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|name=Quejo Drakai
|firstname=Quejo Xyler
|homeworld=[[starwars:Glee_Anselm|Glee Anselm]]
|birth= 22 BBY  
|birth=[[starwars:19 BBY|19 BBY]]
|weight=225 lbs
|weapons=*Recurve [[Lightsaber]] - Red Blade
|allies=[[Xylers|Xyler Dynasty]]  
*[[Djem So]]
|fightingstyle=*[[Imperial Martial Arts System]]
|profession=*[[Rollmaster]] of [[Clan Taldryan]]  
*[[Grand Master's Royal Guard]]
*28th Count of Castle Gothengromer, Patriarch of the [[Xylers|Xyler Dynasty]]
|position=* Member of [[Clan Taldryan]]
|era=* [[New Republic Era]]
*[[Broken Gate]]
* [[New Jedi Order Era]]
* [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|affiliation=* [[Clan Taldryan]]
|ship=* [[starwars: TIE Advanced x1|TIE Advanced x1]] - Hel
|profession=Sith Marauder.
|position=*28th Patriarch of the [[Xylers|Xyler Dynasty]]
|era=*[[Rebellion Era]]
*[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|affiliation=[[Clan Plagueis]]<br>[[House Exar Kun]]<br>[[Xylers|Xyler Dynasty]]
|ship=Prototype: Legacy, won in the second PCHL.

Quejo Drakai is a brutal [[Sith Warlord]] serving under the banner of [[Clan Plagueis]]. He has overcome great deals of torment and pain. He has murdered countless innocents for the sake of 'taking control' and has honed his abilities with the Force so finely that his senses are constantly in tune with his surroundings. He has led Starships and Fleets, broken enemy lines on the field of battle, and has killed Yuuzhan Vong and Jedi. Breaking out of his clumsy shell, Quejo has mastered the art of Shii-Cho and Soresu, blending them, making them one with a darker version of Niman. Currently he is serving in the Clan Plagueis Navy as a Brigadier Admiral and advisor, commanding the [[VSDII 'Ballista']].
{{Quote|I will seek them out. These vassals of the Force| Quejo}}

{{quote|I am chaos incarnate.| [[Quejo Drakai Xyler]]}}
==  Character History  ==

== Character History ==
=== Love and Politics  ===
Born nineteen years before the [[starwars:battle of yavin|battle of Yavin]] in the [[starwars:outer rim territories|Outer Rim Territories]], during the rise of the [[starwars:Empire|Empire]]. Quejo Drakai was the product of forbidden love. His Father, Drago Drakai, was a hard nosed politician and military man who served as a spokesman for the Government of [[starwars:Eriadu|Eriadu]]. He would fall for the daughter of a Smuggler turned administrator, Vulk Nova. Drago and Vulk had numerous scuffles and trade disputes and could not come to terms on nearly anything. In fact, they loathed one another. The [[starwars:Hydian Way|Hydian Way]] would begin to suffer, until the much older Drago would meet Vulk's daughter, Serah. He was enamored by her beauty and would use her as a bargaining chip. If Vulk were to agree to the marriage, he would in turn lighten up and allow Nova Industries to operate free of the Eriadu Government. The [[starwars:Seswanna Sector|Seswanna Sector]] would rejoice and celebrate the potential free trade. Reluctantly, Vulk agreed. For a number of years things would run smoothly until the rise of the Imperial machine which would rewrite the trade routes and enforce its own economic laws. Vulk, being in a bind, begged for aid from Eriadu and reached out to his now pregnant daughter. She would speak to Drago, but the patriarch became bitter, power hungry, and increasingly dutiful to the new Empire. To prove his worth and loyalty, he would plot to assassinate Vulka and would succeed the same year his daughter gave birth to their son.

===Churning Waters===
=== Imperial Academy ===
Quejo was born on Glee Anselm in 22 BBY during the Clone Wars. The region in which he was born was Sabilon, the same region which the noteable Kit Fisto had been discovered by the Jedi [[Order]]. His young life was focussed more torwards torment and harassment, his only family had little time for him and other Nautiloids, mostly children, picked on him for being different. The adults ignoring such remarks, saw it as harmless fun, or figured that kids would be kids and would do it regardless of what they said. He was rather large and unlucky as a youngster, burdened if you will. Instead of getting to know him, his so-called friends would beat him and call him an outcast claiming that he was too clumsy to be of any use to their graceful species. Pushing him away instead of embracing him. They never saw his true potential, only his unqiue traits.  
The year was [[starwars:1 BBY|1 BBY]] and Quejo was ready to join the Empire. He yearned to make his father proud and grew up learning how to be diplomatic yet manipulative. He learned how to weave his words and how to fight if those words were to fail. He impressed his father with his mind and his mother with a strange luck that she could not explain. She always knew he was destined for great things. After all, the birth was seemingly supernatural. As if it was meant to be. There was something special about her son but she could never put her finger on it. Drago, seeing his sons potential, was anxious for the day his son would leave for the Naval Academy. That day came and nothing made him more pleased than watching his boy grow into a man, ascending through the ranks at a staggering rate. Quejo would serve the [[starwars:Imperial Navy|Imperial Navy]] until [[starwars:5 ABY|5 ABY]] where everything he had helped build would begin to crumble and the walls would close in around him. At Least for a time

Quejo's father, Leeko, worked for the Government of Glee Anslem as an Environmental Specialist. He would study the surface storms, tides, biological anomalies, et cetera.... To him, work was everything, which is why Quejo's mother Sarei had left him soon after giving birth. While the large Nautolan loved his father and his father loved him, Quejo resented his father's work ethic and figured Leeko wanted nothing to do with him. Feeling neglected and unloved, Quejo ran away from home as most youngsters would had they felt the same way. Roughly six years old, Quejo fled to an island on the surface, hoping to live alone, away from the comments and disgust of his peers.  
===  Siren's Call  ===
The [[starwars:Rebel Alliance|Rebel Alliance]] had delivered a fatal blow to the Empire. The [[starwars:Darth Sidious|Emperor]] and [[starwars:Darth Vader|Vader]] were dead. The Imperials that were alive had either fled to remote systems or tried to regroup. Quejo, participated in the latter. He refused to let a group of farmers and wannabe flyboys one-up his Empire. With an [[starwars:VT-49 Decimator|VT-49 Decimator]] known as the Siren's call, he would pick up his most trusted allies. His best friend and Academic equal, Sho-lu, whom he nicknamed Waar was the first to join his cause. Where Quejo was more privy to Tactics, Piloting, and Command. Waar was a weapons specialist, who at the time, served the Imperial Special Forces. He was a [[starwars:Kiffar|Kiffar]], but was human enough that Quejo and the Empire didnt care. The next being on his passenger list was an up and coming Naval Officer who had tremendous potential and his inherent Leadership skills impressed everyone he came into contact with. His name was Villinus Hex and his aspirations reminded everyone of a young [[starwars:Tarkin|Wilhuff Tarkin]]. Together they would fight back against the Rebel Alliance, however, they resembled Mercenaries more than they did Imperials. After a serious dog fight which rendered the Siren's Call inoperable, the three men were left for dead, adrift in the abyss of space in an unknown system they later discovered was called [[Antei]], specifically the [[Dajorra System]]. They were hailed by a strange ship piloted by an even stranger man who called himself Ktulu Mizheray Xyler. The man was very interested in Quejo and explained, that ironically, something within the Siren's Call had awakened and called out to him. The whisper of the Force was heard and Quejo was the catalyst. This obviously had them confused as they had not seen a Jedi or even heard of one until the fall of their Empire took them by surprise. They all studied [[starwars:Order-66|Order-66]] and like everyone else assumed the purge had been thorough. Ktulu would assure them that he was no Jedi but something far more powerful. A [[Krath Priest]].

While it took awhile for Leeko to realize that his only son had gone missing, he was still distraught when he found out that no one had seen him for hours. Finding it difficult to gather the people and resources necessary for a search party, he left the solitude of his work station in hopes of tracking Quejo down. He searched for days until a violent hurricane forced him to retreat back under the surface. The only thing left for him to do was wait or mourn.
=== Awakening ===
Taken under Ktulu's wing, Quejo would learn the intricacies of the Force. The Scholar would teach him how to harness his raw and untamed power, that lay dormant since birth, would wake into an uncontrollable surge. He struggled for control but was hungry to utilize everything he was learning. He would once again move forward in the Brotherhood, hand picked by [[Syn Kaek]] and [[Halcyon Rokir]] as the Flight Leader of Shadow Dragon Squadron. They would increase his training, teaching him how to wield a Lightsaber (which he excelled at) and how to use his leadership, manipulation, and diplomacy to leverage people into carrying out his will in [[Clan Arcona]]. He was a master of his craft and would quickly draw attention, impressing the Shadow Council. [[Mejas Doto]] in particular took interest in him and would see to it personally that Quejo would gain even more power and influence elevating him to [[Aedile]] of House [[Oriens Obscurum]]. He would lead his House through countless battles and would secure countless victories. He was viewed as the stronger Leader of the House and as a Sith would do, made a move for power. He would battle the Quaestor and defeat him, ultimately replacing him and in turn was granted the rank of Knight. Upon reaching Knighthood, Ktulu, growing weary, began grooming him as a successor to the [[Xylers|Xyler]] Dynasty. Eventually, he assumed the mantle of 28th Count of Gothengromer on [[starwars:Mantessa|Mantessa]].

Bunkered down under a series of trees, Quejo contemplated getting back in to the water. However, he was still young and the large waves would've shredded him against the rocks. Instead, he would try to ride it out on land. Minutes had passed and the storm began to intensify, Quejo realizing that his short life was probably about to end. Until he saw a figure working it's way through the jungle. [[Robes]] tore from its body in the gusting winds and a pair of [[Light]] green eyes seemed to glow from beneath a deep hood.  
=== Betrayal ===
Many years had passed and Quejo, in search of knowledge gave up his position as Quaestor of House Oriens Obscurum and would briefly travel to various systems throughout the Galaxy. Refining what he had been taught along the way. As a full fledged Obelisk, he would return to the Dajorra System and would convince the standing Consul, Denath to reopen [[House Galeres]] which was all but a memory. Reluctantly, Denath agreed and Quejo would set in motion Project: Foundation. Along with a group of beings, who he thought were close allies, his plans went off without a hitch. Galeres became stronger and [[Soulfire]] Striketeam was reborn and gaining traction throughout the Brotherhood. A cog in the machine that was Galeres, Quejo built the House from the ground up and would appoint [[Sashar]] as his Aedile. At first the two worked well together but jealousy turned to blackmail when his so called allies threatened a coup and made it clear that they would try to destroy everything Quejo had built if Sashar was not removed from his seat of power. The Xyler's foresight was hindered and doing what he thought would be best for the Clan, would betray his second in command and banish him. Sashar was embroiled with rage but was unaware of the situation in its entirety. However, because of what Quejo was able to accomplish, he was named Proconsul and would work with [[Strategos Thanatos Arconae]] who was acting Consul at the time. Once again, members who shall not be named, were able to get to Strategos and pushed Quejo, nearly to his breaking point. The newest [[di Tenebrous Arconae]] was feeling the same betrayal that his former Aedile had felt. The karma came back to bite him and the same members that tried driving out Sashar were the very people who tried to push out Quejo. They were scheming in the shadows like cowards and worked effortlessly to make their move for power. Quejo, evading an assassination attempt, managed to behead one of his attackers but was driven from the Dajorra System by force; now labeled a traitor and stripped of di Tenebrous Arconae. He seethed with anger and longed for vengeance. Not fully realizing what had happened until one of the masterminds of the 'coup' was riddled with guilt and came forward as a whistleblower, revealing the plan in its entirety over an encrypted transmission. That man was [[Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana]], a man that Quejo respected and admired, a turncoat and betrayer in his own right. He was now an enemy, a marked man. Eventually those who betrayed Quejo fell to the wayside, insignificant peons that were unable to maintain their own 'power' as they proved to be expendable and not assets.

"Come young one!" The being shouted. "I wont cause you harm."
=== Plagued One ===
Quejo, after the betrayal would find refuge in the newly established [[Clan Plagueis]] which at the time was run by [[Grand Master]] [[Chi Long]]. He would lick his wounds and prove his worth by once again taking the reigns of House leadership in [[House Satal Keto]] and [[House Exar Kun]], serving as a Quaestor for both Houses. He diligently studied how the new Clan operated and worked ceaselessly to make a new name for himself in a new sector. He was successful for a time but then had an epiphany. To absorb the knowledge from each Clan, he would need to continue his travelling. Never staying in one place for too long. A wanderer. A nomad with no real place to call home. But would become wealthy with understanding. [[House Marka Ragnos]] was next on his list and once again he would become a Quaestor. He would lead the House through the [[Invasion of Orian|Orian Invasion]] along with his Aedile Manji Keibatsu and would need to immediately mobilize their troops in order to defend [[Clan Naga Sadow]]. But even after the battle he remained weary and thought it best to back away and leave the House in [[Trevarus Caerick|Trevarus Caerick's]] able hands. For the first time in a long time, he felt like he had achieved something, his sense of usefulness had been restored.Yet, the wanderlust, proved to be too seductive and he was unable to resist its call. For his efforts and skill in battle he was dubbed Warlord by [[Macron Goura Sadow]] but would initially end up back in the [[Dajorra System]] with a new plan.

Somewhat reluctant, Quejo stood to his feet and ran to the outstretched arms of a Human. He had never seen a Human before but was pleased to see that this one was friendly. Before introductions were even made, Quejo was taken to an old bunker used during one of the Nautolan, Anselmi conflicts. It would house him for the night, perhaps even longer.
==  Personal Profile  ==
===  Powers and Abilities  ===

===The Adoption===
=== Philosophy  ===
The storm dissipated and Quejo had risen from a much needed sleep. Sitting on a stool-like chair in the corner was his rescuer, watching over him with great concern and amusement. Little did the Nautolan know, the man had been surveying him, studying him.... reading him. He could feel the pain in the young one for he too had pain. He was a Jedi, a survivor of Order 66, forced to flee or die like his brothers. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Master Yoda had sent out a distress signal, sadly, he was one of the few to actually receive it. His name was Grant Felkor and he was a newly appointed Master who didn't even have the luxury of being paired with a Padawan. [[Darth]] Sidious had ordered the massacre of his brethren before he had gotten the chance, all ties being severed within an instant.

He sought refuge on Glee Anslem, hoping that he wouldn't be hunted due to the planet's history of violent storms and civil wars. However, for what he had planned for the Nautolan, remaining on this harsh planet's surface would be unsuitable. For now, he would try to get to know his new little friend. The two talked for quite some time. Grant had told the young boy that he was a Jedi and tried to explain his past, as well as the Force, as best he could. Until he touched upon a sensitive subject. He asked the child if he had any family left. This, enraged Quejo, causing him to smash his fist in to the wall of the bunker, bloodying his knuckles, breaking skin. He had no family, his father had abandoned him, this was the story told. Believing it to be true, Felkor took Quejo in as his own, his first Padawan, his adopted son. He felt that along with this boy, there was a chance he could rebuild the Order, to attempt to establish peace in the [[Galaxy]] once more.
===  Demeanor/Battle Tactics  ===

While the anger of the boy worried Felkor, he also realized that it was a base emotion that all species' shared and experienced at atleast one point in their lives. However, Felkor would think nothing of it. Instead, he searched for a planet that would both be suitable for the young Nautolan and himself. He decided to head for the swamps of Naboo.
==  Personal Fighter  ==

===Swamp Life===
== DJB Facts  ==
Shortly after arriving on Naboo, Felkor told Quejo that he was Force Sensitive. That, he too, could become a Jedi. The one to rebuild the Order, to bring peace and justice back to a torn Galaxy in distress. Never truly having a purpose in life, the young Nautolan was ecstatic. He absolutely loved the idea of becoming a Jedi like his new friend and soon to be mentor. However, his training would need to wait. While Grant showed him things here and there, he kept the darker aspects away from him. A boy with anger didnt need to learn about the luring power of the dark side. Not yet...For now he would only reveal basic principles and techniques to get him started down the long and difficult path. To remain secluded, they still needed to find refuge, Grant hoping that his Gungan friends would allow him and the boy to stay with them in Otoh Gunga.
=== Positions... ===
* [[Flight Leader]] of Shadow Dragon
* [[Aedile]] of [[House Oriens Obscurum]]
* [[Quaestor]] of [[House Oriens Obscurum]]
* [[Antei Combat Center]] Judge x2
* [[Eclectic Pedagogue]]
* [[Quaestor]] of [[House Galeres]]
* Gaming Staff
* [[Proconsul]] of [[Arcona|Clan Arcona]]
* [[DJBWiki Staff]]
* [[Quaestor]] of Satal Keto
* [[Commander]] of Galthain Squadron
* [[Envoy]] of [[Clan Naga Sadow]]
* [[Quaestor]] of [[House Marka Ragnos]]
* [[Aedile]] of [[House Qel-Droma]]
* [[Quaestor]] of [[House Qel-Droma]]
* [[Antei Combat Center]] Trainer
* [[Quaestor]] of [[House Exar Kun]]
* [[Magistrate]] to the [[Headmaster]]
* [[Rollmaster]] of [[Odan-Urr]]
* [[Proconsul]] of [[Clan Taldryan]]

After a brief discussion with the Boss of the City, Quejo and the Jedi were allowed to stay. While reluctant to allow this, the Boss owed Grant a favour for aiding him in the past. After receiving a place to stay, Felkor began to teach the young Quejo everything he knew about the Force. Training for the boy was very difficult but needed. Realizing that Quejo was both physically and spiritually strong, he developed training methods that catered specifically to his needs. Endurance exercises were performed under water, Quejo building his lung power and developing peak cardiovascular fitness early on. However, most of his strength building was performed on land due to the fact that things become much lighter in water. Mixed in with these conditioning routines, Grant would teach Quejo various Force techniques and skills that would come in handy for him throughout his life. Some of the more advanced techniques would include - reading the minds of sentients and creatures (increasing his ability to read pheromones), telepathic communication, breath control, trances for healing and calming the mind, and of course, [[Lightsaber]] combat.  
===  Awards... ===

These techniques became second nature for the young learner. Despite what Quejo's father thought about him being a slow learner, he was truly quite the opposite. He couldnt be told how to do something, however, if he was shown, he would quickly catch on. For a few years he would be trained, his Master keeping a close eye on him through the hydrostatic force-field bubbles which made up the City. In total, five years had passed. Quejo was now turning eleven years old and was still learning. His everyday life consisted of fending off Muskeg Gungans with his Master, one in specific. The deranged Gungans name was Ents Suss and he was obsessed with technology. He even went as far as having two of his limbs removed so that they could be replaced with implants. He was not friendly, nor did he like Otoh Gunga or its Government. In an attempt to wreak havoc on the City, Ents created two distress signals which were known to attract Opee Sea Killers and attract them they did.  

In an attempt to save the City, Quejo ignored his Master's warning and swam out. He managed to destroy the emitters and lure the six fish in to deeper water, leading them down one of the many abyssal labyrinths. Coming to what would appear to be a dead end, he used his abilities and wits to cause a chain reaction of rock slides, initially trapping and killing the predators. After returning and being scolded by his Master for disobeying orders, he was told that Grant had arranged a meeting for the boy with one of the [[Paonga]] Masters as a reward. He would learn a new martial discipline in lieu of a lightsaber.
==  Trivia  ==

===Creation of a Beast===
=== Apprentices...  ===
By the age of sixteen, Quejo had already become a reknowned Paonga grappler. Already he was quite large, this, in turn, making him both threatening and hard to overpower. His Master was thoroughly pleased with the speed in which he was advancing and maturing in combat and the Force. It was now time to put them to the test. While they still needed to remain hidden, Grant decided that leaving Otoh Gunga would be a wise move. He hated to stay in one place for too long, fearing that he would somehow be tracked down by the Empire. This paranoia would lead the two to Coruscant. By now the planet was under [[Imperial]] control, however, Grant figured that it would be the last place the Empire would look for a Jedi "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer" is the thought he had in mind. However, he couldn't have been more wrong.
* [[Anubis Annedu]] Wrath
* DarkHunter
* [[Shikyo]]
* Scyrone
* Xylnn Wolfstalker
* [[Dev'err Malren]]

They remained hidden for three more years. Quejo was now nineteen years old and a brutish yet sensitive being. He would often get in to trouble causing his Master to come down on him much like a father would a disobedient child. However, he was on his way to becoming a man so Felkor allowed him to make and attempt to fix his own mistakes. Learning from the experience. Going to a local junkdealer, Quejo and Felkor sought parts for their ship. They were planning to move on once more, however, when a group of thugs tried mugging them, Quejo carelessly tossed them aside using the force. Unfortunately they were seen by a group of Stormtroopers. While Felkor was scolding his adopted son and Padawan in public they gunned him down from behind.

A blood curdling roar erupted from within the Nautolan as he took up his Master's lightsaber and cut down the three Stormtroopers. Falling to his knees, Quejo became consumed by anger and lusted for revenge as he felt his Master's spirit become one with the Force. Tossing the corpse of his Master on to his shoulder and grabbing the powercell without paying, he made his way to the Maverick, Felkor's personal shuttle. Making the repairs, Quejo took command of the vessel and plotted a course for Naboo where he would give his Master a proper burial. After the ceremony he became lost. His only father figure had been murdered and his pain slowly began to turn in to rage.

He thought of all the times he had been bullied as a child on Glee Anselm, about the anger and neglect which drove him from his home, about the death of his father, but in the end, he thought about how good it felt to cut down the Stormtroopers that took his life. He thought about the surge of power which ran rampant throughout his body as he let the anger consume him. He would become a man of action, whether it meant doing the right thing or not. He would get his way. He wouldn't be pushed around anymore by anyone. [[The Galaxy]] would be his stomping grounds and his anger would be his fuel.
[[Category:Taldryan members]]
===Galaxy of Injustice===
With his Master's lightsaber, piloting skill, and accuracy with a [[Blaster]] Pistol, Quejo set out to not only seek revenge but to earn credits. Afterall, without his Master he had nothing but a Ship. He would still need food, equipment, and clothing. It didnt look good for him until he was confronted by a Noghri bounty hunter in a seedy establishment on Nar Shaddaa. Her name was Vexia. The hunter spoke with her boss who happened to be a young Hutt working to build his reputation. The two were alike in many ways so it was no real surprise to any one, that when they met, Quejo would be given a job head hunting. The Hutt, named Centrobo, ordered Vexia to teach Quejo about the hunt. To stalk, gather intell, and then sieze targets. Vexia was known for her brutality and silence. She was a Master of Stava so she was able to teach the Nautolan how to harness his unrelenting aggression. To cripple with little effort and no wasted motion...
Quite a few years had passed, Quejo was now twenty eight years of age and was making quite a name for himself. However, he wasn't known for his kindness or merciful demeanor. He was known for his brutality. There were times when Centrobo ordered him to bring back certain individuals alive. Quejo, on the other hand, had plans of his own and would do whatever he wanted. He would often drag his 'marks' in to Centrobo's chamber, their bones broken, barely clinging to life, if not dead. While the Hutt didn't like it, there wasn't much he could do about it. In the end, he gave Quejo an ultimatum. He would need to prove himself by bringing one of Centrobo's nemesis' to justice. Or be relieved of his services...
His next mark would be a man named Vic Solt. He was a very wealthy and wise man. Centrobo had offered to loan him supplies and weapons for his personal guards, however, Solt was starting to fall behind with his payments. Not because he was out of money, but simply because Centrobo was still quite low in the criminal food chain. Solt figured he could keep the equipment and blatantly ignore the agreement. This didn't go over well with the novice crime lord, so he placed a price on his head that Quejo couldn't afford to refuse. All of the leads pointed to Concord Dawn, the birth place of the notorious bounty hunter Jango Fett.
Boarding his vessel, which he now had named "Tracker II", Quejo set out for the unfamiliar world. As he landed in the Starport, he barely had time to unpack before he was greeted by a group of Solt's bodyguards. They took him back to their Master's palace where the two had a long conversation, strangely enough, it was about Quejo's past, his anger, and his ability to not only feel the force but his ability to control it. Vic slowly began to open the eyes of the hulking Nautolan, implanting curiosity. What Quejo didn't know was that Vic was an agent working for a Cult located on a planet called Korriban. He had manipulated almost every aspect of Quejo's career as a bounty hunter and no one realized it. He had heard tales of a powerful Nautolan and didnt want to pass up a chance to meet with him. So, he allowed the pieces of the puzzle to fall the way he wanted them to and the last piece had just fallen into place.
===The One Sith===
[[Image:Mask1.JPG|thumb|left|Quejo's Mask.]]
It didnt take long for Quejo to plot his new course for Korriban. Vic had persuaded him to drop everything he was doing and leave at once. Once Quejo landed upon the barren surface, he met a towering man in his own right named Darth Krayt. He had plans to rebuild and re-shape a divided Galaxy. Quejo became fascinated with him and soon started training with the disciples and acolytes of the order. One of his first trials was to get covered head to toe in [[Sith Tattoos]]. If he could overcome the pain he could overcome anything. The pain lead to anger and the anger lead to power. Among his many rituals, he would fight and test himself. One such duel would leave the Nautolan scarred and disfigured. During a brutal training exercise, Quejo's opponent splashed his face with acid. It ate through his flesh, clear to the bone. Over time the skin returned but his scars never faded. This is why he wears a mask. Realizing after a short period of time that his new allies were plotting to kill him, he slipped away in the night, setting a new course. His next stop would be Coruscant. After so many years he would return to where his Master had been slain. However, with a new found rage and Sith religion, that was of little concern to him. Instead he would seek a weapon.
==History Within A Brotherhood==
Coming soon.
==Personal Profile==
===Art of the Saber===
[[Image:Quejodrakai_3.jpg|thumb|left|Quejo dual-wielding his master's Lightsaber and his own.]]
Like most Jedi and Dark Jedi alike, Quejo is well rounded with a blade. Through the years he has sharpened his instincts so that he no longer needs to think about what he is going to do next in a duel. Instead, he just does it. This allows him to focus his mind on other important elements of battle. At a young age he was taught how to use a blade by his master Grant Felkor who happened to be a reknowned duelist. Felkor felt that the rage within the young Quejo could be tamed with the form known to many as the 'diplomats form', Niman. However, before he could use Niman to its full potential he would need to learn Shii-Cho and Soresu.
When Quejo uses Shii-Cho, it's almost as if the form was created specifically for him. He is surprisingly smooth and fluid with his motions, channeling his natural aggression in to each one of his powerful blows. Much of his offense comes from this form, relying on his skill with Soresu to do most of the blocking, parrying, and deflecting of blaster bolts. Felkor felt that these two forms, when combined with Niman would bring his pupil peace and balance. While this was true, once Quejo joined the 'One Sith' he took what he was taught and expanded it further, utilizing, instead of one blade, two. While he is still learning [[Jar'Kai]], he felt that his former master had indeed balanced him. However, with Sith whispers in his ears, he realized that his Master had also given him the key to power instead of peace. Jar'Kai being the symbolic perversion of Felkor's teachings.
===Hand to Hand Combat===
Coming soon.
===Demeanor/Battle Tactics===
While Quejo is extremely aggressive and unpredictable, he is also quite wise when it comes to battle tactics and plotting the demise of his foe. Whether it be a single target or an army of hostile forces, Quejo is capable of coming up with strategies which could literally cripple, not only the enemy, but the moral of their armies. When he strikes, it's often like a terrorist, hitting supply freighters, transports, hospitals, academies, et cetera. He will first cause chaos and panic and then go in for the kill, often catching the enemy off guard as they try to rally support and men to defend or clean up what has already been attacked. He is a ruthless Warlord who preys on the weak as well as the strong.
There is much about Quejo that remains a mystery. However, this is how he prefers it. He isn't willing to show signs of weakness and expects the same from those who serve him. Searching for other peoples weaknesses is not just a battle tactic, but a way of life for him. He takes pride in his ability to sense through the force and read pheromones. Manipulating the mind and making people not only see what you want them to see but to think what you want them to think are techniques he has nearly perfected. A lot of the time he will create illusions and hallucinations, tricking his own men to see how they react. Most of the time they dont even realize they're test subjects being toyed with for Quejo's amusement and benefit. He is constantly training his mind and body, keeping himself in peak physical condition...
==Personal Fighter==
{{quote|Vengeance will be mine|Quejo after winning Legacy.}}
[[image:Legacy.jpg‎|thumb|right|150px| Quejo's personal Starfighter, Legacy.]]
*Length: 15 Meters
*Hull: 70 RU
*Shield: 150 SBD
*Weapons: 2 'forward' Medium Laser Cannons (Fire Linked) | 2 'rear-facing' Medium Laser Cannons (Fire *Linked) | 2 Proton Torpedo Launchers (2 torpedoes each) and a modified concussion missile launcher *that holds 2 diamond boron missiles; the missiles themselves utterly customized to fit the small *fighter.
*Hyperdrive: [[Class]] 4
*Sublight: Extremely Fast
*Maneuverability: 160 DPF
{{On Notice}}
== DJB Facts ==
*[[Flight Leader]] of Shadow Dragon
*[[Aedile]] of [[House Oriens Obscurum]]
*[[Quaestor]] of [[House Oriens Obscurum]]
*[[Antei Combat Centre]] Judge
*[[Eclectic Pedagogue]], [[IRC]] Basics
*[[Quaestor]] of [[House Galeres]]
*Gaming Staff
*[[Proconsul]] of [[Clan Arcona]]
*[[DJBWiki Staff]]
*[[Quaestor]] of Satal Keto
*[[Commander]] of Galthain Squadron
*[[Envoy]] of [[Clan Naga Sadow]]
*[[Quaestor]] of [[House Marka Ragnos]]
*[[Aedile]] of [[House Qel-Droma]]
*[[Quaestor]] of [[House Qel-Droma]]
*[[Antei Combat Centre]] Trainer
== Trivia ==
*[[Anubis Annedu]] Wrath
*Nero Pennant
*[[Aidyn Wolfwood]]
[[Category: DJB Characters]][[Category:Clan Plagueis]]

Latest revision as of 04:25, 26 November 2019

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Quejo Xyler
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

19 BBY

Physical Description












Personal Information
Lightsaber Form(s):
Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information
Personal Ship:


[ Source ]

"I will seek them out. These vassals of the Force"
― Quejo

Character History

Love and Politics

Born nineteen years before the battle of Yavin in the Outer Rim Territories, during the rise of the Empire. Quejo Drakai was the product of forbidden love. His Father, Drago Drakai, was a hard nosed politician and military man who served as a spokesman for the Government of Eriadu. He would fall for the daughter of a Smuggler turned administrator, Vulk Nova. Drago and Vulk had numerous scuffles and trade disputes and could not come to terms on nearly anything. In fact, they loathed one another. The Hydian Way would begin to suffer, until the much older Drago would meet Vulk's daughter, Serah. He was enamored by her beauty and would use her as a bargaining chip. If Vulk were to agree to the marriage, he would in turn lighten up and allow Nova Industries to operate free of the Eriadu Government. The Seswanna Sector would rejoice and celebrate the potential free trade. Reluctantly, Vulk agreed. For a number of years things would run smoothly until the rise of the Imperial machine which would rewrite the trade routes and enforce its own economic laws. Vulk, being in a bind, begged for aid from Eriadu and reached out to his now pregnant daughter. She would speak to Drago, but the patriarch became bitter, power hungry, and increasingly dutiful to the new Empire. To prove his worth and loyalty, he would plot to assassinate Vulka and would succeed the same year his daughter gave birth to their son.

Imperial Academy

The year was 1 BBY and Quejo was ready to join the Empire. He yearned to make his father proud and grew up learning how to be diplomatic yet manipulative. He learned how to weave his words and how to fight if those words were to fail. He impressed his father with his mind and his mother with a strange luck that she could not explain. She always knew he was destined for great things. After all, the birth was seemingly supernatural. As if it was meant to be. There was something special about her son but she could never put her finger on it. Drago, seeing his sons potential, was anxious for the day his son would leave for the Naval Academy. That day came and nothing made him more pleased than watching his boy grow into a man, ascending through the ranks at a staggering rate. Quejo would serve the Imperial Navy until 5 ABY where everything he had helped build would begin to crumble and the walls would close in around him. At Least for a time

Siren's Call

The Rebel Alliance had delivered a fatal blow to the Empire. The Emperor and Vader were dead. The Imperials that were alive had either fled to remote systems or tried to regroup. Quejo, participated in the latter. He refused to let a group of farmers and wannabe flyboys one-up his Empire. With an VT-49 Decimator known as the Siren's call, he would pick up his most trusted allies. His best friend and Academic equal, Sho-lu, whom he nicknamed Waar was the first to join his cause. Where Quejo was more privy to Tactics, Piloting, and Command. Waar was a weapons specialist, who at the time, served the Imperial Special Forces. He was a Kiffar, but was human enough that Quejo and the Empire didnt care. The next being on his passenger list was an up and coming Naval Officer who had tremendous potential and his inherent Leadership skills impressed everyone he came into contact with. His name was Villinus Hex and his aspirations reminded everyone of a young Wilhuff Tarkin. Together they would fight back against the Rebel Alliance, however, they resembled Mercenaries more than they did Imperials. After a serious dog fight which rendered the Siren's Call inoperable, the three men were left for dead, adrift in the abyss of space in an unknown system they later discovered was called Antei, specifically the Dajorra System. They were hailed by a strange ship piloted by an even stranger man who called himself Ktulu Mizheray Xyler. The man was very interested in Quejo and explained, that ironically, something within the Siren's Call had awakened and called out to him. The whisper of the Force was heard and Quejo was the catalyst. This obviously had them confused as they had not seen a Jedi or even heard of one until the fall of their Empire took them by surprise. They all studied Order-66 and like everyone else assumed the purge had been thorough. Ktulu would assure them that he was no Jedi but something far more powerful. A Krath Priest.


Taken under Ktulu's wing, Quejo would learn the intricacies of the Force. The Scholar would teach him how to harness his raw and untamed power, that lay dormant since birth, would wake into an uncontrollable surge. He struggled for control but was hungry to utilize everything he was learning. He would once again move forward in the Brotherhood, hand picked by Syn Kaek and Halcyon Rokir as the Flight Leader of Shadow Dragon Squadron. They would increase his training, teaching him how to wield a Lightsaber (which he excelled at) and how to use his leadership, manipulation, and diplomacy to leverage people into carrying out his will in Clan Arcona. He was a master of his craft and would quickly draw attention, impressing the Shadow Council. Mejas Doto in particular took interest in him and would see to it personally that Quejo would gain even more power and influence elevating him to Aedile of House Oriens Obscurum. He would lead his House through countless battles and would secure countless victories. He was viewed as the stronger Leader of the House and as a Sith would do, made a move for power. He would battle the Quaestor and defeat him, ultimately replacing him and in turn was granted the rank of Knight. Upon reaching Knighthood, Ktulu, growing weary, began grooming him as a successor to the Xyler Dynasty. Eventually, he assumed the mantle of 28th Count of Gothengromer on Mantessa.


Many years had passed and Quejo, in search of knowledge gave up his position as Quaestor of House Oriens Obscurum and would briefly travel to various systems throughout the Galaxy. Refining what he had been taught along the way. As a full fledged Obelisk, he would return to the Dajorra System and would convince the standing Consul, Denath to reopen House Galeres which was all but a memory. Reluctantly, Denath agreed and Quejo would set in motion Project: Foundation. Along with a group of beings, who he thought were close allies, his plans went off without a hitch. Galeres became stronger and Soulfire Striketeam was reborn and gaining traction throughout the Brotherhood. A cog in the machine that was Galeres, Quejo built the House from the ground up and would appoint Sashar as his Aedile. At first the two worked well together but jealousy turned to blackmail when his so called allies threatened a coup and made it clear that they would try to destroy everything Quejo had built if Sashar was not removed from his seat of power. The Xyler's foresight was hindered and doing what he thought would be best for the Clan, would betray his second in command and banish him. Sashar was embroiled with rage but was unaware of the situation in its entirety. However, because of what Quejo was able to accomplish, he was named Proconsul and would work with Strategos Thanatos Arconae who was acting Consul at the time. Once again, members who shall not be named, were able to get to Strategos and pushed Quejo, nearly to his breaking point. The newest di Tenebrous Arconae was feeling the same betrayal that his former Aedile had felt. The karma came back to bite him and the same members that tried driving out Sashar were the very people who tried to push out Quejo. They were scheming in the shadows like cowards and worked effortlessly to make their move for power. Quejo, evading an assassination attempt, managed to behead one of his attackers but was driven from the Dajorra System by force; now labeled a traitor and stripped of di Tenebrous Arconae. He seethed with anger and longed for vengeance. Not fully realizing what had happened until one of the masterminds of the 'coup' was riddled with guilt and came forward as a whistleblower, revealing the plan in its entirety over an encrypted transmission. That man was Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana, a man that Quejo respected and admired, a turncoat and betrayer in his own right. He was now an enemy, a marked man. Eventually those who betrayed Quejo fell to the wayside, insignificant peons that were unable to maintain their own 'power' as they proved to be expendable and not assets.

Plagued One

Quejo, after the betrayal would find refuge in the newly established Clan Plagueis which at the time was run by Grand Master Chi Long. He would lick his wounds and prove his worth by once again taking the reigns of House leadership in House Satal Keto and House Exar Kun, serving as a Quaestor for both Houses. He diligently studied how the new Clan operated and worked ceaselessly to make a new name for himself in a new sector. He was successful for a time but then had an epiphany. To absorb the knowledge from each Clan, he would need to continue his travelling. Never staying in one place for too long. A wanderer. A nomad with no real place to call home. But would become wealthy with understanding. House Marka Ragnos was next on his list and once again he would become a Quaestor. He would lead the House through the Orian Invasion along with his Aedile Manji Keibatsu and would need to immediately mobilize their troops in order to defend Clan Naga Sadow. But even after the battle he remained weary and thought it best to back away and leave the House in Trevarus Caerick's able hands. For the first time in a long time, he felt like he had achieved something, his sense of usefulness had been restored.Yet, the wanderlust, proved to be too seductive and he was unable to resist its call. For his efforts and skill in battle he was dubbed Warlord by Macron Goura Sadow but would initially end up back in the Dajorra System with a new plan.

Personal Profile

Powers and Abilities


Demeanor/Battle Tactics

Personal Fighter

DJB Facts




