Liam Torun-Urr: Difference between revisions

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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[[File:LiamTwo.jpg|thumb|left|150px|Liam does battle on Dromund Kaas]]
[[File:LiamTwo.jpg|thumb|left|150px|Liam does battle on Dromund Kaas]]
Eventually, the will of the Force drew him to [[New Tython]]. There, he met the Jedi [[Ji]], alongside several others, and was present for the founding of what would become the [[Ooroo Abbey]]. However, while Liam was quick to befriend many of the [[Harakoan]] locals and Tythonian colonists that would congregate near the Abbey, he chose seclusion in the wilds over being a direct disciple of their path. Having lived on Felucia for so long, he was eager to resume the hermitic lifestyle he had become accustomed to. Even so, when there was need on New Tython, he would move quickly to help them.
Eventually, the will of the Force drew him to [[New Tython]]. There, he met the Jedi [[Ji]], alongside several others, and was present for the founding of what would become the [[Ooroo Abbey]]. However, while Liam was quick to befriend many of the [[Harakoan]] locals and Tythonian colonists that would congregate near the Abbey, he chose seclusion in the wilds over being a direct disciple of their path. Having lived on Felucia for so long, he was eager to resume the hermetic lifestyle he had become accustomed to. Even so, when there was need on New Tython, he would move quickly to help them.

It was during times of strife that Liam sensed a disturbance within the Force; the [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]], known to the aging Jedi because of Ji and his compatriots, was preparing for war with the [[starwars:One Sith|One Sith]], a secret cult of Sith neophytes. As the Jedi of [[Odan-Urr]] readied for action, following Quaestor [[Drodik Va'lence al'Tor|Drodik]], they were surprised to see the elderly Liam step up to join them. Though never one to seek command, he would later be appointed to the post of Quaestor by Drodik himself, who respected the older Jedi's experience and understanding of the Force. It was then that the Jedi learned of the [[Fall of New Tython]]; though they rushed to the planet, Liam and his people could not save the world from the [[Thuron Monarchy|conquerors]], and had to content themselves with evacuating a few thousand refugees.  
It was during times of strife that Liam sensed a disturbance within the Force; the [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]], known to the aging Jedi because of Ji and his compatriots, was preparing for war with the [[starwars:One Sith|One Sith]], a secret cult of Sith neophytes. As the Jedi of [[Odan-Urr]] readied for action, following Quaestor [[Drodik Va'lence al'Tor|Drodik]], they were surprised to see the elderly Liam step up to join them. Though never one to seek command, he would later be appointed to the post of Quaestor by Drodik himself, who respected the older Jedi's experience and understanding of the Force. It was then that the Jedi learned of the [[Fall of New Tython]]; though they rushed to the planet, Liam and his people could not save the world from the [[Thuron Monarchy|conquerors]], and had to content themselves with evacuating a few thousand refugees.  
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Following the Fall of New Tython, Liam's meditations would be plagued by visions of a small world, untouched by sapient life. Its coordinates were impossible to follow, shifting between anomalies and objects that would destroy ships who attempted it unaided. And yet, the perfect segment of coordinates - alongside all shifting possibilities - had bloomed into his head. Unsure of the meaning of this, but knowing he had refugees to guide, the Consular programmed these possibilities into the ''Arthos'' navicomputer behind keywords only he could access. Using these, he took the refugees of New Tython to the new planet, and aided them in establishing a camp. In time, it became known by the codename of [[Haven]].
Following the Fall of New Tython, Liam's meditations would be plagued by visions of a small world, untouched by sapient life. Its coordinates were impossible to follow, shifting between anomalies and objects that would destroy ships who attempted it unaided. And yet, the perfect segment of coordinates - alongside all shifting possibilities - had bloomed into his head. Unsure of the meaning of this, but knowing he had refugees to guide, the Consular programmed these possibilities into the ''Arthos'' navicomputer behind keywords only he could access. Using these, he took the refugees of New Tython to the new planet, and aided them in establishing a camp. In time, it became known by the codename of [[Haven]].
Setting up camp on the planet alongside the KUDF, Torun would continue the shadow war he'd been waging against the Sith during the Dark Crusade. During the Crusade's many battles, the forces of the Jedi would sabotage and ambush Brotherhood and One Sith forces, stealing away valuable resources, weapons, and equipment while inflicting as few deaths - and as many crippling casualties - as possible to their war machine. Meanwhile, they would escape with their gains to Haven, hoarding them there and using them to outfit their growing forces. Over time, and with further field experience in the Crusade, Torun's guidance began to produce an eclectic and well-trained mixture of escaped Tythonians and Harakoans, rebels and renegades picked up during the campaigns, Brotherhood and Sith defectors all too happy to work for less-cruel masters, and even a few mercenary and pirate groups that signed on to escape a life of constant grit. Over time the Jedi would also stage small operations on New Tython and other oppressed worlds in secret, liberating whoever they could and folding them into the KUDF forces.
It was during such raids that the Quaestor of the Jedi would discover the existence and scope of King Thuron's most savage example of cruelty, the concentration camp known as [[Purity Rock]]. The principle piece of Cy's plan for eliminating what he saw as the planet's Harakoan taint, it was a grueling prison that would force together millions of Harakoans in squalid conditions, where they would be forced into slave labor and brutal subjugation before being killed off, often in waves as large as thirty to fifty thousand individuals at a time. Also into this chief prison went political dissidents and rebels, eventually expanding in scope to include those who had offended Cy and anyone he perceived as a potential threat. The prison led to further camps throughout the Hunonum Desert, all answering to Cy; Liam's heart was initially set on freeing them immediately, but both his own experiences in war and the Force told him that if he did so before the KUDF was ready, it would lead only to anarchy and death for the Harakoan people. The Jedi General was forced to watch from afar, as people died in droves in the worst holocaust the planet had ever seen.
Eventually, while on a mission against the pirate group [[Alpha's Omega]] - a component of the Monarchy Fleet, paid for by Cy's mysterious assets and influence - the [[Knights of Allusis]] were captured, tortured, and imprisoned in the hellish facility alongside the Harakoans. Forced to wear stun collars that would specifically prohibit their Force usage, they were starved and emaciated alongside the natives of the world, but would manage to do some good against Thuron's will by spreading discontent amongst the prisoners. Eventually, they were able to unite them secretly beneath the banner of the Harakoan Chieftan [[Whenua]] and the former Human Prime Minister of the planet, [[Gideon Varos]]. All the while, they prepared for their moment, waiting for their chance to attack a weakness in Purity Rock. It was at this point that Torun decided he could wait no longer; trusting in his Jedi, he sent [[Ooroo|Strike Team Ooroo]], his covert unit, to infiltrate the prison and recover the Knights.
===Rise of the Rebellion===
{{Main|[[Liberation: Tides of freedom|Tides of Freedom]]}}
It was in 38 ABY, nearly two years into Thuron's reign and into the Dark Crusade, that Ooroo's mission was launched. Simultaneously, as the Strike Team assailed the prison, Knight Commander [[V'yr Vorsa]] - a close friend and confidante of Torun's - made her move to unite the prisoners and force an escape. As the heavily armed and organized guard corps of Purity Rock set up defenses to hold off the covert assault by Ooroo, Vorsa and her Knights revealed their trump card by removing the stun collars they wore; in the night time of the previous weeks, they had been slowly sabotaging them with the help of the prisoners, to the point where they were essentially useless. The two-pronged assault, combined with the literal millions of prisoners facing off against a few tens of thousands of guards, made the fight one-sided from the start; Ooroo was able to disable and cripple many of the defenses the guardsmen relied upon, while Vorsa overwhelmed them in short order afterward. Once the heavily-stocked armory was overrun, the fight essentially devolved into a massacre of Thuronian forces. As a final trump card, the Jedi used the opportunity to cripple the guardsmen and liberate all of the surviving prisoners, who fled north to the mountains on the desert's edge at Vorsa's instruction.
Meanwhile, the Jedi were able to capture a few shuttles and, over-stuffing them with prisoners to aid them, they quickly made their way into orbit and captured two of Alpha's Omega's ships - corvettes that would come to be called the [[A/CRV Pride of Owyhyee|''Pride of Owyhyee'']] and the [[A/CRV Proxia Mustirion|''Proxia Mustirion'']]. The crew of these ships, largely mercenaries and clearly overwhelmed and unprepared, gave up with little resistance and defected to the Jedi in exchange for deals of lenience and amnesty. Unlike their former masters, they knew the Odanites would actually keep their word. Once they had escaped, Vorsa and the Director of Ooroo, [[Revak Kur]], made a full report to Torun. The Quaestor quickly ordered the ships inspected, properly crewed, and folded into the KUDF as the first stepping stones toward a true Defense Fleet.
It was during this time that the Bothans of the [[starwars:Nebula-class Star Destroyer|Nebula-class Star Destroyer]] [[NSD Fey'lya's Last Stand|''Fey'lya's Last Stand'']], tired of the infighting of the Galaxy and hearing news of New Tython and its protectors via their extensive spy networks, and learning of its recent fall, arrived in hyperspace to treat with Torun and the Jedi. Liam met with their Admiral cordially, and after negotiating deals for the Bothans to be granted asylum by New Tython and land for a proper settlement, he was able to procure the ''Stand'' not only as a loyal member of the KUDF's fleet, but as the flagship of said fleet and Torun's main point of command. Liam pointed out to the Bothans the value such a ship could have for Galactic defenders, while the crew themselves saw the massive advantage, politically and militarily, that such a position in the fleet and command structure would grant them in future maneuverings and negotiations.
Its new fleet assembled and ready, the forces of the Jedi travelled to Haven along its treacherous route before loading up the forces of the KUDF and the massive amount of supplies they had gathered during the Dark Crusade. Their continued operations had yielded thousands of tons of stolen equipment, much of which they would retrofit to their purposes and use while other pieces were sold on the black market, the proceeds used to further fuel their war machine. Afterward, Torun would see the Jedi and KUDF arrive quietly on the night side of the planet, deploying KUDF forces and tons of equipment and supplies to the newly-forged Harakoan resistance in the mountains of Owyhyee. With Jedi guidance, KUDF training, and the huge bounty of the Crusade, the millions of Harakoans became healthy, hearty, and were happily trained and reformed into a force that could truly retake their world - the Harakoan Tribal Army.
It was at this time that Liam and the Summit of Odan-Urr met with the leaders of this army, representatives of various tribes both extant and shattered, rallied behind their chosen spokesman - Whenua. There, in their hidden mountain fortress, the Jedi and Harakoans would work together to pen and negotiate the first drafts of a vital document - the [[Treaty of Menat Ombo]]. Once the Harakoan delegates had discussed the ideas and laws, and had debated and negotiated to their satisfaction, they became the first signatories of the Treaty and the first true Nation of New Tython; in exchange for their help and agreement to the Treaty, the KUDF would continue to aid, train, and support them as they fought to retake their homeworld. Soon, the resistance was ready to strike, and awaited only Torun's command.
==Physical Description==
==Physical Description==

Liam has, at first glance, the appearance of a kindly old man or even a drifter. He wears simple robes in Jedi hues, covered by a thick but weather-stained and well-worn cloak. His belt is a plain sash, his boots thick leather that have seen the wear and tear of decades. He is a man of strong stature, a bit rounder now in his old age but still very solid beneath, and wears a thick beard and a mane of unkempt gray hair. His eyes have surprising youth to them, but his face is weathered and his hands are calloused, signs of a man who has had to survive on the fringes of society. He only wears one item of value, and one indicator of status, at any time - his lightsaber.
Liam has, at first glance, the appearance of a kindly old man or even a drifter. He wears simple robes in Jedi hues, covered by a thick but weather-stained and well-worn cloak. His belt is a plain sash, his boots thick leather that have seen the wear and tear of decades. He is a tall man of strong stature and burly build, a bit more wiry and worn in his old age but still very solid, and wears a thick beard and a mane of unkempt gray hair. His eyes have surprising youth to them, but his face is weathered and his hands are calloused, signs of a man who has had to survive on the fringes of society. He only wears one item of value, and one indicator of status, at any time - his lightsaber. He will typically wear Kemmin's saber on his belt, choosing to keep his secondary weapon hidden in a sleeve or boot, or simply on the back of his belt.

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==Skills and Abilities==
==Skills and Abilities==

Liam is a talented saberist, proficient with the defensive Soresu form and skilled in the Niman form. These lend him great balance in all things, as well as a heavy defensive background for any sticky situations he finds himself in. With no real weaknesses and an abundance of strength in defensive areas, this makes him a tough nut to crack for nearly all of the saberists he could face.
Liam is a talented saberist, proficient with the defensive Soresu form as well as the dual-handed form of Jar'Kai Niman - an extension of his original Niman training. This allows him to defend himself amazingly against nearly all foes, probing for weaknesses and striking at openings in a foe's technique. Furthermore, should he face multiple enemies or a foe he needs to outmaneuver or throw off-balance, he can reveal his second weapon to press his enemies and attack with surprising ferocity for a Jedi. Even so, he never gives into emotion or rage during a fight, and will instead rely on determination and focus to draw upon the Force and his impressive skills.

In terms of the Force, Liam has abilities roughly equivalent to a third-rank Equite, though born of his light-side training. He will never utilize abilities to choke, sicken, harm, or forcibly control a foe - every power he has is primarily defensive in use, or meant to strengthen his allies. In his eyes, violence is the absolute last resort, and should always be attached to sadness and regret. A Jedi must do what must be done, but in terms of combat and killing, the best course is to avoid it entirely, whenever possible.
In terms of the Force, Liam's Jedi training and additional experience against the Brotherhood have made him a [[Equite 4|Cleric]] of the [[Consular]] Order. He will never utilize abilities to choke, sicken, harm, or forcibly control a foe - every power he has is primarily defensive in use, or meant to strengthen his allies. He is not afraid to kill, and will strike decisively in any battle or tactical engagement; however, as both a tactician and a Jedi to the core, he considers peace treaties, negotiated solutions, and ceasefires to be just as decisive. He will often use a show of force or political and tactical maneuvering to steal his enemy's will to fight or force a settlement. However, should the enemy choose battle, he is just as quick to use the best military solution for a swift and adequate solution to any conflict. Many of the House's more pacifist Jedi have seen this willingness to fight as maverick and dangerous, while conversely many of those who opt for more combative solutions may consider his ambassadorial approaches to be weak or ineffective. It is through strength of will, clarity of vision, and results that Torun unites the two into an effective rebel House within the Brotherhood's heirarchy.

In terms of physicality, he has always been strong and tough, but bears a knack for survival few others truly practice. Thus, he is more comfortable on the ground or in the trees than inside of a building, and it shows in his mannerisms. He can be quite stealthy, a byproduct of Felucia, but can also be very powerful and dominant in combat or other physical activities. Finally, he is old, but is still a Jedi; though it may pain him afterward, he is perfectly capable of Force-based movements and acrobatics when they are needed.
In terms of physicality, he has always been strong and tough, but bears a knack for survival few others truly practice. Thus, he is more comfortable on the ground or in the trees than inside of a building, and it shows in his mannerisms. He can be quite stealthy, a byproduct of Felucia, but can also be very powerful and dominant in combat or other physical activities. Finally, he is old, but is still a Jedi; though it may pain him afterward, he is perfectly capable of Force-based movements and acrobatics when they are needed. While still quite impressive, his strength and speed have lost some small degree of their luster from his youthful years; he has made up for it in cleverness, skill, and power in the arts of the Force.

[[Category:Jedi]][[Category:Disciples of Odan-Urr]][[Category: DJB Characters]]
[[Category:Jedi]][[Category:Disciples of Odan-Urr]][[Category: DJB Characters]]

Revision as of 06:07, 11 January 2015

Liam Torun
Biographical Information
Date of Birth:

33 BBY

Physical Description





6' 5"





Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):
Chronology & Political Information

House Odan-Urr



[ Source ]

Liam Torun is an aging Jedi of the Old Order, a survivor of the Clone Wars and the secretive Quaestor of House Odan-Urr. Growing steadily older, he now wishes to avoid the politicking of the old Order and focus on instilling wisdom in young minds - and in diminishing the hold of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and their One Sith rivals.



Born on Dantooine, to a farmer on a stead near Khoonda, Liam was inducted to the Order at infancy and began training under such Masters as Yoda and Cin Drallig. Torun proved to be a quiet, independent student, though he was also very kind-hearted and quite adept. Placed within the Soaring Hawkbat Clan, he proved himself to quickly gain a grasp for the Jedi Arts, though his real interests were in the arts of diplomacy, language, and agriculture. He was a noted student of both Niman and Soresu, a fact that both balanced out his weaknesses and made him nigh-untouchable by his peers; these facts combined to make Torun, who showed little interest in becoming a Jedi Knight, a target of his fellow younglings. Though he faced an increase in competitiveness and even some hostility from fellow initiates, Liam was always noted to be both respectful and humble, even in victory.

Liam was ten years old when he completed his Initiate Trials. Though there had been reports of harassment at the hands of his peers, Torun did not seek to win; indeed, he had made up his mind to apply for the Service Corps after the Trials. Even so, his opponents relentlessly attacked him, forcing him into defensive postures again and again until Liam, not willing to attack, finally became tired and risked injury. With no further choice, Liam was forced to switch to the offensive and defeat his opponents, lest they cause him or themselves any harm; before he could go through with his plan, he was taken as a Padawan by a Gotal Jedi Knight named Kemmin. In time, the two would come to serve in the Clone Wars.

A quick study, Liam showed great skill in the Force and great technique with the lightsaber, though his studies would be cut short as the specter of Order 66 loomed over the Jedi Order. His Master was killed in the ensuing covert strikes by Imperial Stormtroopers, but Liam would resist at first, striking down a few using his Master's lightsaber before fleeing into the mists of the planet Felucia.

Having lived alongside the native Felucians, even as they darkened under the influence of Maris Brood, Liam's powers and abilities had grown and strengthened. At first chance, he made his way throughout the galaxy and then back to Dantooine, studying the ancient Jedi sites there even as the Emperor's cronies combed the wreckage for any remaining relics of the Jedi Order. Over the years, Torun's skills became stronger and stronger, up to the point where he would be on Dantooine during the Vong War. Facing the Force-immune beasts there, he sustained wounds but would ultimately rescue a number of farming families from the marauding invaders.

New Tython

Liam does battle on Dromund Kaas

Eventually, the will of the Force drew him to New Tython. There, he met the Jedi Ji, alongside several others, and was present for the founding of what would become the Ooroo Abbey. However, while Liam was quick to befriend many of the Harakoan locals and Tythonian colonists that would congregate near the Abbey, he chose seclusion in the wilds over being a direct disciple of their path. Having lived on Felucia for so long, he was eager to resume the hermetic lifestyle he had become accustomed to. Even so, when there was need on New Tython, he would move quickly to help them.

It was during times of strife that Liam sensed a disturbance within the Force; the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, known to the aging Jedi because of Ji and his compatriots, was preparing for war with the One Sith, a secret cult of Sith neophytes. As the Jedi of Odan-Urr readied for action, following Quaestor Drodik, they were surprised to see the elderly Liam step up to join them. Though never one to seek command, he would later be appointed to the post of Quaestor by Drodik himself, who respected the older Jedi's experience and understanding of the Force. It was then that the Jedi learned of the Fall of New Tython; though they rushed to the planet, Liam and his people could not save the world from the conquerors, and had to content themselves with evacuating a few thousand refugees.

Liam, exploring the jungles of Haven.

After this, Liam's focus intensified, and for the first time in years he saw a chance to do the Force's bidding. Working with the Jedi throughout the Dark Crusade, he soon found new purpose, taking hold of the House's reigns in secret and leading them in a shadow campaign against the Brotherhood. While the Houses and Clans went to war against the One Sith, Liam and his Jedi compatriots would lead a series of covert strikes against Brotherhood infrastructure, supply lines, and defenses. These attacks would lead to heavy Sith losses during the engagement, and would ultimately cause the loss of many One Sith planets. Meanwhile, Brotherhood power balances would shift heavily across the Galaxy.


Following the Fall of New Tython, Liam's meditations would be plagued by visions of a small world, untouched by sapient life. Its coordinates were impossible to follow, shifting between anomalies and objects that would destroy ships who attempted it unaided. And yet, the perfect segment of coordinates - alongside all shifting possibilities - had bloomed into his head. Unsure of the meaning of this, but knowing he had refugees to guide, the Consular programmed these possibilities into the Arthos navicomputer behind keywords only he could access. Using these, he took the refugees of New Tython to the new planet, and aided them in establishing a camp. In time, it became known by the codename of Haven.

Setting up camp on the planet alongside the KUDF, Torun would continue the shadow war he'd been waging against the Sith during the Dark Crusade. During the Crusade's many battles, the forces of the Jedi would sabotage and ambush Brotherhood and One Sith forces, stealing away valuable resources, weapons, and equipment while inflicting as few deaths - and as many crippling casualties - as possible to their war machine. Meanwhile, they would escape with their gains to Haven, hoarding them there and using them to outfit their growing forces. Over time, and with further field experience in the Crusade, Torun's guidance began to produce an eclectic and well-trained mixture of escaped Tythonians and Harakoans, rebels and renegades picked up during the campaigns, Brotherhood and Sith defectors all too happy to work for less-cruel masters, and even a few mercenary and pirate groups that signed on to escape a life of constant grit. Over time the Jedi would also stage small operations on New Tython and other oppressed worlds in secret, liberating whoever they could and folding them into the KUDF forces.

It was during such raids that the Quaestor of the Jedi would discover the existence and scope of King Thuron's most savage example of cruelty, the concentration camp known as Purity Rock. The principle piece of Cy's plan for eliminating what he saw as the planet's Harakoan taint, it was a grueling prison that would force together millions of Harakoans in squalid conditions, where they would be forced into slave labor and brutal subjugation before being killed off, often in waves as large as thirty to fifty thousand individuals at a time. Also into this chief prison went political dissidents and rebels, eventually expanding in scope to include those who had offended Cy and anyone he perceived as a potential threat. The prison led to further camps throughout the Hunonum Desert, all answering to Cy; Liam's heart was initially set on freeing them immediately, but both his own experiences in war and the Force told him that if he did so before the KUDF was ready, it would lead only to anarchy and death for the Harakoan people. The Jedi General was forced to watch from afar, as people died in droves in the worst holocaust the planet had ever seen.

Eventually, while on a mission against the pirate group Alpha's Omega - a component of the Monarchy Fleet, paid for by Cy's mysterious assets and influence - the Knights of Allusis were captured, tortured, and imprisoned in the hellish facility alongside the Harakoans. Forced to wear stun collars that would specifically prohibit their Force usage, they were starved and emaciated alongside the natives of the world, but would manage to do some good against Thuron's will by spreading discontent amongst the prisoners. Eventually, they were able to unite them secretly beneath the banner of the Harakoan Chieftan Whenua and the former Human Prime Minister of the planet, Gideon Varos. All the while, they prepared for their moment, waiting for their chance to attack a weakness in Purity Rock. It was at this point that Torun decided he could wait no longer; trusting in his Jedi, he sent Strike Team Ooroo, his covert unit, to infiltrate the prison and recover the Knights.

Rise of the Rebellion

Main article: [[Tides of Freedom|Tides of Freedom]]

It was in 38 ABY, nearly two years into Thuron's reign and into the Dark Crusade, that Ooroo's mission was launched. Simultaneously, as the Strike Team assailed the prison, Knight Commander V'yr Vorsa - a close friend and confidante of Torun's - made her move to unite the prisoners and force an escape. As the heavily armed and organized guard corps of Purity Rock set up defenses to hold off the covert assault by Ooroo, Vorsa and her Knights revealed their trump card by removing the stun collars they wore; in the night time of the previous weeks, they had been slowly sabotaging them with the help of the prisoners, to the point where they were essentially useless. The two-pronged assault, combined with the literal millions of prisoners facing off against a few tens of thousands of guards, made the fight one-sided from the start; Ooroo was able to disable and cripple many of the defenses the guardsmen relied upon, while Vorsa overwhelmed them in short order afterward. Once the heavily-stocked armory was overrun, the fight essentially devolved into a massacre of Thuronian forces. As a final trump card, the Jedi used the opportunity to cripple the guardsmen and liberate all of the surviving prisoners, who fled north to the mountains on the desert's edge at Vorsa's instruction.

Meanwhile, the Jedi were able to capture a few shuttles and, over-stuffing them with prisoners to aid them, they quickly made their way into orbit and captured two of Alpha's Omega's ships - corvettes that would come to be called the Pride of Owyhyee and the Proxia Mustirion. The crew of these ships, largely mercenaries and clearly overwhelmed and unprepared, gave up with little resistance and defected to the Jedi in exchange for deals of lenience and amnesty. Unlike their former masters, they knew the Odanites would actually keep their word. Once they had escaped, Vorsa and the Director of Ooroo, Revak Kur, made a full report to Torun. The Quaestor quickly ordered the ships inspected, properly crewed, and folded into the KUDF as the first stepping stones toward a true Defense Fleet.

It was during this time that the Bothans of the Nebula-class Star Destroyer Fey'lya's Last Stand, tired of the infighting of the Galaxy and hearing news of New Tython and its protectors via their extensive spy networks, and learning of its recent fall, arrived in hyperspace to treat with Torun and the Jedi. Liam met with their Admiral cordially, and after negotiating deals for the Bothans to be granted asylum by New Tython and land for a proper settlement, he was able to procure the Stand not only as a loyal member of the KUDF's fleet, but as the flagship of said fleet and Torun's main point of command. Liam pointed out to the Bothans the value such a ship could have for Galactic defenders, while the crew themselves saw the massive advantage, politically and militarily, that such a position in the fleet and command structure would grant them in future maneuverings and negotiations.

Its new fleet assembled and ready, the forces of the Jedi travelled to Haven along its treacherous route before loading up the forces of the KUDF and the massive amount of supplies they had gathered during the Dark Crusade. Their continued operations had yielded thousands of tons of stolen equipment, much of which they would retrofit to their purposes and use while other pieces were sold on the black market, the proceeds used to further fuel their war machine. Afterward, Torun would see the Jedi and KUDF arrive quietly on the night side of the planet, deploying KUDF forces and tons of equipment and supplies to the newly-forged Harakoan resistance in the mountains of Owyhyee. With Jedi guidance, KUDF training, and the huge bounty of the Crusade, the millions of Harakoans became healthy, hearty, and were happily trained and reformed into a force that could truly retake their world - the Harakoan Tribal Army.

It was at this time that Liam and the Summit of Odan-Urr met with the leaders of this army, representatives of various tribes both extant and shattered, rallied behind their chosen spokesman - Whenua. There, in their hidden mountain fortress, the Jedi and Harakoans would work together to pen and negotiate the first drafts of a vital document - the Treaty of Menat Ombo. Once the Harakoan delegates had discussed the ideas and laws, and had debated and negotiated to their satisfaction, they became the first signatories of the Treaty and the first true Nation of New Tython; in exchange for their help and agreement to the Treaty, the KUDF would continue to aid, train, and support them as they fought to retake their homeworld. Soon, the resistance was ready to strike, and awaited only Torun's command.

Physical Description

Liam has, at first glance, the appearance of a kindly old man or even a drifter. He wears simple robes in Jedi hues, covered by a thick but weather-stained and well-worn cloak. His belt is a plain sash, his boots thick leather that have seen the wear and tear of decades. He is a tall man of strong stature and burly build, a bit more wiry and worn in his old age but still very solid, and wears a thick beard and a mane of unkempt gray hair. His eyes have surprising youth to them, but his face is weathered and his hands are calloused, signs of a man who has had to survive on the fringes of society. He only wears one item of value, and one indicator of status, at any time - his lightsaber. He will typically wear Kemmin's saber on his belt, choosing to keep his secondary weapon hidden in a sleeve or boot, or simply on the back of his belt.


Liam Torun is a simple man, having lived among the highest of society as part of the Jedi in his youth, and then among primitive beings and society's fringes for many years afterward. His life experiences have given him many insights, from the true nature of how Jedi should operate to the fact that all beings are capable of redemption. This, combined with the hard circumstances he has faced, have produced a deep and profound wisdom within the man. He also bears a sense of honor, and a desire for peace; he will gladly treat with an enemy rather than fight, and is known to cordially sit down to share food and drink with wounded foes after treating their injuries.

That said, Torun is no fool; if push comes to shove and there is no other way, he will strike quickly and decisively. He is always trying to convert those in darkness, but will not stand by while the innocent suffer; if faced with dictators and warlords, he will do what he can to free those underneath them. While in the old Order some called him a Gray Jedi, now he simply professes that a Jedi serves the will of the Force, not the will of the mighty. If he must take a life, then so be it, for the Jedi Code tells him that there is no death - only the Force.

Weapons and Equipment

Liam Torun's original lightsaber, crafted during his trials.

Having trained with the Jedi Order since infancy, Liam Torun first crafted a lightsaber at the age of seven, after extensive and strenuous testing; though he would use a training saber until his tenure as Kemmin's Padawan, he would use this blade in combat for four years, using it throughout the Clone Wars. Throughout that time, he was known to have taken good care of the blade, despite occasionally losing it in the haze of combat and having to resort to more conventional weaponry. Being stationed far from the main theaters of battle aided him in always finding and maintaining the weapon, which would serve him well until the declaration of Contingency Order 66; on patrol with a platoon of Clone Troopers on Felucia, he would use it to kill two of the attackers after they had gunned down his Master, Kemmin, before having it knocked from his grasp. The weapon was of an austere, unadorned design, with a nineteen-inch hilt and a deep blue blade.

Wounded and fleeing, Liam desperately took up Kemmin's own blade to defend himself as he retreated into the winding fungal forests of the planet. Using it initially to battle back and lose the Troopers, he was forced to then use it to cauterize a bleeding shoulder before going into hiding on the planet. During his time there, both training with and fighting off the local Felucians and other wildlife, he used it to great effect; though his avoidance of other Jedi and Imperials alike saved his life, having nothing else to do greatly focused his lightsaber training regimen, especially once the world's fauna began to darken and change. Though he did his best, both his garb and his weapon became rotten and worn throughout his time there, and he was forced more than once to steal Imperial tech and use natural resources to patch the weapon together. After his escape from Felucia and arrival on New Tython, he accepted the aid in a grateful Harakoan craftsman and the donations of a Tythonian family, and was able to restore the blade to its original look. The restored weapon bears an ornate, grooved design, with bits of brasswork for decoration and a polished wood grip. Its blade is green, and burns steadily and coolly thanks to a rare Pontite focusing gem installed by his Master prior to his death.

Kemmin's lightsaber, restored by Liam following his escape from Felucia.

Skills and Abilities

Liam is a talented saberist, proficient with the defensive Soresu form as well as the dual-handed form of Jar'Kai Niman - an extension of his original Niman training. This allows him to defend himself amazingly against nearly all foes, probing for weaknesses and striking at openings in a foe's technique. Furthermore, should he face multiple enemies or a foe he needs to outmaneuver or throw off-balance, he can reveal his second weapon to press his enemies and attack with surprising ferocity for a Jedi. Even so, he never gives into emotion or rage during a fight, and will instead rely on determination and focus to draw upon the Force and his impressive skills.

In terms of the Force, Liam's Jedi training and additional experience against the Brotherhood have made him a Cleric of the Consular Order. He will never utilize abilities to choke, sicken, harm, or forcibly control a foe - every power he has is primarily defensive in use, or meant to strengthen his allies. He is not afraid to kill, and will strike decisively in any battle or tactical engagement; however, as both a tactician and a Jedi to the core, he considers peace treaties, negotiated solutions, and ceasefires to be just as decisive. He will often use a show of force or political and tactical maneuvering to steal his enemy's will to fight or force a settlement. However, should the enemy choose battle, he is just as quick to use the best military solution for a swift and adequate solution to any conflict. Many of the House's more pacifist Jedi have seen this willingness to fight as maverick and dangerous, while conversely many of those who opt for more combative solutions may consider his ambassadorial approaches to be weak or ineffective. It is through strength of will, clarity of vision, and results that Torun unites the two into an effective rebel House within the Brotherhood's heirarchy.

In terms of physicality, he has always been strong and tough, but bears a knack for survival few others truly practice. Thus, he is more comfortable on the ground or in the trees than inside of a building, and it shows in his mannerisms. He can be quite stealthy, a byproduct of Felucia, but can also be very powerful and dominant in combat or other physical activities. Finally, he is old, but is still a Jedi; though it may pain him afterward, he is perfectly capable of Force-based movements and acrobatics when they are needed. While still quite impressive, his strength and speed have lost some small degree of their luster from his youthful years; he has made up for it in cleverness, skill, and power in the arts of the Force.

Units Clan: Odan-UrrHouses: SunriderHothBattleteams: Templar JensaaraiKnights of Allusis

Clan Summit: High Councilor Masahiro HakuCouncilor of War: Mihoshi Yukiko Keibatsu
House Scions: Governor of Tythas Tierra Suha'sen • Governor of Kaal Tisto Kingang
Team Leaders: Defender Asani Armis • Knight Commander Syrena Valkar

Possessions KiastJedi PraxeumOdan-Urr United Space CommandOrder of Battle
Lore FoundingInvasion of New TythonThe Pillars Of MenatBastions Of KnowledgeFall of New TythonRenewal of HopeReturn of the LightBetween Light and DarkBattle of NancoraVatali UnsettledThe Myrkr Crusade
Misc Councillors of UrrOdanitesSentinel NetworkVatali EmpireThe Scimitar of Lord Hoth
A Light Amidst the Darkness