Halls of the Watchmen

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Halls of the Watchmen
General information

34 ABY


Ooroo Abbey, Menat Ombo

Physical specifications

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

[ Source ]

The Halls of the Watchmen were built in 34 ABY as an addition to the Ooroo Abbey, then the main home for Odan-Urr on New Tython. Though it served them well for two years, it was destroyed alongside the rest of the Abbey by the Thuron Monarchy during the Fall of New Tython in 36 ABY, and would see its purposes replaced by the halls of the Arca Praxeum once the Jedi took possession of that site and converted it into their new home. Its destruction was a heavy cost for the planet and the Jedi, as its artwork and resources knew no parallel on New Tython.


Great Hall

Found upon entering the Halls of the Watchmen, the Great Hall was a vast, airy space giving one a sense of anxiety as they entered the place. Large stained glass windows were placed atop the entryway, illuminating the hall with an ominous cerulean glow. Supported by massive polished granite pillars, the vaulted ceiling was a masterpiece of art. In the center of this masterwork was painted the Jedi code in front of a spiraling galaxy. Often referred to as the "Hall of Reflection", the massive stone walls on either side were polished in such a way that one may mistake them as a gigantic mirror of sorts, creating the illusion that the hall itself was an infinite space filled with large stone pillars as far as the eye could see. Located in the center of the room perched atop a single ornate fountain one could have found a life-sized statue of Odan-Urr, namesake of the Jedi Clan. At the far end of the hall, circular steps would lead the way up into the rest of the Halls of the Watchmen. Often used as a podium, the Acolytes of Odan-Urr were often gathered together in a semicircle around these steps as announcements of varying purpose were spoken.


The Dormitories contained within the Halls of the Watchmen were strategically separated between two wings on the western and eastern corners of the Halls of the Watchmen. The purpose of this was to keep the Men's and Women's Dormitories separated in order to suppress the idea of one becoming emotionally attached to an Acolyte of the opposite gender. These Dormitories were small in order to suppress attachment to material possessions as well, following the traditional Jedi ideals of a simple lifestyle and self-sacrifice.

Men's Dormitories

Located on what was called the "west wing" of the Halls of the Watchmen, the men's dormitories were made up of several small rooms accessible through the narrow hallways throughout the wing. Each of these rooms were roughly the shape of a small cube with enough room to hold a small bed, desk with chair, a small night stand with one drawer and a shallow closet. In the case of needing more room each small room could hold one more bed or bunk bed. There were three locker room style bathroom/shower areas.

At the start of the west wing there was a common area that was built for all the men to enjoy together. Its purpose was to study with one another and get to know each other in a non-training setting.

There was one large room at the back of the wing that was used for Journeymen that were younger than 15 years old. The room had 25 bunk beds with two foot lockers under each. Against the wall in-between each bed was a wardrobe shared by both Journeymen. One of the locker-room style refreshers was attached to this dorm.

Women's Dormitories

Located on what was called the "east wing" of the Halls of the Watchmen, the women's dormitories were made up of several small rooms accessible through the narrow hallways throughout the wing. However, unlike the men's dormitories, these rooms differed in that they normally housed only one resident each. This was due to the fact that these dormitories were more recently built, as dormitories were previously attached to the west wing. You could find in each room a small bed, a desk with a chair, a nightstand table, and a small wardrobe. All of the refreshers there were locker-room style as well. They were a bit bigger than the men’s as women were thought to have needed more room by the designer. There were two of them with a small lounge area off of one of them with tables and chairs for group study time.

There was one large room at the back of the wing that was used for Journeymen that were younger than 15 years old. The room had 25 bunk beds with two foot lockers under each. Against the wall in-between each bed was a wardrobe shared by both Journeymen. One of the locker-room styled refreshers is attached to this dorm.

Training Rooms

"To be brave in battle proves nothing. Bravery itself proves nothing. A Jedi should be prepared to put aside fear, regret and uncertainty and either fight, run, surrender or die."

The training rooms within the Halls of the Watchmen contained some of the latest technology available within Menat Ombo. The training rooms themselves were large, rectangular rooms located on the east side of the building. There, Acolytes of Odan-Urr honed their skills in the art of the lightsaber, blaster, and martial arts, among other forms of combat. The walls of these rooms were typically constructed of stronger materials that were low-maintenance and easily repaired, such as durasteel or duracrete in order to prevent structural damage from glancing blows from a lightsaber or other forms of weapons. The largest of these training rooms was essentially a long, wide hallway in which a massive shooting range had been built. Here, an Acolyte of Odan-Urr might have browsed the varying selections of blasters and other ranged weapons.

Meditation Chambers

"The banished evil Jedi are gone from the Republic perhaps, though not gone from memory…though it has been many centuries, we are not out of danger."

The meditation chambers were based on the original design of the Great Hall. Essentially a room in the shape of a decagon, the towering granite walls and floor were polished in such a way that they would reflect one another, creating the illusion that one was standing over an endless galaxy in space. This was proven to aid one in obtaining a deeper meditative trance than one may have been accustomed to. When a member of the Summit was faced with a great decision, they would often make their decisions after meditating in this very room.

The outer hallway in between the Meditation Chambers and the library that heads around the outside of the building.


"Odan-Urr, you would be content to spend your entire life in the company of scrolls and documents…but a Jedi Knight has other responsibilities, other duties."
―Master Ooroo to Odan-Urr

The library was once the largest collection of rare tomes and texts in Menat Ombo. In addition to an extensive array of books and tomes, this round space was also filled with such things as ancient artifacts and holocrons of varying nature, most of which were obliterated by the forces of Cy Thuron in the Fall. The library itself was illuminated by a massive multicolored stained glass portrait of Ji, one of the founders of the Disciples of Odan-Urr, alongside a portrait of Odan-Urr with his master, Ooroo - the namesake of the Abbey. As the day progressed, the overall ambient light of the library would shift through various shades of orange and yellow, as well as shades of both blue and green. Filled with curved bookshelves in order to accommodate the slight curve of the walls, arranged within the center of the library was contained a small reading space of several chairs and tables. The tall ceiling of the library terminated in a single massive dome above the designated study area, which supported a massive crystal chandelier.

Units Clan: Odan-UrrHouses: SunriderHothBattleteams: Templar JensaaraiKnights of Allusis

Clan Summit: High Councilor Masahiro HakuCouncilor of War: Mihoshi Yukiko Keibatsu
House Scions: Governor of Tythas Tierra Suha'sen • Governor of Kaal Tisto Kingang
Team Leaders: Defender Asani Armis • Knight Commander Syrena Valkar

Possessions KiastJedi PraxeumOdan-Urr United Space CommandOrder of Battle
Lore FoundingInvasion of New TythonThe Pillars Of MenatBastions Of KnowledgeFall of New TythonRenewal of HopeReturn of the LightBetween Light and DarkBattle of NancoraVatali UnsettledThe Myrkr Crusade
Misc Councillors of UrrOdanitesSentinel NetworkVatali EmpireThe Scimitar of Lord Hoth
A Light Amidst the Darkness