- "It has been said that if you are not remembered, you never existed. I can live with that."
- ―Anshar Kahn Tarentae
Anshar Kahn Tarentae is a Krath Master. He has served with distinction on many levels of the Brotherhood, including serving as Headmaster. Anshar has also served Clan Tarentum twice as Consul and currently serves as the Quaestor of House Tarentum.
Character History
Pre-Brotherhood Years
Anshar comes from the planet Jaguada, though he has never returned since he left. Growing up in the harsh environment, Anshar was trained in combat and survival, and to this day he keeps his crystalline knife with him, tucked in his robes. Anshar desired to learn more, however, and he left his homeworld when he was about fifteen. Making his way to Dantooine, Anshar began to immerse himself in both study and work. Anshar has revealed little to anyone about his life in these days, though many have picked up that something bad happened. It is known that Anshar did inherit a considerable sum of money from someone, though what he did with the money is anyone's guess.
After leaving Dantooine permanently, Anshar spent the next few years wandering the galaxy, occasionally taking on odd jobs. A fairly decent pilot in his own right, Anshar did some cargo shipping, but never really liked the job. During his early travels, Anshar met many people, but never got attached. He was constantly on the move to experience new things and to learn all that he could. Anshar was discovered by a Dark Jedi named Hearn, who recognized Anshar’s potential and brought him to the Brotherhood. Anshar initially only gave his surname of Kahn and set about training in the ways of the Krath.
Clan Arcona
Anshar joined the Brotherhood and followed Hearn to Clan Arcona. Anshar made decent progress through the early ranks and was quickly promoted. He served as Tetrarch of the Dark Orb phyle,
The vessel Anshar helped win Aedile and then Quaestor to House Qel-Droma. While Quaestor of House Qel-Droma, Anshar helped lead Arcona to a victory over Tarentum and Naga Sadow in a three way clan feud, helping win the Carrack class cruiser Wrathraven . When Project: Dark Fury restructured the Envoys, Anshar was not only involved in the planning, but served as Clan Arcona’s first envoy. Eventually, Anshar added his first name back and since then has been known as Anshar to all members of the Brotherhood.
The Exodus
When the Seven announced their intention to separate from the Emperor’s Hammer, Anshar was surprised, but he supported the action. He had never been terribly comfortable with how the Emperor’s Hammer interfered with the Brotherhood, and the evidence provided by the Seven in their declaration confirmed Anshar’s distrust. Anshar also had another reason to remain with the Brotherhood: he had never been involved with the Emperor’s Hammer in any meaningful way. During the split, Anshar served as interim tetrarch to the Dark Orb phyle during Mav Cantor’s tenure as Consul.
A Personal Exodus
For some time after the split, Anshar remained in Clan Arcona, serving as an ad-hoc advisor. However, Anshar began to see himself more and more on the outside of his clan. For the first time in his life, Anshar had grown stagnant and stopped seeking out knowledge. To try and change this, he began to travel again, though always to return home to Arcona and the Brotherhood. During one of his many travels, Anshar came across a Shi'ido named Dranik. Recognizing many of the same qualities in Dranik that Anshar had once had himself, Anshar recruited the young warrior and began training him in the ways of the Force. As fate would have it, Dranik was assigned to Clan Tarentum upon joining the Brotherhood. In a rare and strange event, the master followed the student: Anshar transferred from Arcona to Tarentum, intent upon rediscovering his own path and moving forward.
Due to his experience and desire to start anew, Anshar was given an opportunity by Sith Bloodfyre, to strongly influence the clan. Starting off as Tarentum’s Clan Envoy, Anshar quickly proved himself to his new clanmates and became Quaestor of House Gladius. Gladius saw a great deal of change under his leadership, including the events of "In the Shadows" as well as transitioning to a multi-order house. When Bloodfyre became the Sith High Warrior, Anshar became Proconsul to Rekio. During this time, Anshar also commanded the Envoys as Knight Commander, and was the Praetor to the Headmaster, being one of the few in Brotherhood history to hold three Dark Summit level positions simultaneously. After Rekio stepped down, Anshar, as Proconsul, was asked by Grandmaster Jac Cotelin and Tarentum’s Grand Chamberlain, Sith Bloodfyre, to take over as Consul. Already in discussions with then Headmaster Spears about taking over as Headmaster, Anshar nevertheless agreed to take up the mantle of Consul. Spears delayed stepping down from Headmaster in order to give Anshar more time as Consul. This was done so that a rapid changing of leaders would not upset the clan. However, whereas Tarentum, and indeed the Brotherhood, was fairly peaceful on the outside, Tarentum found itself dealing with internal problems.
It was during Anshar’s tenure as Consul that the Yridian Revolt occurred. Non-Tarenti of the Yridia system, led by a man named Joletha, rose up and tried to overthrow Clan Tarentum and the feudal establishment. The rebellion was, to outward appearances, well armed and funded. However, the rebels had no real military experience and the initial surprise factor wore off quickly. The rebels did attack the Sword’s Sheath and initially made some headway, but they were eventually driven off of the base altogether. Following that battle, the Yridian rebels launched a massive attack, this time on Castle Tarentum itself. However, the assault failed miserably and the rebellion essentially collapsed. In a somewhat uncharacteristic move, Anshar ordered the execution of many of the rebels, rather than letting them return home with defeat hanging over their heads. The crisis over, it was time for Anshar to take over as Headmaster. Anshar turned over control of the clan to Spears.
Lyspair, Anshar’s second home in the Brotherhood
Interlude on Lyspair
When Anshar took the reigns as Headmaster, he had little expectation that he would ever return to serve as Consul again. Though he kept tabs on Clan Tarentum, Anshar devoted himself to his duties as Headmaster. Under his leadership, the Shadow Academy saw an expansion of course offerings, as well as adding to the Shadow Academy’s defenses as the Academy has been prone to destruction in recent years. The Dark Vault was finally opened to general membership during Anshar’s tenure. However, at the same time, Anshar ordered that back up copies of all documents in the Dark Vault be made. Along with the truly rare items, these copies were hidden away. Only a few people know where they are.
Times of War
Great Jedi Wars are a time of trials for everyone, and Anshar is no exception. During the past few wars, whether by design or happenstance, Anshar has found himself at the Shadow Academy. It is because of this in particular that caused Anshar to focus on the Shadow Academy’s defenses during his tenure as Headmaster.
Sixth Great Jedi War
During the Sixth Great Jedi War, also known as the War of the Star Chamber, Anshar was teaching classes at the Shadow Academy. Taking up arms to defend the institution from his infected brethren, Anshar himself managed to defeat several “enemies,” including Sith Bloodfyre. However, a lucky strike by a journeyman infected Anshar, though he was one of a very few who, rather than turning on their former allies, fell into a coma. After Okemi was destroyed, Anshar quickly recovered.
Seventh Great Jedi War
The Seventh Great Jedi War was the first Great Jedi War to take place while Anshar was Headmaster. Anshar took a far more active role in this particular conflict than in previous wars. With two Jac Cotelins claiming the title of Grand Master, Anshar made an unexpected move and quickly sided with one of the two Jacs, taking the position of Deputy Grand Master. Though roundly criticized for such a bold and open move, especially by his friends in Clan Tarentum, Anshar’s own motives were never revealed to the rest of the Brotherhood. In secret, Anshar had hoped to get close enough to one of the two Jacs to try and determine which one was the real Jac. However, Anshar was kept at a distance by the Jac he had chosen to side with, ostensibly under the pretense of preparing loyal forces to fight off the “rebels.” In the end, Anshar never achieved his goal, and the war ended with no one really knowing which Jac had been the real one.
Eighth Great Jedi War
The Eighth Great Jedi War also occurred during Anshar’s tenure as Headmaster, but its consequences would be far reaching than previous wars. In the end, however, Anshar could claim responsibility for one of the few successes the Brotherhood achieved in the conflict: the preservation of the Shadow Academy’s library.
Anshar took the Mnemosyne to the gathering of the clans at the end of the Rite of Supremacy known as Second Darkness. Anshar attended the awards ceremony, but immediately returned to the Mnemosyne,
File:FRGB2.jpgThe Mnemosyne travels through the Shroud preferring to avoid the large social event full of inter-clan politics. It proved to be a fateful decision.
Anshar was on board the Mnemosyne when the Yuuzhan Vong attacked. The older ship fell quickly to the sudden onslaught, though she managed to launch her two squadrons of TIE Interceptors before being destroyed. Anshar was shoved into an escape pod by Captain Elsad, the Mnemosyne's commanding officer, but not before suffering serious personal injuries. He inhaled a great deal of smoke and a durasteel rod was driven through his left knee.
Anshar was picked up by a Shadow Academy shuttle that had been observing the fleet for the benefit of a few promising students. Returning to Lyspair, Anshar set about preparing both the defenses and for an evacuation, using what little spare time he managed to find to seek treatment for his injuries. His decision proved to be correct, for the Yuuzhan Vong and the hodgepodge Brotherhood forces collided over Antei and Lyspair. Miraculously, no more Shadow Academy vessels were destroyed, though the dozens of Clone Wars era droid fighters were sent to engage the Yuuzhan Vong. The Shadow Academy fleet, under the command of Dranik on the Sirona, fled the battle in what became known as the Evacuation of Lyspair
Tempted to deny the Yuuzhan Vong the Shadow Academy, Anshar almost used a self-destruct device, but instead chose to simply close the abandoned facility, promising to return one day. The last to leave the Shadow Academy, Anshar received a message from Sarin. Upon meeting up with Sarin, Anshar was presented with a Khyron-class dreadnaught that would serve as a mobile Shadow Academy. Naming it the Arcanum, Anshar met up with Dranik and the fleet, reestablishing the Shadow Academy aboard the vessel. Shortly thereafter, Anshar and Dranik assembled a new fleet for the Shadow Academy. Constantly on the move in order to protect the institution, Anshar would eventually return to Lyspair, but not as the Headmaster. Events back home in Tarentum's home system needed his attention.
Crisis on Koros
During his last few months as Headmaster, Anshar was called upon to help Clan Tarentum heal an old wound: Koros. Koros, the moon that orbits Yridia II, once housed House Cestus, but an outbreak of undead creatures had left the base uninhabitable. Now, however, many clan members began to experience harsh dreams, and the clan leadership traced the problem back to Koros. Anshar, as a Master, agreed to go to the surface in hopes of discovering the source of the problem. Anshar, along with Dranik, quickly discovered that several Force spirits had joined the undead creatures, and had managed to find a way to possess the corpses, as well as using spiritual undead creations to invade the dreams of the Tarentae. These seven Force spirits were former Dark Jedi and each one had been trapped by Trevarus Caerick in the Crystal of Tears with the assistance of the Tarentae. When Trevarus broke the crystal during the Eighth Great Jedi War, the seven spirits were released. Banding together, they swore vengeance upon their captors and they targeted Clan Tarentum first.
The Corsair Using a possessed draugr, the seven spirits demanded that Anshar and Dranik, whom they had captured, create more spirits for them to latch onto, in hopes of ultimately being able to possess real bodies. Anshar and Dranik managed to escape, and they returned to orbit. Anshar then joined Sith Bloodfyre and Trevarus Caerick in guiding the battle scarred Corsair into the surface of Koros, destroying the undead and creating a new base for the reconstituted House Cestus. The seven spirits disappeared, at least for the short term.
Shortly thereafter, Anshar was asked by Sarin to return to Tarentum to serve as Consul.
Second Tenure
In 28 ABY, Anshar returned to Tarentum to serve as Consul, becoming the second person to hold the position more than once (Sith Bloodfyre being the first). This tenure was much longer than his first, and was marked by several major events, including those events that would, eventually, lead to Tarnetum's renunciation of necromancy.
Settling Home
Shortly after his return to Consul, Anshar discovered that, though Yridia had been spared the direct Yuuzhan Vong invasion, the system still faced trouble. Refugees flowed towards the system, and even placing many in designated areas did not placate them. To complicate matters, Deutta the Hutt, a Yuuzhan Vong collaborator and crime boss, had his agents infiltrate the camps and stir up discontent. Tarentum managed to defeat Deutta and distract the Yuuzhan Vong long enough to retreat. The Yuuzhan Vong never discovered the true home of the Tarentae, losing track of the “infidels” as more appealing targets opened up.
The Renegade
Masquerade of Allies
After a close encounter with the Yuuzhan Vong, and knowing that the Brotherhood would have to fight them again, Anshar immediately ordered the clan to begin stockpiling war supplies. Everything from guns and bombs to electrical wiring was considered fair game, and Tarentum bought and stole whatever it could. The greatest prizes, however, came with the discovery of a secret Imperial research facility on Prakith, a world deep in the Core. With potential weapons and technology too good to pass up, Anshar led the clan to the planet. An elaborate ruse managed to fool the New Republic garrison. Though they encountered resistance within the facility, Tarentum ultimately managed to escape unharmed, and with plans and designs for technology that held great potential. While returning home, the clan came across a more tantalizing prize: the MC80 Renegade.
Ghosts, Spirits, and a Young Girl
Talitha Finding an abandoned MC80 was too good of an opportunity to pass up, and Anshar authorized an inspection of the ship. Little did he, or anyone, know that the ship was already inhabited. The ship itself still housed the lingering spirits of much of the crew, all of whom desired vengeance upon Oberst,
The MC80 Renegadewhom many blamed for their deaths. Furthermore, the seven spirits from the Crystal of Tears spirits had joined forces with the spirits, knowing that finding Oberst would allow them vengeance upon Clan Tarentum.
During the ensuing mission, Anshar’s soul was stripped from his body. His spirit soon encountered a young girl named Talitha, who agreed to serve as Anshar’s guide if he would help her “find her king.” It was revealed that Talitha was actually a Keeper, and her true powers far surpassed anyone else in the clan. However, while in her more docile state, the young girl could remember nothing about being a Keeper, only knowing how to use her powers, and that she had actually lived numerous lives.
In the end, Talitha was able to restore Anshar to his body, and only one of the Crystal of Tears spirits managed to survive as Tarentum discovered ways to fend them off, and ultimately kill them. However, as Anshar would discover, his own journey had resulted in his spirit and his body loosely connected. No one in the clan, or even the entire Brotherhood, save for Dranik and Talitha, would know of this condition for some time.
The Ninth Great Jedi War
Anshar had, upon assuming the position of Consul, given his word to Grand Master Sarin that Tarentum would be ready for the retaking of Antei. Though Tarentum had, and has, little interest in Antei itself, the clan was part of the Brotherhood, and it had a role to play. Though convincing the clan elders that the conflict was justified, Anshar was surprised that his most vehement resistance came from Talitha. Talitha insisted that Anshar remain on Yridia II, claiming that he ran the risk of having his spirit separated from his body once more, likely permanently. Nevertheless, Anshar insisted upon fulfilling his promise to Sarin. Anshar was the last member of Clan Tarentum to leave the castle.
Conflict: Separation and Return
As Tarentum made its way through the Shroud, the clan encountered dead Yuuzhan Vong warships. Things became even more surprising when the Brotherhood found a sect of Jedi and a droid army. Tarentum joined with units of the Army of the Iron Throne and began to meet all the goals as prescribed by the battle plan given to them, though not without some minor conflicts with other clans.
As the clan advanced, they were confronted by a Jedi named Jorax Tuar, whom Anshar had briefly encountered many years prior. Tuar was a warrior, akin to a Jedi Guardian or Weaponmaster. Tuar was also fanatically devoted to the Light Side, seeking to convert or slay all who opposed him. He dueled Anshar twice during the conflict. The first duel took place in a cavern and it taxed Anshar to his limits, placing great strain on his spirit-body connections. Tuar also managed to destroy one of Anshar’s lightsabers. Their battle ended prematurely when a Brotherhood bomber was shot down, crashing into the cavern ceiling. Tuar’s robotic right arm was trapped, temporarily pinning him down. Anshar chose not to kill the Jedi in return for a “small” favor during their prior meeting. It was a decision that would prove unwise.
Tuar freed himself, though it cost him his robotic arm. He then tracked Anshar down, drawing the weakened Tarentae into a second duel. Anshar’s spirit-body connections could not withstand the increased pressure, and just before Tuar ran his lightsaber through Anshar’s solar plexus, the final connection snapped. However, in his zeal to end the battle, Tuar let his concentration slip, allowing Oberst to swiftly execute him with a blaster shot to the head. Oberst, sensing that something was amiss, then ordered Anshar’s body taken to the fleet and healed. He kept Anshar’s remaining lightsaber for the duration of the war, notifying only Bloodfyre, Saitou, and Kazarelth (all Watchers) of Anshar’s condition. Oberst insisted on keeping the details a secret.
Anshar would be unable to help his clan during the rest of the war, but the clan performed its duty and accomplished its objectives. Upon the clan’s return home, Dranik immediately sought out Talitha. The Keeper was able to call Anshar’s spirit and reattach it to his body, but the process almost killed her.
Aftermath and Present Day
After Anshar stepped down as Consul in the post Great Jedi War, he went on a sabbatical, involving himself very little in the affairs of the clan. During this time, he worked on strengthening his spirit as well as training with Dranik. Eventually, Anshar was pulled back into Tarentum affairs when his estate became a war zone thanks to the Church of Infinite Perception. Anshar took command of the Yridian land forces around his estate and helped coordinate a breakout from the attack. The forces then combined with General Sato's forces for the final assault on the Yridia IV government complex.
During the battle, Anshar's spirit-body connection grew weak, and a confrontation with a Yuuzhan Vong warrior cut the connection yet again. As his spirit drifted into Oblivion, it encountered the spirit of Talitha, herself still wandering the netherworld, vainly searching for her king. In spite of, or perhaps due to, her delusional state, Talitha offered to repair Anshar's spirit by binding hers with his own, forever healing his spirit-body connection. Anshar agreed and Talitha indicated that she accepted this as an absolute and final death. To date, there have been no adverse affects from this event.
Personal Info
Anshar has a small estate, known as Messina, on Yridia IV. It is where he goes for true solitude. Other than that, Anshar does not have any other property. Elsa Pasari watches over the estate in Anshar's absence, and because of his work with her, she remains entirely loyal to him. Anshar cares little for her loyalty and never requested her service, but she continues it anyway. There is still the danger that her mind may break free from its bonds.
Anshar had never particularly cared for Tarentum's chosen path of Necromancy, but he still delved into his own research on certain matters related to it. His extesnive access to the Dark Vault allowed him to develop his own ideas and uses, though ultimately these proved to be of little use. Though Tarentum has forsaken necromancy, Anshar himself continues to delve into the spiritual plane, such as it is, in hopes of maintaining control over his soul.
Combat and Lightsabers
Anshar is extremly proficient in bladed combat, especially with short blades and lightsabers. He uses speed and agility to his advantage and he has mastered both Jar'Kai Niman as well as Soresu. He is also proficient in Djem So and Niman. He has mastered the technique of switching styles in the blink of an eye. In particular, the switching behind the highly defensive Soresu and highly offensive Jar'Kai Niman has left many foes stunned and frequently dead within seconds.
His original lightsaber is one he constructed himself, possessing a black and gold hilt with a royal blue blade. It was lost during the 9th Great Jedi War. Anshar replaced it with another blue bladed lightsaber, but this time he opted for a sapphire blue hilt (constructed out of the same sapphire material as the Sapphire Blade) with gold trim. This lightsaber can be activated with the Force, but also has a pressure sensitive grip that can activate it. His second lightsaber is silver with three purple bands in the middle. It has a purple blade. It is a Force activated lightsaber, with the switch on the inside. No one knows where this lightsaber came from, and Anshar has said nothing to the few who have asked.
DJB Facts
Positions Held
Anshar has held numerous positions in the Brotherhood, from battleteam leader up to Headmaster. His career stretches over ten years, most of which has involved his being in some sort of leadership position. He has served as a Tetrarch, Aedile, Quaestor (twice),
Old Knight Commander Emblem Proconsul, Consul (twice), Clan Envoy, Eclectic Pedagogue, Praetor to the Headmaster, Praetor to the Master at Arms Knight Commander of the Brotherhood, and Headmaster.
- Was once told he was “overqualified” for the position of Praetor to the Headmaster: a few years before he actually got the job.