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{{quote|'''Bidden or not bidden, darkness is always present!|''Night Hawks motto'''''}}

{{Organization infobox
|name=Night Hawks
|name=Night Hawks
|founder=[[Trevarus Caerick|Shan Long]]
|founder=[[Trevarus Caerick]]
|leader=[[Imperial]] <br>|members=
|headquarters=[[Ragnos Cathedral]], [[Orian system]]
|headquarters=[[Kar Alabrek]]
|founded=[[20 ABY to 29 ABY#21_ABY|21 ABY]]
|founded=21. ABY
|reorganized=[[30 ABY to 39 ABY#31_ABY|31 ABY]]
|dissolved=[[30 ABY to 39 ABY#33_ABY|33 ABY]]
|restored=[[30 ABY to 39 ABY#33_ABY|39 ABY]]
|affiliation=* [[Clan Naga Sadow]]
*[[Clan Naga Sadow]]
* [[House Marka Ragnos]]
*[[House Marka Ragnos]]
|era=[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|era=[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]

The Night Hawks is a [[Battle Team]] within [[House Marka Ragnos]] of [[Clan Naga Sadow]]. The current Battleteam leaders are Krath Tetrarch [[Imperial|Jade "Imperial" Atema]].
{{Quote|Death flies on shadowed wings.|''Night Hawks slogan''}}
==Time of bliss==
[[Trevarus Caerick]] also known as Shan Long originally founded the Night Hawks as a [[Krath]] Phyle once he came to [[Clan Naga Sadow]]. Leading the Phyle was his first ever leadership task, and he exceled in it bringing the Night Hawks to a name that would be feared and whispered throughout the halls of Naga Sadow. With him there were also four members, Enerum Shka, Tavf Ran-Kai Alithial, Fova Wasi, and Stacia Jasbeec. The Night Hawks first ever mission was to raid a Jedi library on Antar IV, from which we recovered the Holocron of Antar IV (played against competition from the Cimerri Sect Phyle), they excelled and obliterated the oposition.
The next mission was to explore the ruined Krath war-base under the ice of Loki. Encountering the ancient Krath spirits that lived in the base, the Night Hawks were forced to flee as the whole edifice came crashing down on their heads.
After the mission on Loki, Shan Long became [[House Marka Ragnos]] [[Aedile]] and then [[Quaestor]] and later even [[Consul]]. Tavf Ran-Kai Alithial took over the Phyle as Tetrarch and soon after advanced through the ranks as his succesor, Daihok took over the Phyle.
The Night Hawks were active during the [[K'hamar'an Crisis]]. During a Phyle war the Night Hawks obliterated the Mystics of the Dark Arts of House Gladius, Clan Tarentum, under Tetarch Shae-Lynn Jade.
For three months after the Phyle war the Night Hawks were renamed to the Night Raptors. It was changed back to Night Hawks by Shan Long after he returned from the Dark Council.
{{quote|I am disgusted with the activity generated from within this unit as it is non-existent.|Mejas Doto, on Phyle activity}}
During Tetrarch Mejas Doto's first reign (March 2000) there were during his second reign the Phyle was largely inactive. From the reports generated at the time it is seen that there was no interest for activity within the BT. Except of a couple of competitions no major achievements have been done. Mejas Doto moved, soon after his last report, to Clan Arcona.
Korras' reign didn't bring much change in activity. From the few reports he gave out it can be seen that very little was accomplished in ways of motivating members.
Muz Keibatsu Sadow's (Muz Ashen at the time) leadership was marked by the 7th Great Jedi war, as was Arion Sunrider's and Tissaya Sadow's. Muz activated the long dormant Phyle and during the war, although not amongst the leaders, the BT was fully active and assisting their House and Clan.
==Inner Battleteam Promotion System==
>coming soon<

*Recovery of the Holocron of Antar IV ((played against competition from the Cimerri Sect Phyle))
The Night Hawks is a battleteam with a long history within [[House Marka Ragnos]] of [[Clan Naga Sadow]].  Originally formed as a Special Forces group under [[Trevarus Caerick]], the team went through numerous reorganizations before becoming a cabal of Krath Sorcerers.  It was outmoded in [[30 ABY to 39 ABY#33_ABY|33 ABY]] in order to consolidate Ragnosian forces.  It was recommissioned by [[Grand Master]] [[Muz Ashen]] in [[30 ABY to 39 ABY#39_ABY|39 ABY]] as an elite team, intent on destroying enemies of the Clan and House.
*Investigation of the Krath military bases on Loki
*Beating the Mystics of the Dark Arts of House Gladius, Clan Tarentum, under Tetarch Shae-Lynn Jade.

==  History  ==

=== Born within Darkness  ===
* [[Tetrarch]] [[Imperial|Jade Atema]]
Twenty one years after the famed Battle of Yavin the Krath Sorcerer [[Trevarus Caerick]] noticed that [[Clan Naga Sadow]] required more military power. During one of his meditations the Krath received a vision through the Force, a vision of a Hawk bearing down upon its prey slaying it without remorse, without hesitation, and without a single thread of fear. That vision inspired him to create a Battleteam containing only [[Clan Naga Sadow]]'s finest. And as his members were brought before him, their names never to be forgotten, the Night Hawks were born. Conceived through the visions of Darkness the Hawks of Justice rained down upon their prey. It did not take long for the leaders of the Clan to notice their great potential and prowess. Before they knew it, they were already underway towards their first true mission.
* [[Nero Pennant]]  
* [[Ekeia Iclo]]
* '''Zaroth'''
* [[Tekryn Fenkath]]

=== Through fire we roam  ===
==The Armor==
Their first true mission for the Clan Summit was the retrieval of a special [[starwars:Holocron|Holocron]]. Located on Antar IV in one of the heavy guarded Jedi Libraries, the Night Hawks were up to the task. Using both the power of their number as well as the additional teamwork the Battleteam was successful in retrieving the valuable object. Now that they had proven their loyalty towards their Clan and House, the members of the Night Hawks were ready for any threat. They had, however, little time to celebrate as a new task rose upon the horizon.

In search for more relics used by the Jedi and later even the Krath of old, the Night Hawks were set en route to an ancient Warbase underneath the ice of Loki's northern pole. During this recon mission the Hawks carefully threaded upon ancient and sacred grounds. Suddenly the mission was sailing towards peril as the base started to collapse on top of them, caused by the Krath Spirits that called the ruins home. Not deeming the intruders worthy of their gifts the entire base collapsed. Barely escaping the Night Hawks returned to their Clan, deeming the relics lost. The Clan summit however did not see this loss as a failure, as not the Jedi who sought it's riches could not harbor it either, safeguarding the Relics as intended.

The Night Hawks have their own armor design that they use on missions.  
Afterwards the Night Hawks had a rich history of missions and never failed to do the Summit's wishes. Every day continuing to serve their brethren in combat and to be an example for new initiates.

Its a basic stormtrooper design. It deflects low-powered bolts, stun bolts and protects against shrapnel.
===  Dark Ages  ===
The suite underneath is sealed tight on the wearers body and protects him against hazards. With a helmet on the wearer could survive in space for a total of 10 minutes with the extra air package on the back. This is why the helmet is standard issue for missions. The whole armor, including the under suite are resistant to fire.
Unfortunately, like all great minds, one will find a period of hardship and crisis. During the command of [[Mejas Doto]] the Battleteam fell in a pitch of low morale. It's members either were promoted to the Grand Masters Royal Guard, bringing them in service of the Dark Council itself, or promoted into the summit ranks. New recruits were at an all time low which made the Battleteam unfit for some missions. After a change of leaderhip this did not change and the Battleteam fell into a stage of decay, and the vision of the Krath Sorcerer came to a halt.

The gloves house a grappling hook and launcher on the right arm, a slicer device and hold out dagger in the left.
Then a new leader emerged from the shadows, [[Muz Ashen|Muz Keibatsu]], who would during the 7th Great Jedi War revive the Night Hawks into their former glory and played a vital part in the War. Stronger than ever, the Night Hawks flourished, despite all the hardships it suffered. It continued on, recruiting more like-minded individuals and training them to their cause.
The boots house two WESTAR-34 blaster pistol for emergencies.

4 canisters, for food, water, ammo and first aid, hang on the belt. The belt itself can carry 4 extra ammo batteries for pistols.
===  Decades Pass  ===
Ten years after its creation by the Krath Sorcerer [[Trevarus Caerick]] the vision of the Hawks of Justice still lived under the rule of its Tetrarch. The Night Hawks wre among the Legends of the Brotherhood. Some of the highest-ranked members within the Clan and Brotherhood were part of this legacy, yet history alone does not sustain any unit.  As war took its toll on Naga Sadow and Marka Ragnos alike, the Night Hawks were absorbed into the rest of the House, the need for their strength to support the greater whole more important than the battleteam.  Shuttered, the Night Hawks faded into history, relegated to a footnote in the Clan's story.

The food canister consists mostly of protein bars as they have all the nutrients needed for away-missions.
Reorganization saw tides of change sweep the Clan, and new growth came, the strength of the ancient clan building.  The return of the [[Lion of Tarthos]] from his hunts in Deep Space came with the Grand Master requesting that the Consul re-awaken the Night Hawks.

The ammo cannister holds 5 extra blaster rifle and/or pistol batteries.
== Facilities ==

The helmet is the main part of the whole armor. It is equipped with an internal communicator, an interchangeable view screen with 3 views; Infra Red, Thermal and Normal, additionally Normal view can be adjusted for more or less contrast; and an HUD screen is also installed inside the helmet. The HUD shows a complete tactical view of what the wearer sees. It can identify living beings from machinery and humanoid sentients from animals. During a battle the HUD points out all visible targets in the field of view.
=== Level 9 ===
[[File:level9.jpg|thumb|150px|left|Level 9 control room]]Hidden deep beneath the surface of Kar Alabrek on Tarthos, hidden in a maze of tunnels and abandoned works, lays the central command base of the Night Hawks. Small, and easily concealable, the base is not much more than a few rooms, a central hub for members that are often in field, performing duties alone or in small groups. The Hub uses state of the art technology, including a holographic coordination display and a overpowered connection to the holonet, allowing members in the field or at the Hub to communicate in realtime.

The base is not a pristine and perfect show room, it is a workplace, a factory designed to manufacture the deaths of their prey.  Cleaning crews are a luxury and a threat to operational security, so they are not used.  As a result of that and the fact that the facility is housed deep in the ground below Kar Alabrek, the rooms of Level 9 often show wear and tear, dust and rust.  The rooms do not progress to actual disarray, as each member of the Hawks takes pride in their work and will clean up after themselves, but the cleaning of the facility is an afterthought to the mission of the team.

===Former leaders===
A small, three bed barracks provides some comfort to those Hawks needing to stay off the grid and rest, while a three stall medbay and medical droid is kept powered for obvious reasons.  While many of the Hawks prefer their own personal and often specialized weapons, there is a secure vault used for an armory providing hawks with the materials and weapons necessary to accomplish their goals. The remaining room of the facility is left open, although recent discussions have been brought up to use the area as a training room.

*[[Trevarus Caerick|Shan Long]]
[[File:level9layout.jpg|thumb|150px|right|Level 9 layout]] Initially a secure critical file storage facility, the walls of the facility are three feet thick, and rated as a fallout shelter.  The entryway has been redesigned and set to be able to repel any interlopers, with a 'funnel of fire' allowing multiple defenders to attack invaders from behind thick barricades.  Attackers are forced through a narrow and long passageway, diminishing any numerical superiority advantages.  The door is a three foot thick vault door that is electromagnetically sealed when in place.  While not ideal, the team could hold out in the facility for about a month, due to the rations stored in the facility being finite.
*[[Mejas Doto]]
*[[Muz Keibatsu Sadow]]
*Arion Aquillarum Sunrider
*Tissaya Argat Sadow
*[[Kat Pridemore]]
*[[Callus Bo'Amar]]
*Shuang Long
*[[Tyren Atema]]
*[[Faeril Munlear]]
*[[Nero Pennant]]
*[[Draken-Korin 'Ylith' Elariël Atema]]

==  Roll of leaders  ==
{| class="fancy fancy-green" width="450" align="center" cellpadding="3"
|class="head" colspan="4"  |  '''Leaders of the Night Hawks'''
|class="sub-head" width="15%"  |  '''Name'''
|class="sub-head" width="25%"  |  '''Service Dates'''
|  [[Trevarus Caerick]]
|  ?? - ??
|  [[Mejas Doto]]
|  ?? - ??
|  [[Korras]]
|  ?? - ??
|  [[Muz Ashen]]
|  ?? - ??
|  Arion Aquillarum Sunrider
|  ?? - ??
|  Tissaya Argat Sadow
|  ?? - ??
|  [[Kat Pridemore]]
|  ?? - ??
|  Lech
|  ?? - ??
|  [[Callus Bo'Amar]]
|  ?? - ??
|  Shuang Long
|  ?? - ??
|  [[Raven]]
|  ?? - ??
|  [[Tyren Atema]]
|  ?? - ??
|  [[Faeril Munlear]]
|  ?? - ??
|  Nero Pennant
|  ?? - ??
|  [[Ylith|Ylith Atema]]
|  ?? - ??
|  [[Tyren Atema]]
|  ?? - ??
|  [[Imperial|Jade Atema]]
|  ?? - ??
|  [[Zaxen Dauketrenal Isradia]]
|  ?? - ??
|  [[Kalei Basai]]
|  ?? - ??
|  [[Raven]]
|  ?? - ??
|  [[Ekeia Iclo]]
|  ?? - ??
|  [[Sarconn]]
|  ?? - 31 ABY
|  [[Muz Ashen]]
|  34 ABY - 34 ABY
|  [[DarkHawk]] 
|  34 ABY- 35 ABY
| [[Tasha'Vel Versea]]
| 35 ABY - Incumbent

== Trivia and Achievements  ==
* The Night Hawks logo was created by [[Trevarus Caerick|Shan Long]] and remade by [[Tyren Atema]]
* The original logo forgotten for some time, several iterations of new logos and crests were cycled through before Muz revamped the original logo in 2016.
* The Night Hawks armor was created by [[Tyren Atema]]
* During the [[K'hamar'an Crisis]] the Night Hawks were successful in defeating the rival Battleteam 'Mystics of the Dark Arts' who were part of [[House Gladius]] of [[Tarentum|Clan Tarentum]].
* Praetor to the Herald, [[Tyren Atema]] is currently working on the female Night Hawks armor design
* One of the Longest running Battleteams in [[Naga Sadow]], was dissolved to form [[The Regulators|the Regulators]] due to massive inactivity amongst the Battleteams.
* Reformed under Former Nigh Hawk [[Muz Ashen]] after his return to the clan from serving as [[Grand Master]].

* The first formation of the Battleteam:
** Trevarus Caerick
** Enerum Shka
** Tavf Ran-Kai Alithial
** Fova Wasi
** Stacia Jasbeec.

'''See Also'''
{{Naga Sadow}}
<br>[[House Marka Ragnos Training Program]]

[[Category:Battle Team]]
[[Category:Naga Sadow]]
[[Category: Clan Naga Sadow]]

Latest revision as of 10:47, 24 September 2017

Exodus era.New Order era.Formerly featured article
Night Hawks
General information

Trevarus Caerick


Muz Ashen Keibatsu


Kar Alabrek

Historical information

21 ABY


31 ABY


33 ABY


39 ABY

Other information

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

[ Source ]

"Death flies on shadowed wings."
Night Hawks slogan

The Night Hawks is a battleteam with a long history within House Marka Ragnos of Clan Naga Sadow. Originally formed as a Special Forces group under Trevarus Caerick, the team went through numerous reorganizations before becoming a cabal of Krath Sorcerers. It was outmoded in 33 ABY in order to consolidate Ragnosian forces. It was recommissioned by Grand Master Muz Ashen in 39 ABY as an elite team, intent on destroying enemies of the Clan and House.


Born within Darkness

Twenty one years after the famed Battle of Yavin the Krath Sorcerer Trevarus Caerick noticed that Clan Naga Sadow required more military power. During one of his meditations the Krath received a vision through the Force, a vision of a Hawk bearing down upon its prey slaying it without remorse, without hesitation, and without a single thread of fear. That vision inspired him to create a Battleteam containing only Clan Naga Sadow's finest. And as his members were brought before him, their names never to be forgotten, the Night Hawks were born. Conceived through the visions of Darkness the Hawks of Justice rained down upon their prey. It did not take long for the leaders of the Clan to notice their great potential and prowess. Before they knew it, they were already underway towards their first true mission.

Through fire we roam

Their first true mission for the Clan Summit was the retrieval of a special Holocron. Located on Antar IV in one of the heavy guarded Jedi Libraries, the Night Hawks were up to the task. Using both the power of their number as well as the additional teamwork the Battleteam was successful in retrieving the valuable object. Now that they had proven their loyalty towards their Clan and House, the members of the Night Hawks were ready for any threat. They had, however, little time to celebrate as a new task rose upon the horizon.

In search for more relics used by the Jedi and later even the Krath of old, the Night Hawks were set en route to an ancient Warbase underneath the ice of Loki's northern pole. During this recon mission the Hawks carefully threaded upon ancient and sacred grounds. Suddenly the mission was sailing towards peril as the base started to collapse on top of them, caused by the Krath Spirits that called the ruins home. Not deeming the intruders worthy of their gifts the entire base collapsed. Barely escaping the Night Hawks returned to their Clan, deeming the relics lost. The Clan summit however did not see this loss as a failure, as not the Jedi who sought it's riches could not harbor it either, safeguarding the Relics as intended.

Afterwards the Night Hawks had a rich history of missions and never failed to do the Summit's wishes. Every day continuing to serve their brethren in combat and to be an example for new initiates.

Dark Ages

Unfortunately, like all great minds, one will find a period of hardship and crisis. During the command of Mejas Doto the Battleteam fell in a pitch of low morale. It's members either were promoted to the Grand Masters Royal Guard, bringing them in service of the Dark Council itself, or promoted into the summit ranks. New recruits were at an all time low which made the Battleteam unfit for some missions. After a change of leaderhip this did not change and the Battleteam fell into a stage of decay, and the vision of the Krath Sorcerer came to a halt.

Then a new leader emerged from the shadows, Muz Keibatsu, who would during the 7th Great Jedi War revive the Night Hawks into their former glory and played a vital part in the War. Stronger than ever, the Night Hawks flourished, despite all the hardships it suffered. It continued on, recruiting more like-minded individuals and training them to their cause.

Decades Pass

Ten years after its creation by the Krath Sorcerer Trevarus Caerick the vision of the Hawks of Justice still lived under the rule of its Tetrarch. The Night Hawks wre among the Legends of the Brotherhood. Some of the highest-ranked members within the Clan and Brotherhood were part of this legacy, yet history alone does not sustain any unit. As war took its toll on Naga Sadow and Marka Ragnos alike, the Night Hawks were absorbed into the rest of the House, the need for their strength to support the greater whole more important than the battleteam. Shuttered, the Night Hawks faded into history, relegated to a footnote in the Clan's story.

Reorganization saw tides of change sweep the Clan, and new growth came, the strength of the ancient clan building. The return of the Lion of Tarthos from his hunts in Deep Space came with the Grand Master requesting that the Consul re-awaken the Night Hawks.


Level 9

Level 9 control room

Hidden deep beneath the surface of Kar Alabrek on Tarthos, hidden in a maze of tunnels and abandoned works, lays the central command base of the Night Hawks. Small, and easily concealable, the base is not much more than a few rooms, a central hub for members that are often in field, performing duties alone or in small groups. The Hub uses state of the art technology, including a holographic coordination display and a overpowered connection to the holonet, allowing members in the field or at the Hub to communicate in realtime.

The base is not a pristine and perfect show room, it is a workplace, a factory designed to manufacture the deaths of their prey. Cleaning crews are a luxury and a threat to operational security, so they are not used. As a result of that and the fact that the facility is housed deep in the ground below Kar Alabrek, the rooms of Level 9 often show wear and tear, dust and rust. The rooms do not progress to actual disarray, as each member of the Hawks takes pride in their work and will clean up after themselves, but the cleaning of the facility is an afterthought to the mission of the team.

A small, three bed barracks provides some comfort to those Hawks needing to stay off the grid and rest, while a three stall medbay and medical droid is kept powered for obvious reasons. While many of the Hawks prefer their own personal and often specialized weapons, there is a secure vault used for an armory providing hawks with the materials and weapons necessary to accomplish their goals. The remaining room of the facility is left open, although recent discussions have been brought up to use the area as a training room.

Level 9 layout

Initially a secure critical file storage facility, the walls of the facility are three feet thick, and rated as a fallout shelter. The entryway has been redesigned and set to be able to repel any interlopers, with a 'funnel of fire' allowing multiple defenders to attack invaders from behind thick barricades. Attackers are forced through a narrow and long passageway, diminishing any numerical superiority advantages. The door is a three foot thick vault door that is electromagnetically sealed when in place. While not ideal, the team could hold out in the facility for about a month, due to the rations stored in the facility being finite.

Roll of leaders

Leaders of the Night Hawks
Name Service Dates
Trevarus Caerick ?? - ??
Mejas Doto ?? - ??
Korras ?? - ??
Muz Ashen ?? - ??
Arion Aquillarum Sunrider ?? - ??
Tissaya Argat Sadow ?? - ??
Kat Pridemore ?? - ??
Lech ?? - ??
Callus Bo'Amar ?? - ??
Shuang Long ?? - ??
Raven ?? - ??
Tyren Atema ?? - ??
Faeril Munlear ?? - ??
Nero Pennant ?? - ??
Ylith Atema ?? - ??
Tyren Atema ?? - ??
Jade Atema ?? - ??
Zaxen Dauketrenal Isradia ?? - ??
Kalei Basai ?? - ??
Raven ?? - ??
Ekeia Iclo ?? - ??
Sarconn ?? - 31 ABY
Muz Ashen 34 ABY - 34 ABY
DarkHawk 34 ABY- 35 ABY
Tasha'Vel Versea 35 ABY - Incumbent

Trivia and Achievements

  • The original logo forgotten for some time, several iterations of new logos and crests were cycled through before Muz revamped the original logo in 2016.
  • During the K'hamar'an Crisis the Night Hawks were successful in defeating the rival Battleteam 'Mystics of the Dark Arts' who were part of House Gladius of Clan Tarentum.
  • One of the Longest running Battleteams in Naga Sadow, was dissolved to form the Regulators due to massive inactivity amongst the Battleteams.
  • Reformed under Former Nigh Hawk Muz Ashen after his return to the clan from serving as Grand Master.

  • The first formation of the Battleteam:
    • Trevarus Caerick
    • Enerum Shka
    • Tavf Ran-Kai Alithial
    • Fova Wasi
    • Stacia Jasbeec.
Clan Naga Sadow
Units Clan Naga Sadow • Houses Marka Ragnos & Shar Dakhan • Battleteams Night Hawks & Disciples of Dakhan
Leadership Consul DarkHawk Sadow • Proconsul TBA
Marka Ragnos • Quaestor Locke Sonjie • Aedile Sanguinius • Battleteam Leader Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Shar Dakhan • Quaestor Quentin Shadows • Aedile TBA • Battleteam Leader Malik Sadow
Possessions DominionOrian AssemblyOrder of the Black GuardWarhost of Naga Sadow
Misc OverviewDisciples of SadowSons & Daughters of SadowInner CircleMaster-Student Program
Conquest is our destiny, we shall not fail.