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Entrance to the Hall
- "The Brotherhood shall construct and maintain a Temple in the Lorimar Mesa of the Valley of the Lost, of the world of Antei. A Shrine to each Immortal must be erected within. All Brethren may make pilgrimage to each Shrine, where they may pay tribute and homage to the Immortals of the Brotherhood from this day until the Consummation of the Final Way."
- ―Jac Cotelin, Dark Lord of the Sith
The Hall of Immortals
The Hall of Immortals is located on Antei and recognizes the few of the Brotherhood who have achieved immortality. The massive Temple was built with many empty alcoves, leading so far back into the cliff out of which it was carved, as to be lost to a deeper darkness that deters all but the strongest of Dark Lords. The entry way is a rock maw, almost seeming as if to devour those who would come to worship the Immortals. To those with insufficient ties to the Dark Side, the fear generated by the illusion of a living maw is enough to leave them scarred for life. The trek down from the top of the cliff is a thin, barely used trail that has been worn away by the wind and the sea, even as it is paved anew by the feet of the penitent. After multiple switchbacks, at which the slightest gust can knock the unwary over the edge to plummet to their doom, the jagged teeth confront the traveler. Should, somehow, a non-Force sensitive make it to the entrance, the method of ingress would baffle them. Impassably dense to vehicles, so smooth as to be unassailable to the climber, only when opened by an adherent of the Final Way with the Force, do these silent guardians give way.
The initial anti-chamber is steeped in a semi-sentient darkness that pools there as if to feed on the weak and unwary, swallowing all light and requiring guidance by the currents of the Force in order to escape.
Inside, there is a shrine dedicated to each Immortal containing a statue, an altar, sacred writings of the Immortal, an ever-burning flame, and an area for meditation. The Dark Side permeates the structure so powerfully that even non-Force sensitives feel something different about the place. The Legend of the Immortals is inscribed on a plaque standing in front of the Hall itself.
Legend of the Immortals
There is no death. There is immortality.
Few living beings in the galaxy can comprehend the power of the Dark Side. Of those, only the most serious of minds, the most dedicated of hearts, and the strongest of characters will succeed in understanding even the most basic principles of the Consummation of the Final Way. Our legends and stories are many and long: epic tales of the dark warriors, scholars, and mystics who have fought for the Consummation. Their stories secure their own glory and tell of their victories in the achievement of the destruction of the Jedi Order.
Not even death will stay the desire of the most dedicated to see the Jedi of the galaxy extinguished.
The only way to achieve this is the Final Way.
The Final Way is the pursuit of a hundred lifetimes. The Final Way is immortality.
Tremble as you recognize the Immortals of the Brotherhood.
The Immortals of the Brotherhood
Statues of the Immortals