Soulfire Strike Team

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Soulfire Strike Team
General information



AGV Valour's Fall

Historical information
Formed from:




Other information

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

[ Source ]

"A Human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
―Robert A. Heinlein

A Battleteam within Arcona, Soulfire Strike Team is an elite commando unit formed to fill a variety of mission profiles within Arcona’s military. With an unconventional ‘blasters first’ policy on threats, the team treat themselves as commandos before Jedi and often view their talents in the Force as mere supplements to their military training. With a strong Mandalorian ethos backing the Squad, Soulfire are very military-orientated and spend on average 8 hours a day training. A closely knit squad within Arcona, they are nevertheless known to be cliquey in the extreme and highly aware of their reputation. Members of Soulfire are often picked for demonstrating an affinity with a specific area of combat before being trained up to scratch, and often even those that are trained up don’t last – Soulfire is unwaveringly given the difficult jobs, and has yet to come out of an operation without a grin on its bloodied, battered face. Due to their superiority in special operations, the Sergeant of Soulfire is usually named Commander of the Special Operations branch of the Dajorra Intelligence Agency.

The Basis of Soulfire

Soulfire Strike Team is the sword of Arcona. They are unequivocally the best combatants the clan has to offer and are regularly given ‘impossible’ missions to complete – which they have yet to fail. Soulfire Strike Team are primarily a Special Ops team and are unique in that they prefer a ‘blasters first’ policy, only drawing their lightsabers once ranged weaponry is no longer an option. Most of them adopt specialisations; however all of them will be at least proficient in every form of Special Operations combat, from demolitions, to sniping, to heavy weapons or even computer slicing. Soulfire also have a secondary role of augmenting the Summit Guard by having at least one or two members guarding the Consul at all times. Given their special stature within the clan, they are considered elite and as such operate an invite-only policy, with the Sergeant of Soulfire extending invitations to those members he feels warrant a place in this exceptional Squad.

Position in Arcona

Soulfire Strike Team are the elite of Arcona. They are arguably the most highly-regarded Battleteam in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. With this in mind, the exclusivity of Soulfire exempts it from the selection rule of the Project Reboot Reform, instead picking only those they see fit to serve under their banner, as opposed to anyone above the rank of Protector being able to select their battleteam.


Soulfire’s roster is divided into 3 separate units: The Squad proper, a crew for Soulfire's support vessel the AGV Valour's Fall, a specially trained crew for Soulfire's LAAT/i, the Drexl.

Soulfire Strike Team

  • Soulfire 1/Lead: Lieutenant Teroch Erinos (Human Male, Dxun) - Sergeant/Tech Specialist
  • Soulfire 2/Fade: Sergeant Socorra Erinos (Human Female, Socorro) - Scout
  • Soulfire 3/Wires: Corporal Celahir Erinos (Kiffar Male, Fondor) - Slicer
  • Soulfire 4/Wylde: Currently Vacent - Comm Specialist
  • Soulfire 5/Red: Corporal Juda Kodiak ‘’’Erinos’’’ (Human Male, Dxun) - Medic
  • Soulfire 6/Boomer: Corporal Vynn Salm’ (Human Male, Judecca) - Demolitions Expert
  • Soulfire 7/Wraithe: Private first class Azasell Kirin (Human Male, Nexus Ortai) - Sniper/Spotter
  • Soulfire 8/Nymph: Currently Vacent - Sniper/Spotter
  • Soulfire 9/Gears: Private Riverche (Miraluka Female, Coruscant) - Tech Specialist
  • Soulfire 10/Fire: Private first class Maaks Erinos (Miraluka Male, Alpheridies) - Scout

Drexl Crew:

  • Pilot: Sli'Rui (Twi'Lek Female (Ryloth)
  • Co-Pilot/Forward Gunner: Jaden Fox (Human Male, Corellia)
  • Starboard Gunner: Berra Tork (Human Male, Coruscant)
  • Port Gunner: Derk Che'kla (Bothan Male, Bothawui)


All of Soulfire's missions are highly confidential and aren't ever listed as 'approved' by the Military or Clan summit for maximum deniability. To that end, the Sergeant of the Squad has a 'contingency switch' in event of one or more of his team being captured or killed while on deployment; a plasma bomb would detonate, killing the member instantly and vaporising everything in a twenty meter radius, removing any evidence of Soulfire ever being there.


Usually Soulfire’s missions are highly classified, but Galeres’s summit has decreed that Soulfire’s involvement at Svolten was declassified since they were used in a larger scale invasion that included other battle teams from Arcona. Soulfire was in charge of attacking the facility from the bottom, while Void Squadron airdropped Dark Forge and attacked from the air, and Shadow Gate infiltrated the mining facility. The clan’s Rollmaster Andrelious J. Inahj oversaw the operation.


Honor Code

Soulfire, the eye of the storm

Around us destruction reigns, but within our team, there is nought but calm

A calm that permeates out, and works with our skills to bring an end to our enemies

The question is not 'will Soulfire win?'

It is 'How long before they win?'

But to be a member of Soulfire is so much more than it seems from the outside

Skill is not the only requirement.

Loyalty, honor, fidelity, All hold an important part of the Soulfirian Code.

Some call us arrogant, others call us blind

But jealousy is a dish best served cold, and it is what calls the criticism down on our Team.

We look after our own and keep to ourselves, but we aren't averse to helping others

We do this because of previous actions which taught us to help, but never to trust.

Trust must be earned, just like honor, and both are important

For without trust, there cannot be a team spirit

And without a team spirit, Soulfire would cease to be.

To condemn us is to bring the wrath of the very heavens down upon yourself

To join us is to ally yourself with a stoic society who will protect their own

To ignore us is an action that should be avoided, lest we strike you down from the shadows

To help us is to mean that someday, we will help you in return

To beat us, is a task that will never be achieved

Victory is assured

For we are Soulfire

Our strength rises from our unity

It comes from within, is released out

And brings victory to all those who fight beside us

We are Soulfire

Proudly we stand here, victorious



And forever more

Created by Zandro Savric Erinos


To be completed credit to JH Maaks for coming up with the original design, and to DJK Voden Arjin for polishing it up into its current incarnation


The motto is derived from an ancient text and a reminder that Soulfire aren't specialists, they aren't especially suited to one task; they can meet any request that's made for them by the clan without question and pride themselves on their adaptability and fierce nature. Whatever is asked, they're always at the heart of the clan.


The vision of the Soulfire Strike Team is "All dedicated to the glory of Arcona". Various missions given by the superiors must be completed perfectly by the members. Once the member is accepted into Soulfire Strike Team, the crest is tattooed onto the member's right shoulder. This process is performed in the Soulfire Credential Ceremony – a private affair, only the members of the squad itself may attend (a testament to the squads’ extremely elitist attitude).


Members of Soulfire have time and time again gone above and beyond what is required of a Trooper of the Arcona Defense Force and because of this have earned various awards. Notably, the Kama (a protective garment worn around the waist to protect the wearer’s legs from shrapnel), the Pauldron of rank (designating command over a portion of Arcona’s Defense Force) and the Soulfire specific award given out for extreme bravery and dedication, the Jaig eyes (painted red ceremonial eyes onto the wearer’s helmet). The recipients of these awards are as follows:


  • Zandro Savric Erinos Arconae (deceased/KIA)
  • Etah d'Tana
  • Malidir Trepidus Erinos Arconae
  • Kieran Kodiak Erinos
  • Rho Ozrei d'Tana (deceased/KIA)
  • Celahir Erinos
  • Sashar Erinos Arconae (decease/KIA)
  • Talos Erinos
  • Celevon Edraven
  • Teroch Erinos


  • Zandro Savric Erinos Arconae (deceased/KIA)
  • Kieran Kodiak Erinos
  • Malidir Trepidus Erinos Arconae
  • Etah d'Tana
  • Juda Kodiak Erinos
  • Celahir Erinos
  • Wolvie (deceased/KIA)
  • Sashar Erinos Arconae (deceased/KIA)
  • Celevon Edraven

Jaig Eyes

  • Zandro Savric Erinos Arconae (deceased/KIA)
  • Sashar Erinos Arconae (deceased/KIA)
  • Malidir Trepidus Erinos Arconae
  • Celahir Erinos


Soulfire Strike Team is the best Arcona had to offer. They are supremely qualified in their role as a commando unit and spend on average 8 hours a day training as a cohesive unit. They are closely-knit, confident in their ability to meet the objectives almost any other unit would deem ‘impossible’ and very much deserve the elite status they’ve been granted.


Soulfire Strike Team are all expected to wear Armor at all times when on assignment (unless maintaining cover prevents it) and train extensively with the Dar’Verd CES, which is detailed below.

Dar'Verd Combat Environment Suit (DV-CES)

As Soulfire is the Elite of the clan, it only stands to reason that they received the best ‘gear’ available. Never one to spare any expense on his favourites, the Consul commissioned a team of Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders from the Kodiak Clan of Dxun to fashion suits for his chosen Battleteam. The armor is built to be a lightweight version of Mandalorian Armor. All the armor is done in Black with a matte black bodysuit to keep the plates together. The Soulfire emblem is painted onto the right pectoral plate and the armor has a turquoise trimming, to represent their fealty to House Galeres. On missions where stealth is a priority, the armor’s trimming is usually painted over, and the Soulfirians wear black over-cloaks to further give the image of a shadow (a nod in the direction of Arcona’s chosen Clan Force focus). Jet black plates cover the torso, shoulders, crotch, thighs and shins and the Soulfire emblem is painted on the right pectoral. About

Strike Team member wearing Neo-Crusader Armor

the waist there are various pouches to hold the equipment any Soulfirian needs (the standard equipment list is shown below). Mandalorian Iron was excluded as the choice for the armor as it proved to be too heavy for the function of a commando unit. Instead, laminanium armor (regenerative armor featured on the YVH Battle Droid) plating is found on the torso (the other armoured plating is a lightweight plasteel alloy). Due to the heavy nature of the alloy gel packs are utilized to reduce the weight but drastically shortens the life span of its self repairing function; now only able to withstand three direct hits. Where the armor doesn’t cover there is a matte black bodysuit that serves to insulate the body and regulate it using a new experimental memory-fabric which can alter its density according to the wearer’s body temperature, loosening if they are cold to create a layer of air between the body and the fabric so that the body can warm up, whereas if the body is hot, the fabric tightens, absorbing any sweat directly from the pores and a specially-designed chemical in the memory fabric will react with the salt in the sweat to lower the temperature, thereby keeping the wearer from overheating.

Each of the helmets is the main defining feature of the armor. They contain a close range com link for in squad communication, night vision and 'tactical' vision, in which all of the teammates positions are shown as well and often include additions to help in the area of specialisation.

Electric Disruptor Field (EDF)

Research on captured technology has also led to developments in the armor itself. The few Jedi that had survived encounters with the Vong substance Blorash and the few captured specimens available prompted a countermeasure to be developed as they proved notoriously difficult to kill. The squads’ armor was sprayed with a transparent coating of conductive minerals which allow an electric charge to flow over every external surface, so that when the wearer comes into contact with the jelly he or she can trigger ‘the pulser’ (as it is colloquially known) causing the Blorash Jelly to detach itself. While the pulse does not kill it, it is able to stun the organism for several minutes allowing the wearer to avoid it. The pulse feeds from the armor’s regenerative system as installing another battery for the device added too much weight. The side effect being that extensive use of the pulse prohibits the armor from regenerating. At the conclusion of the Vong War, it was decided that this particular addition to the Soulfire armory would be kept as it has a wide variety of uses other than just getting rid of Blorash Jelly.

DVB Combat Helmet

The helmets sported by the squad have also been updated to cope with the changing situation. With the increased amount of Melee combat the squad the original design’s view was found to be too constricting. Tiny cameras have been mounted on the helmet which feed into the helmets display. The target acquisition software has also been updated to include projectile tracking enabling the wearer to track incoming Thud Bugs. The information library has also been updated to include all the Yuuzhan Vong Technology recorded in the Galaxy as have the various role unique libraries.

Standard Weapons

All members of Soulfire are issued with a set of three primary weapons: the KX-80, the EPP-2 and the SSK-7 (unless their specialisation prevents them from carrying all three, such as the sniper and heavy weapons specialist).

KX-80 Blaster Rifle

At the Conclusion of the ninth Great Jedi War, it was decided that a less specialized piece of equipment would become standard issue for the squad, as the Lancer Rifles proved difficult to maintain in the field, requiring a lot of specialist equipment and parts. To that end, Sashar was commissioned to modify a number of KX-80 Blaster Rifles for use by the squad. His first act was to magnetise and upgrade the grips. Next, he made sure that every surface on the rifle was painted matte black with no reflective parts other than the scope lens. Finally, he added a flash reducer and muffler onto the barrel to reduce the initial flash and sound of the rifle firing (however, it’s obviously impossible to completely suppress the flash of a blaster bolt). Also worthy of note is that every single KX-80 utilised by the squad comes with an underslung MGL-1 MicroGrenade Launcher to give the troops individual punch should they need it. However, every single troop knows that to use grenades against other force users is virtual suicide.

SSK-7 Heavy Blaster Pistol

The SSK-7 has always been a stalwart of Soulfire Strike Team – a valuable sidearm to fall back on when the rifle and EPP-2 has fallen short. Sashar took to the pistols with the same gusto he modified with the KX-80 and made sure to matte down all of the surfaces of the weapon, modify the trigger and grip guard, add a silencer/muffler/flash suppressor, widen the clip loading bay and finally reduce the amount of pressure necessary to pull the trigger, allowing for an extremely fast ‘draw and fire’ time.

Erinos Plasma Projector-2 Assault Carbine (EPP-2)

Erinos Plasma Projector-2

Noticing a distinct lack of power at close range, Sashar and Kieran worked closely to design a weapon that provided more stopping power than the KX-80, while sacrificing some of the range. The end result was the EPP-2; the Erinos Plasma Projector-2 (the first having taken the testing droid’s face off when it back-fired).

The EPP-2 borrows a lot of its technology from the Flechette launcher – firing a spread of burning projectiles that do incredible damage at close range, however instead of being based on what’s essentially molten shrapnel, the EPP-2 fires plasma-coated discs that explode on impact, delivering severe plasma burns to the opponent as well as packing one hell of a kinetic punch. Naturally, the recoil on the EPP-2 is vicious. Also, the plasma packets offer a more concentrated blast zone, rather than spraying the immediate area before the wielder in fire. Its maximum range is twenty five meters, and its optimum range is ten meters. The weapon can fire once every half second and can fire a total of 40 times before needing to be reloaded. Unfortunately, the ammunition packets for the EPP-2 are quite large and cumbersome, so Soulfire Members usually only carry one spare. The weapon is attached to the squad's packs and the stock folds under the weapon for compact storage.

Lancer Projectile Rifle Mark 1 (LPR-1)

Lancer Projectile Rifle

With the Galaxy changing, warped by the hands of the Alien invaders the squad decided newer weaponry was required to combat this new menace. Kieran and Sashar designed a new rifle to be phased into the squad. The rifle fires a blast of compressed air (drawn from the surrounding atmosphere and stored in a small tank for use) which propels the thin dart shaped rounds at high velocity through a plasma chamber. The dart is divided into three parts. The point is formed of Titanium shaped into an cross and slotted into the similarly crossed alloy that makes up the housing. A Durasteel Frasium alloy was created for the housing marring Durasteel’s strength with Frasium’s incredibly melting point. This high melting point serves to delay the plasma from melting through to the minuscule Nergon-14 compound hidden within.

The idea being that when the superheated round hits the Vonduun Crab Armor it penetrates slightly before what is left of the point shatters allowing the plasmas to seek out the incendiary compound and thereby igniting it. Our battles with the Vong have taught us that while resistant to blaster fire and Lightsabers they do not react so favorably to explosives. The weapon thus relies on two power cells, one containing the gases required to create the plasma coating and the other containing the darts themselves. A suitable magazine was designed featuring dual chambers containing enough rounds and gas for fifty shots.

The intense heat within the weapon triggered by the igniting gases requires a separate alloy to be incorporated into the design. The barrel and gas chamber were constructed from Dallorian Alloy; fully capable of withstanding the intense heat. The rifle also features a scope that is integrated with the helmet’s targeting software and has been designed with mind to the weapon attatchments available in the Galaxy. With the fall of the Yuuzhan Vong, the Lancer Rifle was decided to be too specialized, and since the Soulfirians weren’t likely to be engaging the Vong in the near future, the Lancer was shelved in favor of a more economical weapon – a modified KX-80 Blaster Rifle.

Erinos Adhesive Grenade (EAG)

Developed to offer Soulfire a nasty and unexpected anti-infantry blast, the EAG is also fairly effective against light armoured vehicles, but thus far hasn’t proven useful to disassemble structures, given that it isn’t a focused blast. Basically, the EAG is a modified fragmentation grenade with a chemical veneer spread over it and a magnesium strip attached to the arming mechanism. When armed, the magnesium strip ignites and the sudden rise in temperature reacts with the chemical coating, transforming it into an incredibly sensitive instant adhesive (the process takes around a second, making throwing the grenade without it sticking to the users’ hand a little tricky). The EAG is the preferred weapon of Juda Erinos, when hitting opponents with the butt of his EPP won’t cut it, and is fast becoming something of a signature move of the medic.


Historically, Soulfire is infamous for its use of high-yield explosives to solve any problem put before it. As such, each member has a standard ordinance package of 5 fragmentation grenades, 6 flashbang grenades (replaced with EMP ‘nades if droid-based opposition is expected), 2 EAGs 20 meters of explosive tape and 4 breaching charges. Obviously, the Demolitions specialist has considerably more explosive selection at his disposal.

Standard Equipment

In addition to the various equipment sets assigned in accordance with their roles, each member is given a standard set of field equipment, kept both in their pack and their belts. Both sets are listed below.


The top item in the pack is always a field medical kit, even if the member isn’t the Medical Specialist. It’s contents are the usual: a laser scalpel, pain killers, bacta patches, bandages, disinfectant, bacta salve, suture kits, and splints. Beneath the medical kit, there are hydration sachets, ration packs, a trench tool and sleeping roll.

Belt & Armor Pouches

In times of combat, a soldier needs easy access to vital pieces of equipment with the minimum of fuss (typically associated with unslinging their pack and then scrabbling through during the heat of battle). As such, the more compact and frequently used are usually kept in specific pouches about the commando’s person, such as the belt or pack harnesses. At the center of the main belt is a grappling hook attached to 100m of hypertension microline wire (rated to hold two fully armed and armoured Humanoid commandos). Immediately to the left of this are a pair of attachable glow rods (either to the helmet or the barrel of the KX-80 Blaster Rifle) and a spare comlink, should the helmet units fail. Spare power packs for both the KX-80 and the SSK-7 are kept on the belt, and finally at the back there is a lightsaber repair kit for any members of Soulfire above the rank of DJK.

Broad Frequency Comlink Bead (BFCB)

When working incognito, Soulfire substitutes their helmets and armor for 'civvie' attire, which surrenders them the luxury of their comlinks. To combat this, Soulfire acquired a set of bead comlinks so that they might keep in constant contact without being observed. The bead comlinks are inaudible to anyone other than the user and can pick up the barest trace of the user's voice. It can be toggled on and off by clicking ones' back teeth.

Advanced Weaponry

PLX-2M Modified Launcher (Plex)

The Plex

Though resembling its more well known counterpart, the PLX-2M launcher has been heavily modified by Teroch’s team. Sporting a revolving three-barrel cylinder this launcher is capable of putting down more heavy-arms fire then nearly any other single-person carry weapon. The Modification include the capability to quick-swap missile types, an upgraded targeting system, and the ability to be folded down when out of use to be carried as part of a backpack sling.

This system is designed to carry no less then six missiles of varying types; and designated by color. Typically supporting a mixture of armor piercing, high explosive, and standard shells, however, it is up to the users to decide what arrangement of missiles he or she carries with their launcher.

E-Web Cannon - Flamethrower Attachment (Mal’s BFG)

'Mal’s BFG

The BFG originally started life as an E-Web Cannon, however, at Mal’s behest, Sashar extensively modified it. Firstly, working with Celahir, he programmed a dedicated droid brain to monitor and control the power generator so that it would not overheat. He then completely redesigned the generator itself to fit on as a backpack module, with wires trailing to the gun itself. He mounted another handle atop the barrel casing and added more coolant units to the sides of the gun. Right next to the handle, a small flamethrower was added (mainly so Mal could light his ever-present cigars from the pilot light).

There is also a retractable plasma-torch at the end to act as a bayonet. The weapon is cumbersome, and there are only a few that could even walk with it, yet due to extensive physical conditioning, Mal can easily keep up with the rest of the squad (though obviously anything more than a jog is impossible, more owing to its size than Mal’s inability to handle its weight).

E.M.M.A.R (Erinos Miniature Magnetic Accelerator Rifle)


A prototype weapon developed by Arcona engineers, and designed from plans Sashar handed down to his son. This rifle is designed to function with the portability of an assault rifle, yet the penetration and range of a sniper rifle. It’s design leaves little to be desired, compact, but still somewhat on the heavy side. The barrel is magnetically charged to allow the rifle to charge a round before firing effectively acting as a miniature railgun. Each time the weapon fires it has to be manually cocked, each clip holding 10 rounds before reloading is necessary.

Plasma Puncher (Xath’s Handshake)

A set of heavy, durable and extremely dangerous gauntlets, the design has a single cylinder along each set of knuckles that juts forward when the user flexes into a striking grip. The cylinder has a range of around fifteen centimeters, and when it makes contact with a surface with sufficient force will eject a plasma burst, incredibly dangerous in melee, good for breaching, and anything else the user can think of. Xath has made these item’s a nightmare in close quarters as the most experienced brawler of SoulFire.

EPL-1 Assault Shotgun

'EPL-1 (Juda’s Whoopin Stick)

Sashar and Kieran discovered a fundamental problem with the EPP-2; namely, it was very, very prone to malfunctions due to the complex nature of its firing mechanism and the volatile chemicals contained within.

This often caused the members of the Squad to use the rifle as more of a bludgeon than a ranged weapon (as evinced by Juda). Thus, they went ‘back to basics’ and redesigned a short-range, powerful projectile weapon borrowing technology from the Verpines to produce a weapon that fired projectile rounds in an expanding spread pattern, which at up to twenty meters and could puncture Stormtrooper Armor. Even if it didn’t penetrate armour, the EPL's (Erinos Projectile Launcher's) blast was enough to take the hapless target off their feet and leave them dazed and wounded.

The weapon can fire twenty times before needing to be reloaded, and whilst the cartridges did take up a fair amount of space, they were less bulky than the EPP-2 ammo cartridges, thus, Soulfire usually carry three spare cartridge clips with them. The collapsible stock grants additional stability to the weapon and (at Juda’s insistence) is weighted, allowing it to be used as a melee weapon should the need arise.

SSK-7sf Dual Pistols

The SSK-7sfv. It has all the usual perks you’d expect with the SSK-7sf, including an extended tibanna gas mag, a polished barrel, hair trigger, customised grip, matted surfaces, widened trigger guard, silencer, muffler et cetera.

It also has a miniature underslung projectile barrel, and clips that include variations such as acid rounds, flechette rounds, and AP rounds. The drawback is that the weapon can only fire either blaster bolts OR slugs, not both at the same time as the firing mechanism is rooted through the same trigger, and thus manual adjustment of firing modes is necessary.

The clips are smaller to reduce the pistol’s overall size and weight, and the last feature, the pistol is made it so that it has a fully automatic firing mechanism to empty the blaster clip in under five seconds.

Z-58-0 Security Droid (Celahir’s Blow up Doll)

File:Celahirs Droid.jpg
Arakyd Z-58-0 Security droid)

This Arakyd industries Z-58-0 Droid has been heavily modified, currently only usable by Celahir as it was designed with his unique implants to handle the additional algorithms necessary to properly control the droid.

The design has enhanced detection systems, enhanced boosters to allow for a much faster and maneuverable UAV and Ground reconnaissance, a full band holocom unit allowing for remove holonet connection, and finally a scomp link allowing for plug in and access through the droid without Celahir having to be present. Equipped with a lanyard launcher, dart gun, ion cannon, and a barricade system allowing for offensive and defensive use during combat.


Realising there was a need for heavy fire support at range, Sashar designed a new rifle for Soulfire: the Erinos Magnetically Accelerated Projectile Launcher. The weapons is huge and can only be operated by two people; one to fire the weapon and the other to distribute ammunition and see to the generator.

Approximately 1.5m long, the weapon is mostly dominated by the two long magnetic bars acting as its barrel. Given the strength of the electro-magnets, the rounds move faster than the speed of sound by the time they leave the weapon. The rounds themselves are almost untraceable, given that they have no propellants like conventional missiles. Nevertheless, they can travel extreme distances thanks to the speed they attain.

The scope is comparable to a set of macrobinoculars in functionality and has a myriad of information to assist the gunner. The rounds are usually packed with AP tips and baradium cores, enabling them to pierce the hull of a tank or walker, or even the shields of a star fighter. Due to its size, the E-MAPL 1 takes a while to set up (usually about ten minutes for an experienced crew) and has to cool down between shots for about thirty seconds. Finally, the rifle is single-action, meaning it has to be reloaded after every shot.

Squad Roles

As an elite commando unit, it is imperative that the team remain as versatile as possible, which is why different roles have been drawn up. Each one carries different weapons and equipment in order to better support each other in the field.



The DVB worn by the commander features some complex technology to aid him in leading the team effectively on the battlefield. A central databank contains detailed topography of the local area and displays it on the helmet’s HUD. It is also able to pinpoint the location of each of the team on the map as well as display their vital statistics. The commander can relay orders and assign objectives using the armor’s onboard computer which is controlled through both vocal commands and a datapad attached to the gauntlet. It is through this that the commander can call up a variety of different tactics to suit different situations as well as review the common tactics used by military bodies today. During large scale battles the suit is linked directly to the overall commander for instant orders and tactics.

  • KX-80 Modified Blaster Rifle (Locris Syndicated MGL-1 MicroGrenade Launcher)
  • EEP-2 Assault Carbine
  • Silenced SSK-7 Heavy Blaster Pistol
  • VibroCombat Knife
  • Fragmentation Grenades (5)
  • Flashbang/EMP Grenades (6)
  • EAGs (2)
  • Explosive Tape (20 meters)
  • Breaching Charges (4)

Demolitions/Heavy Weapons Specialist


Like all the other roles within the strike team the trooper’s Neo-Crusader armor is slightly different to ensure better performance within his role. The helmet is equipped with an advanced targeting system; when configured to the individual’s person the helmet takes readings from the gauntlet and is able to paint a cross hair for the weapon on the HUD of the helmet (it will also work in conjunction with the grenade launcher). A series of vocal commands can identify targets, set target priority, zoom in on the crosshair and a host of other gadgets. The system also incorporates a threat analysis program able to prioritize targets due to threat level while also monitoring who the other members of the strike team are targeting to maximize the units effective firepower; the information can then be transmitted to the other members of the strike team. Micro stabilisers have been built into the gauntlets in order to improve the finger dexterity allowing for the precise movements required for demolitions. The armor remains the same as the rest of the squad save for the rebreather. Durasteel fibres have been sown into the suit in a honeycomb pattern to provide additional protection where the plates do not cover; the honeycombed pattern is able to absorb kinetic and blaster energy but will do little against melee attacks.

  • KX-80 Modified Blaster Rifle (Locris Syndicated MGL-1 MicroGrenade Launcher)
  • PLX-2M Missile Launcher
  • Silenced SSK-7 Heavy Blaster Pistol
  • VibroCombat Knife
  • Fragmentation Grenades (5)
  • Flashbang/EMP Grenades (6)
  • EAGs (2)
  • Explosive Tape (20 meters)
  • Breaching Charges (4)
Demolition Equipment
  • Shaped Explosives (4 kg)
  • Explosive Tape (100m)
  • Proton Grenades (10)
  • Thermal Detonators (3)
  • Remote Detonator (5)
  • Motion Detonator (5)
  • Timed Detonator (5)
  • Adhesive Spray



The Medics’ armor and equipment set is similar to the standard troopers’ in almost every respect. The helmet contains a medical analysis encyclopaedia and a small computer able to analyse and suggest treatment (medisensor) for a variety of wounds you would expect to incur in battle. The helmet also has an optical zoom for the finer medical work. The suit itself remains standard save for the left gauntlet upon which a datapad has been mounted. It responds to a limited amount of verbal commands but has an easy to use keyboard for more specific enquiries.

  • KX-80 Modified Blaster Rifle (Locris Syndicated MGL-1 MicroGrenade Launcher)
  • PLX-2M Missile Launcher
  • Silenced SSK-7 Heavy Blaster Pistol
  • VibroCombat Knife
  • Fragmentation Grenades (5)
  • Flashbang/EMP Grenades (6)
  • Explosive Tape (20 meters)
  • EAGs (2)
  • Breaching Charges (4)
Medical Supplies

In addition to the standard emergency medical kit, the Soulfire Medic carries substantial auxiliary supplies listed below to better aid them in carrying out their profession in the field.

  • ECM-598 Medical Backpack
    • Hand-Held diagnostic scanner
    • Assorted anaesthetics, analgesics, opiates, blood pressure, respiration and pulse regulators, assorted vaccines and other medicines for Humans.
    • Emergency procedure database
    • Closure packs - pressure sealant bandages and absorptive material for high trauma.
    • Filtration masks - supplies oxygen rich flow.
    • Laser scalpels
    • Assorted syringes, suppositories and other delivery devices for medicines
    • Portable stretcher - supports up to 150kg
    • Pressure cuffs and tourniquets
    • Sterile cloths and bandages
    • 2 units of universal plasma.
    • Several mountable glow rods



The scout sniper’s helmet incorporates some highly sophisticated imaging software. It has a telescopic zoom allowing the scout to zoom in and out, and also thermal imaging and low light mode, as well as information on the crosswinds, atmospheric moisture and pressure, and even the coriolis effect’s curve. The imaging software used is also able to recognize structures, vehicles and weapons and cross reference the silhouette with its databanks to report what the item is, very useful in collecting intelligence. The armor itself is painted matte black and is essentially the same as the rest of the teams except that all extruding items and loose parts have been removed to decrease the noise made.

  • Verpine Projectile Rifle
  • Silenced SSK-7 Heavy Blaster Pistol
  • VibroCombat Knife
  • Fragmentation Grenades (5)
  • Flashbang/EMP Grenades (6)
  • EAGs (2)
  • Explosive Tape (20 meters)
  • Breaching Charges (4)
  • Directional Eves Dropper (1)
  • MiniCam (3)
  • Bipod
  • Ghillie Suit
  • spotter scope

- for Verpine Rifle -

  • Standard Round Clip (5)
  • EM Dust Clip (1)
  • Explosive Round Clip (3)
  • 2-stage Round Clip (1)
  • Smoke Grenade Rounds (3)
  • AP Round Clip (2)

Comm/Tech Specialist


The Tech/Comm Specialist’s armor is the standard Soulfirian armor complimented with a specially designed helmet with an augmented ocular system. This system allows the user to zoom to microscopic levels through simple vocal commands with the addition of several different close range views. The helmet also has a built in long range transceiver able to communicate to anyone within the planetary system. A datapad is attached to the left gauntlet and contains complex mechanical encyclopaedia on all modern technology allowing the wielder to identify even the most obscure and foreign technology in use. The datapad also contains several software programs to aid the trooper in slicing. The datapad also monitors local transmissions, decodes them and filters them for information useful to the mission.

  • KX-80 Modified Blaster Rifle (Locris Syndicated MGL-1 MicroGrenade Launcher)
  • PLX-2M Missile Launcher
  • Silenced SSK-7 Heavy Blaster Pistol
  • VibroCombat Knife
  • Fragmentation Grenades (5)
  • Flashbang/EMP Grenades (6)
  • EAGs (2)
  • Explosive Tape (20 meters)
  • Breaching Charges (4)
  • Portable HoloNet Transceiver (1)
  • Laser Torch (1)
  • Fusion Cutters (1)
  • Wire Strippers (1)
  • Hydrospanner (1)
  • Arc-Welder (1)
  • Splicer (1)
  • Insulated Wiring (5 m)
  • several mountable glow rods

Standard Operating Procedures

Soulfire are Arcona’s elite task force, deployed behind enemy lines to accomplish missions that other units would fall far short of completing. Cohesion is vitally important in their ability to work well, thus a set of documented procedures has been written for training purposes and as a guide for the unit’s members.

The Battle Meld

The use of the Battle Meld is a well documented practice within Jedi lore. It provides the unit with several tactical advantages over the enemy. Communication through the meld (usually taking the form of emotions and images transferred within the force) allows the team to draw tactical information from the unit, in this sense they feel and see the battlefield as a ‘hive-mind’, thus responses to changing tactical situations are accomplished quicker. It also allows the unit to direct fire in the most efficient manner as a member can feel who his/her fellow team mates are targeting, and thus more targets can be engaged effectively. There are well documented benefits in the force when using a Force Meld. The unit’s members can draw strength from each other and share burdens equally amongst the unit thus reducing the drop in efficiency the unit may incur through certain situations (i.e. a team member is injured). Extensive participation in a Battle Meld can lead to forms of telepathy and can on occasion result in units members finishing each others’ sentences and sharing thoughts. While in one light it is an advantage, in another it destroys the individual roles within a unit and blurs the protocol each class of soldier must observe.

It has been known that through the meld feelings of anxiety and fear are amplified which can destroy a units morale and their ability to fight. Therefore, a criteria for a unit’s choice to utilize a meld must surely be that it members are hardened veterans and able to deal with both the emotional and physical strains of a heated battle.

Traditionally, Sashar Arconae establishes the force meld, given that it is his specialisation in the force.

Honorary Members

Those outside of Soulfire who have proven themselves worthy of praise from the Strike Team


Soulfire Strike Team

Honorary Members

Clan Arcona
Units Clan: Clan ArconaHouses: House Galeres & House Qel-DromaBattleteams: Dajorran Marshals & Voidbreaker

Clan Summit:

Galeres Summit:

Qel-Droma Summit:

Possessions Dajorra SystemArconan Armed ForcesDajorra Defence ForceArcona Expeditionary ForceDajorra Intelligence AgencyPort Ol'ValKurs'kranak
Misc Di Tenebrous ArconaeCythraulStarscream Tactical Solutions
Light is limited; Darkness is infinite.