Sivall Zoria

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New Order era.DJB Wiki featured article.
Sivall (Zosi'val'ria) Zoria
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

21 ABY (age 22)

Physical Description





5'0" (1.52 m)


130 lbs (58.97 kg)





Personal Information





Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, Zujenia, Wyndell Tyris, Foxen Erinos, Bril Teg Arga, Sofila Douve Armis, and others...

Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):
Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

Known masters:


Known apprentices:

Syrena Valkar



[ Source ]

"I'm trying to pull together the pieces of myself, to stitch back together my entire being, while also guiding those who look up to me! Give me a break, some grace! I'm just now figuring out how to be a person for the first time in my life, I'm going to mess up... "
― Sivall Zoria

Sivall Zoria, born Zosi'val'ria, is a quiet and overall unassuming Chiss female from House Sunrider of Clan Odan-Urr. A Shadow with a medic focus, Sivall can be heavily neutral, but tends to lean more towards the light. Originally born on an unknown desert planet, she was sold to a human couple on Coruscant. After being abandoned, she was recruited into the brotherhood by Alexandyr Douve. After a series of hardships, the ex-Arconan was transferred from Clan Arcona to her new home in Odan-Urr.

Physical Description

Sivall is a Chiss female that sports a lithe but proportionately feminine build. Sivall has a light musculature, which is more apparent in the legs than anywhere else. She has full, doe-like, eyes without pupils or irises that are a deep sanguine in color surrounded by long raven lashes.

Siv, sporting her normal fashion of clothes in a neutral shade. She is often found wearing "sweater dresses of some karking random shade of taupe".

She sports pale blue skin that is free of blemishes, along with raven colored hair that is of medium length and wavy-- but pulled back into a chignon with hair framing the face. Sivall has a singular beauty mark below her bottom lip and to the left. The Chiss has a ragged scar that runs from under her ribs on her right side to her left hip. She also has a splatter of tiny scars running from the fingers on her right hand up to her elbow, which are more concentrated on her fingers and become more sparse in til they disappear entirely, and resemble the tiny scars one might receive from shards of glass.

Sivall speaks in a typical posh Coruscanti accent with a soft voice. Her Cheunh is clean and spoken fluidly, while other languages tend to suffer from her accent.


Siv and her Envoy Friend, Evelyn, rep'ing the Envoy Corps threads.

Sivall, though most often wearing medical or Envoy Attire, tends to keep a minimalist but formal fashion. Even her lounge clothes are formal in nature; often consisting of loose slacks and a sweater. Sivall habitually picks clothes that show minimal skin, going to great lengths to cover as much as possible no matter the temperature or weather. This includes even dresses, which tend to be floor-length and have high necklines. The Chiss medic is not often seen without her trademark black or cream gloves, the later of which were a gift from the Nautolan Foxen Erinos.


Siv is a soft spoken person who is an introvert by base nature. Happy to sit and observe the situation around her, she is not one to start conversation unless she forces herself to. Suffering from PTSD from her previous training, as well as a self-objectification, Sivall can come across as strange and distant. However behind this mask of passivity and blankness lies a pure heart that only wishes to help everyone she can-- often to the detriment of her own person.

The Chiss woman has a bleeding heart for others, basing her entire world view on compassion. She does not believe in abject cruelty or rudeness and strives to understand a person or enemy before resorting to violence. Because of this, Sivall spends most of her time healing or helping instead of fighting, but knows when blades are needed instead of words. "Sometimes the best way to help is to kill" is one of the only things that Ju'lia taught Sivall, and the only lesson she still carries from her time with the Grants.

Sivall is not religious in any terms. Having seen the worst of life, she finds it hard to have faith in any sort of higher power. This in turn sometimes makes it hard for her to lean on the force, but she tries to think of it more as a natural resource instead of something sentient.



Despair and Distain

Despair and Distain are the two sabers that were given to Sivall by her former master, Connor. Built of the cheapest material and with a knack for malfunctioning at the worst possible times, they were the only things left with Siv when she was abandoned. Sivall held on to these two sabers for most of her early career with the Brotherhood, using them mostly as blunt weapons in fights instead of taking the risk of activating them and hurting someone. When Sivall is granted a kyber crystal and Alexandyr's empty saber, Despair is tossed out of an airlock after a brief moment of emotional turmoil by Siv.


Renewal holds the cyan Kyber Crystal given to her by her master, Zujenia. This saber replaced Despair when it was tossed out of an airlock. The saber itself was given to Sivall by Alexandyr who no longer wished to carry a lightsaber around. It marked the moment that Siv began to believe she was worthy of the opportunities and home she had been granted.

Caduceus and Mercy

When Sivall was granted the rank of Equite 1, she began a campaign to understand who she was as a person outside of her past and trauma. On this journey, she realized she finally needed to seek out kyber crystals that were hers and hers alone. After obtaining the council of her clanmates, the Chiss woman set off to find the crystals that resonated with her. The trip led her to two discarded and cracked Kyber Crystals on a random outer-rim planet. Sivall called back home, requesting help, and was lead through the purification and healing of the crystals that Sivall described as "sobbing".

Once healed, the two crystals began to glow a brilliant white color. Sivall took them and returned home to Selen and worked with a blacksmith there to craft two saber hilts that displayed her calling for healing and the duality of the force. Thus, Caduceus and Mercy were born. Caduceus is a full length saber brandishing a caduceus like symbol down the middle. Mercy is a shoto saber that matches it's full-length partner.

Ships and Craft

Nightingale V1 (Retired/Scrapped)

The Nightingale V1 was Sivall's first big purchase with her own money. Despite having bare-bones piloting experience herself, she bought it at the insistence of her friends as a way to regain her freedom after her ownership. Siv owned the ship through most of 41 ABY and it saw a lot of her trials an tribulations. The ship began to see less use after an unfortunate landing damaged some of the ship's exterior plating and internal mechanics.

Nightingale V1 saw some use through the Sixteenth Great Jedi War, carrying Siv to and from locations to attempt to help heal the wounded that found themselves back through the portal from the Ethereal Realm.

Nightingale V2

When Nightingale V1 was retired and scrapped at the beginning of 42 ABY, it was replaced by a GX1 Diplomatic Short Hauler. Sivall pulled out all the stops with the new version of the Nightingale, putting in a decent pile of credits into making sure the starship had the features that would allow her and her partner to make extended trips in comfort. Although the ship does not see much use by Alexandyr, it does see a decent bit of use by Sivall. Sivall's Envoy Droid "Tor" handles most of the ship's piloting, along with the help of the onboard Droid Brain.

The Nightingale V2 has all luxury amenities, a Hardpoint Launcher, and External Hard-dock. The onboard layout of the ship has a Master Bed/Bath Combo, an extended cabin for guests that holds up to four guests, a fully functional living area with entertainment, a massive luxury galley and dining area, a full guest bathroom, and extra half bathroom, a spacious elevator to the external doc, and a fully stocked medbay with lab equipment. The ship is currently slated for personal use, but does see it's fair share of battle and transport.



BD-131, "Ellie"

BD-131 is a BD-Unit Backpack Droid that is pitch black in color. Sivall got the idea to obtain the droid after seeing Zenod'ande'rson's (Anders') BD droid BUDD-E. The droid can often be found trailing after Sivall while she goes about her day, trying it's best to take care of it's mess of an owner. Outside of it's caretaker-like tendencies, the droid is very friendly and can be seen trying to befriend of even "mother" other BD units. "Ellie" is currently fitted with an encrypted commlink and a repair probe, allowing it to make quick fixes to Sivall's ship or other droid units.

ES-70R, "Tor"

The second droid to join Sivall, ES-70R-- dubbed "Tor/TOR" --was granted to Sivall because of her contributions and ongoing support of the Envoy Corps. The droid specializes in language translation and mathematic calculations. "Tor" does a good majority of the piloting of Sivall's ship, the Nightingale V2, and shares the load of making sure it's owner is taking care of herself with it's droid partner, Ellie.

Biographical History

Early life

Zosi'Val'Ria was born on a remote desert planet to a pair of Chiss scientists. The two chiss, who never wanted children, were hesitant to raise a baby together-- but they did try. They were hardly perfect parents and often left the tiny child to be cared for by a nanny. This period of Siv's life was without strife despite her parents never being around. She had a roof over her head, food, and was taught all the things a toddler should be taught-- her Chiss nanny even taught her some basic Cheunh.

At the age of four, her biological parents admitted defeat (and were struggling financially due to a slew of failed experiments) so they sold their child to a human couple. The terms of the deal were that the couple would acquire Zosi'Val'Ria for a discount price since the child had not yet shown any talent with the force outside of floating light objects once in a while. Once bought, her owners brought her to their home, a giant estate, on Coruscant. The couple, Connor and Ju'lia Grant, were an aristocratic family well known on Coruscant for the family's technological empire.

The first few years of her "slavery" were without incident; the Grants were decent to Zosi'Val'Ria outside of forcing the child to adopt a new name-- Sivall Zoria.



Over the next few years after her acquisition, the Grants began training Sivall to be a Sith. They put the child through rigorous and vicious training in an attempt to nurture the child's affinity with the force. They also attempted "trials" or tests that would allow them to gauge Sivall's connection to the dark side of the force during her training. Sivall underwent a total of four trials during her time with her owners; corrupting a kyber crystal, manipulating a local (but small time) politician, torture, and The Sacrifice. Sivall failed every trial, her final failure resulting in the death of her pet loth cat Fia.

Aggravated with the young woman, and having given up hope of turning her to the Dark Side, her owners abandoned her on the streets of Coruscant to fend for herself or die. Sivall was left with only the clothes on her back, with no supplies to get her through her new life. The Chiss woman struggled greatly to survive on the streets, as she had lived a privleged life with her previous owners, and had never had to fend for herself. Due to this the young woman turned to any job that would net her credits, including unsavory practices like prostitution, so that she could afford food and water. It worked for a while, but Sivall was quickly running out of time. The exotic charm she had was beginning to wear off.


Coruscant Undercity/Slums

Sivall was on her last legs and close to death when she was found by a Brotherhood member by the name of Alexandyr Douve. The Mandalorian Human found her withering away in an alley and decided that he couldn't leave her to die as he had seen many others suffer that exact fate. He carried her to a local motel room with the offer of a shower, clothes, food, and a job. However, the socially-awkward Human male realized that the position he had put his new Chiss acquaintance in was one that could be seen as provacitive or even propositional and panicked.

Alexandyr called for someone from the Brotherhood to meet Sivall on Coruscant and quickly made his exit, scared he had only added to the Chiss' baggage and wanting to cut ties.

The ship of Brotherhood members picked Siv up as asked, but took quite the roundabout way of getting back to the Dajorra System, ping-ponging around the galaxy a bit before making their final stop back on Selen. One of these pit stops landed Sivall on Sundari Station, where she was reunited with Alexandyr. The Chiss medic also met a few new faces on the space station, one of them being Proconsul Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir who took an immediate liking to the young woman after their brief introduction and conversation.

A New Dawn in Arcona

Sivall arriving to Clan Arcona

Sivall was taken in by one of the more senior members of Arcona, a half-Ryn hybrid, Zujenia. The hybrid was chosen by Ruka to train Siv as he believed that Zuji could teach the Force-sensitive to use the Light side of the Force. Siv quickly took to her master's teachings, trying her best to learn how to use the other half of the Force that she was never allowed to utilize during her upbringing. She struggled to harness those abilities despite Zuji's best attempts. While she excelled in Force Healing, she had a hard time using her abilities without relying on the Dark as she had been taught.

Still, Zujenia did not give up, and within time Sivall began to show some improvement.

Despite being fairly new to the Clan and the Brotherhood as a whole, Sivall applied for her first mission to help give back to the Clan that had given her so much already. Her request was hesitantly approved by the then Consul Qyreia Arronen and she was deployed to help with the crisis looming on one of Selen's insland-- Tekplantli.

Worried for her safety, and knowing the chaos that followed in the shadows of the island's beasts called Caxquettes, Ruka assigned Sivall to his squad. The group, consisting of a few others and Alexandyr, boarded on the LAAT/i's set for the island.

Sivall quickly became one of the many Envoys occupying Arcona

The Disaster in Tekpantli

The Arconan forces dispatched to Tekpantli were met with instant mortar fire from the island (as well as Force illusions) as the native islanders prepared for an invasion, even though that was not the intention of the Shadow Clan. The LAAT/i holding Ruka, Qyreia, Alexandyr, Siv and a few others was one of the few that lost altitude and crashed into the ocean surrounding the island. Ruka was one of the first to tear himself from the dream-like state that had been afflicted on everyone who had approached the island. He saved Sivall from drowning, and between them both, they pulled the rest of the Arconan forces who could not to it themselves from the water and onto the beach.

From there the group began their movement into the jungle. Sivall was separated from her group during the initial push into the heart of Tekpantli. While separated, the Chiss woman came across a massive Caxquette-- one of the abominations made from the Ancient Sith Alla'su. Siv fought the beast, thinking that she was protecting her group that was somewhere in the trees, but unaware that the Caxquettes were bonded to the inhabitants of the islands and sacred to them.

The medic attempted to land the final blow only for it to be blocked by the caxxie's bond-partner, a small islander boy named Tema. The small boy took the fatal blow instead and denied Sivall the ability to heal him when she attempted to fix the mistake she had made. She was found shortly after the child died in her arms by the group that she had been separated from. Alexandyr attempted to comfort her to no avail as the young woman was in hysterics.

The blame for the incident ultimately fell on Qyreia, as she broke the news to the islanders once the fighting had calmed down. The Zeltron woman received the full ire of the Tekpantli Islanders, even being submitted to being spat at. Sivall attempted to speak up, not wanting Qyeria to be blamed for her mistake, but was held back by her clanmates.

Her punishment was that she was not allowed to help when the group was allowed into the inner sanctuaries of the island and were faced with a mass of sick or dying people held in stasis by the false God/Ancient Sith Maustli. The Chiss was also informally banned from ever returning to the island.

Crucial Relationships

Alexandyr Douve | "Vi'Vickust"

"My star-chaser, my comfort, my home. If only he saw himself the way I saw him."
―Sivall Zoria

Having found her on the streets of Coruscant, Alexandyr is the Arcona member who recruited the young Chiss into the Brotherhood. Though separated for two months while Sivall made her way to Estle the two eventually reconvened on Sundari Station. Once Siv made her way back planet-side, she became quick friends with the man who had disappeared after feeding and homing her.

A relationship quickly formed between the pair, leading to a dinner date and a confession. Quickly after which, Sivall moved into Alexandyr's apartment after hers became unsafe after the events that saw her kidnapped by the Children of Mortis. Soon after moving in, Sivall proposed to Alex and the two eloped. They now spend their leisure time caring for the whole collection of plants that Siv keeps adding to.

A headshot of the ex-Proconsul, Ruka.

Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir | "Vacmi"

"But home, for your heart? For you soul? That's the same word as family-- teljvriovi. And I'm glad you're mine. No matter what."
―Ruka Tenebriss Ya-ir

Ruka was one of the first people in Clan Arcona to interact with Sivall after her recruitment. From helping Siv find a master, to helping her overcome her fears, the Sith member of Arcona welcomed the Chiss woman into the clan with open arms. After opening up to her Proconsul about her past, Sivall quickly became a part of the Ya-ir household and an unofficial adopted child of the family. Ruka has given her the nickname "kollecicia" which means "little cookie".

Sivall stood by Ruka's side, even when he was placed into a months-long coma and removed from his position as Proconsul. While she was absent from his hospital room (a fact that created some tension between her and some other members of Ruka's inner circle), the Chiss woman supported the Mirialan man from different positions and often checked in during his hospitalization via the staff and the documentation of his care team.

Bril with his saber, Fulcrum, in a striking pose.

Bril Teg Arga | "Botmun'i"

"This is one of them. Some things are better left in history. Take it from someone who was recently possessed by the very magick you were researching. They didn't respect life like you do, lora. It's dangerous. Please, don't let your guilt send you down a path that will consume you and everyone you love."
―Bril Teg Arga

An unplanned ally, the Plagueian and Sivall became quick friends after their meeting at the Shadow Academy on Arx. The two have gone through a handful of missions together and have become as close as family during their short friendship. Alongside acting as her protection when Sivall goes on martyr-like bouts, Bril also acts as her grounding force and one of the leading figures keeping her in the light. His nickname for the Chiss woman, "lora", means sister in Zabraki.

Though their relationship became somewhat strained after Sivall's withdrawal from their Force bond and sneaking around to hide her activities in the Inquisitorius, the pair are still close and rely on each other when in trouble. Siv often calls on Bril when she struggles with something dealing with the Force or Force visions, and Bril often calls on his adopted sister when he needs someone with medical knowledge.

A headshot showing off Zuji's gorgeous features

Zujenia | "Zuji"

"So take this for the journey, at least until you have a chance to go to Ilum or some other source to find one that resonates solely with you. And one day, give it to someone you deem worthy, as my Master gave to me and I to you."
―Zujenia, before Sivall's knighting

Sivall's Master and one of her first few contacts in the Brotherhood, the young Chiss woman was quite close during her apprenticeship with the Ryn-Human Hybrid. It was due to Zujenia's guidance that Siv was able to begin to harvest the ability to use the Light Side of the Force and was the main driving force behind Sivall choosing to abandon her previous teachings as an assassin for the abilities of a healer.

The two's relationship was briefly damaged after the incident on Tekpantli, as Sivall assumed that Zuji was keeping the Arconan children from her to protect them. The half-Ryn quickly apologized, however, and cleared the air. They now bond over their love of baking, and Siv has leaned on her former Master in times of crisis such as when she found the cracked Kyber Crystals that would become her saber blades.

The current Consul of Arcona, Zuza Lottson.

Zuza Lottson | "Zuzu"/"Zu"

"Our Consul? She's different, but the good kind of different. The kind that stories are written about, the kind people charge into hell for. She's not perfect, she's not a saint, but that's what makes her the best Consul for us. I believe in Zu. She's going places."
―Sivall Zoria

Sivall met Zuza when she was still the Battleteam Leader of the Selen Training Corps. The Human female was Siv's first superior outside of her master, and the young woman found herself leaning on Zuza's neutral alignment a lot in her early days in Clan Arcona as she tried to make sense of the things done to her in her past. Zuza continued to be close friends with Siv even after she left the STC, even saving Sivall when she was captured by the The Children of Mortis midway through 41 ABY.

It is not uncommon to see the two in Zuza's apartment, panting and watching terrible holofics while venting about recent happenings either in their personal lives, leadership positions, or in the Brotherhood in general.

Foxen showing off his scars

Foxen Erinos | "Fox"

"I live like this because materialsm is fraking healing. Do you need more than one shirt? No. But it damn well feels good to have options. To indulge. To say frak you to the frakers that took our lives away, made us objects, tools, things, abused and hurt. Live well, Sivall Zoria. That's the best revenge."
―Foxen Erinos

Foxen and Sivall became uncanny allies after Sivall saved his life at the behest of Foxen's little sister, Minnow. Even after having just recovered from surgery herself the Chiss Medic took the charge when it came to Foxen's care after he was mercilessly tortured to near-death. From then, the two kept crossing paths and becoming ever closer due to their mutual love of fashion and gourmet food. The two's bond was further solidified when Sivall saved Foxen's partner, Flyndt, during a mission on Arx. The Nautolan swore an oath to Siv that she hesitantly accepted under the condition that Foxen was aware he was his own person.

Minnie and Siv out and about

Minnow Erinos | "Minmin"

"You ever know a person that glows like a sun in the middle of the room? That's Minnow. Her bubbliness and confidence are infectious. She's the kind of "good" I wish that I was. My Botmun'i is a lucky man."
―Sivall Zoria

Minnow, or Minnie, was introduced to Siv through Bril Teg Arga. The lemon-colored Nautolan quickly took to Siv when she heard about the Chiss' backstory, and saw how much the young woman wanted to help people even after everything that had happened to her. It was thanks to Minnie and her brother Foxen that Sivall began to branch out and become more comfortable, asking herself the hard questions like "who am I" and "what do I want". Sivall stayed in Minnie's house after her abduction at the hands of The Children while she worked on moving to Alexandyr's apartment.

Minnie and Siv can be found shopping for clothes while sipping bubble tea on the streets of Estle. Sivall thinks the absolute world of Minnow and counts her as one of her closests friends, rivaled only by Foxen and Bril.


Positions Held
Before Position After
N/A Aedile of House Galeres
41 ABY - 42 ABY
Meero (42 ABY - 42 ABY)
Ood Bnar (41 ABY - 42 ABY) Quaestor (Quaestrix) of House Galeres
42 ABY - 42 ABY
N/A Magistrate to the Emissary
42 ABY - 42 ABY
Saal Kesyk Magistrate to the Herald
42 ABY - Current
Windos (42 ABY - 42 ABY) Praetor to the Emissary
42 ABY - Current