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{{Sith charinfo
|name=Quejo Drakai Xyler
|birth=18 BBY
|firstname=Quejo Xyler
|birth=[[starwars:19 BBY|19 BBY]]
|eyes=Blue almost Gray
|weight=180 lbs
|weapons=*Recurve [[Lightsaber]] - Red Blade
|form=[[Shii-Cho]] Master, [[Soresu]] Master, [[Djem So]] Master.
*[[Djem So]]
|fightingstyle=[[Grappling]], [[Hapan Boxing]]
|fightingstyle=*[[Imperial Martial Arts System]]
|profession=*[[Rollmaster]] of [[Clan Taldryan]]
|position=[[Quaestor]] of [[House Qel-Droma]], 27th Patriarch of the [[Xylers|Xyler Dynasty]].
*[[Grand Master's Royal Guard]]
|era=*[[Rebellion Era]]
*28th Count of Castle Gothengromer, Patriarch of the [[Xylers|Xyler Dynasty]]
*[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|position=* Member of [[Clan Taldryan]]
|affiliation=[[Clan Arcona]]<br>[[House Qel-Droma]]<br>[[Xylers|Xyler Dynasty]]
|era=* [[New Republic Era]]
|ship=Prototype: Legacy, won in the second PCHL.
* [[New Jedi Order Era]]
|dossier=[[http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/dossier.asp?ID=4215 4215]]
* [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|affiliation=* [[Clan Taldryan]]
|ship=* [[starwars: TIE Advanced x1|TIE Advanced x1]] - Hel

{{quote|Sith power resides not in the flesh, but in the will.| Emporer Palpatine}}
{{Quote|I will seek them out. These vassals of the Force| Quejo}}

== Character History ==
== Character History ==

===The Birth of an Imperial, 18 BBY - 1 BBY===
=== Love and Politics  ===
[[image:Alderaan.jpg‎|thumb|left|Quejo's Birthplace Alderaan.]]
Born nineteen years before the [[starwars:battle of yavin|battle of Yavin]] in the [[starwars:outer rim territories|Outer Rim Territories]], during the rise of the [[starwars:Empire|Empire]]. Quejo Drakai was the product of forbidden love. His Father, Drago Drakai, was a hard nosed politician and military man who served as a spokesman for the Government of [[starwars:Eriadu|Eriadu]]. He would fall for the daughter of a Smuggler turned administrator, Vulk Nova. Drago and Vulk had numerous scuffles and trade disputes and could not come to terms on nearly anything. In fact, they loathed one another. The [[starwars:Hydian Way|Hydian Way]] would begin to suffer, until the much older Drago would meet Vulk's daughter, Serah. He was enamored by her beauty and would use her as a bargaining chip. If Vulk were to agree to the marriage, he would in turn lighten up and allow Nova Industries to operate free of the Eriadu Government. The [[starwars:Seswanna Sector|Seswanna Sector]] would rejoice and celebrate the potential free trade. Reluctantly, Vulk agreed. For a number of years things would run smoothly until the rise of the Imperial machine which would rewrite the trade routes and enforce its own economic laws. Vulk, being in a bind, begged for aid from Eriadu and reached out to his now pregnant daughter. She would speak to Drago, but the patriarch became bitter, power hungry, and increasingly dutiful to the new Empire. To prove his worth and loyalty, he would plot to assassinate Vulka and would succeed the same year his daughter gave birth to their son.

The year was 18 BBY and much was being done throughout the Galaxy. Emporer Palpatine was busy constructing the 'Eye of Palpatine', Stormtrooper Armor and Weaponry was being developed and mass-produced and a Diplomat by the name of Valena Drakai gave birth to a healthy baby boy. It would be an eventful year, full of heartache and joy for some...Valena and Devin Drakai of course lucked out with a new addition to their family.  
===  Imperial Academy ===
The year was [[starwars:1 BBY|1 BBY]] and Quejo was ready to join the Empire. He yearned to make his father proud and grew up learning how to be diplomatic yet manipulative. He learned how to weave his words and how to fight if those words were to fail. He impressed his father with his mind and his mother with a strange luck that she could not explain. She always knew he was destined for great things. After all, the birth was seemingly supernatural. As if it was meant to be. There was something special about her son but she could never put her finger on it. Drago, seeing his sons potential, was anxious for the day his son would leave for the Naval Academy. That day came and nothing made him more pleased than watching his boy grow into a man, ascending through the ranks at a staggering rate. Quejo would serve the [[starwars:Imperial Navy|Imperial Navy]] until [[starwars:5 ABY|5 ABY]] where everything he had helped build would begin to crumble and the walls would close in around him. At Least for a time

The Drakai family was a very wealthy family. Valena was a Diplomat working for the Alderaan Government and Devin was an established Banker. Born into the lap of luxury, Quejo found it very easy to look down his nose at others, often arrogant and quite demanding. It was easy to see why he didnt have many friends...This of course making him a bitter and lonely child. For approximately seventeen years Quejo remained alone...His desire to meet new people often outweighed by his arrogance and greed.  
===  Siren's Call  ===
The [[starwars:Rebel Alliance|Rebel Alliance]] had delivered a fatal blow to the Empire. The [[starwars:Darth Sidious|Emperor]] and [[starwars:Darth Vader|Vader]] were dead. The Imperials that were alive had either fled to remote systems or tried to regroup. Quejo, participated in the latter. He refused to let a group of farmers and wannabe flyboys one-up his Empire. With an [[starwars:VT-49 Decimator|VT-49 Decimator]] known as the Siren's call, he would pick up his most trusted allies. His best friend and Academic equal, Sho-lu, whom he nicknamed Waar was the first to join his cause. Where Quejo was more privy to Tactics, Piloting, and Command. Waar was a weapons specialist, who at the time, served the Imperial Special Forces. He was a [[starwars:Kiffar|Kiffar]], but was human enough that Quejo and the Empire didnt care. The next being on his passenger list was an up and coming Naval Officer who had tremendous potential and his inherent Leadership skills impressed everyone he came into contact with. His name was Villinus Hex and his aspirations reminded everyone of a young [[starwars:Tarkin|Wilhuff Tarkin]]. Together they would fight back against the Rebel Alliance, however, they resembled Mercenaries more than they did Imperials. After a serious dog fight which rendered the Siren's Call inoperable, the three men were left for dead, adrift in the abyss of space in an unknown system they later discovered was called [[Antei]], specifically the [[Dajorra System]]. They were hailed by a strange ship piloted by an even stranger man who called himself Ktulu Mizheray Xyler. The man was very interested in Quejo and explained, that ironically, something within the Siren's Call had awakened and called out to him. The whisper of the Force was heard and Quejo was the catalyst. This obviously had them confused as they had not seen a Jedi or even heard of one until the fall of their Empire took them by surprise. They all studied [[starwars:Order-66|Order-66]] and like everyone else assumed the purge had been thorough. Ktulu would assure them that he was no Jedi but something far more powerful. A [[Krath Priest]].

The year was now 1 BBY and Valena had ordered her Son to take a Transport, along with a package to the Corellian Resistance..Enclosed in the package was information pertaining to the "Alliance to Restore the Republic." He wasnt the most likely candidate to be given such an important task but of course that's what they were hoping for. Reluctantly, Quejo made the trek..Being in space travel for long periods of time wasnt something that anyone could endure..  
=== Awakening ===
Taken under Ktulu's wing, Quejo would learn the intricacies of the Force. The Scholar would teach him how to harness his raw and untamed power, that lay dormant since birth, would wake into an uncontrollable surge. He struggled for control but was hungry to utilize everything he was learning. He would once again move forward in the Brotherhood, hand picked by [[Syn Kaek]] and [[Halcyon Rokir]] as the Flight Leader of Shadow Dragon Squadron. They would increase his training, teaching him how to wield a Lightsaber (which he excelled at) and how to use his leadership, manipulation, and diplomacy to leverage people into carrying out his will in [[Clan Arcona]]. He was a master of his craft and would quickly draw attention, impressing the Shadow Council. [[Mejas Doto]] in particular took interest in him and would see to it personally that Quejo would gain even more power and influence elevating him to [[Aedile]] of House [[Oriens Obscurum]]. He would lead his House through countless battles and would secure countless victories. He was viewed as the stronger Leader of the House and as a Sith would do, made a move for power. He would battle the Quaestor and defeat him, ultimately replacing him and in turn was granted the rank of Knight. Upon reaching Knighthood, Ktulu, growing weary, began grooming him as a successor to the [[Xylers|Xyler]] Dynasty. Eventually, he assumed the mantle of 28th Count of Gothengromer on [[starwars:Mantessa|Mantessa]].

Being trapped on a Planet for eighteen years and then being thrown into an all new Atmosphere was completely mind boggling to the young Drakai. Being around Humans for the majority of his life with little to no experience with other Species' seemed to build anxiety and an all new level of arrogance within Quejo..It wasnt long before he took up the Imperial mind frame of 'Human High Culture' without even realizing it.  
=== Betrayal ===
Many years had passed and Quejo, in search of knowledge gave up his position as Quaestor of House Oriens Obscurum and would briefly travel to various systems throughout the Galaxy. Refining what he had been taught along the way. As a full fledged Obelisk, he would return to the Dajorra System and would convince the standing Consul, Denath to reopen [[House Galeres]] which was all but a memory. Reluctantly, Denath agreed and Quejo would set in motion Project: Foundation. Along with a group of beings, who he thought were close allies, his plans went off without a hitch. Galeres became stronger and [[Soulfire]] Striketeam was reborn and gaining traction throughout the Brotherhood. A cog in the machine that was Galeres, Quejo built the House from the ground up and would appoint [[Sashar]] as his Aedile. At first the two worked well together but jealousy turned to blackmail when his so called allies threatened a coup and made it clear that they would try to destroy everything Quejo had built if Sashar was not removed from his seat of power. The Xyler's foresight was hindered and doing what he thought would be best for the Clan, would betray his second in command and banish him. Sashar was embroiled with rage but was unaware of the situation in its entirety. However, because of what Quejo was able to accomplish, he was named Proconsul and would work with [[Strategos Thanatos Arconae]] who was acting Consul at the time. Once again, members who shall not be named, were able to get to Strategos and pushed Quejo, nearly to his breaking point. The newest [[di Tenebrous Arconae]] was feeling the same betrayal that his former Aedile had felt. The karma came back to bite him and the same members that tried driving out Sashar were the very people who tried to push out Quejo. They were scheming in the shadows like cowards and worked effortlessly to make their move for power. Quejo, evading an assassination attempt, managed to behead one of his attackers but was driven from the Dajorra System by force; now labeled a traitor and stripped of di Tenebrous Arconae. He seethed with anger and longed for vengeance. Not fully realizing what had happened until one of the masterminds of the 'coup' was riddled with guilt and came forward as a whistleblower, revealing the plan in its entirety over an encrypted transmission. That man was [[Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana]], a man that Quejo respected and admired, a turncoat and betrayer in his own right. He was now an enemy, a marked man. Eventually those who betrayed Quejo fell to the wayside, insignificant peons that were unable to maintain their own 'power' as they proved to be expendable and not assets.

Upon descending on Corellia and meeting with his "Contacts" Quejo abandoned all thoughts of continuing to help the Republic. While he was born into the Republic that didnt mean he would follow suit with the whole "Restoration Project" Instead he would stay on Corellia and wait for the opportune moment to join the cause that he truly supported...The Empire...
=== Plagued One ===
Quejo, after the betrayal would find refuge in the newly established [[Clan Plagueis]] which at the time was run by [[Grand Master]] [[Chi Long]]. He would lick his wounds and prove his worth by once again taking the reigns of House leadership in [[House Satal Keto]] and [[House Exar Kun]], serving as a Quaestor for both Houses. He diligently studied how the new Clan operated and worked ceaselessly to make a new name for himself in a new sector. He was successful for a time but then had an epiphany. To absorb the knowledge from each Clan, he would need to continue his travelling. Never staying in one place for too long. A wanderer. A nomad with no real place to call home. But would become wealthy with understanding. [[House Marka Ragnos]] was next on his list and once again he would become a Quaestor. He would lead the House through the [[Invasion of Orian|Orian Invasion]] along with his Aedile Manji Keibatsu and would need to immediately mobilize their troops in order to defend [[Clan Naga Sadow]]. But even after the battle he remained weary and thought it best to back away and leave the House in [[Trevarus Caerick|Trevarus Caerick's]] able hands. For the first time in a long time, he felt like he had achieved something, his sense of usefulness had been restored.Yet, the wanderlust, proved to be too seductive and he was unable to resist its call. For his efforts and skill in battle he was dubbed Warlord by [[Macron Goura Sadow]] but would initially end up back in the [[Dajorra System]] with a new plan.

==  Personal Profile  ==
===  Powers and Abilities  ===

===Consumed by Anger, 1 BBY - 21 ABY===
=== Philosophy  ===

It was only a few Months before Quejo met with an Imperial motivator, quick to recruit him. He was taken to an Imperial Naval Academy soon after and plunged into a whole new lifestyle. Quejo, being a quick learner was able to catch onto the many different procedures, enabling him to climb up in rank rather quickly. Taught the ins and the outs of Tactics and Strategy, Quejo was well on his way to becoming an Officer..
===  Demeanor/Battle Tactics ===

More motivated then ever, Quejo took it upon himself to encourage those beneath him in rank, whether it be with rude comments or arrogant remarks, the word still got through. His work was noticed by those whom he wanted to notice, his hunger for power and rank already beginning to dominate him...That was, until the decimation of his Homeplanet in 0 BBY..Everything suddenly crashed, his hatred and sorrow building on a daily basis as his thoughs lingered on all of the innocents slaughtered, his family, his name, history, wealth, all taken from him with but a single shot...An Imperial Shot.
==  Personal Fighter  ==

To Drakai it was personal, his anger driving him to flee the Imperial Academy..This of course marking him a traitor..Forced into hiding, Quejo fled to Concord Dawn. He had been on the Planet numerous times during his service with the Empire so thought that this would be the best place to take up a new identity. Upon reaching Concord Dawn, Quejo met a man named Deg Oldo, a Mandalorian Mercenary, serving the one man he could trust..Himself.
==  DJB Facts  ==
===  Positions... ===
* [[Flight Leader]] of Shadow Dragon
* [[Aedile]] of [[House Oriens Obscurum]]
* [[Quaestor]] of [[House Oriens Obscurum]]
* [[Antei Combat Center]] Judge x2
* [[Eclectic Pedagogue]]
* [[Quaestor]] of [[House Galeres]]
* Gaming Staff
* [[Proconsul]] of [[Arcona|Clan Arcona]]
* [[DJBWiki Staff]]
* [[Quaestor]] of Satal Keto
* [[Commander]] of Galthain Squadron
* [[Envoy]] of [[Clan Naga Sadow]]
* [[Quaestor]] of [[House Marka Ragnos]]
* [[Aedile]] of [[House Qel-Droma]]
* [[Quaestor]] of [[House Qel-Droma]]
* [[Antei Combat Center]] Trainer
* [[Quaestor]] of [[House Exar Kun]]
* [[Magistrate]] to the [[Headmaster]]
* [[Rollmaster]] of [[Odan-Urr]]
* [[Proconsul]] of [[Clan Taldryan]]

After short introductions, Deg offered to take Quejo under his wing, teaching him everything he knew about Combat and the way of the Galaxy. Drakai, learning everything from Guerilla Warfare Tactics to different Languages. Oldo didnt just teach him how to become a killer though, he taught him how to be a Man. For years he trained with Deg, absorbing knowledge like a sponge until the two were at each others throats. Each, in their own way, trying to show dominance...It was during this arguement, a fight ensued, Quejo took up a knife and out of anger, plunged it into the only Man that had ever truly been there for him, killing him with one swift stroke...His mind flashing back to the obliteration of Alderaan, the very thought haunting him daily.
===  Awards... ===

After that day something twisted deep within..He was a changed Man. His arrogance, anger, aggression, and desire to be dominant consumed him. For years he would remain on Concord Dawn until being approached by a man shrouded in mystery. The figure spoke of a greater power, something that dwelled within the hearts and bodies of all living thing's...He spoke of darkness and the power inherent in it..."A greater power." He said "The key to such power lies on the small moon of Lyspair.."

==History Within A Brotherhood==
== Trivia  ==

===An Unfamiliar System, Soon To Be Home...===
=== Apprentices... ===
* [[Anubis Annedu]] Wrath
* DarkHunter
* [[Shikyo]]
* Scyrone
* Xylnn Wolfstalker
* [[Dev'err Malren]]

Traveling for what seemed to of been an eternity, his Navi-Computer revealed a System Governed by a man known as [[Firefox]] a Grand Master of the Dark Arts. Upon landing on the dessolate surface of Lyspair, he was greeted by an unfamiliar face, however he knew the man to be of some importance. The Gen'Dai introduced himself as [[Spears]] Tarentae, Headmaster of the Shadow Academy. He spoke of the Brotherhood and the purpose of the Shadow Academy and spoke of a greater power..Power that could be attained through rigorous training and demanding excersise, both physical and mental.

Quejo agreed to undergo training within the Academy, his fate sealed, his fall to the Dark Side now complete. For a couple years he trained under the many different Teachers within the Academy. Furthering his knowledge of the Sith and the nature of the Dark Side. The more he studied, the more twisted his mind became, however compassion was never fully driven from his heart and still remains to this day. Unlike most of the Dark Jedi within the Brotherhood, Quejo still has a conscience.

Upon completeing his training within the Shadow Academy, Quejo was taken by Shuttle to his new home. The only thing he knew was that his new Brothers resided within the ranks of [[House Dinaari]] of [[Clan Taldryan]].
[[Category:Taldryan members]]
===A Brotherhood Within A Brotherhood...===
[[image:Taldryan.png‎|thumb|left| Seal of Taldryan.]]
Upon reaching the Kr'Tal system, Quejo was greeted with open arms. Not just because he was new blood but because he would be used to help quell the uprising of "Infected Jedi" during the Fifth Great Jedi War. Quickly befriended by the Consul [[Kir Taldrya Katarn]] he would go on to become a dominant member within the Clan, being dubbed a "Cohor Praetoria Taldryae" for his commendable level of skill and prowess in the field of battle. His skills honed and sharpened by his new Brothers.
He remained in the Clan, quickly rising through the ranks of the Brotherhood. His ability to manipulate the Force growing stronger each day. This, catching the attention of far greater Warriors than he. It was only a short ammount of time before Quejo decided to leave Clan Taldryan in order to pursue a greater knowledge and understanding of the Dark Side.
Kir was enraged that Quejo left Clan Taldryan, marking him a traitor, banning him from the Clan that gave him so much. Of course the grudge would be later settled when Quejo explained his actions to his former Consul, shedding some light on the situation. After careful consideration, Quejo joined a new Clan after being confronted by a Zabrak of unholy power [[Mejas Doto]]. Drakai would make his new home [[Clan Arcona]]. Little did he know he would soon be making history and quite an impact within the [[Dajorra System]].
===A Legacy Is Born...===
[[Image:Cloaked2.JPG|thumb|right|Quejo after initiating "Project Foundation."]]
Quickly upon his arrival to Dajorra, Quejo was named a Flight Leader of Shadow Dragon, a Battleteam which was tasked with the protection of [[House Oriens Obscurum]] He would show his skills as a true leader, Shadow Dragon winning countless battles. His ability to lead and project his voice to the masses soon caught the attention of the newly appointed Quaestor of Oriens Obscurum, [[Syn Kaek]]. Kaek would later approach Drakai with [[Halcyon Rokir]] the Consul and discuss his vision and leadership abilities. The three spoke of the future of Clan Arcona and House Oriens Obscurum...Kaek soon after appointing the young Drakai his Aedile and successor.
For quite some time, Kaek would teach the young Drakai what it meant to be a Leader and what it meant to be a Quaestor within Arcona and the Brotherhood. It wasnt long before Quejo was deemed worthy of taking the reigns of Oriens Obscurum as it's Quaestor. Quejo would lead Oriens Obscurum with an Iron Fist, his vision expanding throughout Clan Arcona.
[[House Galeres]] soon became one of the Summit's main focusses and if it were to re-open it would need a Quaestor. Quejo, being the Leader he was, left Oriens Obscurum in the able hands of his Aedile Octavian and soon became the Quaestor of House Galeres with Gavin d'Tana being named his Aedile. Together they would work to re-establish Galeres' place in Clan Arcona, making it the most dominant House Arcona had seen in years. Not only did Quejo rebuild Galeres, but he rebuilt the bases of the House, creating the Blueprints of what would soon become it's main Structures.
Strategos, the new Consul of Arcona was pleased with Drakai's design and began construction at once, Quejo's abilities shining as he lead Galeres down the road to Victory for quite some time. Due to the fact that Quejo was held in high regard, he was soon dubbed the Sovereign Imperator of the Arconan Fleet.
Quejo continued to lead House Galeres through many trials and tribulations, some despising his Leadership techniques, others respecting them. Wanting to further himself and help Clan Arcona on a much larger scale, Quejo, now carrying the title di Tenebrous Arconae ascended to the position of Proconsul. Hatred and jealousy began to rear it's ugly head as he started to crack down on the Mutinous Sects that threatened his position. Being marked paranoid and dilusional he was slowly losing the respect of the people and left, cursing Arcona to the grave. He hated what Arcona had become and wished that it's so called 'Leader' would burn in the flames of their own ego...Nothing would change and he knew it..In the wake of his departure certain members left with him, knowing that what had happened to him was wrong.
===Searching For Redemption In Satal Keto...===
Hatred consumed Drakai as he left Clan Arcona, soon joining [[House Satal Keto]] of [[Clan Plagueis]]. It wasnt long before he was once again made a Leader...This time he became the Quaestor of Satal Keto, once again rebuilding a House from the ashes, restoring a crumbling foundation with a new, implementing a stronger system..
After resigning from Quaestor, he became the Battleteam Leader of Galthain, mentoring to the new members of the Clan. He fought hard to make Plagueis a Clan to be reckoned with but found little comfort in knowing that the decisions the Consul was making were wrong. He confronted the Consul at the time and was banned from the Clan for having a differing opinion. This in turn causing him to wander the Galaxy until seeking refuge in [[Clan Naga Sadow]].
===A Warrior Takes Control Of Marka Ragnos...===
Soon after joining [[House Marka Ragnos]] Quejo was appointed the Quaestor position and learned a great many thing's. For one, his power had greatly been increased when the Consul Macron Goura Keibatsu taught him the way's of Sith [[Alchemy]], Quejo quickly learning and Mastering the technique of Crystallography and Metallurgy. These skills would aid him in the War which was quickly approaching known as the Vong Invasion.
Soon after becoming Quaestor of Marka Ragnos, the Vong Invaders struck Antei. The Clan's were blind-sided as living machines ripped into the fleet of the Brotherhood. Quejo, leading his troops into battle killed many Vong, his war effort granting him the rank of Sith Warlord. Once retreating deeper into the Shroud, exhaustion set in and he stepped down from his position. Dark Jedi Master [[Shan Long]] once again taking command of the House.
Quejo, feeling as if his work was complete, slipped into self-exile before receiveing a message from one of his enemies, [[Zandro Savric Erinos]] It was a call for aid.
===A Rogue Comes Home...===
After being summoned by his now, former Enemy. Quejo once again sat at the helm of Legacy as he reluctantly returned to the [[Dajorra System]]. He was prepared to help [[Clan Arcona]] re-establish their place within the Brotherhood. For too long he sat back, watching as his Clan became ruined by bad decisions, crippled by the weak whom claimed to be "visionaries"
It is now he lurks in the Shadows, offering Council and advice to those who request it, impatiently waiting for his moment to shine once more.
===Scourge of Qel-Droma...===
==Personal Profile==
Quejo, despite his history as an Imperial Naval Recruit, has an amazing ammount of knowledge pertaining to Combat. All of which passed down to him by Deg Oldo, his former Trainer and TRUE Father figure. Atleast that's how Drakai saw it...Rigorous training regimes and extreme conditioning has molded Quejo into a War-Machine..He has exceptional skills with [[Grappling]] and [[Hapan Boxing]], using them to literally bash opposition into the ground.
Liking to plan his attacks out ahead of time, Quejo is quite the tactician, his ability to calculate maneuvers being one of his strong suits. Of course, hand to hand combat wasnt the extent of his skills. He also began weapons training, learning to use a variety of Staffs and Spears, all skills he uses to this very day.
It wasnt until later in life he began training with the Force. Having a high affinity to the Force, it was easy for Quejo to pick up on how to properly use it. He was also given extra "tricks" once joining Clan Arcona. Adopting the Art of [[Shadowcrafting]], Quejo refined his skills with techniques reminiscent of the Path of the Outer Darkness..With it, he is able to interact with the physical world using his abilities to control shadow and darkness. Some powers are as follows -
*'''Cloak of Shadows'''
*'''Dark Forge'''
*'''Touch of Darkness'''
*'''Dark Matter'''
==Personal Possessions==
===Crusader Armor===
{{quote|Not strong enough in the Force to protect yourself Sith?"<br>"Once you feel the blade of my Sith Sword bite into your flesh, you'll wish you were me Monk...|Quejo Arguing with a Krath.}}
Crusader Armor - Though Quejo is not of Mandalorian descent, he found the materials to craft this Armor on Concord Dawn. Not only did he create it for personal protection but as a trial given to him by his former Combat Trainer, a Mandalorian Mercenary known as Deg Oldo. The Armor itself is made of a durable, energy-resistant Mandalorian Iron. While it can absorb impact from Blaster fire...Continuous assault will eventually penetrate it..The appearance of the Armor itself is quite intimidating..Spiked shoulder pads and a thick brown breast plate adorn the torso of the wearer. Mixed amongst the array of metal is a woven leather, durable and strong, used for lashings.. Thigh bracers, spiked kneepads and plated boots top off the menacing design. Another quality the Armor possesses is it's built in air supply. Though the tank isnt a huge one, it gives the wearer an extra 30 minutes of oxygen when stranded in harsh environments. The tank itself is positioned on his back, over his right shoulder with brown tubes linking it from his Armor to his Helmet.
Crusader Helmet - Made using the same design as his Armor, Quejo forged this Helmet in the likeness of the old Mandalorian Crusaders, the slight off shoot "T" visor giving it a menacing look and feel, the five spikes on the sides matching the ones on his Armor. The Helmet is  tan, almost white in coloration with valves for his small oxygen tank beneath the jawline and back of his head...Built into the Helmet itself is a sophisticated heads-up display (HUD). This can determine distance, temperature and various other environmental hazards or characteristics of specific Planets. Another thing the Helmet possesses is a built in commlink system...
[[image:4215saber.jpg|75px|thumb|left|Nightmare, The Lightsaber of Drakai.]]
This Lightsaber was crafted soon after returning to Clan Arcona upon being appointed to the role of Aedile. Quejo, being a brilliant craftsman was able to craft it out of a dense ivory metal. The metal itself is very cool to the touch, almost chilling...The Crystal was self-treated using Crystallography techniques passed down to him from Macron Keibatsu during his tenure in House Marka Ragnos. Though it took a tremendous ammount of time and strict concentration the Warlord was able to take a Blue Adegan Crystal and change it's molecular structure in order to create it's purple coloration.
Once manipulating the Crystal, Quejo took another decent ammount of time gathering the raw materials needed to forge the Hilt itself. Once gathering the needed materials, he started with the overall assembly..Maticulous to the last detail, his skills now honed and more improved than ever. After the long, drawn out process, his patience finally payed off as he activated it for the first time, the Amethyst blade strong and vibrant..It was a job well done and he couldnt of been anymore pleased with himself..In fact, he was so pleased and anxious to see it at work, he ordered an Apprentice into his Chambers and killed him with it just to feel it out...The balance perfect, the stroke lethal...
{{On Notice}}
{{quote|Vengeance will be mine|Quejo after winning Legacy.}}
[[image:Legacy.jpg‎|thumb|right|150px| Quejo's personal Starfighter, Legacy.]]
*Length: 15 Meters
*Hull: 70 RU
*Shield: 150 SBD
*Weapons: 2 'forward' Medium Laser Cannons (Fire Linked) | 2 'rear-facing' Medium Laser Cannons (Fire *Linked) | 2 Proton Torpedo Launchers (2 torpedoes each) and a modified concussion missile launcher *that holds 2 diamond boron missiles; the missiles themselves utterly customized to fit the small *fighter.
*Hyperdrive: Class 4
*Sublight: Extremely Fast
*Maneuverability: 160 DPF
== DJB Facts ==
*Flight Leader of Shadow Dragon
*[[Aedile]] of [[House Oriens Obscurum]]
*[[Quaestor]] of [[House Oriens Obscurum]]
*ACC Judge
*Eclectic Pedagogue, IRC Basics
*[[Quaestor]] of [[House Galeres]]
*Gaming Staff
*[[Proconsul]] of [[Clan Arcona]]
*[[DJBWiki Staff]]
*[[Quaestor]] of Satal Keto
*Commander of Galthain Squadron
*[[Envoy]] of [[Clan Naga Sadow]]
*[[Quaestor]] of [[Marka Ragnos]]
*[[Aedile]] of [[House Qel-Droma]]
*[[Quaestor]] of [[House Qel-Droma]]
== Trivia ==
Nero Pennant
Aidyn Wolfwood
[[Category: DJB Characters]][[Category:Clan Arcona]]

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Quejo Xyler
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

19 BBY

Physical Description












Personal Information
Lightsaber Form(s):
Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information
Personal Ship:


[ Source ]

"I will seek them out. These vassals of the Force"
― Quejo

Character History

Love and Politics

Born nineteen years before the battle of Yavin in the Outer Rim Territories, during the rise of the Empire. Quejo Drakai was the product of forbidden love. His Father, Drago Drakai, was a hard nosed politician and military man who served as a spokesman for the Government of Eriadu. He would fall for the daughter of a Smuggler turned administrator, Vulk Nova. Drago and Vulk had numerous scuffles and trade disputes and could not come to terms on nearly anything. In fact, they loathed one another. The Hydian Way would begin to suffer, until the much older Drago would meet Vulk's daughter, Serah. He was enamored by her beauty and would use her as a bargaining chip. If Vulk were to agree to the marriage, he would in turn lighten up and allow Nova Industries to operate free of the Eriadu Government. The Seswanna Sector would rejoice and celebrate the potential free trade. Reluctantly, Vulk agreed. For a number of years things would run smoothly until the rise of the Imperial machine which would rewrite the trade routes and enforce its own economic laws. Vulk, being in a bind, begged for aid from Eriadu and reached out to his now pregnant daughter. She would speak to Drago, but the patriarch became bitter, power hungry, and increasingly dutiful to the new Empire. To prove his worth and loyalty, he would plot to assassinate Vulka and would succeed the same year his daughter gave birth to their son.

Imperial Academy

The year was 1 BBY and Quejo was ready to join the Empire. He yearned to make his father proud and grew up learning how to be diplomatic yet manipulative. He learned how to weave his words and how to fight if those words were to fail. He impressed his father with his mind and his mother with a strange luck that she could not explain. She always knew he was destined for great things. After all, the birth was seemingly supernatural. As if it was meant to be. There was something special about her son but she could never put her finger on it. Drago, seeing his sons potential, was anxious for the day his son would leave for the Naval Academy. That day came and nothing made him more pleased than watching his boy grow into a man, ascending through the ranks at a staggering rate. Quejo would serve the Imperial Navy until 5 ABY where everything he had helped build would begin to crumble and the walls would close in around him. At Least for a time

Siren's Call

The Rebel Alliance had delivered a fatal blow to the Empire. The Emperor and Vader were dead. The Imperials that were alive had either fled to remote systems or tried to regroup. Quejo, participated in the latter. He refused to let a group of farmers and wannabe flyboys one-up his Empire. With an VT-49 Decimator known as the Siren's call, he would pick up his most trusted allies. His best friend and Academic equal, Sho-lu, whom he nicknamed Waar was the first to join his cause. Where Quejo was more privy to Tactics, Piloting, and Command. Waar was a weapons specialist, who at the time, served the Imperial Special Forces. He was a Kiffar, but was human enough that Quejo and the Empire didnt care. The next being on his passenger list was an up and coming Naval Officer who had tremendous potential and his inherent Leadership skills impressed everyone he came into contact with. His name was Villinus Hex and his aspirations reminded everyone of a young Wilhuff Tarkin. Together they would fight back against the Rebel Alliance, however, they resembled Mercenaries more than they did Imperials. After a serious dog fight which rendered the Siren's Call inoperable, the three men were left for dead, adrift in the abyss of space in an unknown system they later discovered was called Antei, specifically the Dajorra System. They were hailed by a strange ship piloted by an even stranger man who called himself Ktulu Mizheray Xyler. The man was very interested in Quejo and explained, that ironically, something within the Siren's Call had awakened and called out to him. The whisper of the Force was heard and Quejo was the catalyst. This obviously had them confused as they had not seen a Jedi or even heard of one until the fall of their Empire took them by surprise. They all studied Order-66 and like everyone else assumed the purge had been thorough. Ktulu would assure them that he was no Jedi but something far more powerful. A Krath Priest.


Taken under Ktulu's wing, Quejo would learn the intricacies of the Force. The Scholar would teach him how to harness his raw and untamed power, that lay dormant since birth, would wake into an uncontrollable surge. He struggled for control but was hungry to utilize everything he was learning. He would once again move forward in the Brotherhood, hand picked by Syn Kaek and Halcyon Rokir as the Flight Leader of Shadow Dragon Squadron. They would increase his training, teaching him how to wield a Lightsaber (which he excelled at) and how to use his leadership, manipulation, and diplomacy to leverage people into carrying out his will in Clan Arcona. He was a master of his craft and would quickly draw attention, impressing the Shadow Council. Mejas Doto in particular took interest in him and would see to it personally that Quejo would gain even more power and influence elevating him to Aedile of House Oriens Obscurum. He would lead his House through countless battles and would secure countless victories. He was viewed as the stronger Leader of the House and as a Sith would do, made a move for power. He would battle the Quaestor and defeat him, ultimately replacing him and in turn was granted the rank of Knight. Upon reaching Knighthood, Ktulu, growing weary, began grooming him as a successor to the Xyler Dynasty. Eventually, he assumed the mantle of 28th Count of Gothengromer on Mantessa.


Many years had passed and Quejo, in search of knowledge gave up his position as Quaestor of House Oriens Obscurum and would briefly travel to various systems throughout the Galaxy. Refining what he had been taught along the way. As a full fledged Obelisk, he would return to the Dajorra System and would convince the standing Consul, Denath to reopen House Galeres which was all but a memory. Reluctantly, Denath agreed and Quejo would set in motion Project: Foundation. Along with a group of beings, who he thought were close allies, his plans went off without a hitch. Galeres became stronger and Soulfire Striketeam was reborn and gaining traction throughout the Brotherhood. A cog in the machine that was Galeres, Quejo built the House from the ground up and would appoint Sashar as his Aedile. At first the two worked well together but jealousy turned to blackmail when his so called allies threatened a coup and made it clear that they would try to destroy everything Quejo had built if Sashar was not removed from his seat of power. The Xyler's foresight was hindered and doing what he thought would be best for the Clan, would betray his second in command and banish him. Sashar was embroiled with rage but was unaware of the situation in its entirety. However, because of what Quejo was able to accomplish, he was named Proconsul and would work with Strategos Thanatos Arconae who was acting Consul at the time. Once again, members who shall not be named, were able to get to Strategos and pushed Quejo, nearly to his breaking point. The newest di Tenebrous Arconae was feeling the same betrayal that his former Aedile had felt. The karma came back to bite him and the same members that tried driving out Sashar were the very people who tried to push out Quejo. They were scheming in the shadows like cowards and worked effortlessly to make their move for power. Quejo, evading an assassination attempt, managed to behead one of his attackers but was driven from the Dajorra System by force; now labeled a traitor and stripped of di Tenebrous Arconae. He seethed with anger and longed for vengeance. Not fully realizing what had happened until one of the masterminds of the 'coup' was riddled with guilt and came forward as a whistleblower, revealing the plan in its entirety over an encrypted transmission. That man was Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana, a man that Quejo respected and admired, a turncoat and betrayer in his own right. He was now an enemy, a marked man. Eventually those who betrayed Quejo fell to the wayside, insignificant peons that were unable to maintain their own 'power' as they proved to be expendable and not assets.

Plagued One

Quejo, after the betrayal would find refuge in the newly established Clan Plagueis which at the time was run by Grand Master Chi Long. He would lick his wounds and prove his worth by once again taking the reigns of House leadership in House Satal Keto and House Exar Kun, serving as a Quaestor for both Houses. He diligently studied how the new Clan operated and worked ceaselessly to make a new name for himself in a new sector. He was successful for a time but then had an epiphany. To absorb the knowledge from each Clan, he would need to continue his travelling. Never staying in one place for too long. A wanderer. A nomad with no real place to call home. But would become wealthy with understanding. House Marka Ragnos was next on his list and once again he would become a Quaestor. He would lead the House through the Orian Invasion along with his Aedile Manji Keibatsu and would need to immediately mobilize their troops in order to defend Clan Naga Sadow. But even after the battle he remained weary and thought it best to back away and leave the House in Trevarus Caerick's able hands. For the first time in a long time, he felt like he had achieved something, his sense of usefulness had been restored.Yet, the wanderlust, proved to be too seductive and he was unable to resist its call. For his efforts and skill in battle he was dubbed Warlord by Macron Goura Sadow but would initially end up back in the Dajorra System with a new plan.

Personal Profile

Powers and Abilities


Demeanor/Battle Tactics

Personal Fighter

DJB Facts




