Callus Bo'Amar

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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"No Reserve, No Retreat, No Regret. "
―Bill Borden

Born to the leader of a smuggling ring in 2 ABY, Callus Bo'Amar was once a Major in the TIE Corps of the Emperor's Hammer dishonourably discharged soon after the Exodus. He lost himself in the galaxy after his discharge and exile. He discovered himself among the stars. He eventually found his way to the Brotherhood, and the Darkside. He has shown skill and potential in the various positions he has served in. Callus is a strong leader and an even stronger fighter, respected for his combat and leadership skill. He is currently serving as Clan Rollmaster for Clan Plagueis.

Character History

Early Years (2-19ABY)


"You'll be somthing one day son. I know it."
―Shamshod Tigrin

2 ABY-15 ABY

Callus was born on Hoth as Kol Tigrin two years after the battle of Yavin in a smuggler colony on the far side of the planet as the second son to the leader of the band Shamshod Tigrn. When the imperials attacked the rebels they weren’t far off from the notion that there were smugglers on the planet.

Kol lived what could be considered a typical childhood. He was loved and cared for by his parents and desired above all to emulate and please his father. As such Kol's father taught him the trade. He learned to smuggle properly and intimidate his underlings. The smuggler colony was quite tight knit as all were feircely loyal to their leader, Kol's father.

Along with learning everything he needed to know about running a smuggling organization Kol also learned how to survive. He and his brother would spend weeks out on the frozen tundra stalking wampas. It was during this time when Kol experienced his first life changing experience. He and his brother had been tracking a black wampa for a month and had finally located it's cave. They we're in position to take the beast down when the ice beneath Kol's feet splintered and shattered plunging him into the frigid water below. His brother pulled him from the water and was successful in keeping him alive before their father and his men arrived to return him to the base. Kol was 9 years old, and his body temperature never returned to 98.8. Instead it sits around 95.3 to this day.

13 years after the imperial attack when Kol was 11 his brother Ghen left for the Imperial academy on Corellia. Kol followed shortly in his brother’s footsteps after deciding he didn’t feel like staying on Hoth any longer after already helping his father and the smuggling band reconstruct Echo base as their new home he left for Corellia and the Imperial academy at the age of 13.

The Academy

Cadet Kol Tigrin


"Ability is nothing without order, and restraint"
―Imperial Officers Manual

When he first arrived he searched for his brother only to discover that he had defected to the rebellion or “New Republic” as they called themselves. During his time at the academy he was, like all recruits assessed mentally and physically,

"He seems to have an acute sense of balance and timing, his reflexes are that of a seasoned TIE pilot at the age of 12. Not only that but his strength far exceeds that of his peers. He seems to know the moves he needs to make before his opponents make theirs and it shows in the simulator runs, with training this boy could be a dazzling pilot."
―Academy Phyisical evaluation

"If there was a single word to describe the boy it would be reckless, he seems to loose himself in competition at times, leaving his reason behind to attain victory. His mental abilities are average but his ability to make tactical plans is uncanny. His piloting is more instinctive than anything and he gave our evaluators a run for their money in several simulations. He functions well under pressure and when the time came was able to make the right decisions even if they had a smaller percentage of success. He's sharp but his recklessness will get him killed."
―Academy Mental Evaluation

Kol at one time or another was getting into trouble at the academy, when he wasn't getting into fights he was making practical jokes. He is still remembered to this day as the boy who rigged the TIE Fighter solar panels to fall off of the cockpit on takeoff. He did this, of course, to his rival squadron leader's fighters on the day of final examinations. While the prank received great approval from his squadron mates, it wasn't so popular with the administration. Kol left the academy with a letter of reprimand on his record.

After graduating 4th in his class from the academy and receiving the Corellian Bloodstripe he joined the TIE Corps at 18 and was assigned to the now inactive Raptor Squadron of the inactive wing XX of the also now inactive ISD Subjugator of the failing Avenger Task Force.

Rise and Fall in the TIE Corps (20ABY)


"The Star that shines brightest burns out the soonest."
―Wookie wisdom

After 2 weeks of being in Raptor squadron he was promoted to Lieutenant and flight leader of a flight of TIE Advanced the “Dromeasaurs". After a 2 month stint as FL of the Dromeasaurs and a promotion to Captain he was placed in the Missile Boat Squadron and while he considered his new squadron to be too slow he excelled in the position and was soon made FL of that flight. Mission after successful mission he was finally promoted to Lieutenant Commander and at the request of the entirety of Raptor Squadron assumed the Commander’s chair. Soon after he was promoted to Commander and then to Major. Over that time Kol led many successful missions that not only improved the reputation of his squadron but also that of himself. He was awarded numerous citations, including the Bronze Star of the Empire and the Iron Star with Gold Wings along with several Commendations of Excellence and Bravery. Kol was well on his way to bigger and better things within the Corps. Unfortunately as we all are aware this is the time of the Brotherhood's split from the EH and that is where his star studded career in the TIE Corps ended.

In a daring attempt to free a frigate convoy from the clutches of the Brotherhood rebels despite numerous warnings. The rebels had pilfered a convoy that was en route to his Squadron's Star Destroyer, with supplies vital to the success of their upcoming missions. Kol let his temper and pride get the better of him and despite orders he called his squadron to action. The engagement was a disaster. The Brotherhood's force was much larger and better prepared than Kol could have thought possible. His entire squadron save himself was destroyed. This is an account from his court martial hearing:

[Prosecution]: So you attacked, even after you were ordered not to, you engaged with the Brotherhood frigates?
[Callus]: Yes
[Prosecution]: For what purpose?
[Callus]: The cargo within the convoy was vital to my squadron
[Prosecution]: What was the cargo?
[Callus]: Concussion missles, and sensor equipement for TIE upgrades
[Prosecution]: That was worth the lives of your entire squadron?
[Callus]: At the time I belived it was
[Prosecution]: I see, no further Questions

He was stripped of all rank and honor and Dishonorably Discharged from the TIE Corps. At this time Kol was now 19 years old. He was, as all who are removed in this fashion given a survival kit and jettisoned onto a seemingly deserted planet. Kol was not spared this fate.

After the Corps (21-23ABY)



"Time leaves, but our desires are everlasting."
―Graa'd Smaar

Kol somehow survived and was rescued by a group of pirates. They took him and sold him as a slave. During his slavery the man began to loose hope and determination, as is common among slaves. But something kept him going, his pride. The pride he'd had not only in his past life, but in himself. Kol met a Klatoonian by the name of Graa'd Smaar, who before being enslaved had been one of the reclusive B'omarr monks. It was during this time that Kol learned what lie deep within his mind, what his deepest desires were. To achieve these desires he would have to escape.

To no surprise, Kol's desire to escape did not go unnoticed as the slavers attempted to "break" him. To their dismay they did not know who Kol really was or how he was trained. To the surprise of his owners, he was able to escape, even after being "broken" and secured with a neural disruptor. He slew his captors and burned stars until he reached the Core.

He managed to secure himself a ship and a blaster and a few creds and began taking small time bounties. He excelled over and over during his short time as a bounty hunter. It was during this time that he took the name Callus to not only hide his true identity but to reflect his new calloused lifestyle.

The B'omarr Monks


"The body is but a vessel, the true "person" lies within the mind."
―Saying of the B'omarr monks

He found himself on Tatooine, reduced to smuggling and all around grunt work. Overly dissatisfied with the live that he was etching for himself he took to seek refuge withe the B'omarr monks who made their home in a monastery out on the dune sea, which had at one time been the palace of Jabba the Hutt, now dead at the hands of Princess Leia Organa.

At first the simplicity of the monk's lifestyle was hard to comprehend, how they could sit for hours thinking on one single word or phrase and call it a lecture. And then, of course, there was the shedding process where a monk would have his brain removed from his body to further enlighten himself. Of course, without a body, the brain could live on for several thousand years, but Callus never liked the idea of pulling his brain from his skull. Through all this he remembered the words of Graa'd Smaar, "Time leaves, but our desires are everlasting."

It took Callus awhile to adjust to the lifestyle of the monks, but in the silence he was finally able to hear his own heart, not the orders of a commander or the job of a contract. He heard his own desires, his own needs and for the first time in along time felt like he was whole. He learned what it would take for him to fulfill the desires he had discovered during his enslavement.

After months of training and waiting he felt he was ready to leave the monastery. The monks gave him their blessing as he left them, somehow reborn through their studies. He began on his first desire that had revealed its self to him during his time as a slave and re-enforced while with the monks. To find and kill his brother.


Little is known about him during the short time after he left the monks before he came to be in the brotherhood. Some say he just floated in space until he finally crash landed on Lyspair and was rescued by the Sith there. Still some say that they thought they’d seen him working as a mercenary on many different planets. One thing is certain though. He sought out and killed his brother.

The Brotherhood (23ABY-Present)

Clan Satal Keto


"Order, Power, Unity"
―Motto of Clan Satal Keto

Upon his arrival in the brotherhood he advanced at a rapid pace in the faltering Clan Satal Keto. In House Aleema, under the guidance of Enahropes Entar, within two months he was made Tetrarch of the Ensaguined Reavers Phyle as a Protector. Following the teachings of his master, Pug Milamber Titanos and his Quaestor Xhedias Draconis Entar, his power grew still. As a Guardian he was made Aedile of House Aleema where he served until the time when Xhedias left Satal Keto for Clan Naga Sadow. His master, Consul of Clan Satal Keto, Selket Kuro Hyo Entar, completed his training to become a Dark Jedi Knight.

The training was not easy by any means. Selket knew that soon the time would come when the future of not only House Aleema, but all of Clan Satal Keto would rest on the shoulders of her apprentice. During his training Callus was tested in ways he never thought possible. He was beaten, bloodied, and bruised, but he never faltered. When he was left in the jungle to fend for himself after his ship's systems malfunctioned. He stayed within himself and eventually returned to his master. His greatest trial, was not one that his master planned however, it was his duties as Aedile of his house, and learning what it would take for him to assume control. The grueling trials finally ended for Callus, But they we're the least of his upcoming challenges.

He was made Quaestor of House Aleema as a brand new Dark Jedi Knight.

His house and clan prospered at the time until the darkness that was the merge fell upon him and his clanmates.

The Dictum and Clan Plagueis


"This is going to happen, like it or not"
Chi-Long to Callus on the upcoming merger

No truly accurate accounts can be found on the incredibly chaotic times that preceded the Dictum of Two Skies and those that followed soon after. Perhaps this is for the best, no one really wants to remember the horrific battles that ensued between members of Exar Kun and Satal Keto. Some remember, Callus and others remember. Callus, in particular, remembers the fall of his master.

Callus during the Dictum

The sun was setting below the trees on the forest world of Eos as Callus and his master Selket moved silently through the trees trying to reach a safe place where they could regroup. They had been getting pummeled all day long, the forces of Exar Kun were organized and precise. Callus and his master moved deeper into the forest when out of nowhere a lightsaber ignites and cuts through the darkness of the late evening. Before she can even defend herself Selket is cut down and Callus, in a fury ignites his blade and attacks the enemy. In a short moment Callus is victorious and carries his master's body from the battle field and gives her the rights that befall an Arch Priestess.

After the initial chaos of the merger of Clan Satal Keto and Clan Exar Kun into Clan Plagueis began to subside and order was restored, Callus stepped in as Aedile of House Exar Kun and calmed his people down while he completed the training of his student, Doku. Callus and Godo lead their house to a successful showing in the Independence games. Soon after he was asked by the Consul of Clan Plagueis, Lucien - who replaced Grand Master Chi Long - to step aside due to his “lack of vision”.

Clan Naga Sadow


Callus in Combat

With urgings from his former Quaestor Xhedias, he joined Clan Naga Sadow. He offered his services to his new clan as should be done, but he was still wary of establishing relationships with anyone within the clan after the incident that took his home from him. Callus served in several capacities within the clan; Envoy for House Marka Ragnos, and Tetrarch of the Night Hawks phyle. Callus during this time was also made a judge in the Antei Combat Center, a job that made him even more distant from his new clan and that was "very fine" according to the Combat Master. It was also during this time that Callus was a Guardsman for the Headmaster. The reasons that Callus left Naga Sadow were less clear then when he left Plagueis. The events surrounding his sudden departure are still shrouded in mystery to this day. Only few know the reasons behind his departure


Callus learned that Spears, the Headmaster, was looking for Guardsmen for his protection. Callus was sent a communication, giving him a list of items and locations. Callus took the challenge, along with several others to be the first to complete the galactic scavenger hunt and bring all the items back to the Headmaster. Callus was successful in retrieving the items, even though he wasn't the first to return. He was the obvious candidate for the Headmaster's protection. Callus served in this position with honor and pride.

Clan Arcona


After leaving Naga Sadow and going rogue for quite some time, he made his way into Clan Arcona for reasons he doesn't wish to recall. He was still staying low and doing several things here and there for the clan when the mood struck him. The only thing he did worth note was act as Battle Team Leader for Bas-Tyra. He stood out somewhat during the Rite of Supremacy securing several victories in single combat for his clan. When the Vong incursion began, Callus was aboard the Corvette Torment During the Vong attack the corvette Callus was aboard was completely annihilated. He was fortunate enough to be picked up by a passing Plagueis ship and after a long period of recovery he spoke with Consul Aabsdu and was accepted back into Plagueis

The Vong


Callus, the ranking Jedi on board the Torment was in command of the operation of the craft, though he would normally leave the piloting to the captain. When the Vong struck the bridge crew was decimated. Callus assumed control, calling on all of his knowledge from the Academy. He somehow got the ship righted and angled the strong side of the craft towards the attackers when the Vong swept buy his ship again. This time the damage was worse, the hull integrity was shattered and the shield energy had dropped to 10% and the corvette was without 80% of it's engine power. The situation seemed bleak, but that was before the retreat into the shroud was ordered. The ship didn't stand a chance, the ship was abandoned and Callus has no recollection of what happened afterwards until a passing brotherhood ship mercifully pulled him in.

Callus wasn't effective at all during the rest of the conflict, spending most of it in an infirmary on a ship constantly fleeing the Vong. Callus was in and out of consciousness for the entire event and could barely make heads or tails of what happened until after the fiasco was over and he got to have a conversation with Aabsdu.

Clan Plagueis, Part Duex

27 ABY-Present

Now back in Plaguies, with a renewed sense of vigor Callus has done more here than he'd done for the past year and a half. He is now the Clan Envoy and is working in getting the clan active and where it needs to be to stand on its own after the Vong attack. Callus lead a small group of Journeymen to the planet of Faraspar, a planet with ties to the Crimson Tide. Callus and the others succeeded in neutralizing the threat of the small base on Faraspar. Callus unfortunately was unable to extract with the team and his whereabouts are as of now unknown.

The 2nd Crimson Conflict
Callus after rescue

"The fear of Death is more to be dreaded than death itself"
―Publilius Syrus[src]

The details of his capture have yet to be released to public eyes as Callus has refused to relate the story to anyone. The only thing known is that he was kept secluded for days, even weeks at a time with his force abilities suppressed by a ysalmir. Months after his capture hanging on the brink of death; his rescue was organized by Alaris Jinn and the Battle Teams of Clan Plagueis. The operation was successful, if foolhardy, and Bo'Amar was rescued from the clutches of the Crimson Tide. In a pure surge of dark energy he swarmed through several pirates and brutally murdered Alonzo Bodelle.

Investigation on the Omicron Platform

"Go away."
―Xathia to Callus[src]

Shortly after his rescue from the Crimson Tide Callus became increasingly secluded from the rest of the clan. It is anyone's guess as to why, some speculate at the closing of the Society of Envoys that prodded his deep meditation, perhaps some revelation that occurred during his time in captivity, no one can be certain. Callus retreated to his office on the Omicron Platform that was left surprisingly undamaged by the Vong. He began a series of small investigations learning all he could about the Platform and its workings while he was away. In 28 ABY the Consuls from Plagueis and Scholae Palatinae were to meet on the platform to discuss a new treaty, Callus was part of the delegation. During the negotiations Callus was made aware of the presence of a Krath Dark Jedi Knight by the name of Xathia. During an intermission of the talks Callus and Xathia had short scrap and the negotiations were immediately halted. Callus, still intrigued by both the survival of the Platform and Xathia, sought the Krath out to petition her for assistance in investigating the platform.

To be continued...


Physical Description

"Callus is a physically imposing human specimen standing at just under 2 meters and weighing in at about 95 kilos he is, at the age of 23, in peak physical condition. A human 'tank'."
―ACC Combatant Database

Callus is the epitome of the Obelisk order. His 6 foot 1 frame is filled out nicely by his 215 pounds. From head to toe he looks like a warrior. His musculature is what you would imagine a wookie would look like without the fur. His close cut blonde hair and goatee outline his tan jaw lines. He could be considered handsome by human standards and, so he's been told, several humanoid and even non-human species. His ferrocrete grey eyes reveal little about himself and hide enough to give him that aura of mystery. Callus has little in the way of distinguishing markings aside from his stature and girth. Callus does have the TIE Corps insignia "branded" onto his left shoulder, like many other officers in the Corps. The scars on his knee from the surgery are fading with time but are still visible, if you're looking for them.


  • Physical Dominance
  • Resillaince
  • Conditioning
  • Combat Experiance
  • Seasoned Pilot


  • Academic Intellegence
  • Command over the Force
  • Knowledge of the Force
  • Being Subtle


Callus is a steadfast adherent to the Shii-Cho form of combat. Though many other fighters consider the style, obsolete and a relic, they can't argue with the results that Callus has received spending the time mastering it. The Shii-Cho style lends itself to a fighter like Callus, where not just the damage of the blade is needed. The grip, the strokes, the blocks, everything about the style exemplifies Callus own body. Strong, Powerful, Impregnable.

Callus is also a fair shot with a blaster, he prefers the DX-2 disrupter whenever he can get his hands on it. When his saber is not being used Callus usually carries a pair of punch daggers with him that he uses mercilessly. It's said that once with aid from the force, Callus was able to strike through an opponent's torso with the blade coming out his back.

When unarmed Callus is still a formidable force. He has studies extensively in the art of Hapan Boxing that was taught at the academy. Hapan is an art that allows the practitioner to use all of his strength and apply it into strikes. Callus also has taken full advantage of his strength and constitution by studying in the art of grappling. The total body strength and conditioning required to force your will on another is something that Callus has an affinity for. Much like his chosen saber style his fighting forms are perfect matches for his abilities.


Callus has, since joining the brotherhood had a disdain for the robes. He finds them itchy and that they grab in all the wrong places. When it's permitted he usually wears a white tank top shirt and a pair of black mesh shorts with the Clan Satal Keto emblem embossed on them. If the weather turns cool he has a bantha hide jacket and a pair of old flight suit pants. Of course when the situation demands Callus will wear his traditional robes. The entire time however he'll be tugging at it, itching in places, and waiting for any excuse to get out of them.

One occasion will see Callus wearing his full Combat Centre attire that consists of a mesh underlayer, black knee high boots, thigh holsters on each thigh for his daggers. A short vest secured with a utility belt on his hips and dark black bracers on his hands and wrists. This event is the Combat Centre championship that Callus is a known and expected participant.


Callus, a typical Obelisk has little difficulty leaping into battle with reckless abandon. Though at times he does enjoy strategical exercises, particularly commanding units on the ground. He has a low tolerence for the musings of the other orders. The Sith, in particular, always blinded by their delusions of power and future glory, they'd rather plan for glory than do something proactive to attain it. The Krath look for things that aren't there, grasping at shadows and smoke. Callus could do without either of the other orders but they do serve their functions.

Callus is also an atypical Obelisk. He is calm and calculating. His voice, nor actions under normal circumstances would never betray his emotions or intentions. Unlike his fellow Obelisk, Callus doesn't spend the entirety of his time training his body, he is meditative and rather studious, defying the mold of the Obelisk being 'Brick Brained'. Recently Callus has been enamored with the legends of Darth Bane, the Sith lord who reminded him so much of himself.

Despite the fact it has been disbanded Callus still holds a fierce loyalty for his home clan of Satal Keto. Some say it makes it hard to get along with, he says it gives him character. He shows his loyalty by wearing an homage to his clan on his combat attire. This also in a way isolates him from the clan he happens to occupy at the time. He tries his best to avoid forming personal connections with those he comes in contact with. It saves him from waisting time investing in a relationship that will end in death eventually. He has only formed relationships with those from Clan Satal Keto. Enahropes, Selket, Warhunter, Xhedias, and others. He obviously can't help but form certain bonds with his apprentices, which is why he's refrained from taking apprentices as of late.

Callus has a bloodlust that is seldom satisfied despite the amount of combat that he sees. As a result his temper at times can flare up and it's best just to stay out of his way. Callus at times can spend several hours on end training attempting to release his aggression. It would be expected that he would loose his cool on missions, but its the complete opposite. On a mission he knows that he has specific jobs to accomplish, and that his life and others are hanging in the balance. If Callus does ever loose his cool on the battlefield it's in open combat, where his skills can really shine.

Special Traits

Unlike a normal human his body temperature is a chilly 95.3 degrees Fahrenheit. This came about during his youth on Hoth where during a hunt in a Wampa cave he fell through the ice of a frozen lake. He was pulled out of the water by his brother before he died but the hypothermia had already done its job. He was in shock for over a week with his body temperature dipping into the mid-eighties at times. This experience left his body temperature sub-normal.

Callus suffered a knee injury in his teen years while playing a game of Nuna-ball with his friends while at the academy. He dropped back to pass the ball and after he’d thrown it one of his friends dove into his right leg. As his leg was firmly planted in the ground the impact caused his knee to collapse inward tearing his Medial Collateral Ligament and shredding apart his Meniscus. This injury healed well with the assistance of the medical facilities at the academy. They replaced his ligament with plexi-flesh and his meniscus with some synthesized cartilage. Callus through time and training has overcome these injuries and he’s stronger than he was before the injuries even happened. It normally doesn't bother him, of course a direct hit with the right amount of force will hurt, a lot.


Callus doesn't have much in the way of material possessions that would be of great interest to many people other than three or four items.


Over the years Callus has had several different sabers due to use and sabers being rendered useless by damage suffered over the years, such as being melded to his flesh, dropped in acid pits and other such things.

Callus' original saber

Callus' original saber was originally constructed as one of his trials of knighthood, like it is for many young jedi. Callus prized his weapon until it became obsolete. It has been rendered dysfunctional due to severe use and obvious damage it's suffered over the years.

Callus' newest blade

Callus' newest blade that has been crafted to his customized specifications. The metal work however isn't completely his. His former student, now Dark Jedi Knight, Raven helped him craft the blade's hilt. They used only the finest durasteel and for the grip the most luxurious bantha hide leather.

Tigrin's Flame

Why does she get a blaster, and I don't?
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Tigrin's Flame

His fighter, inherited from his father and that uses his former surname, Is an old Z-95 headhunter. Though most consider the fighter outdated it has been well maintained and can match an X-Wing maneuver for maneuver in space and operates actually a bit better in atmospheric conditions.

The fighter has been through numerous reworks. At one time or another it's had both wings replaces, the laser cannons removed and reattached, the engines ripped out, the landing skids blown off, the entire cockpit removed and a new one put in it's place. Surprisingly, the structural integrity has held up over the years and numerous reworks.

It hasn't seen combat in awhile, Callus uses it mostly as a personal transport, but he likes to keep it up just to know that if he does get into a little skirmish he can hold his own.


Opening of team Tetrarch of Ensaguined Reavers
23 ABY
Xhedias Aedile of House Aleema
23-24 ABY
Xhedias Quaestor of House Aleema
24-25 ABY
Closure of House
Opening of House Aedile of House Exar Kun
25 ABY
Unkown Tetrarch of Night Hawks
25 ABY
Horus Blackheart
Sycrone Tetrarch of Bas Tyra
26 ABY
Team renmed Apocolypse, all trace of Bas-Tyra wiped out

DJB Facts

Callus has served in many aspects of the Brotherhood. Some of his credits are as follows:


  • Callus is also known as CBO pronounced CEEEEEEEE BOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWw...
  • Wrote the first Dark Voice article about Rebirth
  • Callus' name is actually an old Quake alias. The surname is obviously taken from the Bo'amaar monks though obviously modified.
  • Ehud is the name of one of the Judges of Israel, sent by God to lead the Hebrews. Ehud was a spy and a Judge for the children of Israel. (his story can be found in the book of Judges chapter 3)
  • Callus hates t3h Cajun Chicken. :(