Wulfram Armis

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Imperial era
Wulfram Armis
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

11 BBY (age 54)

Physical Description





6'4" (1.92 m)


197 lbs (89.55 kg)





Personal Information

[ Deceased ]


[ Deceased ]

Known Children:

Asani, Sofila, Arden, Zyrethi, Kurs'ika, Erin

Lightsaber Form(s):
Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information
Known masters:

Alethia Archenksova

Known apprentices:




[ Source ]

"My duty isn't to myself or some dated creed, it's to the next generation, my foundlings. To give them a world of peace unlike the wartorn wastes I grew up knowing or the strength to survive what nearly killed me."
― Wulfram Armis

Wulfram Armis, formerly known as Wulfram Armis'te'ad, is a born and bred Mandalorian, Patriarch of Clan Armis, former member of Clan Arcona, and current Councillor of War for Odan-Urr. A Juggernaut of a man, dedicated to protecting his Clan, ad'ika, and dearest friends, oftentimes by throwing himself into the fires of combat. A survivor of the Night of a Thousand Tears, he is still haunted to this day by the memories of The Purge of Mandalore. The years of his service in The Brotherhood are a mottled mixture of traversal between Clans Odan-Urr and Arcona as he found himself on the move to protect his foundlings.

Physical Description

A muscular frame with broad shoulders marks his silhouette. A perpetual five o'clock shadow lines up to his short, box-trimmed, salt-and-peppered hair that frames sharp features. His nose, crooked to the left and split with a vertical scar, a perpetual reminder of The Purge when debris from a TIE Bomber run on the Capital crushed his face. His eyes, a slate grey seem focused on some small detail at all times. Small scars mar the entirety of his body, breaking up his light complexion with reminders of Imperial Savagery.


Wulfram, a consummate (though not Traditionalist) Mandalorian, can be most often found when deployed in his heavily modified beskar'gam. In official settings, he wears an outfit reminiscent of the AAF Officers', bearing the Dajorran Marshals Crest on the Shoulder, or when at rest, as little as humanly possible. The man does his best to allow the scars that cover his back and neck to breathe when not forced to dress for the occasion and only dresses for the comfort level of his company.


Wulfram is a brusque, and to-the-point man in public, with a curated intolerance of people who pry too deeply into the personal lives of others, and a deep-seated hatred of those whose goals have served Imperial Agendas. Just as much he bears a stigma against so-called Traditionalist Mandalorians for their part in the persecution and downfall of Mandalore, as well as the events that followed through into his childhood. His silence is not absolute, but stoic, speaking with tempered words, thoughtful actions, and carefully concocted plans while others with more fickle temperaments jump.

In private, Wulfram is a caring father, raising an assortment of foundlings for whom he has vowed to leave the Galaxy a better place than it was in his life. Not only for his people, for those who come after him and accept the basis of the Creed, but because each of his foundlings had proven to be Force Sensitive, like himself, and he would never subject them to the witch hunts he suffered as a teenager. Knowing he cannot do everything alone, he has taught the girls to protect themselves and to survive better than he had.

Biographical History

Early life

Born during the relative unrest and upheaval of the aftermath of the Clone Wars and the burgeoning Third Mandalorian Civil War, Wulfram was the child of New Mandalorian Parents, architects of Clan Armis. Neighboring families in their Hab-Tower included the freestanding Clan Douve, whose eldest daughter, Lillian, Wulfram made a quick friend of. His childhood was relatively peaceful in the early years, the conflicts that spread throughout the major cities were withdrawn from their home, and when they made it to their dome, it was in the form of enforced curfews, searches, and mandatory work orders, nothing beyond the pale for civil servants like their family. The question of peace would return, or if the old ways would return in force weighed heavily and began to mould the young Wulfram away from his parents' pacifist perspective. While his twin sister and younger siblings were still idle and content with life, he began to learn more about The Old Mandalorians.

The Fall of Mandalore

Nothing prepares children for war. To witness death and destruction first-hand. To become an orphan.

Wulfram faced these all in a single night when the bombs began to fall during The Night of a Thousand Tears, and their Hab-Tower cracked. That night he lost his entire family. Only Wulfram and his twin sister, Ganymede, managed to escape the collapse of the building, but only he survived being jettisoned from the fifth-story window. The events of that night would leave Wulfram forever scarred, mentally and physically, with massive burns tracing across thirty percent of his back and neck, his nose broken and scarred from glass and debris, and the sights and sounds of all who had died ingrained forever in his young mind. The morning after the initial bombing run, Wulfram was picked up from the debris by Zerril Douve after being found and accompanied, the night before, by Lillian and his wounds treated. They took the poor wounded orphan in and made their escape from Mandalore on the first safe vessel.

The After Years

Wulfram spent years with the Douve Clan, and what he was taught, he suffered twice as much abuse. The Douve Clan patriarch was an abusive and vindictive man who mistreated everyone around them to make himself appear great. His own children, his wife, the orphan they took in after the bombings, or traders with whom he made regular arrangements, everyone served only to better him. His only grace had been that he rescued the children from the burning city block on that fateful night.

As teenagers Wulfram and Lillian's attachments grew, and the pair would rarely be seen apart. But resentment festered in the same house, the abuse and attempted indoctrination into the Deathwatch, a culture that spat on the ways of his parents, by a man who vehemently ignored every tenet their Creed set forth became too much to bear, and a young Wulfram took flight adopting the name Armis'te'ad, promising Lillian he would always be there for her if she reached out to him.

Believing himself unworthy of his family's heritage until he had righted the wrongs made and raised children stronger than he had been, he bore the name 'Child of Armis' and altered his family's crest. The proud towers they once wore no longer stood. The dome beneath which they resided shattered. He took a warrior's vow and turned the broken towers into broken swords under the cracked dome they called home. He refuted the Kyr'stad and accepted the way of the Old Mandalorians, martial traditions shouldn't be forgotten. But neither should tradition unreasonably rule you.

Becoming a Father

"Buir survives on Caf and Violence, you know that!"
―Asani Armis

Fatherhood was never something Wulfram *planned* on attaining so suddenly, but something called out to him, a light in the dark plaza called him to investigate and he found a young Kushiban being sold in an exotic pet store. Curled, afraid, and shivering in a damp cage for far less than any sapient being was worth. It was the first time Wulfram had publicly taken his helmet off in years, opened the young girl's cage, and scooped her into the warmly padded durasteel bucket before he turned to the shop owner and fired a shot into the man's kneecap. He took her in as his first foundling after throwing her would-be trafficker into a kennel and putting her 'For Sale' sign atop it.

Something about Fatherhood clicked with the twenty-something Mandalorian when he took in the yearling Kushiban. He began to research the ways, diets, and music of their people. Taught her the ways of his own. Made her as much a child of his world as he could one of her own. Many days were spent learning the kind of temperance his mother had with him and Ganymede and as Asani grew his pride grew too.

Each of his foundlings would share a similar story.

"Buir likes to shoot first and ask questions later. Sometimes, they don't even get to hear the questions."
―Sagitta Armis

Sofila "Sagitta" Douve Armis was the daughter of an aristocratic Mirialan family, who didn't serve their needs of being prim, proper, and property. Ever energetic, talkative, and loud, she mouthed off and asked for attention, asked for things she wanted, as any good child does. On a hot day in Coruscant, this led her biological father to attempt to take her tongue. Instructing his men to hold her down on a nearby grill while he got the knife to remove her tongue, the ruckus caused drew the intervention of Wulfram. Severely wounding her father and killing his entourage, Wulfram took young Sofila as another ward.

Her cries for attention, demands for cuddling, and love of bedtime stories led her to a book series called The Adventures of Sagitta, from which she would draw a new name for herself, choosing to leave her old name behind as she longed to be like the brave girl in her fables. Her new father gladly indulged her.

"Candles burnt at both ends, burn out twice as fast... Don't burn out on me so soon, young one."
―Wulfram Armis regarding Arden

[ TBA ]

"Cuddling!? I'll show you cuddling you demon!"
―Erin Armis wrestling with her sister Asani.

Sometimes life takes us on unclear paths. While hunting down information on where his long-lost brother Alexandyr Douve had been, after learning he had been sold into slavery as a child by his father, Wulfram tracked down information on one of his owners. As he arrived he found the man beating an elderly slave to death. The man had failed to right some mechanical failure on a combine and the replacement would be costly, apparently more costly than a slave who knew mechanical detailing. Wulfram intervened when he saw the slaveowner turn towards the man's adoptive daughter, deciding that the life of an innocent child was worth more at the moment than information that could exist elsewhere. Attempted negotiations at gunpoint led to violence, which resulted in the slaveowner dying and his remaining four slaves being freed. Wulfram took the young girl, Erin, in as she had no other family to accept her after the death of the old man.

Joining Odan-Urr

Wulfram had long skirted Brotherhood space but stayed removed from it by not placing himself where he was likely to become someone else's target, this changed when an old friend offered him a change of work and something with much more stability for his family's sake. Christopher Winchester reached out to the Mandalorian and offered him work in Brotherhood space. This work would invariably lead him into Odan-Urr, which cemented him with a place for his daughters to safely grow and hone their experiences, wherein he joined under the name 'Wolfe Whitehorn' and for a time worked in secret from his ad'ika until his family became the target of a series of external attacks. For the wartorn man and his family the safest bet on their future was to escape known locales and find work under a separate name.

Joining Arcona

((Under Construction)) Several years later, Wulfram and family would return to Brotherhood-controlled space after Winchester once more reached out to his comrade. This time they found work in Dajorran space.

Returning to Odan-Urr

((Under Construction))


Alexandyr Douve

"How he survived, worse off than any of us, sold into slavery, beaten, abused, and still holds hope for mankind... He is proof there is kindness in the Galaxy that we're underserving of and I'm glad he's survived and made his way home."
―Wulfram Armis

Lillian Douve

"Crazy bitch, drives into enemy fire just to scream at me for trying to off myself. Then blows us both up."
―Wulfram Armis

Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir

"Hardass. Respectful. Never knew a man his age I'd respected half as much."
―Wulfram Armis


