Welcome to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Fiction Center. Here you will find links to the various pages and documents that will help both new and returning members with getting caught up with the Brotherhood's current storyline. You will also find summaries and recaps of previous and current storylines and fiction updates, and person/places of interest data bank.
To get started:
- Dark Brotherhood Canon, which looks to align with Star Wars Canon where possible, is maintained by the Brotherhood Story Group. The story group's objective is to maintain consistency with Brotherhood Lore in respect to narrative plot updates, system features like possessions and character sheets, as well as integration with new material introduced into "nu Canon". The Story Group is headed currently by the Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master.
- The Brotherhood’s home rests in the Arx System. (Antei was destroyed and the Dark Council relocated).
- To learn more about the Fiction Society, check out the Inquisitorius page on the Wiki.
- To expand your knowledge on the Brotherhood's fiction systems, check out the Fiction Resources. This includes links to resources and documentation that covers the Character Sheet System, Competition Guidelines, Telegram Fiction Chat, a catalog of previous Voice and Combat Master Reports, and answers to the most frequently asked questions.
- To join the ongoing discussion on original characters and fiction, check out our Fiction Chat channel on our Discord server.
Fictional Timeline
- The current DB fictional year is 43 ABY.
- To get caught up on the latest brotherhood storyline, check out the fiction updates below. The Dark Crusade is the beginning of the contemporary storyline, so we begin there.
- To see the different arcs, see the Fiction Updates: Story Arcs.
Current Storyline
The current storyline delves into the aftermath of the Rite of Supremacy: Escalation, in particular, the arrival of a new enemy group known as The Children of Mortis. Following attempts to gather data on the Children, the conflict between them and the Brotherhood came to a boil in the events of the Fifteenth Great Jedi War.
Shadows Unveiled
The Dark Council met to continue discussion on the rebuilding of Arx, and their military following the events of The Collective's attack in the Great Jedi War. The Grand Master is planning on building a new temple to house important information gathered by the Shadow Academy. Idris Adenn arrives, bringing the first captured alive member of the Children of Mortis, Acolyte Saikar. The Grand Master orders all Clans attempt to gather intel on the Children, and to begin individually researching usage of the crystals the Children used on Dandoran.
Chapter I
Saira O’Setera arrives on Pendroh-I, headquarters of the Lightbringers, one of the sects of the Children, focused on the Light side of The Force. Along with her are several new apprentices, including one Qru Avalor. They become friends, and are shown around their new home by The Harbinger, leader of the Lightbringers.
Novice Ernesto Hayes calls the planet of Lodisa home, as a member of the Truthwardens, another sect of the Children which focuses on balance between the Light and Dark. He is delivering important intel about the arrival of a spy. After crashing into The Unifier, he also speaks with the Arbiter of Truth himself, and reflects on what his priorities are within the Truthwardens.
Slave Kikiri reflects on all those she would like to seek vengeance on. Whipped by her master she is sold to a representative of the Shadowseers, the third sect of the Children that focuses purely on the Dark side. She kills her former master and makes her way to Urikoth.
Chapter II
Apprentice Saira is considered a prodigy within the Lightbringers. She remains close with Qru, who has fallen into the position of competent class clown. The Harbinger and her teachers all praise her, as she is left to wonder what path she would like to take within the Lightbringers.
Now a dedicated Grayblade, Ernesto Hayes continues to verify intel on the Brotherhood spy, at a speed his superiors consider slow. He is sent to speak with the Unifier. Ernesto finally acknowledges he was slowing down because it meant someone would die, and finishes verifying the intel. He is sent to take the spy to see The Father.
Kikiri defends that her visions of the future are correct, while the Loom who leaders the Fateweavers, is wrong. The Seer says they will undertake a ritual to find the truth. As the ritual proves Kikiri correct, she slits the throat of the Loom. The Seer names her as the Loom's replacement.
Chapter III
Kikiri and The Seer witness an advancement to their ascension process, one that uses a simple gas instead of a lengthy ritual to turn a person into crystal. They leave to see The Father.
Ernesto Hayes searches for the Brotherhood spy on Pendroh-I, and has a run-in with Saira. They chat for a time before he takes off, thinking he sees the spy, leaving his datapad behind. Saira picks it up and tries to take it back when she see Qru. Qru takes the datapad and runs off before being caught by The Harbinger and Hayes. Identified as the spy they take him to see The Father. Saira follows, smuggling aboard their ship.
Saira is discovered by Kikiri at the Father's Palace, and is also taken before the leader of The Children. Qru is sentenced to death by asension, and after inhaling the gas, is killed by Harbinger's laser eyes. After being killed, his body converts into a pile of crystals. Saira is spared death, with the Harbinger intending his own unpleasant punishment for her.
Great Jedi War
Chapter 1
Previous Storyline: Fictional Recap
Crack grew in the factions of the Severian Principate, and Tenixir Revenants. Influenced by the mystical crystals that had been recovered over the previous few years, both factions split in half, each with one favoring peace, the other all out war. War comes to them all on the planet of Dandoran.
At the invitation of Py'zah the Hutt, The Principate and Revenants arrive to bid on a large cache of crystals, when shots are finally fired. The Brotherhood answers both sides call with each member choosing for themselves who they would like to support. Within The Principate, there were the brutal Restorers and the peace-seeking Harmonists. For the Revenants, there was the vengeance-seeking Retributionists and the opportunistic Expansionists.
Things became more complicated when the Restorers revealed they had melded the crystals with soldiers, creating fearsome Restoration Troopers, large lumbering beasts that were near impossible to kill. At the same time, The Seer, representing a new entity known as The Children of Mortis, brought with her Crystal Ascendants, beings also augmented with crystal but in such a way their connection to the force was magnified greatly.
Eventually, The Harmonists won the day. The Seer retreated with Avitus Oligard in tow. The Principate agreed to begin demilitarizing their armies, and the Revenants agreed to strike out to far away systems to prevent further bloodshed.
Inquisitorius Archive
Official Fiction Updates for both the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and the independent Clans can be found here in the Inquisitorius Fiction Archives.
To check out the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Comics that were made click here!
Comics created for the DJB
Databank: Brotherhood Universe
The following data bank provides a quick reference to information about persons, locations, and organizations of interest that show up in the Dark Brotherhood storyline.
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The Collective |
The Collective is a powerful organization led by the fierce Rath Oligard. Their unified purpose is to rid the galaxy of Force users. They are one of the primary antagnoists of the Dark Brotherhood, responsible for a multitude of conflicts, death, and loss.
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The Children of Mortis |
The Children of Mortis is a powerful organization led by mythical individual known as The Father. Their unified purpose is break the chains binding the Force. They are one of the primary antagnoists of the Dark Brotherhood, responsible for a multitude of conflicts, death, and loss.
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The Severian Principate |
The Severian Principate is a rare Imperial Warlord state which not only endured but thrived following the Empire’s collapse. Originally a network of mining worlds and orbital facilities in the Kastolar Sector, it existed to fuel the Empire’s war machine. This changed with the governorship of Lucian Niatinus, a commander disillusioned with the Emperor’s self-destructive policies. Devoted to improving the lives of his citizens and secretly allying with the smugglers and pirates from the nearby Hutt Space, he sought to create an ordered state free of the tyranny which inspired the Rebellion.
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The Tenixir Revenants |
The Tenixir Revenants is a conglomerate of criminal organizations. Comprised largely of former prisoners held by the Severian Prinicpate on the planet of Tenixir they have a deep hatred of the Imperial group. They are distrustful of all, but willing to work for the credits. Their allegiance is only to themselves.
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The Dark Council |
The Dark Council serves the Grand Master of the Brotherhood, and governs the various elements of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.
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The Seven Clans |
The seven Clans of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood all hold different motivations and personalities.
Arcona, Naga Sadow, Odan-Urr, Plagueis, Scholae Palatinae, Taldryan, Clan Vizsla.
A member of each respective unit is referred to in the following manner:
- Arconan
- Taldryanite
- Sadowan
- Palatinaean
- Odanite
- Plagueian
- Member of Clan Vizsla
Former members of Clan Tarentum identify as Tarenti.
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Iron Forces |
The Iron Forces are divided into two divisions: The Iron Navy, and the Iron Legion.
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Arx Capital Exchange |
The Arx Capital Exchange, or ACE, is the financial and industrial apparatus of the Arx System and the Dark Council as a whole.
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Inquisitorius |
The Inquisitorius are the Grand Master’s covert network of agents. They represent the Brotherhood's strength outside of the Iron Legion and Iron Fleet. While not all that are enrolled are aligned with the Grand Master’s visions, many compete for favor and to rise in the rankings. The Society offers various awards and incentives and is headed by the Voice of the Brotherhood.
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Shroud Syndicate |
The Shroud Syndicate is the premiere criminal organization operating in Dark Brotherhood space. It involves many smaller gangs, crews, and criminal combines within its area of operation, it is lead by the Herald, and operates from the Shroud Nebula where their massive ship, the Godless Matron, makes berth. The organization is involved in almost every major black market deal that happens in Dark Brotherhood space.
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Arx System |
The Arx System is located in the depths of Wild Space, far away from the core worlds and isolated from the galaxy at large. The planet Arx — or more commonly simply called "Arx" — now serves as the current seat of power for the Dark Brotherhood.
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Outer Rim Territories |
The Outer Rim Territories, also known as the Outer Rim or Outer Systems, was a sparsely populated region of the galaxy located outside the Mid Rim before Wild Space and the Unknown Regions. The largest region in the galaxy, it was home to diverse worlds and rugged, primitive frontier planets. It is here that the bulk of the Brotherhood’s storyline evolves.
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Antei |
The former home system and planet of the Dark Brotherhood. Destroyed by former Grand Master Muz Ashen in a destructive ritual to gain immortality.
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Darth Nehalem Grand Master
Character Sheet |
The Grand Master occupies the The Iron Throne, which is the seat of power for the Dark Brotherhood. They control the Dark Council, as well as the combined Iron Forces. Darth Nehalem took the Iron Throne following years of service on the Dark Council, first as Voice, then as the first Regent, and finally Deputy Grand Master.
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Dacien Victae Deputy Grand Master
Character Sheet |
Dacien Victae service as the right hand of Darth Nehalem. The former Justicar swore to both support Nehalem’s claim to the throne, as well as hold him accountable should he ever lapse in serving the Brotherhood as a whole.
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Howlader Master at Arms
Character Sheet |
Howlader is rarely seen in his office, but his work always seems to get done. Overseeing the ceremony and record keeping of the Brotherhood’s dossiers, Howlader’s allegiance seems to be more to the position he holds than to any one leader or even his home unit.
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James Lucius Entar Seneschal of the Brotherhood
Character Sheet |
The enigmatically eccentric, ever endearing Seneschal heads up the Brotherhood’s Research and Development and also maintains sovereignty over cyber security thanks to his unique artificial intelligence, Construct dbb0t. James has a penchant for riddles and rarely involves himself in political matters, claiming to serve the Brotherhood and the Galaxy at large. He is most often left to his own devices out of both respect and fear.
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Alethia Archenksova Headmistress of the Brotherhood
Character Sheet |
A former opponent of the Iron Throne, Alethia has made a dramatic about face and now oversees the Aurora Collegium of Sciences and the Shadow Academy on the Grand Master's behalf. Despite not being a Force-user herself, Alethia directs the Brotherhood's resources towards understanding the Force-based technology of the Children of Mortis and other factions.
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Rian Taldrya Herald of the Brotherhood
Character Sheet |
As the new Herald and head of the Shroud Syndicate, the Mirialan Rian works hard to maintain the strong grip the Brotherhood has made in the underworld.
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Idris Adenn Voice of the Brotherhood
Character Sheet |
Known as an outgoing and accomplished Bounty Hunter, Idris Adenn has brought an air of flash and style to the otherwise shadowed and secretive Inquisitorius. The Mandalorian takes great pride in the efforts of the Brotherhood's intelligence agency.
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Rajhin Cindertail Fist of the Brotherhood
Character Sheet |
Supreme Commander of the Iron Legion and Navy, head of the Grand Master's Royal Guard. The loud and boisterous
Togorian, Rajhin Cindertail, serves as FIST.
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Thane "Atra" Skotos Justicar of the Brotherhood
Character Sheet |
Entrusted by the Grand Master following his previous service as both Regent and Combat Master, Thane “Atra” Skotos now serves as the Brotherhood’s Justicar.
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Zxyl Bes'uliik Taldrya Regent
Character Sheet |
The former Praetor ascended to the Council following Atra’s appointment to Justicar. Zxyl Bes'uliik Taldrya, the enigmatic Mandalorian Regent, oversees the full might of ACE’s resources.