Luna Okami

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Luna Okami
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

11 BBY (age 60)

Physical Description





1.7 meters


Dark Gray



Personal Information

Vatali Empire

Chronology & Political Information

Field Medic


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era



[ Source ]

Luna Okami is a Human female Mandalorian of Clan Okami currently serving as special adviser to Empress Kaltani Anasaye.

Character History

Early life


Luna circa 21 ABY

Physical Appearance

Luna is a dark complected, olive skinned, human female in her late forties with shoulder length grey hair. Her face shows signs of aging and a hard life spent as a warrior but her past beauty also shines through. Her eyes are ice blue and her lips and eyebrows seem to be in a perpetual frown as she rarely smiles anymore.

Being a devoted follower of the Resol’nare, Luna is rarely seen outside of some form of armor which is adorned in the sky blue and gold of the Okami Clan. She also tends to adorn her armor with pelts. When not in armor Luna will wear clothing that evokes a tribal theme wearing blue dyed leather and furs.


Luna was raised from birth in a Mandalorian clan and taught to honor the tenants of the Resol’nare. These ideals are ingrained at the core of her very being and shape her interactions with others. She has dedicated her life to being a skilled warrior, mother and leader in Mandalorian society, honing her body and mind into weapons. Luna has zero patience for those who she perceives as weak-willed, dishonest, or disloyal. She especially has trouble accepting cultural versions of femininity and womanhood which conflict with her Mandalorian heritage. Because of this Luna is readily accepted into circles of warrior minded males but shunned from circles of traditionally feminine or “girly” females.

Aside from a fanatical loyalty to Clan Okami above all other affiliations, she views all the members of Odan-Urr and Okami Mandalorians as surrogate sons and daughters. Her maternal instincts toward the members of Odan-Urr are those of a Mandalorian mother which more often than not means tough love. She’ll fix your boo-boos when you are down then give you a swift kick in the rear to get back on the field to do what you are supposed to be doing.

Misc. Information

  • "Luna" is Latin for moon and "Okami" is Japanese for wolf