Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama: Difference between revisions

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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|order= Sith
|image= [[File:ErinyesV1-Headshot.jpg|250px]]
|firstname= Seraine
|name=Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama
|lastname= Ténama
|homeworld=[[starwars:Procopia|Procopia]], [[starwars:Tapani sector|Tapani Sector]]
|birth=[[24 BBY to 1 BBY| 23 BBY]]
|species=[[starwars:Zeltron|Zeltron]] (technically three-quarters Zeltron and one-quarter Human)
|saber= Single-bladed lightsaber with amethyst blade
|form= Form IV (Ataru), Form VII (Vapaad)
|mother=Lani Ténama
|position=[[Combat Master]]
|father=Baron Timuron Balis
|era=[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|affiliation=[[Dark Brotherhood]], [[Antei Combat Centre]]
|saber=Pair of amethyst single-bladed lightsabers
[[Dark Side Adept]] '''Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama''' is a long-standing member of the Brotherhood. She is the Combat Master of the [[Antei Combat Centre]] and was the Brotherhood's first [[Fiction Tribune]].
|era=New Order Era
|affiliation=[[Dark Brotherhood]], [[Taldryan|Clan Taldryan]]
|dossier= [[dossier:6393|6393]]

== Character History ==
'''Seraine “Erinyes” Taldrya Ténama''' was a long-standing member of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi. During her Brotherhood career, she served in a range of leadership positions, ranging from House-level responsibilities to seats on the Dark Summit. Most prominently, Erinyes was the Brotherhood’s first [[Fiction Tribune]], and later became the [[Combat Master|overseer]] of the [[Antei Combat Center]]. In 37 ABY, she was appointed [[Proconsul]] of [[Clan Taldryan]], and succeeded [[Rian Taldrya]] as [[Consul]] the following year.
=== Early Years ===
Seraine Ténama was born on [[starwars:Zeltros|Zeltros]] on the fourth day of the second holiday week, twenty-three years before the [[starwars:Battle of Yavin|Battle of Yavin]]. Her parents were responsible, upstanding people, at least by [[starwars:Zeltron|Zeltronian]] standards - her father was a shipping clerk for a large spice winery who kept his drunken revelry to a mild haze while at work, while her mother was a decorated pilot in the Zeltronian defense forces. The pair, while amicable, had never married. From an early age, Seraine was inducted into the Zeltronian traditions of luxury and hedonism.

=== Heritage===
In 42 ABY, Erinyes ascended to the [[Dark Council]] as [[Emissary]] of the the [[The Brotherhood|Brotherhood]].

However, Seraine was also brought into another tradition quite by accident. Unbeknown to the rest of the family, Seraine's father Asuri had been a [[starwars:Jedi Knight|Jedi Knight]] trained by the enigmatic [[starwars:Dark Woman|Dark Woman]]. Asuri had been one of her first [[starwars:Padawan|Padawans]], and one that had just barely completed the Dark Woman's rigorous testing before his [[starwars:Jedi Trials|Trials]]. Shortly after building his [[starwars:lightsaber|lightsaber]], however, the elder Ténama suffered a terrible twist of fate. En route to the [[starwars:Corporate Sector|Corporate Sector]], a near-catastrophic [[starwars:hyperspace|hyperspace]] malfunction disabled the [[starwars:Transport|transport]] he was traveling in, forcing him to crash-land on a planet in the [[starwars:Outer Rim|Outer Rim]]. There, he was rescued by a group of Force-users: the [[starwars:Jensaarai|Jensaarai]]. The “hidden followers of truth” saw Asuri's lightsaber, and upon finding he was a Jedi, gave him a choice: he could either repent his “evil Jedi ways” and join the Jensaarai or be put to death. He chose the former, and over the next twenty years became trained in [[starwars:Sith lore|Sith lore]]. Asuri eventually embraced the [[starwars:Potentium|Potentium]] philosophy, and was forced to flee [[starwars:Susevfi|Susevfi]] and the Jensaarai. He re-settled on his native Zeltros and hid himself away, eventually having a child with a starfighter pilot.

=== The Beginning ===
== Character History  ==

When she was only sixteen, Seraine enrolled in the Zeltronian pilot's academy, assisted by her mother's connections and the recruiter's desperation to meet his monthly quota. Seraine learned to fly the [[starwars:Z-95 Headhunter|Z-95 Headhunter]], and while she was generally an average pilot, her skill was bolstered by an indomitable spirit and uncannily quick reflexes. Seraine channeled her natural intensity into fierce competitiveness, and a friendly yet ruthless streak began to emerge in her. She earned the callsign "Erinyes", named after a group of mythological creatures that brought vengeful destruction to offenders against the natural order.
===  Early Years  ===

After a five-year tour of service in the Zeltronian defense forces, Seraine resigned her commission and briefly went to live with her father. The first night she stayed at his house, Seraine began having dreams of a planet she had never seen before, surrounded by people who she had never known but were friendly to her nonetheless. The next morning, Seraine mentioned the dreams to her father. It was then that she learned of her [[starwars:Force sensitivity|Force sensitivity]]. Seraine spent the next few months learning the Potentium philosophy from her father, as well as several rudimentary Force techniques. Eventually, Asuri told Seraine to seek out the Jensaarai.
Seraine's early life could easily be summarised as, "so close, and yet, so far." The [[starwars:Zeltron|Zeltron]] girl was the product of an illicit relationship between a Tapani nobleman, one Baron Timuron Balis, and his Zeltron pilot and mistress, Lani Ténama. The nobleman had enough of a sense of honour to make sure that his paramour and daughter were provided for—perhaps because, ironically and through very similar circumstances, Balis was half Zeltron himself—but the price of the stipend was that his indiscretion be kept secret, lest it irreparably damage his standing among noble society.  

=== The Jensaarai ===
As a result, Seraine spent her childhood knowing exactly who her father was and even living off his family fortune, but without ever feeling like she was part of his family. The feelings of isolation and rootlessness only intensified when, while Seraine was still a young girl, her mother took ill and passed away. After that, Seraine spent most of her childhood living with trusted retainers of her family on Procopia; she tried to move to Zeltros in her teenage years to live with her mother's relatives, but that plan fell apart when her cheap bastard of a father threatened to cut her funds off if she left Tapani space.

Seraine's sudden appearance on Susefvi was filled with suspicion and mistrust, but after learning of her identity the Jensaarai cautiously welcomed the Zeltron. Seraine began the same training that the Jensaarai had given her father, and over a period of years, became a [[starwars:Ring Defender|Ring Defender]]. Seraine fully accepted the teachings of duty and honor that came with the Jensaarai ways, and was as enthusastic as any other in her veneration of “Sith” ideals. Like all Jensaarai, she built herself a lightsaber and a set of alchemically reinforced Sith armor. The lightsaber's blade was silver, and the armor was styled after a [[starwars:Corellian sand panther|Corellian sand panther]].
The person who ended up being the largest influence on the young Zeltron was her great-aunt Estalle, a relative on her father's side. Estalle was the iron lady of the family, and took it upon herself to make sure Seraine was not just provided for, but taught how to use her brains and feminine charms—one of the few ways Seraine's obvious Zeltron heritage worked to her advantage in the Tapani Sector—to make up for what she lacked in money and pedigree.

Unfortunately, the ruthless streak that had developed in the Zeltronian defense forces and a life of impulsive decisions left its mark on Seraine's behaviour. Fifteen years later, the Jensaarai were convinced that Seraine was “unstable” and should be subjected to further “training” to smooth out her impulsive ways. Instead, Seraine stole a starfighter from the Ring Defenders and bartered for passage on a pirate ship out of the system.  
Then, there were the ''other'' lessons...

=== The Fall ===
===Start of Darkness===

For the next three years Seraine wandered the starlanes, using her Zeltronian charisma and a few [[starwars:The Force|Force]] tricks to accrue a meager living while cultivating the virtue of subtlety. She traveled from starport to starport in the [[starwars:Inner Rim|Inner Rim]] and [[starwars:Expansion Region|Expansion Regions]], hiring herself out as an escort and mercenary pilot. A blown job on Elrood caused Seraine to flee to the Aurora System. There, on Aurora Prime, she was greeted by a horribly clichéd man in black robes. The swathed figure questioned Seraine about the large duffel bag she was carrying, the one that contained her Jensaarai armor. After refusing to answer, Seraine left the cantina and tried to return to her hotel. She was ambushed in an alley a block away from the establishment, and after dispatching the two muggers with her lightsaber, the robed man appeared again and offered her entrance into the Shadow Academy.
Like many children who grew up in wealthy Tapani households, Seraine was educated by tutors instead of going to regular schools. Starting in her early teens, she also had a tutor that the other kids didn't: a man who called himself an "[[Society of Envoys|Envoy]] of the [[Grand Master]]". At first, the Zeltron didn't know (or particularly care) what he was talking about, but it wasn't long before the mysterious mentor brought Seraine face to face with her years of hurt and resentment over her mother's absence and her father's neglect. Seraine's first brushes with the Force quickly followed, and over the next few years, she worked with a series of Envoys to hone her skills with the Dark Side. By her seventeenth birthday, Seraine had modified one of the [[starwars:lightfoil|lightfoils]] the local duelists used into a proper lightsaber. When the Zeltron finished her schooling (Great-Aunt Estalle insisted she did, and not even the Envoys of the Grand Master—a man who would later become Seraine's patron—were prepared to argue with her), the Envoys bustled her off to a place that would become her new home: [[Antei]].

=== Brotherhood Years ===
=== Brotherhood Years ===
Little is known about Seraine's involvement in the [[Dark Brotherhood|Brotherhood]] prior to her departure from the [[Emperor's Hammer]] faction in 24 ABY (Sept 2005). It is said that she spent a great deal of time in Clan [[Tarentum]], and she herself has admitted to being a former member of the Order of the [[Sith]]. No further details have emerged.

After returning to the Brotherhood from its Emperor's Hammer schism group, Seraine joined Clan [[Taldryan]]. She first joined [[House Ektrosis]] as a member of the Phoenix Brigade, remaining as a member of Phoenix throughout the [[Taldryan]]-[[Arcona]] Feud in 25 ABY (2006) and the [[Sixth Great Jedi War]]. Soon after the War was over, Seraine transferred to [[House Dinaari]] to lead Dark Fire Brigade, and was eventually promoted to Quaestor. In 25 ABY (May 2006), Seraine was appointed Dark Brotherhood [[Fiction Tribune]], the first to hold the position.
After her formal induction into the Brotherhood, Seraine joined Clan [[Taldryan]] under the moniker "Erinyes". She first joined [[House Ektrosis]] as a member of the Phoenix Brigade, remaining as a member of Phoenix throughout the [[Seventh Great Jedi War|Third Brotherhood Civil War]]. Soon after the War was over, Erinyes transferred to [[House Dinaari]] to lead Dark Fire Brigade, and was eventually appointed as Quaestor. Though her period at the helm of Taldryan's former Obelisk House was relatively quiet, her reign included what has since become an unlikely milestone in Taldryan's history: the formation of the [[Old Folks' Home]]. Following that "success", in 19 ABY (May 2006) Erinyes was appointed as one of the Dark Brotherhood's first [[Tribune|Tribunes]].

Unfortunately, Seraine's career came to a crashing halt in 26 ABY. Due to circumstances she has yet to explain, she vanished from the Brotherhood radar, effectively abandoning her positions and becoming a Rogue. She was absent for the conflict with the [[starwars:Yuuzhan Vong|Yuuzhan Vong]], only returning to the Brotherhood in 29 ABY (June 2008). Since her return, she has resumed her position in the Antei Combat Centre as a Trainer, and has rejoined Phoenix Phyle within House Ektrosis.
Erinyes' service as a Tribune (primarily under [[Grand Master]] [[Jac Cotelin]], and briefly in the same position under under Grand Master [[Sarin]]) lasted for a total of two years through 19-21 ABY, a period which marked her accession to the ranks of the [[Elders]] upon her promotion to [[Dark Side Adept]]. However, by the end of her second year in the position, the vagaries of daily routine had started to take their toll on the Zeltron, a fact noted by both Jac and Sarin during their respective reigns. Upon consulting with the Dark Lords of the Sith, the Brotherhood's first Fiction Tribune resigned her position; shortly thereafter, she vanished entirely from the Iron Throne's sight.  

[[Image:erinyes.jpg|250px|''Erinyes in the current day (picture by Zasati)'']]
Erinyes was absent for the [[Eighth Great Jedi War|Alien Incursion]], only returning to the Brotherhood in 23 ABY (June 2008). She resumed her position in the Antei Combat Center as a Trainer and rejoined Phoenix Phyle within House Ektrosis, and went on to serve her Clan with distinction during the [[Ninth Great Jedi War]]. Following the brutal conflict with the forces of Ormancor Crask and the ascent of [[Muz Ashen]] to the Iron Throne, the Zeltron Adept once again found herself called to service for the Brotherhood. A vacuum had formed in the leadership of the [[Antei Combat Centre]], and the scion of the [[Keibatsu]] felt that Erinyes' experience would be valuable in her new role as the Brotherhood's [[Combat Master]].

The Taldryanite's reign over the gladiatorial institute, she felt, followed a similar trend to leadership experiences in the Brotherhood as a whole. While she was hardly the first to hold the position, her tenure marked a relatively steady period in the Centre's existence, consisting of both rises and lulls in activity. As in her previous experiences as Fiction Tribune, Erinyes presided over the Centre for approximately two years, beteen 25 and 27 ABY. Eventually, however, the Adept did take her leave of the position; following the conflict on [[Salas V]] dubbed the "[[Spoils of War]]", Erinyes found herself as wearied by the events as many other Dark Jedi were.

== DJB Facts ==
===  Extended Absence  ===
Here is a sampling of the projects Erinyes undertook as Fiction Tribune:

* Created standardized grading schemes for Brotherhood fiction and poetry events
In late 27 ABY, Erinyes once again resigned her post and disappeared from public Brotherhood duties. This time, her absence would last for nearly a decade.
* Continued administration of the Monthly Topics
* Contributed to the Alacrity project: developed the Self-Evaluations and Problem Members manuals

Seraine has also been involved in staff positions for various officers and groups in the DB. She is currently service as the Combat Master in the [[Antei Combat Centre]] (and was formerly a Judge and Trainer there) as well as a [[Magistrate]] to the [[Deputy Grand Master]]. When [[Aristan Dantes]] ascended the Iron Throne, Seraine maintained her position as his [[Magistrate]].
During that time, Erinyes worked to advance the Brotherhood's interests in the galactic shadows. Grand Master [[Muz Ashen]] assigned her to investigate [[starwars:First Order | an Imperial remnant]] that was building a power base in the Unknown Regions. Erinyes would spend several years harassing the First Order to keep them distracted from the Brotherhood's presence.  

== Trivia ==
When the [[starwars:First Order-Resistance War | First Order-Resistance War]] kicked off and the Brotherhood no longer risked gaining the First Order's notice, Erinyes joined Muz in hunting down the remnants of the [[One Sith]] left over from the Brotherhood's [[Dark Crusade]].
=== Full Circle ===
In 37 ABY, two events prompted Erinyes to reconsider her long-time absence from the Brotherhood. The first was an encounter with a bounty hunter named Grot while Erinyes was "vacationing" on Naboo, in which the Trandoshan both publicly identified her as a [[Sith]] and offered her a long-term engagement with Clan [[Arcona]]. The second was an urgent missive from then-Savant [[Cymbre Kall]], Quaestor of House Ektrosis, asking for Erinyes' help in rebuilding Taldryan after the events of the Thirteenth Great Jedi War. In a rare case of her concern for others overpowering her desire to avoid exerting effort, Erinyes agreed to return to her Clan and try to spark its resurgence, or at least salvage whatever remnants of it she could. Unusually to those who knew her best, Erinyes—despite her aversion to both commitment and hard work—had also recruited an apprentice: a young Togruta woman named Vicandria.
Late in 37 ABY, Erinyes was appointed Proconsul of Taldryan by then-Consul Rian Taldrya, and began the long process of revitalising the Clan. She was the driving force behind the creation of the [[Taldryan Auxiliary Divisions]], oversaw sweeping reorganisations of the [[Taldryan Army]] and [[Taldryan Navy]], and assisted Rian in organising Taldryan's response when the [[Collective]] attempted to take over the [[Caelus System]]'s government. In early 38 ABY, she took on a second apprentice: a fellow Tapani and would-be Imperial Navy pilot named Crysenia.
===Ascent to Power===
After half a year as his deputy, Erinyes succeeded Rian as Consul of Taldryan. In the earliest months of her reign, she set plans into motion to distance Taldryan from the Caelus Council, in response to the risk of a Collective takeover. However, her plans were interrupted by the attack on [[Arx]] that signalled the beginning of the [[Fourteenth Great Jedi War]].
Erinyes' tenure as Consul continued until 39 ABY, including [[Rite of Supremacy: Escalation|the conflict between the Severian Principate and the Tenixir Revenants]].
===A Lull===
Following her resignation from Consul of Taldryan in 39 ABY, Erinyes went into semi-retirement, but still engaged in off-grid projects for the Clan. She founded and oversaw the sprawling reserve of [[Mytilene]], where she made her home among two of Taldryan's commercial enterprises.
In 41 ABY, in expectation of a call to arms by the Council, Erinyes returned to the Taldryan Summit as Vice-Chancellor under [[Cassandra Oriana Tyris]]. She served in that position for several months, including the duration of the [[Sixteenth Great Jedi War]].
===New Heights===
In 42 ABY, [[Grand Master]] [[Dacien Victae]] selected Erinyes as the second holder of the re-established position of [[Emissary]], making her his personal representative and one of the ''de facto'' public faces of the Brotherhood throughout the wider Galaxy.
==  Physical Appearance  ==
(in progress)
Unusually for a Sith, there was no evidence that Erinyes ever displayed the yellow irises that typically resulted from Dark Side corruption. Occasionally, this conspicuous absence led other members of the Brotherhood to speculate that Erinyes was lax in her adherence to the teachings of the Sith, perhaps even more Grey Jedi than a follower of the Dark Side.
(see also [[Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama#Images|Images]], below)
==  Personality and Traits  ==
The Brotherhood had many members and affiliates who were skilled at employing subtle, even covert means to achieve their goals. Erinyes, however, was not one of them. Instead, the Zeltron was a force of nature. She was easily recognisable, loved to be the centre of attention, and never hesitated to take the most direct route to solving her problems.
Erinyes' darker, more destructive impulses were hidden under a mask of obfuscating stupidity and drunken indifference. She was every bit the hard-drinking, flirtatious party girl that her species was stereotyped to be, and possessed a well-known allergy to hard work. As a result, she was far less ambitious than most members of the Brotherhood. Despite that, Erinyes was still a Sith Elder, and had no qualms about manipulating others or throwing her power around when it benefitted her. The difference mainly laid in how much hassle she was willing to put up with as a result of doing so. Seducing the rich and powerful into paying for a decadent night on the town and disappearing by morning was one of her favourite pastimes, but she rarely bothered draining their credit chips or pocketing their jewellery on the way out, just so she wouldn't have to worry about someone trying to track her down.
Even getting on Erinyes' bad side rarely resulted in the same lethal consequences as crossing another Dark Jedi. If someone tried to cheat her, she would take every last credit they had and leave them to their own devices, counting on them to be too embarrassed at their own failure to round up help and try to take revenge. If some planetary security officer on a crusade For Great Justice tried to cuff her, she would rather give them a chance to realize they were in over their head than go to the trouble of finding a new bar to hang out in. Even when forced to fight, Erinyes preferred to leave bested opponents alive (as long as they weren't likely to be a future threat), believing that forcing them to live with their defeat would be more painful than death. The most reliable ways to draw Erinyes' full wrath were by humiliating her, or threatening something or someone she cared about, including her Clan in times of war. When her temper was stoked, she wouldn't hesitate to bring the full weight of her power to bear and annihilate anything that stood in her way.
(in progress)
==  Powers and Abilities  ==
{{Quote|There are only two ways to survive as a Sith: by being powerful, or by being useful to someone who is.|Erinyes}}
Befitting her disdain for subtle machinations, Erinyes applied her unrestrained passion to her pursuit of the Discipline of the Sith Marauder.
===Lightsaber Combat===
As with any Marauder, Erinyes' primary focus was lightsaber combat.
Throughout her career, Erinyes strongly favoured the Juyo variant of [[starwars:Form_VII|Form VII]] for its focus on aggressive, overwhelming attacks. In the rare instances that she couldn't break through an opponent's defences with raw speed, she augmented her bladework with  [[starwars:Tràkata|Tràkata]] techniques. One of her favourite tactics was the Tràkata technique known as "Passing the Blade", which she used liberally to bypass her opponents' defences.
===Dun Möch===
Erinyes also made extensive use of [[starwars:Dun_Möch|Dun Möch]], which she referred to as "weaponised kark-talking", to mentally unbalance her opponents. Despite primarily being known as a lightsaber technique, Erinyes also applied Dun Möch principles to social interactions, particularly in combination with fast-talk.
===Force Powers===
Although she specialised in lightsaber combat, Erinyes also made extensive use of Force powers to augment her skills. Amplifying her physical abilities was a large part of her combat strategy. Likewise, her aggressive style meant she relied on her ability to sense incoming attacks to avoid harm.
Erinyes also frequently used telekinetic powers. Unlike many Dark Jedi, Erinyes made little use of Force Lightning or Rage, due to the physical strain it placed on her.
(in progress)
==  Images  ==
File:ErinyesV1-Kaela.jpg|Erinyes by Kaela Croft|alt=Erinyes by Kaela Croft
File:Erinyes.jpg|Erinyes in her original custom robes (picture by [[User:Zasati Tryezsh|Zasati Tryezsh]])|alt=Erinyes by Zasati
==  DJB Facts  ==
Some of Erinyes' career highlights in the Brotherhood include:
* Served as Emissary of the Brotherhood
* Served as Dark Brotherhood Combat Master
* Served as the inaugural Dark Brotherhood Fiction Tribune
* Long-time member of Taldryan, including leadership roles at House level during Taldryan's existence as a Clan
* Quaestor of Dinaari during the formation of the [[Old Folks' Home]] (Note: While Erinyes technically ordered the creation of that team, she takes no responsibility for their activities in the years since. Any feedback, constructive or otherwise, can be directed to [[Shadow Taldrya]]. '''37 ABY Edit:''' For all the good that'll do.)
Erinyes has also been involved in staff positions for various officers and groups in the DB. She has previously served as the [[Combat Master]] of the [[Antei Combat Center]] (and was formerly a Judge and Trainer there) as well as a [[Magistrate]] to the [[Deputy Grand Master]]. When [[Sarin]] ascended the Iron Throne, Erinyes followed him to become Magistrate to the Grand Master. As of 38 ABY, she was [[Praetor]] to the [[Headmaster|Headmistress]],  [[Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae]]. In 41 ABY, she became Magistrate to the [[Seneschal]].
==  Trivia ==
* Zeltrons are a near-Human species hailing from the planet Zeltros. They have a reputation as a lazy, hedonistic species more interested in luxury and parties than the concerns of daily life. Zeltrons are also known for their accomplishments in the arts and their significant sexual appetites.
* Zeltrons are a near-Human species hailing from the planet Zeltros. They have a reputation as a lazy, hedonistic species more interested in luxury and parties than the concerns of daily life. Zeltrons are also known for their accomplishments in the arts and their significant sexual appetites.
* Zeltrons possess a number of traits specific to their species, including the ability to exude pheromones to influence the moods of others (in much the same manner as the Falleen), empathy and the ability to project their emotions on to others. The latter two abilities have been subsumed into Erinyes' Dark Side Force powers.

* Zeltrons possess a number of traits specific to their species, including the ability to exude pheromones to influence the moods of others (in much the same manner as the Falleen), empathy and the ability to project their emotions on to others. The latter two abilities have been subsumed into Erinyes' Dark Side Force powers.
== OOC Info ==

* Erinyes still keeps her Jensaarai sand panther armor in a locker in her quarters. The armor is extremely light and defends against virtually any attack, including lightsabers. She does not use this armor in the [[Antei Combat Centre]], however, due to the ban on cortosis equipment.
See [[Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama/OOC]] for more info.

== Resources ==
{{Succession box
|before=Kai Movar
|title=[[Emissary]] of the [[The Brotherhood|Brotherhood]]
|years=42 ABY
}}{{Succession box
|before=[[Rian Taldrya]]
|title=[[Consul]] of [[Clan Taldryan]]
|years=38 ABY to 39 ABY
|after=[[Appius Wight]]
}}{{Succession box
|before=[[Justinios Drake]]
|title=[[Proconsul]] of [[Clan Taldryan]]
|years=37 ABY to 38 ABY
|after=[[Zxyl Venzos]]
}}{{Succession box
|before=Koda Kendis
|title=[[Proconsul]] of [[Clan Taldryan]]
|years=41 ABY to 42 ABY
}}{{Succession box
|before=[[Halcyon Taldrya]]
|title=[[Combat Master]]
|years=25 ABY to 27 ABY
|after=[[Vivackus Kavon]]
{{Succession box
|title=[[Fiction Tribune]]
|years=19 ABY to 21 ABY
|after=[[Vail Aquillarum Unteminar]]
{{Succession box
|before=[[Kraval Taldrya]]
|title=[[Quaestor]] of [[House Dinaari]]
|years=19 ABY
|after=[[Hel-Pa Taldrya Sklib]]

* [[starwars:Zeltron|Zeltron]] on [[starwars:Wookieepedia|Wookieepedia]]
* [[starwars:Jensaarai|Jensaarai]] on [[starwars:Wookieepedia|Wookieepedia]]

[[Category: DJB Characters]]
[[Category:Taldryan members]]
[[Category: ACC Staff]]
[[Category:Council members]]

Latest revision as of 20:53, 8 February 2025

Imperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.
Seraine Ténama
Biographical Information

Procopia, Tapani Sector

Date of Birth:

0 BBY (age 43)

Physical Description

Zeltron (technically three-quarters Zeltron and one-quarter Human)











Personal Information

Lani Ténama


Baron Timuron Balis

Lightsaber Color(s):

Pair of amethyst single-bladed lightsabers

Lightsaber Form(s):


Chronology & Political Information

New Order Era


Dark Brotherhood, Clan Taldryan



[ Source ]

Seraine “Erinyes” Taldrya Ténama was a long-standing member of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi. During her Brotherhood career, she served in a range of leadership positions, ranging from House-level responsibilities to seats on the Dark Summit. Most prominently, Erinyes was the Brotherhood’s first Fiction Tribune, and later became the overseer of the Antei Combat Center. In 37 ABY, she was appointed Proconsul of Clan Taldryan, and succeeded Rian Taldrya as Consul the following year.

In 42 ABY, Erinyes ascended to the Dark Council as Emissary of the the Brotherhood.

Character History

Early Years

Seraine's early life could easily be summarised as, "so close, and yet, so far." The Zeltron girl was the product of an illicit relationship between a Tapani nobleman, one Baron Timuron Balis, and his Zeltron pilot and mistress, Lani Ténama. The nobleman had enough of a sense of honour to make sure that his paramour and daughter were provided for—perhaps because, ironically and through very similar circumstances, Balis was half Zeltron himself—but the price of the stipend was that his indiscretion be kept secret, lest it irreparably damage his standing among noble society.

As a result, Seraine spent her childhood knowing exactly who her father was and even living off his family fortune, but without ever feeling like she was part of his family. The feelings of isolation and rootlessness only intensified when, while Seraine was still a young girl, her mother took ill and passed away. After that, Seraine spent most of her childhood living with trusted retainers of her family on Procopia; she tried to move to Zeltros in her teenage years to live with her mother's relatives, but that plan fell apart when her cheap bastard of a father threatened to cut her funds off if she left Tapani space.

The person who ended up being the largest influence on the young Zeltron was her great-aunt Estalle, a relative on her father's side. Estalle was the iron lady of the family, and took it upon herself to make sure Seraine was not just provided for, but taught how to use her brains and feminine charms—one of the few ways Seraine's obvious Zeltron heritage worked to her advantage in the Tapani Sector—to make up for what she lacked in money and pedigree.

Then, there were the other lessons...

Start of Darkness

Like many children who grew up in wealthy Tapani households, Seraine was educated by tutors instead of going to regular schools. Starting in her early teens, she also had a tutor that the other kids didn't: a man who called himself an "Envoy of the Grand Master". At first, the Zeltron didn't know (or particularly care) what he was talking about, but it wasn't long before the mysterious mentor brought Seraine face to face with her years of hurt and resentment over her mother's absence and her father's neglect. Seraine's first brushes with the Force quickly followed, and over the next few years, she worked with a series of Envoys to hone her skills with the Dark Side. By her seventeenth birthday, Seraine had modified one of the lightfoils the local duelists used into a proper lightsaber. When the Zeltron finished her schooling (Great-Aunt Estalle insisted she did, and not even the Envoys of the Grand Master—a man who would later become Seraine's patron—were prepared to argue with her), the Envoys bustled her off to a place that would become her new home: Antei.

Brotherhood Years

After her formal induction into the Brotherhood, Seraine joined Clan Taldryan under the moniker "Erinyes". She first joined House Ektrosis as a member of the Phoenix Brigade, remaining as a member of Phoenix throughout the Third Brotherhood Civil War. Soon after the War was over, Erinyes transferred to House Dinaari to lead Dark Fire Brigade, and was eventually appointed as Quaestor. Though her period at the helm of Taldryan's former Obelisk House was relatively quiet, her reign included what has since become an unlikely milestone in Taldryan's history: the formation of the Old Folks' Home. Following that "success", in 19 ABY (May 2006) Erinyes was appointed as one of the Dark Brotherhood's first Tribunes.

Erinyes' service as a Tribune (primarily under Grand Master Jac Cotelin, and briefly in the same position under under Grand Master Sarin) lasted for a total of two years through 19-21 ABY, a period which marked her accession to the ranks of the Elders upon her promotion to Dark Side Adept. However, by the end of her second year in the position, the vagaries of daily routine had started to take their toll on the Zeltron, a fact noted by both Jac and Sarin during their respective reigns. Upon consulting with the Dark Lords of the Sith, the Brotherhood's first Fiction Tribune resigned her position; shortly thereafter, she vanished entirely from the Iron Throne's sight.

Erinyes was absent for the Alien Incursion, only returning to the Brotherhood in 23 ABY (June 2008). She resumed her position in the Antei Combat Center as a Trainer and rejoined Phoenix Phyle within House Ektrosis, and went on to serve her Clan with distinction during the Ninth Great Jedi War. Following the brutal conflict with the forces of Ormancor Crask and the ascent of Muz Ashen to the Iron Throne, the Zeltron Adept once again found herself called to service for the Brotherhood. A vacuum had formed in the leadership of the Antei Combat Centre, and the scion of the Keibatsu felt that Erinyes' experience would be valuable in her new role as the Brotherhood's Combat Master.

The Taldryanite's reign over the gladiatorial institute, she felt, followed a similar trend to leadership experiences in the Brotherhood as a whole. While she was hardly the first to hold the position, her tenure marked a relatively steady period in the Centre's existence, consisting of both rises and lulls in activity. As in her previous experiences as Fiction Tribune, Erinyes presided over the Centre for approximately two years, beteen 25 and 27 ABY. Eventually, however, the Adept did take her leave of the position; following the conflict on Salas V dubbed the "Spoils of War", Erinyes found herself as wearied by the events as many other Dark Jedi were.

Extended Absence

In late 27 ABY, Erinyes once again resigned her post and disappeared from public Brotherhood duties. This time, her absence would last for nearly a decade.

During that time, Erinyes worked to advance the Brotherhood's interests in the galactic shadows. Grand Master Muz Ashen assigned her to investigate an Imperial remnant that was building a power base in the Unknown Regions. Erinyes would spend several years harassing the First Order to keep them distracted from the Brotherhood's presence.

When the First Order-Resistance War kicked off and the Brotherhood no longer risked gaining the First Order's notice, Erinyes joined Muz in hunting down the remnants of the One Sith left over from the Brotherhood's Dark Crusade.

Full Circle

In 37 ABY, two events prompted Erinyes to reconsider her long-time absence from the Brotherhood. The first was an encounter with a bounty hunter named Grot while Erinyes was "vacationing" on Naboo, in which the Trandoshan both publicly identified her as a Sith and offered her a long-term engagement with Clan Arcona. The second was an urgent missive from then-Savant Cymbre Kall, Quaestor of House Ektrosis, asking for Erinyes' help in rebuilding Taldryan after the events of the Thirteenth Great Jedi War. In a rare case of her concern for others overpowering her desire to avoid exerting effort, Erinyes agreed to return to her Clan and try to spark its resurgence, or at least salvage whatever remnants of it she could. Unusually to those who knew her best, Erinyes—despite her aversion to both commitment and hard work—had also recruited an apprentice: a young Togruta woman named Vicandria.

Late in 37 ABY, Erinyes was appointed Proconsul of Taldryan by then-Consul Rian Taldrya, and began the long process of revitalising the Clan. She was the driving force behind the creation of the Taldryan Auxiliary Divisions, oversaw sweeping reorganisations of the Taldryan Army and Taldryan Navy, and assisted Rian in organising Taldryan's response when the Collective attempted to take over the Caelus System's government. In early 38 ABY, she took on a second apprentice: a fellow Tapani and would-be Imperial Navy pilot named Crysenia.

Ascent to Power

After half a year as his deputy, Erinyes succeeded Rian as Consul of Taldryan. In the earliest months of her reign, she set plans into motion to distance Taldryan from the Caelus Council, in response to the risk of a Collective takeover. However, her plans were interrupted by the attack on Arx that signalled the beginning of the Fourteenth Great Jedi War.

Erinyes' tenure as Consul continued until 39 ABY, including the conflict between the Severian Principate and the Tenixir Revenants.

A Lull

Following her resignation from Consul of Taldryan in 39 ABY, Erinyes went into semi-retirement, but still engaged in off-grid projects for the Clan. She founded and oversaw the sprawling reserve of Mytilene, where she made her home among two of Taldryan's commercial enterprises.

In 41 ABY, in expectation of a call to arms by the Council, Erinyes returned to the Taldryan Summit as Vice-Chancellor under Cassandra Oriana Tyris. She served in that position for several months, including the duration of the Sixteenth Great Jedi War.

New Heights

In 42 ABY, Grand Master Dacien Victae selected Erinyes as the second holder of the re-established position of Emissary, making her his personal representative and one of the de facto public faces of the Brotherhood throughout the wider Galaxy.

Physical Appearance

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Unusually for a Sith, there was no evidence that Erinyes ever displayed the yellow irises that typically resulted from Dark Side corruption. Occasionally, this conspicuous absence led other members of the Brotherhood to speculate that Erinyes was lax in her adherence to the teachings of the Sith, perhaps even more Grey Jedi than a follower of the Dark Side.

(see also Images, below)

Personality and Traits

The Brotherhood had many members and affiliates who were skilled at employing subtle, even covert means to achieve their goals. Erinyes, however, was not one of them. Instead, the Zeltron was a force of nature. She was easily recognisable, loved to be the centre of attention, and never hesitated to take the most direct route to solving her problems.

Erinyes' darker, more destructive impulses were hidden under a mask of obfuscating stupidity and drunken indifference. She was every bit the hard-drinking, flirtatious party girl that her species was stereotyped to be, and possessed a well-known allergy to hard work. As a result, she was far less ambitious than most members of the Brotherhood. Despite that, Erinyes was still a Sith Elder, and had no qualms about manipulating others or throwing her power around when it benefitted her. The difference mainly laid in how much hassle she was willing to put up with as a result of doing so. Seducing the rich and powerful into paying for a decadent night on the town and disappearing by morning was one of her favourite pastimes, but she rarely bothered draining their credit chips or pocketing their jewellery on the way out, just so she wouldn't have to worry about someone trying to track her down.

Even getting on Erinyes' bad side rarely resulted in the same lethal consequences as crossing another Dark Jedi. If someone tried to cheat her, she would take every last credit they had and leave them to their own devices, counting on them to be too embarrassed at their own failure to round up help and try to take revenge. If some planetary security officer on a crusade For Great Justice tried to cuff her, she would rather give them a chance to realize they were in over their head than go to the trouble of finding a new bar to hang out in. Even when forced to fight, Erinyes preferred to leave bested opponents alive (as long as they weren't likely to be a future threat), believing that forcing them to live with their defeat would be more painful than death. The most reliable ways to draw Erinyes' full wrath were by humiliating her, or threatening something or someone she cared about, including her Clan in times of war. When her temper was stoked, she wouldn't hesitate to bring the full weight of her power to bear and annihilate anything that stood in her way.

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Powers and Abilities

"There are only two ways to survive as a Sith: by being powerful, or by being useful to someone who is."

Befitting her disdain for subtle machinations, Erinyes applied her unrestrained passion to her pursuit of the Discipline of the Sith Marauder.

Lightsaber Combat

As with any Marauder, Erinyes' primary focus was lightsaber combat.

Throughout her career, Erinyes strongly favoured the Juyo variant of Form VII for its focus on aggressive, overwhelming attacks. In the rare instances that she couldn't break through an opponent's defences with raw speed, she augmented her bladework with Tràkata techniques. One of her favourite tactics was the Tràkata technique known as "Passing the Blade", which she used liberally to bypass her opponents' defences.

Dun Möch

Erinyes also made extensive use of Dun Möch, which she referred to as "weaponised kark-talking", to mentally unbalance her opponents. Despite primarily being known as a lightsaber technique, Erinyes also applied Dun Möch principles to social interactions, particularly in combination with fast-talk.

Force Powers

Although she specialised in lightsaber combat, Erinyes also made extensive use of Force powers to augment her skills. Amplifying her physical abilities was a large part of her combat strategy. Likewise, her aggressive style meant she relied on her ability to sense incoming attacks to avoid harm.

Erinyes also frequently used telekinetic powers. Unlike many Dark Jedi, Erinyes made little use of Force Lightning or Rage, due to the physical strain it placed on her.

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DJB Facts

Some of Erinyes' career highlights in the Brotherhood include:

  • Served as Emissary of the Brotherhood
  • Served as Dark Brotherhood Combat Master
  • Served as the inaugural Dark Brotherhood Fiction Tribune
  • Long-time member of Taldryan, including leadership roles at House level during Taldryan's existence as a Clan
  • Quaestor of Dinaari during the formation of the Old Folks' Home (Note: While Erinyes technically ordered the creation of that team, she takes no responsibility for their activities in the years since. Any feedback, constructive or otherwise, can be directed to Shadow Taldrya. 37 ABY Edit: For all the good that'll do.)

Erinyes has also been involved in staff positions for various officers and groups in the DB. She has previously served as the Combat Master of the Antei Combat Center (and was formerly a Judge and Trainer there) as well as a Magistrate to the Deputy Grand Master. When Sarin ascended the Iron Throne, Erinyes followed him to become Magistrate to the Grand Master. As of 38 ABY, she was Praetor to the Headmistress, Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae. In 41 ABY, she became Magistrate to the Seneschal.


  • Zeltrons are a near-Human species hailing from the planet Zeltros. They have a reputation as a lazy, hedonistic species more interested in luxury and parties than the concerns of daily life. Zeltrons are also known for their accomplishments in the arts and their significant sexual appetites.
  • Zeltrons possess a number of traits specific to their species, including the ability to exude pheromones to influence the moods of others (in much the same manner as the Falleen), empathy and the ability to project their emotions on to others. The latter two abilities have been subsumed into Erinyes' Dark Side Force powers.

OOC Info

See Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama/OOC for more info.

Positions Held
Before Position After
Kai Movar Emissary of the Brotherhood
42 ABY
Rian Taldrya Consul of Clan Taldryan
38 ABY to 39 ABY
Appius Wight
Justinios Drake Proconsul of Clan Taldryan
37 ABY to 38 ABY
Zxyl Venzos
Koda Kendis Proconsul of Clan Taldryan
41 ABY to 42 ABY
Halcyon Taldrya Combat Master
25 ABY to 27 ABY
Vivackus Kavon
Inaugural Fiction Tribune
19 ABY to 21 ABY
Vail Aquillarum Unteminar
Kraval Taldrya Quaestor of House Dinaari
19 ABY
Hel-Pa Taldrya Sklib