Knights of Allusis

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Battleteam Knights of Allusis
Unit Information



House Odan-Urr


Kotahitanga-Unity Defense Force

  • Overt strike team
  • Defensive and offensive front line ops
  • 11 Jedi
Part of:

House Odan-Urr


Belth Allusis


First to Defend, Last to Fall

Notable commanders:
[ Source ]

"Jedi Master Belth Allusis, seven dozen of the Order's finest Knights, and four thousand of the Republic's strongest soldiers dug in to defend the shield generators…or die trying."
―Jedi Master Gnost-Dural's holodocumentary about the Battle of Bothawui

The Knights of Allusis are a team of Jedi within House Odan-Urr specialized in overt strike missions on valuable targets and/or personnel. Formed primarily to defend House Odan-Urr and the people of New Tython from such groups as the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, One Sith and other nefarious organizations. Suited for front-line warfare, they will lay down their lives for their House and the people who depend of them. They are the mailed fist of House Odan-Urr.



During the Tenth Great Jedi War, while some Jedi deliberated on pacifism, a group of brave individual rallied a small force of Jedi to battle the oncoming threat. Together with their allies from Clan Ordo, these Jedi who called themselves Knights of Allusis, fought in many skirmishes and won many battles against the Sith. However, it was during the final battle that the Knights fought to their deaths. They died, to the man, protecting their House and order.

It was only after the war, when it was deliberated how the Jedi should counter this ever present threat, that Councillor Drodik Va'lence al'Tor gave Lyze Kiel the job of creating a team that would be at the forefront of House Odan-Urr's defense. Lyze recruited some of the most talented men and women the House had had and created the Knights of Allusis, named after the heroes that died in the War.

Mercenary Crisis and Fall of New Tython

After the death of Councillor Ji at the hands of a suicide bomber, a new crisis arose. A mercenary group attacked the Arca Praxeum in an attempt to steal hidden dark side artifacts from its vault. The Knights fought with the attackers outside the Praxeum, protecting the Halls of the Watchmen, eventually pushing them back with assistance from the K.U.D.F. forces and Jedi from the House.

Not too long after the artifacts were stolen, Cy Thuron began an offensive on Menat Ombo in an attempt to take over the planet. Battles broke out in the city as the Jedi were driven back under the barrage of laser fire from Thuron's mercenary army. Not long after taking Menat Ombo and imprisoning the Council, Thuron made an assault on Ordain Vonoro Spacedock where the Jedi were evacuating what civilians and K.U.D.F. personnel they could. The Knights held the rearguard until the last possible moment, after which they too escaped, leaving only the young Elleron, hero of New Tython, to cover their retreat.

The Dark Crusade

Knowing full well they couldn't retake their planet without greater military support and starships, Councillor Liam Torun made the hard decision to continue the House's war against the Brotherhood. Very soon the knights were deployed on the many battlefields of the Sith Worlds. In an attempt to gather as many artifacts of Dark Side power, the Knights were sent into the hardest missions against the Sith. But even with the help of the K.U.D.F., they managed to do little but annoy the Brotherhood and the One Sith. Still even with they comparably small forces, the Knights, Ooroo and the K.U.D.F managed to liberate enough assets from both sides to bolster their own military strength.

The Varonat Crisis

Main article: [[The Varonat Crisis|The Varonat Crisis]]

It was after the Dark Crusade ended that the Knights, as a whole, were shaken to the core. During a routine mission on the planet Varonat, Jedi Commander V'yr Vorsa and her second-in-command, Kah Manet, were ambushed and taken prisoner by an elite mercenary team called Alpha's Omega. The mercenaries sent out a ransom demand and Councillor Torun commanded the rest of the Knight to rescue their entrapped leaders.

The Knights arrived onto Varonat thinking they were the hunters, when in fact their whole plan was anticipated, and they were being lured into a trap. Seeking information from a local gangster was their first mistake. It was there that they were captured and given to the mercenaries for a healthy sum of credits. A botched escape attempt was planned and while all the knights were freed, they didn't leave the planet. Alpha's omega once again captured the strike team and carried them off world, to New Tython.

Tides of Freedom

Main article: [[Liberation: Tides of freedom|Liberation: Tides of freedom]]


Return of the Light

Main article: [[Return of the Light|Return of the Light]]



Main article: [[Belth Allusis|Belth Allusis]]
Master Belth Allusis' final stand

Belth Allusis was a Jedi Master who lived and fought against the Sith Empire 3700 years ago, during the Great Galactic War. He is said to have been a courageous and selfless person as well as a prominent member of the Jedi Council at the time.

His defense of Bothawui was a turning point in the Great Galactic War and a disheartening and utterly disastrous victory for the Sith. He and his men were named "The Heroes of Bothawui" for their actions in the defense of the planet which gave hope to the Republic and showed the Sith Empire that Jedi were to be feared and not taken lightly.

Because of this tremendous accomplishment and selfless sacrifice, the Knights of Allusis were named after the legendary hero and their tactics and role in combat reflects the Master's genius.

Tactics and Operations

"Neither pride nor foolhardiness drove the defenders' decision. They were guided by the Force. They had passed beyond the fear of death. Their glorious last stand will never be forgotten."

Built from the ground up as a strike team for precise and tough missions, the Knights see action in the toughest environments and are picked and trained specifically for special operations, such as:

  • Defending civilian populations
  • Intercepting and eliminating high priority threats
  • Spearhead missions
  • Frontline command and control

Armament is commissioned on mission-to-mission basis and every member is free to choose their respective weapons and gear as it suits the mission. During particularly tough and hostile missions some members will be given certain gear or weapons as needed, such as special heavy weapons for large target disassembly.(i.e. heavy enemy units such as tanks, walkers and the like.)


Knight-Commanders of the Knights of Allusis
Knight-Commander Service Dates
Syrena Valkar 4 Nov 2024 to Current
Eechee 18 Jul 2024 to 4 Nov 2024
Seraphol Ceartas 14 Sep 2014 to 3 Mar 2015
Turel Sorenn 16 Apr 2014 to 09 Sep 2014
V'yr Vorsa 18 Sep 2013 to 16 Apr 2014
Raiju Kang/Lyze Kiel 10 Jan 2013 to 18 Sep 2013
First to Defend, Last to Fall


Battleteam Knights of Allusis has a few simple, casual policies. Rather than hard deadlines and limitations, one must show activity, be responsive on the House channels of communication, and work to better themselves and their team. Members will be expected to operate Jedi characters, and though their trials with the Dark Side might offer drama in future events, they are to be primarily and decidedly light-focused.

Members of Knights of Allusis will not call down or criticize other members; they will operate in multiple House and Clan channels; they will seek to befriend and improve others within and outside of the House, and to learn from those above them with humility and dedication. The requirements of an active Battleteam are small, and easily sated - this will be the minimum benchmark for membership in the team.


The Knights of Allusis heraldry is deeply connected to what it is to be a Knight. It is a representation of the Knight's duty, determination and core ideals. Being a Knight of Allusis is never easy and rarely rewarding, but the individual who becomes a Knight is one who takes pride in his hardships, endured for the well being of others.

The Lightsaber

"The crystal is the heart of the blade. The heart is the crystal of the Jedi. The Jedi is the crystal of the Force. The Force is the blade of the heart. All are intertwined. The crystal, the blade, the Jedi. We are one."
Master Luminara Unduli

The lightsaber represents every Jedi, every Knight, fighting for the Cause. Defending the innocent and the unwary, those who cannot defend themselves, from the ever present darkness of the Sith.

The Wings

"A Jedi must protect the weak and defenseless from evil."
―Jedi proverb

The wings represent all those that the Knights are sworn to defend. Many in the galaxy still require assistance, and the Knights will always help those in need, even at the cost of their own lives.

The Wall

"A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack."
Master Yoda

The wall represents an outwardly force, ready to defend from any threat. It also represents unity in purpose that the Knights share with all Jedi.

The Shield

"A Jedi's first concern is to preserve life."
Kol Skywalker

The outermost ring represents a barrier, keeping evil at bay. This is the first and greatest duty of the Knights - to preserve life.

Units Clan: Odan-UrrHouses: SunriderHothBattleteams: Templar JensaaraiKnights of Allusis

Clan Summit: High Councilor Masahiro HakuCouncilor of War: Mihoshi Yukiko Keibatsu
House Scions: Governor of Tythas Tierra Suha'sen • Governor of Kaal Tisto Kingang
Team Leaders: Defender Asani Armis • Knight Commander Syrena Valkar

Possessions KiastJedi PraxeumOdan-Urr United Space CommandOrder of Battle
Lore FoundingInvasion of New TythonThe Pillars Of MenatBastions Of KnowledgeFall of New TythonRenewal of HopeReturn of the LightBetween Light and DarkBattle of NancoraVatali UnsettledThe Myrkr Crusade
Misc Councillors of UrrOdanitesSentinel NetworkVatali EmpireThe Scimitar of Lord Hoth
A Light Amidst the Darkness