This is a list of the featured articles showcased on DJBWiki's Main Page in the year 2009. For a list of articles scheduled to appear on the Main Page in the coming weeks, see Queue.
Hieros Lokhos ton Taras is the ceremonial name of House Cestus, which translates as "the Sacred Band of Clan Tarentum." This organization, referred to as "The Lokhos" by members internally, maintains a strict ideology of severe loyalty, unending training, and profound scholarship. They are based aboard the VSD Corsair and all inhabitants of Cestus are constituents of the Lokhos, regardless of whether they are Dark Jedi or non-Force users living aboard the Corsair. The group, subsequently, is comprised of elite warriors who serve the Tarentum clan summit.
November 2009 – No Article
Unfortunately there was no article nominated. The Featured Article will begin again next month. If you would like to nominate or vote for an article, view: DJBWiki:Featured article. Please read the instructions closely before making your nomination or vote. --RevengeX Palpatine 20:48, 20 September 2009 (UTC)
September 2009 – No Article
Unfortunately there was no article nominated. The Featured Article will begin again next month. If you would like to nominate or vote for an article, view: DJBWiki:Featured article. Please read the instructions closely before making your nomination or vote. --RevengeX Palpatine 20:48, 20 September 2009 (UTC)
Alaris Jinn di Plagia is a Twi'lek, Rutian of heritage, Obelisk Prelate. He was born into prejudice on Imperial Center a mere two years after the Battle of Yavin. For all of his childhood, he was raised there, surviving the liberation by the New Republic. After his parents died, he lived as a Vigilante, ended corruption wherever he could while remaining in the shadows. He was discovered eventually by a Dark Jedi named Ky Terrak who took him to serve as his apprentice. Alaris is a Dark Jedi serving as Consul of Clan Plagueis and is a member of the honoured di Plagia.
July 2009 – No Article
Unfortunately there was no article nominated. The Featured Article will begin again next month. If you would like to nominate or vote for an article, view: DJBWiki:Featured article. Please read the instructions closely before making your nomination or vote.
June 2009 – No Article
Unfortunately there was no article nominated. The Featured Article will begin again next month. If you would like to nominate or vote for an article, view: DJBWiki:Featured article. Please read the instructions closely before making your nomination or vote.
Jade Sadow is a Krath Archpriestess and current Aedile of House Marka Ragnos. Jade is one who gets the job done without errors and serves her Clan well. She is often found instructing newer members in the ways of Naga Sadow, and on missions to preserve her Clan. Loyal to those she calls friends, deadly and cold to those who are her enemies.
April 2009 — Entar
The Entar family is a group of Dark Jedi in the Brotherhood. They have been a source of many great leaders of Clan Arcona as well as symbols of strength on the Dark Council. The current family consists of Timeros Caesus Entar, Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae, and Legorii Kryotek Entar. Reformed in 30 ABY, the family is currently once again on the rise.
March 2009 — Arador
Arador is a Jedi Hunter of Qel-Droma in Clan Arcona, an adherent to the Sith Order, and apprentice of Legorii. He was born in 7 ABY on Sanctuary to a small family of refugees who became fishermen. He joined the Dark Jedi Brotherhood in 29 ABY. Arador is a loyal, fierce, persistent fighter, though he is often perceived as restless, unknown, and dark. His long brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin, and slight build make him an average looking Human, however he is quicker, more nimble, and agile than most. He makes his actions, both physical and otherwise, quickly and subtly in ways unlike any other.

Surface Marshal Travik Korr
is the commanding officer of the Taldryan Army Service and is a long serving member of the Taldryan Expansionary Force, having spent virtually his entire adult life as a military officer. Korr's childhood was spent on his home world of Corulag where both his parents were successful business entrepreneurs who traveled across the galaxy. Largely ignored by his parents, Korr concentrated on his studies in school and was accepted to the Corulag Imperial Military Academy where he earned an undergraduate degree in military science. He later served as an Army officer in the newly created Galactic Empire where his superiors noticed his aptitude for strategy and tactics. After quickly rising through the ranks of the Imperial Army, Korr's rising star was stopped when the Rebel Alliance defeated the Empire at Endor. He was shuffled from one assignment to the next in the power vacuum that occurred after Endor until he was approached with an offer from an unknown agent who later turned out to be a recruiter from Clan Taldryan. Within a few years after joining the First Clan's military, he was personally promoted to his current command by then-Consul Duga Taldrya Arkarso. Korr continues to serve as the head of Taldryan's Army Service, being one of the most brilliant tacticians affiliated with the Dark Brotherhood military.

Legorii Kryotek is a Krath Priest in House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona, and Aedile of the House. The apprentice of Strategos Thanatos Arconae, Legorii is also a well-known Eclectic Pedagogue of the Obelisk CORE and Capital Starship Studies exams. More recently, he has been appointed a member of the wiki staff. His ambition is said to be limitless, and his rise to greatness within Arcona is still in its early stages.