The Order of the Black Guard is an elite military unit consisting of the best new warriors, spies and saboteurs in all of Clan Naga Sadow. There are always five active agents, one each assigned to the Consul, Proconsul, each of the House Quaestors, while the Clan Rollmaster is assigned to the Overlord.
They act as the agents of the Clan Summit, the shadowed hand of the Clan and the Overlord.
My Honor is Loyalty
The Black Guard was founded by Daihok Endymiron and Shin’ichi Endymiron Keibatsu as an elite guard unit selected to serve their assigned summit member in the same way that Darth Vader served Emperor Palpatine. Acting as their iron fist and shadowed hand.
The idea struck the Dark Jedi shortly after Daihok ascended to the position of Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow. Feeling that his position was shaky and his safety uncertain Daihok sought to have his cousin Shin’ichi, then known as Tharivol Endymiron, act as a bodyguard for the sole purpose of defending him from physical harm. As time went on Shin’ichi took it upon himself to act in a more proactive manner and began to root out conspiracies and plots against his cousin and master, eventually setting upon them with deadly resolve. Soon he found himself investigating not only plots against the Proconsul, but plots against the whole of Clan Naga Sadow. The two felt the time had come for Naga Sadow to defend itself against all threats both overt and covert.
In 17 ABY, during the Brotherhood’s Golden Age of Enlightenment, Consul Kale Lobacz lead the Clan on excavation projects to various planets in the galaxy. It was during these projects that they unearthed three large crystal spheres that became known as the Orbs of Power. What treasures they held were not obvious, so the Consul ordered teams to analyze and investigate the Orbs. Upon further research it was discovered that the power the Orbs possessed was that of knowledge.
Shin’ichi led the team that was assigned the ruby orb that was discovered on the planet Hoth. It was here he learned of an ancient order of assassins for Sith Lord Naga Sadow who were called the Sadow’een. In an effort to continue the traditions and stay true to the legacy of Naga Sadow, Shin’ichi and Daihok took this knowledge and created a new order in the model of the ancient Sadow’een.
They approached the Overlord, Consul Xanos Zorrixor, and Proconsul Trevarus Caerick with a proposition to form the Order of the Black Guard. After much debate and discussion the idea was approved and Daihok and Shin’ichi were told to seek out six more members to form the order. Thus the Order of the Black Guard was born.
Over time the order had developed into an extensive network, with many guardsmen going on to serve in various leadership roles within the clan. While only five members were active at any one time, any previous guardsman could be called up at a moments notice to serve the will of the summit.
In 31 ABY, the Captain of the Guard Tyren Atema revised this rule. The plan was to have seven Black Guard, with no reserves. The former blackguards would not continue their assignments or retain their clearance. However a year later, due to numerous threats both internal and external to Clan Naga Sadow, a call was sent out to all former Black Guardsmen and the reserves of the Order was re-established.
The Order moved their training facility and headquarters from Sadow Palace to the Temple of Blood in early 32 ABY. One of the seven Temples of Orian, this new base of operations was chosen due to its remote location and the high level of difficulty to reach.
Captain of the Guard
The individual responsible for coordinating the Order of the Black Guard is known as the Captain of the Guard. The position is always held by the Rollmaster.
The Captain of the Guard’s responsibilities include organization of the Order’s roster, the training of appointed Guardsmen, as well as being the Black Guardsmen assigned to the Clan Overlord; Astronicus Aurelius Sadow.
Duties of the Captain of the Guard
- Maintain Roster of Active and Reserve Black Guard
- Training of Black Guardsmen
- Assure Appointment Dates and required competitions of the Order are met by each Summit member
- Continue and further develop background and future of the Order
Bring me the first and finest amongst you.
Only the best of Naga Sadow are selected to act as Black Guard. Through activity, skill, and observation of demonstrations of loyalty are potential members selected. Some go their whole careers in Naga Sadow without ever serving in the guard.
Recruitment is done in secrecy by the Captain of the Guard in coordination with the Clan Summit. Observation of members' daily routines is essential in this phase.
Black Guardsmen will serve a three month term and are only allowed to hold one guard position at one time. A Guardsman is assigned to a position, not a person. This means that if a Summit member changes the Guardsman will continue with their appointed term and be assigned to the successor of that position.
The Temple of Blood
Tattoo of the Black Guard
Once selected, new recruits of the Guard are sent to the Temple of Blood for orientation. This phase is known as "indoctrination" and consists of classroom instruction on a wide variety of topics including; procedure, interrogation, galactic law, slicing, finance, political science, etiquette, business practices, analysis, critical thinking, cross-cultural studies and special private sessions in combat skills.
It was a former practice to keep the recruits in phase one for a full year, however the times have changed. With the uncertainty born from the great Vendetta against the One Sith, it was established that each Black Guard would serve a three month term. This allows for the ranks to be renewed on a regular basis and lowers the chance of potential changes in allegiance. Though utter loyalty is demanded of the Guard, no one is considered immune to temptation and any disloyalty will be dealt with swiftly, and severely.
Upon completion of their orientation, each member of the Guard are given the Mark of Honor, a physical manifestation of their loyalty to the Clan, by the current Captain of the Guard. This involves a small, private ceremony as the mark is branded upon the flesh of the Guardsman in a location of their choosing. Once this is complete, they are released to respectfully report for duty under their assigned member of Summit. Their training is not to end here, as they are entrusted with missions set in place by their charge, and become versed in the ways of Summit and their projects.
Mark of Honor
In Darkness we are bound
The mark of the Black Guard is burned into the flesh of all guardsmen, without exception, by the Captain of the Guard. Some employ poisoned inks in the tradition of ancient Sith Tattoos, while others use a more direct method; that of direct application via a form of force lightning. This is a final test to prove the fortitude of the guardsman in question. It is thought that if they can endure the extreme suffering at the hands of the leader of the Black Guard, then they would be bound inexorably to the Order, thus cementing their loyalty to the Guard and Naga Sadow.
Upon completion of one’s term as one of the six guard positions, the member will be placed in the Black Guard reserves. While no longer being assigned to a Summit member, they will still have the rights and privileges of an active guardsman, including access to the Temple of Blood. This will allow the Guardsman the ability to continue to grow and develop their skills in case they are called upon once again to serve the Order.
If at any time during an active Guardsman’s term they are either killed performing their duty, defect from Clan Naga Sadow, or are promoted to a leadership position of their own, that Guard’s Summit member will have the option to handpick a replacement from the list of reserves.
Supreme Primus (Retired)
The Supreme Primus was a title in the Order of the Black Guard that represented the top member of Naga Sadow in the Antei Combat Centre. There was only one Supreme Primus at any one time.
The last Supreme Primus was Manji Keibatsu Sadow.
Marshal Enforcer (Retired)
The Marshal Enforcer was another title in the Black Guard that represented the person who was the top gamer in Naga Sadow. Like the Supreme Primus, there was only one Marshal Enforcer at any given time.
The last Marshal Enforcer was Araxis Pepoi Farron.
Black Guard Armor
This is my saber.
The Black Guard are given access to the best weapons and equipment that Naga Sadow has to offer. Beyond this each guardsman is issued their own set of specialized black armor, the schematics of which remain classified. It is rumored that they are enhanced with Sith Alchemy. They are known to employ a variety of unusual weapons, including having once used Violator Gas. In the past the Black Guard were not allowed to remove their helmets because their identities were withheld from the clan proper. Now, it is an honor bestowed in public and without secrecy.
Rules of the Order
- The active Black Guard is granted unlimited access to all records and classified documentation within the Naga Sadow databases, and is even allowed to attend Conclave at the discretion of the Consul.
- During their tenure, Black Guards are placed on Summit projects to better be prepared as future leaders within the Clan. The Rollmaster will work with Summit to place Guards on projects.
- Black Guards are chosen every three months through Black Guard competitions.
- Black Guards are chosen from those above the rank of Acolyte.
- The Captain of the Guard/Rollmaster co-ordinates the Order.
- All Summit members, including Battleteam Leaders and Children of Sadow, are not eligible to be an active member of the Guard.
The Active Black Guard
- Fictionally, the Black Guard holds a higher rank than "normal" members and should be regarded as such.
- The Black Guard is chosen from a series of competitions every three months. The competitions will cover different types of activity.
- In times of a Vendetta or similar Brotherhood wide event the Black Guard will be chosen based on participation in that event and cannot be challenged.
- A Guardsman can serve multiple terms but he cannot serve consecutive terms.
- The Black Guard was created by Shin'ichi and Daihok.
- The Black Guard of the Overlord is known as the Captain of the Guard.
- Muz Ashen created both the tattoo and armor images.