ODN Solari (MC80 Star Cruiser)

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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New Order era.
O.E.F. Solari
Production information

Mon Calamari Shipyards

Product line:

MC80 Liberty-type Star Cruisers


Liberty type Star Cruiser


Star Cruiser



Possession Item:

ID 46091

Technical specifications

1,200 meters

Max acceleration:

2,750 G

Max speed (space):


Max speed (atmosphere):

975 kph

Engine unit(s):
Hyperdrive rating:
  • Class 1.0
  • Class 9.0 (Backup)

Advanced main and backup shield generators


Thick armor

Targeting systems:
  • Officers (668)
  • Enlisted (4,734)
  • 1,200 troops (standard)
  • 8,000 (additional, max. capacity)
Cargo capacity:

15,000 tons


2 years


Clan Odan-Urr


Odanite Expeditionary Force


O.E.F. Navy

Known commander(s):

Haran Arad

Current Status:


Earliest sighting:

34 ABY

[ Source ]

The Solari is an MC80 Liberty type Star Cruiser serving as a flagship for Clan Odan-Urr's military forces. Positioned as a command ship within the Odanite Expeditionary Force, the vessel has spearheaded multiple engagements and held the line in various defensive actions since its accquesition. Pressed into service in 34 ABY, it was attained shortly after the Fall of New Tython and named after one of the elders killed during the withdrawl of that planet. Enduring throughout multiple changes within the fleet, it and the two MC40a light cruisers Remembrance of Seher and Rohlan's Vision serve as a symbol of the Clan's survival against all odds.


Command Staff

  • Ship's Captain Haran Arad, Commanding Officer (Human male)
  • Lieutenant Commander Jastra Vel, Executive Officer (Human female)
  • Lieutenant Commander Allia Jastral, Chief Engineer (Mon Calamari female)
  • Senior Lieutenant Zabina, Chief Navigation Officer (Mon Calamari male)
  • Senior Lieutenant Ryka Hollenvi, Chief Gunnery Officer (Human male)
  • Jedi Knight Wamaw, Ship's Doctor (Ithorian male)

Squadron Complement

  • Captain Qua'wiil (Rodian male), Mercy Squadron - T-65 X-wing starfighters x12
  • Captain Karet Terr (Human female), Raava Squadron - T-70 X-wing starfighters x12
  • Captain Meyikel (Human male), Celestia Squadron - A/SF-01 B-Wing Starfighters x12
  • Captain Skoo-Wah Nock (Kubaz male), Avenger Squadron - Modified RZ-1 A-wing Interceptors x12
  • Lieutenant Commander Hamook Te-Awhin (Gungan male), Mothma Attack Shuttles - Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle Flight x6

Marine Complement

  • Colonel Ri Kanders, Marine Commander (Human male)
  • Captain Teakworrrol, Marine Executive Officer (Wookiee male)


A common variant of the MC80 Star Cruiser line, the Liberty type was a more standardized version of the typically individually unique Mon Calamari built vessels. With a distinctive semi-conical swept-swing design ending in three clusters of powerful engines, the vessel's broad profile allows it to maintain heavy firepower from its forward arcs without compromising its effectiveness from other angles. The countless blisters that coat the ship's hull are covered in a variety of different systems, ranging from turbolaser cannons to deflector shield projectors, tractor beam projectors, and ion cannons.

While less heavily armed than Star Destroyer variants typically fielded by the Galactic Empire, the improved targeting systems on the MC80s weapons gave them far greater effectiveness. This allowed them to able to track and destroy fighters and smaller craft. Furthermore, advanced shielding technology accompanied by multiple redundant and backup systems gave the ships a far greater level of endurance during engagements. The nature of the various blisters prevented vital components from being so easily identified and targeted in battles, while the bridge was sunken into the main hull toward the vessel's aft, denying fighters an exposed weak point.

The MC80 carried a standard complement of 36 fighters in its hangers during campaigns, though this number could be further extended when required. This made the vessel an effective combat carrier, giving it a multi-role edge needed in engagements.

Following its victory in the Battle of Arx, Clan Odan-Urr was gifted with a Battle Meditation Chamber to enhance and expand the Battle Meditation abilities of certain users, giving them the ability to substantially influence the outcome of any conflict. This further improved the importance of the Solari as a major flagship of the fleet, giving the O.E.F. a significant edge in major engagements.


Brought into service in 34 ABY, the origins of the Solari are a mystery lost to time. In the chaos following the attempted genocide of Clan Odan-Urr and the populace of New Tython, the records detailing how it was attained are sketchy at best. Some cite an exchange similar to that of the Rohlan's Vision while others outline a broader plan involving the construction of the vessel. In either case, its presence could not have come at a better time. Serving as a vital HQ for the clan, it was used to guard and guide the bands of survivors withdrawing from Brotherhood space, while its hangars repaired and refueled smaller vessels.

When Clan Odan-Urr eventually settled in the Vatali Empire, the Solari retained its importance as a vital component within its navy. Retaining its role as a command area and mobile base, it was used to direct and coordinate smaller strikes while the Clan established infrastructure on its new worlds. When the time came, it helped to spearhead attacks against Brotherhood targets, and was one of the major ships that participated in the raid on the Edrien shipyards where Odanite and Arconan forces were drawn into a trap. Even as they faced staggering odds, both fleets were able to escape with minimal casualties, thanks to the actions of ships like the Solari.

Its targets eventually changed with the appearance of the Collective, and its role proved vital in breaking through the orbital defenses surrounding Nancora before covering ground troops. It would repeat this action again during the second major battle against Collective remnants, and again during the offensive against Meridian Prime space station. This role would become more limited thanks to a renewed offensive by the Vauzem Dominion against Odan-Urr's home territories and its allies, and the ship would be pinned down in a years-long stalemate between the two sides. It would take the Collective attack on Arx for it to be brought fully back to the frontlines. This would see the ship upgraded following gifts bestowed to the Clan for their efforts, notably a Meditation Chamber to enhance the abilities of its members.


The Solari's ultimate role within the O.E.F. Navy is to serve as its command ship and central vessel. With the largest tonnage and its varied capabilities, it is typically central to any major operation. Simultaneously serving as a launch and retrieval platform for fighters while laying down heavy firepower, it can work in support of smaller vessels to pin down and destroy enemy targets. Furthermore, when combined with the famed endurance of its class, the Solari is also capable of serving as a means of holding the line and drawing fire away from more fragile ships. Operating as the anvil to the hammer of faster vessels, it can serve to pin down targets and keep them in place for flanking maneuvers.

Its role as flagship means that it is also responsible for guiding and commanding operations of ships under its direct control. While this can be moved to other ships within the fleet, its status and capabilities means that it is the de-facto choice in almost any campaign. In broader operations across multiple systems, it can easily serve as a mobile command position to direct and guide vessels across vast regions.

Units Clan: Odan-UrrHouses: SunriderHothBattleteams: Templar JensaaraiKnights of Allusis

Clan Summit: High Councilor Masahiro HakuCouncilor of War: Mihoshi Yukiko Keibatsu
House Scions: Governor of Tythas Tierra Suha'sen • Governor of Kaal Tisto Kingang
Team Leaders: Defender Asani Armis • Knight Commander Syrena Valkar

Possessions KiastJedi PraxeumOdan-Urr United Space CommandOrder of Battle
Lore FoundingInvasion of New TythonThe Pillars Of MenatBastions Of KnowledgeFall of New TythonRenewal of HopeReturn of the LightBetween Light and DarkBattle of NancoraVatali UnsettledThe Myrkr Crusade
Misc Councillors of UrrOdanitesSentinel NetworkVatali EmpireThe Scimitar of Lord Hoth
A Light Amidst the Darkness