Bale Andros

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Rise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.
Bale Andros
Biographical Information

Asteroid XJ-826

Date of Birth:

10 BBY

Date of Death:


Physical Description

Half-Zabrak, Half-Human




7'3" / 2.3 m


336 lbs / 134 kg


Dark Brown (Graying)


Golden Brown


Leg Prosthesis (Left)

Personal Information

Raeleen Andros †


Amos Farstrider †

Known Children:

Kaela Val


Reevah Skye-Val †


Zehsaa Hysh
Aylin Sajark
Idris Adenn
Zentru'la Palpatine

Chronology & Political Information

Weapons Engineer
Bounty Hunter (Retired)
Miner (Retired)


Rise of the Brotherhood era
Exodus era
New Order era



Personal Ship:

The Nomad



[ Source ]

Bale Andros, also known as the Iridonian Hammer, is a hulking Zabrak mechanic and scavenger currently serving as Herald of the Brotherhood and leader of the Shroud Syndicate. A former bounty hunter, Andros jumped into the galactic spotlight after catching a big break with the Blastech Cruise job that other freelancers were wary to touch. An explosive chase and a very public beat-down were captured and subsequently fed to news outlets across the galaxy. As the story blossomed, so too did Bale's reputation. That notoriety only grew further in the decades that followed. He first made contact with the Brotherhood in 34 ABY through an old associate, Zehsaa Hysh. He is a gruff man, but a devoted father his biological daughter Kaela Val and his adopted children Juko and Ryssa. He owns an Aggressor-class Assault Ship called the Nomad.


The Early Years

Born To Fight

"Take the hits, boy. Take the hits, then hit back twice as hard."
―Raeleen Andros

Bale Andros was born in a mining colony at the back end of the galaxy to an Iridonian mother, Raeleen Andros. An indentured worker, she worked a low-paying, thankless job as a scrapper but to meet even the barest of necessities, she would have to partake in illegal pit-fighting. It was a harsh life, one of bruises and half-healed scars, heartbreak and desperation. This was all they knew for countless years as they bounced from one mining colony to another. She worked. She fought. She kept her son fed.

Bale never met his father. Over the years, he pried bits of information about him from his mother. His name was Amos Farstrider, the second-hand of a mineral hauler who Raeleen had met in a bar. Nothing glamorous. A big burly fellow, old and grizzled, as ugly as a Gamorrean’s bunghole but sweet as a Loth-Cat, or so she would say. For all her kind words about Amos, there was a haunted look in her eyes when she spoke of the man, and Bale often wondered what had truly become of him.

For his part, Bale grew up to be a hard-working young man, whipped into shape by his feisty but loving mother. Whenever he stepped out of line she was there to get him back on track. He was taught the value of hard work, to give everything he had to the task at hand. It wasn’t too many years before it all paid off. His raw strength, his focus, along with his resourcefulness eventually earned him a spot in the digs, working on and repairing drills and other machinery. He was a well-regarded fellow, a hearty, jovial companion to his peers. The credits began to trickle in, allowing him to finally take care of himself. At this point, Raeleen would take regular trips off-world, disappearing for months on end only to come home with fresh bruises and cuts. Bale did not understand it, but he never asked for an explanation.

As they say, the jogan fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree and such was the case with Bale. His raw physical power and his natural resistance to pain caught the attention of Overseer Qurixokt, the Falleen man in charge of the mining operation. One day, Qurixokt had the young Bale brought before him. With honeyed words and the promise of wealth, he convinced the burly youth to fight in the local pits. With the overseer sponsoring him, it wasn’t long before the first fight came and with it, Bale’s first victory. Then a second, a third, a sixth, a tenth came and went, and by the end of that month, Bale stood battered and bruised but undefeated. Qurixokt’s gambit paid off but each victory brought the Zabrak's violent nature to bare as he gave in to his instincts.

By the time Bale was twenty—now a big, bearded fellow with a mohawk and cords of rippling muscles lining his massive body—he’d worked for a good decade and fought in more bouts than he could count. Raeleen, for her part, had moved off-world. Years went by without news of her. So he worked, and he fought, and kept himself alive and fed.

The Good Life

"I guess it’s our lot in life to disappoint those we love."
―Bale Andros

It was a harsh life, but a good life. At least, that’s what Bale told himself. As Qurixokt’s champion, credits, booze, and ladies were all his to take. The galaxy was his. The Falleen overseer paraded him across the Outer Rim, unleashing him in clandestine tournaments and raking in the credits. It was on Lothal that Bale met Reevah Skye-Val, a Kiffar pit-fighter, a woman unlike any he had met before. A champion in her own right, they were teamed up after Qurixokt purchased her bonds from a competitor. The rest was history. The primal bloodlust they shared in the arena that day would bloom and become something else entirely.

Through the blood and wounds, through tears and broken bones, they became more than a team. Together, they were fire. Respect became passion. Passion turned to love. And from their union, the young Kaela Val was born, named after Reevah’s mother and the Vals, a lineage of heroes harkening back to the days of the Old Republic.

For Bale, life was perfect.

Perfect until he found Raeleen bleeding to death on the floor of his quarters. Emaciated and caked with blood, eyes sunken, Bale could barely recognize his mother. With Bale’s help, Reevah was able to stop the bleeding and save Raeleen’s life. For the next day, they watched over the woman as she drifted in and out of consciousness. In her weakened state, the Zabrak woman revealed what she had been up to over the years, why she had left him. Bale learned that Qurixokt dealt in more than mining and clandestine brawls. He was a ranking member and associate of the criminal syndicate known as the Black Sun. The Falleen had coaxed Raeleen into working for him as an assassin. For years, her new life had consumed her, sending her teetering into darkness to the point where she could barely remember she was mother. She had even been forced by the Black Sun to assassinate Bale’s father, her lover, who had become a prominent spice trader.

And now, the Black Sun was done with her. They were covering their tracks.

Bale being Bale, he ignored Raeleen and Reevah as they pleaded for him to stay out of it. Devoured by blind rage, the Zabrak smashed his way into Qurixokt’s pad, leaving a trail of dead guards in his wake. In a bid to save his life, the Falleen did as he always did. He made golden promises, spoke honeyed words, leveled lavish praise upon Bale, but none of it could sway the Zabrak. Not this time. Not anymore. Bale barely registered the moment he buried the barrel of his father’s Bryar pistol into Qurixokt’s green forehead and pulled the trigger.

Bale was still standing over the Falleen’s corpse when it dawned on him that his actions had doomed his family. They could no longer be safe. In the dark of night, with the help of old friends, he loaded Reevah, Kaela, and Raeleen onto a freighter and fled from the mining colony.

For the next year, they jumped from system to system until they eventually landed on Nar Shaddaa, deep in Hutt space, where they hoped the Black Sun could not reach them.

Hunting Days

Hopeless Horizons

"You are afraid, but you must be the man she needs you to be."
―Reevah Skye-Val

Nar Shaddaa was a bustling city but one rampant with crime and decadence; the perfect place for Bale and his family to lose themselves amongst the masses. Bale and Reevah both found jobs in a smelting factory. It was tough work, but it paid the bills and it allowed them to keep out of the spotlight. For her part, Raeleen never fully recovered from her wounds. Frail and exhausted easily, a lifetime of violence finally taking its toll on her, she stayed in their seedy apartment, watching over her granddaughter.

This was their life for a good while until Kaela, a toddler at the time, fell gravely ill. Reevah quit her job and turned her energies towards finding care for the child. There were few trustworthy physicians on Nar Shaddaa, but those who agreed to examine the child could not figure out what ailed her. Nonetheless, they tried to cure her and these experimental treatments did not come for free. To cover the cost, Bale was forced to work in the smelters by day while moonlighting as a bouncer in the evenings. One thing led to another and he began to take on less-than-savory jobs for his bosses and it wasn’t long before he found himself neck-deep in the criminal underworld. The credits were good but the massive Zabrak stood out. It wasn’t long before he gained notoriety and the Black Sun had eyes everywhere, even in Hutt space. It wouldn’t be long before they came calling. Assassins cornered him on his way home. It was through sheer luck that he survived the ambush. He rushed to his apartment where he discovered the cost of his actions. His mother lay dead. Reevah had fought and killed the assassins, but she too had been gravely wounded. She died later that night in his arms and he was left alone to protect Kaela.

The fear of further attacks drove Bale away from Nar Shaddaa with his sick child in tow. For the next ten years, they traveled from one end of the galaxy to the other in search of a physician capable of healing her. To pay the steep price of medical expertise, however futile it may be, Bale became a bounty hunter. Over the years, he built a network of safe houses and associates such as Idris Adenn and his Mandalorian family with whom Kaela stayed for some time as he sought out new leads.

He eventually struck a deal with the Black Sun. In exchange for the life of the man responsible for Reevah and Raeleen’s murders, Bale took on a series of highly dangerous missions that would benefit the organization greatly. One such mission, named the Blastech Cruise job by news outlets on the holonet, propelled him into the galactic spotlight, solidifying his notoriety as a bounty hunter..

In 31 ABY, he met Zehsaa Hysh, a Togruta mercenary who had witnessed too much of her employer’s clandestine dealings. Bale sought to claim the bounty on her but things quickly went sideways. Though he had gained the upper hand and captured her, he was gravely wounded on his way to claim his prize. Though he expected the Togruta to flee his custody and leave him to die as he probably deserved, he was shocked when Zehsaa instead saved his life. Indebted to her, but too prideful to abandon a bounty, he and Zehsaa devised a plan to exact revenge on her employer while allowing Bale to collect his payment. It was a fruitful arrangement which would lead Bale and Zehsaa to partner up again over the years, building a tumultuous but passionate connection in the process.

By 34 ABY, the search for a cure or an understandable diagnosis had grown hopeless. By that point, hundreds of scientists had examined and studied Kaela’s plight and none had answers. Theories, certainly, each one wilder than the last. Consumed by guilt and self-loathing, Bale grew increasingly desperate. There were no more leads, no regions untapped, or so he thought.

This changed when Zehsaa called.

Enter The Brotherhood

"Mark my words. I will burn your so-called empire to the ground if harm befalls her. No army will keep me from finding you and tearing you limb from limb."
―Bale Andros

It turned out that Zehsaa Hysh, now an agent for the Dark Brotherhood, had found him a new lead in the form of Dr. Elincia Rei. The Togruta arranged the meeting and it wasn’t long before Bale struck a deal with the doctor. In exchange for the good doctor’s care and the best medical treatment the Brotherhood could muster, Bale would work exclusively for her clan, Clan Scholae Palatinae.

Bale was thrust almost instantly into the fray, soon tasked by Emperor Xen'Mordin Palpatine to recon and take over a kyber crystal mining operation of strategic importance to the Palatinaean Empire. This was the beginning of a long campaign of war and imperial in-fighting that would end with the destruction of the Cocytus System.


"You left me to die. I reckon that’s fair. I would have done the same."
―Bale Andros

Some time in 34 ABY, Clan Scholae Palatinae suffered a catastrophic loss at the hands of the Brotherhood’s rogue Grand Master, Darth Pravus. With the Cocytus System destroyed, the remaining Palatinaean fleet was stranded amongst the stars with nowhere to go.

Emperor Mordin launched a wide-reaching operation to search for a new home. During this time, Bale served as a forward scout, following leads and exploring potential worlds for the clan to call their own. During one such expedition as they explored an ancient city, Bale and Zehsaa were nearly killed by the world’s predatorial fauna. While they were being overrun by the swarming beasts, Bale tried to hold them back, buying enough time for Zehsaa and her team to escape. Believing Bale was doomed and desperate to save the rest of her team, Zehsaa abandoned her friend to his fate and led her team back to their landing zone. But Bale survived but the first seeds of distrust for Zehsaa and her so-called Brotherhood were planted.

The Maqor Stunt

"So here’s the deal. We didn’t kick down your door for cushy seats and half-decent swill. See, I’ve got me an itch and you’re gonna scratch it."
―Bale Andros

It was shortly after rejoining the Scholae Imperial Navy that Bale finally learned the truth about his daughter’s illness. Kaela Val was Force-sensitive. Her condition was caused by an aberrant, parasitic manifestation of her powerful connection with the mystical power known as the Force, that sapped her of energy and caused her nervous system to operate in overdrive. The cure was for Kaela, now a young adult, to undergo intensive training in the Force so that she could learn to exteriorize and control this immense power. This terrorized Bale, who after a lifetime of believing that the Force and the story of the Jedi were a myth, was incapable of understanding such concepts. But this was their only option, and so, against his better judgment, Bale agreed. Kaela Val became Elincia’s apprentice.

For its part, the clan eventually discovered the Caperion System but war was waiting for them. Under the leadership of the newly seated empress, Elincia Rei, the Scholae Palatinae forces forced themselves into a decades-long conflict between the Meraxis Empire and the Democratic Republic of Elaya. Though they sided with the Republic and fought in countless battles at their side, there came a time when the empress sought to establish her dominion, and play both sides.

Bale Andros was dispatched by the empress to the moon of Ragnath to intimidate a high ranking Elayan commander into withdrawing his troops from the Maqor region, opening a window where the Palatinaens forces could swoop in and claim it. The operation failed when Bale was forced to kill the Elayan commander. The repercussions of his failure resulted in the death of the clan’s Grand Marshall and drove a rift between the empress and the Elayan leader. In turn, Bale fell out of Elincia’s good graces. To his dismay, his daughter was soon dispatched on her first mission as an official member of the clan. Hoping to avoid angering the empress further by personally interfering, Bale enlisted Zehsaa to watch over his daughter.


"Every day, your influence grows on the girl. I don’t need your so-called Force to see the growing darkness. I will not pretend to understand your witchery, Empress, but I know where this can lead her."
―Bale Andros

In 36 ABY, after suffering the loss of his ship and crew, Bale played a key role in recovering data that would assist the Brotherhood’s Inquisitorius in locating The Collective’s main base, the Meridian station.

Following this discovery, Clan Scholae Palatinae was called to assist the Iron Legion and the Dark Brotherhood in an all-out assault against the station. Bale, teamed up with Zentru'la Palpatine, Aylin Sajark, Zehsaa and Kaela, was part of a multipronged operation aimed to break the enemy’s defenses. Together they boarded a Collective cruiser and sliced into the cruiser’s mainframe interface to activated the ship’s autodestruction sequence. It was during this mission that Bale became fully aware of Elincia Rei’s influence on his daughter. Though Kaela proved adept beyond his wildest expectations, he discovered a growing darkness in her. It terrified him when Kaela used the Force to cause the enemy captain to commit suicide, while his armed escort executed one another down to the last man. The sight of her striding cooly through their ranks as they shot one another at her unspoken command, would haunt him for a long time.

The campaign over, Bale Andros was recognized as a hero of the Brotherhood but he did not stop to savor the moment. Enraged by what he had witnessed aboard the Collective cruiser and emboldened by his new status in the organization, Bale erupted into the Palatinaen throne room. Holding the Empress at blaster point, he offered her an ultimatum: release her hold on Kaela or he would be back to finish the job. An agreeable Rei, in apparent recognition of his recent deeds, appointed him as Quaestor of House Excidium and placed his daughter under his protection.

This would prove to be a ruse. With the Zabrak’s confidence growing and his defenses lowered, she leaked information to his second-in-command, Jorm "The Jester" Na'trej revealing a potential base of operation for Excidium. Andros took the bait, and directed Jorm to pursue the lead, personally volunteering to investigate the area called Keara’s Run. As the Empress’ has foreseen, Bale’s nature and the volatile nature of Kaera’s Run led an explosive skirmish between the Excidium forces and the world’s outlaw population. During this encounter, one of Elincia’s agents targetted Bale directly, turning a ship’s missile systems on the Zabrak. The explosion threw him clear of the station. Bale plummeted to his apparent death. He was declared missing in action and considered dead by Scholae Intelligence.

Kaela Val, upon learning of her father’s death, ultimately left the Brotherhood and struck out on her own. In 37 ABY, the Empress betrayed the Brotherhood and her clan to join forces with the Collective. She would later be shot dead by the war hero, Zentru’la.

A New Life

Risen From The Depths

―Bale Andros

It was not the end for Bale Andros. The attempt on his life and the ensuing fall left him in a coma with one of his legs damaged beyond healing. He was found after several days, nearly dead, by a group of clandestine miners. They took him off-world and dropped him off at the nearest medical space station where the comatose Zabrak underwent a long surgery to stop massive internal bleeding and amputate his leg, which was later replaced by a cybernetic prosthesis.

After several weeks in medical care, Bale finally awoke. Disoriented and weakened, he would spend several more weeks in recovery before setting off on his own. His mobility limited by the subpar quality of his new prosthesis and his body weakened from inactivity, he realized that he could not return to his old life. With the threat of Elincia Rei’s machinations lingering, he did not dare contact his former associates in Scholae Palatinae. Desperate to reach Kaela, he reached out via proxy, only to learn that she had left Brotherhood space and struck out on her own.

He later tracked her to Coruscant. Discovering that she was in good health and worried that she may become a target if they were to be seen together, he made the difficult decision to let her go about her life undisturbed. Looking to live under the radar and out of the spotlight, he turned to a life of scavenging. He eventually landed in the Caelus System and came in contact with Clan Taldryan. Though he was wary of dealing with more Force-users, or the Brotherhood itself, he managed to leverage a lifetime of experience with weapons and spaceships to cut himself a sideline as a gunsmith and mechanic.

The Hero




Enter The Herald


―Bale Andros

Personality and Traits

You tend to live in the present and appreciate the simpler things in life when you grow up staring death in the face on a daily basis. That is Bale Andros to a T. Good laughs, good booze, good women, and a good rush of adrenaline, these are the kind of things that make him tick. He’s a simple man; jovial, crass, and all too loud, with an easy smile and an open door policy for anyone willing to share a drink, full of unflappable enthusiasm and uncaring of insults to himself or how others live their lives.

Taken at face value, some might find his heavy-handed approach at life basic, even barbaric, and in turn, dismiss him as a man of small intelligence. They would be wrong, but some, especially those of richer upbringing or high standards, tend to look down on him, unwilling to engage with him.

Skills and Abilities

Despite never receiving any formal martial training, Bale Andros is a force to be reckoned with. A rowdy, blow-them-sky-high kind of fighter, Andros sports an affinity with blasters and explosives. What he lacks in theoretical know-how, he makes up for with sheer innate skill and raw physical power. What he lacks in finesse and grace, he makes up for with big guns and bigger explosions.

However, much like a tank, his slower movement and lesser agility could prove a severe shortcoming when facing against foes like Force-Users. In such situations, he will attempt to repel his enemies until he creates an opening.

In a chase, there are those who vault over obstacles, and there are those who run around them. Then you’ve got Bale. Bale runs through them. A relentless hound, he’ll crush, smash and trample anything that stands between him and his prey. His natural resilience to pain and his raw physical power allow him to cut a swath through obstacles and close the distance without losing momentum. Yet there are obstacles that even he cannot surpass. He’s been known to take serious bodily harm during such chases, and he never quite seems to learn.

Behind The Scenes

This section is about the DB member who created Bale Andros.


  • Responsible for the creation of the new club branding in 2025.
  • Designed several of the Brotherhood's award graphics, including all sacramental rewards.
  • Produced the original design and system for the Warbanners.
  • Top-to-bottom overhaul of the ACC in 2003, introducing features still in use today.
  • Created many custom robes and weapons for fellow members.

Positions Held

Positions Held
Before Position After
Xizor Combat Master
14 ABY - 15 ABY
Kaine Mandaala Herald
18 ABY
Muz Ashen
Rian Taldrya Herald
42-43 ABY


  • Once an elder, this member chose to delete their original dossier (#826), which was created in the late 90s. They opted for a fresh start in 2023 after the introduction of the XP system.