Endor's Triumph

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Endor’s Triumph
Production information

Victory II-class Star Destroyer

Technical specifications

900 Meters

Max speed (space):


Engine unit(s):

Alderaan Royal Engineers LF9

Hyperdrive rating:

Class 1, Backup Class 10

Hyperdrive system:

Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.

Power output:

3.6 × 1024 W (approx.)


3,200 SBD


1500 RU

  • 10 Light Turbo Quadlasers
  • 20 Heavy Double Turbolaser Cannons
  • 10 Heavy Ion cannons
  • 10 Tractor beam projectors
  • 5,200
  • 1,785


Cargo capacity:

2 Fighter Squadrons


4 Years

  • Peacekeeping battleship
  • Support vessel
  • Planetary defense
[ Source ]

The 'Endor's Triumph' is a Victory II-class Star Destroyer in the service of House Odan-Urr.

Vessel Info


In 35 ABY the Brotherhood left devastation on New Tython. Thousands died, and Tythonian development and relations were shattered. A long, grueling time of rebuilding and repair followed. Seeing that the House could not defend itself or the people of New Tython with just star fighters, the Council of Urr decided on a "long shot" decision. Lacking resources to buy or develop a new starship on their own, they ordered one be scavenged from junk parts. Commissioning several smaller tech companies and a small flotilla of transports, they set course for the ship graveyard on the edge of the galaxy.

Far from prying eyes, they toiled for endless hours, scavenging parts from ships long deemed unusable. Funds were sent in as time passed and even some newer parts were manufactured and shipped to the improvised shipyard. A year and many setbacks later the building had begun in earnest. Much of the superstructure was found intact, though it had to be cut, refurbished and retrofitted. While an Imperial Star Destroyer was considered, a much smaller vessel was chosen due to budget constraints and an abundance of materials. Much of the material had long ago been scavenged by junkers but several Victory I and Victory II-class Star Destroyers survived - some in several pieces - and were used for the Triumph's base.

After the fall of New Tython the funding was cut and so the project was dropped for more profitable endeavors, that is until the House returned triumphant to New Tython in 37 ABY. With the Last Stand in operation, the need for a massive capital ship was lessened, however the Council decided to finish the project. War loomed on the horizon and another vessel would be a logical step forward. Thus funding was sent and the project continued.

In 38 ABY, not long before the Rite of Immortality destroyed Antei, the Endor's Triumph found it's place above New Tython, it's new home.


It is speculated, due to their condition at the time of construction, that the ships scavenged to make the Endor's Triumph had seen service in all major wars since the end of the Clone Wars. Much of her old armament has been destroyed, scavenged, scrapped and sold over the years. In 38 ABY, when she began her service in the K.U.D.F., all of her armaments had been replaced with modern variants, and her shields and much of the superstructure had been refurbished or retrofitted from other ships.

Some of her extensive modifications and retrofits include turbolasers made by Taim & Bak and MerrWeapons, a modernized computer system by MicroThrust Processors, modified hangars designed for storing Incom vessels such as X-Wings and Z-95 Headhunters along with Imperial TIE fighters. She does, however still have her old engines and hyperdrive, making her less maneuverable than modern-day starships. This directly relates to the fact that she is primarily used for planetary defense and as a staging point for patrols in Yhi system.

Much of the interior was refurbished and modernized according to Republic designs. The bridge has been upgraded with modern computer systems while the crew and officer quarters were merged to give space to leisure suites across the ship. Among these the most famous are the "Jagged Junker" bar in the officer's area; the meditation room, where Jedi and Padawans spend most of their time; the Zero-G room, where Jedi Consulars conduct experiments on plants in Zero-G, and where the crew can experience Zero-G in a controlled environment; and the botanical garden, featuring many of New Tython's flora for the crew to enjoy. Many of the ships corridors were lined with flora as well, giving it a much less militaristic feel. There are, however, upkeep issues with these areas as the extra humidity attracts moss and spreads the flora along the walls. Some in the K.U.D.F. have come to call the ship "The Green Goblin" due to it's rather unique interior.




Cpt. Choi Manawek

Cpt. Choi Manawek
  • Species: Pantoran
  • Role: Commanding Officer of the VSD Endor’s Triumph
  • Rank: Captain
  • Motto: "We guard the stars."
  • Biography


  • Personality


Cmdr. Leilani Aasa

Cmdr. Leilani Aasa
  • Species: Lorrdian
  • Role: Executive Officer of the VSD Endor’s Triumph
  • Rank: Commander
  • Motto: "A battleship is the best ambassador."
  • Biography


  • Personality


Lt.Cmdr. Elayne Dolomar

Lt.Cmdr. Elayne Dolomar
  • Species: Tythonian human
  • Role: Weapons Officer of the VSD Endor’s Triumph
  • Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Motto: "One torpedo volley is worth a lot of negotiation."
  • Biography


  • Personality


Lt.Cmdr. Bail Leandar

Cmdr. Bail Leandar
  • Species: Half-Arkanian
  • Role: Navigations officer of the VSD Endor’s Triumph
  • Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Motto: "It is always better to find your enemy, before your enemy finds you."
  • Biography


  • Personality


Lt.Cmdr. Cuzao Genovin

Lt.Cmdr. Cuzao Genovin
  • Species: Tythonian Human
  • Role: Chief Engineer of the VSD Endor’s Triumph
  • Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Motto: "Fix the Triumph? Are you nuts?!"
  • Biography


  • Personality


Wng.Cmdr. Bal Eris

Wng.Cmdr. Bal Eris
  • Species: Zabrak
  • Role: Wing commander of the VSD Endor’s Triumph
  • Rank: Wing Commander
  • Motto: "The reinforcements were greatly appreciated... erm, have you got any more?"
  • Biography: Bal-Eris was born on Iridonia. He was also fascinated with flight at a young age and was always abnormally tall for his age. He used his heights and some fake papers to enter the Iridonian Military flight school where his natural aptitude for flight put him at the top of his class. Two years later his deception was discovered and he was dishonorably discharged from the school. The discharged didn't phase him as much as not being able to fly so he searched for an answer to that problem. He found it in a group of pirates who needed a pilot to move goods for him.

After a few years of transporting stolen goods the law finally caught up with him. He was abandoned by his pirate crew on a run to new Tython when things went south and was incarcerated when Thuron attacked. A sympathetic guard released all of them and Bal-Eris found himself on a pilotless transport. When no pilot had shown he took the helm and through some fierce anti-air bombardment was able to escape the planet. A K.U.D.F commander was aboard and was impressed with his skills as a pilot and upon arrival to the fleet he was conscripted into service. He easily rose through the ranks due to his natural ability and his devotion to flying.

  • Personality: Due to his time with pirates Bal-Eris has issues with authority. He often fraternizes with enlisted and junior officers. He doesn't adhere to military protocol unless absolutely needed. Many of his superiors find this to be a double edged sword. His ability to improvise is an asset but his attitude and remarks tend to draw stares.



  • This is supposed to be a simple wiki...yeah right :P -V'yr Vorsa 23:51, 6 January 2015 (EST)
Units Clan: Odan-UrrHouses: SunriderHothBattleteams: Templar JensaaraiKnights of AllusisProving Ground

Clan Summit: High Councilor Masahiro HakuCouncilor of War: Mihoshi Yukiko Keibatsu
House Scions: Governor of Tythas Tierra Suha'sen • Governor of Kaal Tisto Kingang
Team Leaders: Defender Jovian Grey • Knight Commander Eechee • Instructor Waza Sunrider

Possessions KiastJedi PraxeumOdan-Urr United Space CommandOrder of Battle
Lore FoundingInvasion of New TythonThe Pillars Of MenatBastions Of KnowledgeFall of New TythonRenewal of HopeReturn of the LightBetween Light and DarkBattle of NancoraVatali UnsettledThe Myrkr Crusade
Misc Councillors of UrrOdanitesSentinel NetworkVatali EmpireThe Scimitar of Lord Hoth
A Light Amidst the Darkness