Dark Brotherhood Infrastructure
Dark Jedi of the Brotherhood
Rights of the Brethren
The Compendium of the Brotherhood is a compilation of various resources and links to better facilitate you with the various aspects and parts of the Brotherhood. Much can be found via the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Codex, though direct links can also be found below with minor explanations and pictures of each area.
Compendium of the Brotherhood
Center of the Brotherhood
The Center of the Brotherhood (Resource links at the very top of every page) provides a wide array of information available to both yourself and everyone, even those who are not part of the Brotherhood. From the various sections at the top, you can view the contents by hovering your mouse icon over them.
The Codex of the Brotherhood
The Codex is the central source of information relating to the heart of the Brotherhood, covering everything in detail from the infrastructure of the Brotherhood, Dark Side Lore, and the Rights of the Brethren. Located to the right of this section, you will find a small version of the Codex that will link you to the appropriate sections within it.
Your Dossier.
The Dossier is your main source of information relating to who you are within the Brotherhood. It serves as both a source of information relating to you, as well as your main souce of Administation which lets you control various aspects of your character and your Brotherhood activity (explained in the next section).
From the main page of your Dossier, you can see an overview of your entire career within your House and Brotherhood at large. This includes your ID line (which is useable in any e-mail you send around the brother), your current robes and lightsaber (gaining more options for both as you progress in rank), your personal Information, any positions you might hold within the House or Brotherhood, and any awards you have earned.
Understanding your Administration Panel
This is what controls your fate.
As stated above, the Administration Panel is your main source of controlling the primary aspects of your character and your dossier within the Brotherhood. From here, you can perform many different tasks. Some are based on positions you may hold, such as being a member of the Dark Council, or an Aedile within a House. The various tabs available for you to use are:
From here, you can change several details about your character, including your character's name and character sheet. You can also change your Order and transfer into different houses and clans if you do desire.
The Robe Selection Tool.
The Dossier Information section allows you to change multiple aspects that affect you firsthand. From here, you can edit basic information on your profile, such as your location, gaming console information, and contact information.
You can also select which robe you want to appear on your Dossier, as well as customize a Warbanner once you get to a certain rank. Starting off, you will not have very many choices to choose from, but as you progress through the Journeyman ranks you will unlock additional robes and Warbanner options. Once you reach Dark Jedi Knight, you will have the option of adding a Lightsaber to your dossier as well. At the rank of Protector however, you will have the option of adding an Armory Lightsaber; issued to all trainees and access to the Banlath Lightsaber Form on the ACC character sheet.
You can also view all of the Custom Lightsabers created by the Herald; those who are ranked Equite 2 and above may request lightsabers.
In the Account Information section, you can change the more technical aspects of your dossier. You can change your Email Address as well as your Login Password, though this does not change your Forum Password. For that, you will need to change it using the forum's User Control Panel.
You can also set a Leave of Absence, which is an approved leave should you have to go away for several days at at time or for an extended period of time. If you fail to set one should an AWOL Check occur during the time you are gone, you run the risk of being removed from your house and placed into the Rogues.
The Activity is where you can perform most tasks related to activity that require the website. From here, you can View or Submit Gaming Scores depending on if you participate in Multiplayer Gaming. you can request a Competition for others to participate, though you will need approval from your House Summit should you not be in a summit position youself.
The more basic of the options available to you, the Communications & Data section allows you to view and participate in Polls released by the Dark Council as well as submit anonymous feedback to them should you run into any issues or problems that cannot be directed to your House Summit or if you have any big questions in general.
The Antei Combat Centre is where you can write battles with other members. Until you take the ACC Basics exam at the Shadow Academy, however, you will not see any options regarding ACC activity on your administration page. More on the ACC and the Shadow Academy will be found later in this compendium.
Character Sheet
Example of a character sheet.
Used primarily for the Antei Combat Centre, your character sheet is the virtual version of your character with his or her strengths and weaknesses mapped out. In the beginning you will not have many options, but as you gain ranks and move up within the Brotherhood you will gain additional points and tiers which will allow you to move deeper into specializations, such as Force Powers, Clan Powers, and much more.
As you grow, your character grows and becomes a more formidible participant in ACC Combat.
The Shadow Academy
File:SA.pngThe Shadow Academy.
The Shadow Academy is the primary learning center of the Brotherhood, where you first began your journey after you complete the Test of Lore. This is where you can continue your learning and expand your knowledge in many different subjects and areas, such as your House's History, the mysterious arts of Sith Alchemy, Leadership Exams, general tests such as IRC usage. graphic design, and more.
- "The Shadow Academy is perhaps the most overlooked part of the Brotherhood. With courses ranging from Star Wars history to writing skills to knowledge of combat, any new member can find the opportunity to learn something new regarding our club and the Star Wars universe. Many exams are necessary to take in order to join certain parts of the club, and many others are extremely useful if you wish to become a better writer or reader. Plus it doesn't hurt to show off good grades and awards on your dossier, too."
- ― Ronovi Tavisaen Tarentae, Praetor to the Headmaster
As you progress through the ranks, you will notice that several tests are required to obtain positions or ranks. For example, you'll need to pass Leadership Exams in order to hold a Leadership Position. The Antei Combat Centre and the Grand Master's Royal Guard also require specific exams to be completed with specific scores to gain entry.
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Wiki
The Main Page of the DJB Wiki.
The Dark Jedi Brotherhood Wiki is the second main source of information next to the Codex. It contains information related to the actual characters of the Brotherhood, used daily by our members. It also contains information on each of the Houses, the fictional history around them, and the real life persona information of many of our members.
- "The DJBWiki is one of the greatest resources available to Brotherhood membership, on par with the forums and Shadow Academy. Some of the greatest advantages of using a wiki,are that it a) allows you to create and record your character's history, b) allows you to improve your writing abilities, and c) brings members together. Some positions will require that you have knowledge regarding the DJBWiki, as it is used to store (simply put) a ridiculous amount of information pertaining to all sections of the Brotherhood. It is rare that you will find Brotherhood information you're looking for that isn't on here. There have been many times where members have worked together to write/improve articles, bringing the quality of the work that you'll be reading during your stay here in the Brotherhood sky high. It can be used for projects for your House, the Brotherhood, or even for personal use."
- ― Anubis Annedu, Wiki Tribune of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood
There are quite a few rules and procedures when it comes to creating articles and uploading information. However, the Wiki Tribune and his staff would be more than happy to help you should you have any questions in creating articles or trying to find specific articles or resources. The wiki takes some time to get used to, but it will be all the better with your contributions.
Prestige Ranking
The Prestiege Ranking is a new concept recently adopted into the Brotherhood.
- "The need for power and influence is what drives a Dark Jedi. For the purposes of the Brotherhood, the representation of the influence of a particular Dark Jedi (or Clan) is represented by their Prestige. The amount of influence (Prestige) a character has is based off of his rank, his position, and any medals he has earned. Prestige would accumulate in a number of ways, through systems already existent in the Dark Brotherhood. Whenever a member is awarded a medal, they receive prestige appropriate to the medal (or add-on). Whenever a member is appointed to a position, they gain the prestige of that position. Whenever a member is promoted, they gain the prestige of that rank. Members can also lose prestige by transferring clans, leaving positions or through CoJ convictions."
- ―From the Prestige Wiki Page
The Activities of the Houses and Clans
Within each house and clan, there are different areas of expertise depending on leadership and membership. Regardless of their strengths and weaknesses, however, each house and clan strives to participate and perform admirably in every aspect of the club, such as gaming or writing.
From Fiction to Poetry, writing is the most diverse of the activities within the Brotherhood. Every single unit of the Brotherhood uses fiction to create and update its history and culture, and lore is continously updated as time goes by through Run-Ons', Vendettas, and many other unique events. The different styles of writing are:
Written by you and you alone, this style of writing normally details an adventure with your character and possibly other characters as long as it remains canon. Expect to write a lot of stand-alone fiction for competitions and for promotion requirements.
Usually completed on the Brotherhood forums, Cooperative Run-Ons consist of two or more individuals participating in a story where each person controls each of the characters in posts and writes from various perspectives, including your character's and other members' characters. It is a very unique form of writing and very fun, but it also is a great learning experience as you work with other people to create a story.
Also on the forums, House and Clan-Level Run-Ons are generally given a direction on how they will progress and end (Boss fights, destinations, etc.) but still giving freedom to each writer to customise and write in as much detail or add information as they feel. There are various rules imposed on unit run-ons in order to maintain continuity, restrict godmodding, and keep the plot strong and consistent.
- Brotherhood-Level Run-Ons
Coordinated by one of the upper-level leaders of the Brotherhood (usually Dark Council members), this style of Run-On generally occurs during major events and only happens a few times a year. It usually combines Houses and Clans together cooperatively with a set goal but provides more overall freedom than a House or Clan-level Run-On does. Sometimes multiple Run-On sessions can be used to create a story; for example, a run-on between two units regarding one event can be tied into another run-on between two other units pertaining to a related or perhaps unrelated event.
Poetry is a form of writing usually in a specific structure and format using rhythmic language, in contrast to prose. Poetry has been known to employ meter and rhyme, but this is by no means necessary. Poetry is an ancient form that has gone through numerous and drastic reinvention over time. You will find various opportunities to submit poetry to competitions and vendetta events.
File:ACC.pngThe Antei Combat Centre.
Similar to Cooperative Run-Ons, the Antei Combat Centre centers on both Cooperative writing and Competitive writing. Generally consitsting 3-5 posts, and using a person's Character Sheet, an ACC events pit two members against each other in live fiction where they battle it out to the death. Death in ACC fiction is not canon to other Brotherhood fiction, but the more unique the death and story, the higher the chances are of coming out the victor.
Using Multiplayer Games for the PC, Xbox 360, and Playstation 3, members go Head-to-Head in virtual combat through different genres of games ranging from Real Time Strategy, Shooter, and most importantly Star Wars Games such as the Jedi Knight series, and Battlefront. To see which platforms are supported see Tier 1 Gaming Platforms and Tier 2 Gaming Platforms.
Gamers compete for glory, for fun, and for awards based on Participation and Performance. The more you win, the more you get. Even if you lose, the more you play, the more you get. So no matter if you are a new player or a veteran, the benefits are still there and many people enjoy the closeness that multiplayer gaming gives since it places you into a world with others. Depending on what you can accomplish, there is also a special Society known as the Grand Master's Royal Guard comprised of many gamers. However, only the best can reach the top and reap its true rewards and the ability to serve as a guard to the Grand Master.
All of the gaming within the Brotherhood is run and operated by the Fist of the Brotherhood Please follow the Rites of Combat whenever gaming.
Gaming Events
There are multiple kinds of Gaming Events available across the Brotherhood, from the Monthly Mobile Gaming to Gaming Nights, which take place every single night in the IRC Channel #DBGaming. Each month, new Gaming competitions are held by the Fist of the Brotherhood, the leader and coordinator of the entire Gaming aspect of the Brotherhood. A detailed listing of these can be found in the Competition Listing.
Grand Master's Royal Guard
The Grand Master's Royal Guard is a Society of members who serve as Guardsmen of the Brotherhood; defending it from outside influences and constantly training. Centered exclusively around Gaming, advancement within the Royal Guard is based on participation and performance within each individual month, determined by the amount of Cluster of Fires earned over the month. Wins earn you the most, and losses net you the least.
The lowest Echelons of the Guard require minimal amounts of gaming to maintain, such as 20 and 30 CoFs a month, and can be earned by most people. However, the upper Echelons require upwards of 300+ CoFs a month; which only devoted gamers might reach. At certain ranks, you will not be demoted should you fall below the required amount of CoFs. However, the highest rank does not offer this, and the number of wins must be maintained each and every month to remain at the top.
To best explain this activity within the Brotherhood, we go to one of our Senior Artists, Tlaloc Elols; Aedile of House Tarentum:
"Graphics. What are their purpose? What makes them wrong or right? What make one better than another?
The answer to all of these questions, is realism. With the graphics that are needed for the DJB, we don't want abstract art, or anything like that. Someone want's a light saber? Cool, yeah they don't exist in real life, but you can still make one look real. If you can make it look real, then you can do it right. Graphics are hard, they're complex, and they're time consuming. They're also rewarding. When person A finishes his report, and person B takes a screenshot of her gaming score, you just have an image that hundred of people my look at, and just say 'Wow.'
My motivation to do graphics is simple. Some stuff appears in low quality, others not done so well, and the way it is it needs to be fixed. I'm sure many of you have the same feelings towards pictures all over the DB. Not everyone is an artist, that can sketch out a beautiful portrait, but you 'can' do this. This isn't as much talent, and it's a bit more science. It is complex, but it can be learned. It's tough. It takes time. It takes some talent, but doesn't gaming? Doesn't writing? This is just another way that you can participate and be active throughout the brotherhood.
The Path to Knighthood
The Path to Knighthood is a long and arduous one. However, by the time you read this you will already be at the second rank in the Brotherhood, Apprentice, if not already at a higher rank. From the moment you joined, you were already on the path and continue down it even now. As you gain ranks within the Brotherhood, each new rank comes with new requirements and requirements over its predecessor. Some choose to work with a Master in the Master/Student Program provided by the Houses and Clans of the Brotherhood, while others choose to work on their own.
Ranks of the Brotherhood
Within the Brotherhood, there are Sixteen (16) different ranks, split into four different tiers. The first tier, the Journeyman Tier, is the starting point for all new members.
- Initiate
- Apprentice
- Novice
- Acolyte/Disciple
- Protector
- Guardian/Defender
- Jedi Hunter/Padawan
- Dark Jedi Knight/Jedi Knight
The second tier, the Equite, is the post-Journeyman Tier where promotions come more rarely and are based directly on your participation, performance, and any positions you might hold within your House or Clan. Recently, new guidelines were added for each rank of Equite, though the core requirements of activity, participation, and performance are still mandatory. The ranks within this tier are unique as their names are affected by which Order your character holds allegiance to.
- Sith Warrior/Obelisk Templar/Krath Priest/Sentinel Scout/Guardian Duelist/Consular Savant
- Sith Battlemaster/Obelisk Prelate/Krath Archpriest/Sentinel Ranger/Guardian Warden/Consular Seer
- Sith Battlelord/Obelisk Exarch/Krath Epis/Sentinel Shadow/Guardian Peacekeeper/Consular Chronicler
- Sith Warlord/Obelisk Primarch/Krath Pontifex/Sentinel Watchman/Guardian Blade Master/Consular Cleric
The third tier, the Elder, is the Senior-Member tier where the most devoted and dedicated of members reside. These ranks symbolise what dedication can gain for you, and those within these ranks can offer the most knowledge, skill, and prestige of all the members of the Brotherhood.
- Dark Side Adept/Force Adept
- Dark Jedi Master/Jedi Master
- Dark Prophet/Jedi Oracle
The final tier, which is nomination-only, is the Grand Master. The Grand Master is the central leader of the entire Brotherhood, as well as the Head of the Dark Council. The requirements to gain this post are much higher than any rank that can be earned. For those who do gain the position of Grand Master, the rewards and involvement in the development of the Brotherhood outweigh the trials it takes to get there. Once an individual attains the rank of Grand Master they retain it, even in retirement.
Promotion Guidelines
A Tiered Listing of the Journeyman Ranks.
Once you have begun your journey, you have already started working towards the requirements of your next promotion. General activity will net you your first promotions though Apprentice and Novice.
After that, the requirements become more difficult and demanding. Some requirements are similar to those you needed for earlier ranks, such as how many Cluster of Fires you earn. One rank may require 20 to knock out the requirement, but the next may require 50 of them. As you go up in rank, you will ultimately undergo the Trials of Knighthood before your promotion to the final Journeyman rank; Dark Jedi Knight.
Equite and Elder ranks are not directly based on requirements; requirements alone will not net you such a promotion. Activity, participation, performance, and holding a Leadership Position within your House, your Clan, or the Brotherhood at Large are some of the essential duties you have in order to progress in rank at this point in your Brotherhood career.