Dev'err Malren
![]() | |
Dev'err S. Malren | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: |
Coruscant |
Date of Birth: |
7 ABY |
Physical Description | |
Species: |
Human |
Gender: |
Male |
Height: |
5'11" |
Weight: |
80 kg |
Hair: |
Black |
Eyes: |
One Dead, One Black |
Cybernetics: |
Personal Information | |
Mother: |
Deceased |
Father: |
Deceased |
Known Children: |
Fenrir Malren(Son, Deceased) |
Spouse(s): |
In'darii Malren |
Allies: |
None |
Enemies: |
Many |
Weapon(s): |
Fighting Style(s): |
Shadow Step |
Chronology & Political Information | |
Profession: |
Position: |
Sergeant |
Affiliation: | |
Personal Ship: |
[Assigned Troop Transport for given missions] |
Known masters: |
Dossier: | |
[ Source ] |
Few times where tragedy has struck this soldier; and kept him down for long periods of times. Instead this Special Forces hopeful was always wanting the battlefield. Even his compatriots on the battlefield whom knew him off the war front would state he was at most ease with the blaster fire. Dev'err Malren is a soldier in House Dinaari; whom currently awaiting assignment is most likely standing guard at his designated posting.
If there is anyone out in the galaxy that is Misanthropic its Dev'err. His morbid humor topped with his razor sharp linguisitics; is always backed by an even sharper knife.
The sociopath feels little to no empathy; and virtually no remorse for his actions. In fact his hand steadies when the knife is in his hand. He has a psychotic tick with a tingling his hands seem to fidget as time passes and he hasn't done anything violent. Its safe to assume he relishes and needs violence. But he has to keep himself in-line with the Laws. And while respecting the laws he does allow his outburts of violence to translate into larger then average body counts in his mission. Some may think its necessary. But in the heat of the fire. He is always known to "I thought they were going for a gun."
He does wear a mask of sanity; he appears to be entirely sane; level headed and even extremely intelligent. Which his intelligence is actually extremely high in his calculative mind he is always calculating an exit strategy even if it means making himself appear unintelligent. As he will start speaking doubly and using phrases or strings of words that trigger a person's mind to perceive him as a mentally slow person in his speech. Which has helped him. But he also uses his words to discover what he needs to know. He can be seen studying a person and staring at them while he is entirely looking at their body to find weapons or unusual bulges and acts accordingly.

He is not a person to talk about his past. He in fact has decided that his past means nothing to him and he shouldn't allow others to really get to know him. He was born on Coruscant in 7 ABY to Serra Malren and Arios Malren. He would be their only child. He was only 6 years old when he watched Taldyran forces engaging a terrorist group on Chyron where his parents were killed in the ensuing crossfire while his father covered him and used his own body as a shield. Dev'err looked to his father as he told him to be without fear. As his father bleed out due to injuries his mother did the same for him. However the Taldyran forces were repelled by the terrorist organization. A criminial saw what happened and took in the boy and raised him as a criminal.
While part of the gang he was part of the criminal vigilante group and by 13 was in charge of his own "Squad" as he proved to be an effective soldier in the group. The police were non-existent on Nar Shaddaa in the sector he grew up in. So they became the police. They however didn't take "Prisoners" as they had no jails. THey enforced their law and their will. When Dev'err was 16 years old he found out one of his best friends was sexually assaulting women for protection. They'd submit to his desires or he couldn't guarrantee their protection. When Dev'err found this out and walked in his best friend practically raping and sodomizing a woman he became soo filled with rage that he stabbed his best friend 45 times and then decapitated him on the woman.
Bringing his allegations to his 'Father' whom agreed what he did was wrong, Dev'err did the wrong thing. He was held down by his own unit while they carved his face up as punishment. That night as he looked into the mirror he was soo angry. Why did he get punished for doing what was right. It wasn't until it dawned upon him. Right and Wrong is subjective and doesn't matter at all. He left the organization after shooting the man that took him in. He shot 25 bolts into his head; there wasn't much left of him. Where he abandoned his home on Nar Shaddaa and joined a group of Mercenaries for safe passage. There he received military training from an Former Imperial Special Forces sergeant whom took him under his wing. Taught him how to really fight. But he then administered a test to Dev'err by taking him to Tatooine. There he was ordered to wipe out hte entire village without hesitation. After about 25 minutes of violence the settlement was quiet once more. Being allowed to join the group he'd remain there till he was 21 years old.
Where on Chyron the group came to the very street where his parents died. Looking up to building he remembered so vividly was a Talydran Recruitment poster. He talked to the guy who took him under his wing and agreed to drop him off at the Recruitment post. Having a signficant amount of wealth due to his mercenary work. He enlisted into the Taldyran Defense Forces as part of the army.... where he remains.