- "Without honor, we are nothing but savages. Without loyalty, nothing but betrayers. It is these two virtues that make us who we are, and without them, make us who we should never be."
- ― Cassandra Tyris
Cassandra Oriana Tyris is the Supreme Chancellor of the Taldryan Republic, and a former Senator for the city of Caleria on the Republic capital world of Kasiya. She is the second to hold this station, and often times is referred to by the title given to her because of that: Lady Second. She is also a member of the Taldrya, having been recently inducted into their roll after the constant and selfless devotion to the Republic.
Early History (Birth - 40 ABY)
Remembering very little about her childhood's younger years, the first memories that Cassandra can recall were when she was discovered by a group of Mandalorian warriors who were passing through an area that had been ravaged by an Imperial Remnant group. They had found her with to the body of a woman, assumed to be her mother. At the time, according to them, she was no more than six years old. The area clearly had been destroyed a significant time ago, and even in a famished fatigued state, the young girl stood firmly against the Mandalorians with a spear in hand to defend her mother's corpse. Impressed by her bravery and resilience, they took her in as a foundling and raised her as their own on the ruined planet of Concord Dawn.
Growing up within the Mandalorian culture, she learned the importance of honor, strength, and loyalty. She was trained in the art of combat and became a skilled warrior in her own right. She quickly rose in both practical and intellectual knowledge, physical strength, and mastery of the Mandalorian Core martial art all by the age of 10 which earned the respect of her fellow Mandalorians.
Despite her loyalty to the Mandalorian way of life, the young girl had a deep desire to explore the galaxy and see what else was out there. When she reached the age of 13, Cassandra participated in her clan's rite of passage: verd'goten. She was tested on everything she had learned, besting many of the more seasoned Mandalorians within the clan, and eventually was proclaimed an adult in their eyes. As an adult, she was given the choice to become a full Mandalorian, but she instead chose to leave the Mandalorians and embarked on a journey of self-discovery.
Upon her departure, she was given a beskar necklace which had a crest hanging from it with a symbol of a Quenker, the creature of which she had rescued a cub from when it was separated from its family and spent nearly a month to find its family and return it. On the same necklace was a purple and white pendant that she was told she had been found with, opening to reveal a quote inside: '"My stars, my life, I love you always and forever my precious Cassandra Oriana. - Alana Tyris, Mom"'
She had a name. Cassandra Oriana...Tyris. With bittersweet goodbyes, she made her way off of Concord Dawn and began exploring the galaxy. Compared to what she had been used to, it was a vast and endless place both with its positives, and its negatives.
Taldryan Days (36-40 ABY)
After many years of traveling the stars, journeying from system to system, she found herself on the moon Ostara in 36 ABY, a bustling world known for its diversity and tolerance. There, she became involved in local politics and began advocating for the rights of citizens who were often marginalized and overlooked by the ruling clan of Taldryan. Her efforts on behalf of the people of Ostara earned her a reputation as a passionate and effective advocate. She was eventually appointed as an advocate to the Taldryan leadership within the Citadel, the clan's base of operations, for the citizens and she worked tirelessly to improve the lives of those around her.
As her influence grew, an event known as the Elysia Incident occurred which resulted in solar flares from the Caelus Star striking the moon and severely disrupting its magnetic field. Organizing as many civilian transports as she could, Cassandra assisted in the evacuation of the world but inevitably she was unable to escape before ion storms engulfed the skies, destroying several transports already ascending towards space and preventing anyone else from leaving.
Cassandra learning the art of Vaapad.
With the moon trapped in perpetual darkness, the only light coming from the constant storms far above in the atmosphere, Cassandra worked closely with the remaining Taldryan members and civilians that were still there to try and mete out a life for themselves. Most electronics fried, and it was several months before reinforced generators could be constructed and the first fringes of power restored to the Citadel. It had been noticed that she was force sensitive, something that priorly had been overlooked, during an attack on the Citadel ruins by a pack of rancor that intruded from the forest.
As one of them had moved towards a group of children, Cassandra placed herself between the group and the rancor and in her anger somehow had sent it staggering backwards with a deep indent in its chest. It had struggled to breathe, before it finally dropped to the ground and was dead. Upon seeing this, one of the Force Disciples that was present on Ostara took her under his wing and helped teach her how to control her power and harness it. He also taught her the exquisite lightsaber art of Vaapad, using his own force powers to help in hardening her emotions and mind to master it.
Several years passed before the Regent of the Brotherhood, Zxyl Taldrya, managed to get through the ion storms. She was happy to learn that nearly everyone who had fled Ostara had survived. Upon being given the option to remain on Ostara or travel to the new capital on the moon Kasiya, she chose to go. She knew those still there would be fine, as they all had gained immense strength and capabilities over those dark years, and wanted to work towards the betterment of the now reformed Taldryan Republic as a whole.
Shortly after arriving on Kasiya in 40 ABY and diving right into life as an advocate, she gained the attention of the leaders of the city of Caleria where she was living. They recognized not just her talent, but many of them remembered her and her efforts on Ostara years ago. She was asked to become a Senator for Caleria, to represent them and their interests within the Taldryan Senate.
At first, she was hesitant to take on such a responsibility. But after much reflection, she realized that this was an opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of millions of people. She accepted the position and after moving to the capital of Port Kasiya she began her new role with passion and dedication.
As a senator, she worked to strengthen the ties between Port Kasiya and Caleria, as well as improve relations with the neighboring moon of Chyron. She also pushed for legislation that would help subsidize homes for the city's homeless population in Holmes, protect the environment, and promote sustainable practices. Despite facing opposition and criticism from some of her fellow senators, she remained steadfast in her beliefs and continued to fight for what she thought was right.
Over time, she became one of the most respected and influential politicians on Kasiya. Her leadership and dedication earned her the nickname "The People's Senator." Looking back on her life, she knew that she had come a long way from her humble beginnings as a foundling. She was proud of the person she had become and knew that her journey was far from over.
Dark Whirlwinds (41 ABY)
The Second Chancellor
In early 41 ABY, Supreme Chancellor and Lord First Appius Wight brought a motion before the senate to assist in the defense of the Saijo Sector directly to the south of their sector. Pirates had somehow managed to break through the extensive defensive perimeter that the Saijo monarchy had established along their southern border with the Kallea Sector. As part of his argument for supporting the assault, he warned what could happen should the pirates overtake the system as Taldryan's own home sector was next in their path. This was especially emphasized due to the mysterious disappearance of the Vice-Chancellor and Naval Grand Admiral Teebu Nyrrire, which had already greatly weakened their naval offensive and defensive capabilities.
Despite the warnings, the senate overwhelmingly voted against their involvement in the war, as in their eyes there was not enough evidence to support any credence that the pirates would indeed move further north. Already they were far outside of their normal areas and for decades Saijo had blockaded every form of supply route that could have benefited Kallea, particularly the Corellian Trade Spine, and constantly authorized assaults into their territories. The citizens of Caleria were equally apprehensive and desired nothing more than to focus on themselves for now and continue finding ways to try and get back to Ostara, since all support in doing so from the Republic itself had all but faded. Due to this, Cassandra voted against joining the war as well.
She was stunned when barely a few days later word had reached her offices back in Caleria that the Supreme Chancellor had ignored the will of the senate and dispatched the Taldryan Republic Naval Fleet to assist the Saijo monarchy in fighting back the pirates. Almost immediately the senate called an emergency session with War Marshal Lee Starr presiding in the absence of both Chancellors. While many could understand the reasonings behind what he had done, many of the other senators could not get over the singular fact of the issue: he disobeyed a direct senate mandate. Finally, the senator of Chyron brought the motion for a Vote of No Confidence in the Lord First's leadership. It fell largely against the expected lines, with Chyron and other Calerian senators all voting in favor, while most of Elysia's and Kasiya's senators voted against it. Cassandra was one of just a few Calerian senators to vote against it, favoring instead severe sanctions against his office, given everything he had accomplished and done for the Republic. It came down to a solid tie, in which the War Marshal concurred with those voting in favor of his removal.
When the fleet returned, Appius had closed himself up in his office while the newly returned Vice-Chancellor Nyrrire assumed his post in leading the senate. When votes came up on who should be nominated to succeed him as the Second Chancellor, Grand Admiral Teebu Nyrrire of the Naval Fleet, nominated himself as he already had the post of Vice-Chancellor and direct succession made the most sense. However, before the vote could take place, once again the Chyron delegation stood against it. They cited his disappearance and the sudden appearance of damning evidence that he had been working with the main adversary of the Taldryan Republic, the 19th Saber Imperial Remnant as one of their officers the near half-year he had been gone. The cries to instead vote for another, similarly, were more vocal than anything else. Once Nyrrire retired himself from the chamber, the most prominent names went up. Jorm Na'trej, who was the Chancellor of Chyron, War Marshal Lee Starr of the Taldryan Strategic Operations Council, Koda Kendis the Chancellor of Elysia, among four others. Coming as a shock to both herself and a few others, Cassandra's name was thrown up alongside theirs.
Once her name was up the deliberations were not long before a vote was held and it was a close race between herself and Jorm Na'trej, the others trailing far behind. Ultimately, however, she pulled ahead in the later hours and the gap only grew. By the evening of the same day that both of the former Chancellors had been all but removed from power, she was now to assume the role of the Second Chancellor and Lady Second, as the Taldryan Republic's new Supreme Chancellor.
Disappearances and a Mock War
The next day as she assumed her post and had her belongings transferred to Taldryan Tower, she was stunned to find everything from her predecessor was gone. His quarters cleared out. His office was barren except for the large furniture that had been present before. Everything that could have indicated anyone had even been in this office was gone, leaving the illusion that she herself was the first to be there. Upon requesting an inquiry, she found out that Appius had disappeared from the city without so much as a word after the vote to remove him had taken place. Nyrrire, as well, had gone missing though the Office of Secret Intelligence had obtained evidence that he had been kidnapped by unknown renegades. Only one of his twin lightsabers remained and now was in her possession.
Initially she brought on the Elysian Chancellor, Koda Kendis, as her Vice-Chancellor but his longing for his home as well as the constant bustle of the bureaucracy proved to be not for him and she gracefully allowed him to return home. Following that, she identified someone who had served Taldryan in the past: The last Consul, Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama.
Strangely enough, it wasn't her who sought Erinyes out but the exact opposite when Erinyes randomly visited Taldryan Tower to discuss the opening of a new vineyard in the northern reaches of the Karufr Lowlands. Excited about the prospect, the two traveled together to the area in question and started bonding over their love of wine. When Erin questioned where Koda was and how he was doing, Cassandra informed her of his recent resignation and that she stood alone at the summit. With everything that had happened to Taldryan the last several years, she made the decision to offer herself up to be the next Vice-Chancellor. The idea was brought before the Taldryan Republic Administrative Committee for a vote, and unanimously was approved. As was the vineyard, by Cassandra.
The First Signs of Fracture
Late in 41 ABY, a heavily encrypted communication was sent by Grand Master Evant Taelyan directly to Cassandra's office. Up until this point, the Brotherhood had been fairly quiet aside from occasional requests for materials and goods, and this act was something that initially worried her. The Republic Senate held a strong stance against the Brotherhood, wanting to stand on its own two feet away from them. She, however, understood the connections between Taldryan and the Brotherhood and still ensured they were involved as directly as they chose to be and that loyalty to the Iron Throne was maintained.
Cassandra the night before the start of the War.
The communication was short, brisk, and to the point. Both Cassandra and the Taldryan military were to report to a specific set of coordinates where a 'gate' had been constructed which lead to where the Children of Mortis were hiding. The plan was to infiltrate their home region on the other side of the gate known as the Ethereal Realm. Initially she brought this before the Senate and overwhelmingly was denied in the taking of Taldryan resources and military strength to do nothing but be the Iron Throne's 'dog', but after reminding them of what happened to Taldryan's old home of Karufr at the hands of the Brotherhood's Iron Navy and that the Republic in its current form would not be able to withstand a direct assault, the vote again was held and passed.
It was at this point the Taldryan Republic had entered it's second war, the Sixteenth Great Jedi War.
The Ethereal Realm
Being new to this level of leadership as a Chancellor, Cassandra elected to join her forces on the front lines during the initial assaults into the realm. The realm itself was unique in that the force was extremely unstable when it came to the force. At times she was forced to rely on her own physical strength and endurance, while other times she could fight almost endlessly across the battlefield with unending haste and stamina as if someone had turned on a water tap and just left it running. Other times she was able to utilize abilities of the force she had never learned or even considered using before that point.
Along with members of the Black Fire Brigade, a recently re-activated detachment of the Summit Guards, a good handful of Cassandra's closest friends whom were in the Taldryan Military chose to join the front lines of the Shattered Fields as well and fight alongside her with other Taldryanites that had gone as well. Taldryan itself held itself directly in the vanguard of the assaulting forces from the various clans, demonstrating its commitment to following the will of the throne.
A catastrophy would nearly occur however when herself, Shanree, and several others would break off from the front lines to traverse the Corpse Fields and get around to the backside of a massive fort which stood in the way of the main forces. This tactic had been considered by the Children, and an empowered force was sent to face off against them. The battle was grim from the start and as it went on, it looked as if they were all going to fall there. Channeling a newly invigorated level of the Force that had entered her body, Cassandra conjured a massive Force Storm into the sky. The enemy forces fell by the dozens, some of the bolts nearly taking down Shanree as well. He, however, as a Miraluka who could see with the Force, saw that this power was about to overwhelm and consume her. In a rather brash and selfish move, he dodged numerous bolts as he sprinted to her and dove into her, disrupting the flow of the storm and bringing it to an end.
Ultimately the tactic succeeded as the group reached the rear of the fort and fought their way inside, opening the front to provide a path for the military forces to enter. Once the fort had fallen and the army passed through the fields, only the Fortress of the Unchained which served as the Children of Mortis' base of operations, stood before them.
Easily this proved to be the most difficult part of the battle, though one perk of the fortress being similar to a massive castle, there were plenty of open windows for enemies to be telekinetically thrown out. Or, at times when she was empowered, making a window to throw them out using their bodies as hammers.
Deep within the fortress she came across a massive crystalline rancor, and saw Clan Plagueis' Consul Selika Roh and Alaris Jinn, also from Plagueis, about to enter combat with it. She lept down from the balcony where she had just thrown several others out of a nearby window and offered to assist with the endeavor. After a significant fight of which the hard crystals of the rancor proved nearly indestructible, the three who each had a mastery of telekinetic powers, worked in tandem in a triangular formation and together telekinetically crushed the rancor. The three returned to their rightful assault forces and continued the fight. It was not long before the fortress was nearly overwhelmed, and victory was in reach.
After the fortress had fallen, a fall-back order was given by Deputy Grand Master Dacien Victae to depart the realm with victory secured. With ships unusable, it was a long journey back to the portal. Once back on the outside, the Taldryan forces began to regroup and take count. It was at this point Cassandra noticed she was unable to sense the others that had came with her, and upon checking the casualty logs from the Medic Corps, fell aghast at what she saw. All seven of her military friends whom had joined her, had perished in various stages of the advance to the fortress.
During the journey back to Caelus, Cassandra's thoughts did nothing but haunt her. *She* was the reason they were dead. The reason they were even with the vanguard to begin with, as none of them had ever been part of a front-line force before. They wouldn't have been there if not for her, and they would have been safe.
This was made worse for her after they had returned to the Caelus system to thunderous applause from the Republic, word having reached them first of her being declared a Hero of the War'. To her, she was no hero. She knew she went into the war in a completely naive manner, something she should have instead ran through the military leadership and let them coordinate with her help. Instead, now she was being celebrated while the families of her friends mourned. Taldryanites toasted with her, while her friends never would again. Her mind continuously began to spiral downward, and as new issues and threats arose, she began to question herself and her choices.
With the instability that sat in her mind, a Chiss Inquisitor by the name of Anders was sent by newly placed Grand Master Dacien to keep an eye on things within the Taldryan Republic. Given the nature of the Senate's stance towards them, if Cassandra fell from grace, he would not allow Taldryan to secede from them. This was a legitimate threat as following the sudden disappearance of Appius, it had already been brought up by the Senate.
She was far enough off of her normal routine that after Erinyes had been promoted to the post of Emissary of the Brotherhood, Anders manipulated the list of candidates to replace her and ensured his own rise to Vice-Chancellor. This act placed him directly where he could both watch Cassandra, and ensure there were no treasonous acts against the Brotherhood by the senate of which he now had full access to.
The Kasiyan Blizzard (41 ABY)
Her concern now, putting his deceptive and own treasonous act to the side, was the upcoming alignment of Huracan and Grannus to cause an eclipse on Kasiya, which was predicted to bring a massive snowstorm to the moon. The rest she was able to sense was connected to her time being gone, with the mental consensus questioning where she had been all this time.
Initially within projections, a request was put out to the Brotherhood at large at the senate's request to see if any volunteers would be willing to assist with the fallout from these storms. This action made Cassandra chuckle, as up until now they wanted nothing to do with the Brotherhood. It was like pulling rancor teeth to get them to do anything involving them, but now that a crisis was on their doorstep they made the motion before even speaking to her about it. Luckily, she had already put out requests, and answers came from all across...even Taldryan's traditional adversary, Clan Arcona.
As the planets aligned, shorltly after forces from each of the Clans had arrived including some from the Council itself, the storm struck Kasiya just as predicted. The intensity, however, was far more severe than anticipated. Grannus' alignment resulted in a massive volcanic shift on the two worlds. This spawned a massive storm in which the temperatures were predicted to fall low enough to freeze even oxygen itself on the surface. After learning that the forces helping with civilian evacuations would not have enough time to secure but at least 35% of them and restore maybe a quarter of the power to the city, Cassandra left her post in the safety of the Senate Complex against the orders of Senator Frei-Jar whom had opted to grab a hold of her to stop her. This act resulted in her telekinetically throwing him through the senate chamber doors and into the main hallway as she turned and left, Frei-Jar left cowering in fear. Cassandra made her way to Port Kasiya to try and use her skills in Telekinesis to hold the storm off and buy the teams as much time as she could.
When she arrived at the highest building on the western edge of the city wearing a weather-resistant armor suit, however, she was shocked to see an Arconan named Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir already there and about to do the exact same thing. Joining forces, they projected their telekinetic powers into a wide net which held the giant black storm just to the west of the city.
The gambit worked, at least partially. The storm was slowed by their collective efforts but gradually continued to make its way toward Port Kasiya. As the temperature plummeted, the power within her suit did the same. In under an hour the storm was on the edge of the city, Ruka all but nearly frozen solid and Cassandra's armor power levels gone and her own temperature began to plummet. In an unusual act, former Grand Master Muz Ashen arrived from orbit and added his own power to the duo to further hold it back. Despite his request for her to back off now, Cassandra refused due to Ruka being incapacitated yet not realizing that Ruka was still channeling telekinesis despite being frozen and continued to push herself to her absolute limits.
In a last ditch effort, Muz used a power that forced energy from the Force and blasted the storm back several miles which bought them a significant amount more of time and warmed the air around them but drained his own energy significantly. Taking that moment to gain a breath, Cassandra pulled off her now useless helmet and gulped in the slightly warmer air as the air in the suit had become stagnant when the life support system failed.
Others who had arrived to provide general support, having sensed Ruka's condition, were shocked at the fact that someone from Taldryan showed concern for an Arconae before themself given the negative relations and standing between the two. As the storm began to rage closer once again, Cassandra checked the status and the rescue efforts were around 80%. Needing to buy a little more time she forced herself back up and requested that Ruka be taken to safety as she once again raised her arms to slow its advance with Muz doing the same. The Arconans did as she had asked and fled into the building below.
The pair gave them as long as they feasibly could, the temperature already down to deadly levels again, but at the limit rescue efforts had just been completed. Far above, the Allegiance Battle Group was actively working to try and forcefully separate the two planets to try and bring an end to the storms but the magnetic pull between the two proved to be far too strong even at full bombardment on Huracan's surface. With that, they bolted down into the building as the storm quickly raged over the building and began forming ice inside of the quickly closed door.
About an hour later, as the center of the gap between the two planets came into view, the storms briefly backed off from the city. An idea had come across Muz' mind after hearing what the fleet above was doing, and requested to be taken to their flagship. Cassandra happily obliged and together they traveled to the [Taldryan Republic Naval Fleet] Flagship, the Leviathan. A significant amount of the crew was shocked to see a non-Taldryan on board, but they dared not question it.
At the same time, the eye of the storm began to close as Huracan came into view of the star, and an even more intense storm began to form. Muz once again forced energy from the Force, this time on a far larger scale with multiple others including the ship's Admiral offering as well.
Using what he could muster, the orbit of Grannus began to shift away from Huracan before it was eventually in the same orbit line and speed as Perune. As they were separated, the magma bursts and eruptions ceased and all seemed to go calm on Grannus. Muz fell to one knee completely exhausted, while most of the others completely passed out except for Cassandra who barely kept herself conscious.
The Regent, The Mandalorian, The Traditionalist (41-42 ABY)
It was not long before Zxyl took notice during a visit to Port Kasiya following the snowstorm that something was wrong. Without even speaking to Cassandra, he noticed she was not the same as she had been when they met on Ostara, discussed details of Caleria's advancement, bringing the Axios back online, or even during the war. Using some of his contacts, he found out exactly what was going on and how it weighed on her mind. His first thought was of just how naive and inexperienced she truly was to have gotten into that state, but it was not something he would say. It was something that he full well knew she understood and aimed at herself far more negatively than he could ever try to convey.
During a conversation with Dasha 'Talus' Jalus in his tongue of Mando'a, he was surprised when the nearby Cassandra whom was sitting at the riverfront, responded and added to the conversation in the same language. While fairly rusty, it was still very accurate. The conversation between Dasha and him moved elsewhere to a more private setting, but he eventually returned to the riverfront and spoke with her. He asked her how she came to know that language, to which she explained her past. How she came to be a foundling after her mother's death, eventually leaving the clan who had taken her in to be able and explore the galaxy.
From his experiences with her, he knew her dedication to Taldryan. He never acknowledged her position as the Supreme Chancellor, instead as what she would have been: the Consul of Clan Taldryan. Despite that position no longer existing, she still acted like she was much to his impressment. Even when the Senate acted against ideals of attributes that defined it, she always stood steadfast against them. She even put herself in harms way during the war for the Clan. Anyone else, he would never have done this. But, after some time Zxyl made her an offer: He gave her a heavily encrypted data chip that had a set of coordinates on it, and if she wanted his help in becoming stronger not just for herself but for Taldryan's benefit she was to meet him there. Quietly.
While she was reluctant to leave the Republic in Anders' hands, she knew that Taldryan had to come first. And at this point she was in no shape to lead it, much less defend it. Without a hesitating thought she accepted his offer and immediately began making preparations.
The Brutal Tutilage of Bes'uliik
The coordinates lead her to a secluded and well-hidden world known as Nau'ur. As her ship descended on a pre-programmed course set from within the data chip, the landscape she saw reminded her much of the ruins of Yavin 4. It was an impressive, quiet world to be sure. Once on the ground, she walked to the main temple in an athletic style outfit and a large duffle bag with extra clothing, boots, her lightsabers, and other gear.
Once there, Zxyl welcomed her to the home of the Bes'uliik Mandalorians. She was the first outsider to ever set foot here, and warned she had better not make him regret it. From the start, the terms were laid out. She was to listen to every order she was given, to perform every task that was assigned, and maintain honor during it above all else. This would not be a problem for her, she thought. However, he then included that she was to relinquish her lightsabers for the duration and the usage of force powers was strictly prohibited. He explained that this was because Mandalorians in nature did not use either, and if she was to become stronger, she would have to do the same in proving herself worthy and capable.
Not a word was spoken before she had her lightsabers out and presented to him, the same doubtless and no hesitating demeanor she showed on Kasiya. With that done, the training had begun the same day. At the start, she had issues suppressing her force usage due to her skills and nature as a Marauder. Using the force was almost passive to her, and learning to turn it off proved to be the most difficult task at that point.
Training would go through several months, each day becoming more and more difficult with more asked of her. Some tasks that would frighten, scare, or break normal people she powered through with incredible levels of resolve. Zxyl was nearly confident that she could probably face a rancor down and probably still not flinch.
Just several days in she was forced to go head to head with six other Mandalorians in martial arts all at the same time immediately after having climbed a massive near-mile-high chasm wall deep within the depths of the forest. The time in which she had done so was already impressive as it was, but she managed to subdue four of the six before her stamina finally showed signs of real fatigue.
The battle was stopped at that point, much to Cassandra's surprise. He had learned exactly what he sought out to learn: her limits. Mentally, he knew them from his experience with her on Kasiya. With combat, that was another story with her prowess already being exceptionally high. At this point the real training would begin.
She was instructed by him personally when it came to the ideals, principles, and expectations of those who became Mandalorians under him. While not required to be to the same standards of which he held himself, such as never removing his helmet around others, she would have to uphold the ideals and principles. If she ever broke those, her life would be all but forfeit. He also taught her various types of philosophy, helping her bolster her mental strength. Drilled into her was the absolute fact that her strength and resolve would directly translate to the strength and resolve of Taldryan, and each time she stumbled it too would stumble. As a Consul, or 'Supreme Chancellor' he begrudgingly included, maintaining this was a baseline requirement as had been done by Consuls before her.
He also drilled into her that in war, people will die. Death is a fact of the galaxy and there is no stopping or preventing it, that even one day both him and her would die. When it came to moving forward, the most crucial step that the living could take was the honoring of the memories of the fallen and remembering them and what they stood for. In doing that, she could further increase her own resolve and strength by adding what they had given her in the time they knew each other.
With the physical aspects of the training, she was placed under the tutelage of other Mandalorians who had achieved mastery in different areas. Each day she trained herself in Martial Arts and hand-to-hand combat, ran miles on miles with the expectation of how much climbing each day, weight training with boulders and trees, and random tests on her knowledge of the Mandalorians and what Zxyl had been teaching her about their ideals and principles.
Several months would go by, and much as he had expected, she had not complained once. While she had faltered in the beginning, her skills and ability had sharpened. It was at this point he returned her lightsabers to her and began to train with her in lightsaber combat, knowing this was her strongest suit. When it came to ranged weaponry, she was not nearly as proficient compared to her close-quarters combat capabilities. She had also shown concern of what could occur within the Senate if it became known of what she was doing here, especially if she did pass the grueling tests being placed upon her.
Eventually, her skills with a lightsaber surpassed his own and on a regular basis he was bested when it came to dueling. Never once did she gloat, however, always eager to go again and have another match. Her abilities and skills had reached his own level, even exceeding it in several places. Without a doubt, she had easily become an elder-level combatant like himself.
Cassandra, with blonde hair, at the peak of her training after her sabers had been returned.
As a milestone test she once again was placed in combat against other Mandalorians after climbing the chasm in half of the time she did when she first attempted it, this time those fighting against her doubled to 16. One by one they were thrown to the ground, dodged, countered, and tripped, with not a single successful strike being made on her.
One of the nights after, Cassandra stared at herself in the mirror. She knew she had grown exponentially, both inside and out, but could not help but notice that to her she appeared the same visibly. In an act to definitively set upon the path she had now started to walk, she spent the next several hours bleaching her hair. It took several attempts to get the red out before finally she was left with a soft blonde color.
The Lady Second Reborn
It was already well into the start of 41 ABY before her training would be completed, nearly six months having passed. Cassandra was summoned before Zxyl at a large pool of water at a lake in the forest and presented with verd'goten. Where she had passed on it years ago, opting for a different life, she accepted it wholeheartedly and fully. While in the water, she recited the words of the Mandalorian Creed and became one of them.
Back at the temple, the two began to talk and discuss what would happen at this point. Zxyl told her that he would craft her a set of beskar armor, but knew that she would be unable to wear a traditional Mandalorian-style set, or openly bear any links to their clan as the fury of the Senate and the Republic would easily be directed at both him and the civilians within Caleria and on Ostara.
Cassandra arriving back in Port Kasiya in her Beskar Garb
He inquired if she had anything in mind to which she stated she had already thought ahead. She handed him a piece of parchment with a crudely drawn illustration of what the beskar armor could look like. It was divided into two sections, with cloth additions. The upper body, arms, and pauldrons would be in red with gold trim, and the lower body and gloves would be gold with dark gold trim. Attached to the pauldrons would be a red cloak with gold ornate trim and Taldryan's crest emblazoned on the back of it.
While it was not traditional, it was something he could work with as it was simple enough for her to actively and consistently wear. He internally acknowledged that she would not be exactly like him and the others, but if the time came she would be. Even then, she would without a doubt maintain the standards of the creed and continue to put Taldryan first as she always had before.
Several days later after continuing with training at her own behest, this time using the force to become reacquainted with it, she was once again summoned and presented with her armor and helmet. Much to her amazement, it was a solid fit just like a glove on her hand. And with that, she bid them farewell for now and began her journey back to Kasiya.
The Fortress Cloudhaven and the Nightmare
Upon her return to Port Kasiya, work began to catch up on things that had fallen behind while she was gone. Her Vice-Chancellor, Anders, had gone missing during an expedition to Mount Arreat and a team was dispatched with a recently returned Erinyes at the lead. As she looked into Cloudhaven more and more, however, she noticed that a significant amount of data in regards to it which had been secured behind a Chancellor-Eyes-Only access level had been deleted. Deleted by her predecessor, Lord First Appius Wight.
Status updates over the next week regularly came into her private office about what was occurring during the mission, the discovery of Karufr City, Anders' apprehension by the droids and security services that guarded the city, and their efforts at negotiating his release. Data from the city's archive was discreetly sent to her by the Governor of Karufr City, from which she learned a significant amount.
Mysteriously, aid and support from Port Kasiya had ceased despite continued requests and previous support having been given by the Chancellor's office. The frequency used to communicate had even been blacklisted across the entire city. The shield, even, which had been used to protect the city also masked it from the outside world.
Cassandra in one of her clothing sets, sitting upon the Chancellor's Throne.
Construction of Karufr City had been initiated by Appius, as a way to honor Taldryan's legacy before he evolved it into a Republic. Did he have doubts about what he had done, despite the shift in policy towards a people's Taldryan? Did he have fears of what the senate could potentially do given the rise of the Traditionalists with Zxyl at the lead? Already she had begun to align herself with some of the ideals of the Traditionalists after learning much about Taldryan's past the she had not known before, going back to its formation from a House decades prior. Knowing that, and looking at what the Senate now strived to do, she began to doubt their actions were for the benefit of Taldryan but instead for themselves.
Stranger even was the sudden stop of everything Appius had been doing there. The regular reports he input on an almost daily basis ceased on the same day he disappeared from Port Kasiya just hours before the Vote of No Confidence. Even the timeline of information regarding Karufr City being deleted matched up almost exactly, to a scary level of precision. Could the Senate have orchestrated his disappearance and the data being removed? It didn't make sense, but something was going on without a doubt.
An emergency signal was received from Erinyes and the team in Karufr City before she could delve any deeper. The droids and the defenses within the city had turned on them and the city security force for no reason, and the team narrowly escaped with their lives and Anders in tow. Overhearing conversations over the security officers' comms, it was ascertained that the droids had come from the Taldryan Great Hall; the capital building of Karufr City. Upon looking over the schematics of the city, a startling fact was realized. The Great Hall was the summit of the former Cloudhaven Fortress and was the main access to the heated and radioactive core of it.
With droids having been seen down on lower floors before, and the droid invasion occurring from there, she realized that something was happening within the fortress. Given the risk of the Senate's involvement in everything surrounding the city, she decided to have her newly appointed Magistrate, Alaisy Tir’eivra, coordinate the quiet forming of a task force made up of non-military assets to investigate Cloudhaven Fortress. And she, eager to see if anything could be found regarding Appius' disappearance could be found there, would be going with.
Cassandra at a Port Kasiya bar, talking to Anders from his POV.
While the mission was being planned out, Cassandra invited Anders out for a drink which seemingly caught him off guard. After what he had done, he half expected to be chastized from one corner of Port Kasiya to the other. Instead, it was the exact opposite as she desired to get to know him better. Since what he had done was binding, and only an act of the Senate could undo it, if it were found out the Council would greatly frown upon him and probably pull him from the assignment and put him on Hoth. He couldn't argue that. So, the compromise was, they get to know each other better and he never try and circumvent her like that again. Reluctantly, he agreed though he couldn't help but sense she was fishing for something though he couldn't quite put his finger on it.
In actuality, she was legitimately trying to make things as efficient as possible and her attempt was indeed sincere. She wanted to give no reasons or credence to specific nightmares that had begun to plague her in her sleep. Ever since when she had begun questioning the senate, and learning what Taldryan truly meant from Zxyl, she had doubts that they were acting in the best interests of it. But instead, for their own interests. The nightmare came as a nuclear scenario, as she stormed the Senate Complex with the full force of the Summit Guard and Cohors at her back. Naturally, the Senate Guard stood in opposition as their sole duty was the protection of the Senate, but the strength they had paled in comparison.
Cassandra's nightmare where she assaulted the Senate Complex with her forces.
One after the other, the Senators and guards fell until eventually the complex was purged. At that point, she united the various cities and groups around Kasiya, and as Consul, restored Taldryan back to its original Clan status like it had existed before Appius. What concerned her the most, and the most vivid aspect of it all, was the orange eyes she had. The orange eyes of one who has fallen from grace as a Jedi. She needed to do all she could to avoid that scenario, even if it was just a nightmare and nothing more. History often was doomed to repeat itself, and she would not risk the lives of Taldryan people.
The Dalicron War
Diplomatic Incident
In early 42 ABY, rumors had started to reach the Republic about a surge in power from a political entity known as the Human League. Similarly to the events of Saijo, the Senate was apprehensive to push forward with anything in an effort to keep Taldryan distanced.
Even when reports crossed Cassandra's desk all but confirming the League's rise to power and the anticipated takeover of the Dalicron Sector, all efforts to try and fend off the future threat that they could pose fell upon deaf ears. It wasn't until they started to reach the outer edges of the Western sector and blockaded the Frelos system world of Trexxa that she was able to convince them to allow her to send a diplomatic envoy to try and negotiate a cease fire.
Her Vice-Chancellor, Anders, however would not let her attend in fear of what could happen. To him, the leader of the Republic had no business being in the middle of a war zone. As much as she disagreed with his thoughts, she knew he was correct. At that point, she remained behind on Kasiya while Anders lead the diplomatic team to Trexxa to meet with the Deputy-Leader of the League, General Kael Durran. In the middle of a Senate meeting, reports came that something had gone wrong.
She was in disbelief at what was coming back, even the video, showing the group assaulting the interior of Durran's Star Destroyer. Almost immediately she was summoned to an emergency meeting of the Administration Council where everything was being gathered and reviewed. The amount of regret she was beginning to feel as a diplomat, letting someone who was inexperienced in its virtues and mannerisms take point. More so, the anger in learning just who the team was that Anders had gathered for that particular mission. In an unsurprising move, the Council's Vice-Chair Frei-Jar Binks, proposed a resolution that would remove Anders from his position as Vice-Chancellor of the Taldryan Republic.
In a way to pass off the anger and re-focus herself, she invited Ood Bnar from Clan Arcona to assist with investigating a strange white infection that was growing outward from the Forceless Forest into the Jagd Wastes on the western side of the moon. While investigating it, Anders had returned from Trexxa with the team and a family from the surface of Trexxa who was going to testify before the Senate about what the League was doing. Zuza Lottson also had travelled to Kasiya after sensing the high amounts of anger that Cassandra was housing within her. Cassandra was unable to hold back her rage and went off on Anders in front of everyone. That rage only grew after he explained his team selections were based on the assumption that they were going to be betrayed, and there was no intentions of going into negotiations.
It was at that point that Cassandra broke the news that he was no longer Vice-Chancellor because of his actions during this mission, which all but guaranteed that Taldryan was now going to war whether or not anyone liked it. As he accepted it and prepared to leave, she instead offered him his old post of Director of the Office of Secret Intelligence back. While he did not have political finesse, he did know what he was doing when it came to shadow work. So it made sense to put him back where they could use him most. Following that discussion and after Cassandra went on towards the Forceless Forest by herself, Zuza followed so they could have a discussion and she could help re-balance her mental state.
The Drums of War
As she had unfortunately predicted, the Senate voted to move the Taldryan Republic into war against the Human League. With Anders out as Vice-Chancellor, Cassandra went a rather unorthodox route in proposing the Ood becoming his replacement. This was met with some questions, particularly from elder members of Taldryan, but after it was seen just how he operated as a Jedi and that his loyalties would be without question, he became widely accepted. While things would start off strong, machinations were occurring within the Senate that would bring things to a halt.
Much to Cassandra's surprise, several special resolutions were adopted by the Senate and co-ratified by the Administration Council that would establish the creation of a Neutral Zone which separated the Seitia and Saijo Sectors from Dalicron as well as prohibit the advancement of any Taldryan Republic aligned forces from going beyond its inner borders. This greatly frustrated the Naval Fleet Admiralty, as well as both the Kingdom of Saijo and the Seitian Federation as this meant the Human League's forces were able to conduct strike incursions into the zone and then retreat back out, knowing they could not be chased.
Despite her protests to both bodies of government, all of her attempts to have these overridden or modified fell upon deaf ears. Even when she showed them evidence gathered by the Office of Secret Intelligence that the League had established resupply and staging outposts on worlds just beyond the zone's boundaries, there was not enough support to shift their opinions.
Relations between herself and Zxyl Bes'uliik, who had retired from the post of Regent and returned to the Republic to lead the Traditionalist efforts, began to deteriorate as Anti-Traditionalist sentiment started to grow within the Republic. He had also levied against her that she was losing control of the situation, and that it was her responsibility to maintain peace within Taldryan. Assuring him she was doing her best, Zxyl warned her that if she did not get the job done properly that he would do so himself. To that end, she proposed sending her own Summit Guard and her forces to the front lines to strike at the outposts beyond the zone if he did the same with the Traditionalist Fleet, something that he easily agreed to.
While this worked out initially, for reasons she was unable to explain the sentiments against them continued to grow to the point where attacks against civilians began to occur in the streets and riots would break out targeting Traditionalist-aligned citizens. Mysterious shipping delays appeared to Traditionalist-aligned worlds, security checkpoint times drastically increased for their ships, and supply shortages suddenly appeared for things that there should never have been shortages for. The Administration Council Vice-Chair, Frei-Jar Binks, promised to help her try and solve what was going on and bring things back to a solid order.