Port Kasiya
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Port Kasiya | |
Geographical | |
Planet: | |
Climate: |
Sub-Arctic |
Terrain: |
Metropolitan |
Societal | |
Native species: |
Twi'lek, Human |
Immigrated species: |
Various |
Official language: |
Basic |
Population: |
9,112,134 |
Political | |
Affiliation: | |
[ Source ] |
Port Kasiya is the central settlement and city on the moon Kasiya, serving as the central seat of power of the Taldryan Republic. Located in the western area of the Karufr Lowlands on the coast, it is one of four cities that exists on the moon outside of smaller settlements that openly conduct trade with the city to survive.
The city itself was originally controlled by the Arasaka Syndicate, which operated from the heart of the City Center district. As of late 39 ABY, the city had entered a state of war against Clan Taldryan but fell before its forces and that of several city gangs.
City Structure
Early Formation
Shortly after the discovery of the Caelus System by the Empire, prior to the colonization of Chyron within the system, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin took notice of the remoteness and opportunity following the loss of the Imperial Center of Military Research on the planet Scarif. Construction had immediately begun in secret to establish a new research center on the Perune moon of Kasiya, but progress had halted following the destruction of the Death Star and the death of Tarkin.
The primary focus then had shifted over to Chyron after the system's Governor became aware of what had been started there, and Port Kasiya went largely unused following military opposition to the use of the facilities built for top-secret information. The city was ignored however by the military, and development went on anyways unimpeded.
The city went on to exist alongside Chyron, though never gained as much clout or growth as it. Upon news of the Empire's fall and the death of Emperor Palpatine, much of the Empire's strength on Chyron fell while influence collapsed entirely in Port Kasiya. Several criminal syndicates that had formed in the underbelly of the city began to surface and in a uniting action created the Arasaka Syndicate, using it's newfound strength to take control of the city and eliminate the Governor.
Since then, the Arasaka's have controlled Port Kasiya through the use of smaller gangs and held a firm grip on the city's production, import and exports, and development until the War for Port Kasiya when they were unseated from power by the then called Clan Taldryan.
The Six Districts
The city is broken up into six distinct districts, with the latter five of them controlled by an individual Deputy Governor within that district. The first district, the City Center, is under the control of the Taldryan Republic which controls the city as a whole and to whom the districts have given allegiance.
City Center
Considered the heart of Port Kasiya, the City Center is the core business and operations district for the city. It is located directly over the ocean, maintained by underwater pillars and levels that make ascertaining the true size of the City Center almost impossible. This district has two sub-districts, the Ektrosis Waterfront and Taldryan Plaza. The central city headquarters is also housed here as well, the Taldryan Tower. In the event of a power outage that would affect the entire city, the City Center has several backup generator stations and redundant power fail safes that will keep the center both powered and online regardless of the status of the rest of the city. The Northwestern point of the city center is the location for *The Playground*, a seedy bar run by Jorm Na'trej, and is described as;
Not the tallest in Port Kasiya, but it surpasses all others in the city's northwest. Basalt sidewalks smelling ever so slightly of brimstone underline a facade that's decrepit from the ground floor to a dozen stories up, then morphs into a modern steel-and-glass construct with a narrow landing platform extending an easy 300 meters high over the road. One has to crane one's head back quite far to see it, though, and one is more interested in stepping through the scratched but sturdy double doors which may be flanked by clients, bouncers, drunks, and duct-taped living warnings.
Seven shallow steps lead down onto the carefully dilapidated hardwood main bar floor, though "bar" might not be the right word anymore. Mismatched tables and chairs litter the room, while more comfortable niches with couches and two smaller sidebars occupy most of the walls.
On the left side, an extending stage with a pole leaves no doubt about the kind of entertainment provided here, while on the right, a discreet exit leads to rooms best suited for negotiations or private parties.
Straight ahead, between the wings of a formerly grand foyer staircase mostly frequented by pretty people with little clothing, resides the curved main counter as an island, with the dark niches in between leading to the back - but one cannot shake the feeling that entry comes with a price that might not be paid fully by coin.
The staff are unerringly smiling people with hard eyes, much like the owner. This bar, this whole building, is their domain, their trap and their hunting range.
One instantly realizes that any wish, any pleasure, and desire, is just a word and a payment away.
One knows that this place is the antithesis of every value taught and preached among normal people.
One is greeted.
"Welcome to the Playground."
Taldryan Tower
At the heart of the City Center lies the Taldryan Tower. Consisting of 572 floors above ground, and an unknown number of floors underwater, the tower is the primary headquarters for the Taldryan Republic as a whole and the palisade of power for Port Kasiya in its entirety. It is also the most heavily guarded and fortified location within the city, having its own personal elite security force. Outside of what can be seen from the exterior, with its reflective windows and reinforced structure, and the main lobby antechamber, the details of the tower are largely unknown.
The Holmes District is the current home of the Ektrosis Security Force located in the northwestern quadrant of Port Kasiya. While it is not as glamorous as the rest of the city, it has a very strong and lively nightlife and a bustling commercial shop district. Due to recent crime increases the Port Kasiya Police Force, or PKPF, conducts extremely regular patrols throughout the district.
On the northern edge of Holmes is a Podracing Track that extends into the cliffs above, down through Holmes itself and into an underwater track. It has the distinction of being one of the largest and most difficult tracks in the Outer Rim Territories, having hosted the Podracing Opening Round in 38 ABY. It is being widely considered to host the Grand Finals for the 41 ABY season.
Illegal activities include boxing clubs, mixed martial arts clubs, and an event supposedly called the Kumite though no one can confirm or deny it's existance.
Eastbrook District is the northernmost district of Port Kasiya, nestled into the cliffside up to its summit. Various mansions exist throughout this district, as well as the personal homes of numerous Arasaka executives. It also has the last remaining speeder movie theater in the city. Because of the clientele that live in this area, it is patrolled by a special police unit that actively enforces the law and ensures only those who should be there are there. At its heart, it has a large fountain with a statue of a giant Selkath, one of the original five founders of Port Kasiya.
The district is under the control of the Rancors gang, of which 90% of its membership consists of richer members of the Eastbrook society. It is less a gang as much as it is a symbol to flaunt, though with the amounts of money they control between them any incursions into Eastbrook were quickly put down by mercenaries and advanced weaponry/armor. Every year, the Rancors round up undesirables that had come into the district and various gang members who made inroads against them and celebrate the Running of the Rancor event where a group of four rancor chase them down a chasm north of the city, taking bets on which will survive and which will die to which rancor. This has become a favorite pastime for both the Rancors and the residents of Eastbrook.
Vista Del Rey
Vista Del Rey is the industrial section of the city located in the southeast, much similar to the industrial machination of Coruscant with its plumes of smoke and fires from the mining and smelting regions. Much of this district is made up of a large labor camp, which serves as the city's prison where workers and prisoners both are confined through the use of detonation collars and perimeter fields. Adjacent to the mining areas, Vista Del Rey also coordinates the majority of the imports and exports from the city with cross collaboration with Port Arasaka to send goods and merchandise off world. All local trading with other outposts and districts of Port Kasiya are done through Vista Del Rey directly.
The district is under the iron-fisted control of the Deckers gang, each of its membership acting as guards for the district and enforcers of Decker law in Vista Del Rey. Unlike other districts that follow the law and dictation of the Taldryan Republic from the City Center, the Deckers follow their own laws but still steer clear of doing anything that directly opposes Taldryan as they do not wish to draw their ire. While donations were often made to the Arasakas to keep them off their back, an agreement was drafted with the Republic to ensure a tenant of civil liberties and mutually shared laws.
Nestled safely in the eastern cliffside, the Arroyo Power District is the technological hub for Port Kasiya and home of the Sixth Street Saints, the protectors and keepers of the district. Nearly all of the city's power generation comes from this district, which consists of several layers both above ground, below ground, and underwater to support the massive amount of space and cooling needed for the generators and maintenance. In design, several developers from the former Techno Union were brought in to assist. Because of this, the designs of the district became very complicated for most species to understand.
With the amount of upgrades and changes it has had over the decades as well, much of this district below ground is a sprawling labyrinth where many workers have ended up getting lost, never be found again, due to constant electromagnetic interference from the electrical systems. Because of this standard means of communications underground are virtually impossible. Rumors of an underground city have risen up over the years, but gone largely un-investigated.
The sixth district, Westwind, is a lawless hive of scum and villainy controlled by the Moxx gang in the southern side of Port Kasiya. This is the only district that the Taldryan Republic largely been unable to gain control of as no sooner than they gain control of it they quickly lost control piece by piece. Before long, the district was left mainly to its own devices after a treaty was signed that ensured its influence did not spread into the rest of the city.
As it grew, Westwind came to be a place to go to when you wanted to get away from yourself. Brothels exist all over the district, as well as various drug bars and shops. Most visitors here are frowned upon, as outsiders are very disliked unless credits are spent. In those cases, outsiders are tolerated so long as their credit lines remained open. But once the credit lines ran out or closed, the demeanor of the district citizens became apparent that they were no longer welcome and if they valued their life, they should leave.
The Moxx gang consists of all female Twi'lek's, whom are all extremely Xenophobic of any race except their own, and they oversee all operations within Westwind. Though the district is lawless, the final decisions are always honored when dictated by the Moxx.
Landmarks and Locations
Ektrosis Waterfront
One of the more bustling locations within the City Center, and diving sites that allows citizens to see the underwater depths of the Ocean and the majestic lights of the underwater portions of the City Center. Compared to the commercialization of the waters around Vista Del Rey, the Ektrosis Waterfront is purely recreational with water speeders and boats.
Eastbrook Estates
The Eastbrook Estates is a housing community created in the heart of Eastbrook, requiring a special keycard for entry and code cylinder for continuous access while being recognized by the many security systems in operation around the Estates. Loss of either one of these can result in either loss of access for the former, or a lethal automated security response by the latter.
The Colosseum
This giant Colosseum provides the entertainment aspect for the residents of the City Center and Eastbrook, purely those who can afford to attend its lucrative and expensive events. Generally, events here are civilian vs. slave or slave vs. slave, but sometimes the gangs will mix things up. Each year, a special event called the Running of the Rancor takes place where 500 slaves fill the bowl of the Colosseum and 10 rancors are released into the bowl. Victory is met either when only one slave is left standing, or all 10 rancor are killed. So far, none have killed all 10, and 16 slaves have ended up being promoted to Port Kasiya citizens for clearing this challenge.
Downtown City Center
Next to Eastbrook, the Downtown City Center is the heart of the rich and famous. Many film studios exist here, along with extremely expensive designer stores, speeder depots, starship stores, exclusive access clubs, high-rise condominiums and apartments, and much more all meant for the top 1% of the Port Kasiya elite. Numerous Taldryan Republic senators and leaders also live in this area, costs covered by the Republic.
Cloudhaven was a mobile defensive platform that provided much of the aerial defense for Port Kasiya. It held its orbit in the mid-Mesosphere, high enough that the sunlight on the moon's surface was not impeded by its location. The platform itself was relatively small, and operated entirely by modified HK Unit droids that coordinated its offensive and defensive capabilities.
Since its construction, Chyron had largely left Port Kasiya alone since it has proven extremely difficult to get past Cloudhaven. Following the War for Port Kasiya however, the platform was disabled and plummeted into Mount Arreat where it sits now. Due to magma flow underneath, the temperatures have provided a barrier preventing entry into it, and the activities within the plasma core have made the interior too toxic to traverse. Time will have to be given before any excursions into the ruins can be made.
Taldryan Republic | |||||
About The Clan | |||||
History of Taldryan | Taldryan Prospectus | Sons & Daughters of Taldryan | Taldryan's Vault | ||
Republic Leadership | |||||
Clan | Supreme Chancellor: Ood Bnar • Vice-Chancellor: TBA | ||||
Magistrates of the Supreme Chancellor | First Magistrate: Meleu Karthdo • Second Magistrate: Morax Darkblade | ||||
Military Forces | |||||
Main | Taldryan Military • Taldryan Defense Force | ||||
Naval Forces | Taldryan Republic Naval Fleet | ||||
Armed Forces | Taldryan Republic Armed Forces | ||||
A brotherhood within a Brotherhood. |