Odan-Urr United Space Command

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New Order era.
Odan-Urr United Space Command
Unit Information
  • Navy
  • Marine Corps.
  • Army
  • Intelligence Services


  • Guerrilla forces
  • Armored assault
  • Planetary defense





"Remember New Tython."

  • White & Blue
  • Camo
Possession Item:

ID 64039

[ Source ]

The Odan-Urr United Space Command or O.U.S.C. is the combined military force of Clan Odan-Urr and its associates, covering naval and ground forces used to defend their home system and initiate policing actions. The organization's origins lie with its origins in the wake of the Battle of Florrum, where the Kotahitanga-Unity Defense Force, Sentinel Network and recruits from all corners of Brotherhood space who wished to join the fight against the Iron Throne formed to create the Odanite Expeditionary Force or O.E.F. Intended initially as a defensive role, it served as the military arm while the Sentinel Network acted as its main intelligence service.

The group maintained full operations through multiple Great Jedi Wars, and several internal conflicts, such as the war with the Vauzem Dominion and Vatali Unsettled uprising. Acting as its military arm, it remained fully active even with the growing prominence of other groups and after the clan was legitimized as a house within the Vatali Empire. In 40 ABY, the group was fully restructured to better integrate the upgraded and more active Vatali Royal Guard, Clan Okami, and the roles of the two houses, the Consular Conclave and the Guardian Corps. Although the O.E.F. continued to exist as a major component within its military, it was downgraded to a cog within a more diverse military formation. This united alliance remains under the command of the clan's summit, with its Consul and Proconsul retaining overall military command.

In prior years, the Command had undergone multiple, abrupt, and sudden alterations. The abrupt addition and subsequent removal of the Sentinel Network as a direct military asset, recognition of previous units, and the inclusion of at-arms-length units like The Wildcards, who had been supplemented with little to no notice, meant that the overall structure of the Clan's military had been in a state of near-constant flux, despite a seemingly solid central structure.

In the waning days of 41 ABY, under the guidance of a newly appointed Councilor of War, a series of new edicts were handed down through the ranks following a Fleet Review. These edicts attempted to solidify the core formation of the O.U.S.C., empower the Expeditionary Forces, finalize the restructuring that had begun in 40 ABY, focus on the integration and solidification of prior units, and shore up vacuums created as lateral support from the Consular Conclave and Guardian Corps were minimized. And Military assets that had previously been loaned to the Temple to assist these units were returned to O.U.S.C. Command. Former High Council warships were reassigned into the O.U.S.C. First Fleet (FLEETCOM) and the Sixth Fleet (SysDef), with streamlined and focused, direct purposes. Some programs that had not seen effectiveness, or were potentially unstable in long-term applications, were also reassigned. With the Separation of Temple Assets, SeNET along with S.P.E.A.R. were no-longer considered Military Intelligence, however, operate as Command-Level Intelligence and have established liaisons with the O.U.S.C. Military Intelligence. By 42 ABY a recruitment drive for the O.U.S.C. Army and Naval forces had begun to drive military readiness levels toward appropriate levels.

High Command

Sentinel Network

Jedi Praxeum

Tythonian Refugees

Odan-Urr United Space Command (O.U.S.C.)

O.U.S.C. Naval Forces

First Fleet (FLEETCOM)

Headquartered in orbit around Kiast, The First Fleet, also regarded as FLEETCOM or Fleet Command, is the O.U.S.C. Navy's Mobile Command Structure. Their Flagship, the ODN Peacekeeper (often lovingly referred to as the Big-D), serves as the High Councilor Masahiro Haku's personal Warship and retinue vessel. The First Fleet, along with its counterpart The Sixth Fleet, focus primarily on System Defense missions, however; The First is often used as a Force Multiplier, bringing the upper Echelon of Odanite Command to the front to issue commands directly and provide eyes-on support, without the delay of cross-system or intergalactic communications.

Second Fleet (CORE)

Headquartered in orbit around Daleem, The Second Fleet, regarded as CORE, is the O.U.S.C. Navy's primary Expeditionary and Force Projection Fleet. The Flagship ODN Resurgent heads up the Fleet, and serves as the [[Mihoshi Yukiko Keibatsu|Councilor of War]]'s personal Warship. The Second Fleet alongside it's contiguous Strike Groups serve as Odan-Urr's primary assault support force.

Carrier Strike Group 1 (CSG-1)

Expeditionary Strike Group 1 (ESG-1)

Third Fleet

Carrier Strike Group 2 (CSG-2)

Expeditionary Strike Group 2 ESG-2)

Sixth Fleet (System Defence)

Stationary Assets

Support and Logistics Fleet

O.U.S.C. Marine Corps.

First Marine Division

O.U.S.C. Army

First Armored Division

First Infantry Division

First Transportation Division

O.U.S.C. Army Transportation Corps

The Wildcards

Vatali Royal Guard

Okami Mandalorians

Units Clan: Odan-UrrHouses: SunriderHothBattleteams: Templar JensaaraiKnights of Allusis

Clan Summit: High Councilor Masahiro HakuCouncilor of War: Mihoshi Yukiko Keibatsu
House Scions: Governor of Tythas Tierra Suha'sen • Governor of Kaal Tisto Kingang
Team Leaders: Defender Jovian Grey • Knight Commander Syrena Valkar

Possessions KiastJedi PraxeumOdan-Urr United Space CommandOrder of Battle
Lore FoundingInvasion of New TythonThe Pillars Of MenatBastions Of KnowledgeFall of New TythonRenewal of HopeReturn of the LightBetween Light and DarkBattle of NancoraVatali UnsettledThe Myrkr Crusade
Misc Councillors of UrrOdanitesSentinel NetworkVatali EmpireThe Scimitar of Lord Hoth
A Light Amidst the Darkness