Revenance Virtuom

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Revenance Virtuom
General information

Cethgus Entar, Maaks


Sergeant Cethgus Entar



Historical information
Formed from:

35 ABY


35 ABY

Other information
Notable members:

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

[ Source ]

Forged in Darkness

The exact origins of Revenance Virtuom are unknown; they were an ancient Obelisk Sect that ruled as god among the primitive peoples of (insert system here). The strange powers that they possessed which in part come from their connection of the Force but also from an unusual planet that amplified their rage. The sect would plunder planet after planet depilating each of them of their natural supply of this plant until they exhausted all supplies. Revenance Virtuom enraged by the withdrawal symptoms that the drug causes turned on each other ripping themselves limp from limp until they become completely written out of history and forgotten forever.

It wasn’t until ten thousand years later when they were unearthed by Clan Acrona their legacy became known to the Galaxy. Maaks and Cethugs were the first people to lay eyes on the remains of Revenance Virtuom, seeing the full horror of what they had done to each other.

As they explored further they found the old burial tombs of the Sect’s leaders finding their bodies in almost perfect condition, surrounded by a field of strange white flowers. The tombs were filled with old relics and weapons that Revenance Virtuom once used along with the ripped banner that they flew as a sign of their power.

Revenance Virtuom in Morden Times

After the expedition lead by Maaks and Cethgus, Clan Arcona seized the bodies of the dead members of Revenance Virtuom, taking them for analysis. Clan Arcona dedicated their attention to leaning more about the Sect’s power and history trying to synthesise a more powerful form of the drug.

After months of unsuccessful trails Arcona eventually come up with a stable synthesise strain to put into use, the only thing missing as a test subject. Cethgus knowing the risk behind the previously untested drug volunteered himself as the first subject, the drug was introduced into his system sending him into a fit of unstoppable rage before slipping into a coma for seven days. Seeing the results of the drug Zandro ordered the former members of Sukhur’s Legion to create a new Battle Team. Taking their name from the original Obelisk Sect Battle Team Revenance Virtuom was formed.

Each member of the battle team were indroducted to the drug to see how it affected each of them, being careful not to cause a negative reaction.

Levels of Drug Intake

• Level 1 - Increased mental capacity and reflexes lasting around 15 minutes, to exit requires 5 minutes of 'Control Breathing'. Afterwards, brings slowness and difficulty to focus. Half Force pool depleted.

• Level 2 - Increased physical strength, lasts 8 minutes until wearing off with side effects of drained stamina and muscle pain. Come down lasts 8 minutes. 2/3 of Force pool depleted.

• Level 3 - Enhanced physical and mental capabilities for 3 minutes. Complete exhaustion afterwards with side effects of nausea, vomiting, headaches and other fever symptoms. Requires rest of 12 hours until out of bloodstream that can be reduced to an hour if 'Cure Poison' is used. ¾ of Force pool depleted.

• Level 4 - Complete loss of rational thought with twice that of usual physical enhancement. The being simply runs around chaotically attacking both inanimate objects as well as people. This usually results in some kind of mortal wound and this Path is usually avoided. A full 24 hours rest required to detoxify. 8/10 of Force pool depleted.

• Level 5 - Slight mutation occurs, with the structure of a basic and primal exoskeleton beginning to form on the skin. This form is the most powerful but is always a last resort. If allowed to continue longer than a few minutes (as outside aid is required to stop this form) the user will have permanent physical damage, tendons, muscles and organs will suffer, usually resulting in a heart attack or stroke. The user loses any rational thought but becomes a perfect predator: cold, perfectly calculative and calm. The only way to survive this form is by channelling all of the force pool in the user to the body so as to 'handle' as much of the transformation as possible. This however lands the user in a week long coma.

Possistions in Revenance Virtuom

The ranking system inside Revenance Virtuom has not changed since that days the original Sect, expect from one minor change. Cethgus introduced the position of Commander of Word to make sure that the history of Revenance Virtuom would never lose their rightful place in history again. The structure of command goes was follows.

Lord Commander

This is the position currently held by Cethgus Entar. This was one of the highest ranks inside of Revenance Virtuom before one reached a rank in High Command. The title of Lord Commander is and was an honour given to only those capable of commanding the unstoppable force of Revenance Virtuom under the influence of the drug.

Commander of the Watch

The second in command and the position currently held by Sarrin Vahn. This title was given to only those that showed the most promise in leadership and would be directly trained by the Lord Commander till either his retirement or his death, after which he would take control and lead the team. The Commander of the Watch on only answer to the Lord Commander and High Command, he would command the respect of his peers as he was trained to take over the team.

Commander of the Word

A new title that was created by Cethgus Entar to assure that the history of the new Revenance Virtuom would not fade in the vastness of time like their predecessors. This position is currently held by Inarya. It is the responsibility of the Commander of the Word to keep records of everything that happens within and outside of the team as well as documenting and gaining a better knowledge of what was left of the original Sect’s history.



As the Battle Team is formed from a wide variety of different species and skills, each member of the team are given their own customised armour in enhance their natural abilities. Their armour is all based on the old armour that was found in the tombs of the fallen.


Cethgus’s armour is directly copied from that found in the tomb of the High Commander of Revenance Virtuom. The armour has been altered to accustom the Zabraks large frame. The armour is made from a high quality of dura-steel that has been polished to look like liquid silver. It is designed to take a high amount of blaster fire and saber strikes allowing the Zabrak to move with speed.


K Kratus armour is made from a mixture of dura-steel and human skin. The face plate is from one of his victim’s skulls whose teeth have been filled to a point to create the look of a demon. The armour itself is heavy but allows him room to move, his armour embodies the full extent of his disturbed mind.


Inarya’s armour is made from light weight amour weave similar to the type found in the armour worn by Mabri with sharp dura-steel claws. The armour was designed to allow Inarya to utilise the full force of the acrobatic skills. Her face mask was added purely for intimidation purposes.

Cassandra El’sin

Cassandra’s armour is formed from the same Plastoid as that of standard stormtropper armour. The under suit is body glove which allow Cassie to have optimul movement and protection in a combat situation. The armour is designed to give Cassandra the non-resticed movements that she needs to employ her deadly knowledge at close quarter combat.






Revenance Virtuom has two weapons that they always carry into battle. Their lightsabers and a sword that was forged to be an exact replica of the ones that Cethgus found in the Tombs of the High Commanders. The sword represented that teams link to the past and saber represents the team’s link to the future.


The Nightclaw is the sword that holds a direct link to the past for Revenance Virtuom. Forged from pure obsidian the blade is sharper then a razor and stronger than any metal. The blade is created in the same way as it was when its original holders wielded it. Every blade is made with each member preferences in mind causing each blade to di

Clan Arcona
Units Clan: Clan ArconaHouses: House Galeres & House Qel-DromaBattleteams: Dajorran Marshals & Voidbreaker

Clan Summit:

Galeres Summit:

Qel-Droma Summit:

Possessions Dajorra SystemArconan Armed ForcesDajorra Defence ForceArcona Expeditionary ForceDajorra Intelligence AgencyPort Ol'ValKurs'kranak
Misc Di Tenebrous ArconaeCythraulStarscream Tactical Solutions
Light is limited; Darkness is infinite.