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{{Historic|Naga Sadow}}

<div class="center"><div class="floatnone">[[File:DisciplesLogo.png|520px]]</div></div>
The Disciples of Ragnos are a theocratic cult that believes in the divinity of Marka Ragnos. In organisational terms, the Disciples are part of a role-playing system created by [[Ashura Isradia]] to encourage character development in [[House Marka Ragnos]].

'''At present time the Disciples of Ragnos are not an in-character organisation as depicted below; this page is being kept for historical reference purposes.'''
The Disciples of Ragnos are a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theocracy Theocratic] society like the [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Yuuzhan_Vong Yuuzhan Vong]; only here the disciples believe [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Marka_Ragnos Marka Ragnos] to be divine. His [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divinity divinity] is recognized through the Holy Scion of Ragnos.

The Disciples of Ragnos form a 'fictional front' for the House. In character, members of House Marka Ragnos view the Disciples of Ragnos as a 'religion' of sorts.  The Disciples of Ragnos also provides an Out of Character opportunity to recognize leadership and activity within the house, through it's ranking system.
==  Introduction  ==
Hailing from deep within the [[Sepros]] system, the Disciples of Ragnos are the manifestation of their namesake's dark will. Within the ranks of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, the newest revival of the Sith Lord's ancient cult carry out the orders of his spirit, channeled through the great sorcerer, [[Trevarus Caerick]]. Encompassing all three orders and all levels of power, the Disciples exist officially as a House of the [[Naga Sadow|Clan Naga Sadow]], and it's honorary members who have left for other positions within the Brotherhood.

A governing council advises the Holy Scion and helps determine the divine power of Marka Ragnos through the Dark Lord's own Dark Doctrine. The Council of Ragnos is appointed by the Holy Scion.
To become one of the Disciples, all you need to do is contact the Quaestor, Aedile and Rollmaster of Marka Ragnos to let them know that you'd like to be one of the Solifugae; you can then begin developing your character as one of the Disciples.

==  The Council  ==
===  Maleficarum  ===
{{Quote|Some there be alone whom can call and make the shadows greet...|Attributed to Zeen Deheval, Krath archivist, circa 2,237 BBY}}

''See: [[House Marka Ragnos Prospectus]]''
The Maleficarum of the Disciples of Ragnos is the nominal leader of the Cult. Trevarus Caerick, as the Overlord of House Marka Ragnos, holds this position for life; when Caerick is not present at Ragnos Cathedral, the Anguis and Tigrist of the Disciples of Ragnos consult a council made up of the shades of powerful Dark Side users who stand in for the Overlord.

==The Council==
The Maleficarum has a position of spiritual dominance over the rest of the Disciples; they have the final say over whether a Disciple can move from the Noctosalutae into the rank of the Progenies, and they decide whether a Progeny can become a Scion.  The rituals undertaken by the Disciples are ideally led by the Maleficarum or, in his absence, by the Anguis and Tigrist.

The council is a mix of appointed leaders from House Marka Ragnos, and members who have fought to claim a seat on the Ragnos Council. They are effectively the ruling body of the Disciples of Ragnos. The current Council is listed below:
===  Anguis  ===
{{Quote|Some there be whom shadows kiss, shadows cling, shadows rent...|Attributed to Zeen Deheval, Krath archivist, circa 2,237 BBY}}

{|width="400" style="text-align: left;" border="1"
The Anguis is the second highest position within the hierarchy of the Disciples of Ragnos. Responsible for formulating the actions of the Disciples based upon the guidelines and wisdom of the Maleficarum, the Anguis is the "visible" leader of the Disciples. The Anguis is always the Quaester of HMR.
! Position !! Member
|Holy Scion of Ragnos<br />(Quaestor)
|[[Derev Niroth]]
|Augur of Ragnos<br />(Aedile)
|Scholar of Ragnos<br />(Rollmaster)
|Hand of Ragnos<br />(Competition Based)
|Sword of Ragnos<br />(NH BTL)
|[[Imperial|Jade Atema]]
|Legatus of Ragnos<br />(NR BTL)
|[[Tsingtao Ming]]
|Legatus of Ragnos<br />(NF BTL)
|[[Nassin Zye]]
|Lictor of the Council<br />(Competition Based)

In the event that the Maleficarum should be unable to lead the Disciples of Ragnos, the Anguis and the Tigrist meet with a council of the Scions to decide upon the actions that need to be taken. The Anguis and Tigrist act as temporary leaders in the event that the Maleficarum should be incapable of performing his duties at the time.

===Holy Scion of Ragnos===
=== Cultus Ordinem of Ragnos ===
{{Quote|Some there be whom shadows teach, shadows draw, shadows keep...|Attributed to Zeen Deheval, Krath archivist, circa 2,237 BBY}}

The Holy Scion, who is always the Quaestor, is the leader of the Disciples of Ragnos. Much like the Pope to the Roman Catholic Church, the Holy Scion serves as the living embodiment of Marka Ragnos.  He serves as a figurehead amongst the Disciples, who go to him seeking guidance in their understanding of the ways of Marka Ragnos.  Through the Holy Scion, the Quaestor exerts his authority over both the House and the Disciples of Ragnos. The Holy Scion is the only member of the Disciples of Ragnos who may declare a Holy Way, arming the Disciples and sending them to dispense justice, or injustice (as it is) to those who would oppose the Holy Scion.  The Holy Scion is also the only member of the Disciples who may excommunicate a member from it's ranks.
The Cultus Ordinem of Ragnos lies below the Scions in the hierarchy of the Disciples of Ragnos. Every month, the most active member of the Disciples is named the House Champion for that month, and become the Cultus Ordinem for the next month. It is a very prestigious honor to be given this position; it represents the dedication and hard effort the individual has put into his duties within the Disciples.  

===Augur of Ragnos===
Fictionally, the Cultus is allowed to enter the Dark Library, where he or she has access to the unimaginable wisdom held within. The Cultus is also given the duty of protecting the secrets of the Dark Library, both by supervising the security of the vault and occasionally physically guarding the vault himself. This title also places the bearer as an honorary member of the Council of the Disciples, allowing him to attend meetings and put forth his ideas.

The Augur of Ragnos, who is always the Aedile, is the assistant to the Scion of Ragnos.  The Augur completes tasks in the day to day grind of both the House and the Disciples, and is delegated many tasks from the Holy Scion.  The Augur is in touch with the Disciples, and makes the Holy Scion aware of issues that affect the Disciples and the House.
==  The Scions  ==
===  Scion of Ragnos ===
A Scion is the proclaimed descendant of Dark Lord Marka Ragnos; in the original Disciples of Ragnos a Scion was the actual blood relation of the Sith Lord. However, the modern Disciples realize that any blood relation of the Sith Lord has long since died off. This title now serves to honor the most prominent members.

===Scholar of Ragnos===
A potential Scion is always selected from the pool of Progenies; in fact this lesser title was created to help select future Scions. In times long past the Maleficarum would invoke the spirit of Lord Ragnos to appear and select a Scion from the available Progeny; but in recent years the spirit of Ragnos is respected in a more ritualistic, less literal ceremony.

The Scholar of Ragnos, who is always the Rollmaster, is the advisor to the Scion of Ragnos. His knowledge of the Dark Side is second only to the Holy Scion, and far more archaic. The Scholar advises the Holy Scion on the history and traditions of the Disciples, and records all that the Disciples accomplish.
Before being proclaimed a Scion by the Maleficarum, a Disciple must spend time in a drug-induced trance to reach a stage of illumination and clarity, using a drug that was created by Lord Ragnos to aid him in deep meditation. It was also said that this drug had the ability to shape a Scions own genetics to enhance their mind and body; which was why some believed Marka Ragnos lived as long as he did. The effect of the drug is of course only a rumor, and for security purposes it is locked away.

===Hand of Ragnos===
Scions of Ragnos answer only to the Maleficarum, as well as the Anguis and Tigrist of Ragnos.

The Hand of Ragnos is selected by the Holy Scion. The Hand is one of the most active members of the House, and has earned his seat on the Ragnos Council through pure determination.  The Hand is granted great discretionary powers by the Holy Scion, and these powers make the Hand target of many plots and schemes.  The Hand of Ragnos can be challenged by members of the House who feel s/he is unworthy to continue his or her work.  The Holy Scion allows the Hand to be challenged once every 60 days.
===  Progeny of Ragnos  ===
A Progeny is something of a stepping stone towards a greater power. With the attainment of this title, and the approval of the Anguis and Tigrist, the member will be invited to a ceremony where they will be presented with a signet ring with the Disciples of Ragnos emblem inscribed onto it.  

===Sword of Ragnos===
The Progeny is an important asset to the Council and will be valued over all mere Disciples. They are tested constantly by the Anguis and Tigrist both physically and mentally.  The Maleficarum pays close attention to their education, hoping that one may show the foresight and endurance needed to become a Scion.

The Sword of Ragnos, who is always the Night Hawks Commander, is the warrior arm of the Disciples.  When action must be taken, it is the Sword of Ragnos who ensures the will of the Council is done.  The Sword is always ready to march into harms way for the glorify and sanctity of the Disciples.
If the Progeny undergoes the trial and their body shows the necessary changes that mark a Scion of Ragnos, then that title will be granted to them. If not, and the Progeny didn’t die, then the testing will resume until they are proclaimed a descendant of Lord Ragnos or until their lifeless corpse is buried.

===Legatus of Ragnos===
== The Structure of the Disciples  ==
<div class="center"><div class="floatnone">[[File:DisciplesStructure.png|310px]]</div></div>
The lowest rank of the Disciples are known as the ''Solifugae'', or 'those who flee from the Sun'; they are
expected to carry out the will of the higher ranks of the Disciples.  It is worth noting that the rank or
position that a member holds in the Dark Brotherhood is irrelevant and unconnected to their rank in the
Disciples; the ancient leaders of the Disciples adhere to traditions much older than those of the Brotherhood,
so a Journeyman may outrank an Equite in the Disciples.

The Legatus' of Ragnos, who are always the Night Falcons and Night Raptors Commanders, are the instructors of the DisciplesThrough them, the word of Ragnos is spread, and new bodies are recruited into the cult.  A Legatus has a difficult job, ensuring that each new Disciple learns the ways of Marka Ragnos.
If a member of the ''Solifugae'' applies themself to their duties with diligence and dedication, they may be
chosen to ascend to the ranks of the ''Noctosalutae'', or 'those who hail the night'This grants them greater
responsibility and authority within the ranks of the Disciples, although they are still considered greatly inferior
to the Progenies, Scions and Council of the Disciples.

===Lictor of the Council===
==  Behind the Scenes  ==
===  Disclaimer  ===
The '''Disciples of Ragnos''' holds no official titles within the [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]] or [[Clan Naga Sadow]]. It is purely a fictional device to reward members for their activity and dedication in [[House Marka Ragnos]], and to promote character development for every member of the [[House]]. This article itself is being developed by members and is to be an amalgam of their work.

The Lictor of the Council is the chief law enforcer on the Council.  He ensures that order is maintained in the Temple of Ragnos, and serves as it's chief custodian. He is also tasked with the safe keeping of the council chambers, and those members within the Council.  The powers afforded to the Lictor are not to be taken lightly, and oft these will caus unrest amongst the Disciples, and some who would move to take that power for themselves. The Holy Scion permits the Lictor to be challenged once every 30 days, should any member find the Lictor unfit.
===  Vision Statement  ===
====  House Champion  ====
Just before the end of each month, the House Summit will get together with the Battleteam Leaders and select the most active member to become House Champion for that month; candidates are based on activity, participation in competitions on a BT/House/Clan/DB scale, and general House involvement. The House Champion becomes the Cultus Ordinem for the next both; fictionally he or she gains access to the untold knowledge stored in the Dark Library, while non-fictionally this person is allowed to House Summit meetings to bring his or her ideas to the House. Also, as an optional choice, the Cultus can insert a mini-report into Quaestor's weekly reports to inform the House of any ideas/project/thoughts; this allows the Cultus to get a feel of writing reports for a future leadership position within the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.

'''Roster 2009'''
The Scion will make announcements to the Disciples for challengers.  Any member of the appropriate rank may come forth, and the Scion will oversee an appropriate challenge for the position.
===Hand of Ragnos===
To challenge the Hand of Ragnos, a member must have achieved the DoR Rank of Zealot. 
===Lictor of the Scion===
To challenge the Lictor of the Council, a member must have achieved the DoR Rank of Disciple or higher.
==The Disciples==
Within the Disciples of Ragnos, an ordered system of ranks has been created.  These ranks carry with them understanding of the DoR, and power, as it can be measured, amongst the Disciples of Ragnos.
===Progeny of Ragnos===
The Progeny are selected from amongst the Avatar's of Ragnos.  The Progeny select their own, and a unanimous vote is required.  Any member who is elevated to the rank of Avatar will be considered for membership in the Progeny.  The Progeny are the most devoted, loyal, and fundamental core of the Disciples of Ragnos.  These members have personally led the Disciples more often then not.  Shortly after his return to the Ragnos Cathedral, then Quaestor Derev Niroth was taken with fits, not remembering any of his own actions when they occurred.  It is during this time that the Progeny were conceived, many believe the will of Marka Ragnos himself acted through the Quaestor.
List of Progeny
====Selection of the Progeny====
The Progeny govern their own affairs.  When the Quaestor is a member of the Progeny, he or she acts as the "leader", guiding them in discussion.  If the Quaestor is not a member of the Progeny, the highest ranked member of the Progeny acts as it's guide.  Any progeny may nominate an Avatar of Ragnos for entrance into the Progeny.  The Council of Progeny will discuss the appointment, and vote.  If unanimous, the Avatar will be inducted into the Progeny.  The sitting Quaestor, regardless of his status as a Progeny, has the right to nominate members for Progeny status, however, no other authority is granted him.
===Avatar of Ragnos===
Zealot's who have shaped the affairs of the Disciples are granted elevation to the rank of Avatar.  These members are often the great doers of the time, and the effect of their actions will affect the Disciples for years to come.  Only the Holy Scion may elevate members to the rank of Avatar.  Those who have been elevated to this status are revered in the Halls of Ragnos, and none challenge their commitment to the Disciples.  Members who have been elevated to the status of Avatar are afforded their position, regardless if they remain in House Marka Ragnos, unless they shall be excommunicated by order of the Holy Scion.
List of Avatars
*Iylan Kano
*Nekura Manji Keibatsu
*J'Rai Sadow
*Derev Niroth
*Raistlin Sadow

===Vizier of Ragnos===
'''Past House Champions:'''
* [[Zaxen Dauketrenal]] (March 2008)
* [[Vorion]] (April 2008)
* [[Zaroth]] (May 2008)
* [[Nassin Zye]] (June 2008)
* [[Mal'ari'carun]] (July 2008)

Disciples who demonstrate extended commitment to the Disciples of Ragnos are granted elevation to the rank of Vizier.  These members are the pinnacle of the Disciples, and it's most active members.  The Holy Scion and Augur may elevate members to the rank of Zealot.
====  Noctosalutae, Progenies and Scions  ====
This is basic rank system to reward House-related accomplishments.  If a member has completed some of the requirements
for a certain Disciples rank while completing the requirements for a promotion to the next Brotherhood rank,
they may contact the Aedile, Quaestor and Rollmaster to obtain their next rank in the Disciples system.

List of Zealots
'''Disciple Requirements'''
*Rank of [[Apprentice]] or above
*Be a member of House Marka Ragnos

*Janos Silverwulf
'''Progeny Requirements'''
* Must be one of the ''Disciples''
*Jades "Imperial" Atema
* Rank of [[Protector]] or above
* One [[Dark Maven]]
* SA Core Exam (Sith, Krath or Obelisk depending on Order)
*Tsigntao Ming
* Completion of two (2) pages of fiction describing their time as one of the ''Noctosalutae'' (Ariel, font size 12)
*Shuang Long
* Final approval by [[Quaestor]]
*Zaroth Kalikrayye
*Nassin Zye
*William "Archaon" Darkfire
*Zaxen Daukentrena

===Disciple of Ragnos===
'''Scion Requirements'''
* Must be a Progeny
* Rank of [[Dark Jedi Knight]] or above
* Participated in [[Vendetta]] (GJW, Clan Feud, etc.)
* At least a minimum of five (5) [[Seals]] earned
* Three (3) pages of fiction describing their time as a Progeny and the process of becoming a Scion (Ariel, font size 12)
* One (1) [[Merit Medal]] of [[Dark Cross]] or above for House-related accomplishments
* Final approval by [[Quaestor]]

Initiates who demonstrate basic knowledge of the Disciples of Ragnos are granted elevation to Disciple. The Holy Scion, Augur and Scholar may elevate to the rank of Disciple.
====  Role Playing  ====
This is the most fictional part of the '''Disciples of Ragnos''' and is heavily involved with character development. Role playing allows members to expand and explore their characters in [[House]] canon through writing, anything from one page to ten pages depending on the person. The idea here is to just to [[Role Play]] and explore
their character's development and time as one of the Disciples of Ragnos.

List of Disciples
====  Roster  ====
This is the current roster as to who is in what caste in the current incarnation of the Disciples of Ragnos.

*Waza Sunrider
* [[Teu Pepoi]]
*Mitsuhide Akechi
*Morrigan Jarel Lilenkamp Fey
*Devani Kiriana Maharet
*Dismal Ryokou-Amor
*Laigerick Ryokou-Amor
*Nero Pennant
*Ekeia Iclo
*Kalei Basai
*Joseph Skirata
*Koren Tyson

===Initiate of Ragnos===
* [[Kalei Basai]]
* [[Kharon Daragon]]
* [[Bal Demona]]

Members who are inducted into the Disciples of Ragnos are granted the rank of Initiate.  Any member of the Council may induct members into the Disciples of Ragnos.
* [[TBA]]

List of Initiates
* [[TBA]]

*Kyrath Amaranth
==  Solifugae to Scion (House Summit Guideline)  ==
*Nik Walls
The [[Quaestor]] and [[Aedile]] of [[House Marka Ragnos]] should pay attention to the following criteria. You both serve a fictional role in the '''Disciples of Ragnos'''  and thus the development of a members status in this fictional structure is your responsibility.

==Other Factions==
For a Disciple to advance all the way to Scion then spelling, grammar and realism need to be taken into consideration; also along with continuity for [[ACC]] and [[Run-On|Run-On's]]. Spelling and grammar may not be essential until a member reaches a certain status; remember not everyone is a writer and to promote character development through House canon is your main objective. Below are some suggested requirements on what to look for.

The following are other factions both within and outside of the Disciples of Ragnos. Despite their disparate nature they have each had a profound impact on the Disciples.
===  ''Solifugae'' Requirements  ===
* Realism

=== Non-Believers ===
=== ''Noctosalutae'' Requirements  ===
* Basic spelling and grammar
* Realism
* Character Development

These are people who don't believe in the [[Final Way]] as taught in the Dark Doctrine. The [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]] and [[House Naga Sadow]] were originally seen as non-believers; this changed somewhat after the creation of [[Clan Naga Sadow]] and [[House Marka Ragnos]]. The Brotherhood are now seen as believers of the Final Way (although not true believers) as they're led by the [[Dark Lord of the Sith]], as it was a [[Dark Lord]] who created the Dark Doctrine, but in fact it was Primus Caerick's [[Chronicle of Dark Souls|influence]] within the [[Dark Brotherhood]] as a whole that led to the Disciples acceptance.
===  Progeny Requirements  ===
* Good spelling and grammar
* Realism
* Continuity ([[ACC]]/[[Run-On]])
* Character Development

=== Illuminati ===
=== Scion Requirements  ===
This is a secret sect that is loosely affiliated with the [[Disciples of Ragnos]] but based inside the workings of [[House Marka Ragnos]] and the [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]]. The Illuminati are very similar to [[Lord]] [[Okemi|Okemi's]] [[Star Chamber]], as they are [[Equite|Equites]] and [[Elder|Elders]] of [[House Marka Ragnos]] united is a fragile alliance to empower their knowledge of [[the Force]] as they look to unlock the secrets of the [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Epistle_of_Marka_Ragnos Epistle of Marka Ragnos].
* Exceptional spelling and grammar
* Realism
* Continuity ([[ACC]]/[[Run-On]])
* Character Development

==  IRC Role Play  ==
[[House Marka Ragnos]] has its own channel for members to act (I)n (C)haracter and explore [[House]] canon in a "Real Time" atmosphere.  The channel is #Disciples_of_Ragnos. Once you step into the channel you are stepping into a in character environment.

==  About  ==
The '''Disciples of Ragnos''' was originally conceived by [[Ashura Isradia]] (based on [[House]] history) during his term as [[Quaestor]] of [[House Marka Ragnos]], in an attempt to meet some of the expectations placed on him as House Leader.  House Champion/Cultus Ordinem allows a member to try out short-term projects (which means projects that don't take long to set up) and to voice his/her ideas (along with any members ideas who would rather go through them instead of coming directly to the House Summit) Progeny allows a members personal accomplishments to be displayed, allowing a member to grow as an individual and rewarding that by letting them have a fictional impact within House canon.  The position of Scion also allows a members House-related accomplishments to be displayed, superseding their accomplishments as a Progeny. 

The idea of the Disciples of Ragnos is to give members an interesting avenue by which to develop their characters, and to suggest a direction in which members can focus their efforts in order to obtain Brotherhood promotions.

=== Contributors  ===
The following people have contributed to the creation of the Disciples of Ragnos by either providing input, feedback, ideas, names and written material. Their part in the creation of this project should not be forgotten.  See the trivia section for a complete listing.

The '''Disciples of Ragnos''' was originally conceived by [[Ashura Isradia]] (based on [[House]] history) during his term as [[Quaestor]] of [[House Marka Ragnos]] in an attempt to meet some of the expectations placed on him as House Leader.  Under [[Derev Niroth]], the system saw a massive overhaul to make it more simplistic and a better tool for the House to utilize.
* '''Ashura Isradia'''
* '''Raven'''
* '''Tsainetomo Keibatsu Sadow'''
* '''Vladek'''
* '''Jades "Imperial" Atema'''
* '''Faeril Munlear'''
* '''Alexander Anderson'''
* '''Vorion'''
* '''Zaxen Dauketrenal'''
* '''Zaroth Kalikrayye'''
* '''Nero Pennant'''
* '''Teu Pepoi'''
* '''Ekeia Iclo'''
* '''Tritherus'''
* '''Manji Keibatsu Sadow'''
* '''Wookieepedia'''

==  Trivia  ==
* The '''Disciples of Ragnos''' should not be confused with the  [[starwars:Sith_cult|Sith cult]] of the same name that was led by [[starwars:Tavion_Axmis|Tavion Axmis]].
* The '''Disciples of Ragnos''' have a Krath theme to them, but this is because [[House Marka Ragnos]] historically is a [[Krath]] [[House]]. Do not feel you need to change your [[Order]] to reflect this.

In the previous incarnation of the Disciples of Ragnos:
* The '''Dark Primus''' name was created by [[Zaxen Dauketrenal]], while the description of the position was written by '''Vorion'''.
* The '''Dark Patriarch/Matriarch''' name was created by [[Zaxen Dauketrenal]], while the description of the position was written by '''Vorion'''.
* The '''Hand of Ragnos''' name was created by [[Ashura Isradia]], while the description of the position was written by '''Vorion'''.
* The '''Dark Chronicler''' name was created by [[Sai Na'Ashar Keibatsu|Sai Na'Ashar '''Keibatsu''']] who also wrote the description of the position.
* The '''Sword of Ragnos''' name was created by [[Zaxen Dauketrenal]], while the description of the position was written by '''Vorion'''.
* The '''Dark Scholar''' name was created by [[Ashura Isradia]], while the description of the position was written by '''Vorion'''.
* The '''Dark Librarian''' position was pre-established in House history and revamped for use in the '''Disciples of Ragnos'''. The description was written by [[Invictus|Alaric]].
* The '''Scion of Ragnos''' position was pre-established in House history and revamped for use in the '''Disciples of Ragnos'''. The description was written by [[Ashura Isradia]]. The '''Progency of Ragnos''' name was created by [[Zaroth]] after the idea of establishing a lesser position. The description of these positions is a combined effort from [[Ashura Isradia]] and [[Zaroth]].
* The names for the three Castes were created by [[Vorion]], [[Zaxen Dauketrenal]], [[Zaroth]], '''Teu''' and '''Tritherus'''. The descriptions were written by [[Zaxen Dauketrenal]], [[Vorion]] and [[Ashura Isradia]].
* The Scion and Progeny requirements were inspired by the [[Marked of the Wanderer]] article; full credit goes to [[Trevarus Caerick]].
* The '''Mission Statement''' was written by [[Ashura Isradia]] to clarify the need and purpose of the Disciples after receiving feedback from various members.
* Through a competition run by [[Kharon Daragon]], [[Bal Demona]], [[Imperial|Jade Sadow]], [[Methyas Pepoi L'eonheart]], and [[Teu Pepoi]] created the majority of the weapons on the possession system. [[Manji Keibatsu Sadow|Manji '''Keibatsu''' Sadow]] created the original weapons that were on the wiki before the others were added.
* The possession system for the Disciples of Ragnos will dissolve more than likely once the DB wide possession is put into place.

[[Category: Clan Naga Sadow]]
{{Naga Sadow}}
[[Category:Historic Naga Sadow Articles]]

Latest revision as of 07:48, 29 January 2018

The Jedi were real?
This article is part of the history of Clan Naga Sadow and isn't part of current events.
Please do not remove this tag or the contents. These articles exist for historic purposes.

The Disciples of Ragnos are a theocratic cult that believes in the divinity of Marka Ragnos. In organisational terms, the Disciples are part of a role-playing system created by Ashura Isradia to encourage character development in House Marka Ragnos.

At present time the Disciples of Ragnos are not an in-character organisation as depicted below; this page is being kept for historical reference purposes.


Hailing from deep within the Sepros system, the Disciples of Ragnos are the manifestation of their namesake's dark will. Within the ranks of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, the newest revival of the Sith Lord's ancient cult carry out the orders of his spirit, channeled through the great sorcerer, Trevarus Caerick. Encompassing all three orders and all levels of power, the Disciples exist officially as a House of the Clan Naga Sadow, and it's honorary members who have left for other positions within the Brotherhood.

To become one of the Disciples, all you need to do is contact the Quaestor, Aedile and Rollmaster of Marka Ragnos to let them know that you'd like to be one of the Solifugae; you can then begin developing your character as one of the Disciples.

The Council


"Some there be alone whom can call and make the shadows greet..."
―Attributed to Zeen Deheval, Krath archivist, circa 2,237 BBY

The Maleficarum of the Disciples of Ragnos is the nominal leader of the Cult. Trevarus Caerick, as the Overlord of House Marka Ragnos, holds this position for life; when Caerick is not present at Ragnos Cathedral, the Anguis and Tigrist of the Disciples of Ragnos consult a council made up of the shades of powerful Dark Side users who stand in for the Overlord.

The Maleficarum has a position of spiritual dominance over the rest of the Disciples; they have the final say over whether a Disciple can move from the Noctosalutae into the rank of the Progenies, and they decide whether a Progeny can become a Scion. The rituals undertaken by the Disciples are ideally led by the Maleficarum or, in his absence, by the Anguis and Tigrist.


"Some there be whom shadows kiss, shadows cling, shadows rent..."
―Attributed to Zeen Deheval, Krath archivist, circa 2,237 BBY

The Anguis is the second highest position within the hierarchy of the Disciples of Ragnos. Responsible for formulating the actions of the Disciples based upon the guidelines and wisdom of the Maleficarum, the Anguis is the "visible" leader of the Disciples. The Anguis is always the Quaester of HMR.

In the event that the Maleficarum should be unable to lead the Disciples of Ragnos, the Anguis and the Tigrist meet with a council of the Scions to decide upon the actions that need to be taken. The Anguis and Tigrist act as temporary leaders in the event that the Maleficarum should be incapable of performing his duties at the time.

Cultus Ordinem of Ragnos

"Some there be whom shadows teach, shadows draw, shadows keep..."
―Attributed to Zeen Deheval, Krath archivist, circa 2,237 BBY

The Cultus Ordinem of Ragnos lies below the Scions in the hierarchy of the Disciples of Ragnos. Every month, the most active member of the Disciples is named the House Champion for that month, and become the Cultus Ordinem for the next month. It is a very prestigious honor to be given this position; it represents the dedication and hard effort the individual has put into his duties within the Disciples.

Fictionally, the Cultus is allowed to enter the Dark Library, where he or she has access to the unimaginable wisdom held within. The Cultus is also given the duty of protecting the secrets of the Dark Library, both by supervising the security of the vault and occasionally physically guarding the vault himself. This title also places the bearer as an honorary member of the Council of the Disciples, allowing him to attend meetings and put forth his ideas.

The Scions

Scion of Ragnos

A Scion is the proclaimed descendant of Dark Lord Marka Ragnos; in the original Disciples of Ragnos a Scion was the actual blood relation of the Sith Lord. However, the modern Disciples realize that any blood relation of the Sith Lord has long since died off. This title now serves to honor the most prominent members.

A potential Scion is always selected from the pool of Progenies; in fact this lesser title was created to help select future Scions. In times long past the Maleficarum would invoke the spirit of Lord Ragnos to appear and select a Scion from the available Progeny; but in recent years the spirit of Ragnos is respected in a more ritualistic, less literal ceremony.

Before being proclaimed a Scion by the Maleficarum, a Disciple must spend time in a drug-induced trance to reach a stage of illumination and clarity, using a drug that was created by Lord Ragnos to aid him in deep meditation. It was also said that this drug had the ability to shape a Scions own genetics to enhance their mind and body; which was why some believed Marka Ragnos lived as long as he did. The effect of the drug is of course only a rumor, and for security purposes it is locked away.

Scions of Ragnos answer only to the Maleficarum, as well as the Anguis and Tigrist of Ragnos.

Progeny of Ragnos

A Progeny is something of a stepping stone towards a greater power. With the attainment of this title, and the approval of the Anguis and Tigrist, the member will be invited to a ceremony where they will be presented with a signet ring with the Disciples of Ragnos emblem inscribed onto it.

The Progeny is an important asset to the Council and will be valued over all mere Disciples. They are tested constantly by the Anguis and Tigrist both physically and mentally. The Maleficarum pays close attention to their education, hoping that one may show the foresight and endurance needed to become a Scion.

If the Progeny undergoes the trial and their body shows the necessary changes that mark a Scion of Ragnos, then that title will be granted to them. If not, and the Progeny didn’t die, then the testing will resume until they are proclaimed a descendant of Lord Ragnos or until their lifeless corpse is buried.

The Structure of the Disciples

The lowest rank of the Disciples are known as the Solifugae, or 'those who flee from the Sun'; they are expected to carry out the will of the higher ranks of the Disciples. It is worth noting that the rank or position that a member holds in the Dark Brotherhood is irrelevant and unconnected to their rank in the Disciples; the ancient leaders of the Disciples adhere to traditions much older than those of the Brotherhood, so a Journeyman may outrank an Equite in the Disciples.

If a member of the Solifugae applies themself to their duties with diligence and dedication, they may be chosen to ascend to the ranks of the Noctosalutae, or 'those who hail the night'. This grants them greater responsibility and authority within the ranks of the Disciples, although they are still considered greatly inferior to the Progenies, Scions and Council of the Disciples.

Behind the Scenes


The Disciples of Ragnos holds no official titles within the Dark Jedi Brotherhood or Clan Naga Sadow. It is purely a fictional device to reward members for their activity and dedication in House Marka Ragnos, and to promote character development for every member of the House. This article itself is being developed by members and is to be an amalgam of their work.

Vision Statement

House Champion

Just before the end of each month, the House Summit will get together with the Battleteam Leaders and select the most active member to become House Champion for that month; candidates are based on activity, participation in competitions on a BT/House/Clan/DB scale, and general House involvement. The House Champion becomes the Cultus Ordinem for the next both; fictionally he or she gains access to the untold knowledge stored in the Dark Library, while non-fictionally this person is allowed to House Summit meetings to bring his or her ideas to the House. Also, as an optional choice, the Cultus can insert a mini-report into Quaestor's weekly reports to inform the House of any ideas/project/thoughts; this allows the Cultus to get a feel of writing reports for a future leadership position within the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.

Roster 2009

August [TBA]
September [TBA]
October [TBA]
November [TBA]
December [TBA]

Past House Champions:

Noctosalutae, Progenies and Scions

This is basic rank system to reward House-related accomplishments. If a member has completed some of the requirements for a certain Disciples rank while completing the requirements for a promotion to the next Brotherhood rank, they may contact the Aedile, Quaestor and Rollmaster to obtain their next rank in the Disciples system.

Disciple Requirements

  • Rank of Apprentice or above
  • Be a member of House Marka Ragnos

Progeny Requirements

  • Must be one of the Disciples
  • Rank of Protector or above
  • One Dark Maven
  • SA Core Exam (Sith, Krath or Obelisk depending on Order)
  • Completion of two (2) pages of fiction describing their time as one of the Noctosalutae (Ariel, font size 12)
  • Final approval by Quaestor

Scion Requirements

  • Must be a Progeny
  • Rank of Dark Jedi Knight or above
  • Participated in Vendetta (GJW, Clan Feud, etc.)
  • At least a minimum of five (5) Seals earned
  • Three (3) pages of fiction describing their time as a Progeny and the process of becoming a Scion (Ariel, font size 12)
  • One (1) Merit Medal of Dark Cross or above for House-related accomplishments
  • Final approval by Quaestor

Role Playing

This is the most fictional part of the Disciples of Ragnos and is heavily involved with character development. Role playing allows members to expand and explore their characters in House canon through writing, anything from one page to ten pages depending on the person. The idea here is to just to Role Play and explore their character's development and time as one of the Disciples of Ragnos.


This is the current roster as to who is in what caste in the current incarnation of the Disciples of Ragnos.





Solifugae to Scion (House Summit Guideline)

The Quaestor and Aedile of House Marka Ragnos should pay attention to the following criteria. You both serve a fictional role in the Disciples of Ragnos and thus the development of a members status in this fictional structure is your responsibility.

For a Disciple to advance all the way to Scion then spelling, grammar and realism need to be taken into consideration; also along with continuity for ACC and Run-On's. Spelling and grammar may not be essential until a member reaches a certain status; remember not everyone is a writer and to promote character development through House canon is your main objective. Below are some suggested requirements on what to look for.

Solifugae Requirements

  • Realism

Noctosalutae Requirements

  • Basic spelling and grammar
  • Realism
  • Character Development

Progeny Requirements

  • Good spelling and grammar
  • Realism
  • Continuity (ACC/Run-On)
  • Character Development

Scion Requirements

  • Exceptional spelling and grammar
  • Realism
  • Continuity (ACC/Run-On)
  • Character Development

IRC Role Play

House Marka Ragnos has its own channel for members to act (I)n (C)haracter and explore House canon in a "Real Time" atmosphere. The channel is #Disciples_of_Ragnos. Once you step into the channel you are stepping into a in character environment.


The Disciples of Ragnos was originally conceived by Ashura Isradia (based on House history) during his term as Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos, in an attempt to meet some of the expectations placed on him as House Leader. House Champion/Cultus Ordinem allows a member to try out short-term projects (which means projects that don't take long to set up) and to voice his/her ideas (along with any members ideas who would rather go through them instead of coming directly to the House Summit) Progeny allows a members personal accomplishments to be displayed, allowing a member to grow as an individual and rewarding that by letting them have a fictional impact within House canon. The position of Scion also allows a members House-related accomplishments to be displayed, superseding their accomplishments as a Progeny.

The idea of the Disciples of Ragnos is to give members an interesting avenue by which to develop their characters, and to suggest a direction in which members can focus their efforts in order to obtain Brotherhood promotions.


The following people have contributed to the creation of the Disciples of Ragnos by either providing input, feedback, ideas, names and written material. Their part in the creation of this project should not be forgotten. See the trivia section for a complete listing.

  • Ashura Isradia
  • Raven
  • Tsainetomo Keibatsu Sadow
  • Vladek
  • Jades "Imperial" Atema
  • Faeril Munlear
  • Alexander Anderson
  • Vorion
  • Zaxen Dauketrenal
  • Zaroth Kalikrayye
  • Nero Pennant
  • Teu Pepoi
  • Ekeia Iclo
  • Tritherus
  • Manji Keibatsu Sadow
  • Wookieepedia


  • The Disciples of Ragnos should not be confused with the Sith cult of the same name that was led by Tavion Axmis.
  • The Disciples of Ragnos have a Krath theme to them, but this is because House Marka Ragnos historically is a Krath House. Do not feel you need to change your Order to reflect this.

In the previous incarnation of the Disciples of Ragnos:

  • The Dark Primus name was created by Zaxen Dauketrenal, while the description of the position was written by Vorion.
  • The Dark Patriarch/Matriarch name was created by Zaxen Dauketrenal, while the description of the position was written by Vorion.
  • The Hand of Ragnos name was created by Ashura Isradia, while the description of the position was written by Vorion.
  • The Dark Chronicler name was created by Sai Na'Ashar Keibatsu who also wrote the description of the position.
  • The Sword of Ragnos name was created by Zaxen Dauketrenal, while the description of the position was written by Vorion.
  • The Dark Scholar name was created by Ashura Isradia, while the description of the position was written by Vorion.
  • The Dark Librarian position was pre-established in House history and revamped for use in the Disciples of Ragnos. The description was written by Alaric.
  • The Scion of Ragnos position was pre-established in House history and revamped for use in the Disciples of Ragnos. The description was written by Ashura Isradia. The Progency of Ragnos name was created by Zaroth after the idea of establishing a lesser position. The description of these positions is a combined effort from Ashura Isradia and Zaroth.
  • The names for the three Castes were created by Vorion, Zaxen Dauketrenal, Zaroth, Teu and Tritherus. The descriptions were written by Zaxen Dauketrenal, Vorion and Ashura Isradia.
  • The Scion and Progeny requirements were inspired by the Marked of the Wanderer article; full credit goes to Trevarus Caerick.
  • The Mission Statement was written by Ashura Isradia to clarify the need and purpose of the Disciples after receiving feedback from various members.
  • Through a competition run by Kharon Daragon, Bal Demona, Jade Sadow, Methyas Pepoi L'eonheart, and Teu Pepoi created the majority of the weapons on the possession system. Manji Keibatsu Sadow created the original weapons that were on the wiki before the others were added.
  • The possession system for the Disciples of Ragnos will dissolve more than likely once the DB wide possession is put into place.
Clan Naga Sadow
Units Clan Naga Sadow • Houses Marka Ragnos & Shar Dakhan • Battleteams Night Hawks & Disciples of Dakhan
Leadership Consul DarkHawk Sadow • Proconsul TBA
Marka Ragnos • Quaestor Locke Sonjie • Aedile Sanguinius • Battleteam Leader Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Shar Dakhan • Quaestor Quentin Shadows • Aedile TBA • Battleteam Leader Malik Sadow
Possessions DominionOrian AssemblyOrder of the Black GuardWarhost of Naga Sadow
Misc OverviewDisciples of SadowSons & Daughters of SadowInner CircleMaster-Student Program
Conquest is our destiny, we shall not fail.