Condar Sovar
![]() | |
Condar Sovar | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: | |
Date of Birth: |
3 ABY |
Date of Death: |
N/A |
Physical Description | |
Species: |
Human |
Gender: |
Male |
Height: |
1.89m |
Weight: |
86.1 kg |
Hair: |
Black, with a red stripe |
Eyes: |
Brown |
Personal Information | |
Allies: | |
Chronology & Political Information | |
Profession: |
Intelligence Officer |
Era(s): | |
Affiliation: | |
Known masters: | |
Dossier: | |
[ Source ] |
Condar Sovar is a Dark Jedi Knight belonging to House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona. He currently resides at Port Ol'val as a member of the Battleteam Shadow Gate.
Character History (3 ABY - 37 ABY)
- "Fortune, Condar, fortune always favors the bold!"
- ―Jal Skid, Condar's uncle
Youth (3 ABY - 16 ABY)
Condar Sovar was born on Xeroth in 3 ABY, the oldest of three siblings, to parents Navik and Fraya Sovar. His siblings, Venix and Kitera, were born in 5 and 6 ABY respectively. They grew up during what was called the Talyan-Cerebuck Conflict, a war that had lasted for a generation between two countries on Xeroth. Even though the war raged on, Condar and his family were far from the front lines and never saw the conflict up close in those year.
One of the biggest influences on Condar's young life would be his mother's brother, Jal Skid. Jal took to the kid like he was his own, always telling Condar stories of adventures and pirates, of good and evil. One thing Condar will never forget was his uncle saying, "Fortune, Condar, fortune always favors the bold." That saying, that motto never left Condar. It would bring him to great heights, and some downfalls.
Besides his family Condar also befriended a Zeltron named Teebs Doinds during school. They were pretty much inseparable for most of their formative years. It wasn't long before Jal was also telling Teebs of the same adventures he told to Condar. The boys would constantly act out different parts from the stories they heard, wishing one day to have the same adventures when they got older.
- "Come on Teebs, it's only a tiny bit of trespassing!"
- ―Condar Sovar to Teebs Doinds, while sneaking onto Jal's property
Teenage Years (16 ABY - 21 ABY)

Condar and Teebs continued their friendship well into their secondary training. Only this time the adventures they would go on would be real. They would spend days out in the wilderness of Talyan surviving by their wits alone. They would "steal" Jal's speeder and make quick trips into Cerebuck, usually not getting caught by only mere seconds. Soon they had a bunch of other kids, including Venix and Kitera, wanting to join in on the fun. But that was all it was, fun. Condar never let it turn into something nefarious. They never vandalized, stole or ruined anyone's day, and those that wanted to do these things were quickly left behind.
During these adventures Condar would never falter; he remembered his uncle's advice and always ran into any situation, no matter how dangerous it could be. This gave him a reputation of being reckless, and brash. While these words would describe him, Condar tried hard to make sure that only he himself was at risk. Unfortunately he wouldn't always be able to make that choice.
The Rescue (21 ABY)
Around Condar's eighteenth birthday he received some distressing news from his father. His uncle was taken prisoner by the Cerebuck Army. It was also at this time that he found out that some of the adventures Jal told were not just stories. Jal Skid was a smuggler, bringing weapons and supplies to the frontlines of the war. He was caught when one of the Talyan commanders he was supplying betrayed him to Cerebuck's forces. Condar immediately decided he had to somehow find his uncle and save him. Navik, of course, forbid him doing any such thing, but Condar would have none of that and he left his home behind for a time.
With practically no hard Intel at all Condar called on his friends to help him in his search. One of them, Filk Tav, had a brother that worked for some Talyan agency and through sheer luck the brother knew where they were holding Condar's uncle. This cemented Condar's plan, he knew where he was being held and he was going to save him. The teens didn't take to the idea as much as Condar did, it seemed dangerous and reckless to them, but he rallied them and motivated them to help. Teebs was able to get his hands on some blaster rifles, and one of the others had access to a few slug throwers as well. Together they came up with a plan that they hoped would work.
Two months had passed since Jal had been captured and Condar's group was finally ready to move out. It was slow going at first; they had to very carefully get across the border into Cerebuck. Once into Cerebuck they made their way through swamps, forests, and back roads to make it near the complex where Jal was being held. Right before they started scouting the complex they were caught by a Cerebuck patrol. Teebs thought fast and started blasting away at the soldiers. While their focus was on him the others were able to get the upper hand and took out the trio of guards. This event made everything so much more real than they had thought it was. This was the first time Condar had ever killed anyone, and it wasn't a feeling he was hoping to repeat. Two of the group decided to leave after that event. Condar couldn't say anything about it so he thanked them for what they had done so far and watched them leave. The group was down to nine now, still enough to try the mission, but enough to succeed, Condar didn't know.
They scouted out the complex quickly as they could, they didn't know when the patrol would be missed. The building was far smaller than they had originally thought. This worked for their plan very well, especially being two people short. The plan was simple enough, Filk and two others would set off a series of explosives near the north and west sides of the building while Condar, Teebs and the rest would infiltrate the building proper. The first explosive went off and got the guards attention that quickly made their way to the north side of the building. Then another went off, and then yet another. By this time a few guards from inside the complex had left their positions and gave Condar and his team the ability to sneak in undetected. The team infiltrated the complex and began searching room to room for Jal. As they searched they found other prisoners that they set free. One of them, Qil Zonda, was able to let the group know where Jal was being held. With his help they were able to find Jal and finally rescue him from the Cerebuck’s.
The group remained in the building for a while and looked for other prisoners they could free. They rescued about five more when they heard another explosion from outside. They only packed three so they knew this wasn't one of their make. The group plus the freed soldiers booked it outside just in time to see the other three members of their group sprinting away from the building, blaster fire at their feet. Condar and his team ran to confront the enemies but suddenly there was a pouring of blaster fire from behind them. Time stood still as Condar turned around, at first he didn't notice anything different except the officer standing just outside the doorway to the complex. Then his best friend fell to the ground. Condar screamed at the top of his lungs and ran back toward Teebs’ body. It was only with the combined efforts of his uncle and several other team members that dragged him away from the battle and his friend.
Dealing With A Loss (21 ABY - 22 ABY)

Soon after Condar was dragged away, the Cerebuck military sent a detachment to the complex. They sent out patrols and scouting parties to find the team, but luckily none caught up with them. What should have been a happy occasion for Condar, getting his uncle back, turned bitter and mournful. During their entire trek back all Condar did was stare distantly into the horizon. It wasn't until they disbanded that Condar said a word at all. He told his uncle he was glad to have him back, and then he just left.
Condar returned home six months later, a red streak now dyed into his black hair. He didn't talk about where he had gone or what he was up to, but that didn’t matter to his family. They were all glad to see him, glad to see their worst fears weren’t realized. Condar had changed though; he wasn't as happy-go-lucky as he used to be, he didn’t get as excited about things much. He did become more determined though, determined to find the man responsible for Teebs' death. In fact as soon as he came home Condar talked to Filk Tav’s brother, Jerim, and landed an internship working for the Talyan Advocacy Service.
The Talyan Advocacy Service was Talyan’s main intelligence gathering organization. They oversaw everything from wire taps to espionage. Normally the TAS would never hire someone as young as Condar but they've heard firsthand accounts about his actions while rescuing his Uncle and the other prisoners. They wanted someone with that kind of gung-ho attitude inside the organization.
Condar put all the pain, anguish and rage he felt for losing his friend into his work. He ended up being a natural when it came to patterns and encryption. Over the new few months the pain slowly went away, but he continued to feel the rage towards to man that had shot Teebs in the back. Eventually he was able to find intelligence on the complex they had sieged. The Intel included dossiers of all the Cerebuck commanders stationed at the complex for the last five years. With that document Condar was able to pick out the man that had killed his best friend, that man was Sergeant Ric Graven. Condar finally knew who had done it, but he couldn't do anything about it. There was no more Intel about this Sergeant and the complex had been shut down ever since the breech. So Condar continued to work for TAS, always hoping for some more info to come his way on Graven.
- "There is only one way to deal with a traitor command, annihilation."
- ―Condar to TAS Command
The Life of an Agent (22 ABY – 27 ABY)
Condar had performed exemplary as an analyst over the last two years and he was finally promoted to working in the field. He brought the same determination and dedication to his work as an Agent that he did as an analyst. At first his missions were simple: gathering Intel from CIs or covertly, helping to raid Cerebuck interests inside of Talyan, and other tasks that didn’t put him at much risk. But soon the TAS sent him into Cerebuck itself and his missions became far more interesting. He was sent to destabilize towns, political assassinations, tracking traitors; there wasn’t much he was unwilling to do for the cause. Through all these missions he never forgot the real reason he joined in the first place: to find and kill Teebs’ murderer.
At Long Last (27 ABY)

After three years and numerous operations Condar came upon the one thing he was looking for: info on Ric Graven. Graven had left the Cerebuck military a year earlier and now lived in a town 50 kilometers away from the Cerebuck capital. This was finally Condar’s chance. In the middle of an undercover operation Condar abandoned his mission, removed his TAS hardware and made his way to the town Graven now lived in. This, of course, lead to confusion back at TAS command. They had no inkling of what had happened and scrambled to find out why all communication had stopped. Fate, as they say, works in mysterious ways, this action by Condar led to the most unforeseen consequence: the end of the war.
Condar had finally made his way to the town and began gathering intelligence. He had no idea where, in this town of fifty thousand, Graven lived. But like any good agent he found his target fast. After a few more miles Condar was finally at Graven’s place of residence. What he found there surprised him: Graven looking happy with a family. Condar expected Graven to be alone, and miserable, just like he was. He expected that Graven would have welcome the end to his existence. All these years Condar had never let the thought of revenge leave him, it drove him to become the man he was, it made him the agent TAS wanted. At that moment an uncontrollable rage fell over Condar; he now “knew” that Graven never even cared that he killed his friend, Graven went about his life like it didn’t mean a thing. Something snapped deep inside Condar and he blacked out.
When he awoke pain surged throughout his body. He noticed cuts, some of them deep over his arms, and what felt like his legs and back. Condar looked around and he recognized the location but something was horribly wrong. The entire block was demolished, there was metal and wood thrown about, peoples’ belongings just laying around or blowing in the wind. And there were the people, none of them stirred. Condar saw his target’s body lying on the ground, not a scratch on him. Horrified and confused, Condar ran. He ran until he couldn’t run anymore. He tried to make sense of it all, it must have been a freak storm, a cyclone, he told himself. He didn’t believe it but there was no other explanation he could come up with. Along with dealing with that impossible sight, he now knew his revenge was sated, but it didn’t change anything. Condar still felt angry, and miserable. Trying to push all of that aside he made his way back towards the Cerebuck capital and a safe house TAS had covertly setup there for him.

All “Good” Things… (27 ABY)
While Condar was out of communication the TAS had been trying to find him by any means necessary. This meant calling in various agents and CIs all across Cerebuck. One of the people they contacted was Jal Skid, who was once again running guns to the front lines. Getting the message about Condar being gone had Jal stop what he was doing and make a course correction toward the capital in order to search for Condar himself. Rushed, Jal had forgotten to change a very important setting in his cockpit.
All this activity wasn’t lost on the Cerebuck military, they didn’t know exactly what was going on but they knew something huge was up. The only other time there was this much chatter was when Talyan had set off a multiple megaton device some kilometers outside of Omani, a coastal city in Cerebuck. They couldn’t afford another attack like that, the war was already costing their country too much. Soon a report came in that a transport with Talyan IFF codes was making its way toward the capital. It seemed too big of a coincidence that this was happening at the same time as all the chatter. The military leaders knowing that if a weapon of the same magnitude or bigger as before would strike near the capital all would be lost. They had to decide quickly on what to do. In the end, based on the evidence they had at hand, they contacted that Talyan government and surrendered.
The Talyan government and military leaders were shocked. They had no idea what Cerebuck was talking about but they didn’t let that stop them from accepting their surrender. About ten minutes into the talk the TAS commander did get in touch with his team and asked them what they knew about a Talyan transport in Cerebuck airspace. This lead to the agents contacting Jal Skid again and let him know that he was still broadcasting as a Talyan. They also ordered him to cease his course into the capital. Once all of that was taken care of both governments sat down to talk about the end of hostilities.
- "… and then they gave me the Medal of Honor. Can you believe that?"
- ―Jal Skid to the Sovar’s
Homecoming (27 – 29 ABY)

Condar made his way back to the safe house after his ordeal and slumped to the floor and broke down. He had too much pain and anguish to deal with and could not function. He stayed in this state for some time until he heard a chorus of loud explosions, he rushed to the window and all he saw were fireworks. He knew there weren’t any parades and it wasn’t a holiday. He turned on the holovid and slumped down again to the floor. His war was over.
Condar eventually got back in contact with TAS, and he was told the whole story. He even laughed for the first time in weeks when he heard about his uncle’s part in it. Even though it was completely indirect most of the TAS attributed the end of the war to Condar himself. Condar would never see it that way, but he wasn’t one to make a fuss about getting recognized, privately at least. With the war over the TAS changed gears for a while, turned their eyes to the skies above instead of the countries below. There was a much bigger war happening in the stars. That didn’t interest Condar any, at that point anyways, so for the first time in years he went home.
Condar traveled back to his parents’ home and stayed for some time. His family was ecstatic to have him back and Condar felt a little better knowing they were around. He didn’t talk much at first, just seemed to be lost in his own world. But eventually with his families help his eyes became a little brighter and the heavy burden on his shoulders felt lighter. Over the next few months Condar came out of his shell more and more and one day his family saw the Condar they had missed for so many years.
During that time, more info came out about the end of the war, and how much better everyone was now. The two countries still didn’t trust each other, especially since the Talyans never told the Cerebucks that there wasn’t a bomb, but things were looking up. Cerebuck didn’t have to give up much, in the surrender, mostly rights to some mines, and other financial securities. Most of the war machine on both sides shutdown as well. This did have a huge impact on the economy for some time, but the Restoration Project, a huge initiative by both countries to repair the damage from the decades old war, helped fill in the need for jobs.
The TAS did however find something new to look into, the Yuuzhan Vong. The Folw system was far too remote to be in any real danger, they didn’t even have many natural resources, but still they kept an eye on these extra-galactic warriors. It was about the time that Courscant got sacked that the TAS started to worry. They asked Condar to come back and help them with their informational analysis of the war. Condar agreed, but only as an analyst, he didn’t want to go back into field work. The TAS agreed and Condar started looking into the Vong.
For the next year and a half things were relatively quiet for Condar, he analyzed battle reports from the front of the war. Tactics that both the Galactic Alliance and Vong were utilizing. He also spent a lot of time with his family. He even bought a used Sorosuub luxury yacht, named Sassis, that he would take his family around the system with. Personally he was much better as well, his anger had mostly left him, and he finally allowed himself to grieve for Teebs. But fate, as they say, is a fickle monster and something was bound to go wrong.
- "Get everyone you can to the transports, get them out of the system!"
- ―Condar Sovar to Jal Skid
The “Battle” of Xeroth (29 ABY)
Condar and his team of analysts were chatting about the newest info they heard from the war and how it could affect them when alarms started blaring. Condar commed the TAS commander and was told that a Yuuzhan Vong task force had just flew into the system. Condar immediately commed his family and Jal and told them to get out and take everyone they could find with them out of the system. Panic ensued at the TAS headquarters. Xeroth had no defenses against this type of attack. There was no reason for the Vong to even come to the system. That didn’t matter to the Vong though they attacked and viciously so. Condar felt the tremors of the blasts inside of the compound. The entire building shook and pieces of duracrete fell from the ceiling. One of these blocks fell and sliced up Condar’s right leg. Condar lost his balance and fell to the floor, blood pouring out from the gash. Condar’s training quickly took over has he ripped part of his shirt to make a tourniquet. But it was too little too late, Condar soon after fell into unconsciousness.
Condar woke up days later in a familiar but strange place: the main cabin of his yacht. He noticed that a portable bacta tank was attached to his right leg. He tried to get up but was in too much pain. He used the intercom to ask if anyone was about. He got his answer when his mother and father came into the cabin. They told him that they knew he wouldn’t leave work and try to save himself if there were others he could save first so they took the yacht and came to find him. They found him unconscious with the huge gash on his leg, then brought him on board. Then they told him all the bad news: the Vong attack had taken out thirty percent of the total population of Xeroth, and most of those that had tried to leave the system were attacked and destroyed. The Vong didn’t even occupy the planet just attacked mercilessly and then left the system. They saved the worst news for last: Venix and Kitera were both on the same transport, the transport made it out but it hadn’t been heard from since. This really set Condar off, he couldn’t handle both of his siblings being lost or worse. He tried to get up again but his father held him down. There was nothing he could do, no where he could go. The government was a mess, the TAS was in shambles, and most cities on the planet were craters. Condar had to wait, and wait he did.
- "Selen? Where the hell is Selen?"
- ―Condar Sovar to Jerim Tav
The Never-Ending Search (29 ABY – 37 ABY)

The search for his siblings consumed Condar. The Vong attack had wiped out much of the TAS infrastructure, and many of its agents. He had only a few contacts off-world and not one of them knew anything. He was able to find out that they had escaped on an old GR-45 transport named Joyfire. He was also able to get the vehicle ID of it as well, but neither of these helped him. Anywhere he checked in the Elrood sector didn’t have any mention of that transport. Condar didn’t give up though. He took the money he had amassed during his agent days and went to the stars.
Almost a decade had passed without so much of a whisper of his siblings. Condar took the odd job here and there just to stay flying, and stay sane. He traveled back to Xeroth every now and then to stay in touch with Jal and his mother and father. Things started getting better there and even the TAS was back up and running. When he was there last he had asked one of his old friends and colleagues, Jerim Tav, to keep an ear out for any news of the transport, or its vehicle ID. Condar didn’t think he’d ever come up with anything but it was worth a shot.
It had been almost a year since Condar had been back to Xeroth when he got a signal from Jerim. Apparently there was an incident with his siblings transport over the planet Selen in the Dajorra System a few months back. The only reason it ever got picked up was because of the bizarre circumstances of its incident. It was responsible for causing another ship to crash into the ocean of that world, while everyone was safe the HoloNet took it upon themselves to crown the pilot of the crashed transport a hero for getting everyone off safely. Condar was flabbergasted by the incident but he didn’t care he asked Jerim for all the info he could get on Selen. Jerim got back with Condar a few hours later with all he could find, but also told him he should be careful. There were some strange things going on in that system, nothing he could pinpoint exactly, but Condar shouldn’t take his own ship, nor use his own identity. Condar agreed with Jerim and hired a freighter to take him to Selen.
Condar was dropped off at a landing pad outside of Estle City. He took a look around the buildings near the landing pad and saw a tavern named Bob’s. Thinking that was the best place to get information he took a step in. After ordering a drink Condar started talking to the bartender about the whole “Miracle Landing” incident and he got pretty much the same info from the ‘Net. Unfortunately the bartender didn’t know much more than that, and nothing about the transport that caused the crash. Condar sat down in a booth a bit disappointed, but still hopeful on finding some info here.
Two patrons of the bar started fighting a few minutes into Condar’s entrance and one of them mentioned the name Arcona. This got Condar’s attention. Never one to take what he heard with a grain of salt, Condar took out his datapad and cross-referenced Selen and Arcona. Nothing showed up at all, and then his datapad blacked at for a few seconds. Frustrated Condar downed his drink and asked for another one. By this time the two patrons were back at the bar apologizing to each other. Condar had another drink and then left the bar. As soon as he left though he felt like he was being watched. Condar walked around the back of the bar and into some alleys while trying to make himself small. It was all for nothing though, suddenly he felt something smack against him. He pulled a dart out of his neck and then blacked out.
Condar came to in a dark room, looking around he noticed a Cather female glaring at him. He also noticed an extremely thin looking male, who had to be at least two meters tall. The pair interrogated him about why he was looking for Arcona. He told him he was only looking for his siblings and had no idea what Arcona was. With that out of the way the Cathar waved her hand in front of Condar’s face and told him his siblings were dead and to stop searching. This act enraged Condar, he screamed and suddenly everything not bolted down in the room started shaking. The shaking turned into projecting and objects began moving about the room randomly. One particularly large piece of floorboard went screaming towards the tall man in the room. Deftly he reached behind him, brought out a metal cylinder and cut the piece of wood in two with his, now activated, lightsaber. Seeing that happen caused Condar to snap out of his rage-fueled telekinesis. The whole thing surprised the duo that had captured him. Knowing now that Condar was force sensitive they introduced themselves as Adi Ka 'Taramas and Marrek Gunstinson. They explained they didn’t know anything about his siblings, just that they were tasked to see why someone was looking into Arcona. They told Condar about the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and how if he made it through the training he could have a whole Clan behind him in his search. They told him that he would be trained to control those feelings of rage he has. He could be molded into not only a better agent, but into a Dark Jedi. Condar thought about it over and over in his head, finding his siblings meant everything to him, but he had no other leads. Condar looked up at the duo and simply asked, “What would I have to do?”
Dark Jedi Brotherhood (Present)
- "Passion, strength, power, victory. Passion, strength, power, victory. And chains. Remember the chains…"
- ―Condar while studying for the Test of Lore
The Shadow Academy (37 ABY)

Marrek and Adi brought Condar close to the Antei System. Condar immediately felt the darkness surround him, but also it seemed to welcome him. He could see a vast dark nebula outside the confines of their ship. Marrek received some communications and soon they were making their way through the anomaly and into the system proper. Condar was amazed by the sites he saw. The system was binary, and each star had in its orbit their own planets. As the trio went further into the system, the darkness Condar felt earlier grew. It enveloped him, like swimming in one of the hot springs back home; Condar felt at ease. The feelings grew as the ship made its way to Antei proper. Instead of heading towards the planet itself though, they made their way toward its moon, Lyspair. Soon they had set down outside with Adi called The Shadow Academy; it was here that Condar would either fail and die, or succeed and join the Brotherhood.
Before Condar started his first course they asked him a serious of questions about his life. They told him the answers would help guide them into what Order would best suit Condar. After this “interrogation” they all agreed Condar would make a perfect Krath. His past intelligence and field work would help him considerably in this chosen path. They also told him at this time he would be considered an Initiate of the Brotherhood. After that it was just a matter of taking the Test of Lore, and Condar would be free to choose a Clan or a House to belong to and become an Apprentice. Condar studied extensively for the test, perhaps even going too far: He read the entire Dark Covenant and Dark Jedi Brotherhood Codex. This would indeed be far too much studying for the Test of Lore, but it helped Condar in his later studies substantially. Condar took and passed the Test of Lore with no issue what-so-ever. The Shadow Academy staff showed him the list of Clans and Houses and asked him to pick one. Knowing that the people who brought him here in the first place were part of Clan Arcona, he chose them.
Prior to leaving for the Dajorra System again, which happened to be the home system for Arcona, Condar stayed at the Academy for a while and took many courses. Condar found that being bold was not only just for the field, but also can be used to acquire knowledge. In fact all of the extra work he was doing prompted him better understand of the Brotherhood and he was awarded with his efforts in a quick promotion from Initiate all the way to Protector seemingly overnight. Condar ended up being a natural at the Academy: many of his tests were flawless, and those that weren’t he would quickly retake to make sure he understood the material. He was rewarded with several Dark Side Degrees, as they called them, before he finally took off towards Dajorra. Condar, however, would not abandon the Academy for long, he would come back regularly to gain more knowledge of the Dark Side, and he was a frequent visitor in their libraries and the first floor of the Dark Vault.
- "Welcome to the Citadel, Protector Condar Sovar. Welcome to the Shadow Clan!"
- ―Marick Arconae upon meeting Condar Sovar for the first time
Passage to Arcona (37 ABY)

After leaving the Shadow Academy for the first time Condar was sent to Selen’s Estle City, the home of the Arcona Citadel. This is where he was given his first look into Arcona proper. His spirits were high and he hadn’t felt this good about life since he was a teenager. While touring the Citadel, Condar was brought in front of the Shadow Lord and Consul of Clan Arcona, Marick Arconae. Marick was the first person to truly welcome Condar to the Clan. He could tell that Marick really cared for the wellbeing and success of his members just from talking with him a short while. The Consul briefed Condar on the members of the Arcona Clan Summit: The Proconsul Legorii, and the Rollmaster Andrelious J. Inahj. Marick told Condar that after they were done talking he should search out Andrelious for both his House and Master assignment. The Shadow Lord gave Condar some words of advice, welcomed him once again and left for other duties. Condar was still a bit overwhelmed with everything that had just happened to him, but he was happy it had.
The Protector found his way down to the Rollmaster’s Office and introduced himself. Andrelious welcomed Condar to the Clan and gave him some great information and instructions on how he could become an exemplary member, and even how to gain more power and prestige by completing his training. Andrelious decided that Marrek Gunstinson would be Condar’s master and he would help Condar train in order to become a Dark Jedi Knight. Condar being familiar with Marrek from before welcomed this appointment. The Rollmaster also let Condar know that he was being assigned to House Qel-Droma, one of the two sub-units of the Clan. With the assignments out of the way Andrelious said his farewells to Condar as he left the office. Condar toured the facility for a few more hours and then caught a shuttle to Port Ol'val, home to the headquarters of House Qel-Droma, the Phantom Complex.
- "We do not fail, we do not falter, we do not fall! You will become a Dark Jedi Knight, Sovar. Even if it’s the last thing you do."
- ―Marrek to Condar during their first sparring session.
Trials of Persistence

Condar was again amazed as his shuttle made its way to Port Ol’val. Port Ol’val was a shadowport built into a large asteroid. He had never seen anything so captivating in his life. As the shuttle pulled into Kas Tunnel, the main landing area, Condar noticed some damage throughout the hanger. He stored that info into his head for further consideration. Condar left the shuttle and was given directions around the asteroid, as well as several hundred credits. He was told how to access the Phantom Complex, and that he should get there as soon as possible for his debriefing with the House Summit and his master, Marrak. Not one to waste any time, Condar made his way through the districts of the Port and to the secret entrance of the Phantom Complex.
On his way down through the shafts to the complex proper Condar was met by some security personal. They confirmed his identity and escorted him to Level Beta. They lead him to the Quaestor’s Office. He walked inside and was greeted by the Qel-Droma Quaestor Ernordeth Puer-Irae, the Aedile Nikola Valtiere, and his master Marrek. Together they welcomed to the House. They gave him a brief rundown of its history and major accomplishments. Along with all this information Condar was told he had a room back up on Level Alpha, nothing stylish, actually fairly bare, but it would do for him. Also on their agenda was to place Condar into a Battleteam. His background in intelligence gathering and field work made him an excellent choice for the Shadow Gate Battleteam. Condar would meet the Battleteam leader, Deimos d'Tana soon.
After all the welcomes and pleasantries were over, Condar left the office in the company of his master. They went back up to Level Alpha. Marrek showed Condar his room, and gave him a dull cylinder, a training lightsaber. Then Marrek lead him down to Level Delta and to one of the practice rooms there. It was in that practice room that Condar first activated a lightsaber. He felt the power in its reddish hue and just holding it seemed to make him more attuned with his force powers. During this session Condar would learn to control his telekinesis, he also found he had a knack for Force healing as well, after the many burns he received from his master’s saber. Marrek prodded Condar constantly about the virtues of attaining power and gaining rank. At first this worried Condar, he wondered if this was really his path, if everything he had done to this point was really going to help save his siblings. These thoughts would be banished though very soon. Their first session ended up being one of the hardest things Condar had even done physically. He was exhausted and could barely keep his eyes open. That’s when his master Force pushed a training dummy into him. Condar fell hard, and Marrek stood over him and gave him the best advice he had heard since he joined: “Always be prepared to face any enemy at any time, even those who you believe to be friends. There is nothing a Dark Jedi wouldn’t do to gain more power.” Condar received the message loud and clear, and it was the catalyst that made him study harder, practice longer, and work faster.
It was soon after that first match that Condar was awarded the rank of Guardian, he pushed himself to the very limits. Sparring events with other trainees and their masters would come and Condar would fight valiantly and even place in a few. He was soon making a name for himself among the Journeymen. During all of this he never forgot his search. He would use the libraries of both the Shadow Academy and the Phantom Complex’s Level Delta to look up any information he could on his sibling’s ship. Unfortunately there didn’t seem to be much more info, but he would continue trying.
- "Welcome Mr. Omen to your new apartment."
- ―A real estate agent to H’Dey Omen, Condar’s Deep Cover Alias.
An Agent Anew

After his promotion to Guardian, Condar finally met his Battleteam leader, Deimos. Deimos was one of the more alien beings Condar had met yet. Deimos is an Arkanian, and unlike other members of his species his skin was pale white and scars riddled his body. Deimos welcomed him to the Battleteam and gave Condar a package full of gear and other necessities. He told Condar that he would have to train hard to stay on the team and he would accept nothing but perfection from him. Deimos told him of all their current operations and safehouses. He also suggested that Condar create a cover identity as soon as possible, along with setting up his own safehouse. One other thing Deimos gave Condar was a calendar of his training schedule. He would begin with Training Regimen Alpha, followed by the much more physically demanding Bravo training. Most of the skills that Alpha contained Condar was already proficient in, but he welcomed the extra training.
Condar was pulled in many different directions over the next couple of weeks. He trained with members of the Dajorra Intelligence Agency in the mornings and afternoon. And because of his prior training and field work Condar was easily able to create his cover identity and actually was able to skip some of the weeks needed in the Alpha train regimen. He still had to go through what they referred as “Torture Week”, which was intense interrogation defense training. His evenings were taken over by sparring and Force training with Marrek. When he received a few days off he would make his way back to the Shadow Academy to speed through several courses. All of this work was being seen by the Clan Summit and Condar was rewarded with his first merit medal, a Dark Cross. He was proud of this achievement and it prompted him to work even harder.
Soon Alpha training was over and Condar had a much better understanding of the criminal elements in and around Port Ol’val. He also now had his Deep Cover Alias, H’Dey Omen, all setup and believable. He also became fluent in Huttese during this time, which would help him greatly during operations on the Port. There were a few weeks in between training phases and Condar used them to his advantage. First he set up a safehouse in the Pride of Corellia district under the Omen handle. He made sure it was stocked with anything he made need for missions or reconnaissance. He then turned his attention toward working with Marrek, to gain the same power his master had. Again in just a short while giving his full attention to it he became a Jedi Hunter, the last rank before finally becoming a Dark Jedi Knight. Condar’s conquest through the ranks would have to take a back seat for a while as his Bravo training took precedent.
The eight weeks of training in Bravo was intense. That first sparring match had nothing on the challenges that came with this training. From running miles a day with a fifty kilogram pack, or learning to slice a computer system In Zero G, every day brought with it a new threat to overcome. One thing that Condar had no real training with, demolitions, became a sore point for him. It took him twice as long to create and set a charge than any of the other trainees. So each time they would have a day going over demolitions he would stay longer and read more until he could at least catch up with the rest of the team. He almost had a fatal call with a thermal detonator when they were going over grenade techniques while submerged in freezing water. In the end though Condar came out of that training in not only the best shape of his life, but with brand new skills that, in time, he could use against his enemies. With his training regimen over Condar was welcomed fully into the ranks of Shadow Gate. It would not be long until all of his training was put to the test.
- "You will tell me where you have seen this man."
- ―Condar whilst using a Jedi Mind Trick on a weak minded fool.
An Anterior Assignment
A week after Condar completed Bravo training he was assigned to a mission with his master, Marrek. Together they were to find and retrieve a former member of the Brotherhood who had gone rogue. This member, Jetyi, was only a journeyman when he left but was still considered dangerous. Jetyi had stolen records from the archives of the Phantom Complex and several pieces of equipment, including a lightsaber. The mission briefing they attended told them that he was last seen on Selen near Korda. So they gathered their belongings, including Condar’s new gear as a Gatekeeper, and left for Selen. On their way there Marrek went over normal mission priorities and regulations with Condar as this was his first assigned mission. One of the top priorities was to make sure that their Force use was not noticed by the general public. If knowledge of the Dark Brotherhood ever got out to the galaxy at large it could spell a heap of trouble of the sect as a whole.
Their shuttle finally landed at a Landing Port just outside of the city. As they walked off of the transport Condar could almost cut the smoke and soot that was in the air, any worse and they would have needed a gas mask just to breathe. The duo walked through the outskirts of the city and towards the center. Marrek knew of a bar that they might get some information from. As they got closer to the center of the city the bar they were heading to came into focus. Condar noticed that there were a couple of holonet terminals on the outside wall. He decided that he would try to slice into the security feeds to see what he could find while Marrek ducked inside the bar. Condar hit the jackpot, he was able to spot the failed Dark Jedi using one of the many elevator systems that went into the subterranean living spaces. With this news he made his way into the bar, and was shocked when he saw it was in shambles. A dozen or so patrons were just lying on the floor; some had blaster wounds, others weren’t even breathing. What was stranger was that Condar had not heard a single noise or felt any danger through the Force. Condar looked around for his master but could not find any sign of him. Condar commed emergency services before jolting out of the bar. He knew that even if his master was gone it was no excuse for an incomplete mission. So Condar made his way to the elevator that Jetyi had taken into the sub-terrain, he got in and steeled himself for his journey ahead, alone.
As the turbolift came to a stop on one of the levels below Condar could see this was an easy place to get lost in. Homesteads and caverns littered the landscape, and aliens of all shapes in sizes crowded the streets. He saw many spice peddlers and their clients throughout the level. He thought Arcona should come and clean up this mess, but perhaps this was one of the many fronts they gained their money from. Condar shook those thoughts from his mind and decided it was time for some good ol’ footwork and started questioning the local populace on the whereabouts of Jetyi. He didn’t get anywhere on the first level, so he traveled further down and started the process over. Eventually he came to a Duros who told him he may have seen the guy. Condar knew he was obviously holding out for some credits, but the Dark Jedi had learned a trick of his own. Condar reached out to the Force and looked deep into the Duros’ eyes and asked him again where he saw this man. The Duros gave him up without any hesitation; Jetyi was two levels below in a business that was built into the wall. Condar was proud of himself, his first successful Mind Trick, now he just had to hope the rest of his powers were up to the task to capture the rogue.
Condar made his way down the two final levels and then towards his target. He noticed as he walked that the level was almost deserted, only one or two people scurrying about. As he walked to the business it was the same, empty streets and closed shops. Suddenly Condar felt the presence of another Jedi. He turned around and he was face to face with Jetyi, the failed Dark Jedi already had a lightsaber in his hands ignited. Condar jumped back and let loose with his pistol, the blue stun blasts haphazardly being jolted away by the red blade. Condar was worried for about ten seconds before the Gatekeeper Spectre Armor he was wearing under his robes injected him with a calming agent. Condar was instantly focused and as Jetyi leaped to his position, Condar, in one single motion, took out his credknife and sliced at his opponent’s throat. While not contacting this still unbalanced his opponent enough that Condar was able to Force push a 10 kilogram rock into the back of his skull. Jatyi was knocked unconscious instantly.
After Condar had put some stuncuffs on the rogue he heard some noise coming from behind him. He turned and saw Marrek and Deimos standing there clapping. They explained to him that this mission was a test of all the skills he had learned so far, and that he had succeeded exemplary. Jetyi stood up and Deimos uncuffed him. He then introduced himself to Condar as Kanis Da'uul, Battleteam leader of Shadow Phyle and one of Marrek’s old friends. Condar was concerned about injuring a superior but Kanis laughed it off. The rock never even hit his head as he easy stopped it with the Force and just played along. Condar was relieved, but a little upset at the deception. But that’s the Sith way after all he thought. All four of them left the subterranean city and headed back to the shuttle. On the way Condar asked Marrek about the bar and the patrons, Marrek only gave him a sadistic smile as an answer. Condar felt a little concerned about this, but let the matter drop for now. The four of them boarded the shuttle and flew back to Port Ol’val, their mission accomplished.
DJB Facts
Condar is currently serving in the Battle Team Shadow Gate.
Positions Held
None of importance as of yet.