- "Sometimes something has to fall, before it can be rebuilt."
- ―Impetus, during the Sixth Great Jedi War
Krath Epis Impetus M'Nar was a long term member of Clan Scholae Palatinae, now known as the Lost Daughter of Palpatine. Renowned for her beauty as much as her skill in martial combat, feared as a crafty assassin and lightning-fast duellist alike, the mother of the special forces, and known elsewhere for her celebrity status and open relationship with Eludajae M'Nar, she served many different roles across the brotherhood until her apparent death in the Brightlands of Ryloth.
Impetus has returned to the brotherhood seeking to avoid the cutthroat politics and power games of the Dark Jedi and advance more traditional scholarly pursuits. Through an intricate layered illusion she has disguised herself as a togruta scientist, going by the name Dr. Elincia Rei and establishing herself as a legitimate expert in bioweapons. While not all believe Impetus is truly dead, none suspect the true identity of Dr. Rei. She currently leads a bioweapons research group and has also been called into the field as a scientific advisor to the Dark Jedi. After a series of successful assassinations, many regard her as a researcher of death, is the lead scientist of Scholae Palatinae, and the most dangerous non-force user in the clan.
Character History
Early Years
The people of Siordan’a
- " The Daughter of the Jedi King, must not be trained in sacred Force. She’ll learn the path to evil things, and kill without remorse."
- ― A Siordan’a Prophecy
The people of the city of Siordan'a were a strange race. The twi’lek civilization in the twilight zone of Ryloth was built into the side of a mountain, Mount Chir'Lekki, and was mostly isolated from the rest of the galaxy. The only means of transport to and from Siordan’a was a small, recently constructed spaceport.
The city was almost exclusively comprised of yellow skinned twi’leks, who worshipped their goddess, Kikalekki. A prominent belief of the Siordan’a people was that the lekku of a twi’lek housed the living spirit, and upon death, the spirit was shattered and housed in the lekku of their loved ones, to provide guidance from beyond death.
Unlike most twi’lek cities, Siordan’a was run not by the Clan Council by a Royal Family, said to be blessed by the protection of Kikalekki. The leader was always male, and the only one entitled to bear a gemstone, named Kikalekki’s Sapphire, the main treasure of Siordan’a, and said to have been created by the deity herself. To attempt to bring harm on the King was the ultimate act of blasphemy.
By the year 5 ABY, the king, Nextru’la, had no heir. It was common knowledge that after his death, the Throne would be passed on to the head of his council, Zentu’la, a Light Jedi who’s wife had recently given birth to a girl named Tonal’la
Tonla'la, at 11 years old, by Juda
Attack on Siordan’a (12 ABY)
- " Even at this age, Tonal’la’s intelligence and fitness are astonishing"
- ― Tonal’la’s tutor, Alieksha’la
As Tonal’la grew, her character began to develop. Back then, as a seven year old girl, whose talents ranged from mathematics to gymnastics, she was the embodiment of innocence. The very kind of person who would least expect the events that were to unfold in her life, and in that very day.
Tonal’la in close enough proximity to be in earshot of a Fosh asking the king for directions. As she glanced over to them, all she saw was a casual conversation. Nextru’la never was one for formalities. Then, in a flash of movement, Tonal’la saw the fosh’s blade protruding through the King’s neck. Blood splattered to the floor and he died instantly.
Tonal’la’s girlish scream brought the attention of the Assassin. Knowing the worth of a young twi’lek girl, he rushed towards her. What he didn’t know, however, was that the girl’s father was rushing to her aid, and arrived in the nick of time to save his daughter from slavery.
The Fosh had created a huge cut on Tonal’la’s lek before his escape, and she spent the next 2 weeks in a Bacta Tank. When she emerged, the Coronation Ceremonies had already taken place, and her Father had been crowned as the new king.
Tonal’la wanted him to teach her the Force, so she could save herself in the future, but fearing the prophecy might foresee Tonal’la’s fall, Zentu’la refused. He was also incredibly protective of her, and forbade her from ever leaving The Fire Temple, a building that doubled as a Royal Palace.
A Surprise Attack(19 ABY)
- " This will not be over quickly. You will not enjoy this"
- ― Savdo Nelik, before showing Tonal’la what her new life involved
Tonal’la quickly got bored with this lifestyle. By the age of 14 she had spent her last 7 years inside the same building, and her lust to use the Force grew. She began to hate her father, and thought she was missing out on having a proper life.
In the end, she decided to take action. While no guards were looking, she escaped the Fire Temple and began to explore the city. After a short time, she encountered a man with only one lek. Believing the superstitions, she ran back to the temple, fearing terrible luck.
Her loud, frantic footsteps caused her to be attacked mid-way by a Human slaver, she was shot in the heart with a tranquilizing blaster. When she awoke, she was in a ship landing in a Tatooine Spaceport, in the capital city of Bestine. She was handcuffed, and a lead was tied around her wrist.
She was scared, truly scared, for the first time since the assassination of Nextru’la. She was led, handcuffed, to a building called ‘The Oasis Cantina’. The sign ‘Free Twi’lek Dancers’ on the wall gave Tonal’la a horrible first impression.
She was led into an office, where another Human sat behind a desk, the rich, yet evil cantina owner, Savdo Nelik. In the ensuing discussion, Tonal’la was shocked to work out she was being offered in a game of Pazaak to try to eliminate the debts of the one who captured her.
She found it reasonably amusing when her captor lost the match, but upon realizing what had just happened, she was far from laughing. Savdo Nelik was grinning widely as he was given Tonal’la’s lead like he was buying a dog.
The Birth of Impetus(20 ABY)
- " Fall to the Dark Side? Look at where you are, and is it still a fall?"
- ― Scept’ine
File:Impetus-.jpgImpetus, at 17 in the Ryloth Academy
Tonal’la. Two years of relentless torture, for her it was utter hell. She blamed the only person she could, her father, in her eyes the root and source of all her problems. It took two years wallowing in her own despair and hatred as little more than a toy to entertain well-paying cantina patrons.
She had almost given up any hope of ever escaping her prison until she received a visit from another twi'lek, this one blue skinned, who was seemingly uninterested in her sexually, introducing himself as Scept'ine, an exile living in an abandoned Sith Academy near the Ryloth Brightlands
Guided by the Force, he had traced her lineage back to the Jedi King, and requested she join the academy and learn the Dark Side of the Force. She jumped at the opportunity, and Scept’ine gave her his outer robes, lightly armoured with bracers, to cover herself up.
She learned that Scept’ine had a few other students training under his guidance, and Impetus joined them as a Sith apprentice. Her training was flawed under the tutelage of an unqualified, inexperienced instructor, but she became more dangerous than she ever dreamed. She also changed her name to Impetus, meaning passion, the first term of the Sith code in an ancient language. Abandoning her old name, she vowed to put the past behind her.
A Twi’lek Never Forgets(21 ABY)
- " This will not be over quickly. You will not enjoy this"
- ― Ironically said by Impetus, before slowly killing Savdo Nelik
Before she could truly forget about her past however, a sense of unfinished business on Tatooine needed to be sated. She travelled back to Bestine, claiming she was on the lookout for new students. This was only half of the truth. She had trained under Scept’ine for 3 weeks, and was now armed with a Katana, Scept’ine’s armoured robes, bloodlust, and the Force. She had picked up the latter extremely quickly.
She returned to The Oasis Cantina, and engaged in combat with Savdo Nelik. What she didn’t expect was two guards to emerge unexpectedly and flank her, she was outnumbered three to one. Cursing her luck, she put up a final stand, certain she was going back into slavery.
But then, a furious wookiee growl marked the arrival of her saviour, it took only one slash from his giant sword to decapitate one of the guards. In the confusion, Impetus slid her katana through the ribs of another and disarmed Savdo Nelik, before killing him slowly, and painfully, unleashing her blade on the more painful parts of the male anatomy before plunging the katana through his throat.
After that, she sensed something from The Wookiee, more than sheer power and martial prowess. She thought it was the Force but wasn’t sure. While conversation was difficult, she convinced him to return with her to the Sith Academy. He accepted, and told her his name was Laurus.
The True Dark Side of the Force(21 – 23 ABY)
- " Those two have to survive… too much potential… to be lost here."
- ― Scept’ine’s last words.
Impetus struck up a strong friendship and combat partnership with Laurus, dominating tag team sparring competitions in the academy and earning the preference of Scept’ine as the pair learned to communicate with each other. Impetus herself had developed her own elegant fighting style that looked more like a dance than a martial art. She earned her third kill on a fellow student whose sexual approaches were not met with approval.
The next significant event in the academy took place after Impetus had lived there for over two years, and was past 18 years old. Having spent over 2 years on the timeless world of Ryloth, her true date of birth was lost to her.
Scept’ine was the first to see the four Dark Jedi marching towards the academy. He sent a message through the Force the others, calling for all hands to defend the academy against against four lightsaber wielding opponents. From the academy’s side, Scept’ine was the only fighter with a lightsaber.
Quickly and mercilessly, everyone except Scept’ine, Laurus and Impetus were slaughtered, and only one of the attackers was killed. In a last stand, Scept’ine and Laurus managed to kill another of the attackers, but Scept’ine couldn’t prevent a saber attack to his heart. In his dying breath, Scept’ine bargained for the life of his two best students.
Laurus and Impetus, whose relationship had grown exponentially since Tatooine, waited to share the same fate as the others. However, the attackers had had been impressed with the speed of Impetus, the power of Laurus, and the teamwork skills of the pair, and so they were given a choice. Replace the ones they killed, or die. Naturally, they chose life, and returned with the two dark Jedi, named Kschamehellan and Mune, the their clan of Dark Jedi, Clan Scholae Palatinae.
Impetus was recurited into Scholae Palatinae. She has since made a vow never to leave. She left twice.
The Dark Brotherhood Years
Impetus quickly realized that her training on Ryloth was of a far lower standard than the training on Judecca, with her new master, Kschamehellan. She advanced through the ranks slower than she expected, realising how flawed her training was under Scept’ine. She developed a reputation for incredible physical agility, above average skill with the force, but extremely weak physical strength. In the higher standards of the Scholae Palatinae academy, duelists were skillful enough to work around her raw speed, and she was defeated in sparring more often than she expected.
She began to realise how powerful the ways of the Krath were, and began to look at other means to achieve her goals, the arts of manipulation and seduction. While she made numerous mistakes so early in her brotherhood career, and developed a well deserved reputation for promiscuity, her progress in the manipulation of others was startling, and she began training as an assassin. Alongside Laurus, her closest ally, Impetus was enjoying her training, and in months that seemed like days, advanced to the rank of Guardian.
An Unexpected Opportunity
- " I was pretty confident in you actually. HAD was slowly going downhill and we needed new blood like you."
- ― RevengeX, looking back on Impetus' first leadership experience.
With this came an unprecedented move from the Quaestor, Mune, to make her the Aedile of Acclivis Draco, with no prior experience of leadership.
Impetus prospered in her new role as an Aedile, greatly enjoying her first ever taste of leadership. In her new high profile role, her skills increased at a remarkable rate, learning from Mune and Kschamehellan in equal quantities. However, her stay in Acclivis Draco, as a request from the Consul Timbal brought her the prospect of a higher calling, and a huge step forward, her eagerness to prove herself winning the battle against her loyalty to Acclivis Draco.
A Foreign World
- " Wild, passionate, and much flair. Good to have her leading, doubly so for me."
- ― Impetus’ physical appearance may have played a role in Timbal’s choice.
The task set before her was to leave Acclivis Draco behind and take command of Caliburnus, a house ravaged after a feud with Dorimad Sol. She left Acclivis Draco to lead the weaker house, inspired by the mission of evening things out.
The daunting magnitude of the task before her was set aside by a surprisingly warm welcome from the dominantly Sith house. Her welcome was supported by striking up a friendship and productive working relationship with her new Aedile, Xen, and Horus Blackheart, who Impetus would regard as a vile creature but a valuable advisor.
It was around this time when Impetus was given her first student, an Iridonian Guardian by the name of Cethgus. She found him the opposite of herself, where he was strong and resilient, she was fast in mind and body, where he relied on brute force, she would show off her grace and dance. Surprisingly, their partnership was a success. Cethgus was also the one to first produce Impetus’ trademark weapon, a heat powered segmented whip called the Lightwhip. Impetus preferred it to her lightsaber, and made frequent use of it.
File:Impetus Priestess.gifImpetus, shortly after her promotion to Krath Priestess, as Quaestor of Caliburnus.
Accelerated Inheritance
- "You can't stop me now! Nothing, in this world, can stop me! Not until you're dead!"
- ― Impetus gets violent
Impetus spent much of a tedious Seventh Great Jedi War on Ptolomea, planning the battles rather that actually participating in them. For her part in this, she was elevated to Priestess at the end of the war. She had found something that stretched her abilities to the limit, and where she was needed. But something was still missing. She had sworn vengeance that her father would pay the price for not teaching her the Force, and not saving her from slavery, but she had never done anything about it.
Her plan was simple. She would borrow a random civilian ship, return to the Siordan'a Fire Temple, and provide adequate proof of her royal status for a private meeting with her Father. Then she would engage and kill him, claiming the city and his possessions for herself, before returning to Ptolomea.
The first parts of the plan went well. She reached Siordan'a, showed a royal medallion as proof of her bloodline, and was told to see her father in the throne room. The sight she was faced with in the room surprised her somewhat. Rather than seeing him alone, the king was flanked by 10 guards.
After a heated argument with him about her slavery, the Dark Side, and her hatred for him, only one solution was possible. Zentu'la told his guards not to interfere before he activated his lightsaber. Impetus did the same. The second their blades locked it was clear they were almost even in strength. The duel lasted for about half an hour, neither side willing to back down.
After lightning quick show of bladework and the Force, the fateful blow was struck as Impetus' saber severed one lek of her father, a slow, painful, evident death for a twi'lek. She stammered back, shocked by what she had done, before hearing her father's last words, words that would change her life completely.
Before he died, the light Jedi confessed the mistakes he made in life. He accepted that Impetus should have learnt the Force at an earlier age, accepted that the Dark Side was more powerful, and told Impetus he was proud of her choices, and said he will always be with her, even beyond his Death. He then told his guards to praise their new monarch. 'Impetus, the Shadow Queen.' Despite Impetus' best efforts to save her father's life, he died in her arms through the confession that she loved him.
File:Echo.jpgThe Echo was traditionally passed down through the Siordan'a royal family.
The First Battle of Siordan'a
- " For the first time I'm glad, to have you as my father."
- ― Impetus' last words to Zentu’la
In the whole of Siordan'a history, not one The King's word was law, and so Impetus was by law the new Queen. But by tradition a female monarch wasn't allowed. This caused a conflict between Impetus' Royalists (the majority), and the slightly outnumbered Traditionalists.
A fight broke out across the Fire Temple, and almost half the Royal Guard, and a few citizens who joined the fray were cut down by Impetus and those who stood by her (including a black and white twi'lek) in the war what would be known as either the First Battle of Siordan'a. In the midst of the battle, Impetus' mother, disconsolate at her husband's death, took her own life.
After the battle, the Siordan'a Council waited a week for things to calm down before naming Impetus as the new monarch. This decision upset a lot of the population, and caused many to leave, as it was against religion to have a female leader.
Upon coronation, Impetus received her father’s most precious possession, Kikalekki's Sapphire, the gem believed to have been created by the goddess Kikalekki, as proof of her royal status.
Knowing that she could not stay on Ryloth for much longer, she placed the council in direct control of the City and travelled back to Ptolomea, with a Royal Guard of 4 Force Users following her. The incident had led her to question the Dark Side, her swiftness to resort to violence faded as she learned the consequences of rash actions. She started to rely more on the Krath arts of manipulation, and learned to resolve situations often with no conflict at all.
- " One life can make a mark upon this world, one life can move the wheel of history."
- ― Impetus
Tensions began to grow between Acclivis Draco and Caliburnus. Impetus, who hadn’t forgotten her time in Acclivis Draco, was powerless to stop the ensuing war against rival Quaestor RevengeX.
Caliburnus were commonly believed to be the weaker house, but in their first clash since before Impetus took command, the houses seemed evenly matched. An attempt on Impetus’ life was made, but it was foiled by her lightsaber. The whip forged by Cethgus, the Lightwhip, was destroyed in a duel with RevengeX.
Against Impetus’ will, the tensions erupted into a full scale war on Judecca. The eventual battle was prevented by an attack on Judecca by a mutual enemy, but it was clear to Acclivis Draco that Caliburnus were no longer an inferior force, and must be treated as an equal. Impetus had done what she set out to do in Caliburnus, and rejoined her first house, Acclivis Draco, where she was also re-united with Laurus.
File:5951-saber.jpgDragonFang, Impetus' Lightsaber, forged by Raven
While it took virtually no time at all for Impetus to forgive RevengeX for what happened in the war, RevengeX was slightly hesitant with her at first after their conflict, although her skills led her to be the first inducted into the Quaestor’s personal guard, The Order of the Dragon, shortly after which she was joined by Laurus. She was also given a new whip to replace the lightwhip, forged by the best smith in Acclivis Draco, as ordered by RevengeX, as a mark of her loyalty to the Dragon house, and somewhat as an apology for breaking her old one. It was appropriately named ‘The Dragon’s Tail’, and would remain Impetus’ weapon of choice for over a decade.
Fledgling Romance
- " The Dragon’s Tail isn’t the right whip for this. I’ve got more though."
- ― Impetus to Ararin Korin
Around two months before Second Darkness, a curiously picked team of 5 Dark Jedi, including Impetus and Laurus, found themselves on an unknown world, seeking passage back to Judecca. Up to this point Impetus had maintained the lifestyle that resulted in her reputation as a zeltron in twi'lek form, but this was about to change.
The group of 5 was joined by an excellent twi’lek Human hybrid marksman, by the name of Ararin Korin. He bore the better features of both races, and Impetus found him incredibly attractive. Near the climax of their mission on the unknown world, Impetus was thrown backwards, and landed straddled on Ararin’s waist.
After making a comment about The Dragon’s Tail, the two started talking. They kissed as the rest of the group chased off an enemy. After they finished their task, Impetus took Ararin back to Antenora, where he joined the Order of the Dragon as a sniper, and the two began their long term relationship.
Calming Influence
- "She certainly seems a lot more peaceful after meeting him."
- ―Impetus’ trainer
Life alongside Ararin had made Impetus a completely different person. She started to change quickly, given a completely different perception of life. By the time of Second Darkness, Impetus had become a far happier person, and constantly exceptionally serene, often bearing more traits of a light Jedi than Dark. Even during combat in the Rite of Supremacy, Impetus constantly seemed to wear a soothing smile, all thanks to her relationship with Ararin. But with some plans Impetus had the two would get closer still.
In the weeks preceding the Eighth Great Jedi War, preparations began on Siordan’a as they prepared for the week-long return of Impetus and Ararin. While there, there seemed no better time or place for the two to marry. The ceremony passed much the same way their relationship did, and had the newly married pair not had to return for the RoS award Ceremony, they would have happily stayed in Siordan’a for a long time.
Impetus’ facial features also physically changed with her attitude to the world.
Broken Bliss
Their peaceful time on Siordan’a was a clear contrast to what the couple faced upon their return to Scholae Palatinae. What started as a friendly award ceremony broke into full scale war as the Yuuzhan Vong chose that exact moment to strike at the core of the brotherhood in what was to become the Eighth Great Jedi War.
Scholae Palatinae retreated on board the Excidium, closely followed by the alien forces, the ship was boarded and ambushed from inside and out. The Korins never left each other’s side for the entire ordeal, supporting each other throughout, and spilled their fair share of alien blood between them.
Both survived without a scratch, after a week of fighting off alien invaders together Impetus and Ararin’s tandem combat seemed unstoppable, their marriage had strengthened even further the mutual love and faith in each other than made them such an effective pair, and they were often joined by the ubiquitous black and white twi'lek when times got hard, but he never stayed around long enough for Impetus to ask any questions. For their exploits in the war, Impetus was awarded a Sapphire Blade, which she gave to Ararin, after realizing she had lost her prowess with swords after years of using just whip and lightsaber.
A Never Ending Cycle
- "This injury is nothing. The pain comes from what is gone, and will likely never return."
- ― Impetus
Responsibility seemed to be a recurring feature in Impetus’ life. From Aedile, to Quaestor, and Tetrach, with barely a break in between them. But as new enthusiastic additions Yeldarb Vohokou and Tra'an Reith began to take some of her work away as leader of the Order of the Dragon, a new task was proposed to her by the Clan Summit.
She was offered a new position in the Clan. As Priestess of Lore she would be in charge of the nobility of Scholae Palatinae and preservation of culture. However, as the majority of the planet was in Yuuzhan Vong control, she would have to wait until after the planned counter-attack to really get into her new role.
The mission itself, however, went far less than smoothly. The task of Impetus and the Order of the Dragon was to reclaim and drive the Yuuzhan Vong out of the Rakatan Temple on Antenora. Ararin was told to stay away, as there was no room for a marksman in the temple, and his bladework wasn’t good enough to combat a Yuuzhan Vong.
Upon entering, Impetus decided to split the group into three, choosing to break off with only Laurus for support. Just as they escaped the sight of the others, the pair found themselves in combat with two Yuuzhan Vong warriors.
A few minutes after the fight split into two duels, Laurus scored a hit with his sword on his opponent. As Impetus’ foe heard his comrade’s roar of pain, he whipped around, sending the twi’lek flying off the ground with a vicious forearm smash to the neck. Before she even touched the floor again, her head collided with the wall, her lekku miraculously escaped damage, but her neck crunched up horribly.
The damage was sufficient to relinquish her grip on reality, as she faded into unconsciousness, the Wookiee thought she had been killed, and went into a completely feral rage, holding back the two Yuuzhan Vong warriors himself. Eventually though, they proved too much for him, he was incapacitated, and carried out of the temple to wherever the Yuuzhan Vong wanted to take him. Impetus awoke three days later in a hospital bed, surrounded by the rest of the Order and her husband. She had suffered severe whiplash, a broken collarbone, and a concussion, along with the loss of memory of everything that had happened that night. The general mission was successful, however, and Scholae Palatinae reclaimed it’s old system, but not without some heavy losses.
Clearly, given the fact that she could barely walk, and had poor short term memory, she was in no fit state to pick up the mantle of Ward of the South, so the Clan Summit appointed a temporary in the from of one of Impetus’ old allies, Xathia dan Locut'Hal. Shocking medical staff, Impetus made a half-recovery and was capable of walking within a week. She agreed to serve as Priestess of Lore alongside Xathia.
However, Impetus was changed after losing Laurus. The loss of her best friend had turned her back towards the dark path, leading her on more of a grey route. She would try to avoid unnecessary violence if possible, but began to draw upon the dark side much more for manipulation and subterfuge.
Path of the Palpatine
File:Cremation.jpgCremation was given to Impetus by Xathia, and was made by Locutov
When Impetus was sent an unknown message, merely a grid location and a time, she had no idea what was planned for her later that day. Wearing her armoured robe, armed with her lightsaber and The Dragon's Tail, she departed for the unknown location, her husband as always beside her.
Unfazed by the lightning storm, the Korins found their destination in the form of a tunnel built into the monolith. Upon entering, a cloaked and unknown figure sent Ararin flying back outside, the tunnel closed after him. Give no choice, Impetus followed the cloaked man, and became surrounded by 9 cloaked, and unknown figures.
Their message confused her: You have been summoned her today to be held accountable for your acts within the Royal Clan, Scholae Palatinae. She had always been the honorable, honest, loyal, serene, even innocent one, what could she have done?
Before given any time to think on this however, she was dragged into the air by Force Energy, spontaneous pain and electricity coursed through her, and her precious armoured robes were burned to cinders. Nothing she did helped to fight the pain, and it was only when she tried to embrace it, that it immediately subsided.
Impetus, now naked, dropped to the ground, as several of the dark figures also staggered. It was as the nine drew back their hoods, revealing an assembly of the Palpatines, that Impetus realized what 'her acts within the Royal Clan' truly were. She left that place Impetus Korin Palpatine.
Shortly after followed the Clan’s Winter Games, which greatly helped to expand her knowledge and influence across all three houses, most significantly establishing a strong friendship with Caliburnus’ Eludajae M'Nar.
Imperial Scholae Intelligence
With her name thrust into further spotlight after receiving the clan title, Impetus' exploits as an assassin became legendary. With that in mind, her first major task as the only Daughter of Palpatine was to form and lead Imperial Scholae Intelligence, a military division devoted to special forces. Impetus was the commander and the best agent of Scholae Palatinae, the one most likely to be able to enter a hostile, sensitive situation, accomplish complex tasks and escape without trace.
She was assisted the highly competent strategist Colonel Soren appointed as her deputy, a young human who would become a steadfast ally of Impetus. Imperial Scholae Intelligence remains to this day a foundation of the Clan Scholae Palatinae military. Officially credited as its founder, and legendary agent, Impetus would become informally known as the 'mother of our special forces' among Scholae Palatinae folklore.
Change of Scenery
- "She's a Twi'lek, and a Krath."
"So, what do you want me to do?"
"So, I don't trust her, but she may turn out useful, keep an eye on her, but don't make it obvious."
- ― Rasilvenaira to Aedile Yzarc about Impetus
Strangely, it was while this honor was bestowed upon her she re-considered her position within Scholae Palatinae. She had been in Acclivis Draco for over two years now, and began to become tired of the same sights, the same halls, the same accommodation.
As the houses had recently come together for the winter games, the strife between them was at a minimum. In a discussion with Quaestor RevengeX, she put across the request that she wouldn’t be seen as a traitor, and that she wanted to leave for her and the clan’s benefit, to which he agreed. He also allowed her to keep her title of Order of the Dragon, Second Class.
Ever since the war between the houses, Rasilvenaira, now Quaestor of Caliburnus, had never trusted her, and disliked her for reasons Impetus never quite understood. Having liked Rasilvenaira as a person, and respected her leadership prowess, she would return to Caliburnus to try to eliminate the barrier that seemed to have formed between them, and made the transfer without any complications or difficulty.
A Deathly Call
- "This man controls considerable evil. If trying to take him down will take my life, then so be it. It’s a sacrifice I’ll willingly make."
- ―Impetus to Ararin
In the first month, Impetus began to settle nicely in Caliburnus. Her intimate friendship with Eludajae M'Nar had rapidly progressed to something much more than friendship, and she had become as valuable to Impetus as her husband. However an upcoming tragic turn of events would threaten to destroy her life forever.
As she relaxed with Ararin, she received an urgent call from her uncle Ahnek'la, on Siordan'a. The city had been attacked and she had to be there as soon as possible. Ahnek'la was killed during the call. While there, the sight tore her heart to pieces. The whole city had been burned to the ground, and male twi'lek corpses littered the rubble.
The leader of the attack, with five comrades behind him, presented himself to her and explained what was happening. 1000 slavers attacked Siordan'a. All the males had been killed, the females kidnapped, and would be made to watch a screen showing the live torture and killing of their royal family, before they were sold into slavery. There were less than 50 citizens that escaped death or capture, who Impetus would consider spineless cowards for leaving their families to die.
Impetus went into a frenzy, and alongside her husband she cut down the five slavers as the leader escaped and fled towards the Fire Temple. After a brief discussion with her husband, she made it clear that she would stop at nothing until the leader had paid penance for what he did to her city.
An ambush was waiting for the Korins as they pursued the leader into the Fire Temple. Overwhelmed by about twenty, Impetus' lightsaber and Ararin's Sapphire blade were futile against the size of the assault. They were subdued, disarmed, and separated, treated as common captives.
A Fateful Flight
- "If you fall, you'll die! Don't worry... I can fly!"
- ―Impetus
Impetus was stripped and they were both taken to the rocky peak of the mammoth Mount Chir'Lekki by the leader and five slavers. Ararin was restrained, and Impetus was captured on camera as she was forced at knife point right to the edge of a sheer drop, the height of which would kill her ten times over. Outnumbered With no weapon to speak of, blasters pointed at her, and a dagger at her throat, she was completely helpless.
She was tormented and tortured, in gradually increasing levels of cruelty. The leader would carry on increasing in severity until she asked for her own death.
Tiallaquana, a female White Rukh
She was forced into an unwanted deep kiss when her father's words echoed in her head: This planet will never betray you. The Dragon's Tail was lashed across her chest. She was then sexually teased in the progressively worse torture. A silky soft voice sounded in her head: Have Faith. If she stayed on the mountain, she would die. The only hope she had was that the planet of Ryloth would protect her. Calm as ever, she rocked backwards, and tipped off the mountainside.
Her fall was broken midway by a great bird, a White Rukh, which carried Impetus back up to the peak to save her husband. Just as the leader taunted what he believed to be the last of the Korins, the Rukh rose above the peak, and Impetus killed him with her lightsaber and Telekinesis. Tragically, and beyond her control, in the ensuing argument between Impetus and the remaining slavers, Ararin was thrown off the side of the mountainside. With Impetus still astride, the Rukh's great wings started beating, combining with the twi'lek's use of the Force to create a gale of strong wind, sending the enemy off the edge to follow her husband.
While disconsolate at her loss, the majestic bird, Tiallaquana, contacted her telepathically, telling her strongly that they had to flee as quickly as possible. She also offered to life aside Impetus as a friend, and follow her back to Ptolomea. Trying to improve her emotional wellbeing, Tiallaquana asked Impetus if there was anyone else she had loved. Only one name sprang to mind. Eludajae M'Nar.
Loving Comfort
- "I am your possession, Mistress, in both body and will. No matter what you ask of me, I will devoutly and willingly comply out of love and devotion."
- ―Impetus to Eludajae
Upon returning to Caliburnus, Impetus sought emotional support in the arms of Eludajae, a woman with whom she had always been more than mere friends and allies. Eludajae’s moral support had a phenomenal effect on her, and helped her to put aside the loss of her husband in only a couple of days.
File:The M'Nar Couple.jpgEludajae demonstrates her ownership of Impetus in a photograph for The Royal Gazette
But the relationship didn’t stop there, even after Impetus began to overcome her recent loss, she became closer and closer to Eludajae day by day. Eludajae wasted no time in claiming Impetus as her ‘pet’, a proposal to which Impetus jumped at the chance to accept. Impetus would from then on ‘submit’ to Eludajae, much the way a common slave would submit to their owner, only with infinitely times more mutual love. Eludajae would even go on to call Impetus such terms as ‘slave’ at times, but always affectionately, never cruelly; while Impetus would refer to her lover as ‘Mistress’.
A black metal collar was fitted onto Impetus’ neck, with the silver words ‘Property of Eludajae M’Nar’. The fact that the well respected Epis would become such a possession of a knight relatively new to the clan raised some eyebrows, but Impetus simply loved her new way of life with her Mistress. Their relationship had also created quite a sensation within the clan’s media and membership, reaching as far as the common civilians, the much lusted after celebrity twi’lek had openly declared that she fallen in love with an equally alluring female knight.
By now, she began to see her husband’s death as a kind of mixed blessing. His loss was one of the hardest things she had had to overcome, but now, life with Eludajae was by far the most enjoyable period of her life. It was her belief that the Force had tested her with the harsh ordeal on Siordan’a, and had rewarded her with an even better life.
Said ‘better life’ became even better a short time later, when Eludajae would ask Impetus to marry her, and take her name of M’Nar. Impetus accepted, becoming Impetus M’Nar Palpatine. Suddenly, there was another media explosion. News of the marriage between two ravishing girls, both well respected in their own right, reached every corner of Cocytus, and soon the M’Nars were peppered with requests for photo shoots from every publication in the system, from newspapers to pornographic holovids. This was exacerbated somewhat by Eludajae's predilection for making their relationship, including their sexuality, as open, public, and extreme as possible. It was a wild life, and one she quickly came to love.
Revival of Siordan’a
- "Savoirs of Siordan’a! Let us put the war behind us, and begin the reconstruction of our beloved kingdom. The spirits of those lost to us will guide us in our plight. While I cannot spend much time in this city, I will be watching. Stand firm, and Siordan’a will be reborn!"
- ―Impetus to her people
Impetus knew if she had any chance of the survivors of the battle reconstructing the city successfully, she would need to visit them personally, to rally their spirits and raise their self-esteem. Impetus desperately wanted Siordan’a rebuilt into the crime-free haven of security it was before, not only because it was her duty as queen to maintain it, but also because the kingdom was the last symbol of her culture and heritage besides Kikalekki’s Sapphire. Her and Eludajae left for Ryloth as soon as they could.
Impetus was almost as pleased with what she saw upon her return as her people were to see their queen again. The fires that had previously engulfed the city had died down, and small buildings had been erected with the rubble from the destroyed ones. That, with the Fire Temple still standing, had created enough inside space to hold the current population of Siordan’a. The windmill made to harness power from the Brightlands was also still fully functional, providing ample power for the very small group living there.
It also seemed to Impetus that the amount of young childless couples amongst the survivors was disproportional to the amount there was before. She guessed that they were chosen with the intention of being the most likely to provide the kingdom with young heirs capable of sustaining it in the future. Happy with what she saw, after hearing that Scholae Palatinae were preparing to help Plagueis against the Yuuzhan Vong, Impetus and Eludajae rushed back to the Cocytus system to assist in the battle.
Rise of a Rebellion
- "Mistress... I can't stay in this clan any longer... I need to leave."
"I was thinking the same thing pet... I just didn't know how to approach you with it."
- ―Impetus and Eludajae leave Scholae Palatinae
The Rise of a Rebellion brought some major changes in the life of Impetus, both emotionally and consequentially. The revolution was led and supported by the people of the Cocytus system and acting against Scholae Palatinae. There seemed to be no suitable side for the twi'lek to join. She would either fight against the people that loved and respected her or the clan she owed her life to.
Impetus had served Scholae Palatinae with an immaculate record for seven years, but her faith in the clan was shaken for the first time. A great change was needed, remaining in the Cocytus system and fighting in the rebellion on either side was not a viable option. She sought comfort in Eludajae's arms, where they began to discuss their future.
Together they realized that there was only one option for them. They would have to leave the Cocytus system, leave Scholae Palatinae, for their safety, both physically and emotionally.
Impetus and Eludajae make camp in the unknown regions
The Death of Impetus M’Nar
Shortly after the rebellion was quashed, intelligence reached Impetus about plans for an attack from an unknown source originating on Ryloth, from a base hidden in the inhospitable brightlands, prone to savage heat storms and constant sunlight. Due to her knowledge of the surroundings, Impetus was assigned the job of putting an end to the campaign before they left Ryloth.
She assembled a team of warriors from Siordan’a, combined with some special forces troops from Scholae Palatinae, and began preparations for the journey into the brightlands. It was a notoriously dangerous trip that had claimed the lives of many more powerful figures than her.
Soon later, Scholae Palatinae Intelligence received information that the worst heat storm in decades had obliterated the target area. The base had been ripped to pieces. Impetus was unrecognisable among the charred remains destroyed beyond any form of identification.
She was officially reported missing in action, presumed dead in the year 30 ABY. Eludajae vanished shortly after without a word.
The Wild Side
Satisfied that she would not be followed, Impetus rejoined Eludajae away from Brotherhood space, where they would embark on their own adventures. A pair of mavericks roaming the galaxy carefree, they lived wild and they lived fun. Running into trouble with the law wherever they went, fun was the one and only thing on the menu.
Impetus experienced aspects of sexuality and of night life that even she had never experienced before. The pair became notorious for their rather open lifestyle and uncanny prowess for dealing with law enforcement. The couple became very famous across such regions as Nar Shaddaa and Coruscant after headlining adult holovids and making numerous news stories.
They traveled from planet to planet, doing whatever the hell they liked, occasionally putting down entire criminal syndicates, embarking on vigilante work for money or simply taking it to put it towards a better cause. There were no politics or power games, no orders except from her beloved owner.
The two Rogue Jedi continued this for almost two years, but Impetus started to feel unsatisfied. There was little sense of accomplishment or achievement in their time travelling, and Impetus developed the desire to be part of something. There was also a desire in the back of her mind left unsated for too long, she had an interest in science that she had never found the chance to fill through formal study.
Elincia Rei
The University of Corellia
Impetus created herself a new identity, seeking a quiet life away from the fame. Using force illusions, among other techniques, she redesigned her iconic slender, alluring twi’lek body for that of a simple togruta, augmenting her disguise through artificial cosmetics as well as her assassin techniques.
While lacking formal education, she felt that she knew enough to jump in as a research student, her sharp mind absorbing huge quantities of knowledge in days. After a short interview process, possibly influenced by a mind trick or two, she gained acceptance to the University of Corellia on a project involving Biochemistry.
She left her old ways behind, deciding to see if she could live life as a legitimate scientist. No promiscuity and no more mind tricks, she set to work on her new life. Her supervisor, an aging female human named Professor Sebu, would describe her as a brilliant maverick, one capable of producing the extraordinary out of nothing.
Rising in Repuation
Under the name of Elincia, Impetus’ readership quickly expanded off-world after a series of papers on harmful chemicals, epidemiology and mathematics. Her disguise had become more than that, it became a new life, changing the foundation of who she was. While her agility deteriorated as a result of her neglect of martial training, she didn’t care much, as it was unnecessary. After joining the ranks of the professors, Elincia continued her research, obtaining a galaxy wide reputation among the scientific community for her work.
As much as she tried to suppress it, her background would continually recur in her research as she started to forge a reputation as a renowned expert in chemical and bioweapons. Five years after joining the university, she was involved in a collaboration with Sebu in the diffusion of a gaseous nerve agent expected to produce ground breaking results. Plans to proceed to phase 2, testing with lab rats, were in development.
The young scientist’s work in unconventional warfare was discovered by a few military R&D departments, but she wasn’t interested. At least not until she saw an advertisement looking for a scientist on Judecca to handle extremely sensitive research in military science. Elincia recognised the name, Yerwyn Metzl, tech advisor for Caliburnus while she was commander. Seeing the recurrence of violence in her life as a sign, and now stumbling across a hiring organisation which was clearly a front for Scholae Palatinae, she applied for the job, seeing it as an opportunity to return home without getting involved with the power struggles and games of the Dark Jedi.
Seeping Death
Impetus returned to Scholae Palatinae as a simple scientist under the disguise of Elincia Rei. She was in luck upon her return to the house, as most of the Dark Jedi were away following the Crusades, and she was able to slip past the weakened security without disclosing her true identity. Her first task was to continue her research in the diffusion of bioweapons, assigned a small team to help her. However, unrest on Ptolomea, home of Caliburnus, shortened the phase 2 timescale from months to weeks as she was delegated the task of the assassination of the Dictator Lou Khebe. She set her team to work finding the optimal way to distribute a gaseous nerve agent through the ventilation shafts to maximise the probability of killing Lou Khebe. It was also a convenient test of the skills of her new research student, Leeda. Although Impetus found her alluring, she chose not to act on her desires, maintaining professionalism.
She chose to distribute the nerve agents herself, although in her lack of physical training for many years, she overestimated her jumping ability. In performing a move that she could have previously completed blindfolded with a flourish, she sustained minor injuries to her weak leg. She started to realise that her age may start to be catching up with her and she could no longer rely on her body to accomplish the feats it used to. Nonetheless, the mission was a success and the name of Dr. Elincia Rei made it into clan news, the scientist that could work miracles of death. Elincia and her team were at the heart of everything.
Not long afterwards, Elincia was again influential in the success of Scholae Palatinae's endeavours, supporting a strike team of Arthadonis Kalderis, Flelm, Lucyeth, and Brandon Tarsus on a mission to either kill or capture the Ognerate Emperor. Elincia provided medical and explosive support for the team, whose cover was blown by the emergence of a giant tortoise. Elincia caused panic among her team by a mysterious disappearance during the chaos and confusion. Camouflaged by the Force, Elincia single-handedly assassinated the emperor. However, unable to take credit for her exploits without blowing her cover, the true assassin of the Ognerate Emperor remains unknown, and it is suspected that he committed suicide or was killed by one of his own lieutenants. Elsewhere in the reclamation of Antenora, Elincia's well calculated scientific methodologies resulted in more damage to the rebel attackers than any of the participating dark Jedi, establishing her reputation as a researcher of death, and one of the most dangerous women in the Cocytus system.
Devil’s Masquerade
Elincia Rei’s reputation had grown so considerably she was soon called into the field by Scholae Palatinae Emperor Xen'Mordin Vismorsus on a sensitive issue of Brotherhood security. With orders coming from the Dark Council, the task was to track down fugitive twi’lek Jedi Rhiaen Ust’essi on Felucia. Elincia was sent as a scientific advisor to the main agent, a violent Sith Battlemaster named Mina Kordae who absolutely despised the thought of working with a scientist. Elincia put on a fake air of submission towards the Sith.
When Mina’s rashness had the pair attacked by an Acklay, the only way Elincia could possibly ensure her own survival was to drop her disguise for her lightsaber and slay the beast herself, revealing herself to Mina as Impetus M’Nar, the legendary assassin. Mina still didn’t like her, but respected Impetus. For Impetus, this complicated matters considerably. Mina would have to die for her disguise to stand, but for now she was useful. Impetus was able to convince Mina to stand watch while she used her skills in manipulation to disguise herself as Rhiaen’s dead sister.
The disguise was successful, and Impetus was able to gain the target’s trust. However, Mina grew impatient, and Impetus, still disguised as Rhiaen’s sister, intercepted her Sith partner out of Rhiaen’s eyeshot. This entire scenario had been planned from the start, as Impetus could simultaneously kill Mina while staying close to Rhiaen. Impetus slew the Sith in a duel, but her disguise was dropped, and Rhiaen learned she had been tricked, falling to the Dark Side and violently lashing out at Impetus. She passed out as a result of tranquilising and amnesia agents Impetus had slipped into her food minutes prior, and was brought home alive, with memory loss.
Elincia had accepted a mission under her fake identity’s reputation, manipulating even the Dark Council by extension, tricked Mina into going along with a plan that would give Impetus the best chance to kill her, manipulated Rhiaen into believing she was her dead sister, and managed to land the final blow with a tranquiliser that the scientist Elincia was known to use, preserving her false identity and leaving no signs that she had ever used the Force on the mission. It would have been one of the greatest tales of manipulation in brotherhood history… had anyone known the truth.
Unblemished and pristine yellow skin, a slender yet curvaceous figure, Impetus’ voluptuous appearance was immaculate, resistant and untainted by her Dark Side allegiance.
Her bright, azure eyes were expressive of compassion, also of empathy; complimented by her cute and serene, perfect smile, reflect her warm and friendly heart. Her teeth shone a pristine white, adorned by a pair of crimson lips, bright but not dazzling. Her upper head was decorated by either a cloth or a stone tiara, the former also embellishing her lekku, unblemished as the rest of her skin, flowing down to her lower back.
Her figure was thin and slender, typically undisguised by her revealing choice of attire, reflective of her agility and flexibility in both combat and dance. Her robes cut off in the middle of her chest, making her breasts a prominent feature of her ravishing appearance.
This formed marvellous appearance, showing quite clearly why she was highly valued as a slave in her youth, and combined with her choice of attire, attracted a wealth of attention from the majority of the Brotherhood’s males.
Impetus' unique robes
Under the disguise of Dr. Elinca Rei, Impetus’ appearance screams a much different description of her character. Still slim by galactic standards, she had put on weight slightly in absence of training.
She bears the face of an unremarkable young adult Togruta, pale red skin with white markings around her eyes, forehead and cheeks. Her ivory montrals, partly fake, partly recoloured lekku, are patterned by thin wisps of cyan. Her green eyes shine with an intelligence and a creative spark, reflective of the sharpness of her mind. Elincia’s appearance is one of professionalism and intelligence, as opposed to the brilliant beauty of her true self.
It is difficult for anyone to tell any more about her body as it is always covered by a long white lab coat, neck to toe. Her appearance has been crafted to attract the least amount of attention, to look as unremarkable as possible. Her identity has become more than a disguise. It is a work of art, a masterpiece, her new life.
- "Her will is stronger than steel. Tempered durasteel, that even the mightiest Wookiee could not hope to bend"
- ―Laurus
Under her disguise as a scientist, Elincia takes on a very different personality. Professional, immaculate, confident and plain talking, Elincia is a natural leader. Her incredible intelligence and sharp mind are clear to see for any that know her, although she never flaunts it. In the academic community, she is known for her creativity, unorthodox approaches a brilliant maverick, one capable of producing the extraordinary out of nothing. Above all else, she values competence.
Elincia tends to shy away from personal conflicts, seeing them as distracting and preferring to just focus on her research. She has little interest in the political power squabbles of the Dark Jedi and seeks to avoid them whenever possible. Despite this, she has a strange ability to get what she wants out of people
Due to her situation of leading a fake life, Elincia does not form any strong personal attachments during this time, forming no loyalties other than to challenge herself further her research. She is also still faithful to her wife, Eludajae, and resists the temptations of other women in the clan for both her reputation and her own peace of mind.
Elincia will drop the disguise when on missions far from Brotherhood space. While out in the field she will mainly handle herself through the use of stealth, subterfuge, and huge dependence on illusion powers.
Impetus in an exotic dance
Notable Possessions
The Dragon's Tail
The Dragon's Tail
The Dragon’s Tail is Impetus’ weapon of choice. The Tail is a segmented whip, with each segment containing an Adegan crystal, allowing the metal to heat to incredible temperatures. Through the work of Alchemy, the whip has become as flexible as a leather whip, even the shards themselves seem to bend when the whip is used at high speeds. It is worn around the waist like a belt at all times for easy access.
After a similar whip to this was destroyed in a duel with RevengeX during the Battle of Antenora, Impetus switched to Acclivis Draco. As she was to become RevengeX’s first personal guard in the Order of the Dragon, he thought it appropriate to have her made a replacement of her favourite weapon, fittingly named ‘The Dragon’s Tail’.
Kikalekki's Sapphire
Kikalekki’s Sapphire is Impetus most treasured possession. The cobalt blue stone, said to have been created by Kikalekki herself, is about the size of her palm, and is worn around her neck at all times. For thousands of years it has been passed down through each monarch of Siordan’a.
For anyone except Impetus to touch the stone is strictly forbidden. After witnessing her cut the arm off a foolish soldier that tried to grab it, Dark Jedi Master Natth a’Niel appreciated how important the protection of the stone was to her, and offered her a backup protection. The Alchemical charms he placed on the stone are complex. For anyone except Impetus and Natth a’Niel, extreme willpower is required to merely lay a hand on the stone, the kind of willpower only a high end Equite or Elder could produce. Impetus has been satisfied with the protection it had been given, but is unaware of the backup enchantment. If anyone is powerful enough to touch the stone, it will produce a defensive Force Choke power, with all the power of Master Natth a’Niel, rendering near-certain death for the stone’s unfortunate victim.
The sapphire was passed down the royal bloodline during The First Battle of Siordan'a.
Designed by the Praetor to the Herald Raven, DragonFang is Impetus' custom saber. Named regarding her position as a Fang of the Dragon, it features a violet blade and a Scholae Palatinae logo near the emitter.
DJB Facts
Positions Held
- Aedile of Acclivis Draco
- Quaestor of Caliburnus
- Tetrach of Dragon Seraphim
- Ward of the South / Priestess of Lore (CSP Character Development Co-ordinator)
- Wiki Staff Member
- Magistrate to the Headmaster
- Assistant Loremaster (to the Fiction Tribune)
- Commander of Caliburnus
File:BestWikipedianOscar.jpgImpetus' Best Wikipedian Oscar
- Led Caliburnus to tie Contention with the historically stronger force, Acclivis Draco (December 6)
- First Place in Contention (December 6)
- Named 'Fang of Prophecy', as the first Member of HAD's Order of the Dragon (January 7)
- First Place in Missio Draconis, awarded the title 'Hero of the Dragon' (May 7)
- Awarded a Sapphire Blade for her efforts in gjw7 (August 7)
- Named Daughter of Palpatine (November 7)
- Created character images for Eludajae M'Nar, Alaris Jinn, Kaira Rohana, Octavia Kuga, Inarya, Onteron, Rayne, and Teu Pepoi
- Impetus accepted her first Leadership position, Aedile, as a nervous Protector with no experience what so ever
- Impetus was the first Krath in Caliburnus, and was also named Quaestor on the day of her initiation (February 1, 2006)
- 'Impetus' was originally a game name, Latin for attack or sudden motion. Later, after choosing the Brotherhood character of Impetus, Laurus discovered that Impetus was also a dance move, reflecting her history as a dancer.
- Impetus submitted the current Dark Cross add-ons.
- She is the student of KAP Kschamehellan.
- Impetus trained Cethgus to DJK
- Won CSP Oscars in Best Caliburnus and Joint best Krath in 2006, best Wikipedian and joint best IRC Personality in 2007, and best Wikipedian and best Caliburnus member in 2008. She was in Acclivis Draco both times she won best in Caliburnus.
- The alter-ego of Elincia Rei is based on the real life persona behind Impetus