House Acclivis Draco

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Acclivis Draco Battleteams
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"House of the Rising Dragon: Where Perfection Becomes Habit"
―House Motto

House Acclivis Draco (commonly abbreviated HAD) is one of the Houses of Clan Scholae Palatinae along with House Caliburnus and House Dorimad Sol.

For a summary of the House, please view House Acclivis Draco Prospectus.


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Vendetta History

Quaestors and Aediles

House Acclivis Draco has a long history of illustrious Quaestors and Aediles, dating back numerous years before the Exodus. Each leader of the House has contributed to the growing greatness that is Acclivis Draco and more generous donors are sure to come.

Quaestor Aedile
Arkane Maithal Karva Dronaal,
Quowal Karva Dronaal
Arkane Maithal Cuchulain
Karva Dronaal
Cuchulain Mike Halcyon
Mike Halcyon Saitou
Sabé Dracaena Cymbre Kall,
Mejas Doto Loor
Loor al`Lan Mandragoran,
Kedara X'all
Corde Aghasett Kschamehellan
Vally Tamalar
Numaril Asfågeln
Vail Aquillarum Unteminar
Timbal Palpatine
Kschamehellan Munesanzun Mitsukai Isradia
Munesanzun Mitsukai Isradia Braecen Kaeth,
Braecen Kaeth Rasilvenaira StormRaven
Cyris Oscura
RevengeX Palpatine Rasilvenaira StormRaven,
Rhaub D'ar Aghasett Palpatine,
Natth a'Niel Palpatine,
Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine,
Timbal Tra'an Reith
Tra'an Reith Kalak Ragnose
Kalak Ragnose Koryn Thraagus


  • Since the beginning of the Clan, Caliburnus was the stronger of the three Houses, over HAD and Dorimad Sol. As time passed the Krath grew stronger and under J'Lek began to push for control of the Clan. The Krath grew stronger and began to dominate the Clan positions and finally, dominance of HAD over HC was officially grabbed under Cuchulain's reign.
  • HAD has since traditionally been considered the strongest of all of CSP's houses, although there have been periods of history in which one house or another has temporarily usurped that honor. However, HAD usually bounces back with a vengeance.
  • HAD usually is the source of most fictional work within the Clan, and prides itself on furthering the development aspects of the Clan.


  • Under the leadership of Mike Halcyon, House Acclivis Draco became the first First Krath House of the Brotherhood.
  • This is where the current Master-Student Program, created by Mike Halcyon and now used throughout the Brotherhood, began.
  • After Mune resigned from the position of Quaestor, three members were appointed successively: Braecen, Saitou, and Cyris, but none of them were in the post for more than sixteen days.
  • At one point, the entire Summit of Acclivis Draco was filled with Krath Priests: Kschamehellan as Quaestor, Mune as Aedile, and Exodius as Rollmaster.
  • The traditionally Krath house experienced its first Obelisk Quaestor when Tra'an took control.
  • Ood would like to be known as an influential member who deserted the House.

See Also

External Links

Clan Scholae Palatinae
Units Clan: Scholae PalatinaeHouses: Caliburnus, Acclivis Draco
Leadership Clan Summit:

Caliburnus Summit:

Acclivis Draco Summit:


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