Sorasu Desert
The Sorasu Desert is one of Arx's three continents.
Locations of interest
Iron Garage
Iron Garage facilities.
Responsible for outfitting the Brotherhood’s armies with repulsorlift vehicles, the Iron Garage, also known as Arx Armor Workshop, works around the clock to build and repair a wide range of ground-based vehicles for military requisitions. Producing all things ranging from landspeeders and bikes to tanks and walkers, the Iron Garage is advertized as an all-automated workshop. In truth, the Iron Legion utilizes Arx’s civilians as labourers that work to fill quotas in exchange for meager rewards and little sleep.
The Garage itself is a large sector including complexes for the various assembly lines that produce each model of ground-based transport. These complexes include the necessities for worker living: basic compartmentalized lodgings, mess halls and break rooms. Mechanics and drivers for each of the vehicles receive their training at an on-site academy teaching the operation of transportation and armor from the smallest landspeeder to the biggest all-terrain walker.
Automated belts run throughout each of the Garage’s complexes, requiring manual inspection and, at times, emergency operation from the workers relocated to live in the lodgings. As mechanical components are fed through the assembly lines, pre-programmed welders and pneumatic devices assemble the largest pieces while the workers are tasked with managing the smaller components and wiring for each of the models and testing them to ensure that no sabotaged vehicles leave to fill a requisition order. In addition to worker inspections, the Iron Legion often sends officers to conduct impromptu evaluations of the factories and employee roster checks.
Antei Armaments
Arx’s largest and most diverse arms manufacturer, Antei Armaments, makes use of droid and civilian workers to fill its roles in refurbishing and recreating blasters, slugthrowers and melee weapons from all known organizations. Several on-site complexes are outfitted for mass-production of the Iron Legion’s most common armaments, while smaller surrounding facilities concentrate on specialized gear made-to-order for clientele with different tastes.
Due to the abundance of raw resources that can be mined on Arx, the components for common arms are made on-site from scratch using blueprints identical to those that can be found at the Galactic Empire’s or First Order’s factories. Less common blasters or blades requiring exotic materials and components are trickier to create, often requiring the insight and resources of Antei Armanent’s skilled quartermasters to import whole or partial weapons from off-world dealers.
Desert Oasis A lone oasis is found to the south of the leftmost landmass of the Sorasu Desert. A few small-scale establishments have naturally popped up in the area, with the Wonderwall Cantina the most prominent.
The Crucible
The Grand Master's Royal Guard has established its facilities in an unforgiving and hostile environment where the best soldiers are hand-chosen to hone their skills with the intention of becoming one of the Grand Master’s Royal Guards. The Crucible acts as a training ground for the members of the Royal Guard, and a pseudo-battleground for the armies of the Brotherhood. The design is practical, consisting of a networked system of barracks and armories, culminating at the center of a dried-up desert continent acting as the training grounds. Built under the same style as the Dark Ascent, but more restrained, the Crucible’s structures are scattered throughout a large region that can be reorganized to replicate different battle scenarios.
The Sepulchrum
Underground cells
Situated in the forgotten corners of the planet, the Brotherhood reserves a special place for those it seeks to contain. Run in secret by the Inquisitorius, the Sepulchrum was constructed to house enemies to the Brotherhood and to provide a venue away from prying eyes to conduct extensive interviews to gather information. It is recognizable as a prison built into the very mantle of the planet, possessing a single entrance in the form of a tightly guarded lift. This lift reaches several kilometers deep before giving way to a network of caves.
When mapped out, the caves spiral out from the central lift, sloping downwards and further away from the surface as they expand outward. The cells closest to the lift are used as temporary facilities, for interrogation and processing. If deemed necessary, the furthest cells from the surface are used for more long-term confinements. Only the most necessary of provisions needed for life are provided, light being limited to the halls in order to illuminate the paths for the guards and only for short periods within the cells themselves. Enough heat is provided to ensure the prisoners remain living, but nothing more.
The message of the Sepulchrum is clear, even to its visitors. It is a grave, for those still living.