Fremoc on AnteiDespite his orders to Antei, Fremoc stayed for a little while longer to watch the funeral for his brother Kano. While the ceremony, and watching his brother be placed 10 feet underground, he reported tot he hidden hangars underneath Mucenic, where his Royal Guard escorted him on board a shuttle for Antei. On the shuttle was Aleho Ruoxf, who was being brought before the Justicar for the murder of Ashura Isradia Sadow. Tsainetomo thought it only fitting for the Fist of the Brotherhood to be bringing a murderer before the Justicar. Upon arrival to Antei, Muz Ashen sent Fremoc to Runculo, to arrest those who were there. Gathering a platoon of the Iron Throne's army, as well as a squad of the Royal Guard, Fremoc boarded the shuttle once more, heading to his destination. The Mark showed him that once more he would be standing against Trevarus Caerick, the man that had marked Fremoc. Upon arrival to Runculo, he found that Xanos Zorrixor was there as well. Fremoc requested that the two men came with him, but Trevarus engaged and killed the platoon and squad that Fremoc had brought with him. A moment later, Macron Goura Sadow arrived on the planet, and engaged Xanos in combat only to fall due to a Violator Gas injection. Trevarus engaged Fremoc, who toyed with the Pepoi for a little while, but eventually broke Fremoc's already weak bones from his fight with Kano, including his legs, jaw, and hands. Trevarus's guard picked up the broken body of Fremoc, and brought him on board the Sanguinis. There Fremoc slowly healed himself, but with the help of Sildrin Sadow was able to heal himself enough to walk and use his jaw properly. The ship eventually returned to Antei, where Trevarus and Xanos followed the Fist of the Brotherhood, who presented the two of them to the Grand Master. Muz thanked the equite, who in turn left the chambers to train the Royal Guard and hired the assistance of Cethgus and Angelo Dante.
The Son Inside
- "Rise, Fremoc Pepoi Sadow."
- ―Astronicus Sadow
Fremoc spent a lot of his days training the recruits to the Iron Throne, and the Royal Guard and was subsequently awarded an emerald dagger by the Grand Master for his work combined with the arrest of Trevarus and Xanos. He returned home to Tarthos to spend some time with his Family, but their time together was limited as the Family discovered that orphans in the Ekind Uprising, had been disappearing. Before Araxis, left with Mirado Fremoc appointed the younger cousin to be the Praetor to the Fist of the Brotherhood. Fremoc moved to Sepros and watched from a distance as The Regulators went off on their mission along with his wife Teu Pepoi. It wasn't shortly after Methyas Pepoi L'eonheart with Tsainetomo Keibatsu Sadow went to meet the summit of House Taldryan, fellow allies of Fremoc to discuss matters between the two houses. With his family spread out, he decided it was time for him to leave with his guards. Before he was able to leave Fremoc was called to the catacombs of the Sepros Palace, to a conclave of the Sons of Sadow. The gathered Sons, wished to hear Fremoc's report about Runculo, given that he had stepped on the planet himself. In an effort to keep Fremoc close to the hearts of the Sons, and away from Trevarus Caerick, Astronicus Sadow, the Overlord of Naga Sadow, made Fremoc drink his own blood, and become a Son of Sadow. Fremoc left shortly after to return to Antei and begin training more members for the Grand Master's Royal Guard.
Exodus Day
- "What must I do?
Do what you feel is right."
- ―Teu to her husband Fremoc on Exodus Day
On the turn of 35 ABY, the Houses of Arcona and Naga Sadow were granted the rights to become a Clan once more. Teu being given this news ran to her husband, who was overseeing the Independence Games, as well as participating in them, seeking for advice. She wanted to know if she should take the position of Quaestor of Marka Ragnos, a position that he had held before the downsizing, or remain as the Clan's Rollmaster. He told her to do what she felt best at doing, and she decided to become the reinstated Marka Ragnos Quaestor, the position he had held just before the clan was forced to be a House. Fremoc, although overseeing most of games' events, decided to take part in the events as well. He faced off against the Deputy Grandmaster and his cousin in one event, while also facing Sashar Arconae.
Accidents have Consequences
- "We.. found something."
- ―Fremoc to Muz in the Dark hall
Some time after the Independence Games, the new Voice, Vodo Biask, and Lord Ashen sent Fremoc and his magistrate Angelo Dante on a mission to the Alsakan System. Their mission was to provide reconnaissance and information for the Brotherhood pertaining to the deals that Michael Halcyon has been doing since leaving the Brotherhood. The Jedi must have had sensed Fremoc and Dante as they were engaged, and in the battle that ensued, Fremoc's lightsaber was deflected by the Jedi's blade, and cut through Dante, killing him. The Jedi threw Fremoc off the roof they were on with the Force, and safely escapes using a grapple hook. Fremoc returned to Antei, and informed the Dark Lord what had happened. Muz, angry that his primary assassin had failed him, took a lightsaber off his belt and held it over Fremoc's heart burning a hole a centimeter deep. Fremoc gave the Sith Lord information about what happened before leaving, and went to oversee the final construction efforts of The Spike. With the hours after Fremoc's return, Muz and Vodo sent out information saying that any direct attack on Fremoc is an act of war against the Dark Council, and that there will be swift consequences against those who attacked the Fist of the Brotherhood, with the main focus of the message being to the members of Scholae Palatinae A few weeks later, Fremoc moved the training grounds of the Royal Guard to the underground levels of The Spike from Lyspair.

During this time as the Spike became into full use, his cousin Mirado came to the training grounds and instructed his cousin on the ways to be a proper assassin. His other cousin Lynyrd joined them as well as Araxis and Eiko Lanzer, the Quaestor of Revan. The five practiced their art of being proper assassins in the Royal Guard. Shortly after the others had left, Muz Ashen sought fit to promote Fremoc to Exarch.
A few weeks after Mirado came to Antei, Fremoc was training members of the Royal Guard when Cado H'darr attacked Fremoc. The estranged member of Scholae Palatinae wanted to avenge the death of Angelo Dante, but failed with Fremoc putting a Force Pike in Cado's heart. A few days later while on Tarthos, a mercenary shot at Fremoc but the shot missed, and when Fremoc caught up to the attacker, the man had swallowed a poison capsule. Fremoc returned to Antei with Teu, Darra, Thonas, and his oldest son Thomas Pepoi. Fremoc had gone to a meeting with Shikyo Keibatsu and was walking back to his chambers and informing Shikyo of his concerns about the attempts on his life. Fremoc invited Shikyo into his chambers, where Thomas had been practicing some forms. Thomas held up a box of explosives that had been lying in the room, but before Fremoc could react fast enough, the box exploded, ripping his son apart into chunks of human flesh. Shrapnel from the box entered Fremoc, as well as a piece of his son's bone into his right bicep. Fremoc pulled each piece of shrapnel and bone out of himself, refusing medical assistance from the medical personnel on Antei. Teu, shaken from the attempt on Fremoc's life and the death of Thomas, returned to Tarthos with the smaller children and asked Naomi L'eonheart to take care of the children as the investigation ensued. Fremoc returned to Tarthos shortly after his wife, distraught and angered but slowly detaching from the reality that was around him.