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Kaerls ice moon

Outer Rim Territories


Nilgaard sector


ATVAT-5565 (Kiast System)


Kiast (Planet)

Rotation period:

26 hours

Orbital period:

426 Standard Days


5.897 km



Primary Terrain:


Native species:
  • Human
  • Sephi
  • Various
Immigrated species:
  • Stroilk
  • Batandu
  • Bantha
  • Qrelt
  • Various
Official language:
  • Mando'a
  • Sephi
  • Basic
  • 1.451
[ Source ]

Kaerls is an ice moon planet affiliated with Odan-Urr, residing in the Kiast System.


The Kaerls ice moon is one of the worlds orbiting Kiast. It is the farthest away from its homeworld and has a fairly low revolutionary period, keeping in the dark side of the planet for most of the year. As such the moon has formed a world-spanning winter that freezes completely during the winter months, while thawing only around the equator during the summer, revealing only a very thin belt of irrigable land.

The world has no sentient inhabitants, save for the colony inhabited by the Okami Mandalorians who govern the world in the name of the Vatali Empire. The Mandalorians govern and protect the vast ice mining diggers that collect, refine and transport drinkable water off-world to the rest of the Empire.

Kyber Cave

The Kyber cave is a natural formation of kyber crystals located deep underneath the western foot of the Godaark mountain range on Kiast's ice moon, Kaerls. The cave itself is hollowed out from a natural volcanic lava tube from a dormant volcano forming one of the peaks in the Godaark range.

Its entrance is two hundred feet wide and tall, eroded from centuries of glacial activity and snowmelt from the mountains, making it an imposing sight on the mountainside. The massive entrance is home to Stroilk packs during the summer mating season, where the predatory canines find a safe haven for their pups.

The interior of the cave is much narrower and forms a solid, fifty-foot wide lava tube fairly quickly within, moving in several directions and branching into the mountain’s depths. The crystal cave itself is actually a massive geode, opened sometime within the last millennium by tectonic activity, filled with colonies of kyber crystals. Crystals of diminutive and colossal size share the same space within, forming a breathtaking visual for any visitors.

While its beauty is enchanting, the geode and the interior of the cave holds dangers in the form of tectonic collapses that block off or create new passages, and multi-legged beasts called Qrelt that burrow completely new, smaller tunnels through the mountain, destabilizing the caverns even more.


Under Construction


Upon completing what the Master deems the final trial, the Padawan is taken to the Kyber cave on Kaerls, where they are united with their kyber crystal, and where they painstakingly build their first true lightsaber. Upon completion, the Padawan is presented to the Council where the eldest Jedi member grants them the title of Knight.

Jedi Praxeum

Survival training for the Jedi Praxeum has the last phase for Padawans on Kaerls. The students are shown the most common ways to orient themselves, the food they can eat, the water they can drink, and other useful survival tools they can use in everyday life, or on a mission.

Clan Okami

Clan Okami’s main base is on the Kaerls Ice Moon and this is a smaller settlement for training and other Clan Okami Business.

The Okami are Mandos who are extremely conservative in their adherence to the [resol'nare]. As such, they try to live as simply as they can in environments other groups would find hostile. The thinking being that soft environments make for soft people. They don't reject technology outright, they are just as advanced as any Mando clan but they try to stay true to their warrior roots.

The leader of the Clan is given the title Patriarch/Matriarch and is elected by the elders until they can no longer serve. They have a special relationship with a local species of wolf like creatures Strolik, that they both hunt and keep as pets. Hunting one of these creatures with simple melee weapons is a warrior's rite of passage. The pelt of their kill and any of their pets who have died are worn over their Mando armor in an almost spiritual reverence.

So it is that Clan Okami comes to hone their skills and learn to live off the land. It’s also the starting point for the long dangerous journey to the Stroliks natural habitat in the northern forests of Widreth. Others would just fly to the forest but to be part of the Clan you must not only survive the hunt you must also survive the journey there and back.

Luna Okami

Luna Okami is a [Human] female [Mandalorian] of Clan Okami currently serving as special adviser to Empress Kaltani Anasaye who is from Kaerls.

Units Clan: Odan-UrrHouses: SunriderHothBattleteams: Templar JensaaraiKnights of Allusis

Clan Summit: High Councilor Masahiro HakuCouncilor of War: Mihoshi Yukiko Keibatsu
House Scions: Governor of Tythas Tierra Suha'sen • Governor of Kaal Tisto Kingang
Team Leaders: Defender Jovian Grey • Knight Commander Syrena Valkar

Possessions KiastJedi PraxeumOdan-Urr United Space CommandOrder of Battle
Lore FoundingInvasion of New TythonThe Pillars Of MenatBastions Of KnowledgeFall of New TythonRenewal of HopeReturn of the LightBetween Light and DarkBattle of NancoraVatali UnsettledThe Myrkr Crusade
Misc Councillors of UrrOdanitesSentinel NetworkVatali EmpireThe Scimitar of Lord Hoth
A Light Amidst the Darkness