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{{Sith charinfo
|name=Quejo Bandon Xyler Arconae
|homeworld=Theed, Naboo
|birth=22 bby
|position=ProConsul of Clan Arcona, Eclectic Pedagogue.
|firstname=Quejo Xyler
|birth=[[starwars:19 BBY|19 BBY]]
|eyes=One orange, the other blue.
|affiliation=Queens Royal Guard, Jedi Order, Bounty Hunter (Black Hawks},Sith.
|weapons=*Recurve [[Lightsaber]] - Red Blade
*[[Djem So]]
|fightingstyle=*[[Imperial Martial Arts System]]
|profession=*[[Rollmaster]] of [[Clan Taldryan]]
*[[Grand Master's Royal Guard]]
*28th Count of Castle Gothengromer, Patriarch of the [[Xylers|Xyler Dynasty]]
|position=* Member of [[Clan Taldryan]]
|era=* [[New Republic Era]]
* [[New Jedi Order Era]]
* [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|affiliation=* [[Clan Taldryan]]
|ship=* [[starwars: TIE Advanced x1|TIE Advanced x1]] - Hel

"Quiet destruction, rendering you helpless"
{{Quote|I will seek them out. These vassals of the Force| Quejo}}
Selene, describing Quejo to an Apprentice.

== Character History ==
== Character History ==
===Where it all began===

Quejo Bandon was a decendant of Lord Malik's Apprentice, Darth Bandon. After his ancestor was slain at the hands of the Dark Lord Revan, the remaining family would go into hiding, fearing that Revan would be angered by his foiled assasination attempt. For centuries the Bandon name would be kept out of the record books, it was a name that seemed to of been cursed, as many of the elder members of the family were either murdered or imprisoned. The name would soon change to hide the identity of the Sith's family. The new name was Armidian, but it wouldnt last.  
===  Love and Politics  ===
Born nineteen years before the [[starwars:battle of yavin|battle of Yavin]] in the [[starwars:outer rim territories|Outer Rim Territories]], during the rise of the [[starwars:Empire|Empire]]. Quejo Drakai was the product of forbidden love. His Father, Drago Drakai, was a hard nosed politician and military man who served as a spokesman for the Government of [[starwars:Eriadu|Eriadu]]. He would fall for the daughter of a Smuggler turned administrator, Vulk Nova. Drago and Vulk had numerous scuffles and trade disputes and could not come to terms on nearly anything. In fact, they loathed one another. The [[starwars:Hydian Way|Hydian Way]] would begin to suffer, until the much older Drago would meet Vulk's daughter, Serah. He was enamored by her beauty and would use her as a bargaining chip. If Vulk were to agree to the marriage, he would in turn lighten up and allow Nova Industries to operate free of the Eriadu Government. The [[starwars:Seswanna Sector|Seswanna Sector]] would rejoice and celebrate the potential free trade. Reluctantly, Vulk agreed. For a number of years things would run smoothly until the rise of the Imperial machine which would rewrite the trade routes and enforce its own economic laws. Vulk, being in a bind, begged for aid from Eriadu and reached out to his now pregnant daughter. She would speak to Drago, but the patriarch became bitter, power hungry, and increasingly dutiful to the new Empire. To prove his worth and loyalty, he would plot to assassinate Vulka and would succeed the same year his daughter gave birth to their son.

The year was approximately 22 BBY when a young politician, Crytalia Armidian gave birth to a Son in the city of Theed. For years she raised him and hid his true name, teaching him the ins and outs of Politics. His father, Damias Armidian, was a noble man, working for a small security force assigned to the Queen. He had seen many battles in his day, including the battle in which the Trade Federation attempted to bring Theed to it's knees. Damias however, being a high ranking member on the Queen's Royal Guard fought with many to protect the city they loved, he dedicated his life to the Queen, and his life was what he lost at the hands of a Battle Droid close to the end of the war.
===  Imperial Academy ===
The year was [[starwars:1 BBY|1 BBY]] and Quejo was ready to join the Empire. He yearned to make his father proud and grew up learning how to be diplomatic yet manipulative. He learned how to weave his words and how to fight if those words were to fail. He impressed his father with his mind and his mother with a strange luck that she could not explain. She always knew he was destined for great things. After all, the birth was seemingly supernatural. As if it was meant to be. There was something special about her son but she could never put her finger on it. Drago, seeing his sons potential, was anxious for the day his son would leave for the Naval Academy. That day came and nothing made him more pleased than watching his boy grow into a man, ascending through the ranks at a staggering rate. Quejo would serve the [[starwars:Imperial Navy|Imperial Navy]] until [[starwars:5 ABY|5 ABY]] where everything he had helped build would begin to crumble and the walls would close in around him. At Least for a time

Quejo was devestated when his father died, leaving him in the care of his mother and older sister Trayva.
===  Siren's Call  ===
The [[starwars:Rebel Alliance|Rebel Alliance]] had delivered a fatal blow to the Empire. The [[starwars:Darth Sidious|Emperor]] and [[starwars:Darth Vader|Vader]] were dead. The Imperials that were alive had either fled to remote systems or tried to regroup. Quejo, participated in the latter. He refused to let a group of farmers and wannabe flyboys one-up his Empire. With an [[starwars:VT-49 Decimator|VT-49 Decimator]] known as the Siren's call, he would pick up his most trusted allies. His best friend and Academic equal, Sho-lu, whom he nicknamed Waar was the first to join his cause. Where Quejo was more privy to Tactics, Piloting, and Command. Waar was a weapons specialist, who at the time, served the Imperial Special Forces. He was a [[starwars:Kiffar|Kiffar]], but was human enough that Quejo and the Empire didnt care. The next being on his passenger list was an up and coming Naval Officer who had tremendous potential and his inherent Leadership skills impressed everyone he came into contact with. His name was Villinus Hex and his aspirations reminded everyone of a young [[starwars:Tarkin|Wilhuff Tarkin]]. Together they would fight back against the Rebel Alliance, however, they resembled Mercenaries more than they did Imperials. After a serious dog fight which rendered the Siren's Call inoperable, the three men were left for dead, adrift in the abyss of space in an unknown system they later discovered was called [[Antei]], specifically the [[Dajorra System]]. They were hailed by a strange ship piloted by an even stranger man who called himself Ktulu Mizheray Xyler. The man was very interested in Quejo and explained, that ironically, something within the Siren's Call had awakened and called out to him. The whisper of the Force was heard and Quejo was the catalyst. This obviously had them confused as they had not seen a Jedi or even heard of one until the fall of their Empire took them by surprise. They all studied [[starwars:Order-66|Order-66]] and like everyone else assumed the purge had been thorough. Ktulu would assure them that he was no Jedi but something far more powerful. A [[Krath Priest]].

===A Politicans Life...===
=== Awakening ===
Taken under Ktulu's wing, Quejo would learn the intricacies of the Force. The Scholar would teach him how to harness his raw and untamed power, that lay dormant since birth, would wake into an uncontrollable surge. He struggled for control but was hungry to utilize everything he was learning. He would once again move forward in the Brotherhood, hand picked by [[Syn Kaek]] and [[Halcyon Rokir]] as the Flight Leader of Shadow Dragon Squadron. They would increase his training, teaching him how to wield a Lightsaber (which he excelled at) and how to use his leadership, manipulation, and diplomacy to leverage people into carrying out his will in [[Clan Arcona]]. He was a master of his craft and would quickly draw attention, impressing the Shadow Council. [[Mejas Doto]] in particular took interest in him and would see to it personally that Quejo would gain even more power and influence elevating him to [[Aedile]] of House [[Oriens Obscurum]]. He would lead his House through countless battles and would secure countless victories. He was viewed as the stronger Leader of the House and as a Sith would do, made a move for power. He would battle the Quaestor and defeat him, ultimately replacing him and in turn was granted the rank of Knight. Upon reaching Knighthood, Ktulu, growing weary, began grooming him as a successor to the [[Xylers|Xyler]] Dynasty. Eventually, he assumed the mantle of 28th Count of Gothengromer on [[starwars:Mantessa|Mantessa]].

"You're a people person Armidian, the senators would be wise to elect you."
=== Betrayal ===
Childhood friend Delos Shriken to Quejo Armidian.
Many years had passed and Quejo, in search of knowledge gave up his position as Quaestor of House Oriens Obscurum and would briefly travel to various systems throughout the Galaxy. Refining what he had been taught along the way. As a full fledged Obelisk, he would return to the Dajorra System and would convince the standing Consul, Denath to reopen [[House Galeres]] which was all but a memory. Reluctantly, Denath agreed and Quejo would set in motion Project: Foundation. Along with a group of beings, who he thought were close allies, his plans went off without a hitch. Galeres became stronger and [[Soulfire]] Striketeam was reborn and gaining traction throughout the Brotherhood. A cog in the machine that was Galeres, Quejo built the House from the ground up and would appoint [[Sashar]] as his Aedile. At first the two worked well together but jealousy turned to blackmail when his so called allies threatened a coup and made it clear that they would try to destroy everything Quejo had built if Sashar was not removed from his seat of power. The Xyler's foresight was hindered and doing what he thought would be best for the Clan, would betray his second in command and banish him. Sashar was embroiled with rage but was unaware of the situation in its entirety. However, because of what Quejo was able to accomplish, he was named Proconsul and would work with [[Strategos Thanatos Arconae]] who was acting Consul at the time. Once again, members who shall not be named, were able to get to Strategos and pushed Quejo, nearly to his breaking point. The newest [[di Tenebrous Arconae]] was feeling the same betrayal that his former Aedile had felt. The karma came back to bite him and the same members that tried driving out Sashar were the very people who tried to push out Quejo. They were scheming in the shadows like cowards and worked effortlessly to make their move for power. Quejo, evading an assassination attempt, managed to behead one of his attackers but was driven from the Dajorra System by force; now labeled a traitor and stripped of di Tenebrous Arconae. He seethed with anger and longed for vengeance. Not fully realizing what had happened until one of the masterminds of the 'coup' was riddled with guilt and came forward as a whistleblower, revealing the plan in its entirety over an encrypted transmission. That man was [[Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana]], a man that Quejo respected and admired, a turncoat and betrayer in his own right. He was now an enemy, a marked man. Eventually those who betrayed Quejo fell to the wayside, insignificant peons that were unable to maintain their own 'power' as they proved to be expendable and not assets.

After the death of his father, Quejo Armidian thought it wise to follow the path his mother had bestowed upon him, so he joined the political scene. He knew alot about "playing sides" as was often seen in his debates and campaigns. Though he never won a major position, he learned alot, more than what a young man should of known. He was often labeled headstrong and overconfident, which is one of the main reasons he never got elected to office. He learned for years under his mothers tutelage until feeling as if an "expantion" on his character needed to take place. It wasnt long before he found himself doing the job that claimed his fathers life.
=== Plagued One ===
Quejo, after the betrayal would find refuge in the newly established [[Clan Plagueis]] which at the time was run by [[Grand Master]] [[Chi Long]]. He would lick his wounds and prove his worth by once again taking the reigns of House leadership in [[House Satal Keto]] and [[House Exar Kun]], serving as a Quaestor for both Houses. He diligently studied how the new Clan operated and worked ceaselessly to make a new name for himself in a new sector. He was successful for a time but then had an epiphany. To absorb the knowledge from each Clan, he would need to continue his travelling. Never staying in one place for too long. A wanderer. A nomad with no real place to call home. But would become wealthy with understanding. [[House Marka Ragnos]] was next on his list and once again he would become a Quaestor. He would lead the House through the [[Invasion of Orian|Orian Invasion]] along with his Aedile Manji Keibatsu and would need to immediately mobilize their troops in order to defend [[Clan Naga Sadow]]. But even after the battle he remained weary and thought it best to back away and leave the House in [[Trevarus Caerick|Trevarus Caerick's]] able hands. For the first time in a long time, he felt like he had achieved something, his sense of usefulness had been restored.Yet, the wanderlust, proved to be too seductive and he was unable to resist its call. For his efforts and skill in battle he was dubbed Warlord by [[Macron Goura Sadow]] but would initially end up back in the [[Dajorra System]] with a new plan.

===The Path of the Jedi...===
== Personal Profile  ==
[[Image:QuejoPadawan.jpg|left|frame|Padawan Quejo Levitates]]"You'e a strong warrior, Quejo. You use the force to guide you, always focussing on the present. Though you do everything right, you're head strong and carry too much pride. Let go of the emotions keeping you from using your full potential." Jedi Master Shanet Devossa to Padawan Quejo the night before his fall to the dark side.
===  Powers and Abilities  ===

Quejo wasnt one of the most powerful Jedi Initiates in the galaxy, but he had great potential and charisma about him that made him stand out to the Masters who would come to watch the young initiates spar, seeking Padawans. The sparring sections were not only physical but they were demanding on the mind. Quejo was always sharp and proficient with a lightsaber, he infact, was one of the first initiates who picked up on the moves earlier and quicker into training than most others. This in turn made him a nightmare to duel with. While other students were trying to figure out the more acrobatic lightsaber styles, Quejo was focussed on learning the style made Famous by Count Dooku, Makashi.
===  Philosophy  ===

Though this wouldnt be taught until a Master took him on as Padawan. A couple years went by before the Masters scheduled a preview of the initiates, but it came nonetheless. Quejo was set to face one of his closest friends in the Order and won with an aggressive, series of flurries followed by a spinning kick which drove his opponent to the floor.
===  Demeanor/Battle Tactics  ===

Later that night, Jedi Master Shanet Devossa stopped Quejo in the Jedi Archives and told him that he would be his new Master if the Council would allow it. Well...They did and would soon be labeled the most promising Jedi in the Order. Quejo new that his skill with the force was nothing to brag about, but his Master would train him until he couldnt train any longer. Armidian was shaping up to be one of the most charismatic and fearless Jedi in the Order, atleast so he thought. His overconfidence grew and his thoughts began to dominate him. He became wreckless, seeking glory and the thrill of a fight. Though he started to become arrogant, he still managed to keep his thoughts to himself. No one suspected him of slipping to the Dark Side, but they slowly started to become aware of the Young Padawan's bloodline. The force gave the Masters visions, but they would be ignored by Quejo's Master, Shanet.
==  Personal Fighter  ==

== DJB Facts ==
=== Positions...  ===
== DJB Facts ==
* [[Flight Leader]] of Shadow Dragon
* [[Aedile]] of [[House Oriens Obscurum]]
* [[Quaestor]] of [[House Oriens Obscurum]]
* [[Antei Combat Center]] Judge x2
* [[Eclectic Pedagogue]]
* [[Quaestor]] of [[House Galeres]]
* Gaming Staff
* [[Proconsul]] of [[Arcona|Clan Arcona]]
* [[DJBWiki Staff]]
* [[Quaestor]] of Satal Keto
* [[Commander]] of Galthain Squadron
* [[Envoy]] of [[Clan Naga Sadow]]
* [[Quaestor]] of [[House Marka Ragnos]]
* [[Aedile]] of [[House Qel-Droma]]
* [[Quaestor]] of [[House Qel-Droma]]
* [[Antei Combat Center]] Trainer
* [[Quaestor]] of [[House Exar Kun]]
* [[Magistrate]] to the [[Headmaster]]
* [[Rollmaster]] of [[Odan-Urr]]
* [[Proconsul]] of [[Clan Taldryan]]

== Trivia ==
===  Awards...  ===


[[Category: DJB Characters]]
==  Trivia  ==
===  Apprentices...  ===
* [[Anubis Annedu]] Wrath
* DarkHunter
* [[Shikyo]]
* Scyrone
* Xylnn Wolfstalker
* [[Dev'err Malren]]
[[Category:Taldryan members]]

Latest revision as of 15:34, 29 July 2024

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Quejo Xyler
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

19 BBY

Physical Description












Personal Information
Lightsaber Form(s):
Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information
Personal Ship:


[ Source ]

"I will seek them out. These vassals of the Force"
― Quejo

Character History

Love and Politics

Born nineteen years before the battle of Yavin in the Outer Rim Territories, during the rise of the Empire. Quejo Drakai was the product of forbidden love. His Father, Drago Drakai, was a hard nosed politician and military man who served as a spokesman for the Government of Eriadu. He would fall for the daughter of a Smuggler turned administrator, Vulk Nova. Drago and Vulk had numerous scuffles and trade disputes and could not come to terms on nearly anything. In fact, they loathed one another. The Hydian Way would begin to suffer, until the much older Drago would meet Vulk's daughter, Serah. He was enamored by her beauty and would use her as a bargaining chip. If Vulk were to agree to the marriage, he would in turn lighten up and allow Nova Industries to operate free of the Eriadu Government. The Seswanna Sector would rejoice and celebrate the potential free trade. Reluctantly, Vulk agreed. For a number of years things would run smoothly until the rise of the Imperial machine which would rewrite the trade routes and enforce its own economic laws. Vulk, being in a bind, begged for aid from Eriadu and reached out to his now pregnant daughter. She would speak to Drago, but the patriarch became bitter, power hungry, and increasingly dutiful to the new Empire. To prove his worth and loyalty, he would plot to assassinate Vulka and would succeed the same year his daughter gave birth to their son.

Imperial Academy

The year was 1 BBY and Quejo was ready to join the Empire. He yearned to make his father proud and grew up learning how to be diplomatic yet manipulative. He learned how to weave his words and how to fight if those words were to fail. He impressed his father with his mind and his mother with a strange luck that she could not explain. She always knew he was destined for great things. After all, the birth was seemingly supernatural. As if it was meant to be. There was something special about her son but she could never put her finger on it. Drago, seeing his sons potential, was anxious for the day his son would leave for the Naval Academy. That day came and nothing made him more pleased than watching his boy grow into a man, ascending through the ranks at a staggering rate. Quejo would serve the Imperial Navy until 5 ABY where everything he had helped build would begin to crumble and the walls would close in around him. At Least for a time

Siren's Call

The Rebel Alliance had delivered a fatal blow to the Empire. The Emperor and Vader were dead. The Imperials that were alive had either fled to remote systems or tried to regroup. Quejo, participated in the latter. He refused to let a group of farmers and wannabe flyboys one-up his Empire. With an VT-49 Decimator known as the Siren's call, he would pick up his most trusted allies. His best friend and Academic equal, Sho-lu, whom he nicknamed Waar was the first to join his cause. Where Quejo was more privy to Tactics, Piloting, and Command. Waar was a weapons specialist, who at the time, served the Imperial Special Forces. He was a Kiffar, but was human enough that Quejo and the Empire didnt care. The next being on his passenger list was an up and coming Naval Officer who had tremendous potential and his inherent Leadership skills impressed everyone he came into contact with. His name was Villinus Hex and his aspirations reminded everyone of a young Wilhuff Tarkin. Together they would fight back against the Rebel Alliance, however, they resembled Mercenaries more than they did Imperials. After a serious dog fight which rendered the Siren's Call inoperable, the three men were left for dead, adrift in the abyss of space in an unknown system they later discovered was called Antei, specifically the Dajorra System. They were hailed by a strange ship piloted by an even stranger man who called himself Ktulu Mizheray Xyler. The man was very interested in Quejo and explained, that ironically, something within the Siren's Call had awakened and called out to him. The whisper of the Force was heard and Quejo was the catalyst. This obviously had them confused as they had not seen a Jedi or even heard of one until the fall of their Empire took them by surprise. They all studied Order-66 and like everyone else assumed the purge had been thorough. Ktulu would assure them that he was no Jedi but something far more powerful. A Krath Priest.


Taken under Ktulu's wing, Quejo would learn the intricacies of the Force. The Scholar would teach him how to harness his raw and untamed power, that lay dormant since birth, would wake into an uncontrollable surge. He struggled for control but was hungry to utilize everything he was learning. He would once again move forward in the Brotherhood, hand picked by Syn Kaek and Halcyon Rokir as the Flight Leader of Shadow Dragon Squadron. They would increase his training, teaching him how to wield a Lightsaber (which he excelled at) and how to use his leadership, manipulation, and diplomacy to leverage people into carrying out his will in Clan Arcona. He was a master of his craft and would quickly draw attention, impressing the Shadow Council. Mejas Doto in particular took interest in him and would see to it personally that Quejo would gain even more power and influence elevating him to Aedile of House Oriens Obscurum. He would lead his House through countless battles and would secure countless victories. He was viewed as the stronger Leader of the House and as a Sith would do, made a move for power. He would battle the Quaestor and defeat him, ultimately replacing him and in turn was granted the rank of Knight. Upon reaching Knighthood, Ktulu, growing weary, began grooming him as a successor to the Xyler Dynasty. Eventually, he assumed the mantle of 28th Count of Gothengromer on Mantessa.


Many years had passed and Quejo, in search of knowledge gave up his position as Quaestor of House Oriens Obscurum and would briefly travel to various systems throughout the Galaxy. Refining what he had been taught along the way. As a full fledged Obelisk, he would return to the Dajorra System and would convince the standing Consul, Denath to reopen House Galeres which was all but a memory. Reluctantly, Denath agreed and Quejo would set in motion Project: Foundation. Along with a group of beings, who he thought were close allies, his plans went off without a hitch. Galeres became stronger and Soulfire Striketeam was reborn and gaining traction throughout the Brotherhood. A cog in the machine that was Galeres, Quejo built the House from the ground up and would appoint Sashar as his Aedile. At first the two worked well together but jealousy turned to blackmail when his so called allies threatened a coup and made it clear that they would try to destroy everything Quejo had built if Sashar was not removed from his seat of power. The Xyler's foresight was hindered and doing what he thought would be best for the Clan, would betray his second in command and banish him. Sashar was embroiled with rage but was unaware of the situation in its entirety. However, because of what Quejo was able to accomplish, he was named Proconsul and would work with Strategos Thanatos Arconae who was acting Consul at the time. Once again, members who shall not be named, were able to get to Strategos and pushed Quejo, nearly to his breaking point. The newest di Tenebrous Arconae was feeling the same betrayal that his former Aedile had felt. The karma came back to bite him and the same members that tried driving out Sashar were the very people who tried to push out Quejo. They were scheming in the shadows like cowards and worked effortlessly to make their move for power. Quejo, evading an assassination attempt, managed to behead one of his attackers but was driven from the Dajorra System by force; now labeled a traitor and stripped of di Tenebrous Arconae. He seethed with anger and longed for vengeance. Not fully realizing what had happened until one of the masterminds of the 'coup' was riddled with guilt and came forward as a whistleblower, revealing the plan in its entirety over an encrypted transmission. That man was Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana, a man that Quejo respected and admired, a turncoat and betrayer in his own right. He was now an enemy, a marked man. Eventually those who betrayed Quejo fell to the wayside, insignificant peons that were unable to maintain their own 'power' as they proved to be expendable and not assets.

Plagued One

Quejo, after the betrayal would find refuge in the newly established Clan Plagueis which at the time was run by Grand Master Chi Long. He would lick his wounds and prove his worth by once again taking the reigns of House leadership in House Satal Keto and House Exar Kun, serving as a Quaestor for both Houses. He diligently studied how the new Clan operated and worked ceaselessly to make a new name for himself in a new sector. He was successful for a time but then had an epiphany. To absorb the knowledge from each Clan, he would need to continue his travelling. Never staying in one place for too long. A wanderer. A nomad with no real place to call home. But would become wealthy with understanding. House Marka Ragnos was next on his list and once again he would become a Quaestor. He would lead the House through the Orian Invasion along with his Aedile Manji Keibatsu and would need to immediately mobilize their troops in order to defend Clan Naga Sadow. But even after the battle he remained weary and thought it best to back away and leave the House in Trevarus Caerick's able hands. For the first time in a long time, he felt like he had achieved something, his sense of usefulness had been restored.Yet, the wanderlust, proved to be too seductive and he was unable to resist its call. For his efforts and skill in battle he was dubbed Warlord by Macron Goura Sadow but would initially end up back in the Dajorra System with a new plan.

Personal Profile

Powers and Abilities


Demeanor/Battle Tactics

Personal Fighter

DJB Facts




