Terran Koul

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Terran Koul
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

Template:Birthyear and Age (ABY)

Physical Description





1.85 Meters


80 Kilos





Personal Information
  • Isshwarr
  • Kettch


Lightsaber Color(s):

Light Blue

Lightsaber Form(s):
Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information
  • Bounty Hunter


Personal Ship:

Nssis-Class Clawcraft

Known masters:




[ Source ]

"Well, my time of not taking you seriously is certainly coming to a middle."
―Terran Koul

Terran Koul was a Kiffar Bounty Hunter and Gray Jedi. Orphaned at a young age, he was raised amongst the Jensaarai. He earned the rank of Defender but was excommunicated shortly thereafter. From there he travelled to his homeworld of Kiffar. Though he made the journey to learn about his heritage and seek out family, he soon found himself embroiled in the planet's seedy underbelly. Having finally made a name for himself amongst the Bounty Hunters of the galaxy, he chose, surprisingly, to give up the hunt to join Arcona.


Parentage and Birth

15 ABY - 19 ABY

"Though you'll never hear me say it: I love you."
―Elaina Koul, to her infant son, shortly before being abducted.

Orphan, blah blah

Amongst the Jensaraai

19 ABY - 31 ABY

""We hid from the Jedi and mourned and buried our dead. We had been sealed together, bound together by the deaths. We made a new memory from the tragedy.""
―The Saarai-kaar[src]

Home and Homelessness

31 ABY - 34 ABY

Saarai-kaar: "The path you're headed down only ends in one place, Terran. And that place is not here. You are no longer welcome."
Terran Koul: "Yeah, what else is new?"
―The Saarai-kaar to Terran Koul, on his exile from the Jensaarai.

Aiming to Misbehave

34 ABY - 38 ABY

"“Difficult" and "impossible" are cousins often mistaken for one another, with very little in common."
―Terran Koul, when told that tracking down his family would be an impossible task.

Big Game Hunter

38 ABY - Present

"There’s no freedom quite like the freedom of being constantly underestimated."
―Terran Koul to Isshwarr, on being asked how they could capture an Imperial Admiral.

Physical Description

Tousled hair sweeps back from a widow's peak, a shade darker than Terran's arched brows. His dark blue eyes and high cheekbones - sharp enough to cut rock - would cause him to stand out in most crowds, even with a goatee softening his chin. With his coloring and bone-structure, he could nearly be Hapan. Yet his pink lips look accustomed to frowning despite the glimmer in his eyes, and the scars that mar his pale cheeks prove his background put little value in physical beauty. His aquiline nose has clearly been broken on more than one occasion, suggesting the scars on his face are hardly accidental.

Terran Koul's left cheek is marred by a long, curving scar, matched on the right by a smaller, triangular mate. Even lacking the typical Kiffar tattoos, his scars serve to make him stand out in a crowd. He also has glyphs of blue, the same shade as his eyes, tattooed along his outer biceps.

Terran's clothing is rough-spun and utilitarian, with only the barest of concessions to fashion. A plain white shirt, tight through the chest, suggests a muscle-tone born of hard labor or years swimming, rather than a gym. A single holster is slung low on the waist of his tan pants and fastened across his right thigh, with a second at the small of his back. In addition to the pair of blasters, a spring-loaded sheath - the only piece of his Jensaarai armor he still wears - rides his right wrist, keeping his lightsaber in easy reach. Koul's reinforced black leather boots are cracked with age, but lovingly maintained with obvious care. Covering it all is a chestnut coat, loose in the sleeves and open, keeping his movements free and easy. Numerous pockets in the cloak's interior hold grenades, blades, candy, datapads, lock-pits, rocks, stuncuffs, and, on occasion, vegetables or yarn.

Personality and Traits

Smart-ass, Wise-cracking, egotistical bounty hunter with a heart of tarnished...well, something. Definitely not gold.

Powers and Abilities


Terran has extensive training in Ballistakinesis, a telekinetic technique employed by the Jensaarai. As a result, Terran tends to use his telekinesis to attack with multiple smaller objects at lethal velocities rather than a few large objects at slower speeds. This scattergun-like technique is less accurate and more susceptible to collateral damage, but is also more difficult to evade - especially in enclosed areas.


Psychometry, also known as Postcognition, or telemetry is a Force-powered mental technique of picking up impressions and traces of information about the object touched and the events that have surrounded it.

This power allows the user to view events as if they were there, including the sights, sounds, and feelings, both emotional and physical, that the wielder of the object experienced. This power is easier to use on personal objects that are used frequently. Objects that were used once or by several people often make the use of this power difficult, though it is still possible. This skill is useful for tracking though it is not useful in open battle and can fail to render useful information at times.






Behind the Scenes

Positions Held
Before Position After
Octavian Vareno Aedile of House Ektrosis
20 ABY
Dark Sabre Taldrya
Shadonyx Quaestor of House Ektrosis
20 - 21 ABY
Gryffon De'Urtha Cantor Combat Master of Antei Combat Centre
21 - 22 ABY
  Magistrate to the Oracle
21 - 23 ABY
  Staff Member for the Dark Voice
21 - 23 ABY
Tsainetomo Keibatsu Rollmaster of House Marka Ragnos
29 ABY
Jade Sadow Aedile of House Marka Ragnos
29 - 30 ABY
Alexander Anderson
Dralin Fortea Aedile of House Qel-Droma
35 ABY
Solus Gar
Marick Arconae Quaestor of House Qel-Droma
35 - 36 ABY
  Magistrate to the Seneschal
35 ABY - Present
Shi Long Gatewarden of Shadow Gate
36 - 37 ABY
Etah d'Tana
Nikola Valtiere Commander of Void Squadron
37 ABY
Well, my time of not taking you seriously is certainly coming to a middle.