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{{Organization infobox
|name=Battleteam Blue Mist
|name= Blue Mist
|founder=[[House Galeres]]
|founder= House Galeres
|leader= [[Sergeant (battle team)|Sergeant]] [[Caedes]]
|founded=28 ABY
|affiliation=* [[House Galeres]]  
* [[Arcona|Clan Arcona]]  
* [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]]
|fragmented= N/A
|dissolved= N/A
|restored= N/A
|affiliation= [[House Galeres]], [[Clan Arcona]], [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]]
|era=[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|era=[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
{{Quote|Oriens Coactum - The Rising Force| Blue Mist motto}}

===Creation of the Team===

Blue Mist is a fairly new Battleteam, created to serve Galeres around the time that the Dark Inquisitors, a House Qel-Droma Battleteam, was installed within Clan Arcona. Blue Mist is the second Battleteam for House Galeres, the other being Soulfire Strike Team, the Elite Team of Arcona. The Team is still new but is on the rise.
A [[Battle Team|Battleteam]] within [[House Galeres]] of [[Arcona|Clan Arcona]]. Specializing in space combat and counteroffensive tactics, the former Elite Battleteam was recently dissolved back into the Arcona Expeditionary Force after close to four years of admirable service to both Galeres and Arcona.

===Blue Mist Specifics===

The battleteam, like said in the previous section is fairly new and was created for the sole purpose of serving House Galeres. While it is the second team to be added to House Galeres, Soulfire Strike Team being the first, serves Arcona as a whole. The Team has had two Sergeants so far and is currently working on getting some basics up and running such as a motto and an emblem.

===Purpose within Galeres===
== History  ==
Blue Mist was a fairly new Battleteam, created to serve Galeres around the time that the Dark Inquisitors, a House Qel-Droma Battleteam, was installed within Clan Arcona. Blue Mist was the second Battle Team for House Galeres, the other being [[Soulfire Strike Team]], the Elite Team of Arcona. At the time of its closing, the Battleteam had been serving Arcona for nearly half a decade, earning the title of "Battleteam Elite" in the process.

While Soulfire Strike Team is a elite commando unit before a unit of Dark Jedi, Blue Mist is quite the opposite. Blue Mist is a unit of Dark Jedi first and a commando unit second. Those who join Blue Mist are more attuned and show interest in being part of a Dark Jedi Battleteam and using the Force and techniques of Dark Jedi in a commando-like role. Also unlike the Strike Team, Blue Mists loyalty lays with Galeres first.

===Troopers and History===

Both Teams within Galeres are Obelisk-ordered, meaning all members are Obelsik Troopers led by an Obelisk Sergeant. However it is to note that some members are Sith or Krath but instead of being Flight Members or Tyros, they share the name Trooper. The Blue Mist name was designed for that purpose in mind. The Blue in the name shows the majority of its members are Obelisk, whose Order color is blue. The Blue also represents loyalty to its Clan, Arcona. While Blue Mist does not have much history, this being because it has not been around for very long, it is a Team that serves Galeres to its utmost and will only continue to improve.
==  Missions  ==
Generally, the missions for Blue Mist Squadron can be categorized as: Attack, Defense, and Reconnaissance.

===Leadership of the Team===

Blue Mist has had two Sergeants so far. The first being Dark Side Adept Strategos and second being Guardian Caedes.

===The Mists of Creation===
=== Attack  ===
The primary purpose of attack missions is to eliminate enemy starfighter presence. Intercept, target and hunt down enemy starfighters as fast and as many as possible, utilizing both known and homemade techniques such as dog-fights, torpedo twirls, Jafit Jams, and Talos Takedowns. This type of mission is best known as search-and-destroy/secure.

The leadership of Galeres noticed that while Soulfire Strike Team was based within House Galeres, it was the Elite Team and held its loyalty to the Clan and was not truely a House-based Battleteam. So in answer to this Blue Mist was created to be a regular Battleteam with the sole purpose of serving House Galeres. With the approval of the Clan and Brotherhood, Blue Mist was born. Being birthed into a honorable House, the Team quickly grew to a good sized roster and Dark Side Adept Strategos was given leadership of it. However, later the Team would pass from DA Strategos and go to Guardian Caedes, a fairly new member within Clan Arcona and House Galeres, but one with expirience from his days as both a Flight Leader of Satal Victus, the first House Historian of Exar Kun and creator of the Blades of Kun wiki page.
The secondary purpose is to guard an attacking force, such as a bomber squadron that is assigned by naval command to attack/destroy/disable a key target. Here, Blue Mist pilots act as guardians of the bomber flight, taking down any enemy fighters who attempt to intercept and destroy the bombers so they can concentrate more on accomplishing their mission than having to worry about "watching their sixes", as the term goes.

===Election of the Sergeant===

After Dark Side Adept Strategos Entar Arconae resigned from the post of Blue Mist Sergeant, Zandro Savric Erinos, Quaestor of House Galeres, held an election for members of House Galeres. Caedes, a young Heragan and new member of Galeres submitted an application and a week and a half later, was picked to lead the Team.

===Blue Mist, Galeres Calvary===
=== Defense  ===
A fighter pilot's nightmare. The primary purpose is to defend the home fleet or space platform against a major assault from Clan enemies, which can be done by shooting down incoming torpedoes/missiles, taking out enemy snubfighters or bombers, and acting as diversionary, expendable targets. The best defense is a delaying tactic to allow as many personnel and  equipment as possible to evacuate or until reinforcements can aide Blue Mist.

With Soulfire, they are the best of the best within Arcona...a special operations team. Blue Mist is the Calvary of Galeres and has equipment to define said postion. Blue Mist is issued a set of Clone Wars era speeder bikes, with modifications to make the Calvarys purpose more...real. Blue Mists appearance is always shown by the Sergeant and Troopers wearing midnight blue armor, dura-steel woven with beskar to make it more agile and defensive against lightsabers. For weaponry, Mist Knights wield blue lightsabers and their hilts depend on their rank. Knights all have the same, Equites 1 all have the same, and so on. The rest of the Journeymen ranks (INI to JH) wield an array of blasters, vibro-swords and specialized Force-Lances, each Trooper having their own.
Included in defense missions is escorting an important mobile asset (a ship or a convoy). The squadron is dedicated to protecting that asset, its cargo usually being Clan Summit or prototype weaponry, at all costs. Mist Pilots ensure that the asset can travel safely to the desired point without any interruption. Any enemy fighters encountered along the way are engaged as soon as they are spotted. However, if the enemy decides to retreat, the escort squadron will only chase down the enemies a short distance before returning to a defensive position near the escorted asset.

===Blue Mist Garage===

In Space: Blue Mist was given a sqaud of advanced A-9 Interceptors as vehicles in space operations.                                                    [[Image:A-9.gif|thumb|One of Blue Mists A-9 Interceptors]]

===  Reconnaissance  ===
These missions are generally passive observation missions in which starfighters may shadow a known enemy location, monitor traffic, estimating strength, and relaying information to Clan Arcona. If discovered, the pilots will do their best to escape, more often than not destroying any sort of base or refueling platform that they used during the mission. In no case should the pilots allow themselves to be detained and if they are shot down, pilots are expected to call on their black-ops training to evade capture. Recon missions are not considered cakewalks and are often the lowest-action but most important missions that Blue Mist undertook.

On the Ground: Since Blue Mists is Galeres Calvary, they need ground vehicles to scout out positions of enemy encampments and such. So in answer to this Galeres gave Blue Mist a set of Aratech Speederbikes, hailing from the Clone Wars. Sergeant Caedes soon repaired these bikes and are now in fighting condition.                         

[[Category: Clan Arcona]]
==  Campaigns  ==
[[Category: Battle Team]]
;Cian Campaign (NC)
:The first mission of Battleteam Blue Mist under the command of Lieutenant Commander Talos d'Tana.
:Results: Commander suffered medium injuries; No men killed in action; Campaign success rate at 98%.
;Broken Saber
:Clan responds to Soulfire Strike Teams distress call on the planet of Reecee. Longest campaign of Blue Mist with no substantial injuries. Final results are unknown but extraction of Soulfire and their mission objective was confirmed as completed. Blue Mist's rate of succes at an impressive 95%.
;House Feud
:Galeres and Qel-Droma battle for the title of First House. Galeres triumphs and is named first House. Two of Blue Mist men, Talos and Legorii, earn places in the Galeres Troika. Talos as the Adjunct and Legorii as the Prodigy.
:Results: No men injured or killed; Trooper Illian Syn shot down. Blue Mist success rate reaches 100% for the first time.
;Rishi (NC)
:Blue Mist is deployed to Rishi to help subjugate areas in the name of House Galeres. During the mission, a mysterious group of Force-Wielders attack Blue Mist. The campaign lasts nearly five months, in which Blue Mist pilots train with Rishi Commandos in black-ops and counteroffensive techniques.
:Results: No men injured or killed; Blue Mist leads a rebellion against the Highlanders and are established as honorary members of the Rishi Commandos and receive special training. Success rate drops down to 85% however, due to LCDR d'Tana and his pilots putting the identity of Clan Arcona at risk and being out-of-contact for half a year.
:Blue Mist are fielded as Advanced Recon Scouts and destroy key legions of Vong and help establish small footholds of power for the eventual reclaimation of Dajorra. In the end, Blue Mist causes a massive avalanche that destroys a Legion of Yuuzhan Vong and to distract the attention away from the covert strike teams of [[Soulfire]] and [[Prophecy Phyle]].
:Results: No men killed, and Blue Mist meets their new [[Aedile]], [[Vorion]]. Troopers [[JScumm]] and [[Dorn Ty'Rodius Ravr]] are both injured. Lieutenant Commander Talos d'Tana is promoted to full Commander.
;Great Hunt II
:Blue Mist races against the clock and the other Battleteams of Arcona for the title of Elite Team of Arcona. Blue Mist triumphs after seven days of grueling events.
:Results: Blue Mist is named the new Battleteam Elite of Arcona and awards are distributed to each member of the Team. Commander d'Tana is selected as the new [[Aedile]] of [[House Galeres]].
;Uneasy Alliances
:The first mission undertaken as the Elite Team of Arcona and first one without the steady hand of Commander d'Tana, Blue Mist served as the elite pilots in engagements with both the Starfighter Corps of [[Scholae Palatinae|Clan Scholae Palatinae]] and then later the Coralskippers of the Yuuzhan Vong.
:Results: Blue Mist truly prove their worth as the Elite Team of Arcona and [[Illian Syn]] acts as the Commander Pro Tempore.
;Black Tempest
:Arcona rally their scattered forces to invade the Dajorra system and reclaim their home territory from the Yuuzhan Vong. Blue Mist squadron is instrumental in clearing out Vong's fighters from planetary orbit, allowing the ground forces to land in safely on planet Sukhur.
:Results: The campaign was a blast and brought high morale and pride to the Arcona forces, including Blue Mist Squadron. They were well prepared and ready for their next, yet hardest mission, ... the Ninth Great Jedi War.
;The Ninth Great Jedi War (Unification)
:The Great Six Clans of the Brotherhood unite under Grand Master Sarin and the Armed Forces of the Iron Throne to retake Antei from the Yuuzhan Vong. However, a new threat emerges from a mysterious Jedi Master, Omancor Crask. With his Jedi and droid forces, they have wiped out the Vong and claimed Antei as their fortress. Arcona is assigned a task to take over the Tiamat temple and Blue Mist Squadron once again demonstrate their high skilled and effectiveness in providing air support for the Arconan forces and the Army of Iron Throne.
{{Quote|Results: Although Blue Mist lost two-thirds of their members, the campaign was a huge success, with Arcona won The Ninth Great Jedi War, defeating the other five clans. Jafrits Skrumm, Commander of Blue Mist, and his Flight Leaders, Tirano and Dathka, were promoted to one rank above by then-Consul Sashar. Later, they were awarded Blue Mist Flight Wings by Quaestor Etah for their loyalty and long term exemplary service.|}}
==  Armory  ==
===  Blue Mist Flight Suits  ===
[[File:TIEpilotObelisk.jpg|thumb|249px|right|Blue Mist Flight Suit]]
The basic flight suit for Blue Mist Squadron, this suit is nearly identical to the TIE pilots of the Empire. The suit is all black with dark blue mantle armor and trim, a basic utility belt that holds a modified pilot's blaster pistol and a clip for a lightsaber. The life support pack, however has been upgraded and can assist a downed pilot in the vacuum of space for just about an hour and a half. A unique helmet reserved for elite ANAVSOC pilots has been issued standard along with this suit ever since the Great Hunt II.
===  Standard Weapons and Equipment  ===
Since Blue Mist's primary battle field is in space as Arcona's flying arm, the members are only equipped with a standard or modified blaster pistol, one or two grenades of choice and miscellaneous equipment, just in case if they have to do a boarding mission or to survive behind enemy lines (e.g.: their starfighters crash and have to land in on enemy ground territory).
* [[starwars:SE-14r_light_repeating_blaster|Blastech SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster]]
* [[starwars:DH-17_blaster_pistol|BlasTech DH-17 Blaster Pistol]]
* [[starwars:DL-44_heavy_blaster_pistol|Blastech DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol]]
* [[starwars:TB-47_Time_Bomb|Merr-Sonn TB-47 Time Bomb]]
* [[starwars:C-22_fragmentation_grenade|Merr-Sonn C-22 Fragmentation Grenade]]
* [[starwars:LXR-6_concussion_grenade|SoroSuub LXR-6 Concussion Grenade]]
* Rations
* Comlink
* [[starwars:Grappling_hook|Grappling Hook]]
* [[starwars:Flare_stick|Flare stick]]
* [[starwars:F-187_fusioncutter|SoroSuub F-187 Fusioncutter]]
====  Lightsaber  ====
If displayed on dossier, the ceremonial weapon of the Battleteam is the Spectrum hilt with a Sith blue blade.
==  Vehicles of Blue Mist  ==
===  Space  ===
Blue Mist was given twelve [[StarWars:A-9 Vigilance interceptor|A-9 Vigilance Interceptors]] to use in space battles. Simple cockpit controls makes the A-9 an easy fighter to learn. While faster than the TIE Interceptor, it has a weaker hull due to deliberate design choices made to reduce mass. Thanks to independent power generators, however, the weapons system is quite powerful for a ship of its size.
The A-9 is armed with two laser cannons, mounted in a structure on the ventral side of the fuselage. They are fire-linked and aimed forward in their standard configuration, but several modifications exist which allows the gun to pivot 90 degrees down to perform strafing runs, as well as allowing the cannons to be independently targeted. These cannons are more powerful than those of a T-65 X-wing starfighter, which has also come as a surprise to most enemies fighting this little, yet powerful ship.  And in the hands of a Dark Jedi, it is a force to be reckoned with.
For Apprentices and Novices, they are given "stock" or standard A-9 Vigilance Interceptor with no modification at all. But as they progress to their next rank, optional upgrades and modifications are available. Acolytes and Protectors can upgrade the standard avionic and sensor systems to the advanced ones, while Guardians and Jedi Hunters, besides the advanced avionic and sensor system upgrade, are allowed to upgrade to advanced navigation and targeting system. The Commander can have all the upgrades and modifications which are listed below:
* Standard (APP - NOV)
* Advanced Avionic and Sensor system (ACO - PRT)
* Advanced Navigation and Targeting system (GRD - JH)
* Modified Engine - reinforced quadanium plating (DJK or above/FL)
* Modified Weapon - laser cannon to pivot 180 degrees (Commander)
<div style="clear:both"></div>
===  Ground  ===
[[File:BLUE_MISTSpeederbike.jpg|thumb|117px|left|The Blue Mist Speederbike]]
The Battleteam was given twelve Aratech speederbikes for when the Cavalry takes to the ground. They are capable of reaching speeds up to and beyond five hundred kilometers per hour, and have a flight ceiling of twenty-five meters. They are controlled by handlebars located towards the front of the vehicle, and foot pedals slung underneath adjusted speed and altitude.
The highly maneuverable vehicles are equipped with sensor and communications devices located between the handlebars, including a comlink-jamming device. They are armed with a forward rotating blaster cannon for combat.
They were also equipped with a very powerful boost that could propel them over vast distances in a shorter amount of time.
<div style="clear:both"></div>
==  Base of Operations  ==
The Battleteam did not have a base to call their own. However, Blue Mist occupied, and continues to do so today, the House Galeres flagship [[BAC Darkest Night]] along with the rest of the House. The Team docks their ships within the wide hangar and they have their own set of barracks and conference room as well as a small lounge and storage room that they have converted into an armory. Finally a small room off the armory serves as the Commander's personal office.
==  Ranks, Titles and Awards  ==
===  Ranks  ===
In a crusade to make the Battleteam more enjoyable, Commander JScumm created a fictional rank structure, like the Military one.
* Flight Cadet (APP - NOV)
* Flight Officer (ACO - PRT)
* Lieutenant (GRD - JH)
* Captain (DJK or above/Flight Leader)
* Commander (BTL)
NOTE: The ranks are purely fictional and have no standing outside the Battleteam and likewise should not be used outside Battleteam business. These ranks hold no power within House Galeres or the rest of the Brotherhood.
===  Title  ===
'''Ace of Blue Mist'''
Over a time period, Commander of Blue Mist Squadron will award the title Ace of Blue Mist to the members of Blue Mist Squadron who have demonstrated superior activity, dedication, and desire to the battleteam.
'''Past Ace of Blue Mist'''
* Eclipse
* Tirano Yamayura
* Dathka Zar-Khon
* Talos d'Tana
===  Award  ===
'''Blue Mist Flight Wings'''
These medals are awarded by Quaestor Galeres to the members of Blue Mist Squadron who have shown their loyalty and their long term exemplary service to the Clan and House.
'''The recipients of Blue Mist Flight Wings'''
* JScumm
* Tirano Yamayura
* Dathka Zar-Khon
==  Roll of Leaders  ==
* [[Strategos Thanatos Entar|Strategos Arconae]]
* [[Talos Omerta]]
* [[Etah d'Tana]]
* [[JScumm]]
[[Category:Historic Arcona Articles]]

Latest revision as of 14:57, 5 February 2020

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Battleteam Blue Mist
General information

House Galeres

  • Commander:
  • [Arcona:Base
Historical information

28 ABY

Other information

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

[ Source ]

"Oriens Coactum - The Rising Force"
― Blue Mist motto

A Battleteam within House Galeres of Clan Arcona. Specializing in space combat and counteroffensive tactics, the former Elite Battleteam was recently dissolved back into the Arcona Expeditionary Force after close to four years of admirable service to both Galeres and Arcona.


Blue Mist was a fairly new Battleteam, created to serve Galeres around the time that the Dark Inquisitors, a House Qel-Droma Battleteam, was installed within Clan Arcona. Blue Mist was the second Battle Team for House Galeres, the other being Soulfire Strike Team, the Elite Team of Arcona. At the time of its closing, the Battleteam had been serving Arcona for nearly half a decade, earning the title of "Battleteam Elite" in the process.


Generally, the missions for Blue Mist Squadron can be categorized as: Attack, Defense, and Reconnaissance.


The primary purpose of attack missions is to eliminate enemy starfighter presence. Intercept, target and hunt down enemy starfighters as fast and as many as possible, utilizing both known and homemade techniques such as dog-fights, torpedo twirls, Jafit Jams, and Talos Takedowns. This type of mission is best known as search-and-destroy/secure.

The secondary purpose is to guard an attacking force, such as a bomber squadron that is assigned by naval command to attack/destroy/disable a key target. Here, Blue Mist pilots act as guardians of the bomber flight, taking down any enemy fighters who attempt to intercept and destroy the bombers so they can concentrate more on accomplishing their mission than having to worry about "watching their sixes", as the term goes.


A fighter pilot's nightmare. The primary purpose is to defend the home fleet or space platform against a major assault from Clan enemies, which can be done by shooting down incoming torpedoes/missiles, taking out enemy snubfighters or bombers, and acting as diversionary, expendable targets. The best defense is a delaying tactic to allow as many personnel and equipment as possible to evacuate or until reinforcements can aide Blue Mist.

Included in defense missions is escorting an important mobile asset (a ship or a convoy). The squadron is dedicated to protecting that asset, its cargo usually being Clan Summit or prototype weaponry, at all costs. Mist Pilots ensure that the asset can travel safely to the desired point without any interruption. Any enemy fighters encountered along the way are engaged as soon as they are spotted. However, if the enemy decides to retreat, the escort squadron will only chase down the enemies a short distance before returning to a defensive position near the escorted asset.


These missions are generally passive observation missions in which starfighters may shadow a known enemy location, monitor traffic, estimating strength, and relaying information to Clan Arcona. If discovered, the pilots will do their best to escape, more often than not destroying any sort of base or refueling platform that they used during the mission. In no case should the pilots allow themselves to be detained and if they are shot down, pilots are expected to call on their black-ops training to evade capture. Recon missions are not considered cakewalks and are often the lowest-action but most important missions that Blue Mist undertook.


Cian Campaign (NC)
The first mission of Battleteam Blue Mist under the command of Lieutenant Commander Talos d'Tana.
Results: Commander suffered medium injuries; No men killed in action; Campaign success rate at 98%.
Broken Saber
Clan responds to Soulfire Strike Teams distress call on the planet of Reecee. Longest campaign of Blue Mist with no substantial injuries. Final results are unknown but extraction of Soulfire and their mission objective was confirmed as completed. Blue Mist's rate of succes at an impressive 95%.
House Feud
Galeres and Qel-Droma battle for the title of First House. Galeres triumphs and is named first House. Two of Blue Mist men, Talos and Legorii, earn places in the Galeres Troika. Talos as the Adjunct and Legorii as the Prodigy.
Results: No men injured or killed; Trooper Illian Syn shot down. Blue Mist success rate reaches 100% for the first time.
Rishi (NC)
Blue Mist is deployed to Rishi to help subjugate areas in the name of House Galeres. During the mission, a mysterious group of Force-Wielders attack Blue Mist. The campaign lasts nearly five months, in which Blue Mist pilots train with Rishi Commandos in black-ops and counteroffensive techniques.
Results: No men injured or killed; Blue Mist leads a rebellion against the Highlanders and are established as honorary members of the Rishi Commandos and receive special training. Success rate drops down to 85% however, due to LCDR d'Tana and his pilots putting the identity of Clan Arcona at risk and being out-of-contact for half a year.
Blue Mist are fielded as Advanced Recon Scouts and destroy key legions of Vong and help establish small footholds of power for the eventual reclaimation of Dajorra. In the end, Blue Mist causes a massive avalanche that destroys a Legion of Yuuzhan Vong and to distract the attention away from the covert strike teams of Soulfire and Prophecy Phyle.
Results: No men killed, and Blue Mist meets their new Aedile, Vorion. Troopers JScumm and Dorn Ty'Rodius Ravr are both injured. Lieutenant Commander Talos d'Tana is promoted to full Commander.
Great Hunt II
Blue Mist races against the clock and the other Battleteams of Arcona for the title of Elite Team of Arcona. Blue Mist triumphs after seven days of grueling events.
Results: Blue Mist is named the new Battleteam Elite of Arcona and awards are distributed to each member of the Team. Commander d'Tana is selected as the new Aedile of House Galeres.
Uneasy Alliances
The first mission undertaken as the Elite Team of Arcona and first one without the steady hand of Commander d'Tana, Blue Mist served as the elite pilots in engagements with both the Starfighter Corps of Clan Scholae Palatinae and then later the Coralskippers of the Yuuzhan Vong.
Results: Blue Mist truly prove their worth as the Elite Team of Arcona and Illian Syn acts as the Commander Pro Tempore.
Black Tempest
Arcona rally their scattered forces to invade the Dajorra system and reclaim their home territory from the Yuuzhan Vong. Blue Mist squadron is instrumental in clearing out Vong's fighters from planetary orbit, allowing the ground forces to land in safely on planet Sukhur.
Results: The campaign was a blast and brought high morale and pride to the Arcona forces, including Blue Mist Squadron. They were well prepared and ready for their next, yet hardest mission, ... the Ninth Great Jedi War.
The Ninth Great Jedi War (Unification)
The Great Six Clans of the Brotherhood unite under Grand Master Sarin and the Armed Forces of the Iron Throne to retake Antei from the Yuuzhan Vong. However, a new threat emerges from a mysterious Jedi Master, Omancor Crask. With his Jedi and droid forces, they have wiped out the Vong and claimed Antei as their fortress. Arcona is assigned a task to take over the Tiamat temple and Blue Mist Squadron once again demonstrate their high skilled and effectiveness in providing air support for the Arconan forces and the Army of Iron Throne.

"Results: Although Blue Mist lost two-thirds of their members, the campaign was a huge success, with Arcona won The Ninth Great Jedi War, defeating the other five clans. Jafrits Skrumm, Commander of Blue Mist, and his Flight Leaders, Tirano and Dathka, were promoted to one rank above by then-Consul Sashar. Later, they were awarded Blue Mist Flight Wings by Quaestor Etah for their loyalty and long term exemplary service."


Blue Mist Flight Suits

Blue Mist Flight Suit

The basic flight suit for Blue Mist Squadron, this suit is nearly identical to the TIE pilots of the Empire. The suit is all black with dark blue mantle armor and trim, a basic utility belt that holds a modified pilot's blaster pistol and a clip for a lightsaber. The life support pack, however has been upgraded and can assist a downed pilot in the vacuum of space for just about an hour and a half. A unique helmet reserved for elite ANAVSOC pilots has been issued standard along with this suit ever since the Great Hunt II.

Standard Weapons and Equipment

Since Blue Mist's primary battle field is in space as Arcona's flying arm, the members are only equipped with a standard or modified blaster pistol, one or two grenades of choice and miscellaneous equipment, just in case if they have to do a boarding mission or to survive behind enemy lines (e.g.: their starfighters crash and have to land in on enemy ground territory).





If displayed on dossier, the ceremonial weapon of the Battleteam is the Spectrum hilt with a Sith blue blade.

Vehicles of Blue Mist


Blue Mist was given twelve A-9 Vigilance Interceptors to use in space battles. Simple cockpit controls makes the A-9 an easy fighter to learn. While faster than the TIE Interceptor, it has a weaker hull due to deliberate design choices made to reduce mass. Thanks to independent power generators, however, the weapons system is quite powerful for a ship of its size.

The A-9 is armed with two laser cannons, mounted in a structure on the ventral side of the fuselage. They are fire-linked and aimed forward in their standard configuration, but several modifications exist which allows the gun to pivot 90 degrees down to perform strafing runs, as well as allowing the cannons to be independently targeted. These cannons are more powerful than those of a T-65 X-wing starfighter, which has also come as a surprise to most enemies fighting this little, yet powerful ship. And in the hands of a Dark Jedi, it is a force to be reckoned with.

For Apprentices and Novices, they are given "stock" or standard A-9 Vigilance Interceptor with no modification at all. But as they progress to their next rank, optional upgrades and modifications are available. Acolytes and Protectors can upgrade the standard avionic and sensor systems to the advanced ones, while Guardians and Jedi Hunters, besides the advanced avionic and sensor system upgrade, are allowed to upgrade to advanced navigation and targeting system. The Commander can have all the upgrades and modifications which are listed below:

  • Standard (APP - NOV)
  • Advanced Avionic and Sensor system (ACO - PRT)
  • Advanced Navigation and Targeting system (GRD - JH)
  • Modified Engine - reinforced quadanium plating (DJK or above/FL)
  • Modified Weapon - laser cannon to pivot 180 degrees (Commander)


The Blue Mist Speederbike

The Battleteam was given twelve Aratech speederbikes for when the Cavalry takes to the ground. They are capable of reaching speeds up to and beyond five hundred kilometers per hour, and have a flight ceiling of twenty-five meters. They are controlled by handlebars located towards the front of the vehicle, and foot pedals slung underneath adjusted speed and altitude.

The highly maneuverable vehicles are equipped with sensor and communications devices located between the handlebars, including a comlink-jamming device. They are armed with a forward rotating blaster cannon for combat.

They were also equipped with a very powerful boost that could propel them over vast distances in a shorter amount of time.

Base of Operations

The Battleteam did not have a base to call their own. However, Blue Mist occupied, and continues to do so today, the House Galeres flagship BAC Darkest Night along with the rest of the House. The Team docks their ships within the wide hangar and they have their own set of barracks and conference room as well as a small lounge and storage room that they have converted into an armory. Finally a small room off the armory serves as the Commander's personal office.

Ranks, Titles and Awards


In a crusade to make the Battleteam more enjoyable, Commander JScumm created a fictional rank structure, like the Military one.

  • Flight Cadet (APP - NOV)
  • Flight Officer (ACO - PRT)
  • Lieutenant (GRD - JH)
  • Captain (DJK or above/Flight Leader)
  • Commander (BTL)

NOTE: The ranks are purely fictional and have no standing outside the Battleteam and likewise should not be used outside Battleteam business. These ranks hold no power within House Galeres or the rest of the Brotherhood.


Ace of Blue Mist

Over a time period, Commander of Blue Mist Squadron will award the title Ace of Blue Mist to the members of Blue Mist Squadron who have demonstrated superior activity, dedication, and desire to the battleteam.

Past Ace of Blue Mist

  • Eclipse
  • Tirano Yamayura
  • Dathka Zar-Khon
  • Talos d'Tana


Blue Mist Flight Wings

These medals are awarded by Quaestor Galeres to the members of Blue Mist Squadron who have shown their loyalty and their long term exemplary service to the Clan and House.

The recipients of Blue Mist Flight Wings

  • JScumm
  • Tirano Yamayura
  • Dathka Zar-Khon

Roll of Leaders

Clan Arcona
Units Clan: Clan ArconaHouses: House Galeres & House Qel-DromaBattleteams: Dajorran Marshals & Voidbreaker

Clan Summit:

Galeres Summit:

Qel-Droma Summit:

Possessions Dajorra SystemArconan Armed ForcesDajorra Defence ForceArcona Expeditionary ForceDajorra Intelligence AgencyPort Ol'ValKurs'kranak
Misc Di Tenebrous ArconaeCythraulStarscream Tactical Solutions
Light is limited; Darkness is infinite.