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Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu
6' 3"/1.91 m
229 lbs/103.87 kg
Dark Brown
Gray (Red)
- Clan Naga Sadow
- The Keibatsu Family
Red and Orange
- Shii-Cho
- Soresu
- Niman
- Jar'Kai Niman
- Broken Gate
- Carinor
- Kartranin
- K'tara
- Klarin Chi
General of the 5th Nihilgenia Legion "Wolf Riders"
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era
- Quejo Bandon
- Muz Ashen Keibatsu
- Ekeia Iclo
- Faeril Munlear
- Suyo Kenshin
- Oriana Winters
Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu is a Krath Pontifex and the current Herald of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. He maintains loyalty to Clan Naga Sadow, since it was through them that he discovered his family, however he does not forget his role as a Dark Councilor. Though he shows compassion, Sasuke shuns the ideals of the Jedi and continues to study under the tutelage of Muz Keibatsu Sadow.
Character History
The Lone Wolf Saga
Shikyo Keibatsu was born on the planet of Kyataru, but on the date of his birth, Mandalorians arrived to collect on a debt that his grandfather owed them. Shikyo was taken and sent towards the planet his new caregivers resided at for the time being. It was here that Shikyo trained with the young Mandalorian children, incapacitating and injuring many of his fellow students. Due to his wild spirit and uncontrolled anger, young Shikyo was scheduled to return to his family. The day they were to leave was the day his family was massacred by Jedi, leaving Shikyo to live with the Mandalorians.
Bokuzen "Hitokiri" MifuneConsidering the child a risk to the clan, they dropped him with a local warlord named Sagara Mifune, along with a sword that was sent to Shikyo from his father. Sagara claimed this sword and gave Shikyo the name of “Bokuzen Mifune”. After many campaigns, the Mifune clan was eventually ambushed and nearly destroyed, leaving very few remnants left.
With his family destroyed, Bokuzen took up the former leader’s sword and took shelter at a local hotel, making himself a blade for hire. It was here that he met Sakura Koyotai, the daughter of the hotel owner, and began to develop feelings for her. Unfortunately, she was killed during a failed attempt on Bokuzen’s life, which left him with the cross-shaped scar on his left cheek and a hollow feeling within. Deciding to leave the past behind, Bokuzen went under the alias of “Hitokiri” and stowed away on a freighter headed for Coruscant.
Hiding out wherever he could, Bokuzen began as an amateur assassin, targeting Imperial and New Republic officials alike. One evening, Bokuzen was handed an assignment to take out a religious leader. Little did the assassin know that the "religious leader" he was sent to kill was Grand Master Jac Cotelin. Instead of killing off another peon, Jac sensed raw potential of the Force in the teen and sent Bokuzen to the Shadow Academy for training.
The Mifune Saga
Proving himself a dedicated student and staying active in the Academy, Bokuzen was moved to House Oriens Obscurum of Clan Arcona. It was here that he began to prove himself as a fierce soldier and as a potential leader. He would get his chance to lead when Bokuzen took the position of Aedile, working with Quaestor, Octavian Vareno. With this rise into power, Bokuzen was made the Legion Commander of Boral, allowing him some command over the forces of the planet, as well as House Envoy of Oriens Obscurum. With incidents occurring on the planet of Aranna, Bokuzen would test his abilities as a leader during the Obelisk Right of Supremacy.
It was during this Rite of Supremacy that Bokuzen would engage members of Clan Naga Sadow, more specifically the Keibatsu family. After engaging Shin’ichi Keibatsu and barely surviving, Bokuzen changed his name to Sagara Mifune, in honor of his fallen mentor. After doing so, Sagara would take on the might of Nekura Manji, surviving due to Muz stopping the fight after noticing the dragon crest on the Mifune’s sword. Afterwards, the battle began to turn against Arcona, leaving Sagara vengeful towards the Keibatsu.
Upon return to the Dajorra System, Sagara received the rank of Dark Jedi Knight and was appointed Quaestor, working alongside Halcyon Rokir. While he held this position, reports and images were shown that brought many to think that Sagara was plotting with the Keibatsu family during the vendetta. While the accusations were cleared, many did not trust Mifune as a loyal Arconan. Intent on seeking revenge on the ones responsible, Sagara went Rogue to exact his vengeance on the Keibatsu.
The former Arconan found Manji on the planet of Antei and challenged him once more to a duel. The One-Eyed Dragon would prove himself the victor and under instructions from Musashi, brought the Mifune before the family. After analyzing the sword, Muz decided to bring Sagara to the planet of Tarthos, convinced that he may have discovered another family member. While on Tarthos, Mifune participated in a dueling competition held amongst the members of Clan Naga Sadow, taking first in the competition. Watching his progress, Muz decided it was time to put theory to the test.
The Keibatsu Saga
Taking the Knight under a high level of confidence, Muz brought Sagara to the planet of Kyataru, the home of the Keibatsu. Along with the entire family, Sagara began to learn more and more about the family and their origins. Once they had arrived to Kuroshin Castle, they began to make their way to the ruins of the Keibatsu homestead. Making their way down into the ruins, Sagara picked up what looked like a communication device, which confirmed his DNA to match that of Shikyo Keibatsu. He also learned that the sword he thought belonged to his former master had belonged to him all along. Accepting the truth, Sagara took on his true name and returned a Keibatsu and loyal member of Naga Sadow.
Shikyo 26 ABY
Returning to the Orian system, Shikyo began his ascension amongst the leadership ranks of his new clan, taking command of the Night Raptors and utilizing them as a stealth strike force in the upcoming vendetta against Clans Scholae Palatinae and [|Plagueis]]. It was here that he began to develop many bonds of brotherhood with his fellow clanmates, even being honored with a great warhammer from his friend Eldrad Sin. Assistng with a plan devised by the tacticians of Naga Sadow and Tarentum, they would claim victory over their opponents. However, a disturbance on Kyataru would call Shikyo from one battlefield to another.
Reclamation of Kyataru
Arriving at Kuroshin Castle, Shikyo began to make his way towards the western front, approaching the first castle. Combining the strength of the armies of Xia Long, Manji, and Shikyo, the battle caused General Mieji to retreat from his base and regroup with those of General Misoshime. After routing the armies, they moved towards the remains of the Keibatsu homestead. It was here that they encountered General Tokumitsu and with the assistance of Shimura Keibatsu, were able to push him back towards the southern front.
Shikyo's Yoshimitsu Toshiro katana With a moment to rest during the campaign, Shikyo began to get more acquainted with his older brother before continuing on, killing General Mieji and moving south towards Generals Tokumitsu and Kamateru. Before the battle began, they received new reinforcements of Nihilgenia from Ashia Kagan. With the two generals defeated, the Keibatsu family attempted negotiations for the surrender of the enemy forces led by Nagahide. The negotiations failed and in return, the Keibatsu struck in full force again Nagahide, wiping out his forces and forcing an unconditional surrender.
While raiding through Nagahide’s castle, Shikyo claimed a sword set that had formerly belong to the Keibatsu family, as well as many bottles of fine Kyataran rice wine. As soon as the spoils of war were claimed, the Keibatsu returned to assist in the 7th Great Jedi War.
The Naga Sadow Saga
Upon rejoining the Night Raptors, Shikyo demonstrated astounding skills in espionage, leadership, and Force knowledge. For all of this, he was promoted to Sith Warrior and appointed to the position of Aedile of House Marka Ragnos. He assisted in aerial raids to assist Clan Naga Sadow during their campaign, and helping to bring an end to the war for his clan. Afterwards, the Sith returned to Kyataru for intense training in the Force and in sword arts, receiving the title of “Wolf of Kyataru” from his eldest sibling.
After claiming a new flagship, the Consul, Proconsul, and Quaestors of Naga Sadow disappeared without any trace. With the head leaders gone, Shikyo and his fellow Aedile, Xayun Erinos, answered the call of Darth Vexatus to reclaim the true Sword of Sadow from the former home system of the clan, the Phare system. With the VSD Covenant under their command, the three gathered the clan together to engage the forces of the Emperor’s Hammer.
Shikyo and Nekura landed on the planet’s surface and engaged recruits and security systems placed by their adversary. There, they claimed any items of importance while Vexatus moved to retrieve the sword. Once he had claimed it, the Aediles and the higher Equites assisted with the retreat, holding back the incoming forces. With the higher leaders returning to the clan, the forces pulled out of the Phare system. Due to his actions during the engagement, many in the clan referred to Shikyo as the “ass kicker of the Phare system.”
Returning from the Phare system, Derev appeared changed by the events that had occurred. After stepping down from the position, Shikyo ascended to the command of House Marka Ragnos and began to train the Journeyman for a new Rite of Supremacy with Ylith Atema. However, a distress call from Kyataru would take the Sith’s attention, as well as a disturbance felt from the Unknown Regions. With the situation on Kyataru slightly settled, the Equite traveled to the Unknown Regions to investigate the disturbance. What he discovered was a planet of low-level Force sensitives, taking Faeril Munlear from that planet.
Acknowledging his many adventures and neglect to duties, Shikyo stepped down to allow his former master, Quejo Drakai, to assume the position of Quaestor. With more time on his hands, Shikyo began to delve deeper into the Sith arts by traveling to the Sith Arts Academy on the planet of Thule with Faeril. It was here that Shikyo encountered the Headmistress, Drevveka Hoctu. Her means of instructing through heavy usage of the Force for survival taught the Keibatsu many ways of manipulating the Force. These lessons also affected the look of his eyes during times of extreme duress, changing them to a deep crimson color.
Shikyo 28 ABY
The Herald Saga
After training extensively, Shikyo would rejoin his clanmates for the Rite of Supremacy and was there when the Yuuzhan Vong began their assault on Antei. With no experience against an enemy such as the Vong, the Keibatsu only managed to kill a few and evaded many he encountered. Disheartened by the fact he had to retreat, Sasuke’s aggression and training reached an all time high. He furthered his knowledge of the Sith arts, as well as refining his lightsaber skills. During the time after the Battle of Antei, the Herald had gone missing. As soon as he could, Shikyo went before the Grand Master, Darth Sarin, and proved his worth to him to take up the mantle of Herald.
This provided access to Shikyo on the knowledge of infusing the dark side in lightsabers, helping him to learn greater abilities in the Force. It was during his tenure as Herald that the Keibatsu began to seek knowledge with a passion, turning him from the ways of the Sith and towards those of the Krath. With Antei still occupied, Shikyo continued to train and perfect his sword arts on Misahide Castle on Kyataru.
When the Grand Master called for his Council and informed them of the plan to retake Antei, Sasuke awaited eagerly to prove his might against the horde that had previously swarmed their home. However, Shikyo was surprised to find droids and Jedi in place of the Yuuzhan Vong. Angered that the Jedi had taken away his chance at revenge, the Herald decided to go to the planet’s surface in clearing the Dark Hall of the filth that had taken it. It was here that he confronted both a dying Yuuzhan Vong slayer as well as a Kel Dor Jedi Master.
Satisfied with the death of both, the Keibatsu continued to move towards the Dark Hall, securing its treasures from possible destruction. With his eldest brother on the Iron Throne, Sasuke returned to the Orian system and got re-acquainted with the members of the clan. During a night of drinking, Shikyo was taken captive by a female Jedi, along with a couple of Yuuzhan Vong accompanied by members of the Peace Brigade. As a group of dark Jedi from the clan moved to rescue the Herald, Shikyo had taken advantage of the chaos they had stirred, killing the three Vong unarmed and taking the female Jedi back to Misahide in the hopes of turning and training her.
DJB Facts
- Shikyo has held Battleteam Leader, Aedile, and Quaestor. He has also held these positions, in order, in only one house in each clan he has been in, (House Oriens Obscurum of Arcona and House Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow).
- Shikyo has belonged to all 3 Orders.
- Black Guards of Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu: Shin'ichi Endymiron Keibatsu, Ashia Kagan Keibatsu, Sai Na'Ashar Keibatsu.
- Shikyo once served as an Eclectic Pedagogue of the Shadow Academy, as the instructor for the course, Dark Jedi Meditation.
- Served as Live! Judge and Administrator of the Antei Combat Centre.
- Nineteenth Herald of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, (Fifth after the Exodus). He is currently the 2nd longest reigning Herald in DJB history.
Influential Members
- Muz Ashen Keibatsu: Shikyo's current master in lightsaber forms and warfare.
- Manji Sadow Keibatsu: Shikyo’s older brother, whom he helps to rule over Kyataru with. Sasuke sees Manji as the closest chance he has to knowing his family.
- Dyrra Skye: Shikyo’s drinking friend and “corruption” comrade. Together, they have begun to work on a way to instruct new dark jedi in the ways of alcohol and promiscuity.
- Malisane de Ath: A trusted friend of Shikyo's since he first joined Clan Naga Sadow.
- Tyriel di Rossaria: A young woman who once assisted in the Akumatsu. Not much is known about her and Shikyo does not reveal any information on her.
Shikyo's Nihilgenia Armor
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- "Shikyo Keibatsu" can be translated into either "Death Penalty" or "Death Punishment".
- "Sagara" was inherited from the manga series, Rurouni Kenshin, after the street fighter, Sagara Sanosuke.
- "Rurouni," Shikyo's nickname/call sign, was also inherited from the series, as it meant "wanderer" or "vagabond".
- "Sasuke" was inherited from a different manga series known as Samurai Deeper Kyo. He was a young ninja who resided in the Aokigahara, which was a forest that contained many demons, as well as the body of the "Thousand Man-slayer", Onime-no-Kyō.
- The Victory I-class Star Destroyer, Covenant, was named after a suggestion Shikyo came up with, Dark Covenant.
- Shikyo's personal Sith Infiltrator, the Adraelech, was based off of the name of a summoned creature in Final Fantasy XII called Adrammelech, who was known for creating pandemonium wherever he traveled.
- The Yoshimitsu Toshiro katana was designed by Raven and the Wolf Brooch was designed by Robin Hawk.
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For more info see his dossier