19th Saber Imperial Remnant
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19th Saber Imperial Remnant | |
General information | |
Founder(s): |
Jafan Sloven, Kimberly Tessarosa |
Leader(s): | |
Headquarters: |
Bevelle City |
Location: | |
Historical information | |
Formed from: | |
Founding: | |
Other information | |
Notable members: |
Kimberly Tessarosa, Staale Lynbare, Myn Genko, Remnant Advisory Council, numerous unknown leaders |
[ Source ] |
The 19th Saber Imperial Remnant was a large-scale Imperial Remnant that controlled most of the Koradin, Verada, Tunka, and Rayter Sectors. Based on the planet Virgillia, the Remnant's capital city was the megacity known as Bevelle and was under the strict command of Grand Moff Jafan Sloven.
Originally founded in 4 ABY, the 19th Saber Imperial Remnant was created in secret from the respective 19th Dark Saber Oversector using the last portions of Imperial Intelligence and Sector Governance that still remained that had not joined with Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax in his final crusade to destroy the New Republic following the death of Emperor Palpatine.
Upon the defeat of Rax over the world of Jakku and the prevalent rise of the New Republic, the decision was made to continue the development of the remnant in the Unknown Regions far to the west of Endor. While the remnant itself did not become involved in any major activities, Moffs Stalle Lynbare and Draven Voss began developing their own regions in the Varada Sector and Tunka Sectors respectively for the future benefit of the remnant as a whole.
The remnant itself became publicly known however in 35 ABY after the bulk of Grand Moff Sloven's main fleet advanced on the world of Virgillia in the Koradin Sector, laying claim to it and declaring the official formation of the remnant and making Virgillia's capital city his new home. With the announcement of the remnant, both Moff Voss and Lynbare declared themselves and their individual remnants for Sloven.
What is Known
While the Taldryan Republic knows little about the 19th Saber Imperial Remnant, there are currently some details that are known.
Key Members
Grand Moff Jafan Sloven
See: Jafan Sloven
Fleet Admiral Kimberly Tessarosa
Except for what a single successful, but ultimately failed, deep cover agent plant had managed to learn about her, most of ‘’’Kimberly Tessarosa’’’ ‘s life is a lie. In both Taldryan Republic, New Republic, and the surviving portions of the Imperial databases, she was a Corellian born dancer turned slicer that lived a simple life and championed the causes of justice and freedom without an inch of combat or tactical ability. She had light brown waist-length hair, light skin, brown eyes, and average weight with a simple unblemished and unscarred complexion.
It was this facade that allowed her to gain the trust and friendship of the Taldryan member Dasha ‘Jala’ Talus when she had offered to help free the Clan Taldryan, as it was known at the time, Proconsul Teebu Nyrrire from the influences of the ring of Vodo Biask Taldrya. Because of the diligent observation and monitoring on Dasha by the ‘’’Office of Secret Intelligence’’’ due to espionage acts she had committed against the clan both willingly, unwillingly, and unwittingly, the facial features of Kimberly were connected to a visual report given by one of their agents deep within the Remnant’s naval corps. If not for that monitoring, her true identity would remain completely unknown and the chances of the ring having fallen into Remnant control would have been direly high.
Hidden away was the fact that not only was it a facade, but that she was the Fleet Admiral of the 19th Saber according to the rank insignia recorded on her uniform. Not only that, but when she was on the bridge, not once was there ever a junior officer or regular officer ever present. From communications to pit operations, everything was conducted and ran by senior naval officers. It is thought that this was done to ensure absolute secrecy of her identify, one of which obviously had succeeded.
However, beyond that facade, in the reports given by the agent it was also found that her demeanor, attitude, and skillsets were far beyond that of her public profile. Given the video report was among the final things sent by the agent before their untimely death, nothing new could be learned from her.
Moff Stalle Lynbare
A former Moff of the Galactic Empire, ‘’’Stalle Lynbare’’’ was a Human born on the world of Coruscant. He had attended the Royal Imperial Academy at the same time as Jafan Sloven, building a friendly and lasting mutual friendship. He was dark skinned with green eyes, extremely short hair, and had a very muscular build. Similarly to Kimberly, he had a soft complexion but some scars on his face due to years of hand to hand combat.
Throughout his career, Stalle worked on the administrative and investigative side of things inside of the Imperial Security Bureau under Jafan. His core skills however in diplomacy and operations saw him transferred out of the ISB and into leadership as a Moff’s Aide in the Anoat Sector shortly after Jafan’s own transfer into the Intelligence Branch.
Because of the secrecy involved in the Intelligence Branch, the two had fallen out of contact with each other for several years. As Stalle’s strengths in leadership and command continued to grow, eventually he would come to be the Anoat’s Moff but only for the briefest of months before receiving an invitation from Jafan to join him in the deep outer rim after the death of Emperor Palpatine.
He had done so, abandoning his post in the Anoat Sector, and was assigned to create a governance and region of his own in the Verada Sector. Using Jafan’s resources and credit streams, he was able to take control of the sector and run it as a just, kind individual.
In 35 ABY however he broke this facade and revealed himself as a Moff serving under the newly promoted Grand Moff Jafan. After this revelation, his control shifted to become more singular in nature but still allowed many of the freedoms that the citizens and sub-leaders of the sector had come to live by in the decades prior. This kept him in their favor, and allowed him to slowly tighten the noose around the sector so that in the event they ever rose against him, he would be able to crush them with one swift act.
Moff Draven Voss
A former Moff of the Galactic Empire, ‘’’Draven Voss’’’ was a Human born on the world of Nar Shaddaa. He was extremely heavyset, with an affinity for consuming inornate amounts of food, with heavy balding and scabbing of the top of his head, with dark yellow colored eyes and light colored skin.
Because of his upbringing on Nar Shaddaa in his younger and pre-teenage years, Draven had come to have a dire hatred of alien races because of the abuse he faced for being a low-born human. During a secret imperial visit under the guise of simple smugglers, he had stashed himself away on their ship to hide from a gang that sought to kill him.
During the return journey, he managed to stay hidden even as the shuttle returned to the world of Coruscant. Once there he slipped off of the ship but had been found by several stormtroopers. The captain of the ship, Commander Da’vi Richardson, watched as the boy single-handedly disarmed two of his stormtroopers and defeated them in direct combat. This intrigued him and instead of having the boy executed or sent to prison, he offered him status as his attaché and to train him. In exchange, he would give him the finest the empire had to offer.
Over the next decades, his skills grew exponentially, however, his skills in combat and his speed gradually decreased as he did indeed partake in the best the empire had to offer…it’s food. His fearless resolve, his absolute hatred and abrasive treatment of aliens, and the fact that he got his work done in a timely and precise manner convinced Da’vi to keep him on despite his ballooning size.
When Da’vi was promoted to the rank of Moff in 6 BBY, he brought Draven with him and allowed him to serve as his understudy as they traveled to the outer rim. It was at this point that Da’vi and Draven came into contact with ISB Senior Intelligence Agent Jafan Sloven and members of Internal Affairs. Jafan revealed that Da’vi’s promotion had been a ruse to get him away from the core worlds and his Rebel Alliance contacts.
While they would wait for his messages to get to them on his ‘new posting’, the ISB would be afforded the opportunity to move on them while they were disoriented and leaderless. Da’vi was immediately arrested, and before he was lead away it was revealed by Draven that it was he who had reported him to internal affairs after listening to a conversation Da’vi and his wife had in his bugged apartment. As a reward for his faithfulness and unrelenting resolve to the empire, Draven Voss was promoted to the rank of Moff in Da’vi’s place and assumed control of a small sector called Tunka.
While in control of the sector, his weight continued to grow at an even greater pace as he indulged himself on what the sector had available from the backs of its starving citizens. His control was ousted however following the collapse of the empire, and with nowhere to run to he feared his life was over. However, in an unexpected gesture, Jafan saved his life and extracted him from the sector. In exchange for this kindness, Draven swore to serve Jafan with undying loyalty.
Jafan then reassigned him to the Tunka Sector and ordered him to build a new governance there, but to be “kinder and more gentler” to its citizens. Begrudgingly, Draven did as ordered and even tolerated the presence of aliens in his midst even though he detested them to the point where it made him physically sick.
In 35 ABY after the 19th Saber Imperial Remnant was announced, he revealed himself to the citizens of Tunka as Moff Voss and declared his loyalty to the 19th Saber. With the ruse now over, his leadership style shifted to a strict authoritarian one and his first act was to execute every single alien that was in his command center. Since then, large swaths of the incomes were taken from the citizens through heavy taxes and starvation had begun to sweep throughout the sector as Draven returned to his once lavish lifestyle. To prevent another instance of Tunka, he had his small moon of ‘’’Besberra’’’ heavily upgraded with top-of-the-line security systems, including biometrics, thermal, x-ray, everything that would make it severely overkill along with a unit of modified and upgraded Super Battle Droids as his personal defenders. He loved his lifestyle, and would protect it at all costs.
Following the conclusion of the Saijo War, after Jafan Sloven refused to assist him during the final days of the war and after his own destruction of the superweapon prototype, Voss's connections to the 19th Saber Imperial Remnant had been severed and he has since gone in his own direction separately from them while retaining full control of the Tunka Sector.
Regions of Control and Influence
Virgillia, Koradin Sector - The Royal City of Bevelle
The city of Bevelle on the world of Virgillia served as the throne world for the 19th Saber. Because of its status as that, it is the most heavily fortified world of the remnant consistently protected by several batallions of Death Troopers as well as Fleet Admiral Kimberly Tessarosa's personal defense fleet.
In the few incursions by various Virgillian factions that have taken place against Virgillia in attempts to retake it, additional support and defenses were supplied in quick order by the Verada and Tunka remnants. Due to the heavy influence given by the Remnant Intelligence Bureau, it has been impossible to see the inner workings of the main bastion of the 19th Saber. All attempts at placing spies or deep cover agents have failed, including those dispatched by the Taldryan Republic's Office of Secret Intelligence (OSI).
If any attempt is to be made against the throne world, it is extremely well known that the other two remnants have to be dealt with first.
Besberra, Tunka Sector - Besberra Command Complex
The Besberra Command Complex served as the primary base of operations for Moff ‘’’Draven Voss’’’. It also served as a prison complex at its heart, with a shaft descending nearly a mile deep into the moon. Prisoners were lowered into it through a small cart, where once inside returning to the base above was nearly impossible as numerous Sarlaac infants lined the walls around the upper perimeter, grasping onto any who dared ascend the walls on their own.
Because of Draven’s paranoia around his defense, only allowing those who had been vetted not once, not twice, not even three times, be anywhere near his command complex, much about what goes on here is largely unknown. It was only through the act of a defector, a former prison guard fearing his own life, that the prison was even learned about.
In a stark difference compared to the severely heavy defenses of Virgillia, the few times any factions or groups have made incursions against the complex, neither Jafan nor Stalle has come to Draven’s aid. This gives the impression that neither cares that much about their compatriot, or that the defense of the core world followed by their individual sectors is of the most paramount importance.
Nearly the entirety of Besberra’s citizenry has been forced into slavery, while aliens are actively hunted throughout the sector with bounty rewards in place for their corpses. The sector as a whole is in a dire state, in risk of complete collapse if Draven’s reign is allowed to continue.
Delantine, Verada Sector - Delantine City
Protected by a giant dome to keep the vicious outside avian predators at bay, ‘’’Delantine City’’’ serves as the main base location for Moff ‘’’Staale Lynbare’’’. Unlike his counterpart, Draven Voss, Staale has gained the respect of nearly all of the 16 different language groups on the planet; having mastered speaking and writing all 16 himself.
His friendship with the citizenry also in turn has earned him their loyalty, and none of them would be any the quicker to ever attempt to betray that loyalty. Even children, when approached, have quickly reported any signs of dissent from anyone at all, even their parents. Aliens from off world are closely monitored and scrutinized, watched carefully from afar by Delantine Intelligence and the citizens at large.
Those found guilty of dissent or disorderly actions against Staale’s government have been sent to Delantine’s sister world, Da’nor, to become prey for the far deadlier creatures that inhabit that world.
The city itself existed across eighteen different layers, starting from the ground level up towards the top of the dome itself where Staale’s palace lay. Despite this layering however, the citizens saw themselves as equals unlike other worlds, and those from the lowest layers could just as easily live in the upper layers or visit there if they so choose. Mostly it came down to personal family preference.
It is suspected that the entire citizenry of not just Delantine City, but that of the entire planet, has been fully indoctrinated by Staale and is known if they can ever be freed from his grasp or saved without being killed.
Sectors of Control
The areas currently under the control of the 19th Saber Imperial Remnant are as follows:
Grand Moff Jafan Sloven's Control
- Koradin Sector - 100% Controlled (Uncontested; Full Control)
- Wazta Sector - 73% Controlled (Contested; Expansionary)
Moff Staale Lynbare's Control
- Verada Sector - 100% Controlled (Uncontested; Full Control)
- Tunka Sector - 37% Controlled (Contested; Expansionary)
Moff Draven Voss's Control
- Tunka Sector - 100% Controlled (Uncontested; Full Control)
- Cegul Sector - 51% Controlled (Uncontested; Non-Expansionary)
- Dalicron Sector - 6% Controlled (Contested; Expansionary)