but required compounds only found in snow flowers from the world of Csilla, homeworld of the Chiss.

With the clock ticking until he too would succumb to the toxin, Xen’Mordin took the most direct route to the planet he could. Already feeling drowsy and lethargic as he arrived on Csilla, he forced himself from his ship to gather as many of the flowers as he could. He knew the instant he entered the system, the Chiss government would be tracking his ship, and he didn’t have the time to deal with the bureaucracy of an unauthorized visit to the planet’s surface. He left as quickly as he could.

As he broke through the atmosphere of the planet, he was flanked by fighter-ships of the Chiss military, demanding he stop and answer their questions. They opened fire, damaging Xen’s ship as he managed to make the jump to lightspeed. When Xen arrived back on Judecca, he was unable to land the damaged ship correctly, crashing and skidding to a halt within the hangar bay of the palace. He had to drag himself, and the flowers, off the ship. It was in the halls of the palace yards from the medical center that he finally succumbed to the toxin’s effects.

Xen awoke three days later in a bed in the medical bay. One of the medical droids was able to gather the flowers Xen had on his person when he finally collapsed outside and generate an anti-toxin. Everyone who had been affected had been restored, but the source of the toxin itself was never determined.

Logo of Scholae Palatinae

Grand Marshal of the Empire (27 ABY)

Thran Occasus had vanished, and Ood Bnar held tightly to the top control of the Clan and Empire. Then came word direct from the Iron Throne itself. The power and backing of Clan status was being removed from all Clans in the Brotherhood. This meant the immediate closing of all Houses and termination of the leadership positions. Scholae Palatinae was forced to reorganize.

This edict however also came with the direct replacement of Consul and Emperor, which was given directly to Ood by Muz Ashen. The Neti was faced with an impossible situation, a unit full of members outraged at the offense of losing their resources from Clan status, and a system full of people on the brink of revolt from the pain and suffering that came under Thran’s rule.

Ood as the new Emperor was named Ood the Hardwood, and had to name his second in command, and Grand Marshal for the system. Xen’Mordin and Ood had worked together years before in House Caliburnus, and Ood recognized Xen’s natural talent as a leader. More than that however, the Grand Marshal was head of the entire military for the clan and system. Xen’s efforts in the many Brotherhood wide battles over the last years made him a recognized and respected face to all of the military personnel.

Where Thran had been bold, brash, and brazen, Ood was quiet, quaint, and quiescent. Xen’Mordin came to realize Ood’s presence was more of a blessing than a hinderance of his master plan as the Neti’s leadership approach would allow Xen to seize control with the full backing and support of his clan, and the citizens of the Empire.

The Neutralization (28 ABY)

The Cause returned in a loud and stunning fashion. Hospitals, manufacturing plants, schools, town squares, military depositories, all targeted in a series of highly planned out attacks. If the damaged and death caused from these terrorist attacks hadn’t whipped the entire system into a frenzy, some might have noticed the ease and consistency with which the terrorists were able to strike. The over the top and threatening holovids that followed immediately after every attack kept the eyes of the public away from how it happened, and focused who did it.

But fear held strong, and rage from within the clan at an old enemy returning to mock them once more. The time had come for Xen’Mordin to play his winning hand. He was paying the members of The Cause quite handsomely for their efforts, not that any would live to spend the credits by the time it was done.

Ood was invisible, practically as if he wasn’t there at all. Xen’Mordin allowed this to be noticed by everyone in the system, letting the issue rise to a boiling point of a civil revolt before he himself led the charge of public appearances backed by the military personnel needed to route out these terrorists. The mighty arm of the Empire struck hard and fast. The clan members fueled by their anger at the terrorists ensured the victory was complete and absolute. Even as the terrorists being rounded up, and summarily executed, Xen was using his own resources to build up the damaged parts of the system. By the time the last of the terrorists had been rounded up, Xen was able to issue the order for the immediate imprisonment of Ood Bnar for failing his people and his clan in the terrorist attacks.

Xen’Mordin took the throne with an unprecedented backing and approval rate from the citizens of the Cocytus Empire. As he moved to the position of Quaestor for the House, his support there was near universal for his strong and swift hand at dealing with threats against the House’s well being. He took for himself the tyrant title of Xen’Mordin the Manipulative, and turned his sight on establishing the Empire as a lasting force in the galaxy.

The Emperor (28 ABY - Present)

"I dream of an Empire that eclipses even Palpatine’s."
―Xen’Mordin upon taking the throne

Xen’Mordin wasted no time settling into his role of Emperor and leader of Scholae Palatinae. His rule marked one of the longest and most consistent periods of a ruler both the in the Cocytus system, and for Scholae Palatinae. Organizing a massive modernization to the Empire, and a demonstrating a continued unwavering loyalty to the Empire and Clan, few wished to depose him of his rule. This was a near unimaginable feat for a society and culture built upon the betrayals and backstabbing.

The mask worn by Xen in all his Brotherhood duties
The mask worn by Xen in all his Brotherhood duties

Imperialization (28 ABY)

By the time Xen’Mordin took the throne of the Cocytus Empire, he had spent years researching both Palpatine’s life, and the rising of the Galactic Empire. Palpatine had been able to hide his identity as Darth Sidious, and so too, must Xen. To the public he was the attractive and charismatic leader they needed and believed in. To the Brotherhood however he was the cold and calculating Sith, face shielded by by a mask bearing the sigil of Scholae Palatinae.

This radical split between the public Emperor and the hidden Sith of the Brotherhood would dominate Xen’s lifestyle for years. But it was far from the most radical actions he would take. He ordered the immediate dissolvement of the high royal class that had plagued the Empire with unnecessary bureaucracy. Planetary rule was given instead to Planetary Governors. The Governors in turn reported to the System Moff, a position he gave for Scholae Palatinae’s [Rollmaster]] to handle. The Imperial Senate, a venue for the populace to be heard was cut and gutted in several stages spread out over several years. Nearly every aspect of the Empire was rebranded and made uniform.

Xen’Mordin also took actions in the private sectors as well. He nationalized multiple large corporations that provided crucial goods and services throughout the system. Multiple educational and research facilities were taken in as part of a new government wide push for education, but with reinforcing Imperial ideals and loyalty. The banking and finance systems came under strict review and control. The entirety of the media was immediately restructured and restricted to fit a pro-Imperial agenda, and to direct any attention away from events that would negatively impact the view the citizens had on the Empire.

Retaliation (29 ABY)

In what would be the first of many tense situations against rival Brotherhood unit Naga Sadow, occurred early in Xen’s reign. Long standing Palatinaean, and one of the keepers of the Legacy of Palpatine, Angelo Dante, was tasked to accompany the sitting FIST, Fremoc Pepoi, on a mission to the Alsakan system. They were tasked with hunting down the Jedi Michael Halcyon, who had on several occasions been a proud serving member and leader within Scholae Palatinae.

While Angelo and Fremoc succeeded in locating the rogue Jedi, he was aware of their presence. Following a quick duel, and thanks largely to incompetent actions of Fremoc, Angelo was killed, and Michael escaped. Angelo’s body was returned home to the Cocytus system, where Xen’Mordin gave his burial every honor and status within the Empire, befitting a fallen hero. Xen’s mind however was focused on retaliation. Fremoc was a long standing member of Naga Sadow, and despite his position on the Dark Council, Xen wanted revenge, a desire echoed by all in Scholae Palatinae who had served with Angelo.

Attacking a member of the Council outright would have gotten himself killed, as Grand Master Muz Ashen was insightfully protective of his Council members, and especially of those who hailed from Naga Sadow, his own home unit. Knowledge of this didn’t stop some, as an estranged Scholae Palatinae member, Cado H’darr, was killed trying to take revenge into his own hands.

It was following this a bomb was detonated in a hangar, sent clearly to kill Fremoc. However, Fremoc was spared from death, and was merely injured in the blast. His son, Thomas, however was killed. While it was impossible to directly link Xen’Mordin or anyone else in Scholae Palatinae for the attack, everyone knew the parties involved, and why it happened. Before any further escalation of the issue could arise, the Grand Master, Muz Ashen, called all of the Dark Council and unit leaders together to make it abundantly clear that any further acts of aggression would face immediate repercussions.

The Invasion of New Tython (29 ABY)

Tenth GJW

The Orian Incursion (30 ABY)

Feud with CNS and PLA

Horizons (30 ABY)

Horizons plague

The Crusade (30 ABY - 31 ABY)

Crusade shit

Looking Home Campaign (31 ABY - 32 ABY)

Looking Home Campaign

A Brotherhood Divided (32 ABY)

GJW Civil War Shit.

The Clanening (32 ABY)

Clan restored

Forgotten (33 ABY)

Forgotten Campaign

Nobody Expects the Inquisition! (33 ABY)

Formation of the Inquisitorius links to Evant as VOICE







Positions Held

Positions Held
Before Position After
Position Created Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae
32 ABY - Present
Ood Bnar Quaestor of House Scholae Palatinae
28 ABY - 32 ABY
Position Removed
Position Created Aedile of House Scholae Palatinae
27 ABY - 28 ABY
Exodius Quaestor of House Acclivis Draco
27 ABY
Position Removed
Exodius Aedile of House Acclivis Draco
26 ABY - 27 ABY
Draco Maligo
Warhunter Aedile of House Caliburnus
19 ABY
Thran Occasus