Imperial Scholae Navy

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Imperial Scholae Navy
Unit Information

34 ABY




Space Operations


2 Flotillas, 1 Sub-Flotilla

Part of:

Scholae Palatinae Military


Imperial Scholae Command

[ Source ]

The Imperial Scholae Navy (ISN) and the Imperial Scholae Army (ISA) are the two major branches of the Scholae Imperial Armed Forces (SAF), used by the Scholae Empire and Clan Scholae Palatinae in defence of the clan's dominion. The ISN comprises of the collective identity of the entire Clan naval forces: the large warships, starfighters, and accompanying personnel. The ISN is made up primarily of two flotillas, each comprised of a collection of destroyers, cruisers, frigates, corvettes, assault craft and starfighters. The flagship of the Emperor of Scholae, the ISN Sidious, and the flagship of the Grand Vizier, his right hand, the ISN Vader, lead the first and second flotillas respectively. In addition, a third, smaller flotilla, under the command of the secret House Excidium, disguised as a criminal organisation, is officially unaffiliated with the Scholae Empire and used for infiltration and subterfuge. The Imperial Medical Station, the IMS Tipoca II, falls under the umbrella of the ISN. The navy is led by War Councillor Admiral TBA.



In 34 ABY the Iron Fleet, under orders of Grand Master Darth Pravus, destroyed the Cocytus System and almost the entire military, ground and fleet, of Clan Scholae Palatinae. Left with nothing, the Clan evacuated to the recently acquired medical station, the IMS Tipoca II, with only the clan members and top military commanders surviving the attack. All titles and names associated with the old military were permanently discarded in favour of the newly titled Imperial Scholae Navy and Imperial Scholae Army. It was at this moment that Emperor Xen'Mordin Palpatine revealed the acquisition of the Victory-Class Star Destroyer ISN Sidious, flagship of the new Navy. Shortly afterwards, Jorm Na'trej was tasked with masterminding the theft of a Venator-Class Star Destroyer, which was renamed the ISN Vader.

Shortly afterwards various other ships were bought or stolen by clan forces, and new recruits were hired from across the galaxy to replace the men lost in the attack, which were named after important figureheads in the Galactic Empire. The newly formed fleet was split into two flotillas, with two co-flagships, the Sidious and the Vader. In addition, a sub-flotilla designed to be disassociated from the Empire for use by House Excidium's stealth missions was placed under the command of Quaestor Braecen Kaeth.

Structure and Organisation

Imperial Scholae Navy Organisation
Naval Ships Fighter Corps Typical Commanding officer
Assault Ship Starfighter Flight Lieutenant
Assault Ship Flight Squadron Commander
Carrier / Gunship Group Captain
Destroyer Wing Commodore
Flotilla N/A Admiral
Imperial Scholae Navy Imperial Fighter Corps Moff
Imperial Scholae Military ISA + ISN + ISI Emperor / Grand Admiral

Rank and File Command Structure

Important admirals, who can command what ships, etc.

Clan Scholae Palatinae Members

Rank Chart

Imperial Scholae Armed Forces Ranks
DB Member Army Rank Navy Rank
Elder 3 Grand General Grand Admiral
Elder 2 Moff Moff
Elder 1 General Admiral
Equite 4 Colonel Commodore
Equite 3 Lieutenant Colonel Captain
Equite 2 Commander Commander
Equite 1 Major Lieutenant Commander
Journeyman 4 Captain Lieutenant
Journeyman 3 Lieutenant Sublieutenant
Journeyman 2 Sergeant Ensign
Journeyman 1 Private Midshipman
Novitiate 4 Trooper Trainee
Novitiate 3 Cadet Recruit
Novitiate 2 Apprentice Apprentice
Novitiate 1 Initiate Initiate

The Imperial Scholae Armed Forces uses two ranking systems, one for the army and one for the navy. The army ranks are identical to the loyalist ranks of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. The naval ranks are set as close as possible to the ranks of the Galactic Empire, using the mercenary Dark Jedi Brotherhood ranks for the novitiate level. Members of the the clan can assume the temporary military position in times of war according to their skills.


First Flotilla


The First Flotilla is the largest of the flotillas in the Imperial Scholae Navy, and is primarily tasked with the defense of the Scholae Palatinae dominion. The Flotilla contains one of the most powerful warships in the navy, the Victory-class Star Destroyer ISN Sidious. The ISN Sidious is the Flagship the Emperor of Scholae Palatinae, and serves to house the officers and top leadership of the Scholae Empire as a centralised mobile command centre. A 900-meter long Destroyer, the Sidious is a warship for both capital ship battles and planetary assaults capable of atmospheric flight. It features moderate carrying capacity and docks squadrons of TIE/D Defenders and TIE/SF Starfighters.

The ISN Sidious is supported in its primary objective to ensure security of the system by the rest of the Flotilla. The Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser, the ISN Tarkin, is a 600-meter long warship designed to operate independently as a multi-role warship. Like the Sidious, it has moderate carrying capacity, and docks squadrons of TIE/D Defenders and TIE/SF Starfighters. The ISN Tarkin is used when the Sidious is unavailable and smaller warships are insufficient. Due to the moderate carrying capacity of the Sidious and the Tarkin, the First Flotilla is supported by a Quasar Fire-class Cruiser Carrier, the Tyranite, carrying 2 squadrons of TIE/D Defenders and 2 of TIE/SF Starfighters.

Finally, the Flotilla contains smaller ships, including 4 flights of VT-49 Decimators (16 Decimators), a flight of Delta-class JV-7 Escort Shuttles and a flight of Kom'rk-class Fighters. These ships function as both assault ships and armed personnel transports.

The ISN Sidious, flagship of the first flotilla, in deep space

List of Ships

Second Flotilla


Smaller than the First Flotilla, the Second Flotilla is primarily tasked as the lead spear and offensive unit deployed into conflict. The Flotilla contains the second star destroyer in the navy, the Victory-class Star Destroyer ISN Vader's Vengeance, purchased as a replacement after the ISN Vader was destroyed by Collective forces. The ISN Vader's Vengeance is the Flagship of the Grand Vizier of Scholae Palatinae, and the centrepiece of any major attack, as well as a centralised mobile command centre. The ship docks squadrons of TIE/D Defenders and TIE/SF Starfighters.

The ISN Vader's Vengence is supported in its primary objective to attack hostile targets by the rest of the Flotilla. The Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser, the ISN Thrawn, is a 600-meter long warship designed to operate independently as a multi-role warship. It contains moderate carrying capacity, and docks squadrons of TIE/D Defenders and TIE/SF Starfighters, providing both extra firepower and carrying capacity to the flotilla. The Acclamator-class Assault Ship, the ISN Amedda, is a 752-metre long Cruiser designed as a troop transport that could break enemy blockades and land directly into battle. The Amedda is the primary transport mechanism of Scholae Palatinae to bring troops to the surface during assault, and carries the 2nd Regiment of The Imperial Legion on board.

To provide more support in dealing with enemy starfighters, the First Flotilla is supported by a Quasar Fire-class Cruiser Carrier, the Hawkbat Eyrie, which docks 2 squadrons of TIE/D Defenders and 2 of TIE/SF Starfighters. Finally, the Flotilla contains smaller assault ships, namely 4 flights of VT-49 Decimators (16 Decimators), which function as both assault ships and armed personnel transports.

File:Vader Vengeance.png
The ISN Vader's Vengeance, flagship of the second flotilla, in front of Seraph

List of Ships

Sub-unit forces

As Consul, Elincia Rei sold off some of the clan forces and allocated funds to the houses and battleteams of Scholae Palatinae to assemble their own forces. While the ships listed below are not technically part of the Imperial Scholae Navy, as they serve their own units, they are included here to give a complete view of all of the space forces available to the clan.

House Imperium


List of Ships

Battleteam Krennic


List of Ships

Battleteam Pellaeon


List of Ships

House Excidium


List of Ships

Battleteam Tacitus Athanasius


List of Ships

Battleteam Vindictae Immortalis


List of Ships

Excidium Sub-Flotilla


The Excidium Sub-Flotilla is to be written by Brae

List of Ships

Landing Craft


The Landing Craft of the Imperial Scholae Navy don't belong to any particular flotilla, and are distributed on an 'as needed' basis. The Imperial Scholae Navy's Landing Craft division contains multi-purpose transport ships, including 2 flights (8) of state-of-the-art, heavily armoured and shielded Upsilon-class Command Shuttles as well as 2 flights (8) the smaller Lambda-class T-4a Shuttles which each carry 20 passengers. The Landing craft division also contains 3 Atmospheric Assault Lander Flights, 18-meter long troop transports designed for rapid deployment, each carrying 20 stormtroopers. In total, these shuttles carry 480 passengers (3 line companies).

The bulk of the carrying capacity of the Landing Craft Division is in the larger, specialist craft. The navy contains 5 flights of Sentinel-class Landing Craft, a 38-meter long troop transport unit designed as a heavily armored and shielded multipurpose drop ship for transporting troops and armor directly into battle safely. Each of these craft contain 75 stormtroopers, allowing the 5 flights to carry 1,500 troops (approximately 9 line companies and one assault company). Finally, the navy possesses 3 flights of Y-85 Titan Dropships, a 90-meter long dropship transport unit designed to deploy walkers or prefabricated garrison bases from powerful magnetic clamps into battle. The Titan Dropships each carry an armoured platoon, and the three flights in total carry three of the Imperial Scholae Army's 6 full armoured companies.

List of Ships

IMS Tipoca II

The IMS Tipoca II is a Haven-class Medical Station in deep space outside the Caperion System. The circular station measures 652 metres in diameter, and is designed with eight medical bays around a central administration hub. Each of the eight medical bays contains an advanced medcentre with a 10,000 patient capacity. This gives a total capacity of 80,000 patients, which exceeds the number of stormtroopers in the Imperial Scholae Army. Furthermore, the IMS Tipoca II is capable of docking with with even massive warships, which facilitates both maintenance for the benefit the Navy's Star Destroyers and Heavy Cruisers as well as a quick vector for transporting wounded Navy personnel to the medical bays.

Unarmed, this station is highly vulnerable and depends on other space vehicles to defend it from attackers. As such, it is defended by the ISN Sidious and the rest of the First Flotilla. Despite not officially being part of the Imperial Scholae Armed Forces, the IMS Tipoca II maintains strong mutually beneficial communications with both the Navy and the Army, and its patients are primarily wounded military personnel.

Imperial Scholae Armed Forces
Imperial Scholae Navy
First Flotilla Victory-class Star Destroyer ISN SidiousVindicator-class Heavy Cruiser ISN Tarkin
Second Flotilla Venator-class Star Destroyer ISN VaderVindicator-class Heavy Cruiser ISN ThrawnAcclamator-class Assault Ship ISN Amedda
External Support EF76 Nebulon-B Frigate TBA • Haven-class Medical Station IMS Tipoca II
Imperial Scholae Army
The Imperial Legion 1st Regiment • 2nd Regiment • 3rd Regiment • 4th Regiment
Imperial Scholae Guard Regiment Judecca Guard Battalion • Antenora Guard Battalion • Ptolomea Guard Battalion • Caina Guard Battalion
For the Empire!