The Myrkr Crusade

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New Order era.
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Previous: Odan-Urr: The Seven Pillars. Plagueis: Inevitable, Chapter One: The Scourge
The Myrkr Crusade
Objective: Clan Plagueis and Clan Odan-Urr entered a series of skirmishes in their efforts to obtain the Desired One
Location: Myrkr

Clan Plagueis & Clan Odan-Urr


Clan Plagueis

Clan Odan-Urr



[ Source ]

The The Myrkr Crusade (also known as Episode II: The Myrkr Crusade) was a conflict between Clan Plagueis and the allied forces of Clan Odan-Urr and various undesirables in 39 ABY.


Opening Fiction

In the wake of the various archeological expeditions delving into the history of the Jedi Order, Clan Odan-Urr had been able to recover a number of lost relics belonging to their Order's history. While forced to withdraw from their position on Jedha after a number of weeks, their Praxeum's facilities allowed the archeologists Calo Sarat and Azis Tokani to translate their finds. Although it proved to be an arduous affair thanks to the mixture of three languages the message was broken up across, it detailed the following inscription:

“Forest world full of life. Absent of Force. Desired One sits in waiting. Stone of great power. Sought by many. Hidden amongst people of the forest. Mind the power it bestows.”

Bringing their findings before Aura Ta'var and Revak Kur, they were speak with V'yr Vorsa and found a Neti legend speaking of a similar item; outlining a stone known as the Desired One that was capable of granting wishes. Supposedly a warrior of her species had taken it and hidden the item on the world of Myrkr, keeping it away from those that might abuse its power. Realising that Myrkr fitted into the inscription too accurately for it to be a coincidence, Clan Odan-Urr sent an expedition of multiple ships to the world in order to claim the item for their records.

Even as this discovery was made, Clan Plagueis was enacting similar plans to hunt down and find the relic. With their own information sources in the Anchorage having delivered a detailed report to the former Wrath, TuQ'uan Varick, Dread Lord Ronovi Tavisaen was only now learning of the information that they contained. With their own ongoing battle against the Phantom Assembly still in effect, it appeared that Laren Uscot believed it would grant them the power needed to grant them further power. While skeptical of the truth behind is words, she nevertheless ordered Aleister Mavros to deploy their fleet and secure Myrkr for their own hunt.

Each side was surprised to see the other clan's presence on the world, and before long their respective hunts turned into a power struggle for the Desired One.

The Battle


Event Details

Unit Placements

Overall Winners:

1st Place -

2nd Place -

3rd Place -

Event Long

Multi-Objective Fiction Find it here!

1st Place - Len Iode, Alethia Archenksova, Turel Sorenn

2nd Place - Khryso Mallus

3rd Place - Kah Manet, Essik Lyccane

Cluster Race Find it here!

1st Place - Ira Ojiman

2nd Place - Turel Sorenn

3rd Place - Jafits Skrumm

Web Game: Jungle Run Find it here!

1st Place - Ira Ojiman

2nd Place - Tisto Kingang

3rd Place - Livia Mariquita Daffel

Phase 1

Campfire Stories Find it here!

1st Place - Essik Lyccane

2nd Place - Kah Manet

3rd Place - Tisto Kingang

Song and Stories Find it here!

1st Place - Alethia Archenksova

2nd Place - Taranae Rhode

3rd Place - Khryso Mallus

Desired One Art Piece 3D Find it here!

1st Place - Essik Lyccane

2nd Place - Sinya Ani

3rd Place - Ira Ojiman

Echoes of the Past Find it here!

1st Place - Sulon Tiful

2nd Place - Essik Lyccane

3rd Place - Elyon de Neverse

Desired One Art Piece 2D Find it here!

1st Place - V'yr Vorsa

2nd Place - Jafits Skrumm

3rd Place - Livia Mariquita Daffel

Meme 1 Find it here!

1st Place - Aleister Mavros

2nd Place - Gui Sol

3rd Place - Tassk Adroc

The Dangers of Myrkr Find it here!

1st Place - Alethia Archenksova

2nd Place - Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae

3rd Place - Livia Mariquita Daffel

Word Search Find it here!

1st Place - Taranae Rhode

2nd Place - Zeon Blacktooth

3rd Place - Khryso Mallus

Trivia 1: Relics of the Past Find it here!

1st Place - Khryso Mallus

2nd Place - Alethia Archenksova

3rd Place - Turel Sorenn

Phase 2

Duel of the Fates Find it here!

1st Place - Khryso Mallus

2nd Place - Sinya Ani

3rd Place - Essik Lyccane

Gossip Gossip Gossip Find it here!

1st Place - Essik Lyccane

2nd Place - Kah Manet

3rd Place - Alethia Archenksova

Confrontation Find it here!

1st Place - Sulon Tiful

2nd Place - Jafits Skrumm

3rd Place - Khryso Mallus

Comic Find it here!

1st Place - Jafits Skrumm

2nd Place - Lu'aisha Gresee

3rd Place - Sulon Tiful

Meme 2 Find it here!

1st Place - Draxion Durk

2nd Place - Ira Ojiman

3rd Place - Khryso Mallus

Crossword Find it here!

1st Place - Khryso Mallus

2nd Place - Kah Manet

3rd Place - Samael "Celevon/Raven" Sörinje

Trivia 2: When Light Fought Dark Find it here!

1st Place - Alethia Archenksova

2nd Place - Essik Lyccane

3rd Place - Aleister Mavros

Legends of the Hidden Temple Find it here!

1st Place - Alethia Archenksova

2nd Place - Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae

3rd Place - Livia Mariquita Daffel

The Seven Pillars Clan Odan-Urr Events
39 ABY