Pandragon Squadron

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[ Source ]

Pandragon Squadron was a battleteam in the currently defunct House Oriens Obscurum. For the majority of its history, it was a Sith battleteam, hence the Squadron suffix. Later on, it was revived as a multi-order battleteam, simply going by the name of Pandragon, with no suffix.


Before the Exodus, Pandragon's role was as an important part of Clan Arcona's defences. It was filled with some of the best Sith from Oriens Obscurum, sharing the best at various times with other battleteams. The Exodus, however, hit Oriens Obscurum hard, leaving the few remaining loyal Sith pilots (the majority of the Sith stayed with the Emperor's Hammer) to collect in Pandragon.


The pilots of Pandragon Squadron usually flew into battle in TIE Interceptors.

Clan Arcona
Units Clan: Clan ArconaHouses: House Galeres & House Qel-DromaBattleteams: Dajorran Marshals & Voidbreaker

Clan Summit:

Galeres Summit:

Qel-Droma Summit:

Possessions Dajorra SystemArconan Armed ForcesDajorra Defence ForceArcona Expeditionary ForceDajorra Intelligence AgencyPort Ol'ValKurs'kranak
Misc Di Tenebrous ArconaeCythraulStarscream Tactical Solutions
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